Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia
Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia

Registration Standards

Registration standards define the requirements that applicants, registrants or students need to meet to be registered. The Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia has developed the following registration standards:

Mandatory registration standards

With the exception of registered students and non-practising registrants, these standards apply to applicants for registration and currently registered nurses and midwives.

Document name  PDF  Accessible format  Date of effect
Continuing professional development registration standard  PDF (300KB)    From 1 July 2010 
Criminal history registration standard  PDF (301KB)    From 1 July 2010 
English language skills registration standard  PDF (288KB)    From
19 September 2011 
Professional indemnity insurance arrangements registration standard  PDF (258KB)    From
10 January 2012 
Recency of practice registration standard  PDF (203KB)    From 1 July 2010 


Document name  PDF  Accessible format  Date of effect
Endorsement as a nurse practitioner registration standard  PDF (206KB)    From 4 April 2011 
Registration standard for endorsement for scheduled medicines for midwives PDF (307KB)  Word version
(390 KB,DOCX) 
From 1 July 2010 
Registration standard for endorsement for scheduled medicines registered nurses (rural and isolated practice)  PDF (205KB)    From 1 July 2010 

 Eligible midwife

Document name  PDF  Accessible format  Date of effect
Eligible midwife registration standard

(Note: this Eligible midwife registration standard has been revised in August 2013 to reflect date change in existing provision
PDF (187KB)  Word version
(702 KB,DOCX) 
From 1 July 2010 

More information relating to registration standards, including English language skills, continuing professional development and recency of practice, is available in FAQ and fact sheets on the National Board website.

Page reviewed 4/03/2015