Human Hands – Trains Vs Planes


Human Hands
Trains Vs Planes
January 1981 – Faulty Products
Producer: Human Hands

David Wiley Vocals
Juan Gomez Guitars
Rick Potts Bass & Sax
Bill Noland Keyboards
Dennis Duck Drums

1. Trains Vs Planes – 4:00
2. Blue Eel – 2:50

Human Hands formed in 1978, they were associated with what is loosely known as the Pasadena scene, bands with more of an art influence than the average L.A. punk band of the time. The original members were Dennis Duck, Juan Gomez, Bill Noland, Rick Potts and David Wiley.

After making a few recordings (the single Trains vs. Planes, the 12 inch Jubilee with DJ Bonebrake from X adding percussion), some notable opening slots and headlining clubs like Perkins Palace, the band broke up at the end of 1981.

Although Human Hands were starting to get noticed by both the critics, and the public, by late 1981 it wasn’t enough for the band to continue. It was a fateful year for Human Hands. Bill Noland joined Wall of Voodoo, and Dennis Duck joined Dream Syndicate. Vocalist David Wiley died of AIDS in the late 80s. The original lineup (with others filling in for Wiley) has reunited for benefit shows as recently as 1999.

If you get the chance give this single a listen, worth owning. It’s a great snapshot of a great time in the early Los Angeles scene.

Rating: ** * two out of three stars

On to the story . . .

Sometime in January 1981, I was at Moby Disc in Sherman Oaks for my weekly trip with my Mother and Brother. When we walked in I b-lined it to the magazines up front, looking for the latest fanzines, and I ended up reading through an old issue of Action Now magazine.

As I flipped through a bit more than half of the magazine I come across the Live Show Review section, and I’m reading about a band that Tony Alva played bass for, in the late ‘70’s there weren’t many people cooler than Alva, and next to his review is a critique for a band called Human Hands with a picture of their singer David Wiley. Just as I finish reading the article I look up, and Wiley is walking in the door of the shop. I am, momentarily, star-struck, here’s the same guy who has a color picture in a magazine next to Tony Alva, damn. I run to the front of the store, next to the cash register, where they keep their 45’s, and grab the Human Hands single Trains Vs Planes, then run up to Wiley, and ask for an autograph. He turns bright red and says “No.” He explains he isn’t a rock star, he asks my name, shakes my hand, we talk about music, and as he leaves, he tells me to come and check them out at the Country Club in Reseda in a few weeks, opening for Romeo Void (and Wild Kingdom). I said I would. I ended buying the single, and got my Dad to agree to take to the Country Club for their show (I was only 14, and transportation was scarce), more on the show another time.



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Symbol Six, The Crowd, Channel Three, The Ingrates – LIVE


Symbol Six, The Crowd, Channel Three, The Ingrates
Rhino Pop-Up, Los Angeles, CA
Sunday, June 5, 2011

Here was an insane line-up put on by the great people at Rhino Records. If you have never been to one of the annual Rhino Records Pop-up stores, you are really missing out. Great stuff to buy, everything is dirt-cheap, and a bunch of really quirky things that you would normally have to hunt down online. The staff was truly a bunch of super-nice, great people.

The show was also available as a webcast through a site called for the ultra cheap price of $5.00 for the whole night. I asked one of the techs about the number of people logging in, and she said the fifteen people were already online watching before the show even started.

The night was set-up to honor some of the premier Posh Boy recording artists. Obviously, not all of them can be included, but the cream of the crop was included. I hear that Mike Ness guy is doing well for himself.

The first band on was a group called The Ingrates. Basically, they were supposed to do songs from Posh Boy artists that had passed on. Here is where I got a little irked: The drummer of the group seemed a bit disrespectful about the whole thing, at the beginning he says “We’re The Ingrates, and we’re going to do some songs by some dead dudes, and some stuff by some local bands.” He got a couple of chuckles, and they went into some songs. Dead dudes? Maybe it was just me, but the whole death thing isn’t funny to me.

The vocalist was pretty good, and pretty easy on the eyes.

Now, as soon as I start getting used to them the drummer announces, “Here’s another song from a dead dude, Jeffrey Lee.” There they are irking me again.

The highlight of the set was when they brought Jerry Koskie of The Simpletones up onstage to sing I Like Drugs. If you remember Jerry was also a member of The Chiefs.

Overall, The Ingrates played a good, tight set.

The second band up was the world-famous Channel Three. If you don’t know Channel Three, well like Eazy E used to say, “You better ask somebody.” Channel Three were complete professionals, and knocked out a flawless set.

The one funny thing about seeing older bands like this is that the fast songs end up being a bit slower than you remember, and everybody ends up much better than the old days. Better singing and better musicianship.

The highlight of the set was when they brought a woman named Maria or Michelle Montoya onstage to help out with the vocals. I’m not sure who she was, and everybody I asked in the crowd seemed just as clueless. She could really, really sing. Montoya ended up adding an extra polish to the Channel Three sound.

The one thing that seemed to be missing throughout the night was Jay Lansford. Jay either was in all these groups (The Simpletones, Channel Three, etc.), or produced them all.

The third band of the night was the original OC punk band, The Crowd. Just like I said about Channel Three, I’ll say here, a flawless set. These guys were great. The audience loved them, and there were a handful of guys doing the old HB Strut in front of the stage.

The highlight of the set was when they announced “the next song is from a compilation called Beach Blvd.,” people hollered up a storm. Great set.

Now, the band that has stripped James Brown of the title of “Hardest Working Man in Show Business,” Symbol Six. These guys are in perpetual motion. If they aren’t playing, they are recording, if they’re not recording, they are on the radio, if they’re not on the radio, then they are being interviewed. And each time I see them it seems like their crowd has doubled, yet again.

Side note here: On May 30, 2011, Rodney Bingenheimer played Sticks N’ Stones off of their Monsters 11 album, and even announced the Rhino Show.

They are one of the very few bands that played back in the eighties that seem to have more young fans than the older throwback crowd.

As soon as they hit the stage the crowd went ape-shit. A full-on slam-pit erupted, bodies flying off the stage, people banging all over the place. The funniest moment was when the pit was going so hard, I was standing in the back of the room, behind the DJ booth/table, and this one guy gets slammed so hard he hits the table, pinning me against the wall, knocking CD’s, and albums everywhere, me, and some girl who was standing next to me are grabbing all the equipment before it hits the floor, and the guy stands up, fixes his T-shirt, and launches himself back into the pit.

Symbol Six played their classic tracks from the Posh Boy EP, Ego, Symbol Six, Taxation, and Beverlywood. The great thing about these tracks is as they are being played everybody in the joint is singing along, and pumping their fists. In many ways these songs don’t belong to Symbol Six anymore, they are the soundtrack to my generation’s youth, our anthems (doesn’t mean we’ll be collecting royalties, though).

And then faster that you can turn from the Spice channel to Desperate Housewives when your wife walks in the room, Symbol Six steamrolls into their modern classics, like Dog Days, and Go. And again everybody is singing along, and pumping their fists, but this time it’s everybody who is, about, ten years younger than me (that is if I was 35, it’s my story . . . I could be 35).

Much like all Symbol Six shows, as soon as they hit the stage the front row fills up with photographers, and people with video cameras. They stay until the slam-pit sends them to the nosebleed section. Like I’ve said before their buzz is out there, and everyone is trying to record it.

The audience was a definite who’s who of punk rock, Mike Vallejo of Circle One, Mike Villalobos of The Gears, Michelle Flipside, and her husband Mike, and a truckload of other people whose names I couldn’t place.

One of the many highlights of the evening was standing outside talking to Symbol Six drummer Phil George (who by the way is probably the best drummer in L.A. right now), and watching people come over in droves telling him the usual cool stuff, “great set,” or “you’re a great drummer,” and then as they leave they would shake my hand say to me “dude, great set!” It was funny, so I would say “thanks, I’ve been rehearsing.” And last but not least Bruce Moreland of The Weirdos, Nervous Gender, and Wall of Voodoo DJ’d the whole night, before, and after the bands.

My overall assessment, this one is for the record books!



Born Frustrated is coming, Summer 2015:

Black Mark Baby – Potential Suicide / Youth Crimes 7″


Black Mark Baby
Potential Suicide / Youth Crimes 7″
May 1981
Dr. Strange Records

Boyd Farrell, Vocals
Keith Campbell, Guitars
Paul Cleary, Bass
Tommy Carr, Drums

1. Potential Suicide
2. Youth Crimes
3. America’s Youth – Live
4. Killing Time – Live

What can I say about this EP? It’s really good, and really melodic. The music is real tight. If you don’t own it, give the guys at Dr. Strange Records a holler, and have them send you a copy.

Since 1988 Dr. Strange Records have been doing an awesome job at keeping these vintage releases alive.

If you get the chance give this single a listen, worth owning. It’s a great snapshot of a great time in the early DC scene.

Rating: ** * two out of three stars

On to the story . . .

Some time back in 2003, I got an ingrown hair that started to bump up between my crotch and my leg. No big deal. I would get these sometimes on my neck from shaving too close. I would put a dab of Clearasil at night before I go to bed, and by morning it’s gone.

Well, for whatever reason, when I decided to do this I didn’t stop to think that maybe, just maybe I shouldn’t put any medicine-type products in this area. Being that my general crotchal area may be just a bit more sensitive than my neck. Nope, didn’t consider it al all.

So I glop on the Clearasil on this reddish bump, now the size of my thumbnail. I wake up in the morning, and the ingrown hair has now tripled in size, and it’s throbbing. Throbbing is usually good in this area, but not on this day. It has ruined me. I’m running a fever, and I’m slightly dizzy.

I get up stumble to the couch. I get an ice pack, and it’s doing nothing other than make me feel like I’m going to pass out.

Then a weird thought pops into my head, “I have to lance this!” Why did I come up with this? I have no idea. I felt like a punch-drunk Rocky yelling at my imaginary Mickey; “Cut me, Mick, cut me.”

So I stagger into the shower with a razor blade, sit on the bottom of the tub, and hold the massive red bump in between two fingers, and as careful as I can, cut.

A mass of blood and other crap-like substances blow out like a volcano. What’s weird is that instantly my fever went away. And the dizziness also went away.

I sat on the floor of the tub for close to an hour. Once I lost the hot water I hobbled out of the bathroom, plopped down on the couch, and was glad I didn’t slip with the razor.

A week later I’m going to lunch with my Dad, and we start talking about different things, and I tell him the story of this monster-like growth next to my junk. And the dizziness, the fever, and ultimately how I had to attack it with a sword (hey, it’s my story, right?)

By the time I was done with the story, tears were running down his face, he could barely talk. Between crying, he muttered: “Who the hell would put Clearasil on their junk?”

Well, obviously, me. And thank you for laughing at my misfortune. It was another 30 minutes before he had it together.



Born Frustrated is coming, Summer 2015:

Whatever68 Radio Three-Year Celebration Fest!


On April 4, 2015, from 2:30pm to 1:30am will be a festival to celebrate three years of operation at Whatever68 Radio at the Blacklight District Lounge (2500 E Anaheim St., Long Beach, CA) with live bands, special guest appearances, food (and cupcakes), prizes!

The $7.00 entry fee includes free raffle ticket! Additional raffle tickets $1.00 each! This event will also be broadcasted live on air with Dirtbags Dirty Family & PunkrPrincess Whatever Show only on

The anniversary show will feature the following bands: Inazuma, Agenda 21, Punk, Patient Zero, BDSM, Dirt13, Damaged, Inconsiderate Jerks, Sculpins Locjaw, Sorry State, The Logs, and Rodents of Unusual Size.

Special Guests Appearances by:

Michael Essington, author of Last One to Die, Life Won’t Wait and the upcoming Born Frustrated

Bob Oedy (of The Grim) author of The Punk Rock Las Vegas Survival Guide

Terry Quinn of Terry Quinn & the Weazels

Ginger Coyote (of White Trash Debutantes) founder of Punk Globe Magazine,

Nikki Palomino of Whatever68 Radio & Punk Globe Magazine,

Sal of Sal’s Photos

Drummer Johnny Ray



Born Frustrated is coming, Summer 2015:

You Can’t Lose If You Don’t Want To Win: Memoirs of a Charming Loser by Christiaan Pasquale


You Can’t Lose If You Don’t Want To Win Memoirs of a Charming Loser
Written by: Christiaan Pasquale
Publish date: April 10, 2014
Pages: Eighty-Seven

Some authors try to guide you, gently, into their story. Possibly, dropping bread crumbs in hopes that you’ll follow them into an enchanted land. If you read You Can’t Lose If You Don’t Want To Win: Memoirs Of A Charming Loser Christiaan Pasquale will grab you by the scruff of your neck and force you to look at a part of life that you thought only existed in the movies.

Pasquale takes his readers into some dark territories, murder, racial injustices and general life among the discontented. The stories slither around sadness and the darker aspects of life. Midway through you realize Pasquale might just be narrating your life, not his.

If you don’t have it, buy it.

Rating: ** * two out of three stars

On to the story . . .

On Saturday night I went to bed shortly after my daughter left my place. It was a goodbye of sorts as she flew to Oklahoma today. Put my son to bed, I headed upstairs to bed myself. My wife stayed downstairs on her Kindle for a bit and said that she’d be up in a little while.

In bed, I picked up a book and tried to read. I glossed over the same page three times. I have no idea what I read. Picked up my phone, checked Facebook and looked at the latest releases on NetFlix. The wife came up and tucked herself in.

I got up and went back downstairs, turned on the cable and channel-surfed for hours. Ask The Dust, Eyes Wide Shut and a superhero flick I can’t recall.

I finally staggered into bed at around 4:00 or 4:30 a.m. Closed my eyes and at 7:45 I hear, “Hey, dad, let’s go to breakfast!” “Sure son. Let’s go.”

It finally dawned on me this morning. I’m not sad that my daughter shipped off to the military, I’m sad that she isn’t little anymore. I couldn’t have asked for a more beautiful, damn near, perfect little girl. And as I write this I’m a bit brokenhearted that she grew-up and is starting the grown-up portion of her life.



Born Frustrated is coming, Summer 2015:

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