Electronics is the branch of physics, engineering and technology dealing with electrical circuits that involve active electrical components such as vacuum tubes, transistors, diodes and integrated circuits, and associated passive interconnection technologies. The nonlinear behaviour of active components and their ability to control electron flows makes amplification of weak signals possible and is usually applied to information and signal processing. Similarly, the ability of electronic devices to act as switches makes digital information processing possible. Interconnection technologies such as circuit boards, electronics packaging technology, and other varied forms of communication infrastructure complete circuit functionality and transform the mixed components into a working system.
A reddit user asks what is the point in learning basic electronics these days when you can do everything with off the shelf modules and boards like Arduinos and the like.
They make it super easy to build stuff, so why does anyone need any knowledge of basic electronics any more?
Forum: http://www.eevblog.com/forum/eevblab/eevblab-10-why-learn-basic-electronics/
EEVblog Main Web Site: http://www.eevblog.com
The 2nd EEVblog Channel: http://www.youtube.com/EEVblog2
Support the EEVblog through Patreon!
Electronics Tutorial #1 - Electricity - Voltage, Current, Power, AC and DC
Electronics Tutorial #1 - Electricity - Voltage, Current, Power, AC and DC
Electronics Tutorial #1 - Electricity - Voltage, Current, Power, AC and DC
Please support my content creation by using my Amazon Store:
--------------------- Click "Show more" -------------------------------
Basic / beginners Electronics Tutorial / course / lesson - Voltage, Current, Power, AC and DC
--------------------- Click "Show more" -------------------------------
My website and forum:- http://www.mjlorton.com
Donations and contributions:- http://www.mjlorton.com
My techie channel MJLorton - Solar Power and Electronic Measurement Equipment - http://www.youtube.com/MJLorton
My Techie Amazon Store: http://astore.amazon.com/m0711-20
My other channel VBlogMag - For almost any
EEVblog #168 - How To Set Up An Electronics Lab
EEVblog #168 - How To Set Up An Electronics Lab
EEVblog #168 - How To Set Up An Electronics Lab
Most items available through HERE: http://www.eevblog.com/amazon
How to set up your own decent electronics lab, what you need, and how much it'll cost you.
Electronics test equipment, soldering, surface mount, hand tools, and parts.
Help support Dave by buying any of these items through the link above.
This Device Will Self-Destruct: Heat-Triggered Electronics Dissolve on Demand
This Device Will Self-Destruct: Heat-Triggered Electronics Dissolve on Demand
This Device Will Self-Destruct: Heat-Triggered Electronics Dissolve on Demand
The Story of Electronics (2010)
The Story of Electronics (2010)
The Story of Electronics (2010)
The Story of Electronics, releasing Tuesday, NOVEMBER 9, employs the Story of Stuff style to explore the high-tech revolution's collateral damage—25 million tons of e-waste and counting, poisoned workers and a public left holding the bill. Host Annie Leonard takes viewers from the mines and factories where our gadgets begin to the horrific backyard recycling shops in China where many end up. The film concludes with a call for a green 'race to the top' where designers compete to make long-lasting, toxic-free products that are fully and easily recyclable.
Our production partner on the electronics film is the Electronics TakeBack Coalition, w
Electronics - 555 Timer, A Microchip Project
Electronics - 555 Timer, A Microchip Project
Electronics - 555 Timer, A Microchip Project
This video demonstrates constructing a basic circuit with a common integrated circuit/microchip, the 555 timer. This versatile device can be configured to control servo motors, create music or support many functions controlled by pulses. The video introduces pin numbering conventions for DIP devices and demonstrates reading a simple circuit diagram.
Wearable Electronics with Becky Stern 5/27/2015 - LIVE
Wearable Electronics with Becky Stern 5/27/2015 - LIVE
Wearable Electronics with Becky Stern 5/27/2015 - LIVE
SHOW LINKS BELOW! Join Becky Stern and friends every week as we delve into the wonderful world of wearables, live on YouTube. We'll answer your questions, announce a discount code for the Adafruit store, and explore wearable components, techniques, special materials, and projects you can build at home! Ask your wearables questions in the comments, and if your question is featured, you’ll be entered to win the show giveaway.
#WearableWednesday on the Adafruit blog: http://www.adafruit.com/blog/category/wearables/
Roll-up video light: https://youtu.be/4WIRssvFgA8
Component of the week: warm and
Kitchen Table Electronics Repair: 2002 Buick Park Avenue Climate Control Display Repair
Kitchen Table Electronics Repair: 2002 Buick Park Avenue Climate Control Display Repair
Kitchen Table Electronics Repair: 2002 Buick Park Avenue Climate Control Display Repair
It wasn't the common failure of bad solder joints holding the surface mounted resistors in place...
For your edification: the word "solder" in most of the North American continent is pronounced with a silent "L".
Gold Fingers - How to Recover Gold from Electronic Scrap
Gold Fingers - How to Recover Gold from Electronic Scrap
Gold Fingers - How to Recover Gold from Electronic Scrap
http://http://www.goldnscrap.com In this video tutorial i'm showing how to recover gold from electronic circuit board scrap. Specifically the gold plating that is found on the board connector edge - A.K.A the "fingers".
This video is a complementary to the complete written tutorial on Gold-N-Scrap website (direct link below)
The process applies to other kinds of gold plated itmes, given the substrate is unreactive (such as PCB, ceramic, glass etc'...). This process is less suitable for metallic items that are gold plated such as gold plated pins and gold filled items, though it will work with much effort and large consumption of acid.
Basic Electronics Part 1
Basic Electronics Part 1
Basic Electronics Part 1
Vintage Electronics Find
Vintage Electronics Find
Vintage Electronics Find
I was asked to help clean out a work shed that was used by my friend's late Grandfather and I was told that I could keep whatever old electronics I found which turned out to be some real treasures. Like what you watch on Hack A Week? Click here to donate: http://hackaweek.com/hacks/?page_id=31 Thanks for watching!
Electronics Salvage From RC Toys
Electronics Salvage From RC Toys
Electronics Salvage From RC Toys
Tear down of an RC toy to get at the goodies inside. This one has a main board that can be used as a motor driver in a DIY robot.
How and WHY to Solder Correctly
How and WHY to Solder Correctly
How and WHY to Solder Correctly
Close up demonstrations of proper soldering technique. Explains flux, temperature, tip size / shape. New: now offering live video help on soldering: http://b...
Top 5 Simple Electronics Projects that Anyone Could Try!
Top 5 Simple Electronics Projects that Anyone Could Try!
Top 5 Simple Electronics Projects that Anyone Could Try!
Hi Guys! Are you an electronics enthusiast such as my self? Then try this free simple electronics projects that you could easily do at home. These are just some of the best electronics projects you can read at my book. You can download my project book through the link below.
How to download the project description?
1.) Like this video first.
2.) Subscribe to my channel.
3.) Visit this link to download the file:
I hope you like my collection guys. These are just some of the projects you can try to look at Elec-Geek. There are still a lot of simple electronics projects you can find there. What a
Plot A film about music for architecture. Japanese percussionist Marcos Fernandes reconnects with his homeland by staging elaborate concerts in four historical buildings designed by his grandfather Uheiji Nagano (1867-1937) in Yokohama, Kyoto, Okayama and Matsue.
Paul Stevens' high school science project has gotten a little out of hand. He just built an atomic bomb. Now he's got 11 hours to make sure it doesn't work. The switch is set... The clock has started... Time's running out!
Dr. John Matthewson: What do you think you're doing?::Paul Stephens: Well I thought we'd start out with kissing, and then we might move onto the fancy stuff.
Official: Sir, what about evacuation?::Lt. Colonel Conroy: Evacuation? Of who?::Official: The people.::Lt. Colonel Conroy: Oh, you mean New York, Pennsylvania, Vermont, Canada... those people?
[first lines]::Dr. John Matthewson: Now, the beta synchrotron sends the electrons through this magnet which bends the course of them down to the reaction vessel. Stay away from that elbow joint. All right. Bran, you want to get that? Now, this is a tunable excimer laser. It's tuned to the exact resonance of the plutonium-239 that's in the reaction vessel down at that end. Now, I think we're all set. Hit it.
Dr. John Matthewson: You try to tough it out with them, they'll lock you in a room somewhere and throw away the room.
Jenny Anderman: Why are you doing this?::Moore: Because life, my dear, is more than just freezing toads.
Lt. Colonel Conroy: You mean I'm gonna die because some asshole didn't bring a pair of pliers?
Paul Stephens: I never thought I'd say this to anybody, but I got to go get the atomic bomb out of the car.
[as he starts to take apart a nuclear bomb before it goes off]::Dr. John Matthewson: Anybody want to make a bet?
[last lines]::Dr. John Matthewson: It's okay. I did something.::Elizabeth Stephens: What happened?::Paul Stephens: Everything.::Dr. John Matthewson: Tell you about it later. Let's get out of here.
Jenny Anderman: This isn't funny. Do you know what this is like? It's like when you read about, I don't know, Anne Frank or something and you say to yourself, Jesus why didn't they do something. The whole world is collapsing. They just sat around, life as usual, maybe it'll go away, but it never goes away it only gets worse and nobody thinks about the future. What's the matter?::Paul Stephens: Who's Anne Frank?
A reddit user asks what is the point in learning basic electronics these days when you can do everything with off the shelf modules and boards like Arduinos and the like.
They make it super easy to build stuff, so why does anyone need any knowledge of basic electronics any more?
Forum: http://www.eevblog.com/forum/eevblab/eevblab-10-why-learn-basic-electronics/
EEVblog Main Web Site: http://www.eevblog.com
The 2nd EEVblog Channel: http://www.youtube.com/EEVblog2
Support the EEVblog through Patreon!
Electronics Tutorial #1 - Electricity - Voltage, Current, Power, AC and DC
Electronics Tutorial #1 - Electricity - Voltage, Current, Power, AC and DC
Electronics Tutorial #1 - Electricity - Voltage, Current, Power, AC and DC
Please support my content creation by using my Amazon Store:
--------------------- Click "Show more" -------------------------------
Basic / beginners Electronics Tutorial / course / lesson - Voltage, Current, Power, AC and DC
--------------------- Click "Show more" -------------------------------
My website and forum:- http://www.mjlorton.com
Donations and contributions:- http://www.mjlorton.com
My techie channel MJLorton - Solar Power and Electronic Measurement Equipment - http://www.youtube.com/MJLorton
My Techie Amazon Store: http://astore.amazon.com/m0711-20
My other channel VBlogMag - For almost any
EEVblog #168 - How To Set Up An Electronics Lab
EEVblog #168 - How To Set Up An Electronics Lab
EEVblog #168 - How To Set Up An Electronics Lab
Most items available through HERE: http://www.eevblog.com/amazon
How to set up your own decent electronics lab, what you need, and how much it'll cost you.
Electronics test equipment, soldering, surface mount, hand tools, and parts.
Help support Dave by buying any of these items through the link above.
This Device Will Self-Destruct: Heat-Triggered Electronics Dissolve on Demand
This Device Will Self-Destruct: Heat-Triggered Electronics Dissolve on Demand
This Device Will Self-Destruct: Heat-Triggered Electronics Dissolve on Demand
The Story of Electronics (2010)
The Story of Electronics (2010)
The Story of Electronics (2010)
The Story of Electronics, releasing Tuesday, NOVEMBER 9, employs the Story of Stuff style to explore the high-tech revolution's collateral damage—25 million tons of e-waste and counting, poisoned workers and a public left holding the bill. Host Annie Leonard takes viewers from the mines and factories where our gadgets begin to the horrific backyard recycling shops in China where many end up. The film concludes with a call for a green 'race to the top' where designers compete to make long-lasting, toxic-free products that are fully and easily recyclable.
Our production partner on the electronics film is the Electronics TakeBack Coalition, w
Electronics - 555 Timer, A Microchip Project
Electronics - 555 Timer, A Microchip Project
Electronics - 555 Timer, A Microchip Project
This video demonstrates constructing a basic circuit with a common integrated circuit/microchip, the 555 timer. This versatile device can be configured to control servo motors, create music or support many functions controlled by pulses. The video introduces pin numbering conventions for DIP devices and demonstrates reading a simple circuit diagram.
Wearable Electronics with Becky Stern 5/27/2015 - LIVE
Wearable Electronics with Becky Stern 5/27/2015 - LIVE
Wearable Electronics with Becky Stern 5/27/2015 - LIVE
SHOW LINKS BELOW! Join Becky Stern and friends every week as we delve into the wonderful world of wearables, live on YouTube. We'll answer your questions, announce a discount code for the Adafruit store, and explore wearable components, techniques, special materials, and projects you can build at home! Ask your wearables questions in the comments, and if your question is featured, you’ll be entered to win the show giveaway.
#WearableWednesday on the Adafruit blog: http://www.adafruit.com/blog/category/wearables/
Roll-up video light: https://youtu.be/4WIRssvFgA8
Component of the week: warm and
Kitchen Table Electronics Repair: 2002 Buick Park Avenue Climate Control Display Repair
Kitchen Table Electronics Repair: 2002 Buick Park Avenue Climate Control Display Repair
Kitchen Table Electronics Repair: 2002 Buick Park Avenue Climate Control Display Repair
It wasn't the common failure of bad solder joints holding the surface mounted resistors in place...
For your edification: the word "solder" in most of the North American continent is pronounced with a silent "L".
Gold Fingers - How to Recover Gold from Electronic Scrap
Gold Fingers - How to Recover Gold from Electronic Scrap
Gold Fingers - How to Recover Gold from Electronic Scrap
http://http://www.goldnscrap.com In this video tutorial i'm showing how to recover gold from electronic circuit board scrap. Specifically the gold plating that is found on the board connector edge - A.K.A the "fingers".
This video is a complementary to the complete written tutorial on Gold-N-Scrap website (direct link below)
The process applies to other kinds of gold plated itmes, given the substrate is unreactive (such as PCB, ceramic, glass etc'...). This process is less suitable for metallic items that are gold plated such as gold plated pins and gold filled items, though it will work with much effort and large consumption of acid.
Basic Electronics Part 1
Basic Electronics Part 1
Basic Electronics Part 1
Vintage Electronics Find
Vintage Electronics Find
Vintage Electronics Find
I was asked to help clean out a work shed that was used by my friend's late Grandfather and I was told that I could keep whatever old electronics I found which turned out to be some real treasures. Like what you watch on Hack A Week? Click here to donate: http://hackaweek.com/hacks/?page_id=31 Thanks for watching!
Electronics Salvage From RC Toys
Electronics Salvage From RC Toys
Electronics Salvage From RC Toys
Tear down of an RC toy to get at the goodies inside. This one has a main board that can be used as a motor driver in a DIY robot.
How and WHY to Solder Correctly
How and WHY to Solder Correctly
How and WHY to Solder Correctly
Close up demonstrations of proper soldering technique. Explains flux, temperature, tip size / shape. New: now offering live video help on soldering: http://b...
Top 5 Simple Electronics Projects that Anyone Could Try!
Top 5 Simple Electronics Projects that Anyone Could Try!
Top 5 Simple Electronics Projects that Anyone Could Try!
Hi Guys! Are you an electronics enthusiast such as my self? Then try this free simple electronics projects that you could easily do at home. These are just some of the best electronics projects you can read at my book. You can download my project book through the link below.
How to download the project description?
1.) Like this video first.
2.) Subscribe to my channel.
3.) Visit this link to download the file:
I hope you like my collection guys. These are just some of the projects you can try to look at Elec-Geek. There are still a lot of simple electronics projects you can find there. What a
Electronics Tutorial #9 - Capacitors - Part 1
Electronics Tutorial #9 - Capacitors - Part 1
Electronics Tutorial #9 - Capacitors - Part 1
View all my tutorials and videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/mjlorton/videos?live_view=500&flow;=list&sort;=dd&view;=1
------------------------------ Click "Show more" -------------------------------------------
This electronics tutorial is on capacitors, how they work and some practical applications.
In this video I cover:
* What is a capacitor?
* How do capacitors work?
* Characteristics of capacitors - ESR (equivalent series resistance), ESL (equivalent series inductance), impedance at different frequencies.
* How dielectric, plates and distance account for capacity.
* RC time constant
* How to calculate the value of a capacitor using the R
A really bad bit of Chinese electronics
A really bad bit of Chinese electronics
A really bad bit of Chinese electronics
Not a video on my usual subjects this time...
This 4 port USB hub has to be the worst bit of electronics I've ever seen come out of China.
China has revolutionized the electronics industry by delivering useful products to the world at previously unbelievably low prices but at the bottom of the market, some of the stuff they ship is absolute crap.
Here's a perfect example of what I'm talking about.
On the outside it looks very nice, with crisp, injection-moulded plastic and a nice set of specifications.
Take the lid off however, and you begin to see how they managed to manufacture it down to the $6 price.
Soldering was awful -- stale, le
Welcome to the Consumer Electronics Show
Welcome to the Consumer Electronics Show
Welcome to the Consumer Electronics Show
Welcome to the Consumer Electronics Show. Part of the series: The Best of CES 2014. eHow Tech editor Dave Johnson describes the 2014 Consumer Electronics Show in this introduction to the best tech of the show. Read more: http://www.ehow.com/video_12328846_welcome-consumer-electronics-show.html
How to Solder Wires and Electronics
How to Solder Wires and Electronics
How to Solder Wires and Electronics
How to Solder Wires and Electronics. Soldering is a skill that can be learned. In this article, you will learn the finer points of soldering. Read more: http://www.ehow.com/video_2130112_solder-wires-electronics.html
Electronics Tutorial #0 - Introduction
Electronics Tutorial #0 - Introduction
Electronics Tutorial #0 - Introduction
An introduction to the electronics tutorial I will be starting soon.
Getting started with Electronics:
--------------------- Click "Show more" -------------------------------
My website and forum:- http://www.mjlorton.com
Donations and contributions:- http://www.mjlorton.com
My techie channel MJLorton - Solar Power and Electronic Measurement Equipment - http://www.youtube.com/MJLorton
My Techie Amazon Store: http://astore.amazon.com/m0711-20
My other channel VBlogMag - For almost any topic under the sun! - http://www.youtube.com/VBlogMag
My VBlogMag Amazon Store: http://astore.amazon.
How to refine gold from electronics, 1 pound gold fingers
How to refine gold from electronics, 1 pound gold fingers
How to refine gold from electronics, 1 pound gold fingers
This is part 3 in the video series of recovery and refining gold from electronics. This series started with exactly 1 pound of trimmed fingers from RAM and PCI cards. This process does NOT require nitric acid instead we use only HCL 31.45%, regular bleach, SMB, and water. Watch for the fast clouding and precipitation of gold!
Heroes of Innovation - #whyisit TV Commercial | Arrow Electronics
Heroes of Innovation - #whyisit TV Commercial | Arrow Electronics
Heroes of Innovation - #whyisit TV Commercial | Arrow Electronics
The people who change the world don't chase the spotlight. They're busy creating the things that make the world better. They are the heroes of innovation.
Learn more at arrow.com/whyisit and participate in the social conversation using #whyisit.
Read the release: http://bit.ly/1FDlVla
? 2015 | 3BL Media/Arrow Electronics | All Rights Reserved
Electronics Troubleshooting Finding What's Wrong
Electronics Troubleshooting Finding What's Wrong
Electronics Troubleshooting Finding What's Wrong
http://goo.gl/BeQewM Click link to purchase the multimeter that I use in this video. I really like all features and functions of this meter. Read the customer reviews and see why it is a great meter to choose and an excellent value for your money.
In this video, I take you through the basic process of troubleshooting electronic devices that do not work. Learn some of the basic things that anyone can look for when troubleshooting broken electronic devices.
Check out Sephira's Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/sephira/
01. Hinkstep - Nelumbo's Dance 00:00
02. Zymosis - One day 08:22
03. Stefan Torto - Simple Thought ( Stefan Torto Remake ) 14:56
04. Astropilot - Veda ( feat. Mikrokosmos ) 21:18
05. Stefan Torto - Bending time 30:10
06. Abakus - Wasted feeling ( Solar fields Remix ) 36:45
07. Solar Fields - Swoosh 46:27
08. Aes Dana - Tree.Some 53:26
09. Taras Bazeev - Mother 59:53
10. Zymosis- Path of Nocturnal 01:07:39
11. Hinkstep - And a song for you 01:14:41
12. Zen Baboon - Cabeca Alta ( remix ) 01:22:45
Subscribe here to be notified about upcoming ones : http://bit.ly/NCIFiR
A reddit user asks what is the point in learning basic electronics these days when you can do everything with off the shelf modules and boards like Arduinos and the like.
They make it super easy to build stuff, so why does anyone need any knowledge of basic electronics any more?
Forum: http://www.eevblog.com/forum/eevblab/eevblab-10-why-learn-basic-electronics/
EEVblog Main Web Site: http://www.eevblog.com
The 2nd EEVblog Channel: http://www.youtube.com/EEVblog2
Support the EEVblog through Patreon!
EEVblog Amazon Store (Dave gets a cut):
Electronics Info Wiki:
A reddit user asks what is the point in learning basic electronics these days when you can do everything with off the shelf modules and boards like Arduinos and the like.
They make it super easy to build stuff, so why does anyone need any knowledge of basic electronics any more?
Forum: http://www.eevblog.com/forum/eevblab/eevblab-10-why-learn-basic-electronics/
EEVblog Main Web Site: http://www.eevblog.com
The 2nd EEVblog Channel: http://www.youtube.com/EEVblog2
Support the EEVblog through Patreon!
EEVblog Amazon Store (Dave gets a cut):
Electronics Info Wiki:
published:27 May 2015
Electronics Tutorial #1 - Electricity - Voltage, Current, Power, AC and DC
Please support my content creation by using my Amazon Store:
--------------------- Click "Show more" -------------------------------
Basic / beginners Electronics Tutorial / course / lesson - Voltage, Current, Power, AC and DC
--------------------- Click "Show more" -------------------------------
My website and forum:- http://www.mjlorton.com
Donations and contributions:- http://www.mjlorton.com
My techie channel MJLorton - Solar Power and Electronic Measurement Equipment - http://www.youtube.com/MJLorton
My Techie Amazon Store: http://astore.amazon.com/m0711-20
My other channel VBlogMag - For almost any topic under the sun! - http://www.youtube.com/VBlogMag
My VBlogMag Amazon Store: http://astore.amazon.com/vblogmag-20
Nikola Tesla - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikola_Tesla
Thomas Edison - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Edison
In this tutorial I cover the following:
* Some history about electricity / central power stations / electrification.
* Science of electron flow in a conductor / wire
* I use fluid dynamics in a pipe to explain voltage (pressure), current in Amps (flow) and consumption in Amp hours (rate of flow).
* We look at AC (alternating current) and DC (direct current) on the UNI-T UT81B scopemeter
* We look at how voltage / pressure is required to charge a 12 volt battery
* What is electricity? / How does electricity work?
Topics for future videos in this series:
* Ohms law, resistance, power, energy
* Electronic components - diodes, transistors, FETS, capacitors, digital logic gates, integrated circuits, 555 timer.
* Series and parallel circuits
* Op amps and feedback
Please support my content creation by using my Amazon Store:
--------------------- Click "Show more" -------------------------------
Basic / beginners Electronics Tutorial / course / lesson - Voltage, Current, Power, AC and DC
--------------------- Click "Show more" -------------------------------
My website and forum:- http://www.mjlorton.com
Donations and contributions:- http://www.mjlorton.com
My techie channel MJLorton - Solar Power and Electronic Measurement Equipment - http://www.youtube.com/MJLorton
My Techie Amazon Store: http://astore.amazon.com/m0711-20
My other channel VBlogMag - For almost any topic under the sun! - http://www.youtube.com/VBlogMag
My VBlogMag Amazon Store: http://astore.amazon.com/vblogmag-20
Nikola Tesla - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikola_Tesla
Thomas Edison - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Edison
In this tutorial I cover the following:
* Some history about electricity / central power stations / electrification.
* Science of electron flow in a conductor / wire
* I use fluid dynamics in a pipe to explain voltage (pressure), current in Amps (flow) and consumption in Amp hours (rate of flow).
* We look at AC (alternating current) and DC (direct current) on the UNI-T UT81B scopemeter
* We look at how voltage / pressure is required to charge a 12 volt battery
* What is electricity? / How does electricity work?
Topics for future videos in this series:
* Ohms law, resistance, power, energy
* Electronic components - diodes, transistors, FETS, capacitors, digital logic gates, integrated circuits, 555 timer.
* Series and parallel circuits
* Op amps and feedback
Most items available through HERE: http://www.eevblog.com/amazon
How to set up your own decent electronics lab, what you need, and how much it'll cost you.
Electronics test equipment, soldering, surface mount, hand tools, and parts.
Help support Dave by buying any of these items through the link above.
Most items available through HERE: http://www.eevblog.com/amazon
How to set up your own decent electronics lab, what you need, and how much it'll cost you.
Electronics test equipment, soldering, surface mount, hand tools, and parts.
Help support Dave by buying any of these items through the link above.
published:29 Apr 2011
This Device Will Self-Destruct: Heat-Triggered Electronics Dissolve on Demand
The Story of Electronics, releasing Tuesday, NOVEMBER 9, employs the Story of Stuff style to explore the high-tech revolution's collateral damage—25 million tons of e-waste and counting, poisoned workers and a public left holding the bill. Host Annie Leonard takes viewers from the mines and factories where our gadgets begin to the horrific backyard recycling shops in China where many end up. The film concludes with a call for a green 'race to the top' where designers compete to make long-lasting, toxic-free products that are fully and easily recyclable.
Our production partner on the electronics film is the Electronics TakeBack Coalition, which promotes green design and responsible recycling in the electronics industry.
And, for all you fact checkers out there,
The Story of Electronics, releasing Tuesday, NOVEMBER 9, employs the Story of Stuff style to explore the high-tech revolution's collateral damage—25 million tons of e-waste and counting, poisoned workers and a public left holding the bill. Host Annie Leonard takes viewers from the mines and factories where our gadgets begin to the horrific backyard recycling shops in China where many end up. The film concludes with a call for a green 'race to the top' where designers compete to make long-lasting, toxic-free products that are fully and easily recyclable.
Our production partner on the electronics film is the Electronics TakeBack Coalition, which promotes green design and responsible recycling in the electronics industry.
And, for all you fact checkers out there,
This video demonstrates constructing a basic circuit with a common integrated circuit/microchip, the 555 timer. This versatile device can be configured to control servo motors, create music or support many functions controlled by pulses. The video introduces pin numbering conventions for DIP devices and demonstrates reading a simple circuit diagram.
This video demonstrates constructing a basic circuit with a common integrated circuit/microchip, the 555 timer. This versatile device can be configured to control servo motors, create music or support many functions controlled by pulses. The video introduces pin numbering conventions for DIP devices and demonstrates reading a simple circuit diagram.
published:23 Nov 2012
Wearable Electronics with Becky Stern 5/27/2015 - LIVE
SHOW LINKS BELOW! Join Becky Stern and friends every week as we delve into the wonderful world of wearables, live on YouTube. We'll answer your questions, announce a discount code for the Adafruit store, and explore wearable components, techniques, special materials, and projects you can build at home! Ask your wearables questions in the comments, and if your question is featured, you’ll be entered to win the show giveaway.
#WearableWednesday on the Adafruit blog: http://www.adafruit.com/blog/category/wearables/
Roll-up video light: https://youtu.be/4WIRssvFgA8
Component of the week: warm and cool white DotStar LED strips https://www.adafruit.com/search?q=apa102
Material Spotlight: Velcro tape
Subscribe to Adafruit on YouTube: http://adafru.it/subscribe
Join our weekly Show & Tell on G+ Hangouts On Air: http://adafru.it/showtell
Watch our latest project videos: http://adafru.it/latest
New tutorials on the Adafruit Learning System: http://learn.adafruit.com/
Music by bartlebeats: http://soundcloud.com/bartlebeats
connect with Becky:
SHOW LINKS BELOW! Join Becky Stern and friends every week as we delve into the wonderful world of wearables, live on YouTube. We'll answer your questions, announce a discount code for the Adafruit store, and explore wearable components, techniques, special materials, and projects you can build at home! Ask your wearables questions in the comments, and if your question is featured, you’ll be entered to win the show giveaway.
#WearableWednesday on the Adafruit blog: http://www.adafruit.com/blog/category/wearables/
Roll-up video light: https://youtu.be/4WIRssvFgA8
Component of the week: warm and cool white DotStar LED strips https://www.adafruit.com/search?q=apa102
Material Spotlight: Velcro tape
Subscribe to Adafruit on YouTube: http://adafru.it/subscribe
Join our weekly Show & Tell on G+ Hangouts On Air: http://adafru.it/showtell
Watch our latest project videos: http://adafru.it/latest
New tutorials on the Adafruit Learning System: http://learn.adafruit.com/
Music by bartlebeats: http://soundcloud.com/bartlebeats
connect with Becky:
published:27 May 2015
Kitchen Table Electronics Repair: 2002 Buick Park Avenue Climate Control Display Repair
It wasn't the common failure of bad solder joints holding the surface mounted resistors in place...
For your edification: the word "solder" in most of the North American continent is pronounced with a silent "L".
It wasn't the common failure of bad solder joints holding the surface mounted resistors in place...
For your edification: the word "solder" in most of the North American continent is pronounced with a silent "L".
published:27 May 2015
Gold Fingers - How to Recover Gold from Electronic Scrap
http://http://www.goldnscrap.com In this video tutorial i'm showing how to recover gold from electronic circuit board scrap. Specifically the gold plating that is found on the board connector edge - A.K.A the "fingers".
This video is a complementary to the complete written tutorial on Gold-N-Scrap website (direct link below)
The process applies to other kinds of gold plated itmes, given the substrate is unreactive (such as PCB, ceramic, glass etc'...). This process is less suitable for metallic items that are gold plated such as gold plated pins and gold filled items, though it will work with much effort and large consumption of acid.
Post a comment and let us know how much gold do you think this recovery process yielded.
Click here to view the complete tutorial on Gold-N-Scrap:
With special thanks to the fine members of the Gold Refining Forum: http://www.goldrefiningforum.com
Here's a list of all the required equipment and chemicals for the Copper Cholride etching process shown in this video:
Pls note, the below links are an affiliation links to Amazon - Every purchase made through these links will help support Gold-N-Scrap.
Although much work and thought was put in this list, you must keep in mind that the following listed products may not nessecerly be the best or the cheapest.
PYREX Griffin Low Form 1000mL Beaker Graduated Ea - http://amzn.to/1sJH6eJ
PYREX Griffin Low Form 1000mL Beaker Graduated 6pk - http://amzn.to/1w0X3kI
PYREX Griffin Low Form 2000mL Beaker Graduated Ea - http://amzn.to/1r6sYsX
PYREX Watch Glass 75 mm - http://amzn.to/1uyaK4S
PYREX Watch Glass 100 mm - http://amzn.to/1COV6Xi
PYREX Watch Glass 150 mm - http://amzn.to/1whqQmR
Glass Erlenmeyer Flask Set - 3 Sizes - 50, 150 and 250ml - http://amzn.to/122AX4C
Glass Erlenmeyer Flask Set - 5 Sizes - 50, 150, 250, 500, & 1000ml - http://amzn.to/1wsddC5
Clear Vinyl Flexible Tubing 5/32" ID 50 ft - http://amzn.to/1r6zDmZ
DC 6V Mini Air Pump Motor for Aquarium Oxygen Circulation - http://amzn.to/1ziVfWg
Stamped Steel Support Stand with 3 Rings, 8" Length x 5" Width Base Size - http://amzn.to/1s1FskQ
Sprayer Bottles 24 Oz. Pack Of 3 Pcs - http://amzn.to/1tHGZUN
HDPE Plastic Funnel 180 mm (Pack of 5) - http://amzn.to/1t87K2l
Polypropylene 4 Piece Lab Funnel Assortment - http://amzn.to/1w1jKoR
Whatman Qualitative Circle Filter Paper 8?m Pore Size, 150mm Diameter (Pack of 100) - http://amzn.to/1x3Nb6j
Filter Paper Qualitative Medium 18cm - http://amzn.to/1nxGzxe
Filter Paper Qualitative Medium 24cm - http://amzn.to/1w1mbI7
Single electric Hot Plate Black - http://amzn.to/1FvEsQE
Double electric Hot Plate Black - http://amzn.to/1tHKLNZ
Plastic Transfer Pipettes 3ml, Graduated, Pack of 100 - http://amzn.to/1yUozRQ
HYDROCHLORIC ACID 20 Be. Technical grade One gallon bottle - http://amzn.to/1CPgXOb
Nitric Acid 475ml/16oz 67.2% Industrial Grade - http://amzn.to/1vGxAeL
Sulfuric Acid 98% 950ml Bottle - http://amzn.to/ZMnvjS
Sodium Metabisulfite Food Grade 98.6+% 1 lb - http://amzn.to/1tHM7bv
http://http://www.goldnscrap.com In this video tutorial i'm showing how to recover gold from electronic circuit board scrap. Specifically the gold plating that is found on the board connector edge - A.K.A the "fingers".
This video is a complementary to the complete written tutorial on Gold-N-Scrap website (direct link below)
The process applies to other kinds of gold plated itmes, given the substrate is unreactive (such as PCB, ceramic, glass etc'...). This process is less suitable for metallic items that are gold plated such as gold plated pins and gold filled items, though it will work with much effort and large consumption of acid.
Post a comment and let us know how much gold do you think this recovery process yielded.
Click here to view the complete tutorial on Gold-N-Scrap:
With special thanks to the fine members of the Gold Refining Forum: http://www.goldrefiningforum.com
Here's a list of all the required equipment and chemicals for the Copper Cholride etching process shown in this video:
Pls note, the below links are an affiliation links to Amazon - Every purchase made through these links will help support Gold-N-Scrap.
Although much work and thought was put in this list, you must keep in mind that the following listed products may not nessecerly be the best or the cheapest.
PYREX Griffin Low Form 1000mL Beaker Graduated Ea - http://amzn.to/1sJH6eJ
PYREX Griffin Low Form 1000mL Beaker Graduated 6pk - http://amzn.to/1w0X3kI
PYREX Griffin Low Form 2000mL Beaker Graduated Ea - http://amzn.to/1r6sYsX
PYREX Watch Glass 75 mm - http://amzn.to/1uyaK4S
PYREX Watch Glass 100 mm - http://amzn.to/1COV6Xi
PYREX Watch Glass 150 mm - http://amzn.to/1whqQmR
Glass Erlenmeyer Flask Set - 3 Sizes - 50, 150 and 250ml - http://amzn.to/122AX4C
Glass Erlenmeyer Flask Set - 5 Sizes - 50, 150, 250, 500, & 1000ml - http://amzn.to/1wsddC5
Clear Vinyl Flexible Tubing 5/32" ID 50 ft - http://amzn.to/1r6zDmZ
DC 6V Mini Air Pump Motor for Aquarium Oxygen Circulation - http://amzn.to/1ziVfWg
Stamped Steel Support Stand with 3 Rings, 8" Length x 5" Width Base Size - http://amzn.to/1s1FskQ
Sprayer Bottles 24 Oz. Pack Of 3 Pcs - http://amzn.to/1tHGZUN
HDPE Plastic Funnel 180 mm (Pack of 5) - http://amzn.to/1t87K2l
Polypropylene 4 Piece Lab Funnel Assortment - http://amzn.to/1w1jKoR
Whatman Qualitative Circle Filter Paper 8?m Pore Size, 150mm Diameter (Pack of 100) - http://amzn.to/1x3Nb6j
Filter Paper Qualitative Medium 18cm - http://amzn.to/1nxGzxe
Filter Paper Qualitative Medium 24cm - http://amzn.to/1w1mbI7
Single electric Hot Plate Black - http://amzn.to/1FvEsQE
Double electric Hot Plate Black - http://amzn.to/1tHKLNZ
Plastic Transfer Pipettes 3ml, Graduated, Pack of 100 - http://amzn.to/1yUozRQ
HYDROCHLORIC ACID 20 Be. Technical grade One gallon bottle - http://amzn.to/1CPgXOb
Nitric Acid 475ml/16oz 67.2% Industrial Grade - http://amzn.to/1vGxAeL
Sulfuric Acid 98% 950ml Bottle - http://amzn.to/ZMnvjS
Sodium Metabisulfite Food Grade 98.6+% 1 lb - http://amzn.to/1tHM7bv
I was asked to help clean out a work shed that was used by my friend's late Grandfather and I was told that I could keep whatever old electronics I found which turned out to be some real treasures. Like what you watch on Hack A Week? Click here to donate: http://hackaweek.com/hacks/?page_id=31 Thanks for watching!
I was asked to help clean out a work shed that was used by my friend's late Grandfather and I was told that I could keep whatever old electronics I found which turned out to be some real treasures. Like what you watch on Hack A Week? Click here to donate: http://hackaweek.com/hacks/?page_id=31 Thanks for watching!
Close up demonstrations of proper soldering technique. Explains flux, temperature, tip size / shape. New: now offering live video help on soldering: http://b...
Close up demonstrations of proper soldering technique. Explains flux, temperature, tip size / shape. New: now offering live video help on soldering: http://b...
Hi Guys! Are you an electronics enthusiast such as my self? Then try this free simple electronics projects that you could easily do at home. These are just some of the best electronics projects you can read at my book. You can download my project book through the link below.
How to download the project description?
1.) Like this video first.
2.) Subscribe to my channel.
3.) Visit this link to download the file:
I hope you like my collection guys. These are just some of the projects you can try to look at Elec-Geek. There are still a lot of simple electronics projects you can find there. What are you waiting for? Grab them all now for free! Thanks guys!
Hi Guys! Are you an electronics enthusiast such as my self? Then try this free simple electronics projects that you could easily do at home. These are just some of the best electronics projects you can read at my book. You can download my project book through the link below.
How to download the project description?
1.) Like this video first.
2.) Subscribe to my channel.
3.) Visit this link to download the file:
I hope you like my collection guys. These are just some of the projects you can try to look at Elec-Geek. There are still a lot of simple electronics projects you can find there. What are you waiting for? Grab them all now for free! Thanks guys!
View all my tutorials and videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/mjlorton/videos?live_view=500&flow;=list&sort;=dd&view;=1
------------------------------ Click "Show more" -------------------------------------------
This electronics tutorial is on capacitors, how they work and some practical applications.
In this video I cover:
* What is a capacitor?
* How do capacitors work?
* Characteristics of capacitors - ESR (equivalent series resistance), ESL (equivalent series inductance), impedance at different frequencies.
* How dielectric, plates and distance account for capacity.
* RC time constant
* How to calculate the value of a capacitor using the RC time constant and an oscilloscope?
* Effect of DC and AC on a capacitor and impedance.
* Capacitors connected in series and parallel.
* Capacitors and coupling / decoupling / filtering.
* Capacitor role in digital electronics - ADC (analog to digital converters)
* Variable air capacitors
* How to choose a capacitor based on capacity, frequency, operating voltage, temperature and ESR.
* Tools to measure and troubleshoot capacitors - multimeters LCR meters, ESR meters.
* Safety and capacitors - how to safely discharge capacitors - http://www.ifixit.com/Guide/Constructing+a+Capacitor+Discharge+Tool/2177/1
* The future of capacitors - supercapacitors, hybrid capacitors, ultra capacitors, double layer capacitors to power electronics and cars?
Practical application of capacitors used to filter ripple in an AC to DC power supply:
My website and forum:- http://www.mjlorton.com
Donations and contributions:- http://www.mjlorton.com
My techie channel MJLorton - Solar Power and Electronic Measurement Equipment - http://www.youtube.com/MJLorton
My Techie Amazon Store: http://astore.amazon.com/m0711-20
My other channel VBlogMag - For almost any topic under the sun! - http://www.youtube.com/VBlogMag
My VBlogMag Amazon Store: http://astore.amazon.com/vblogmag-20
Video sponsor, Pass Ltd - their websites:
At checkout use the discount / promotion code "mjlorton" for 5% off.
http://www.tester.co.uk/?cmid=QmhzQjcxYjVlc1E9&afid;=bFcwbzliNzVDc289&ats;=K2EyUjZNTDh3UTA9 - Test Equipment and Test-meter suppliers and
http://www.calibrate.co.uk/?cmid=QmhzQjcxYjVlc1E9&afid;=bFcwbzliNzVDc289&ats;=S3Yxd2tOMjVISzA9 - Calibration and service of test equipment
Bitcoin (BTC) Donations: 1K7PeF55e7ssE7W3WVCoa7c4j2PHzy6ASv
Music clip from PatternMusic by Richard Lawler
(used under creative commons Attribution-ShareAlike Unported 3.0)
View all my tutorials and videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/mjlorton/videos?live_view=500&flow;=list&sort;=dd&view;=1
------------------------------ Click "Show more" -------------------------------------------
This electronics tutorial is on capacitors, how they work and some practical applications.
In this video I cover:
* What is a capacitor?
* How do capacitors work?
* Characteristics of capacitors - ESR (equivalent series resistance), ESL (equivalent series inductance), impedance at different frequencies.
* How dielectric, plates and distance account for capacity.
* RC time constant
* How to calculate the value of a capacitor using the RC time constant and an oscilloscope?
* Effect of DC and AC on a capacitor and impedance.
* Capacitors connected in series and parallel.
* Capacitors and coupling / decoupling / filtering.
* Capacitor role in digital electronics - ADC (analog to digital converters)
* Variable air capacitors
* How to choose a capacitor based on capacity, frequency, operating voltage, temperature and ESR.
* Tools to measure and troubleshoot capacitors - multimeters LCR meters, ESR meters.
* Safety and capacitors - how to safely discharge capacitors - http://www.ifixit.com/Guide/Constructing+a+Capacitor+Discharge+Tool/2177/1
* The future of capacitors - supercapacitors, hybrid capacitors, ultra capacitors, double layer capacitors to power electronics and cars?
Practical application of capacitors used to filter ripple in an AC to DC power supply:
My website and forum:- http://www.mjlorton.com
Donations and contributions:- http://www.mjlorton.com
My techie channel MJLorton - Solar Power and Electronic Measurement Equipment - http://www.youtube.com/MJLorton
My Techie Amazon Store: http://astore.amazon.com/m0711-20
My other channel VBlogMag - For almost any topic under the sun! - http://www.youtube.com/VBlogMag
My VBlogMag Amazon Store: http://astore.amazon.com/vblogmag-20
Video sponsor, Pass Ltd - their websites:
At checkout use the discount / promotion code "mjlorton" for 5% off.
http://www.tester.co.uk/?cmid=QmhzQjcxYjVlc1E9&afid;=bFcwbzliNzVDc289&ats;=K2EyUjZNTDh3UTA9 - Test Equipment and Test-meter suppliers and
http://www.calibrate.co.uk/?cmid=QmhzQjcxYjVlc1E9&afid;=bFcwbzliNzVDc289&ats;=S3Yxd2tOMjVISzA9 - Calibration and service of test equipment
Bitcoin (BTC) Donations: 1K7PeF55e7ssE7W3WVCoa7c4j2PHzy6ASv
Music clip from PatternMusic by Richard Lawler
(used under creative commons Attribution-ShareAlike Unported 3.0)
Not a video on my usual subjects this time...
This 4 port USB hub has to be the worst bit of electronics I've ever seen come out of China.
China has revolutionized the electronics industry by delivering useful products to the world at previously unbelievably low prices but at the bottom of the market, some of the stuff they ship is absolute crap.
Here's a perfect example of what I'm talking about.
On the outside it looks very nice, with crisp, injection-moulded plastic and a nice set of specifications.
Take the lid off however, and you begin to see how they managed to manufacture it down to the $6 price.
Soldering was awful -- stale, lead-free solder that had likely been used in conjunction with a rusty nail, heated over an open fire, I suspect.
A screw that sliced through two of the wires, producing a short-circuit and only the absolute minimum of solder used to attach the USB sockets to the PCB.
It's no wonder this thing never worked and obvious that there was absolutely zero checking done prior to boxing up and shipping.
Maybe you've encountered worse quality -- if so, take a video and post it as a reply to this one.
Not a video on my usual subjects this time...
This 4 port USB hub has to be the worst bit of electronics I've ever seen come out of China.
China has revolutionized the electronics industry by delivering useful products to the world at previously unbelievably low prices but at the bottom of the market, some of the stuff they ship is absolute crap.
Here's a perfect example of what I'm talking about.
On the outside it looks very nice, with crisp, injection-moulded plastic and a nice set of specifications.
Take the lid off however, and you begin to see how they managed to manufacture it down to the $6 price.
Soldering was awful -- stale, lead-free solder that had likely been used in conjunction with a rusty nail, heated over an open fire, I suspect.
A screw that sliced through two of the wires, producing a short-circuit and only the absolute minimum of solder used to attach the USB sockets to the PCB.
It's no wonder this thing never worked and obvious that there was absolutely zero checking done prior to boxing up and shipping.
Maybe you've encountered worse quality -- if so, take a video and post it as a reply to this one.
Welcome to the Consumer Electronics Show. Part of the series: The Best of CES 2014. eHow Tech editor Dave Johnson describes the 2014 Consumer Electronics Show in this introduction to the best tech of the show. Read more: http://www.ehow.com/video_12328846_welcome-consumer-electronics-show.html
Welcome to the Consumer Electronics Show. Part of the series: The Best of CES 2014. eHow Tech editor Dave Johnson describes the 2014 Consumer Electronics Show in this introduction to the best tech of the show. Read more: http://www.ehow.com/video_12328846_welcome-consumer-electronics-show.html
How to Solder Wires and Electronics. Soldering is a skill that can be learned. In this article, you will learn the finer points of soldering. Read more: http://www.ehow.com/video_2130112_solder-wires-electronics.html
How to Solder Wires and Electronics. Soldering is a skill that can be learned. In this article, you will learn the finer points of soldering. Read more: http://www.ehow.com/video_2130112_solder-wires-electronics.html
An introduction to the electronics tutorial I will be starting soon.
Getting started with Electronics:
--------------------- Click "Show more" -------------------------------
My website and forum:- http://www.mjlorton.com
Donations and contributions:- http://www.mjlorton.com
My techie channel MJLorton - Solar Power and Electronic Measurement Equipment - http://www.youtube.com/MJLorton
My Techie Amazon Store: http://astore.amazon.com/m0711-20
My other channel VBlogMag - For almost any topic under the sun! - http://www.youtube.com/VBlogMag
My VBlogMag Amazon Store: http://astore.amazon.com/vblogmag-20
This is the introduction to the basic electronics tutorial videos I will be doing:
Topics to be covered in the series:
* What is electricity, AC (alternating current), DC (direct current).
* Resistors, Ohms law, voltage, current
* Diodes, transistors, capacitors
* IC's (integrated circuits), logic gates
* Practical demonstrations and analogies
Electronics course
An introduction to the electronics tutorial I will be starting soon.
Getting started with Electronics:
--------------------- Click "Show more" -------------------------------
My website and forum:- http://www.mjlorton.com
Donations and contributions:- http://www.mjlorton.com
My techie channel MJLorton - Solar Power and Electronic Measurement Equipment - http://www.youtube.com/MJLorton
My Techie Amazon Store: http://astore.amazon.com/m0711-20
My other channel VBlogMag - For almost any topic under the sun! - http://www.youtube.com/VBlogMag
My VBlogMag Amazon Store: http://astore.amazon.com/vblogmag-20
This is the introduction to the basic electronics tutorial videos I will be doing:
Topics to be covered in the series:
* What is electricity, AC (alternating current), DC (direct current).
* Resistors, Ohms law, voltage, current
* Diodes, transistors, capacitors
* IC's (integrated circuits), logic gates
* Practical demonstrations and analogies
Electronics course
published:29 May 2012
How to refine gold from electronics, 1 pound gold fingers
This is part 3 in the video series of recovery and refining gold from electronics. This series started with exactly 1 pound of trimmed fingers from RAM and PCI cards. This process does NOT require nitric acid instead we use only HCL 31.45%, regular bleach, SMB, and water. Watch for the fast clouding and precipitation of gold!
This is part 3 in the video series of recovery and refining gold from electronics. This series started with exactly 1 pound of trimmed fingers from RAM and PCI cards. This process does NOT require nitric acid instead we use only HCL 31.45%, regular bleach, SMB, and water. Watch for the fast clouding and precipitation of gold!
published:17 Nov 2014
Heroes of Innovation - #whyisit TV Commercial | Arrow Electronics
The people who change the world don't chase the spotlight. They're busy creating the things that make the world better. They are the heroes of innovation.
Learn more at arrow.com/whyisit and participate in the social conversation using #whyisit.
Read the release: http://bit.ly/1FDlVla
? 2015 | 3BL Media/Arrow Electronics | All Rights Reserved
The people who change the world don't chase the spotlight. They're busy creating the things that make the world better. They are the heroes of innovation.
Learn more at arrow.com/whyisit and participate in the social conversation using #whyisit.
Read the release: http://bit.ly/1FDlVla
? 2015 | 3BL Media/Arrow Electronics | All Rights Reserved
http://goo.gl/BeQewM Click link to purchase the multimeter that I use in this video. I really like all features and functions of this meter. Read the customer reviews and see why it is a great meter to choose and an excellent value for your money.
In this video, I take you through the basic process of troubleshooting electronic devices that do not work. Learn some of the basic things that anyone can look for when troubleshooting broken electronic devices.
http://goo.gl/BeQewM Click link to purchase the multimeter that I use in this video. I really like all features and functions of this meter. Read the customer reviews and see why it is a great meter to choose and an excellent value for your money.
In this video, I take you through the basic process of troubleshooting electronic devices that do not work. Learn some of the basic things that anyone can look for when troubleshooting broken electronic devices.
Check out Sephira's Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/sephira/
01. Hinkstep - Nelumbo's Dance 00:00
02. Zymosis - One day 08:22
03. Stefan Torto - Simple Thought ( Stefan Torto Remake ) 14:56
04. Astropilot - Veda ( feat. Mikrokosmos ) 21:18
05. Stefan Torto - Bending time 30:10
06. Abakus - Wasted feeling ( Solar fields Remix ) 36:45
07. Solar Fields - Swoosh 46:27
08. Aes Dana - Tree.Some 53:26
09. Taras Bazeev - Mother 59:53
10. Zymosis- Path of Nocturnal 01:07:39
11. Hinkstep - And a song for you 01:14:41
12. Zen Baboon - Cabeca Alta ( remix ) 01:22:45
Subscribe here to be notified about upcoming ones : http://bit.ly/NCIFiRestArter
If you like it Like it, and spread the music.
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/pages/NCIFiRestArter/585556874862658
I do not take any credit for these tracks or pictures involved, all tracks & pictures are courtesy of their rightful owners & them only! If you are the owner of any of this content and want it removed, contact me directly. NO INFRINGEMENT OF COPYRIGHT IS INTENDED! For promotional use only. Please support all artists! Don't be a cheapskate! Buy their tracks! Thank you!
Check out Sephira's Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/sephira/
01. Hinkstep - Nelumbo's Dance 00:00
02. Zymosis - One day 08:22
03. Stefan Torto - Simple Thought ( Stefan Torto Remake ) 14:56
04. Astropilot - Veda ( feat. Mikrokosmos ) 21:18
05. Stefan Torto - Bending time 30:10
06. Abakus - Wasted feeling ( Solar fields Remix ) 36:45
07. Solar Fields - Swoosh 46:27
08. Aes Dana - Tree.Some 53:26
09. Taras Bazeev - Mother 59:53
10. Zymosis- Path of Nocturnal 01:07:39
11. Hinkstep - And a song for you 01:14:41
12. Zen Baboon - Cabeca Alta ( remix ) 01:22:45
Subscribe here to be notified about upcoming ones : http://bit.ly/NCIFiRestArter
If you like it Like it, and spread the music.
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/pages/NCIFiRestArter/585556874862658
I do not take any credit for these tracks or pictures involved, all tracks & pictures are courtesy of their rightful owners & them only! If you are the owner of any of this content and want it removed, contact me directly. NO INFRINGEMENT OF COPYRIGHT IS INTENDED! For promotional use only. Please support all artists! Don't be a cheapskate! Buy their tracks! Thank you!
Electronics Tutorial #2 - Power - the relationship with Voltage and Current
Electronics Tutorial #2 - Power - the relationship with Voltage and Current
Electronics Tutorial #2 - Power - the relationship with Voltage and Current
Basic / beginners Electronics Tutorial / course / lesson - Power - the relationship with Voltage and Current
--------------------- Click "Show more" -------------------------------
My website and forum:- http://www.mjlorton.com
Donations and contributions:- http://www.mjlorton.com
My techie channel MJLorton - Solar Power and Electronic Measurement Equipment - http://www.youtube.com/MJLorton
My Techie Amazon Store: http://astore.amazon.com/m0711-20
My other channel VBlogMag - For almost any topic under the sun! - http://www.youtube.com/VBlogMag
My VBlogMag Amazon Store: http://astore.amazon.com/vblogmag-20
Undercover Boss - Season 6 Episode 12 - Peavey Electronics ||Full Screen||
Undercover Boss - Season 6 Episode 12 - Peavey Electronics ||Full Screen||
Undercover Boss - Season 6 Episode 12 - Peavey Electronics ||Full Screen||
Undercover Boss - Season 6 Episode 12 - Peavey Electronics ||Full Screen||
Bass Pro Kary Ray unlocks the secrets of fishing electronics Bass fishing seminar
Bass Pro Kary Ray unlocks the secrets of fishing electronics Bass fishing seminar
Bass Pro Kary Ray unlocks the secrets of fishing electronics Bass fishing seminar
Kary Ray put on an excellent presentation on increasing your fishing success rate by unlocking the secrets of your electronics.
Angling for Free Fishing Videos? Here is a video on Fishing Tips and Tricks, I do video on many species such as Catfish, Walleye, Muskie, Northern, Panfish, Salmon to include most freshwater and some saltwater fish. Information good from Fishing Pro to Novice angler will like this instruction where you can Discover Fishing when you are on the hunt for big fish. I will be talking about Fish, Fishing, Outdoors, lures, boats, motors, rods, reels, Bass, Boating, and wildlife.
A closer look at the practical application of diodes.
Half wave bridge rectifier, full wave bridge rectifier, filter capacitor, voltage regulation with Zener diode.
--------------------- Click "Show more" -------------------------------
My website and forum:- http://www.mjlorton.com
Donations and contributions:- http://www.mjlorton.com
My techie channel MJLorton - Solar Power and Electronic Measurement Equipment - http://www.youtube.com/MJLorton
My Techie Amazon Store: http://astore.amazon.com/m0711-20
My other channel VBlogMag - For almost any topic under the sun! - http://www.youtube.com/VBlogMag
My VBlogMag Amazon Store: http://astore.ama
Lec 1 | MIT 6.002 Circuits and Electronics, Spring 2007
Lec 1 | MIT 6.002 Circuits and Electronics, Spring 2007
Lec 1 | MIT 6.002 Circuits and Electronics, Spring 2007
Introduction and lumped abstraction View the complete course: http://ocw.mit.edu/6-002S07 License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA More information at http://ocw.m...
Lecture - 1 Introduction to Basic Electronics
Lecture - 1 Introduction to Basic Electronics
Lecture - 1 Introduction to Basic Electronics
Lecture Series on Basic Electronics by Prof. T.S.Natarajan, Department of physics, IIT Madras
For more Courses visit http://nptel.iitm.ac.in
Bright, flexible, stretchable: electronics of the future
Bright, flexible, stretchable: electronics of the future
Bright, flexible, stretchable: electronics of the future
Plastic electronics are set to revolutionise the ways we learn, communicate, shop and entertain ourselves. Thomas Anthopoulos, Professor of Experimental Phys...
Electronics and Photonics Review
Electronics and Photonics Review
Electronics and Photonics Review
LOWdown on Physics INTENSIVE REVISION LECTURE 2 - this is the intensive revision lecture covering key concepts in the VCE topic Electronics and Photonics. Th...
Stephen Forrest | Making Small Things Big in the World of Organic Electronics
Stephen Forrest | Making Small Things Big in the World of Organic Electronics
Stephen Forrest | Making Small Things Big in the World of Organic Electronics
Organic electronics occupies a truly scalable world. Phenomena at the quantum level can provide solutions to applications as large as wall-mounted displays and lighting, to solar cells that cover the sides of buildings, to flexible electronic circuits that can mimic the eye and “see around corners”. Beyond the quantum, morphological control at the nano-scale, moving on to individual devices with micrometer and millimeter dimensions, to printing literally “kilometers” of circuits as if they were newsprint provides new and exciting challenges to the device physicist, applications engineer, and specialist in advanced manufacturing. In this talk
ASK AN ENGINEER - LIVE electronics video show! 8PM ET Wednesday night! 4/29/15 (video)
ASK AN ENGINEER - LIVE electronics video show! 8PM ET Wednesday night! 4/29/15 (video)
ASK AN ENGINEER - LIVE electronics video show! 8PM ET Wednesday night! 4/29/15 (video)
What is “Ask an engineer”? From the electronics enthusiast to the professional community – “Ask an Engineer” has a little bit of everything for everyone. If you’re a beginner, or a seasoned engineer – stop in and see what we’re up to! We have demos of projects and products we’re working on, we answer your engineering and electronics questions and we have a trivia question + give away each week.
#adafruit #arduino #electronics #hardware #opensource #projects #raspberry #computer #raspberrypi #microcontrollers #LEDs #LED #gemma #flora #bluetooth #bluefruit #neopixel #neopixels #wearables #art #askanengineer #showan
ASK AN ENGINEER - LIVE electronics video show! 8PM ET Wednesday night! 4/22/2015 (video)
ASK AN ENGINEER - LIVE electronics video show! 8PM ET Wednesday night! 4/22/2015 (video)
ASK AN ENGINEER - LIVE electronics video show! 8PM ET Wednesday night! 4/22/2015 (video)
What is “Ask an engineer”? From the electronics enthusiast to the professional community – “Ask an Engineer” has a little bit of everything for everyone. If you’re a beginner, or a seasoned engineer – stop in and see what we’re up to! We have demos of projects and products we’re working on, we answer your engineering and electronics questions and we have a trivia question + give away each week.
Visit the Adafruit shop online - http://www.adafruit.com
Subscribe to Adafruit on YouTube: http://adafru.it/subscribe
Join our weekly Show & Tell on G+ Hangouts On Air: http://ad
Shenzhen Trip - Electronics Parts Overview
Shenzhen Trip - Electronics Parts Overview
Shenzhen Trip - Electronics Parts Overview
After getting back from China I take a brief look at the different items I bought in the various electronics markets.
Wearable Electronics with Becky Stern 5/13/2015 - LIVE
Wearable Electronics with Becky Stern 5/13/2015 - LIVE
Wearable Electronics with Becky Stern 5/13/2015 - LIVE
Join Becky Stern and friends every week as we delve into the wonderful world of wearables, live on YouTube. We'll answer your questions, announce a discount code for the Adafruit store, and explore wearable components, techniques, special materials, and projects you can build at home! Ask your wearables questions in the comments, and if your question is featured, you’ll be entered to win the show giveaway.
Visit the Adafruit shop online - http://www.adafruit.com
Subscribe to Adafruit on YouTube: http://adafru.it/subscribe
Join our weekly Show & Tell on G+ Hangouts On Air: http://adafru.it/showtell
Wearable Electronics with Becky Stern 11/26/2014 - LIVE
Wearable Electronics with Becky Stern 11/26/2014 - LIVE
Wearable Electronics with Becky Stern 11/26/2014 - LIVE
SHOW LINKS BELOW! Join Becky Stern and friends every week as we delve into the wonderful world of wearables, live on YouTube. We'll answer your questions, announce a discount code for the Adafruit store, and explore wearable components, techniques, special materials, and projects you can build at home! Ask your wearables questions in the comments, and if your question is featured, you’ll be entered to win the show giveaway.
#WearableWednesday on the Adafruit blog: http://www.adafruit.com/blog/category/wearables/
Qi Charging Phone Case & Book: https://learn.adafruit.com/qi-charging-phone-case-and-book
Adafruit Holiday Gift Guides: http://www
SED Electronics Market (Tablets Market) in Shenzhen walk-through
SED Electronics Market (Tablets Market) in Shenzhen walk-through
SED Electronics Market (Tablets Market) in Shenzhen walk-through
Here's my latest steadicam/GH3 walk through the SED Electronics Market in Shenzhen, that building is my favorite in the Shenzhen Huaqiangbei Electronics market area. This is where you can find all the tablets, HDMI sticks and tablet accessories. I film through this market with the Tiffen Steadicam Merlin 2 on arm and vest with the Panasonic GH3 camera and 12-35mm lense.
Kitchen Table Electronics Repair: Cyberhome CH-DVD 300 DVD Player Repair
Kitchen Table Electronics Repair: Cyberhome CH-DVD 300 DVD Player Repair
Kitchen Table Electronics Repair: Cyberhome CH-DVD 300 DVD Player Repair
I was fairly bored when I decided to repair this DVD player and make a video about it. This might be obvious in the finished video. I'm not finished with the...
Electronics Tutorial #2 - Power - the relationship with Voltage and Current
Basic / beginners Electronics Tutorial / course / lesson - Power - the relationship with Voltage and Current
--------------------- Click "Show more" -------------------------------
My website and forum:- http://www.mjlorton.com
Donations and contributions:- http://www.mjlorton.com
My techie channel MJLorton - Solar Power and Electronic Measurement Equipment - http://www.youtube.com/MJLorton
My Techie Amazon Store: http://astore.amazon.com/m0711-20
My other channel VBlogMag - For almost any topic under the sun! - http://www.youtube.com/VBlogMag
My VBlogMag Amazon Store: http://astore.amazon.com/vblogmag-20
In this tutorial I cover the following:
* Power - the relationship with Voltage and Current
* Power in watts = Volts x Amps (P=VI)
Topics for future videos in this series:
* Ohms law, resistance, power, energy
* Electronic components - diodes, transistors, FETS, capacitors, digital logic gates, integrated circuits, 555 timer.
* Series and parallel circuits
* Op amps and feedback
Basic / beginners Electronics Tutorial / course / lesson - Power - the relationship with Voltage and Current
--------------------- Click "Show more" -------------------------------
My website and forum:- http://www.mjlorton.com
Donations and contributions:- http://www.mjlorton.com
My techie channel MJLorton - Solar Power and Electronic Measurement Equipment - http://www.youtube.com/MJLorton
My Techie Amazon Store: http://astore.amazon.com/m0711-20
My other channel VBlogMag - For almost any topic under the sun! - http://www.youtube.com/VBlogMag
My VBlogMag Amazon Store: http://astore.amazon.com/vblogmag-20
In this tutorial I cover the following:
* Power - the relationship with Voltage and Current
* Power in watts = Volts x Amps (P=VI)
Topics for future videos in this series:
* Ohms law, resistance, power, energy
* Electronic components - diodes, transistors, FETS, capacitors, digital logic gates, integrated circuits, 555 timer.
* Series and parallel circuits
* Op amps and feedback
published:21 Jun 2012
Undercover Boss - Season 6 Episode 12 - Peavey Electronics ||Full Screen||
Kary Ray put on an excellent presentation on increasing your fishing success rate by unlocking the secrets of your electronics.
Angling for Free Fishing Videos? Here is a video on Fishing Tips and Tricks, I do video on many species such as Catfish, Walleye, Muskie, Northern, Panfish, Salmon to include most freshwater and some saltwater fish. Information good from Fishing Pro to Novice angler will like this instruction where you can Discover Fishing when you are on the hunt for big fish. I will be talking about Fish, Fishing, Outdoors, lures, boats, motors, rods, reels, Bass, Boating, and wildlife.
Kary Ray put on an excellent presentation on increasing your fishing success rate by unlocking the secrets of your electronics.
Angling for Free Fishing Videos? Here is a video on Fishing Tips and Tricks, I do video on many species such as Catfish, Walleye, Muskie, Northern, Panfish, Salmon to include most freshwater and some saltwater fish. Information good from Fishing Pro to Novice angler will like this instruction where you can Discover Fishing when you are on the hunt for big fish. I will be talking about Fish, Fishing, Outdoors, lures, boats, motors, rods, reels, Bass, Boating, and wildlife.
A closer look at the practical application of diodes.
Half wave bridge rectifier, full wave bridge rectifier, filter capacitor, voltage regulation with Zener diode.
--------------------- Click "Show more" -------------------------------
My website and forum:- http://www.mjlorton.com
Donations and contributions:- http://www.mjlorton.com
My techie channel MJLorton - Solar Power and Electronic Measurement Equipment - http://www.youtube.com/MJLorton
My Techie Amazon Store: http://astore.amazon.com/m0711-20
My other channel VBlogMag - For almost any topic under the sun! - http://www.youtube.com/VBlogMag
My VBlogMag Amazon Store: http://astore.amazon.com/vblogmag-20
Video sponsor, Pass Ltd - their websites:
http://www.tester.co.uk/?cmid=QmhzQjcxYjVlc1E9&afid;=bFcwbzliNzVDc289&ats;=K2EyUjZNTDh3UTA9 - Test Equipment and Test-meter suppliers and
http://www.calibrate.co.uk - Calibration and service of test equipment
In this video I talk about the practical application and use of diodes.
We take a look at:
* The rectification of AC to DC
* Half wave bridge rectifier
* Full wave bridge rectifier
* Filter capacitor for smoothing of ripple voltage
* Voltage regulation with Zener diode.
* Advantage of Schottky / rectifier diodes
* How to build a power adapter / voltage transformer / DC adapter
* How does a Zener diode work?
* What is a capacitor?
* How to build a DC power supply?
A closer look at the practical application of diodes.
Half wave bridge rectifier, full wave bridge rectifier, filter capacitor, voltage regulation with Zener diode.
--------------------- Click "Show more" -------------------------------
My website and forum:- http://www.mjlorton.com
Donations and contributions:- http://www.mjlorton.com
My techie channel MJLorton - Solar Power and Electronic Measurement Equipment - http://www.youtube.com/MJLorton
My Techie Amazon Store: http://astore.amazon.com/m0711-20
My other channel VBlogMag - For almost any topic under the sun! - http://www.youtube.com/VBlogMag
My VBlogMag Amazon Store: http://astore.amazon.com/vblogmag-20
Video sponsor, Pass Ltd - their websites:
http://www.tester.co.uk/?cmid=QmhzQjcxYjVlc1E9&afid;=bFcwbzliNzVDc289&ats;=K2EyUjZNTDh3UTA9 - Test Equipment and Test-meter suppliers and
http://www.calibrate.co.uk - Calibration and service of test equipment
In this video I talk about the practical application and use of diodes.
We take a look at:
* The rectification of AC to DC
* Half wave bridge rectifier
* Full wave bridge rectifier
* Filter capacitor for smoothing of ripple voltage
* Voltage regulation with Zener diode.
* Advantage of Schottky / rectifier diodes
* How to build a power adapter / voltage transformer / DC adapter
* How does a Zener diode work?
* What is a capacitor?
* How to build a DC power supply?
published:22 Jan 2013
Lec 1 | MIT 6.002 Circuits and Electronics, Spring 2007
Introduction and lumped abstraction View the complete course: http://ocw.mit.edu/6-002S07 License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA More information at http://ocw.m...
Introduction and lumped abstraction View the complete course: http://ocw.mit.edu/6-002S07 License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA More information at http://ocw.m...
Plastic electronics are set to revolutionise the ways we learn, communicate, shop and entertain ourselves. Thomas Anthopoulos, Professor of Experimental Phys...
Plastic electronics are set to revolutionise the ways we learn, communicate, shop and entertain ourselves. Thomas Anthopoulos, Professor of Experimental Phys...
LOWdown on Physics INTENSIVE REVISION LECTURE 2 - this is the intensive revision lecture covering key concepts in the VCE topic Electronics and Photonics. Th...
LOWdown on Physics INTENSIVE REVISION LECTURE 2 - this is the intensive revision lecture covering key concepts in the VCE topic Electronics and Photonics. Th...
Organic electronics occupies a truly scalable world. Phenomena at the quantum level can provide solutions to applications as large as wall-mounted displays and lighting, to solar cells that cover the sides of buildings, to flexible electronic circuits that can mimic the eye and “see around corners”. Beyond the quantum, morphological control at the nano-scale, moving on to individual devices with micrometer and millimeter dimensions, to printing literally “kilometers” of circuits as if they were newsprint provides new and exciting challenges to the device physicist, applications engineer, and specialist in advanced manufacturing. In this talk, Stephen will discuss several important demonstrations of organic electronic devices that span this unprecedented range of dimensions. He will then consider what the future holds in this field that is rapidly emerging as a global industry.
About Stephen Forrest:
Professor Stephen Forrest received his B. A. Physics, 1972, University of California, MSc and PhD Physics in 1974 and 1979, University of Michigan. At Bell Labs, he investigated photodetectors for optical communications. In 1985, Prof. Forrest joined the Electrical Engineering and Materials Science Departments at USC where he worked on optoelectronic integrated circuits, and organic semiconductors. In 1992, Prof. Forrest became the James S. McDonnell Distinguished University Professor of Electrical Engineering at Princeton University. He served as director of the National Center for Integrated Photonic Technology, and as Director of Princeton's Center for Photonics and Optoelectronic Materials (POEM), and from 1997-2001, he chaired Princeton’s Electrical Engineering Department. In 2006, he rejoined the University of Michigan as Vice President for Research, and is the Paul G. Goebel Professor in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Materials Science and Engineering, and Physics. A Fellow of the APS, IEEE and OSA and a member of the National Academy of Engineering, he received the IEEE/LEOS Distinguished Lecturer Award in 1996-97, and in 1998 he was co-recipient of the IPO National Distinguished Inventor Award as well as the Thomas Alva Edison Award for innovations in organic LEDs. In 1999, Prof. Forrest received the MRS Medal for work on organic thin films. In 2001, he was awarded the IEEE/LEOS William Streifer Scientific Achievement Award for advances made on photodetectors for optical communications systems. In 2006 he received the Jan Rajchman Prize from the Society for Information Display for invention of phosphorescent OLEDs, and is the recipient of the 2007 IEEE Daniel Nobel Award for innovations in OLEDs. Prof. Forrest has been honored by Princeton University establishing the Stephen R. Forrest Endowed Faculty Chair in Electrical Engineering in 2012. Prof. Forrest has authored ~550 papers in refereed journals, and has 263 patents, with an h-index of 112. He is co-founder or founding participant in several companies, including Sensors Unlimited, Epitaxx, Inc., NanoFlex Power Corp. (OTC: OPVS), Universal Display Corp. (NASDAQ: OLED) and Apogee Photonics, Inc., and is on the Board of Directors of Applied Materials and PD-LD, Inc. He has also served from 2009-2012 as Chairman of the Board of Ann Arbor SPARK, the regional economic development organization, and serves on the Board of Governors of the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology. He is Vice Chairman of the Board of the University Musical Society and is on the Executive Committee of the Michigan Economic Development Corp.
The Lurie Nano Fabrication facility at the University of Michigan 2nd annual LNF Users Symposium:
Sponsored by the University of Michigan's Energy Institute
For more lectures on demand, please visit the MconneX website:
Organic electronics occupies a truly scalable world. Phenomena at the quantum level can provide solutions to applications as large as wall-mounted displays and lighting, to solar cells that cover the sides of buildings, to flexible electronic circuits that can mimic the eye and “see around corners”. Beyond the quantum, morphological control at the nano-scale, moving on to individual devices with micrometer and millimeter dimensions, to printing literally “kilometers” of circuits as if they were newsprint provides new and exciting challenges to the device physicist, applications engineer, and specialist in advanced manufacturing. In this talk, Stephen will discuss several important demonstrations of organic electronic devices that span this unprecedented range of dimensions. He will then consider what the future holds in this field that is rapidly emerging as a global industry.
About Stephen Forrest:
Professor Stephen Forrest received his B. A. Physics, 1972, University of California, MSc and PhD Physics in 1974 and 1979, University of Michigan. At Bell Labs, he investigated photodetectors for optical communications. In 1985, Prof. Forrest joined the Electrical Engineering and Materials Science Departments at USC where he worked on optoelectronic integrated circuits, and organic semiconductors. In 1992, Prof. Forrest became the James S. McDonnell Distinguished University Professor of Electrical Engineering at Princeton University. He served as director of the National Center for Integrated Photonic Technology, and as Director of Princeton's Center for Photonics and Optoelectronic Materials (POEM), and from 1997-2001, he chaired Princeton’s Electrical Engineering Department. In 2006, he rejoined the University of Michigan as Vice President for Research, and is the Paul G. Goebel Professor in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Materials Science and Engineering, and Physics. A Fellow of the APS, IEEE and OSA and a member of the National Academy of Engineering, he received the IEEE/LEOS Distinguished Lecturer Award in 1996-97, and in 1998 he was co-recipient of the IPO National Distinguished Inventor Award as well as the Thomas Alva Edison Award for innovations in organic LEDs. In 1999, Prof. Forrest received the MRS Medal for work on organic thin films. In 2001, he was awarded the IEEE/LEOS William Streifer Scientific Achievement Award for advances made on photodetectors for optical communications systems. In 2006 he received the Jan Rajchman Prize from the Society for Information Display for invention of phosphorescent OLEDs, and is the recipient of the 2007 IEEE Daniel Nobel Award for innovations in OLEDs. Prof. Forrest has been honored by Princeton University establishing the Stephen R. Forrest Endowed Faculty Chair in Electrical Engineering in 2012. Prof. Forrest has authored ~550 papers in refereed journals, and has 263 patents, with an h-index of 112. He is co-founder or founding participant in several companies, including Sensors Unlimited, Epitaxx, Inc., NanoFlex Power Corp. (OTC: OPVS), Universal Display Corp. (NASDAQ: OLED) and Apogee Photonics, Inc., and is on the Board of Directors of Applied Materials and PD-LD, Inc. He has also served from 2009-2012 as Chairman of the Board of Ann Arbor SPARK, the regional economic development organization, and serves on the Board of Governors of the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology. He is Vice Chairman of the Board of the University Musical Society and is on the Executive Committee of the Michigan Economic Development Corp.
The Lurie Nano Fabrication facility at the University of Michigan 2nd annual LNF Users Symposium:
Sponsored by the University of Michigan's Energy Institute
For more lectures on demand, please visit the MconneX website:
published:11 Dec 2014
ASK AN ENGINEER - LIVE electronics video show! 8PM ET Wednesday night! 4/29/15 (video)
What is “Ask an engineer”? From the electronics enthusiast to the professional community – “Ask an Engineer” has a little bit of everything for everyone. If you’re a beginner, or a seasoned engineer – stop in and see what we’re up to! We have demos of projects and products we’re working on, we answer your engineering and electronics questions and we have a trivia question + give away each week.
#adafruit #arduino #electronics #hardware #opensource #projects #raspberry #computer #raspberrypi #microcontrollers #LEDs #LED #gemma #flora #bluetooth #bluefruit #neopixel #neopixels #wearables #art #askanengineer #showandtell #madewithcode
Visit the Adafruit shop online - http://www.adafruit.com
Subscribe to Adafruit on YouTube: http://adafru.it/subscribe
Join our weekly Show & Tell on G+ Hangouts On Air: http://adafru.it/showtell
Watch our latest project videos: http://adafru.it/latest
New tutorials on the Adafruit Learning System: http://learn.adafruit.com/
Music by bartlebeats: http://soundcloud.com/bartlebeats
What is “Ask an engineer”? From the electronics enthusiast to the professional community – “Ask an Engineer” has a little bit of everything for everyone. If you’re a beginner, or a seasoned engineer – stop in and see what we’re up to! We have demos of projects and products we’re working on, we answer your engineering and electronics questions and we have a trivia question + give away each week.
#adafruit #arduino #electronics #hardware #opensource #projects #raspberry #computer #raspberrypi #microcontrollers #LEDs #LED #gemma #flora #bluetooth #bluefruit #neopixel #neopixels #wearables #art #askanengineer #showandtell #madewithcode
Visit the Adafruit shop online - http://www.adafruit.com
Subscribe to Adafruit on YouTube: http://adafru.it/subscribe
Join our weekly Show & Tell on G+ Hangouts On Air: http://adafru.it/showtell
Watch our latest project videos: http://adafru.it/latest
New tutorials on the Adafruit Learning System: http://learn.adafruit.com/
Music by bartlebeats: http://soundcloud.com/bartlebeats
published:27 Apr 2015
ASK AN ENGINEER - LIVE electronics video show! 8PM ET Wednesday night! 4/22/2015 (video)
What is “Ask an engineer”? From the electronics enthusiast to the professional community – “Ask an Engineer” has a little bit of everything for everyone. If you’re a beginner, or a seasoned engineer – stop in and see what we’re up to! We have demos of projects and products we’re working on, we answer your engineering and electronics questions and we have a trivia question + give away each week.
Visit the Adafruit shop online - http://www.adafruit.com
Subscribe to Adafruit on YouTube: http://adafru.it/subscribe
Join our weekly Show & Tell on G+ Hangouts On Air: http://adafru.it/showtell
Watch our latest project videos: http://adafru.it/latest
New tutorials on the Adafruit Learning System: http://learn.adafruit.com/
Music by bartlebeats: http://soundcloud.com/bartlebeats
#adafruit #arduino #electronics #hardware #opensource #projects #raspberry #computer #raspberrypi #microcontrollers #LEDs #LED #gemma #flora #bluetooth #bluefruit #neopixel #neopixels #wearables #art #askanengineer #showandtell #madewithcode
What is “Ask an engineer”? From the electronics enthusiast to the professional community – “Ask an Engineer” has a little bit of everything for everyone. If you’re a beginner, or a seasoned engineer – stop in and see what we’re up to! We have demos of projects and products we’re working on, we answer your engineering and electronics questions and we have a trivia question + give away each week.
Visit the Adafruit shop online - http://www.adafruit.com
Subscribe to Adafruit on YouTube: http://adafru.it/subscribe
Join our weekly Show & Tell on G+ Hangouts On Air: http://adafru.it/showtell
Watch our latest project videos: http://adafru.it/latest
New tutorials on the Adafruit Learning System: http://learn.adafruit.com/
Music by bartlebeats: http://soundcloud.com/bartlebeats
#adafruit #arduino #electronics #hardware #opensource #projects #raspberry #computer #raspberrypi #microcontrollers #LEDs #LED #gemma #flora #bluetooth #bluefruit #neopixel #neopixels #wearables #art #askanengineer #showandtell #madewithcode
Join Becky Stern and friends every week as we delve into the wonderful world of wearables, live on YouTube. We'll answer your questions, announce a discount code for the Adafruit store, and explore wearable components, techniques, special materials, and projects you can build at home! Ask your wearables questions in the comments, and if your question is featured, you’ll be entered to win the show giveaway.
Visit the Adafruit shop online - http://www.adafruit.com
Subscribe to Adafruit on YouTube: http://adafru.it/subscribe
Join our weekly Show & Tell on G+ Hangouts On Air: http://adafru.it/showtell
Watch our latest project videos: http://adafru.it/latest
New tutorials on the Adafruit Learning System: http://learn.adafruit.com/
Music by bartlebeats: http://soundcloud.com/bartlebeats
Join Becky Stern and friends every week as we delve into the wonderful world of wearables, live on YouTube. We'll answer your questions, announce a discount code for the Adafruit store, and explore wearable components, techniques, special materials, and projects you can build at home! Ask your wearables questions in the comments, and if your question is featured, you’ll be entered to win the show giveaway.
Visit the Adafruit shop online - http://www.adafruit.com
Subscribe to Adafruit on YouTube: http://adafru.it/subscribe
Join our weekly Show & Tell on G+ Hangouts On Air: http://adafru.it/showtell
Watch our latest project videos: http://adafru.it/latest
New tutorials on the Adafruit Learning System: http://learn.adafruit.com/
Music by bartlebeats: http://soundcloud.com/bartlebeats
published:11 May 2015
Wearable Electronics with Becky Stern 11/26/2014 - LIVE
SHOW LINKS BELOW! Join Becky Stern and friends every week as we delve into the wonderful world of wearables, live on YouTube. We'll answer your questions, announce a discount code for the Adafruit store, and explore wearable components, techniques, special materials, and projects you can build at home! Ask your wearables questions in the comments, and if your question is featured, you’ll be entered to win the show giveaway.
#WearableWednesday on the Adafruit blog: http://www.adafruit.com/blog/category/wearables/
Qi Charging Phone Case & Book: https://learn.adafruit.com/qi-charging-phone-case-and-book
Adafruit Holiday Gift Guides: http://www.adafruit.com/giftguide
Subscribe to Adafruit on YouTube: http://adafru.it/subscribe
Join our weekly Show & Tell on G+ Hangouts On Air: http://adafru.it/showtell
Watch our latest project videos: http://adafru.it/latest
New tutorials on the Adafruit Learning System: http://learn.adafruit.com/
Music by bartlebeats: http://soundcloud.com/bartlebeats
connect with Becky:
SHOW LINKS BELOW! Join Becky Stern and friends every week as we delve into the wonderful world of wearables, live on YouTube. We'll answer your questions, announce a discount code for the Adafruit store, and explore wearable components, techniques, special materials, and projects you can build at home! Ask your wearables questions in the comments, and if your question is featured, you’ll be entered to win the show giveaway.
#WearableWednesday on the Adafruit blog: http://www.adafruit.com/blog/category/wearables/
Qi Charging Phone Case & Book: https://learn.adafruit.com/qi-charging-phone-case-and-book
Adafruit Holiday Gift Guides: http://www.adafruit.com/giftguide
Subscribe to Adafruit on YouTube: http://adafru.it/subscribe
Join our weekly Show & Tell on G+ Hangouts On Air: http://adafru.it/showtell
Watch our latest project videos: http://adafru.it/latest
New tutorials on the Adafruit Learning System: http://learn.adafruit.com/
Music by bartlebeats: http://soundcloud.com/bartlebeats
connect with Becky:
published:26 Nov 2014
SED Electronics Market (Tablets Market) in Shenzhen walk-through
Here's my latest steadicam/GH3 walk through the SED Electronics Market in Shenzhen, that building is my favorite in the Shenzhen Huaqiangbei Electronics market area. This is where you can find all the tablets, HDMI sticks and tablet accessories. I film through this market with the Tiffen Steadicam Merlin 2 on arm and vest with the Panasonic GH3 camera and 12-35mm lense.
Here's my latest steadicam/GH3 walk through the SED Electronics Market in Shenzhen, that building is my favorite in the Shenzhen Huaqiangbei Electronics market area. This is where you can find all the tablets, HDMI sticks and tablet accessories. I film through this market with the Tiffen Steadicam Merlin 2 on arm and vest with the Panasonic GH3 camera and 12-35mm lense.
published:18 Mar 2013
Kitchen Table Electronics Repair: Cyberhome CH-DVD 300 DVD Player Repair
I was fairly bored when I decided to repair this DVD player and make a video about it. This might be obvious in the finished video. I'm not finished with the...
I was fairly bored when I decided to repair this DVD player and make a video about it. This might be obvious in the finished video. I'm not finished with the...
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basic electronics-Electronic Circuit
basic electronics-Electronic Circuit
basic electronics-The term electricity can be used to refer to any of the properties that particles, like protons and electrons, have as a result of their charge. Typically, though, electricity refers to electrical current as a source of power. Whenever valence electrons move in a wire, current flows, by definition, in the opposite direction. As the electrons move, their electric potential energy can be converted to other forms like light, heat, and sound. The source of this energy can be a battery, generator, solar cell, or power plant.
Sharp Electronics R642WW Mikrowellengerät Neu
Sharp Electronics R642WW Mikrowellengerät Neu
Sharp Electronics R642WW Mikrowellengerät Neu
In diesem Video ich zeigen Ihnen die Sharp Electronics R642WW Mikrowellengerät Neu. Fur weitere Informationen zu diesem Produkt und zu erwerben besuchen Sie bitte: http://po.st/VHR1B6
Nicht vergessen zu besuchen http://po.st/VHR1B6 fur andere Nachrichten und Bewertungen!
Wenn Sie gerne dieses Video bitte geben Sie einen Daumen nach oben und Abonnieren fur weitere Inhalte. Danke!
LG Electronics LG 55EA975V OL 3D TCS SMA 1250 UHD
LG Electronics LG 55EA975V OL 3D TCS SMA 1250 UHD
LG Electronics LG 55EA975V OL 3D TCS SMA 1250 UHD
LG Electronics LG 55EA975V OL 3D TCS SMA 1250 UHD
* OLED Full HD 1080p (1920 x 1080)
* 3D image, 4 glases inside HDTV, Dynamic 3D
* 1000 Hz MCI (Motion Clarity Index)
Bildschirmdiagonale: 55 Zoll / 139 cm, Cinema ScreenAuflösung: 1
iPhone 6 Giveaway by Nubile Electronics WIN A BRAND NEW FREE IPHONE 6
iPhone 6 Giveaway by Nubile Electronics WIN A BRAND NEW FREE IPHONE 6
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Details LG Electronics G Watch R - Smart Watch Slide
Details LG Electronics G Watch R - Smart Watch Slide
Details LG Electronics G Watch R - Smart Watch Slide
LG Electronics G Watch R - Smart Watch
LG Electronics G Watch R - Smart Watch World's First Full Circle P-OLED Display * Compatible with most devices with an Android 4.3 or later operating system * Fitness Integration with Built-In Heart Rate Monitor * Classic Wristwatch DESIGN WITH Full Circle Face and 22 mm Interchangeable Strap * "Ok, Google" Voice Commands with Android Wear
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LG G Watch R for select Android devices. Bluetooth 4.0 technology lets you easily sync with your compatible Android device to this LG G Watch R, so you can receive and view important mobile notification
LG Electronics 65UB9800 65 Inch 4K Ultra HD 120Hz 3D LED TV Review
LG Electronics 65UB9800 65 Inch 4K Ultra HD 120Hz 3D LED TV Review
LG Electronics 65UB9800 65 Inch 4K Ultra HD 120Hz 3D LED TV Review
LG Electronics G Watch R Smart Watch Review
LG Electronics G Watch R Smart Watch Review
LG Electronics G Watch R Smart Watch Review
LG Electronics 55LB5900 55 Inch 1080p 120Hz LED TV Unboxing
LG Electronics 55LB5900 55 Inch 1080p 120Hz LED TV Unboxing
LG Electronics 55LB5900 55 Inch 1080p 120Hz LED TV Unboxing
R/C ELECTRONICS WU100-B Watt's Up Watt Meter Blue RELP0100
R/C ELECTRONICS WU100-B Watt's Up Watt Meter Blue RELP0100
R/C ELECTRONICS WU100-B Watt's Up Watt Meter Blue RELP0100
Click below to buy on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000X4MSVW?tag=sofyanarif-20
RC ELECTRONICS WU100-B Watts Up Watt Meter Blue RELP0100
RC ELECTRONICS WU100-B Watts Up Watt Meter Blue RELP0100
R/C ELECTRONICS WU100-B Watt's Up Watt Meter Blue RELP0100
R/C ELECTRONICS WU100-B Watt's Up Watt Meter Blue RELP0100
Best 3d blu ray player - LG Electronics BP540 3D Blu Ray Disc Player with Smart TV review
Best 3d blu ray player - LG Electronics BP540 3D Blu Ray Disc Player with Smart TV review
Best 3d blu ray player - LG Electronics BP540 3D Blu Ray Disc Player with Smart TV review
Get more Best 3d blu ray player - LG Electronics BP540 3D Blu-Ray Disc Player with Smart TV review include specs, features and buy it here :
The owner of this page is a participation in the amazon service LLC associates programs,an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.this content is provided "as is" and is subject to change or removal at any time.
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LG Electronics BP540 3D Blu-Ray Disc Player with Smart TV reviews, LG Electronics BP540 3D Blu-Ray Disc Player with Smart TV price, buy LG Electronics BP540 3
Pub, Lawn & Patio, JJ ElectronICs,
Pub, Lawn & Patio, JJ ElectronICs,
Pub, Lawn & Patio, JJ ElectronICs,
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J & J ColorSplash 3G Replacement 120V Color-Changing LED Pool Light
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Product Specs :
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Product Description :
Electronics for cars 12V/24V Portable Dual US
Electronics for cars 12V/24V Portable Dual US
Electronics for cars 12V/24V Portable Dual US
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published:03 Jun 2015
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The point of reference on Youtube for all the Navy, Army, Air Force Videos from everywhere in the world.
We have the vastest collection of exciting moments about Submarine, Fighter jets, aircraft carriers, war news, syria war live combat, warships, US Marines, US Navy, US Air Force, Main battle tanks, MBT and APC armoured vehicles.
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Electronics and Communications Engineering is study and implementation of electricity, electronics and electromagnetism. Electronics and Communication study ranges within a wide area which starts from basic circuit design to complex development of device. To design and develop circuits, devices and systems electronics and communications engineering course utilizes the non-linear and active component which includes electron tubes, semiconductor devices, transistor, diodes etc.
contact us @ 08880113355
Electronics and Communications Engineering is study and implementation of electricity, electronics and electromagnetism. Electronics and Communication study ranges within a wide area which starts from basic circuit design to complex development of device. To design and develop circuits, devices and systems electronics and communications engineering course utilizes the non-linear and active component which includes electron tubes, semiconductor devices, transistor, diodes etc.
contact us @ 08880113355
published:03 Jun 2015
Tracking Device Fries Car Electronics & Kills Engine, Claims Thou
tracking device fries car electronics fit-finder tracking device fries car electronics edmonton tracking device fries car electronics ebay tracking device fries car ...
In the name of safety, insurance companies have begun putting tracking devices that measure & record drivers' actions. They promise discounts on insurance, ...
Tracking Device Fries Car Electronics & Kills Engine, Claims Thousands
Tracking Device Fries Car Electronics & Kills Engine, Claims Thou
tracking device fries car electronics fit-finder tracking device fries car electronics edmonton tracking device fries car electronics ebay tracking device fries car ...
In the name of safety, insurance companies have begun putting tracking devices that measure & record drivers' actions. They promise discounts on insurance, ...
Tracking Device Fries Car Electronics & Kills Engine, Claims Thousands
Tracking Device Fries Car Electronics & Kills Engine, Claims Thou
Hello there! Thanks for watching tis video! hope you enjoyed!!
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Thanks for watching!
Hello there! Thanks for watching tis video! hope you enjoyed!!
Seven Fantabulous Filmers is one of the biggest collab channels here on youtube just fo girls!
We upload EVERYDAY!!
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We have 7 amazing members who make videos for you every week meet them!
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Friday: Kara| 12 | USA
Saturday : Matilda | 13 | Finland
Sunday : Kayla| 15 | USA
Thanks for watching!
published:03 Jun 2015
Hang from my ceiling watching DIY electronics and listening to music.
Because hanging from my ceiling watching DIY electronics and listening to music is sometimes interesting.
I am attempting to fix a digitally controlled analog synthesizer that I made four years ago which broke almost immediately in some weird way.
Because hanging from my ceiling watching DIY electronics and listening to music is sometimes interesting.
I am attempting to fix a digitally controlled analog synthesizer that I made four years ago which broke almost immediately in some weird way.
Sony Pictures
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Sony Pictures
Click below to buy on Amazon: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00KIQX92C?tag=vacumlemoir-21
Pixel Dimming is a whole new display technology only possible in OLED Organic Light Emitting Diode Since every single pixel generates light itself and turns on off independently it achieves never seen-before black levels even in dark scenes and enhances the depth and vitality of the colors by each pixels detailed expression
LG OLED TVs unique 4 Colour Pixel enables natural expression of every shade and hue Whatever you watch will be so real and tangible that you will feel like you are right there seeing it with your naked eyes It will maximize your viewing experience with truly life-like colour
The 55EC930Vs self-lighting pixels can control their own luminance so that black and dark colours are displayed with amazing depth and accuracy this is particularly evident in dark scenes where every detail is clearly visible
The response speed of LG OLED TV is over one thousand times faster than regular LED TV allowing you to enjoy fast moving scenes like sports or action movies with completely blur-free crystal-clear pictures
With OLED TV you are no longer restrained by the angle at which you can view from the 55EC930V shows incredibly consistent pictures from any angle Enjoy perfectly wide viewing angles with no distortion of contrast or colour with the LG OLED TV the perfect display all around Ultra Slim Design The simple structure of OLED TV allows for a striking design with an incredibly slim profile The 55EC930V uses premium materials in its construction and with a stunning design it will fit seemlessly into any decor Curved Screen The 55EC930Vs screen has been curved to naturally fit our vision range and is the most optimal form for any display providing equal distance from all parts of the screen to the eyes this makes prolonged viewing more comfortable with the images looking more real 4 Colour Pixel
Click below to buy on Amazon: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00NAX6K6C?tag=vacumlemoir-21
Pixel Dimming is a whole new display technology only possible in OLED Organic Light Emitting Diode Since every single pixel generates light itself and turns on off independently it achieves never seen-before black levels even in dark scenes and enhances the depth and vitality of the colors by each pixels detailed expression
LG OLED TVs unique 4 Colour Pixel enables natural expression of every shade and hue Whatever you watch will be so real and tangible that you will feel like you are right there seeing it with your naked eyes It will maximize your viewing experience with truly life-like colour
The 55EC930Vs self-lighting pixels can control their own luminance so that black and dark colours are displayed with amazing depth and accuracy this is particularly evident in dark scenes where every detail is clearly visible
The response speed of LG OLED TV is over one thousand times faster than regular LED TV allowing you to enjoy fast moving scenes like sports or action movies with completely blur-free crystal-clear pictures
With OLED TV you are no longer restrained by the angle at which you can view from the 55EC930V shows incredibly consistent pictures from any angle Enjoy perfectly wide viewing angles with no distortion of contrast or colour with the LG OLED TV the perfect display all around Ultra Slim Design The simple structure of OLED TV allows for a striking design with an incredibly slim profile The 55EC930V uses premium materials in its construction and with a stunning design it will fit seemlessly into any decor Curved Screen The 55EC930Vs screen has been curved to naturally fit our vision range and is the most optimal form for any display providing equal distance from all parts of the screen to the eyes this makes prolonged viewing more comfortable with the images looking more real 4 Colour Pixel
Click below to buy on Amazon: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00NAX6K6C?tag=vacumlemoir-21
basic electronics-The term electricity can be used to refer to any of the properties that particles, like protons and electrons, have as a result of their charge. Typically, though, electricity refers to electrical current as a source of power. Whenever valence electrons move in a wire, current flows, by definition, in the opposite direction. As the electrons move, their electric potential energy can be converted to other forms like light, heat, and sound. The source of this energy can be a battery, generator, solar cell, or power plant.
basic electronics-The term electricity can be used to refer to any of the properties that particles, like protons and electrons, have as a result of their charge. Typically, though, electricity refers to electrical current as a source of power. Whenever valence electrons move in a wire, current flows, by definition, in the opposite direction. As the electrons move, their electric potential energy can be converted to other forms like light, heat, and sound. The source of this energy can be a battery, generator, solar cell, or power plant.
In diesem Video ich zeigen Ihnen die Sharp Electronics R642WW Mikrowellengerät Neu. Fur weitere Informationen zu diesem Produkt und zu erwerben besuchen Sie bitte: http://po.st/VHR1B6
Nicht vergessen zu besuchen http://po.st/VHR1B6 fur andere Nachrichten und Bewertungen!
Wenn Sie gerne dieses Video bitte geben Sie einen Daumen nach oben und Abonnieren fur weitere Inhalte. Danke!
In diesem Video ich zeigen Ihnen die Sharp Electronics R642WW Mikrowellengerät Neu. Fur weitere Informationen zu diesem Produkt und zu erwerben besuchen Sie bitte: http://po.st/VHR1B6
Nicht vergessen zu besuchen http://po.st/VHR1B6 fur andere Nachrichten und Bewertungen!
Wenn Sie gerne dieses Video bitte geben Sie einen Daumen nach oben und Abonnieren fur weitere Inhalte. Danke!
LG Electronics LG 55EA975V OL 3D TCS SMA 1250 UHD
* OLED Full HD 1080p (1920 x 1080)
* 3D image, 4 glases inside HDTV, Dynamic 3D
* 1000 Hz MCI (Motion Clarity Index)
Bildschirmdiagonale: 55 Zoll / 139 cm, Cinema ScreenAuflösung: 1
LG Electronics LG 55EA975V OL 3D TCS SMA 1250 UHD
* OLED Full HD 1080p (1920 x 1080)
* 3D image, 4 glases inside HDTV, Dynamic 3D
* 1000 Hz MCI (Motion Clarity Index)
Bildschirmdiagonale: 55 Zoll / 139 cm, Cinema ScreenAuflösung: 1
published:03 Jun 2015
iPhone 6 Giveaway by Nubile Electronics WIN A BRAND NEW FREE IPHONE 6
LG Electronics G Watch R - Smart Watch
LG Electronics G Watch R - Smart Watch World's First Full Circle P-OLED Display * Compatible with most devices with an Android 4.3 or later operating system * Fitness Integration with Built-In Heart Rate Monitor * Classic Wristwatch DESIGN WITH Full Circle Face and 22 mm Interchangeable Strap * "Ok, Google" Voice Commands with Android Wear
Click : ::::: http://bit.ly/1BJVZ3n ::::::
LG G Watch R for select Android devices. Bluetooth 4.0 technology lets you easily sync with your compatible Android device to this LG G Watch R, so you can receive and view important mobile notifications on the round 1.3" P-OLED touch-screen.
Thanks to watching : http://youtu.be/BrXw9iW-auI
LG Electronics G Watch R - Smart Watch
LG Electronics G Watch R - Smart Watch World's First Full Circle P-OLED Display * Compatible with most devices with an Android 4.3 or later operating system * Fitness Integration with Built-In Heart Rate Monitor * Classic Wristwatch DESIGN WITH Full Circle Face and 22 mm Interchangeable Strap * "Ok, Google" Voice Commands with Android Wear
Click : ::::: http://bit.ly/1BJVZ3n ::::::
LG G Watch R for select Android devices. Bluetooth 4.0 technology lets you easily sync with your compatible Android device to this LG G Watch R, so you can receive and view important mobile notifications on the round 1.3" P-OLED touch-screen.
Thanks to watching : http://youtu.be/BrXw9iW-auI
published:03 Jun 2015
LG Electronics 65UB9800 65 Inch 4K Ultra HD 120Hz 3D LED TV Review
Click below to buy on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000X4MSVW?tag=sofyanarif-20
RC ELECTRONICS WU100-B Watts Up Watt Meter Blue RELP0100
RC ELECTRONICS WU100-B Watts Up Watt Meter Blue RELP0100
R/C ELECTRONICS WU100-B Watt's Up Watt Meter Blue RELP0100
R/C ELECTRONICS WU100-B Watt's Up Watt Meter Blue RELP0100
Click below to buy on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000X4MSVW?tag=sofyanarif-20
RC ELECTRONICS WU100-B Watts Up Watt Meter Blue RELP0100
RC ELECTRONICS WU100-B Watts Up Watt Meter Blue RELP0100
R/C ELECTRONICS WU100-B Watt's Up Watt Meter Blue RELP0100
R/C ELECTRONICS WU100-B Watt's Up Watt Meter Blue RELP0100
published:03 Jun 2015
Best 3d blu ray player - LG Electronics BP540 3D Blu Ray Disc Player with Smart TV review
Get more Best 3d blu ray player - LG Electronics BP540 3D Blu-Ray Disc Player with Smart TV review include specs, features and buy it here :
The owner of this page is a participation in the amazon service LLC associates programs,an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.this content is provided "as is" and is subject to change or removal at any time.
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LG Electronics BP540 3D Blu-Ray Disc Player with Smart TV reviews, LG Electronics BP540 3D Blu-Ray Disc Player with Smart TV price, buy LG Electronics BP540 3D Blu-Ray Disc Player with Smart TV, get LG Electronics BP540 3D Blu-Ray Disc Player with Smart TV, LG Electronics BP540 3D Blu-Ray Disc Player with Smart TV sale, LG Electronics BP540 3D Blu-Ray Disc Player with Smart TV for sale, LG Electronics BP540 3D Blu-Ray Disc Player with Smart TV features
Get more Best 3d blu ray player - LG Electronics BP540 3D Blu-Ray Disc Player with Smart TV review include specs, features and buy it here :
The owner of this page is a participation in the amazon service LLC associates programs,an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.this content is provided "as is" and is subject to change or removal at any time.
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LG Electronics BP540 3D Blu-Ray Disc Player with Smart TV reviews, LG Electronics BP540 3D Blu-Ray Disc Player with Smart TV price, buy LG Electronics BP540 3D Blu-Ray Disc Player with Smart TV, get LG Electronics BP540 3D Blu-Ray Disc Player with Smart TV, LG Electronics BP540 3D Blu-Ray Disc Player with Smart TV sale, LG Electronics BP540 3D Blu-Ray Disc Player with Smart TV for sale, LG Electronics BP540 3D Blu-Ray Disc Player with Smart TV features
Подробный обзор и купон на скидку здесь(click here): http://cityadspix.com/click?cid=4ffb96e44b55438ac35aa4d208fd2374&im;=LTAtMTQyNTczMTUyOS01NDA0NDI2MS0tNjhxM2ZicjJoNXFrbnVxYXFobHE3NXBjYjY=&sa;=&sa2;=&bid;=2775514505&bt;=15&pt;=&tid;=0<=4&tl;=3&prdct;=39083e0e3a0c3c07333b&url;=5b304536477e50700214761971157f52325139562f5c2f4d3f4f600c6207294f611f586d5e07442f6f&fid;=449567465 Electronics for cars 12V/24V Portable Dual USB Car Charger USB Power Adapter for iPhone iPad iPod 5V out Cargador de coche U372
Подробный обзор и купон на скидку здесь(click here): http://cityadspix.com/click?cid=4ffb96e44b55438ac35aa4d208fd2374&im;=LTAtMTQyNTczMTUyOS01NDA0NDI2MS0tNjhxM2ZicjJoNXFrbnVxYXFobHE3NXBjYjY=&sa;=&sa2;=&bid;=2775514505&bt;=15&pt;=&tid;=0<=4&tl;=3&prdct;=39083e0e3a0c3c07333b&url;=5b304536477e50700214761971157f52325139562f5c2f4d3f4f600c6207294f611f586d5e07442f6f&fid;=449567465 Electronics for cars 12V/24V Portable Dual USB Car Charger USB Power Adapter for iPhone iPad iPod 5V out Cargador de coche U372
A reddit user asks what is the point in learning basic electronics these days when you can...
published:27 May 2015
eevBLAB #10 - Why Learn Basic Electronics?
eevBLAB #10 - Why Learn Basic Electronics?
A reddit user asks what is the point in learning basic electronics these days when you can do everything with off the shelf modules and boards like Arduinos and the like.
They make it super easy to build stuff, so why does anyone need any knowledge of basic electronics any more?
Forum: http://www.eevblog.com/forum/eevblab/eevblab-10-why-learn-basic-electronics/
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The 2nd EEVblog Channel: http://www.youtube.com/EEVblog2
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published:27 May 2015
Electronics Tutorial #1 - Electricity - Voltage, Current, Power, AC and DC
Please support my content creation by using my Amazon Store:
published:01 Jan 2013
Electronics Tutorial #1 - Electricity - Voltage, Current, Power, AC and DC
Electronics Tutorial #1 - Electricity - Voltage, Current, Power, AC and DC
Please support my content creation by using my Amazon Store:
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Basic / beginners Electronics Tutorial / course / lesson - Voltage, Current, Power, AC and DC
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My website and forum:- http://www.mjlorton.com
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My techie channel MJLorton - Solar Power and Electronic Measurement Equipment - http://www.youtube.com/MJLorton
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My other channel VBlogMag - For almost any topic under the sun! - http://www.youtube.com/VBlogMag
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Nikola Tesla - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikola_Tesla
Thomas Edison - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Edison
In this tutorial I cover the following:
* Some history about electricity / central power stations / electrification.
* Science of electron flow in a conductor / wire
* I use fluid dynamics in a pipe to explain voltage (pressure), current in Amps (flow) and consumption in Amp hours (rate of flow).
* We look at AC (alternating current) and DC (direct current) on the UNI-T UT81B scopemeter
* We look at how voltage / pressure is required to charge a 12 volt battery
* What is electricity? / How does electricity work?
Topics for future videos in this series:
* Ohms law, resistance, power, energy
* Electronic components - diodes, transistors, FETS, capacitors, digital logic gates, integrated circuits, 555 timer.
* Series and parallel circuits
* Op amps and feedback
published:01 Jan 2013
EEVblog #168 - How To Set Up An Electronics Lab
Most items available through HERE: http://www.eevblog.com/amazon
How to set up your own...
published:29 Apr 2011
EEVblog #168 - How To Set Up An Electronics Lab
EEVblog #168 - How To Set Up An Electronics Lab
Most items available through HERE: http://www.eevblog.com/amazon
How to set up your own decent electronics lab, what you need, and how much it'll cost you.
Electronics test equipment, soldering, surface mount, hand tools, and parts.
Help support Dave by buying any of these items through the link above.
published:29 Apr 2011
This Device Will Self-Destruct: Heat-Triggered Electronics Dissolve on Demand
published:26 May 2015
This Device Will Self-Destruct: Heat-Triggered Electronics Dissolve on Demand
This Device Will Self-Destruct: Heat-Triggered Electronics Dissolve on Demand
published:26 May 2015
The Story of Electronics (2010)
The Story of Electronics, releasing Tuesday, NOVEMBER 9, employs the Story of Stuff style ...
published:04 Nov 2010
The Story of Electronics (2010)
The Story of Electronics (2010)
The Story of Electronics, releasing Tuesday, NOVEMBER 9, employs the Story of Stuff style to explore the high-tech revolution's collateral damage—25 million tons of e-waste and counting, poisoned workers and a public left holding the bill. Host Annie Leonard takes viewers from the mines and factories where our gadgets begin to the horrific backyard recycling shops in China where many end up. The film concludes with a call for a green 'race to the top' where designers compete to make long-lasting, toxic-free products that are fully and easily recyclable.
Our production partner on the electronics film is the Electronics TakeBack Coalition, which promotes green design and responsible recycling in the electronics industry.
And, for all you fact checkers out there,
published:04 Nov 2010
Electronics - 555 Timer, A Microchip Project
This video demonstrates constructing a basic circuit with a common integrated circuit/micr...
published:23 Nov 2012
Electronics - 555 Timer, A Microchip Project
Electronics - 555 Timer, A Microchip Project
This video demonstrates constructing a basic circuit with a common integrated circuit/microchip, the 555 timer. This versatile device can be configured to control servo motors, create music or support many functions controlled by pulses. The video introduces pin numbering conventions for DIP devices and demonstrates reading a simple circuit diagram.
published:23 Nov 2012
Wearable Electronics with Becky Stern 5/27/2015 - LIVE
SHOW LINKS BELOW! Join Becky Stern and friends every week as we delve into the wonderful w...
published:27 May 2015
Wearable Electronics with Becky Stern 5/27/2015 - LIVE
Wearable Electronics with Becky Stern 5/27/2015 - LIVE
SHOW LINKS BELOW! Join Becky Stern and friends every week as we delve into the wonderful world of wearables, live on YouTube. We'll answer your questions, announce a discount code for the Adafruit store, and explore wearable components, techniques, special materials, and projects you can build at home! Ask your wearables questions in the comments, and if your question is featured, you’ll be entered to win the show giveaway.
#WearableWednesday on the Adafruit blog: http://www.adafruit.com/blog/category/wearables/
Roll-up video light: https://youtu.be/4WIRssvFgA8
Component of the week: warm and cool white DotStar LED strips https://www.adafruit.com/search?q=apa102
Material Spotlight: Velcro tape
Subscribe to Adafruit on YouTube: http://adafru.it/subscribe
Join our weekly Show & Tell on G+ Hangouts On Air: http://adafru.it/showtell
Watch our latest project videos: http://adafru.it/latest
New tutorials on the Adafruit Learning System: http://learn.adafruit.com/
Music by bartlebeats: http://soundcloud.com/bartlebeats
connect with Becky:
published:27 May 2015
Kitchen Table Electronics Repair: 2002 Buick Park Avenue Climate Control Display Repair
It wasn't the common failure of bad solder joints holding the surface mounted resistors in...
published:27 May 2015
Kitchen Table Electronics Repair: 2002 Buick Park Avenue Climate Control Display Repair
Kitchen Table Electronics Repair: 2002 Buick Park Avenue Climate Control Display Repair
It wasn't the common failure of bad solder joints holding the surface mounted resistors in place...
For your edification: the word "solder" in most of the North American continent is pronounced with a silent "L".
published:27 May 2015
Gold Fingers - How to Recover Gold from Electronic Scrap
http://http://www.goldnscrap.com In this video tutorial i'm showing how to recover gold fr...
published:19 Dec 2013
Gold Fingers - How to Recover Gold from Electronic Scrap
Gold Fingers - How to Recover Gold from Electronic Scrap
http://http://www.goldnscrap.com In this video tutorial i'm showing how to recover gold from electronic circuit board scrap. Specifically the gold plating that is found on the board connector edge - A.K.A the "fingers".
This video is a complementary to the complete written tutorial on Gold-N-Scrap website (direct link below)
The process applies to other kinds of gold plated itmes, given the substrate is unreactive (such as PCB, ceramic, glass etc'...). This process is less suitable for metallic items that are gold plated such as gold plated pins and gold filled items, though it will work with much effort and large consumption of acid.
Post a comment and let us know how much gold do you think this recovery process yielded.
Click here to view the complete tutorial on Gold-N-Scrap:
With special thanks to the fine members of the Gold Refining Forum: http://www.goldrefiningforum.com
Here's a list of all the required equipment and chemicals for the Copper Cholride etching process shown in this video:
Pls note, the below links are an affiliation links to Amazon - Every purchase made through these links will help support Gold-N-Scrap.
Although much work and thought was put in this list, you must keep in mind that the following listed products may not nessecerly be the best or the cheapest.
PYREX Griffin Low Form 1000mL Beaker Graduated Ea - http://amzn.to/1sJH6eJ
PYREX Griffin Low Form 1000mL Beaker Graduated 6pk - http://amzn.to/1w0X3kI
PYREX Griffin Low Form 2000mL Beaker Graduated Ea - http://amzn.to/1r6sYsX
PYREX Watch Glass 75 mm - http://amzn.to/1uyaK4S
PYREX Watch Glass 100 mm - http://amzn.to/1COV6Xi
PYREX Watch Glass 150 mm - http://amzn.to/1whqQmR
Glass Erlenmeyer Flask Set - 3 Sizes - 50, 150 and 250ml - http://amzn.to/122AX4C
Glass Erlenmeyer Flask Set - 5 Sizes - 50, 150, 250, 500, & 1000ml - http://amzn.to/1wsddC5
Clear Vinyl Flexible Tubing 5/32" ID 50 ft - http://amzn.to/1r6zDmZ
DC 6V Mini Air Pump Motor for Aquarium Oxygen Circulation - http://amzn.to/1ziVfWg
Stamped Steel Support Stand with 3 Rings, 8" Length x 5" Width Base Size - http://amzn.to/1s1FskQ
Sprayer Bottles 24 Oz. Pack Of 3 Pcs - http://amzn.to/1tHGZUN
HDPE Plastic Funnel 180 mm (Pack of 5) - http://amzn.to/1t87K2l
Polypropylene 4 Piece Lab Funnel Assortment - http://amzn.to/1w1jKoR
Whatman Qualitative Circle Filter Paper 8?m Pore Size, 150mm Diameter (Pack of 100) - http://amzn.to/1x3Nb6j
Filter Paper Qualitative Medium 18cm - http://amzn.to/1nxGzxe
Filter Paper Qualitative Medium 24cm - http://amzn.to/1w1mbI7
Single electric Hot Plate Black - http://amzn.to/1FvEsQE
Double electric Hot Plate Black - http://amzn.to/1tHKLNZ
Plastic Transfer Pipettes 3ml, Graduated, Pack of 100 - http://amzn.to/1yUozRQ
HYDROCHLORIC ACID 20 Be. Technical grade One gallon bottle - http://amzn.to/1CPgXOb
Nitric Acid 475ml/16oz 67.2% Industrial Grade - http://amzn.to/1vGxAeL
Sulfuric Acid 98% 950ml Bottle - http://amzn.to/ZMnvjS
Sodium Metabisulfite Food Grade 98.6+% 1 lb - http://amzn.to/1tHM7bv
I was asked to help clean out a work shed that was used by my friend's late Grandfather an...
published:02 Jan 2013
Vintage Electronics Find
Vintage Electronics Find
I was asked to help clean out a work shed that was used by my friend's late Grandfather and I was told that I could keep whatever old electronics I found which turned out to be some real treasures. Like what you watch on Hack A Week? Click here to donate: http://hackaweek.com/hacks/?page_id=31 Thanks for watching!
published:02 Jan 2013
Electronics Salvage From RC Toys
Tear down of an RC toy to get at the goodies inside. This one has a main board that can be...
published:27 Jul 2014
Electronics Salvage From RC Toys
Electronics Salvage From RC Toys
Tear down of an RC toy to get at the goodies inside. This one has a main board that can be used as a motor driver in a DIY robot.
published:27 Jul 2014
How and WHY to Solder Correctly
Close up demonstrations of proper soldering technique. Explains flux, temperature, tip siz...
Close up demonstrations of proper soldering technique. Explains flux, temperature, tip size / shape. New: now offering live video help on soldering: http://b...
Top 5 Simple Electronics Projects that Anyone Could Try!
Hi Guys! Are you an electronics enthusiast such as my self? Then try this free simple elec...
published:02 Jun 2014
Top 5 Simple Electronics Projects that Anyone Could Try!
Top 5 Simple Electronics Projects that Anyone Could Try!
Hi Guys! Are you an electronics enthusiast such as my self? Then try this free simple electronics projects that you could easily do at home. These are just some of the best electronics projects you can read at my book. You can download my project book through the link below.
How to download the project description?
1.) Like this video first.
2.) Subscribe to my channel.
3.) Visit this link to download the file:
I hope you like my collection guys. These are just some of the projects you can try to look at Elec-Geek. There are still a lot of simple electronics projects you can find there. What are you waiting for? Grab them all now for free! Thanks guys!
Electronics Tutorial #2 - Power - the relationship with Voltage and Current
Basic / beginners Electronics Tutorial / course / lesson - Power - the relationship wit...
published:21 Jun 2012
Electronics Tutorial #2 - Power - the relationship with Voltage and Current
Electronics Tutorial #2 - Power - the relationship with Voltage and Current
Basic / beginners Electronics Tutorial / course / lesson - Power - the relationship with Voltage and Current
--------------------- Click "Show more" -------------------------------
My website and forum:- http://www.mjlorton.com
Donations and contributions:- http://www.mjlorton.com
My techie channel MJLorton - Solar Power and Electronic Measurement Equipment - http://www.youtube.com/MJLorton
My Techie Amazon Store: http://astore.amazon.com/m0711-20
My other channel VBlogMag - For almost any topic under the sun! - http://www.youtube.com/VBlogMag
My VBlogMag Amazon Store: http://astore.amazon.com/vblogmag-20
In this tutorial I cover the following:
* Power - the relationship with Voltage and Current
* Power in watts = Volts x Amps (P=VI)
Topics for future videos in this series:
* Ohms law, resistance, power, energy
* Electronic components - diodes, transistors, FETS, capacitors, digital logic gates, integrated circuits, 555 timer.
* Series and parallel circuits
* Op amps and feedback
published:21 Jun 2012
Undercover Boss - Season 6 Episode 12 - Peavey Electronics ||Full Screen||
Undercover Boss - Season 6 Episode 12 - Peavey Electronics ||Full Screen||...
published:23 Feb 2015
Undercover Boss - Season 6 Episode 12 - Peavey Electronics ||Full Screen||
Undercover Boss - Season 6 Episode 12 - Peavey Electronics ||Full Screen||
Undercover Boss - Season 6 Episode 12 - Peavey Electronics ||Full Screen||
published:23 Feb 2015
Bass Pro Kary Ray unlocks the secrets of fishing electronics Bass fishing seminar
Kary Ray put on an excellent presentation on increasing your fishing success rate by unloc...
published:16 Feb 2015
Bass Pro Kary Ray unlocks the secrets of fishing electronics Bass fishing seminar
Bass Pro Kary Ray unlocks the secrets of fishing electronics Bass fishing seminar
Kary Ray put on an excellent presentation on increasing your fishing success rate by unlocking the secrets of your electronics.
Angling for Free Fishing Videos? Here is a video on Fishing Tips and Tricks, I do video on many species such as Catfish, Walleye, Muskie, Northern, Panfish, Salmon to include most freshwater and some saltwater fish. Information good from Fishing Pro to Novice angler will like this instruction where you can Discover Fishing when you are on the hunt for big fish. I will be talking about Fish, Fishing, Outdoors, lures, boats, motors, rods, reels, Bass, Boating, and wildlife.
A closer look at the practical application of diodes.
Half wave bridge rectifier, full wave bridge rectifier, filter capacitor, voltage regulation with Zener diode.
--------------------- Click "Show more" -------------------------------
My website and forum:- http://www.mjlorton.com
Donations and contributions:- http://www.mjlorton.com
My techie channel MJLorton - Solar Power and Electronic Measurement Equipment - http://www.youtube.com/MJLorton
My Techie Amazon Store: http://astore.amazon.com/m0711-20
My other channel VBlogMag - For almost any topic under the sun! - http://www.youtube.com/VBlogMag
My VBlogMag Amazon Store: http://astore.amazon.com/vblogmag-20
Video sponsor, Pass Ltd - their websites:
http://www.tester.co.uk/?cmid=QmhzQjcxYjVlc1E9&afid;=bFcwbzliNzVDc289&ats;=K2EyUjZNTDh3UTA9 - Test Equipment and Test-meter suppliers and
http://www.calibrate.co.uk - Calibration and service of test equipment
In this video I talk about the practical application and use of diodes.
We take a look at:
* The rectification of AC to DC
* Half wave bridge rectifier
* Full wave bridge rectifier
* Filter capacitor for smoothing of ripple voltage
* Voltage regulation with Zener diode.
* Advantage of Schottky / rectifier diodes
* How to build a power adapter / voltage transformer / DC adapter
* How does a Zener diode work?
* What is a capacitor?
* How to build a DC power supply?
published:22 Jan 2013
Lec 1 | MIT 6.002 Circuits and Electronics, Spring 2007
Introduction and lumped abstraction View the complete course: http://ocw.mit.edu/6-002S07 ...
Lec 1 | MIT 6.002 Circuits and Electronics, Spring 2007
Lec 1 | MIT 6.002 Circuits and Electronics, Spring 2007
Introduction and lumped abstraction View the complete course: http://ocw.mit.edu/6-002S07 License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA More information at http://ocw.m...
Bright, flexible, stretchable: electronics of the future
Bright, flexible, stretchable: electronics of the future
Plastic electronics are set to revolutionise the ways we learn, communicate, shop and entertain ourselves. Thomas Anthopoulos, Professor of Experimental Phys...
LOWdown on Physics INTENSIVE REVISION LECTURE 2 - this is the intensive revision lecture covering key concepts in the VCE topic Electronics and Photonics. Th...
Stephen Forrest | Making Small Things Big in the World of Organic Electronics
Organic electronics occupies a truly scalable world. Phenomena at the quantum level can pr...
published:11 Dec 2014
Stephen Forrest | Making Small Things Big in the World of Organic Electronics
Stephen Forrest | Making Small Things Big in the World of Organic Electronics
Organic electronics occupies a truly scalable world. Phenomena at the quantum level can provide solutions to applications as large as wall-mounted displays and lighting, to solar cells that cover the sides of buildings, to flexible electronic circuits that can mimic the eye and “see around corners”. Beyond the quantum, morphological control at the nano-scale, moving on to individual devices with micrometer and millimeter dimensions, to printing literally “kilometers” of circuits as if they were newsprint provides new and exciting challenges to the device physicist, applications engineer, and specialist in advanced manufacturing. In this talk, Stephen will discuss several important demonstrations of organic electronic devices that span this unprecedented range of dimensions. He will then consider what the future holds in this field that is rapidly emerging as a global industry.
About Stephen Forrest:
Professor Stephen Forrest received his B. A. Physics, 1972, University of California, MSc and PhD Physics in 1974 and 1979, University of Michigan. At Bell Labs, he investigated photodetectors for optical communications. In 1985, Prof. Forrest joined the Electrical Engineering and Materials Science Departments at USC where he worked on optoelectronic integrated circuits, and organic semiconductors. In 1992, Prof. Forrest became the James S. McDonnell Distinguished University Professor of Electrical Engineering at Princeton University. He served as director of the National Center for Integrated Photonic Technology, and as Director of Princeton's Center for Photonics and Optoelectronic Materials (POEM), and from 1997-2001, he chaired Princeton’s Electrical Engineering Department. In 2006, he rejoined the University of Michigan as Vice President for Research, and is the Paul G. Goebel Professor in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Materials Science and Engineering, and Physics. A Fellow of the APS, IEEE and OSA and a member of the National Academy of Engineering, he received the IEEE/LEOS Distinguished Lecturer Award in 1996-97, and in 1998 he was co-recipient of the IPO National Distinguished Inventor Award as well as the Thomas Alva Edison Award for innovations in organic LEDs. In 1999, Prof. Forrest received the MRS Medal for work on organic thin films. In 2001, he was awarded the IEEE/LEOS William Streifer Scientific Achievement Award for advances made on photodetectors for optical communications systems. In 2006 he received the Jan Rajchman Prize from the Society for Information Display for invention of phosphorescent OLEDs, and is the recipient of the 2007 IEEE Daniel Nobel Award for innovations in OLEDs. Prof. Forrest has been honored by Princeton University establishing the Stephen R. Forrest Endowed Faculty Chair in Electrical Engineering in 2012. Prof. Forrest has authored ~550 papers in refereed journals, and has 263 patents, with an h-index of 112. He is co-founder or founding participant in several companies, including Sensors Unlimited, Epitaxx, Inc., NanoFlex Power Corp. (OTC: OPVS), Universal Display Corp. (NASDAQ: OLED) and Apogee Photonics, Inc., and is on the Board of Directors of Applied Materials and PD-LD, Inc. He has also served from 2009-2012 as Chairman of the Board of Ann Arbor SPARK, the regional economic development organization, and serves on the Board of Governors of the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology. He is Vice Chairman of the Board of the University Musical Society and is on the Executive Committee of the Michigan Economic Development Corp.
The Lurie Nano Fabrication facility at the University of Michigan 2nd annual LNF Users Symposium:
Sponsored by the University of Michigan's Energy Institute
For more lectures on demand, please visit the MconneX website:
published:11 Dec 2014
ASK AN ENGINEER - LIVE electronics video show! 8PM ET Wednesday night! 4/29/15 (video)
What is “Ask an engineer”? From the electronics enthusiast to the professional community –...
published:27 Apr 2015
ASK AN ENGINEER - LIVE electronics video show! 8PM ET Wednesday night! 4/29/15 (video)
ASK AN ENGINEER - LIVE electronics video show! 8PM ET Wednesday night! 4/29/15 (video)
What is “Ask an engineer”? From the electronics enthusiast to the professional community – “Ask an Engineer” has a little bit of everything for everyone. If you’re a beginner, or a seasoned engineer – stop in and see what we’re up to! We have demos of projects and products we’re working on, we answer your engineering and electronics questions and we have a trivia question + give away each week.
#adafruit #arduino #electronics #hardware #opensource #projects #raspberry #computer #raspberrypi #microcontrollers #LEDs #LED #gemma #flora #bluetooth #bluefruit #neopixel #neopixels #wearables #art #askanengineer #showandtell #madewithcode
Visit the Adafruit shop online - http://www.adafruit.com
Subscribe to Adafruit on YouTube: http://adafru.it/subscribe
Join our weekly Show & Tell on G+ Hangouts On Air: http://adafru.it/showtell
Watch our latest project videos: http://adafru.it/latest
New tutorials on the Adafruit Learning System: http://learn.adafruit.com/
Music by bartlebeats: http://soundcloud.com/bartlebeats
published:27 Apr 2015
ASK AN ENGINEER - LIVE electronics video show! 8PM ET Wednesday night! 4/22/2015 (video)
What is “Ask an engineer”? From the electronics enthusiast to the professional community –...
published:19 Apr 2015
ASK AN ENGINEER - LIVE electronics video show! 8PM ET Wednesday night! 4/22/2015 (video)
ASK AN ENGINEER - LIVE electronics video show! 8PM ET Wednesday night! 4/22/2015 (video)
What is “Ask an engineer”? From the electronics enthusiast to the professional community – “Ask an Engineer” has a little bit of everything for everyone. If you’re a beginner, or a seasoned engineer – stop in and see what we’re up to! We have demos of projects and products we’re working on, we answer your engineering and electronics questions and we have a trivia question + give away each week.
Visit the Adafruit shop online - http://www.adafruit.com
Subscribe to Adafruit on YouTube: http://adafru.it/subscribe
Join our weekly Show & Tell on G+ Hangouts On Air: http://adafru.it/showtell
Watch our latest project videos: http://adafru.it/latest
New tutorials on the Adafruit Learning System: http://learn.adafruit.com/
Music by bartlebeats: http://soundcloud.com/bartlebeats
#adafruit #arduino #electronics #hardware #opensource #projects #raspberry #computer #raspberrypi #microcontrollers #LEDs #LED #gemma #flora #bluetooth #bluefruit #neopixel #neopixels #wearables #art #askanengineer #showandtell #madewithcode
published:19 Apr 2015
Shenzhen Trip - Electronics Parts Overview
After getting back from China I take a brief look at the different items I bought in the v...
Wearable Electronics with Becky Stern 5/13/2015 - LIVE
Join Becky Stern and friends every week as we delve into the wonderful world of wearables,...
published:11 May 2015
Wearable Electronics with Becky Stern 5/13/2015 - LIVE
Wearable Electronics with Becky Stern 5/13/2015 - LIVE
Join Becky Stern and friends every week as we delve into the wonderful world of wearables, live on YouTube. We'll answer your questions, announce a discount code for the Adafruit store, and explore wearable components, techniques, special materials, and projects you can build at home! Ask your wearables questions in the comments, and if your question is featured, you’ll be entered to win the show giveaway.
Visit the Adafruit shop online - http://www.adafruit.com
Subscribe to Adafruit on YouTube: http://adafru.it/subscribe
Join our weekly Show & Tell on G+ Hangouts On Air: http://adafru.it/showtell
Watch our latest project videos: http://adafru.it/latest
New tutorials on the Adafruit Learning System: http://learn.adafruit.com/
Music by bartlebeats: http://soundcloud.com/bartlebeats
published:11 May 2015
Wearable Electronics with Becky Stern 11/26/2014 - LIVE
SHOW LINKS BELOW! Join Becky Stern and friends every week as we delve into the wonderful w...
published:26 Nov 2014
Wearable Electronics with Becky Stern 11/26/2014 - LIVE
Wearable Electronics with Becky Stern 11/26/2014 - LIVE
SHOW LINKS BELOW! Join Becky Stern and friends every week as we delve into the wonderful world of wearables, live on YouTube. We'll answer your questions, announce a discount code for the Adafruit store, and explore wearable components, techniques, special materials, and projects you can build at home! Ask your wearables questions in the comments, and if your question is featured, you’ll be entered to win the show giveaway.
#WearableWednesday on the Adafruit blog: http://www.adafruit.com/blog/category/wearables/
Qi Charging Phone Case & Book: https://learn.adafruit.com/qi-charging-phone-case-and-book
Adafruit Holiday Gift Guides: http://www.adafruit.com/giftguide
Subscribe to Adafruit on YouTube: http://adafru.it/subscribe
Join our weekly Show & Tell on G+ Hangouts On Air: http://adafru.it/showtell
Watch our latest project videos: http://adafru.it/latest
New tutorials on the Adafruit Learning System: http://learn.adafruit.com/
Music by bartlebeats: http://soundcloud.com/bartlebeats
connect with Becky:
apple electronics beatles
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published:03 Jun 2015
apple electronics
apple electronics
apple electronics beatles
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published:03 Jun 2015
Top Web Hosting and Cheap Electronics at BigHostingSales.com
To Receive 99% OFF HostGator Packages!...
published:03 Jun 2015
Top Web Hosting and Cheap Electronics at BigHostingSales.com
Top Web Hosting and Cheap Electronics at BigHostingSales.com
To Receive 99% OFF HostGator Packages!
published:03 Jun 2015
Why electronics size, weight, and power really matter 360p
The point of reference on Youtube for all the Navy, Army, Air Force Videos from everywhere...
published:03 Jun 2015
Why electronics size, weight, and power really matter 360p
Why electronics size, weight, and power really matter 360p
The point of reference on Youtube for all the Navy, Army, Air Force Videos from everywhere in the world.
We have the vastest collection of exciting moments about Submarine, Fighter jets, aircraft carriers, war news, syria war live combat, warships, US Marines, US Navy, US Air Force, Main battle tanks, MBT and APC armoured vehicles.
Join us and subscribe to stay tuned, at least 1 new video every day....
published:03 Jun 2015
B Tech Electronics and communications engineering
Electronics and Communicatio...
published:03 Jun 2015
B Tech Electronics and communications engineering
B Tech Electronics and communications engineering
Electronics and Communications Engineering is study and implementation of electricity, electronics and electromagnetism. Electronics and Communication study ranges within a wide area which starts from basic circuit design to complex development of device. To design and develop circuits, devices and systems electronics and communications engineering course utilizes the non-linear and active component which includes electron tubes, semiconductor devices, transistor, diodes etc.
contact us @ 08880113355
published:03 Jun 2015
Tracking Device Fries Car Electronics & Kills Engine, Claims Thou
tracking device fries car electronics fit-finder tracking device fries car electronics edm...
published:03 Jun 2015
Tracking Device Fries Car Electronics & Kills Engine, Claims Thou
Tracking Device Fries Car Electronics & Kills Engine, Claims Thou
tracking device fries car electronics fit-finder tracking device fries car electronics edmonton tracking device fries car electronics ebay tracking device fries car ...
In the name of safety, insurance companies have begun putting tracking devices that measure & record drivers' actions. They promise discounts on insurance, ...
Tracking Device Fries Car Electronics & Kills Engine, Claims Thousands
Tracking Device Fries Car Electronics & Kills Engine, Claims Thou
published:03 Jun 2015
Hello there! Thanks for watching tis video! hope you enjoyed!!
Seven Fantabulous Filmers ...
published:03 Jun 2015
Hello there! Thanks for watching tis video! hope you enjoyed!!
Seven Fantabulous Filmers is one of the biggest collab channels here on youtube just fo girls!
We upload EVERYDAY!!
Make sure to subscribe!
We have 7 amazing members who make videos for you every week meet them!
Monday : Maggie | 12 | USA
Tuesday : Monica | 12 | USA
Wednesday : Jolie | 12 | USA
Thursday: Gracie | 9 | Canada
Friday: Kara| 12 | USA
Saturday : Matilda | 13 | Finland
Sunday : Kayla| 15 | USA
Thanks for watching!
published:03 Jun 2015
Hang from my ceiling watching DIY electronics and listening to music.
Because hanging from my ceiling watching DIY electronics and listening to music is sometim...
published:03 Jun 2015
Hang from my ceiling watching DIY electronics and listening to music.
Hang from my ceiling watching DIY electronics and listening to music.
Because hanging from my ceiling watching DIY electronics and listening to music is sometimes interesting.
I am attempting to fix a digitally controlled analog synthesizer that I made four years ago which broke almost immediately in some weird way.
Story shot at Geetanjali Institute of Technical Studies, Udaipur...
published:03 Jun 2015
Story done on Electronics and Communication
Story done on Electronics and Communication
Story shot at Geetanjali Institute of Technical Studies, Udaipur
published:03 Jun 2015
Sony Pictures
published:03 Jun 2015
Sony Pictures
Click below to buy on Amazon: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00KIQX92C?tag=vacumlemoir-21
published:03 Jun 2015
Pixel Dimming is a whole new display technology only possible in OLED Organic Light Emitti...
published:03 Jun 2015
Pixel Dimming is a whole new display technology only possible in OLED Organic Light Emitting Diode Since every single pixel generates light itself and turns on off independently it achieves never seen-before black levels even in dark scenes and enhances the depth and vitality of the colors by each pixels detailed expression
LG OLED TVs unique 4 Colour Pixel enables natural expression of every shade and hue Whatever you watch will be so real and tangible that you will feel like you are right there seeing it with your naked eyes It will maximize your viewing experience with truly life-like colour
The 55EC930Vs self-lighting pixels can control their own luminance so that black and dark colours are displayed with amazing depth and accuracy this is particularly evident in dark scenes where every detail is clearly visible
The response speed of LG OLED TV is over one thousand times faster than regular LED TV allowing you to enjoy fast moving scenes like sports or action movies with completely blur-free crystal-clear pictures
With OLED TV you are no longer restrained by the angle at which you can view from the 55EC930V shows incredibly consistent pictures from any angle Enjoy perfectly wide viewing angles with no distortion of contrast or colour with the LG OLED TV the perfect display all around Ultra Slim Design The simple structure of OLED TV allows for a striking design with an incredibly slim profile The 55EC930V uses premium materials in its construction and with a stunning design it will fit seemlessly into any decor Curved Screen The 55EC930Vs screen has been curved to naturally fit our vision range and is the most optimal form for any display providing equal distance from all parts of the screen to the eyes this makes prolonged viewing more comfortable with the images looking more real 4 Colour Pixel
Click below to buy on Amazon: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00NAX6K6C?tag=vacumlemoir-21
published:03 Jun 2015
basic electronics-Electronic Circuit
basic electronics-The term electricity can be used to refer to any of the properties that ...
published:03 Jun 2015
basic electronics-Electronic Circuit
basic electronics-Electronic Circuit
basic electronics-The term electricity can be used to refer to any of the properties that particles, like protons and electrons, have as a result of their charge. Typically, though, electricity refers to electrical current as a source of power. Whenever valence electrons move in a wire, current flows, by definition, in the opposite direction. As the electrons move, their electric potential energy can be converted to other forms like light, heat, and sound. The source of this energy can be a battery, generator, solar cell, or power plant.
published:03 Jun 2015
Sharp Electronics R642WW Mikrowellengerät Neu
In diesem Video ich zeigen Ihnen die Sharp Electronics R642WW Mikrowellengerät Neu. Fur we...
published:03 Jun 2015
Sharp Electronics R642WW Mikrowellengerät Neu
Sharp Electronics R642WW Mikrowellengerät Neu
In diesem Video ich zeigen Ihnen die Sharp Electronics R642WW Mikrowellengerät Neu. Fur weitere Informationen zu diesem Produkt und zu erwerben besuchen Sie bitte: http://po.st/VHR1B6
Nicht vergessen zu besuchen http://po.st/VHR1B6 fur andere Nachrichten und Bewertungen!
Wenn Sie gerne dieses Video bitte geben Sie einen Daumen nach oben und Abonnieren fur weitere Inhalte. Danke!
published:03 Jun 2015
LG Electronics LG 55EA975V OL 3D TCS SMA 1250 UHD
LG Electronics LG 55EA975V OL 3D TCS SMA 1250 UHD
* OLED Full HD 1080p (1...
published:03 Jun 2015
LG Electronics LG 55EA975V OL 3D TCS SMA 1250 UHD
LG Electronics LG 55EA975V OL 3D TCS SMA 1250 UHD
LG Electronics LG 55EA975V OL 3D TCS SMA 1250 UHD
* OLED Full HD 1080p (1920 x 1080)
* 3D image, 4 glases inside HDTV, Dynamic 3D
* 1000 Hz MCI (Motion Clarity Index)
Bildschirmdiagonale: 55 Zoll / 139 cm, Cinema ScreenAuflösung: 1
Article by WN.com Correspondent DallasDarling. There will be many ISIS' until the United States learns one valuable lesson. How can a foreign nation win over people while occupying their lands? It's a rhetorical question, of course, which requires only one answer ... Some even blame the CIA and Mossad. But the truth remains ... Since people need land to sustain their livelihoods and communities, the power of land is of utmost importance ... U.S....
JIANLI, China (AP) Disaster teams searched the Yangtze River on Saturday for dozens of missing bodies from the Eastern Star as the death toll in the cruiser's capsizing rose to nearly 400, making it China's deadliest boat disaster in nearly seven decades. Authorities have attributed the overturning of the ship late Monday to sudden, severe winds, but also have placed the captain and his first engineer in police custody ... ___ ... ....
Thailand is eager to show its newfound toughness on human trafficking, taking reporters on patrols and tours of former camps, cooperating with neighboring countries and the US, and arresting dozens of officials — including a high-ranking officer in the military that now controls the country. The junta even had a "National Anti-Human Trafficking Day." ... history. "Thailand remains major center for human trafficking." ... ___ Tweet ....
Leaders from the G7 industrial nations meet today in the Bavarian Alps for a summit that will likely be overshadowed by Greece's debt crisis and ongoing violence in Ukraine. German ChancellorAngela Merkel hopes to secure commitments from the G7 to tackle global warming to build momentum in the run-up to a major UN climate summit in Paris in December ...Eastern Ukraine on the agenda....
Two of the most important factors that come into play when traveling are ease and comfort, things that are not always simply attained, especially if you’re traveling with a handful of electronic devices. The new Cabeau Corepack backpack promises an efficient solution to these concerns, and to test the product I loaded one up with gear and headed out on a nine-day trip through Mexico... that I tucked into other compartments ... ....
Chief among them is the imposition of electronic health records (EHR) ...Again, I don’t oppose going electronic ... Why could they not leave the decision of when and how to go electronic to those who use the technology and can best judge its ripeness and usefulness? Instead, the Obama administration decided arbitrarily six years ago that EHR should be universally in use by 2015 ... ElectronicHealthRecords....
Chief among them is the imposition of electronic health records (EHR) ...Again, I don’t oppose going electronic ... Why could they not leave the decision of when and how to go electronic to those who use the technology and can best judge its ripeness and usefulness? Instead, the Obama administration decided arbitrarily six years ago that EHR should be universally in use by 2015....
In the narrower lanes of the old town, recorded advertisements blare from shops selling off-brand clothing and electronics, while the musical styles of the many patrons of restaurant and guesthouse karaoke parlors assault the ears of passers-by....
A new Dunedinelectronic pop duo is courting music industry hype and taking a different approach to announcing itself in the local music scene ... Sean has come from a background of producing and working with the electronic side of music, and Anderson has a love for words and the emotions that can be expressed through songwriting. This has helped shape an electronic pop sound that we are starting to be recognised for ... . . Listen....
At an industry conference Friday, the Minnesota medical device company also announced a long-term partnership with South Korean technology giant Samsung Electronics Co. to develop secure applications for diabetes management ...David Rhew, chief medical officer for Samsung ElectronicsAmerica, said in a news release ... ....
The Ministry of Finance (MoF), represented by the Department of Coordination of Fiscal Policies, has announced that Fujairah's financial system has been electronically linked to that of the federal government after a meeting today at the Ministry's premises in Dubai... The Ministry had announced last year that the Abu Dhabi and Ajman financial systems have been electronically linked to the federal financial system....
The GlobalMusic Festival concerts to be held from June 24 to June 26 are to feature 24 groups of musicians, including avant-garde electronic band Lie Gramophone (謊言留聲機), six-man rap group Boxing from the Paiwan people, Mandopop singer Victor Wong (品冠) and electronic dance and rock band OVDS. The concerts are to include rock, folk, electronic, ......
Meet the karate-loving Rudimental associate who’s now ready for the big time. Anne-Marie. 'experimental, electronic soul'. Photograph... Debut single proper Karate uses martial arts as a metaphor for a different kind of body contact (“work hard on me, like karate,” runs the chorus), Anne-Marie’s breathy falsetto weaving its way through a haze of textured, synth-happy experimental electronic soul peppered with unexpected vocal samples ... ....
VARANASI ... The Securities and ExchangeBoard of India (Sebi) Chairman also said that the regulator would soon issue norms for electronicIPOs, which would make it much easier for investors from across the country to invest in public offers. On startups, Sinha said ... For the primary market, Sinha said, Sebi would soon start electronicIPO, which would make it easier for the investors to put their money in the initial public offers ... ....
Retailer UnitedElectronics slipped 0.3 percent, having tumbled as much as 3.9 percent during the day ... United Electronics did not disclose the price but said one of its board members owned a stake in the target company ... Our Flagship financial information platform incorporating Reuters Insider An ultra-low latency infrastructure for electronic trading ......
A team of German researchers have developed a smart shoe gadget that harvests energy from walking and running movements. This energy is then used to power sensors and other electronics, according to a report by LiveScience... Schematic of the excitation conditions available in the human gait ... This magnetic field is a source of energy that can be used to power other electronics in place of a battery charger, for example ... ....