Marie Antoinette is a 2006 historical comedy-drama film, written and directed by Sofia Coppola. It is very loosely based on the life of the Queen consort in the years leading up to the French Revolution. It won an Academy Award for Best Costume Design. It was released in the United States on October 20, 2006, by Columbia Pictures.
Fourteen-year-old Maria Antonia Josephina Joanna (Kirsten Dunst) is the beautiful, charming, and naïve youngest daughter of Austrian empress Maria Theresa (Marianne Faithfull). In 1768, she is selected by her mother to marry the Dauphin of France, Louis XVI (Jason Schwartzman), thereby sealing an alliance between the two rival countries.
Marie Antoinette travels to France, relinquishing all connections with her home country, and meets Louis XV (Rip Torn) and her future husband, the Dauphin. The two are married shortly thereafter. Toasts are drunk to their happy marriage and they are encouraged to produce an heir as soon as possible, but the next day it is reported that "nothing happened" on their wedding night.
Blaßblaue Blitze in deinen Augen
blaublütig wie die einer Hündin
fällst du aufrecht, sinkst majestätisch,
wie eine ganze Königin,
aus deinen Blicken schießen Kanonen,
letzte Signale in letzter Not,
dein Abschied wirkt im Chaos noch heilig,
wie Jeanne D'Arc gehst du in den Tod.
Marie, Marie, Marie,
oh Marie Antoinette,
Marie, Marie, Marie,
oh Marie Antoinette.
Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité
In letzter Stunde hängt deine Seele
wie eine Spinne fest im Netz,
nur im Mythos wird man zur Heldin,
unvergeßlich bist du noch jetzt,
Aufstieg und Fall, Triumph und Verleumdung,
Rettung hat ohne Abgrund kein Sinn,
blutiger Abstieg vom Thron zum Schafott,
dein Spiel ist aus, Marie, Marie, Marie,
Marie, Marie, Marie,
oh Marie Antoinette,
Marie, Marie, Marie,