Mining is the extraction of valuable minerals or other geological materials from the earth, from an ore body, vein or (coal) seam. This term also includes the removal of soil. Materials recovered by mining include base metals, precious metals, iron, uranium, coal, diamonds, limestone, oil shale, rock salt and potash. Mining is required to obtain any material that cannot be grown through agricultural processes, or created artificially in a laboratory or factory. Mining in a wider sense comprises extraction of any non-renewable resource (e.g., petroleum, natural gas, or even water).
Mining of stone and metal has been done since pre-historic times. Modern mining processes involve prospecting for ore bodies, analysis of the profit potential of a proposed mine, extraction of the desired materials and finally reclamation of the land to prepare it for other uses once the mine is closed.
The nature of mining processes creates a potential negative impact on the environment both during the mining operations and for years after the mine is closed. This impact has led to most of the world's nations adopting regulations to moderate the negative effects of mining operations. Safety has long been a concern as well, though modern practices have improved safety in mines significantly.
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Xbox One - How To Minecraft: More Mining + Crafting {4}
Pioneering Underground Mining
Minecraft: MINING ROBOTS CHALLENGE - Custom Mod Challenge [S8E10]
Minecraft SMP HOW TO MINECRAFT S2 #3 'DIAMOND MINING!' with Vikkstar
Xbox One - How To Minecraft: Mining + Crafting {3}
Cat Surface Mining Product Demo
South Africa's Illegal Gold Mines
Silver Mining Documetary
Cat® HW300 Highwall Mining System -- Product Video
Diamond Mining: Inside Earth's Gigantic Holes
Minecraft: THE MINING CHALLENGE! w/ CavemanFilms!
The price of gold: Chinese mining in Ghana documentary | Guardian Investigations
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Pioneering Underground Mining
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Cat Surface Mining Product Demo
South Africa's Illegal Gold Mines
Silver Mining Documetary
Cat® HW300 Highwall Mining System -- Product Video
Diamond Mining: Inside Earth's Gigantic Holes
Minecraft: THE MINING CHALLENGE! w/ CavemanFilms!
The price of gold: Chinese mining in Ghana documentary | Guardian Investigations
Dirty Business - How mining made Australia Episodio 01
Heavy machinery accidents, mishaps and other interesting mining photos
How Do They Do It__ Coal Mining Video.flv
Minecraft - Race To The Moon - Mining Fever! [7]
Mining Zombies - Minecraft Animation - Slamacow
Most Amazing Open-pit Mines in The World (diamonds, gold, silver, copper...) [igeoNews]
Star Citizen VS Eve Online : Mining Gameplay - Who Does It Best?
Silver Mining - Documentary Films
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Gold Mining - Documentary Film
KSPTV Livestream - Flying Surfboards & Asteroid Mining
Minecraft MAD PACK 2 SMP - "INFINITE MINING! :O" - Episode 4 w/Vikkstar (Modded Survival)
How to Minecraft: DIAMOND MINING CHALLENGE! (34) - w/ Preston & Lachlan! (Minecraft 1.8 SMP)
How to Minecraft: THE MINING CHALLENGE! (61) - w/ Preston & Kenny
BBC Hard Talk On the Road in Australia The Mining Business
Minecraft - Attack Of The B Team - Mining Crew!! [9]
Diamond Mines - History Documentary Films
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Data Mining kurd
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Minecraft Survival Island ep 2- tired o' mining!
Year 6015 - Ep. 5 - Mining and Mining and Other Things!
Car games for Kids - GOLD Mining Trommel-Separating the Pay Dirt
Click Mining Fix Fix - Mod do Minecraft 1.3.2
Survival series ep8 mining
[AceHarp7865&MikeShow;] REC Apr 9 Terraria Ep 3 X360~Unsuccessful mining journey~ PT 3/3
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IEEE Gamesig 2015: Titan Mining Corporation
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Minecraft part:4 Mining
Survival Saturday12 {Butcherd Rap God/ Mining, Lots 'O' Mining}
MINECRAFT mining with friends part 1
when you need to find a cure
and your remedies are failing
and you'd like to say for sure
but your confidence is fading
you're about to give it up
and you know it won't get better
and you need a little love
I will promise you forever
when your burden's heavy
I will be your strength
when your well is running dry
I will be your rain
and when you need a shoulder
I will be your friend
when your spirit's drowning
I will be your island
for every sea of tears
you know they say there is a reason
but it's hard to see the good
when you're in the water freezing
the ocean rises up
and the waves crash all around you
just remember there's a place
you can leave the storm behind you
Lyrics and Music written by Jeff Black and Judy Rodman
Warner / Tamerlane Music Publishing BMI