Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency

Notifications & Outcomes

What is a notification?

A notification is a complaint or a concern about a registered health practitioner. This section tells you more about what to do if you have a complaint.

About notifications

‘Notifications’ are concerns or complaints about registered health practitioners. This section tells you what we can do about complaints, what we can’t do, and who does what in the National Scheme.

Who can make a notification?

Anyone can raise a concern about a registered health practitioner. This section tells you about the difference between a voluntary and a mandatory notification; and about what you can expect if you make a notification.

The notifications process

You can find out more about what happens when AHPRA receives a notification in this section. It explains what we do when someone lodges a complaint, how we assess it and what can happen after that.

Make a notification

If you want to make a complaint about a registered health practitioner, this section tells you how.

Notification outcomes and hearing decisions

National Boards refer the most serious allegations about registered health practitioners to tribunals. This section provides links to decisions made by tribunals and other decisions.

Notification publications and FAQ

We have published guides for people who make notifications and people who have notifications made about them. This section includes our publications and some frequently asked questions.

Page reviewed 6/06/2013