Coordinates: 50°07′47″N 3°18′21″E / 50.1297°N 3.3058°E / 50.1297; 3.3058
Wambaix is a commune in the Nord department in northern France.
Lutte sénégalaise à Wambaix .
Lutte sénégalaise à Wambaix .
feu d'habitation le 24-01-2011 commune de Wambaix
soirée Wambaix CO
Lans EC 2
Roeland van Bel - ATC'65 F 3 De Lutte F 1
d afrique punk!!!!!!!
line-dance-music 015.AVI
visite guidée
CGLMRT Ventriglisse
Well we’ve all heard the sermon seen
The preachers or worshipped the stage
Heard the new manifesto? It’s all questions no solutions at all
Well, you’re out on your own now, always have been
Just look at your friends
Break the surface to daylight
Strength will flow through our unity.
There is a traitor in our midst
And when we rise we will be betrayed
They are the wolves in sheep’s clothing
Take the place at the back of the fold
All this talk about freedom
Will be tainted with blood (it’s your life)
Put this cross on your back child
Tread the long weary trail to the top of the hill
There’s some hard times coming down
There’s the smell of revolution on the wind
Well, we’re grinding down our axes
Telling tales round the bonfire at night
We will set out with a fire in our hearts
When this darkness gives way to the dawn
In the light we’re united as one
For the kingdom of heaven must be taken by storm!
Meatwagon come, borne on the rays of the morning sun
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done
A silver express through the valley of death
A cruise over land, to turn the fertile soil to sand
Ten million bodies, maybe more
From every wound a stream of blood doth pour
We must find a way to stop the flood
You say that you hear voices, I premsume that is correct?
And you say that all the bad boys end their wicked days in hell?
Well if it wasn't for the collar that you wear around your neck
You'd be seeing life quite differently, inside a padded cell!
The fear of God
Am I to understand you, when you say I'll be forgiven?
I give you all my money, well that's blackmail don't you see?
And the ones who give the most are guarenteed a place in heaven
Where they can watch the burning souls below and rub their hands with glee!
The fear of God
Your priorities Are wrong
Your faith Is blind
Crush the weak Uphold the strong
Burn the brains Of mankind
The money spent on churches could appease the starving poor
To justify injustice you must misinterpret Christ!
You lock your wealth away at night behind a bolted door.
The wind of change transformed the plains into the desert
And on the lower levels demons scream delight
Places of worship have ceased to serve the purpose
The age of reason took a ride into the night
Where there were idols there is idleness
Unholy churches light their fires upon the moor
They sealed the pact with blood and honour
The machine spits blood and lurches into war
We have fallen, it leaves such an embittered taste
Erectus is now crawling, we have fallen from grace
There is a black tree in the wilderness
Older than time itself and riddled with disease
It feeds on clotted blood and rotting flesh
The hunger we all seem too willing to appease
When all before you lose their heads into the block
When e'en the proudest bend their knees before the flock
They seek salvation in the depths of madmen's eyes
Knee deep in blood and gore they look toward the skies
They sought the means by which to transform the gods
Burnt the books, created death camps on the way
A new religion from the ashes of the old
A social order one of masters and slaves
They dreamt of everyman, we merely have regressed
Into the animal that can't perceive the will
Look at the embryo, so twisted and grotesque
This is your superman, the legacy to kill
We have fallen, the losers in the human race
Drink and be merry, for tomorrow we may die
It’s better to laugh than it is to cry
My cup runneth over with blood and not wine
The last was the flood, it’s fire this time
I took a walk on the beach, no sand dunes just oil
Dead gulls and dead fish were trod underfoot
The sky was tinted with yellow and black
And the air smelt like Dachou today
The fields were littered with the dying and dead
Nothing grows here but decay!
The village bell tolls, a priest vomits blood
Another life’s wasted away
Down in the square, the party goes on
The doomed sit down to their last feast
They gorge themselves on the recently deceased
The heat of the day, the foul smell of decay
As they wait…. For the inferno to be
So drink and be merry for tomorrow we may die
It’s better to laugh than it is to cry
Live for life’s sake, don’t let life pass you by
There’s more worth living for than meets the eye
And in our ignorance we let them take control
And in their wisdom they decreed that we should bow
Their grips extending to encompass all the world
The cages open to accomodate the crowd
When we put our lives into their hands
We put our hands into their chains
Refuse to aid them, refuse to hold their gun
I just buried a friend
He had come to the end
But I can't help feeling that it needn't have been
Caught in the flak
There was no turning back
So he gave up his life for some psychopath's dream
So we're leaving the front
Having taken the brunt
Now we're tired of the slaughter in some foreign land
So the leaders of the war
They fight alone on the shore
Our mutiny over they are left on the sand
We stand as one
We are an army now of many thousand strong
They stand alone
To fight for ravaged land to gain their worthless throne
The boys are coming home
I see within my mind
A vast and lonely plain
Great armies meet in no man's land
To clench their hands in friendship
For the first time
The dark tide is ebbing
A mass of tired humanity drifting toward the dawn
well you never flew the colours
and I never saw you bend a knee
to any man
but you were never short of brothers
there was always someone
holding out a helping hand
well, I remember the summer
we were riding to a show
and our road went on forever
so we were riding nice and slow
and then I heard the band play
and the sun broke through the sky
it was a fine day for a funeral ya
but I never wanted you to die
no one ever wanted you to die
we were watching at the crossroads
when I saw you wiping out
some metal box just slipped down
right into the side of you
I was screaming
I was screaming
I was screaming
but nothing was coming out
they always said you were
a dark horse
because you rode the land alone
but you know I think the real reason
that you were always riding home
and your road goes on forever
the sun will always shine
one day we'll be together
when we cross the final line
when we cross the line
if I turn to you and call you a friend
when all is said and all is done
will you meet me on the other side
What will you do when your properties gone?
When the finger on the triggers your one and only son?
When the money in your pocket cannot buy even bread?
The city has crumbled, the people have been bled
CHORUS: Looks like the beginning of the end
The machine has grown to crush the world, the walls are getting higher.
The youth will be the first to throw themselves upon the pyre.
The reason for living seems so fruitless in the aftermath
when we've finally walked to the end of the path.
The time is near at hand, a fact you must accept.
Time stands still for no man not even for the rich.
So sorry we're so humourless, it's just the way we are.
You laugh but I don't get the joke, we walk but don't get far.
Maybe there is hope in the dawning of the day.
When no rules define survival, when the earth starts to decay.
It's you who face the holocaust. It's you who cast the vote.
Welcome to Cell Block 427 it's 10 o'clock at night
Can you see the rows of bodies twitching in their sleep
And if you're hungry, if you fancy a bite
The guards will be obliged to pick the fattest from the heap
They drag the body through the filth by a cruelly mutated arm
Up into the kitchen of the human factory farm
It tries to scream but can't without a tongue
One more slaughtered in the kitchen of the human factory farm
Take your body, grease it well and rip the kidneys out
The sweat must be left on the skin, the throat allowed to bleed
Prepare a stuffing, smash the jaw and jam it down the throat
Then braise your beast for two hours for a healthy, filling treat
Back in Cell Block 427 the rest don't care if he's missing
Two beasts fuck frantically, fearful of their slaughter
One bloated specimen rolls off its mate and proceeds with pissing
Lock up your children the axeman is coming
Lock up your children the axeman is coming
Lock up your children the axeman is running
Lock up your children he's here!
He's coming SLAUGHTER!
Is he from the army or the S.A.S.?
Rejected and shunned, left out on his own
The skills he acquired are put to the test
The tearing of flesh and the pulping of bone!
He's coming SLAUGHTER!
It's late and it's dark but one walks the streets
An axe in his hand, no glint in his eye
This mindless machine, he butcher, you meat!
Calm and collected, but twisted inside!
I awoke in a sweat from the American Dream
They were loading the bomb bay of the iron bird
Giving their blood to the Doomsday Machine
I screamed into the wind my goodbye to the world
It was dark in the desert so we walked through the night
The vessel was waiting where we had been led
An awesome machine to tear through the sky
The last exodus from the land of the dead
We are swimming in the lunar sea
Drowning in insanity
Look to the shore you will see
Your leaders were lying
Nobody's driving!
Upon the horizon is the earth I once knew
Now a red ball of light suspended in space
So we erected a stone on the shore of the sea
As a grim epitaph to the lost human race
Repeat first verse
We are swimming in the lunar sea
Drowning in insanity
Between the devil and the deep blue sea
Our world is dying
Your god is your chains
Reject your god reject your system
Rise into the light, and set a flame to the night
We must destroy the institution of fear
Every shadow of doubt, grind it out!
There is a vision now becoming so clear
Use your head, take control
Use your head, no gods no masters
Feel the strength from within, do you believe it's a sin
To find the power lying inside your mind
Not from the cross or the gun
Not from the moon nor the sun
But rising from the very soul of mankind
We are straining at the leash!
We swear allegiance to none, be, not become
There is no one upon whom praise we will shower
I believe that the sin is the first to give in
Sing to your sisters, your brothers are dead
The army retreated, the soldiers have fled
The carcass of nations lies out on the plain
For many to question but none to explain
Such carnage, destruction
They came in their thousands, to die for belief
In a guardian of freedom, once branded a thief
Led to their slaughter, to fight for their wife
Trapped by a system that demands only life
Such carnage, destruction
The corpses are buried the day may yet come
When man reaps the land with a plough not a gun
The sorrow of millions will be buried with them
That demanded the death not the life of those men
Look to the north, look to the east, look to the west and south
On all horizons storm clouds loom and roll across the sky
The river bursts its banks and vomits soil into the mouth
As thunder breaks the silence, a young child cries!
Between the night and the days first light the leaders made a pact
To raise the rotting corpse of war and set the wheels in motion
The stage a heaving battlefield would support the final act
While the authors hide in sattelites or forts beneath the ocean
And in this play We’re cast as fools
To blindly play By others’ rules
Now the dust has settled and the stench completely clear
Then return the victors to claim their wretched crown
But from the fleshheaps of the slain, there comes no cheer
Their game is over, the chips are down
You arrived like a breath from the angel of death
Famine, disease and a life on your knees, guaranteed
Earth to ashes, buildings to dust
A radioactive burning crust
The meek shall inherit all that is left
Inherit the Earth, a living death
From the cradle to the grave
You made yourself the system’s slave
Acid rain, rocks on fire!
Poison clouds, gods a liar
There’s nothing left, for the meek
The past is gone the future is bleak
From the cradle to the grave
You made yourself the system’s slave
Evil systems, government control
Are to blame for our downfall
There’s no umbrella against the rain
It's a race against time
And there's nowhere to hide
So they look for the sign
In the sky
No sanctuary
But its all a mistake
It's already too late
The key to our fate
Is inside
Yes it's hidden away
From the light of the day
In the minds of the
Masters of men
The damage is done
So the suffering goes on
With the aid of the
The cold outside lays waste to life. Suspends the process of decay.
Alone without a friend suffer as night becomes the death of day.
CHORUS: Winter
This is the season of the fire, this is when the reaper crawls.
Feed the flames and make them higher. No sanctuary behind four walls.
Red sky at night, the shepherds delight but nothing left by the morning.
In the town they feel safe, fools like flies their friends are falling.
Wrap up warm, you'll catch your death. Don't let your death catch you.
I have seen the winter sun
rise above the veils of babylon
I've ridden out across the terra plain
seen the standing stones
where we will never meet again
I've seen our freedoms change
you gotta fight for the rights now
before all that remains
is a vague memory inside
we want the right to ride
let the rider decide
I have seen the loss
The eagles over the sky
walked into the valley
and the milky high
I have walked across the lonely haunt moor
seen so many things
that we have never seen before
we listen lone and low
the glitter and glow
existing on the lonely names
to read to choose to winner to lose
Took me some time to understand the man
He is a fist in the back of my brain
Don't you know we're doing all that we can
The look in his eyes is no look of the sane
He is............. a timebomb
Transmit! The signal screams
Tearing the soul apart
Putting an end to dreams
Sewage drips from the foetid heart
When will he understand?
That he has blown my head
That I am crushed
Out in the marshland and deep in the woods
Something stirs from the past to live once again
Do you believe that there is life
In all that they told us was dead?
Our land, sea and sky
Our land, our claim
Our land, sea and sky
The power remains
This faith that moved mountains, blue stone and earth
Has its roots in the past, it's rising again
The path of the serpent now trodden to dust
Is raised from its slumber to beckon us on
Nathrac! They ripped your innards out
Defiled the sacred land
But I believe the power remains
My friend the time has come for us to say goodbye
So with these parting words I bid you farewell
It seems the life we led was just a shameful lie
What does the future hold? Well only time will tell
I’m not scared of dying and I don’t really care
If it’s peace you find in dying well then let my time be near
If it’s peace you find in dying when dying time is here
Bundle up my coffin, ‘cos it’s cold down there
And when I’m dead
And when I’m gone
There will be one child born
And a world will carry on
Some say our fate is sealed and help to tie the knot
Some say that this may be the lull before the storm
But there’s one piece of nature everyone’s forgot
And that’s, “The darkest hour is always before the dawn!”
When the candle burns low
When there’s no more to say
Dig me a hole
The pulpits standing empty, the congregations left
Because to qualify for piety they had to pass a test
Q: How much "roughly" is your god worth to you?
Q: And if he said "lay down your life for me" could you give that too?
And will they never understand
That the future is in man
The priests, when told of starving kids, look on in mock dismay
While thinking of new ways by which to make religion pay
Money from mass misery? There's nothing wrong with that
The church holds out a bloodstained hand to pass around the hat
"By the pricking in my thumbs
Roses are red. sometimes violets are blue but we're always puking on cider
and glue
People say that we're twisted, you know it's not true, we just get so bad
when there's fuck all to do
Life in this building is freezing and wet, if I once had a brain then I
seem to forget
'Cos just when I caught it, it slipped through the net, now we sedate
ourselves slowly no time for regret
Sunshine wards laughing, the inmates are here, filling our lives full of
sulphate and beer
We've tried every way to make "real life" less clear as stupidity sets in
the truth disappears
Sunshine wards screaming, we crawl to the door
Reality creeps back, I can't take no more
There is no more stairway we're stuck on this floor
And fear digs in deep, as the patients hands claw
The happy dream shatters and falls to the floor
The doubt crawling in that we can't just ignore
Should we carry this farce on just as before?
The parchment of my flesh must break
The winter winds my soul doth take
And all beneath the heavens lies in peace
A world will form and fade away
The crystal dawn of the final day
Breaks upon the shores of death's release
Bring me my flesh and blood
On land, the sky, the sea
And light a raging fire upon the hearth
Gather round 'neath the cloak of time
And drink a toast to these
Our final days upon this earth
We made the deserts from the gardens of our youth
We spewed our blackened hearts into the sea
Through darkened skies and poisoned clouds
We blindly grope for truth
We couldn't see the forest for the trees
To my wretched son I leave this gun
To slaughter all your race
For this, the beast you have become
I have no longer taste
And daughter fair with burning hair
The swamp of life be thine
And watch as e'en the great will mate
With the lowliest of swine
To breed the sons, the greed and scum
Of this your ravaged land
All my estates, both small and great
You're standing on a hill, looking down at the city
Thinking 'bout your life and your bottle of pills
They released you from the hospital, you're cured!
So this is how freedom feels?
Largactyl Relax (it's only paranoia)
Feel a little numb? Feel a little tired?
Your brain’s asleep and your body’s retired
You’ve learned to fit in. OBEY!
You’re just a shadow of what you used to be
Largactyl Relax (it's only paranoia)
A comfortable life? A car and a wife?
It’s only a dream but it’s fuckin’ obscene
You’ve learned to fit in, a vegetable!
saltos mano rankos raso tavo varda
as tave jau taip seniai maciau
tik prisiminimai kartais dar aplanko
as krentu ir kylu kaip anksciau
su tavim su tavim su tavim su tavim su tavim su tavim su tavim
esu laimingas
be taves be tave be taves be taves be taves be taves be taves
as nieko neturiu
ne ne ne ne ne ne nieko neturiu as jeigu neturiu taves
ne ne ne ne ne ne nieko neturiu as jeigu neturiu taves
jeigu man reiketu kada nors numirti as paskesciau tavo akyse
visas pasaulis nieko man nevertas jeigu neturiu taves salia
ne ne ne ne ne ne nieko neturiu as jeigu neturiu taves
as apie nieka negalvoju
as kaip beprotis neregys
tie debesys po mano kojom
o as krentu pro juos gilyn
as nezinau ka sakyti
tai tiktai vienas mano gyvenimo rytas
pro mano langa sviecia saule
geltonas mano kambarys
pabegti nori mano sapnas
as negaliu jo sulaikyt
as nezinau ka sakyti
tai tiktai vienas mano gyvenimo rytas
uzmerktos mano akys mato
juodai baltas tavo akis
zaliai raudonas roziu kvapas
ir tiktai jis tave prmins
as nezinau ka sakyti
nenusimink pasauli tu ne viena esi
mane be kokiu oru surasti tu gali
islieti skausma savo jei netelpa sirdy
pajusti nauja jausma kuri slepi savy
tik leisk man pasiimt tave su savimi
tenai kur sviecia saule
kitom akim pazvelgt i tai ka tu veiki
pakeist tavo pasauli
kiekviena diena vaikstau vis ta pacia gatve
aplink tie patys zmones ir ta pati kalba
nebeidomu niekas kas bus nei kas yra
vienodos bega dienos ir tu tarp ju viena
tik leisk man pasiimt tave su savimi
tenai kur sviecia saule
kitom akim pazvelgt i tai ka tu veiki
pakeist tuos jausmus kur neleidzia buti mums visad karut
tik leisk man pasiimt tave su savimi
tenai kur sviecia saule
kitom akim pazvelgt i tai ka tu veiki
as nezinau kodel as sakau zodzius
tik tada kai tu ju negirdi
as pakeliu rankas ir kazkur toli
pasileis savo plaukus naktis
ir jeigu kada nors vidury nakties
tu prabusi lyjant lietui tamsoj
galbut kazkur toli as sakau zodzius
as keliuosi anksti ir skrendu aukstyn kuo arciau prie saules
i zalius medzius as zvelgiu is toli toks grazus pasaulis
as nesuprantu kieno tie sapnai
jie vercia mane kilti aukstai pasiekti saule
as nenoriu pranykt tarp daugybes zvaigzdziu kur dienos nelieka
apsisukus galva skrendu tuo keliu kuris veda i niekur
as nesuprantu kieno tie sapnai
jie vercia mane kilti aukstai
as sugrisiu pas tave kitokiu zmogum
kita diena busim mes kartu
as nesuprantu kieno tie sapnai
jie vercia mane kilti aukstai
ten kur nera ribos
tarp dangau ir zemes toliu
ten noriu nukeliaut
ir surast kazka grazaus
galbut as niekada to nepadarysiu
bet mano mintys visada bus tenai
as negaliu buti toks kaip ir visi
as noriu buti ten (toli)
jei tu manim tiki
nebijok ir pasakyk man
niekas musu nesustabdys
mes laisvi kaip ryto vejas
galbut as niekada to nepadarysiu
bet mano mintys visada bus tenai
as negaliu buti toks kaip ir visi
as vis bandziau uzmirsti tave
ir uztrenkt duris i save
as vel matau kaip garuoja kava
kaip ir tu jau esi ne cia
esu taip arti tarsi buciau salia
ir jausmas toks lyg myleciau tave
persmelks mane saules sviesa
tartum butu manyje ziema
ir tirpsta stai sniegas salia
kad as taip istirpciau staiga
esu taip arti tarsi buciau salia
Niekas nemyles manes kaip tu
Niekas man dabar jau nesvarbu
Ir todel as iseinu
Siltos rankos apkabins tave ir nuramins
Liudnos akys vel sypsosis ir kalbes tau lupos tyliai svelniai
Pats svelniausias zemeje lietus nupraus tave
Vejas paguldys ant debesies salia prie saules
Ten mazas kambarys bet pro jo duris as jau niekad neieisiu
mane labai mane labai mane tikrai
traukia tavo liudnos akys giliai
nebejauciu as zemes po savo kojom
nezino niekas apie ka as galvoju
jie nemato tos ugnies apemusios mane
as taip aukstai mano sparnai
jie nunes mane kad ir kur bebutm tu
noriu veidu liesti tavo plaukus
ir klausytis ka tu man sakai
o ar gali tu buti mano saule
ar gali man pazadeti tai
juk tu gali juk tu gali
isvaikyti debsis manoj sirdy
nebejauciu as zemes po savo koju
nezino niekas apie ka as galvoju
jie nemato tos ugnies apemusios mane
mane labai mane labai mane tikrai
traukia tavo liudnos akys giliai
nebejauciu as zemes po savo koju
nezino niekas apie ka as galvoju
jie nemato tos ugnies apemusios mane
as taip aukstai mano sparnai
mano rankose kava
tau vis zodziu negailiu
sypsausi as ir taikiai tyliu
vel uz lango bus naktis
ji pagrobs manas mintis ir nusines
kazkur toli ten kur niekas ju nelies
ir gal as vienas jau visa simta metu
atverk tas duris ten kur viskas einasi lengvai
ar gali surast mane
pasibaigusiam laike ir juoda kava
palikti negerus
as dziaugiuosi ka turiu
tai isnyks visai kaip tu
ir kazkada kam nors as tuo girsiuos
bet niekas nesupras
todel as vienas jau visa simta metu
kas man uzdare duris ir leido man pabegti su tavim
ir niekas nesupras
kodel as vienas jau visa simta metu