Alfred Charles Kinsey (June 23, 1894 – August 25, 1956) was an American biologist and professor of entomology and zoology, who in 1947 founded the Institute for Sex Research at Indiana University, now known as the Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction, as well as producing the Kinsey Reports and the Kinsey scale. Kinsey's research on human sexuality, foundational to the modern field of sexology, provoked controversy in the 1940s and 1950s. His work has profoundly influenced social and cultural values in the United States and many other countries.
Kinsey was born on June 23, 1894, in Hoboken, New Jersey, the son of Sarah Ann (née Charles) and Alfred Seguine Kinsey. Kinsey was the eldest of three children. His mother had received little formal education; his father was a professor at Stevens Institute of Technology.
Kinsey's parents were poor for most of his childhood, and the family often could not afford proper medical care. This may have led to a young Kinsey receiving inadequate treatment for a variety of diseases including rickets, rheumatic fever, and typhoid fever. This health record indicates that Kinsey received suboptimal exposure to sunlight (the cause of rickets in those days before milk and other foods were fortified with vitamin D) and lived in unsanitary conditions for at least part of his childhood. Rickets led to a curvature of the spine, which resulted in a slight stoop that prevented Kinsey from being drafted in 1917 for World War I.
Professor Alfred Kinsey the sexual pervert
Alfred Kinsey - Sexual revolution
Kinsey sex studies Part 1
Alfred Kinsey: Science, Sexuality and the Kinsey Reports
Kinsey (2004) - trailer
Kinsey : Pédophilie et Révolution Sexuelle
What Happened to Alfred Kinsey's "Research" Victims from the 1940s and 1950s!
Documental Alfred Kinsey, El científico del Sexo (1/6)
Documental Alfred Kinsey, El científico del Sexo (2/6)
Kinsey Coverup - Part 1
Kinsey: PÉDOPHILIE & Révolution sexuelle & Théorie du Genre à l'école (Marion Sigaut)
ZDFinfo - Alfred Kinsey: Der Sex Pionier Doku (2014)
Alfred Kinsey and the Kinsey Scale
Alfred Kinsey's Polka Dot Bowties, White Rabbits, Ritual Sodomy, & Butterflies
Called Prok as an adult (short for Professor Kinsey), 'Alfred Kinsey (I)' (qv) has been interested in biology since he was a child growing up in the early twentieth century, despite the criticisms of such being nonsense from his overbearing and devoutly Christian father, professor Alfred Seguine Kinsey. Prok goes on to become a biology professor at Indiana University, initially focusing on the study of gall wasps. But those studies in combination with questions from his students, coming to terms with the needs of sex with his own wife, a former student of his named Clara McMillen (who he calls Mac), and what he sees as the gross misinformation on the subject currently within popular belief makes him change his focus to human sexuality. Many of those gross untruths - as he sees them - are that oral sex and masturbation cause a slew of maladies, which are perpetuated by what is presented in the university's hygiene class taught by Professor Thurman Rice. With the approval of faculty head Herman Wells, Prok starts teaching his own wildly popular marriage course, talking about sex in a straightforwardly academic fashion. When he sees that morals don't necessarily mirror sexual behavior, he decides to conduct a massive sex survey with the assistance of students Wardell Pomeroy, Clyde Martin and Paul Gebhard. He faces the issue of the funding required for the survey and public and political response to this controversial and oft seen as taboo subject. But in conducting the survey, he and Mac also face the issue of their own sexuality in relationship to their marriage and the emotional and cultural aspects behind it, such as the notion of love.
Keywords: 1940s, 1950s, adultery, bare-chested-male, biologist, bisexual, bisexual-interest, bisexuality, character-name-in-title, chest-hair
Let's talk about sex.
[from trailer]::Clyde Martin: Sex is a risky game, because if you're not careful, it will cut you wide open.
[from trailer]::Alfred Kinsey: Love is the answer, isn't it? But, sex raises a lot of very interesting questions...
Clyde Martin: When did you first begin masturbating?::Old Woman: I INVENTED it, son.
Alfred Kinsey: [Kinsey is teaching his first class] Who can tell me which part of the human body can enlarge a hundred times. You, miss?::Female Student: [indignantly] I'm sure I don't know. And you've no right to ask me such a question in a mixed class.::Alfred Kinsey: [amused] I was referring to the pupil in your eye, young lady. [class laughs] And I think I should tell you, you're in for a terrible disappointment.
Clyde Martin: [re: sexuality chart] So what do you think you are now?::Alfred Kinsey: [nervously] Probably around a... 3::Clyde Martin: Have you ever done anything about it?::Alfred Kinsey: [shakes his head]::Clyde Martin: Would you like to?
Wardell Pomeroy: How old were you when you first engaged in sexual activity with a partner?::Research Subject: 14.::Wardell Pomeroy: How?::Research Subject: With horse.::Wardell Pomeroy: [pause] How often were you having intercourse with animals at age 14?::Research Subject: [stunned] It's true. I fucked a pony. You are genius, how did you know?::Wardell Pomeroy: You just said you had::[pause]::Wardell Pomeroy: sex with horse.::Research Subject: Nooo... Whores, not horse, *whores*.
Final Interview Subject: [to Kinsey about her lesbianism] After I read your book I realized how many other women were in the same situation. I mustered the courage to talk to my friend and she told me, to my suprise, that the feelings were mutual.
Effete Man in Gay Bar: [referring to Kinsey] Mary here says he's from the University of Indiana and she'd like to interview me about my "sex history".::Effete Man's Friend: Tell him to stick around and watch.
Clyde Martin: You know, this thing between Prok and me was fine for a while, but I guess I just really miss sleeping with women.::Alfred Kinsey: That's perfectly understandable. It's clear from your history you have a greater sexual interest in women than men.::Clyde Martin: Good. Then you wont mind if I ask Mac to have sex with me. Only if it appeals to you, of course.::Clara McMillen: Would it be separately or together?::Clyde Martin: Oh, no, definitely just you and I.::Clara McMillen: I think I might like that. What do you think, Prok?
Reporter: Any plans on a Hollywood picture based on the book?::Alfred Kinsey: I can't think of anything more pointless.
Professor Alfred Kinsey the sexual pervert
Alfred Kinsey - Sexual revolution
Kinsey sex studies Part 1
Alfred Kinsey: Science, Sexuality and the Kinsey Reports
Kinsey (2004) - trailer
Kinsey : Pédophilie et Révolution Sexuelle
What Happened to Alfred Kinsey's "Research" Victims from the 1940s and 1950s!
Documental Alfred Kinsey, El científico del Sexo (1/6)
Documental Alfred Kinsey, El científico del Sexo (2/6)
Kinsey Coverup - Part 1
Kinsey: PÉDOPHILIE & Révolution sexuelle & Théorie du Genre à l'école (Marion Sigaut)
ZDFinfo - Alfred Kinsey: Der Sex Pionier Doku (2014)
Alfred Kinsey and the Kinsey Scale
Alfred Kinsey's Polka Dot Bowties, White Rabbits, Ritual Sodomy, & Butterflies
Serge de Beketch sur le pédocriminel Alfred Kinsey
Documental Alfred Kinsey, El cientifico del Sexo (3/6)
Documental Alfred Kinsey, El cientifico del Sexo (4/6)
SEXUELLE VIELFALT - der KINDERSCHÄNDER Alfred C.KINSEY missbrauchte Hunderte Kinder und Säuglinge
Alfred kinsey, el investigador pedofilo.
Alfred Kinsey - Sick Homosexual Pedophile
Alfred Kinsey & Now, Kinsey Institute, Responsible for Undermining America's Laws
Kinsey (2004) - Movie Trailer
The Sex Report: Kinsey | PBS America
The Bridgehead Radio: Jonathon Van Maren interviews Judith Reisman
Kinsey 2004 Full Movie
Kinsey 2004 full movie
Kinsey - Trailer (2004)
Video: Kinsey's Meeting with Kenneth Anger at Aleister Crowley's Abbey Thelema.
C-SPAN2 - BookTV interviews Judith Reisman about Sexual Sabotage
Secret History: Kinsey's Paedophiles | Istoria secreta: Pedofilii lui Kinsey
full movie Kinsey 2004 HDMovie 1080p
Michael Savage talks to author about Alfred Kinsey