The Jews and their fights against the Romans
Story of the Jews and their fights against the Romans and their land. (Biblical Mysteries ...
published: 12 Dec 2013
The Jews and their fights against the Romans
The Jews and their fights against the Romans
Story of the Jews and their fights against the Romans and their land. (Biblical Mysteries EP21) The history of the Jews in the Roman Empire traces the interaction of Jews and Romans during the period of the Roman Empire (27 BC--AD 476). Jews, primarily from Western Asia, and Ancient Romans, primarily from Latium in central Italy, are ancient ethnic groups. Their cultures began to overlap in the centuries just before the Christian Era. Jews, as part of the Jewish diaspora, migrated to Rome from Alexandria, where they formed a significant part of the population. The Roman general Pompey in his eastern campaign established the Roman province of Syria in 64 BC and conquered Jerusalem in 63 BC. Julius Caesar conquered Alexandria c. 47 BC and defeated Pompey in 45 BC. Herod the Great was designated King of the Jews by the Roman Senate in c.40 BC, the Roman province of Egypt was established in 30 BC, and Judea proper, Samaria and Idumea (biblical Edom) were converted to the Roman province of Iudaea in 6 AD. Jewish-Roman tensions resulted in several Jewish--Roman wars, 66-135 AD, which resulted in the destruction of Jerusalem and the Second Temple and institution of the Jewish Tax in 70 and Hadrian's attempt to create a new Roman colony named Aelia Capitolina c.130. Around this time period, Christianity developed from Second Temple Judaism. Constantine the Great moved the Roman capital from Rome to Constantinople (New Rome) c.330, sometimes considered the start of the Byzantine Empire, and with the Edict of Thessalonica in 380, Christianity became the State church of the Roman Empire. According to the Jewish Encyclopedia article on Rome:[1] Jews have lived in Rome for over 2,000 years, longer than in any other European city. They originally went there from Alexandria, drawn by the lively commercial intercourse between those two cities. They may even have established a community there as early as the second pre-Christian century, for in the year 139 B.C. the pretor Hispanus issued a decree expelling all Jews who were not Italian citizens. During the last decades of the second century B.C., after the war between the Hasmonean brothers [ Hyrcanus II and Aristobulus II ] on one side and Cæsar and Pompey on the other, the Jewish community in Rome grew very rapidly. The Jews who were taken to Rome as prisoners were either ransomed by their coreligionists or set free by their Roman masters, who found their peculiar custom obnoxious. They settled as traders on the right bank of the Tiber, and thus originated the Jewish quarter in Rome. Rome's involvement in the Eastern Mediterranean dated from 63 BCE, following the end of the Third Mithridatic War, when Rome made Syria a province. After the defeat of Mithridates VI of Pontus, the proconsul Pompeius Magnus (Pompey the Great) remained to secure the area, including a visit to the Jerusalem Temple. During the 1st century BCE, the Herodian Kingdom was established as a Roman client kingdom and in 6 CE parts became a province of the Roman Empire, named Iudaea Province. The Crisis under Caligula (37-41) has been proposed as the "first open break between Rome and the Jews", even though problems were already evident during the Census of Quirinius in 6 and under Sejanus (before 31). In 66 AD, the First Jewish--Roman War began. The revolt was put down by the future Roman emperors Vespasian and Titus. In the Siege of Jerusalem in 70 CE, the Romans destroyed much of the Temple in Jerusalem and, according to some accounts, plundered artifacts from the Temple, such as the Menorah. Jews continued to live in their land in significant numbers, the Kitos War of 115-117 CE nothwithstanding, until Julius Severus ravaged Judea while putting down the Bar Kokhba revolt of 132-136 CE. 985 villages were destroyed and most of the Jewish population of central Judaea was essentially wiped out - killed, sold into slavery, or forced to flee. Banished from Jerusalem, which was renamed Aelia Capitolina, the Jewish population now centered on Galilee initially at Yavneh. After the Jewish-Roman wars (66-135), Hadrian changed the name of Iudaea province to Syria Palaestina and Jerusalem to Aelia Capitolina in an attempt to erase the historical ties of the Jewish people to the region. In addition, after 70, Jews and Jewish Proselytes were only allowed to practice their religion if they paid the Jewish tax, and after 135 were barred from Jerusalem except for the day of Tisha B'Av. The Roman Empire adopted Christianity as its state religion with the Edict of Thessalonica on 27 February 380, see State church of the Roman Empire.- published: 12 Dec 2013
- views: 1
Palestine is a geographic region in Western Asia between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jo...
published: 02 May 2014
Palestine is a geographic region in Western Asia between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River. It is sometimes considered to include adjoining territories. The name was used by Ancient Greek writers, and was later used for the Roman province Syria Palaestina, the Byzantine Palaestina Prima and the Umayyad and Abbasid province of Jund Filastin. The region is also known as the Land of Israel , the Holy Land, the Southern Levant, Cisjordan, and historically has been known by other names including Canaan, Southern Syria and Jerusalem. This video targeted to blind users. Attribution: Article text available under CC-BY-SA Creative Commons image source in video- published: 02 May 2014
- views: 8
Faces of Ancient Middle East Part 24 (Romans)
Syria (Roman province)
Syria was an early Roman province, annexed to the Roman Republic i...
published: 25 Jan 2014
Faces of Ancient Middle East Part 24 (Romans)
Faces of Ancient Middle East Part 24 (Romans)
Syria (Roman province) Syria was an early Roman province, annexed to the Roman Republic in 64 BC by Pompey in the Third Mithridatic War following the defeat of Armenian King Tigranes the Great. Later, after the Bar Kokhba revolt, in 135 CE, Syria province was merged with Judea province, creating the larger province of Syria Palaestina. Judea (Roman province) Judea ,sometimes spelled in its original Latin forms of Judæa, Judaea or Iudaea to distinguish it from Judea proper, is a term used by historians to refer to the Roman province that incorporated the geographical regions of Judea, Samaria, and Idumea, and which extended over parts of the former regions of the Hasmonean and Herodian kingdoms of Israel. It was named after Herod Archelaus's Tetrarchy of Judea, of which it was an expansion, the latter name deriving from the Kingdom of Judah of the 6th century BCE. Rome's involvement in the area dated from 63 BCE, following the end of the Third Mithridatic War, when Rome made Syria a province. In that year, after the defeat of Mithridates VI of Pontus, the proconsul Pompeius Magnus (Pompey the Great) sacked Jerusalem and entered the Jerusalem Temple. Subsequently, during the 1st century BCE, the Herodian Kingdom was established as a Roman client kingdom and then in 6 CE parts became a province of the Roman Empire. Judea province was the scene of unrest at its founding during the Census of Quirinius and several wars were fought in its history, known as the Jewish-Roman wars. The Temple was destroyed in 70 as part of the Great Jewish Revolt resulting in the institution of the Fiscus Judaicus, and after Bar Kokhba's revolt (132--135 CE), the Roman Emperor Hadrian changed the name of the province to Syria Palaestina and Jerusalem to Aelia Capitolina, which certain scholars conclude was done in an attempt to remove the relationship of the Jewish people to the region. Syria Palaestina Syria Palæstina was a Roman province between 135 and about 390. It was established by the merge of Roman Syria and Roman Judaea, following the defeat of the Bar Kokhba Revolt in 135. Shortly after 193, the Syrian regions were split off as Syria Coele in the north and Phoenice in the south, and the province was reduced to Judea. Arabia Petraea Arabia Petraea, also called Provincia Arabia or simply Arabia, was a frontier province of the Roman Empire beginning in the 2nd century; it consisted of the former Nabataean kingdom in Transjordan, southern Syria, the Sinai Peninsula and northwestern Arabian peninsula. Its capital was Petra. It was bordered on the north by Syria, on the west by Iudaea (merged with Syria from 135 AD) and Aegyptus, and on the south and east by the rest of Arabia, known as Arabia Deserta and Arabia Felix. It was annexed by Emperor Trajan, like many other eastern frontier provinces of the Roman Empire, but held onto, unlike Armenia, Mesopotamia and Assyria, well after Trajan's rule -- its desert frontier being called the Limes Arabicus. It produced no usurpers and no emperors (Philippus, though Arab, was from Shahbā, a Syrian city added to the province of Arabia at a point between 193 and 225 — Philippus was born around 204). As a frontier province, it included a desert populated by the nomadic Saraceni, and bordering the Parthian hinterland. Though subject to eventual attack and deprivation by the Parthians and Palmyrenes, it had nothing like the constant incursions faced in other areas on the Roman frontier, such as Germany and North Africa, nor the entrenched cultural presence that defined the other, more Hellenized, eastern provinces. Roman Armenia Roman Armenia or the Province of Armenia (Latin: Provincia Armenia) was a short-lived frontier province of the Roman Empire created by Emperor Trajan in 114 which lasted until 118. Assyria (Roman province) Assyria was a Roman province that lasted only two years (116--118 AD). Mesopotamia (Roman province) Mesopotamia was the name of two distinct Roman provinces, the one a short-lived creation of the Roman Emperor Trajan in 116--117 and the other established by Emperor Septimius Severus in ca. 198, which lasted until the Muslim conquests of the 7th century. Euphratensis Euphratensis or Augusta Euphratensis was a Roman province in Greater Syria, part of the late Roman Diocese of the East. Sometime between 330 and 350 (likely ca. 341), the province of Euphratensis was created out of the territory of Syria Coele along the western bank of the Euphrates. It included the territories of Commagene and Cyrrhestice. Its capital was Cyrrus[2] or perhaps Hierapolis Bambyce.- published: 25 Jan 2014
- views: 15
Palestina: História de Uma Terra!
História da criação do Estado de Israel e a luta pela criação de um Estado palestino, desd...
published: 17 Dec 2013
Palestina: História de Uma Terra!
Palestina: História de Uma Terra!
História da criação do Estado de Israel e a luta pela criação de um Estado palestino, desde o fim do domínio do Império Otomano até as negociações mais recentes entre árabes e israelenses. A região era chamada de Palastu pelos assírios. A palavra Palestina deriva do grego Philistia, nome dado pelos autores da Grécia Antiga a esta região, devido ao facto de em parte dela (entre a actual cidade de Tel Aviv e Gaza) se terem fixado no século XII a.C. os filisteus. Os filisteus não eram semitas e sua provável origem é creto-miceniana, uma das mais conhecidas (embora recorrentemente mencionadas) vagas dos chamados "Povos do Mar" que se estabeleceram em várias partes do litoral sul do mar Mediterrâneo, incluindo a área hoje conhecida como Faixa de Gaza. Segundo a tradição bíblica os filisteus seriam oriundos de Caphtor, termo associado à ilha de Creta. Este povo é igualmente referido nos escritos do Antigo Egipto com o nome de prst, por onde também passaram e foram repelidos. No século II d.C., os romanos utilizaram o termo Syria Palaestina para se referirem à parte sul da província romana da Síria. O termo entraria posteriormente na língua árabe e é usado desde então para se referir a esta região. Primeira prova numismática para o nome da Síria Palaestina vem do período do imperador Marcus Aurelius Antoninus. Heródoto escreveu em c.450 aC nas histórias de um bairro "da Síria, chamado Palaistinê" (daí Palaestina, de onde Palestina). Em c.340 aC, Aristóteles escreveu em Meteorologia sobre a Palestina, em uma referência para o Mar Morto: "Mais uma vez se, como é fabuloso, há um lago na Palestina, de tal forma que se você ligar um homem ou animal e jogá-lo flutua e não afundará, isso suporta o que já dissemos. Dizem que este lago é tão amargo e salgado que nenhum peixe vive nele e que se você mergulhar a roupa nele e agitá-los limpa-os ". E em C.40 AD, Roman-escritor judeu Philo de Alexandria escreveu dos judeus na Palestina: "Além disso a Palestina e a Síria também não estão desprovidos de sabedoria exemplar e virtude, que os países não pequena parte que a nação mais populosa dos judeus habita. Há uma parcela dessas pessoas chamada Essênios "- published: 17 Dec 2013
- views: 1
PALESTINA: História de Uma Terra (Completo - Português)
História da criação do Estado de Israel e a luta pela criação de um Estado palestino, desd...
published: 17 Jul 2014
PALESTINA: História de Uma Terra (Completo - Português)
PALESTINA: História de Uma Terra (Completo - Português)
História da criação do Estado de Israel e a luta pela criação de um Estado palestino, desde o fim do domínio do Império Otomano até as negociações mais recentes entre árabes e israelenses. A região era chamada de Palastu pelos assírios. A palavra Palestina deriva do grego Philistia, nome dado pelos autores da Grécia Antiga a esta região, devido ao facto de em parte dela (entre a actual cidade de Tel Aviv e Gaza) se terem fixado no século XII a.C. os filisteus. Os filisteus não eram semitas e sua provável origem é creto-miceniana, uma das mais conhecidas (embora recorrentemente mencionadas) vagas dos chamados "Povos do Mar" que se estabeleceram em várias partes do litoral sul do mar Mediterrâneo, incluindo a área hoje conhecida como Faixa de Gaza. Segundo a tradição bíblica os filisteus seriam oriundos de Caphtor, termo associado à ilha de Creta. Este povo é igualmente referido nos escritos do Antigo Egipto com o nome de prst, por onde também passaram e foram repelidos. No século II d.C., os romanos utilizaram o termo Syria Palaestina para se referirem à parte sul da província romana da Síria. O termo entraria posteriormente na língua árabe e é usado desde então para se referir a esta região. Primeira prova numismática para o nome da Síria Palaestina vem do período do imperador Marcus Aurelius Antoninus. Heródoto escreveu em c.450 aC nas histórias de um bairro "da Síria, chamado Palaistinê" (daí Palaestina, de onde Palestina). Em c.340 aC, Aristóteles escreveu em Meteorologia sobre a Palestina, em uma referência para o Mar Morto: "Mais uma vez se, como é fabuloso, há um lago na Palestina, de tal forma que se você ligar um homem ou animal e jogá-lo flutua e não afundará, isso suporta o que já dissemos. Dizem que este lago é tão amargo e salgado que nenhum peixe vive nele e que se você mergulhar a roupa nele e agitá-los limpa-os ". E em C.40 AD, Roman-escritor judeu Philo de Alexandria escreveu dos judeus na Palestina: "Além disso a Palestina e a Síria também não estão desprovidos de sabedoria exemplar e virtude, que os países não pequena parte que a nação mais populosa dos judeus habita. Há uma parcela dessas pessoas chamada Essênios "- published: 17 Jul 2014
- views: 149
JUDEN als VOLK auf der Suche nach Heimat und Frieden!
ORIGINAL Doku in ganzer Länge und unverändert - Video Link hier https://www.youtube.com/w...
published: 28 Jul 2014
JUDEN als VOLK auf der Suche nach Heimat und Frieden!
JUDEN als VOLK auf der Suche nach Heimat und Frieden!
ORIGINAL Doku in ganzer Länge und unverändert - Video Link hier https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLZU6L-qXHo Weitere Infos zum Thema hier unten: Palästina: - Geschichte Palästinas bis 1948: http://www.michel-messerschmidt.de/de/palaestina.pdf Die Geschichte und Bedeutung"Palästinas" und der "Palästinenser" http://www.nicht-mit-uns.com/nahost-infos/texte/1atts102.html im Detail: - Das Römische Palästina: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/R%C3%B6misches_Pal%C3%A4stina - Name Palästina: Palaestina war ursprünglich der Name einer Provinz des Römischen Reiches und leitet sich von der Volksgruppe der Philister her. Sie wurde in den Jahren 193 und 194 in einem Teil der damaligen Provinz Syria Palaestina eingerichtet. Entsprechend der Provinz Palaestina entstand der Begriff Palästina als Region. Siehe oben "Das Römische Palästina" http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palaestina - Herkunft und Gebrauch des Landesnamens Die erste bekannte Schriftquelle für das Land und den Namen -Palästina- ist die Septuaginta. Hier wird der Begriff als Ableitung von dem hebräischen Begriffs „Pleschet“ verwendet. Als Pleschet wurde ursprünglich nur die Küstenebene südlich von Joppe, dem späteren Jaffa, welche das Volk der Philister bewohnte, bezeichnete.Als Herkunftsregion der Philister wird in der neueren Forschung häufig die Insel Kreta genannt; ein endgültiger Beweis konnte aber bis heute nicht erbracht werden. Die Römer haben später das vorstaatliche Israel die anderen Gebiete z.B. Judäa usw. in Syria und Palaestina umbenannt s.o., um die Erinnerung an die Herkunft der Juden auszulöschen. - Herkunft des Begriffs Palästinenser Das Adjektiv palästinisch bezieht sich in der Regel auf das antike Palästina, so zum Beispiel der Begriff -palästinische Juden-. Das Wort palästinensisch hingegen kam erst seit etwa Mitte der 1960er Jahre als Selbstbezeichnung der heutigen arabischen Bevölkerung von Ost-Jerusalem, Gazastreifen und Westjordanland in Gebrauch und verbreitete sich dann weltweit über die Medien. siehe: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pal%C3%A4stina_(Region)#Herkunft_und_Gebrauch_des_Landesnamens - gewaltsame Islamische Eroberung und Islamisierung der Region: Im Jahr 635 n.Chr. waren Palästina, Jordanien und das südliche Syrien mit Ausnahme von Jerusalem und Caesarea erobert worden und in muslimischer Hand http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamische_Eroberung_der_Levante Staat Palästina: Der UN-Teilungsplan von 1947, durch den auf dem Gebiet des historischen Palästina ein jüdischer und ein arabischer Staat entstehen sollte, scheiterte an der Ablehnung der arabischen Seite. Der Staat Palästina wurde am 15. November 1988 von der Palästinensischen Befreiungsorganisation, PLO, als Staat der Palästinenser ausgerufen und hat einen Beobachterstatus bei den UN seit 29. November 2012. http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Staat_Pal%C3%A4stina - - - - - - - - - - - grobe Zusammengefassung und FAZIT: Bis zur Vertreibung bzw. auch der europäischen Diaspora und der gewaltsamen Islamisierung durch die Araber, gab es bis zu dieser Zeit in diesem Gebiet Juden und Christen. Es gibt KEIN "arabisches Volk von Palästinensern" .. Es gibt seit Jahrtausenden das -Volk Israel- bzw. das -Volk der Juden-. Wenn es ein, so genanntes "künstliches Palästinensisches Volk" gibt, dann erst seit sich Palästina selbst zum Staat ausgerufen hat im Jahr 1988 und dieses durch die UN erst seit 2012 als -anerkanntes Land Palästina- existiert. Die Juden wurde aus ihrem Land, Israel bzw. später auch seit dem Römischem Reich auch Palästina genannt, entweder gewaltsam vertrieben, das Land wurde ihnen gewaltsam weggenommen, oder sie mussten fliehen, weil ihnen Gewalt angedroht wurde. Und jetzt kommen sie zurück in Ihre Heimat als "Volk Israel". Das Volk Israel existiert seit tausenden von Jahren nachweislich und hat nachweislich im früherem Israel, heutigem Palästina, nach dem es von den Römern in Palästina umbenannt worden ist, gelebt. Das ist Fakt!- published: 28 Jul 2014
- views: 3
Faces of Ancient Middle East Part 6 (Ancient Semites)
The Palmyrene Empire (260--273) was a splinter empire, that broke away from the Roman Empi...
published: 23 Dec 2013
Faces of Ancient Middle East Part 6 (Ancient Semites)
Faces of Ancient Middle East Part 6 (Ancient Semites)
The Palmyrene Empire (260--273) was a splinter empire, that broke away from the Roman Empire during the Crisis of the Third Century. It encompassed the Roman provinces of Syria Palaestina, Egypt and large parts of Asia Minor. The Palmyrene Empire was ruled by Queen Zenobia for her infant son Vaballathus. The capital of the short-lived empire was the city of Palmyra. Crisis of the Third Century Despite a number of crises, the Roman Empire had stood firm since its inception under Augustus. But after Emperor Alexander Severus was murdered by soldiers in 235, Roman legions were defeated in a campaign against Sassanid Persia, and the Empire fell apart. General after general squabbled over control of the Empire, the frontiers were neglected and subjected to frequent raids by Carpians, Goths, Vandals and Alamanni, and outright attacks from aggressive Sassanids in the east. Finally, by 258, the attacks were coming from within, when the Empire broke up into three separate competing states. The Roman provinces of Gaul, Britain and Hispania broke off to form the Gallic Empire. Since Rome was unable to protect the eastern provinces against the Sassanids, then-governor Septimius Odaenathus decided to use the substantial legions he had at his disposal - among them the famed Legio XII Fulminata - to defend his provinces, rather than intervene in the struggles for Rome. Establishment of the Empire Septimius Odaenathus was assassinated and his son Vaballathus was made king (rex consul imperator dux Romanorum, "king, consul, emperor, leader of the Romans" and corrector totius orientis, or "coruler for the entirety of the East") of the Palmyrene Empire. The real power behind the throne was his mother Zenobia. With the legions at her disposal, and aided by the continuing struggle for Rome, Zenobia conquered Egypt, Syria, Palestine, Asia Minor and Lebanon. She even adopted the title of Augustus for her son and herself. Reconquest by Aurelian In 270, Aurelian became Roman Emperor. After defeating the Alamanni, who had invaded Italy, Aurelian turned his attention to the lost eastern provinces - the Palmyrene Empire. Asia Minor was recovered easily; every city but Byzantium and Tyana surrendered to him with little resistance. The fall of Tyana lent itself to a legend; Aurelian to that point had destroyed every city that resisted him, but he spared Tyana after having a vision of the great philosopher Apollonius of Tyana, whom he respected greatly, in a dream. Apollonius implored him, stating: "Aurelian, if you desire to rule, abstain from the blood of the innocent! Aurelian, if you will conquer, be merciful!" Whatever the reason, Aurelian spared Tyana. It paid off; many more cities submitted to him upon seeing that the emperor would not exact revenge upon them. Aurelian defeated Queen Zenobia in the Battle of Immae and again, decisively, in the Battle of Emesa. Within six months, his armies stood at the gates of Palmyra, which surrendered when Zenobia tried to flee to the Sassanid Empire. The Palmyrene Empire was no more. After a brief clash with the Persians and another in Egypt against usurper Firmus, Aurelian returned to Palmyra in 273 when it rebelled again. This time, Aurelian allowed his soldiers to sack the city, and Palmyra never recovered from this. He was known as Parthicus Maximus and Restitutor Orientis ("Restorer of the East").- published: 23 Dec 2013
- views: 9
Yasak Bölge Filistin'de Yaşamak | Kısa Film
Fransız Şarkıcıdan Filistinlilere Destek;
Doğu Akdeniz'de ve Orta Doğu'da, İsrail toprakla...
published: 23 Jul 2014
Yasak Bölge Filistin'de Yaşamak | Kısa Film
Yasak Bölge Filistin'de Yaşamak | Kısa Film
Fransız Şarkıcıdan Filistinlilere Destek; Doğu Akdeniz'de ve Orta Doğu'da, İsrail topraklarının tamamı ile Gazze Şeridi ve Batı Şeria gibi Filistinlilerin kontrolündeki toprakları kapsayan coğrafi bölge. Bölgenin sınırları oldukça tartışmalıdır ve bazı kaynaklar Ürdün'ü de dahil ederler.Filistin (bazı kaynaklarda bir kısmı), Kutsal Topraklar olarak bilinir ve Yahudiler, Hıristiyanlar ve Müslümanlar için kutsaldır. 20. yüzyıldan beri bölgede Arap ve Yahudi milli unsurlarının mücadelesi devam etmekte, zaman zaman uzun süreli şiddete ve hatta savaşa dönüşmektedir. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Palestine (Arabic: فلسطين Filasṭīn, Falasṭīn, Filisṭīn; Greek: Παλαιστίνη, Palaistinē; Latin: Palaestina; Hebrew: פלשתינה Palestina) is a geographic region in Western Asia between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River. It is sometimes considered to include adjoining territories. The name was used by Ancient Greek writers, and was later used for the Roman province Syria Palaestina, the Byzantine Palaestina Prima and the Umayyad and Abbasid province of Jund Filastin. The region is also known as the Land of Israel (Hebrew: ארץ־ישראל Eretz-Yisra'el),[1] the Holy Land, the Southern Levant,[2] Cisjordan, and historically has been known by other names including Canaan, Southern Syria and Jerusalem. ------------------------------------------------ Περίληψη ενός παλαιστινιακού ανθρώπινης ζωής ملخص لحياة الإنسان الفلسطيني das Leben der palästinensischen Bevölkerung in einer Zusammenfassung Palestinako jendearen bizitza laburpen batean সংক্ষিপ্ত বসবাসকারী ফিলিস্তিনি মানুষ Палестинските хора, живеещи резюме Palestinian mga tawo nga nagpuyo summary Palestinci žijící shrnutí 巴勒斯坦人生活总结 巴勒斯坦人生活總結 palæstinensiske folk, der bor resumé rakyat Palestina ringkasan hidup Պաղեստինյան ապրող ամփոփում Palestina popolo vivanta resumon Palestiina elanikele kokkuvõte مردم فلسطین خلاصه زندگی Palestijnse bewoners samenvatting Palestiinan kansan elävä yhteenveto peuple palestinien vivant résumé pobl Palesteina crynodeb byw პალესტინის ადამიანი ცხოვრობს შემაჯამებელი Fələstin xalqının həyat xülasəsi Palästinenser leben Zusammenfassung filistin halkının yaşam özeti सारांश रहने वाले फिलीस्तीनी लोगों Palestinian people living summary daoine na Palaistíne achoimre ina gcónaí pueblo palestino Resumen viven palestinska folket lever sammandrag popolo palestinese sintesi che vivono palestínsku þjóðarinnar býr yfirlit 要約を生きているパレスチナの人々 wong Oman manggen ringkesan ಸಾರಾಂಶ ದೇಶ ಪ್ಯಾಲೆಸ್ಟೀನಿಯನ್ ಜನರು 요약을 살고있는 팔레스타인 사람들 Poble palestí Resum viuen palaestinensis homines, summa Palestyńczycy mieszkający podsumowanie dzīvo kopsavilkumu Palestīnas iedzīvotājiem Palestinos žmonių, gyvenančių santrauka Palesztin élők összefoglaló rakyat Palestin ringkasan hidup सारांश जीवित प्यालेस्टिनी मान्छे Palestinske folk som bor oppsummering povo palestino resumo vivos oameni palestinian rezumat trăiesc Палестинский народ, живущие резюме Палестински народ живе резиме Palestínčania žijúci zhrnutie Palestinski ljudje, ki živijo povzetek παλαιστινιακό λαό που ζει περίληψη người dân Palestine tóm tắt sống خلاصہ رہنے والے فلسطینی عوام مردم فلسطین خلاصه زندگی Палестинський народ, що живуть резюме Abantu abaphila asePalestina summary ชาวปาเลสไตน์ที่อาศัยอยู่สรุป- published: 23 Jul 2014
- views: 2
Filistin İçin Bir Gün Tüm İnsanlık Önünüze Dimdik Dikilecek
Filistin (Arapça: فلسطين, İbranice: פלשתינה, Yunanca: Παλαιστίνη), Doğu Akdeniz'de ve Orta...
published: 20 Jul 2014
Filistin İçin Bir Gün Tüm İnsanlık Önünüze Dimdik Dikilecek
Filistin İçin Bir Gün Tüm İnsanlık Önünüze Dimdik Dikilecek
Filistin (Arapça: فلسطين, İbranice: פלשתינה, Yunanca: Παλαιστίνη), Doğu Akdeniz'de ve Orta Doğu'da, İsrail topraklarının tamamı ile Gazze Şeridi ve Batı Şeria gibi Filistinlilerin kontrolündeki toprakları kapsayan coğrafi bölge.[1] Bölgenin sınırları oldukça tartışmalıdır ve bazı kaynaklar Ürdün'ü de dahil ederler.[1] Filistin (bazı kaynaklarda bir kısmı), Kutsal Topraklar olarak bilinir ve Yahudiler, Hıristiyanlar ve Müslümanlar için kutsaldır.[1][2] 20. yüzyıldan beri bölgede Arap ve Yahudi milli unsurlarının mücadelesi devam etmekte, zaman zaman uzun süreli şiddete ve hatta savaşa dönüşmektedir. ----------------------------------------------------- Palestina (en llatín Syria Palæstina; n'hebréu Palestina (פלשתינה); n'árabe Filastín (فلسطين)) ye una rexón histórica allugada ente'l Mar Mediterraneu y el Ríu Xordán. Correspuende cola parte meridional del vieyu Canaán. Al ser conquistada alrodiu del añu 70 edC pol Imperiu Romanu recibió'l nome de Palestina, por ún de los pueblos que la habitaren, los filisteos. Anguaño'l nome de Palestina úsase, en sentíu históricu, pa referise al territoriu nel que s'afitó'l Mandatu Británicu (1917-1948) y, en sentíu actual, pa facer referencia al estáu que los ciudadanos palestinos nagüen por declarar sobre los territorios ocupaos por Israel de Cisxordania, incluyendo Xerusalén Este, y la Franxa de Gaza. La mayoría de los sos habitantes xudíos nomenla Éretz Israel (ארץ־ישראל). --------------------------------------------- Palestine (Arabic: فلسطين Filasṭīn, Falasṭīn, Filisṭīn; Greek: Παλαιστίνη, Palaistinē; Latin: Palaestina; Hebrew: פלשתינה Palestina) is a geographic region in Western Asia between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River. It is sometimes considered to include adjoining territories. The name was used by Ancient Greek writers, and was later used for the Roman province Syria Palaestina, the Byzantine Palaestina Prima and the Umayyad and Abbasid province of Jund Filastin. The region is also known as the Land of Israel (Hebrew: ארץ־ישראל Eretz-Yisra'el),[1] the Holy Land, the Southern Levant,[2] Cisjordan, and historically has been known by other names including Canaan, Southern Syria and Jerusalem. Situated at a strategic location between Egypt, Syria and Arabia, and the birthplace of Judaism and Christianity, the region has a long and tumultuous history as a crossroads for religion, culture, commerce, and politics. The region has been controlled by numerous different peoples, including Ancient Egyptians, Canaanites, Israelites, Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Ancient Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, the Sunni Arab Caliphates, the Shia Fatimid Caliphate, Crusaders, Ayyubids, Mameluks, Ottomans, the British and modern Israelis and Palestinians. Boundaries of the region have changed throughout history, and were last defined in modern times by the Franco-British boundary agreement (1920) and the Transjordan memorandum of 16 September 1922, during the mandate period.[3] Today, the region comprises the State of Israel and Palestinian territories in which the State of Palestine was declared. ---------------------------------------------- Palestina (em árabe: فلسطين, translit. Filasṭīn; em hebraico: פלשתינה; em grego: Παλαιστίνη, transl. Palaistinē, e em latim: Palæstina), é a denominação histórica dada pelo Império Romano a partir de um nome hebraico bíblico, a uma região do Oriente Médio situada entre a costa oriental do Mediterrâneo e as atuais fronteiras ocidentais do Iraque e Arábia Saudita, hoje compondo os territórios da Jordânia e Israel, além do sul do Líbano e os territórios de Gaza e Cisjordânia. A área correspondente à Palestina até 1948 encontra-se hoje dividida em três partes: uma parte integra o Estado de Israel; outra a atual Jordânia e duas outras (a Faixa de Gaza e a Cisjordânia), de maioria de árabes palestinos, deveriam integrar um estado palestino a ser criado - de acordo com a lei internacional, bem como as determinações das Nações Unidas, o Reino Unido. Em 1967, a Faixa de Gaza e a Cisjordânia foram conquistadas por Israel ao Egito e à Jordânia respetivamente, após a Guerra dos Seis Dias. E posteriormente Gaza em 2005 foi entregue à Autoridade Palestina, já a Cisjordânia (Judeia e Samaria) possui partes de territórios soberanos palestinos e parte de territórios com habitantes israelenses estabelecidos na conquista do território. Há alguns anos, porções dispersas dessas duas áreas foram oferecidas por Israel e passaram a ser administradas pela Autoridade Palestina, mas, devido aos ataques violentos contra os palestinos, esses territórios e sua população estão sob constante ameaça.- published: 20 Jul 2014
- views: 25
כנסיית ג'ורג' הקדוש , לוד. מורה דרך: צחי שקד
Zahi Shaked A tour guide in Israel and his camera zahigo25@walla.com 9726905522 tel סיור ע...
published: 14 Aug 2012
author: Zahi Shaked
כנסיית ג'ורג' הקדוש , לוד. מורה דרך: צחי שקד
כנסיית ג'ורג' הקדוש , לוד. מורה דרך: צחי שקד
Zahi Shaked A tour guide in Israel and his camera zahigo25@walla.com 9726905522 tel סיור עם מורה הדרך ומדריך הטיולים צחי שקד 0546905522 Saint George (c. 275/...- published: 14 Aug 2012
- views: 72
- author: Zahi Shaked
Syrien Teaser Syria
Syrien (amtlich Arabische Republik Syrien, arabisch الجمهورية العربية السورية al-Dschumhū...
published: 31 Mar 2008
author: gernot hutter
Syrien Teaser Syria
Syrien Teaser Syria
Syrien (amtlich Arabische Republik Syrien, arabisch الجمهورية العربية السورية al-Dschumhūriyya al-ʿarabiyya as-sūriyya) ist ein Staat in Vorderasien und Tei...- published: 31 Mar 2008
- views: 1592
- author: gernot hutter
I am Israel
The following nations conquered Israel: Assyrians (in 722BC and called Israel Philistine S...
published: 30 May 2010
author: future4israel
I am Israel
I am Israel
The following nations conquered Israel: Assyrians (in 722BC and called Israel Philistine Syria), Babylonians, Romans (they called Israel Provincia Syria Pala...- published: 30 May 2010
- views: 1366
- author: future4israel
Daily Life in Occupied Palestine - Al Jazeera Documentaries
published: 23 Jul 2014
Daily Life in Occupied Palestine - Al Jazeera Documentaries
Daily Life in Occupied Palestine - Al Jazeera Documentaries
SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE DOCUMENTARY UPDATES: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=aljazeeradocs Palestine is a geographic region in Western Asia between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River. It is sometimes considered to include adjoining territories. The name was used by Ancient Greek writers, and was later used for the Roman province Syria Palaestina, the Byzantine Palaestina Prima and the Umayyad and Abbasid province of Jund Filastin. The region is also known as the Land of Israel, the Holy Land, the Southern Levant, Cisjordan, and historically has been known by other names including Canaan, Southern Syria and Jerusalem. TAGS: Documentary, Aljazeera Documentaries, World Documentaries, tv online, live, al jazeera, arab newsSyria War 2013 news, Syria War 2013 al jazeera,Daily Life in Occupied Palestine, Daily Life in Occupied Palestine video, Daily Life in Occupied Palestine documentaries,- published: 23 Jul 2014
- views: 0
Cogadh i nGaza,Gaza,war,Iosael,Israel,Ireland votes neutal,UN Human Rights,an Phalaistín,Palestine
Ireland’s Green Light To Israel ... Ireland, along with the rest of the the European Unio...
published: 27 Jul 2014
Cogadh i nGaza,Gaza,war,Iosael,Israel,Ireland votes neutal,UN Human Rights,an Phalaistín,Palestine
Cogadh i nGaza,Gaza,war,Iosael,Israel,Ireland votes neutal,UN Human Rights,an Phalaistín,Palestine
Ireland’s Green Light To Israel ... Ireland, along with the rest of the the European Union, abstained from voting on a UN Human Rights Council resolution to establish a Commission of Inquiry to investigate Israeli war crimes in Gaza. http://hiredknaves.wordpress.com/2014/07/25/charlie-flanagan-and-irelands-green-light-to-israel/ http://ga.wikipedia.org/wiki/An_Phalaist%C3%ADn Is réigiún é an Phalaistín ( Παλαιστίνη as Ghréigis; Syria Palæstina as Laidin; פלשתינה Palestina nó ארץ ישראל Eretz Yisrael [Erets Yaosráél] as Eabhrais; agus فلسطين Filasṭīn nó Falasṭīn as Araibis) idir an Mheánmhuir agus abhainn na hIordáine. Le linn na staire cuireadh ceantair eile leis, chomh maith *** Subscribe! tóg sintús le do thoil ! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=TGcoa !! NB !! Comments, likes, favourites = cabhair le do thoil ! Tiúba go leor ! .... *** Drama http://www.youtube.com/TGdrama *** Nuacht http://www.youtube.com/TGcoa *** Saol http://www.youtube.com/TGsaol *** Foghlaim Gaeilge http://www.youtube.com/TGfoghlaim *** Paistí, spraoi http://www.youtube.com/TG4spraoi *** Craic is Ceol http://www.youtube.com/TG4craic *** Amhráin http://www.youtube.com/TG4amhran *** Amhráin is ansa lion http://www.youtube.com/TG4Gaeilge Faisnéis http://www.youtube.com/mailgaeilge Social & community: http://www.twitter.com/TGcoa An nasc seo: http://youtu.be/SmyjtCaDd28 TG4, nuacht, news, 369539583 http://www.TG4.ie !! Sásta nó míshásta ? Botúin ? ... scríobh chugamsa,Ciarán, Ríomhphost: TG coa 1 gmail com Happy or unhappy with this video? Please write to me -- Ciarán - with any comments or requests. TG coa 1 gmail com TG4 has a fabulous free, high quality, Video on Demand, VOD, service available globally; it is also on BSB Sky in Europe. TG4 Player allows viewers globally to watch almost all of TG4's programmes in Irish on demand for some weeks (others can be watched if your IP is located in Ireland). And no, this is not TG4, just a fan.- published: 27 Jul 2014
- views: 12
Youtube results:
Krasnik vs. Michael Irving Jensen- Israel og Palæstina konflikten
Martin Krasnik har inviteret mellemøstekspert Michael Irving Jensen i studiet i forbindels...
published: 22 Jul 2014
Krasnik vs. Michael Irving Jensen- Israel og Palæstina konflikten
Krasnik vs. Michael Irving Jensen- Israel og Palæstina konflikten
Martin Krasnik har inviteret mellemøstekspert Michael Irving Jensen i studiet i forbindelse med den optrappede konflikt i Gaza mellem Israel og Palæstina. Der tales om bosættelser, raketter og hvem der egentlig historisk har ret.- published: 22 Jul 2014
- views: 314
nur weil es "Israel" heißt
Israel by John Carisi Arrangement by Joss Turnbull the orchestral standard live at alte fe...
published: 18 Jul 2012
author: Jorturn
nur weil es "Israel" heißt
nur weil es "Israel" heißt
Israel by John Carisi Arrangement by Joss Turnbull the orchestral standard live at alte feuerwache mannheim, 24. 01. 2012 trumpet, sprecher 5 - pablo giw flg...- published: 18 Jul 2012
- views: 284
- author: Jorturn
Tony Blair's Sister Interviewd By Idiot - WARNING, video by that FOOL
John Rand https://www.facebook.com/groups/John.Rand.Group/permalink/248763835251293/ SHARE...
published: 23 Aug 2012
author: Kit Kirja
Tony Blair's Sister Interviewd By Idiot - WARNING, video by that FOOL
Tony Blair's Sister Interviewd By Idiot - WARNING, video by that FOOL
John Rand https://www.facebook.com/groups/John.Rand.Group/permalink/248763835251293/ SHARES https://www.facebook.com/shares/view?id=436217536427265 AND https...- published: 23 Aug 2012
- views: 847
- author: Kit Kirja
Palestinian collects gas bombs fired by Israeli army She grows flowers in bombs!
Palestine is a geographic region in Western Asia between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jor...
published: 18 Jun 2014
Palestinian collects gas bombs fired by Israeli army She grows flowers in bombs!
Palestinian collects gas bombs fired by Israeli army She grows flowers in bombs!
Palestine is a geographic region in Western Asia between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River. It is sometimes considered to include adjoining territories. The name was used by Ancient Greek writers, and was later used for the Roman province Syria Palaestina, the Byzantine Palaestina Prima and the Umayyad and Abbasid province of Jund Filastin. The region is also known as the Land of Israel the Holy Land, the Southern Levant,Cisjordan, and historically has been known by other names including Canaan, Southern Syria and Jerusalem.- published: 18 Jun 2014
- views: 28