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    Accountability and Palestinian Right of Return Adam Horowitz November 1, 2002

    On April 15, 2002 an estimated 100,000 American Jews, and their right-wing Christian allies, descended on the U.S. capitol to “stand in solidarity” with Israel in the largest Washington rally in support of Israel in U.S. history.  Five days later, an estimated 100,000 diverse protesters took to the streets of Washington DC to demand an end to the U.S. war on communities of color at home and abroad. The crowd overwhelmingly demanded justice for Palestine from Israel’s brutal occupation in what was the largest demonstration for Palestine in U.S. history.

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    Palestine, Haiti, and the Politics of Aid: “Disaster Relief” vs Sustainability and Self-Determination Nada Elia, Shana griffin, and Alisa Bierria April 1, 2010

    On January 12, 2010, a massive earthquake struck Haiti, killing an estimated 230,000 people, injuring over 300,000, and effectively destroying the capital city of Port-Au-Prince and its surrounding towns and cities, while displacing and rendering homeless nearly 1.5 million people. Almost immediately, international aid and charity organizations, individuals, faith-based and community groups, and national governments mobilized food, medicine, clothes, services, and money.

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    Letter from the Ofer Military Detention Camp Abdallah Abu Rahmah April 1, 2010

    January 1, 2010

    To all our friends,

    I mark the beginning of the new decade imprisoned in a military detention camp. Nevertheless, from within the occupation’s holding cell I meet the New Year with determination and hope.

    I know that Israel’s military campaign to imprison the leadership of the Palestinian popular struggle shows that our nonviolent struggle is effective. The occupation is threatened by our growing movement and is therefore trying to shut us down. What Israel’s leaders do not understand is that popular struggle cannot be stopped by our imprisonment.

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    Gaza Freedom Marchers Demand End to Blockade, Declare Support for BDS Hena Ashraf April 1, 2010

    At the hands of Israel, the Gaza Strip has become the world’s largest open-air prison, trapping 1.5 million Palestinians inside its borders. The Israeli blockade of Gaza began in June 2007, after Hamas defeated US-backed Fatah forces who were attempting to carry out a coup in Gaza. The blockade was an extension of the economic sanctions that began in March 2006 in response to Hamas winning parliamentary elections, and has essentially closed Gaza off to the outside world.

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    The Meaning of Gaza Bilal El-Amine February 11, 2009

    The Israeli assault on Gaza was a brutal and one-sided onslaught where one of the most powerful armies in the world used its deadliest weapons against a virtually defenseless population. Like the Lebanon war in 2006, Israel's military campaign was little more than a string of war crimes that succeeded only in butchering thousands of civilians (including a frightening number of children) but did little to weaken the resistance, the declared target of the war.

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    Riding on Fire and a Third Intifada 23-7-10

    3am: As I write this the offices of the Ramatan news agency have been infiltrated with the smoke of the burning central police station in Rimal close by its destruction that just shook the whole building. Even though its close and we're all journalists, no one wants to take the risk to go and check it out, 'They may strike again and we may die, they may kill us' says one producer from Jabaliya. Another strike has just hit a target, shaking the whole building again, down the street. Another 3 minutes later, again another strike, 'Kussif' – bombing, again and again. If we had windows here they'd be all over us by now.

    *Riding on fire and a third intifada*

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    More Than Mardi Gras is Happening Here: A Grassroots Movement Rises In New Orleans' Arab Community23 23-7-10

    In neighborhoods around New Orleans, there's a buzz of excitement gathering among this city's Arab population. A new wave of organizing has brought energy and inspiration to a community that is usually content to stay in the background. The movement is youth-led, with student groups rising up on college campuses across the city, but also broad-based, with mass protests that have included more than a thousand people marching through downtown's French Quarter. Activists say that their goal is to fight against what they see as a combination of silence and bias from local media, and – more broadly – for a change in US policy towards the Middle East.

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    Life In Gaza: As President Obama visits Cairo, Gaza Remains Devastated 23-7-10

    More than four months after Gaza was devastated by a massive Israeli military bombardment, rebuilding has been slow to come. The problem is not a lack of funding or will. However, an Israeli-led blockade has kept all rebuilding materials, including concrete or any tools that could be used to rebuild the hundreds of homes and buildings here, out of Gaza. The border entries, controlled by the Israeli and Egyptian governments, are sealed to almost all traffic.

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    Resistance in Gaza: Young Palestinians Find Their Voice Through Hip-Hop 23-7-10

    The Maqusi Towers in Gaza City look a bit like US housing projects. The neighborhood consists of several tall apartment buildings grouped together in the northern part of town. It is also ground zero for Gaza's growing Hip-Hop community. On a recent evening in one small but well-decorated apartment, a dozen rappers and their friends and families relaxed, danced, smoked flavored tobacco, and rapped the lyrics to some of their songs.

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