Around its 110-metre (360 ft)-high Grande Arche and esplanade ("le Parvis"), la Défense holds many of the Paris urban area's tallest high-rises. With its 77.5 acres (314,000 m2), its 72 glass-and-steel slick buildings including 14 high-rises above 150 metres (490 ft), its 180,000 daily workers and 3.5 million square metres (37.7 million sq ft) of office space, La Défense is Europe's largest purpose-built business district.
La Défense is named after the iconic statue La Défense de Paris, which was erected in 1883 to commemorate the soldiers who had defended Paris during the Franco-Prussian War.
La chaine officielle de l'émission de France 3.
C'est pas sorcier, le magazine de la découverte et de la science.
Fred, Jamy et Sabine retracent le travail des architectes qui ont œuvré sur le quartier de la Défense. Ils nous font découvrir les coulisses de cet ensemble urbain ultramoderne
Drone Paris La Défense FPV Flight Paris Homemade Ultralight GoPro 3 Black
Drone Paris La Défense FPV Flight Paris Homemade Ultralight GoPro 3 Black
Drone Paris La Défense FPV Flight Paris Homemade Ultralight GoPro 3 Black
Naturellement, les commentaires sont soumis à modération;) Paris, La Défense, Europe's largest business district like you've never seen it before ! Paris, La...
La Défense, Paris
La Défense, Paris
La Défense, Paris
A brief visit to the pedestrian plaza and transportation hub of La Défense, the trendy business suburb of Paris. La Défense is a planned community in which c...
FR / Paris City Trip / La Défense
FR / Paris City Trip / La Défense
FR / Paris City Trip / La Défense
Driving at Paris: Porte Maillot, Tunnel de Neuilly, La Defense A14, Boulevard Circulaire.
Enquete d'action : Périphérique,La Defense : enquete aux portes de la capitale
Enquete d'action : Périphérique,La Defense : enquete aux portes de la capitale
Enquete d'action : Périphérique,La Defense : enquete aux portes de la capitale
Ta aimer ? Like ma page Facebook : Chaque jour a 13h Episode inédit de plus belle la...
La Defense - Paris
La Defense - Paris
La Defense - Paris
La Defense. Paris. Grande Arche. My blogger:
A Ride in Paris n°4: La Défense - The Business District of Paris
A Ride in Paris n°4: La Défense - The Business District of Paris
A Ride in Paris n°4: La Défense - The Business District of Paris
Even if Paris is famous for the old buildings and monuments of its historic downtown, its metropolitan area is actually the second containing the most skyscrapers in Europe (the first being the Greater London area).
Most of the Paris area's high-rise buildings are located in La Défense, the main business district of the city. A few weeks ago, a subscriber ("Vallonism") asked me if I could shoot a video in this area. I recently visited a few friends living not too far from there, so I had the opportunity to shoot this short video.
Of course, there are much less skyscrapers in La Défense that there are in many other cities in the world. For
La Défense Lincoln - film complet en francais
La Défense Lincoln - film complet en francais
La Défense Lincoln - film complet en francais
Michael Haller est avocat à Los Angeles. Habile, il est prêt à tout pour faire gagner les criminels de bas étage qu’il défend. Toujours entre deux tribunaux, il travaille à l’arrière de sa voiture, une Lincoln Continental. Ayant passé la plus grande partie de sa carrière à défendre des petits voyous minables, il décroche pourtant ce qu’il pense être l’affaire de sa vie : il est engagé pour défendre un riche play-boy de Beverly Hills accusé de tentative de meurtre. Mais ce qui semblait être une affaire facile et très rentable se transforme en redoutable duel entre deux maîtres de la manipulation…
Rust S02E03 : La défense
Rust S02E03 : La défense
Rust S02E03 : La défense
Achetez vos jeux beaucoup moins cher ici :
Le triangle est assiégé, et c'est la panique!
Futur Ministere de la Defense
Futur Ministere de la Defense
Futur Ministere de la Defense
Le Futur Ministère de la Défense dans le quartier Balard , 15éme arrondissement de Paris (France).
Hello les amigos, on se retrouve aujourd'hui pour un tuto essentiel pour gérer sa défense sur #FIFA15 ! Bon visionnage à tous et, pensez à ceux qui ont du mal à défendre :-) !
Site internet:
Twitter: @Abdoulaye_Sarr
Google+: +Abdoulaye Sarr
La défense Sicilienne Najdorf - Echecs leçon
La défense Sicilienne Najdorf - Echecs leçon
La défense Sicilienne Najdorf - Echecs leçon
Répertoire simplifié pour jouer avec les noirs.
Une vidéo intéressante pour faire ses premiers pas dans les ouvertures ! Nos deux grand maîtres expliquent les principes de base de la défense Najdorf en proposant un répertoire simple face à différentes réponses blanches. Une excellente leçon pour jouer la défense favorite de Gary Kasparov !(Niveau Débutant).
Pays : France
Année : 2000
Intervenants : GMI Eloi Relange, GMI Jean-Luc Chabanon
Cliquez ici pour vous abonner :
Nous espérons que vous aimerez cette vidéo, si c'est le cas n'hésitez pas à cliquer sur "j'aime", à commenter et
Jean Michel Jarre - Paris La Defense A City In Concert (VHS Full Show)
Jean Michel Jarre - Paris La Defense A City In Concert (VHS Full Show)
Jean Michel Jarre - Paris La Defense A City In Concert (VHS Full Show)
Event: Paris La Défense
When: Saturday, July 14, 1990
Where: Quartier De La Défense, Paris, France
Other Info:
Paris La Defense - Une Ville En Concert was a concert held by musician Jean Michel Jarre on the district of La Défense in Paris on Bastille Day, July 14, 1990. About 2.5 million people standing in front of the pyramidical stage all the way down to the Arc de Triomphe witnessed this event, setting a new Guinness Book of Records entry for Jarre. The concert was funded by Mairie De Paris, Ministry of Culture and a small cluster of high-profile Parisian business concerns. Later, a concert video as well as a photobook of the event were
Corée du Nord : le ministre de la Défense exécuté
Corée du Nord : le ministre de la Défense exécuté
Corée du Nord : le ministre de la Défense exécuté
Le dictateur Kim Jong Un n'a pas apprécié qu'il se soit assoupi lors d'une manifestation à laquelle il assistait selon des médias sud-coréens citant les services de renseignements de Séoul.
Hyon Yong Chol, a été fusillé pour trahison, déloyauté et manque de respect. Son exécution a eu lieu le 30 avril dernier devant des centaines de responsables du régime. Général peu illustre, il avait été promu au rang de vice-maréchal en 2012.
Selon la Corée du Sud, le numéro un de Pyongyang aurait ordonné …
Aujourd'hui dans l'actualité : les titres en vidé
La chaine officielle de l'émission de France 3.
C'est pas sorcier, le magazine de la découverte et de la science.
Fred, Jamy et Sabine retracent le travail des architectes qui ont œuvré sur le quartier de la Défense. Ils nous font découvrir les coulisses de cet ensemble urbain ultramoderne
Drone Paris La Défense FPV Flight Paris Homemade Ultralight GoPro 3 Black
Drone Paris La Défense FPV Flight Paris Homemade Ultralight GoPro 3 Black
Drone Paris La Défense FPV Flight Paris Homemade Ultralight GoPro 3 Black
Naturellement, les commentaires sont soumis à modération;) Paris, La Défense, Europe's largest business district like you've never seen it before ! Paris, La...
La Défense, Paris
La Défense, Paris
La Défense, Paris
A brief visit to the pedestrian plaza and transportation hub of La Défense, the trendy business suburb of Paris. La Défense is a planned community in which c...
FR / Paris City Trip / La Défense
FR / Paris City Trip / La Défense
FR / Paris City Trip / La Défense
Driving at Paris: Porte Maillot, Tunnel de Neuilly, La Defense A14, Boulevard Circulaire.
Enquete d'action : Périphérique,La Defense : enquete aux portes de la capitale
Enquete d'action : Périphérique,La Defense : enquete aux portes de la capitale
Enquete d'action : Périphérique,La Defense : enquete aux portes de la capitale
Ta aimer ? Like ma page Facebook : Chaque jour a 13h Episode inédit de plus belle la...
La Defense - Paris
La Defense - Paris
La Defense - Paris
La Defense. Paris. Grande Arche. My blogger:
A Ride in Paris n°4: La Défense - The Business District of Paris
A Ride in Paris n°4: La Défense - The Business District of Paris
A Ride in Paris n°4: La Défense - The Business District of Paris
Even if Paris is famous for the old buildings and monuments of its historic downtown, its metropolitan area is actually the second containing the most skyscrapers in Europe (the first being the Greater London area).
Most of the Paris area's high-rise buildings are located in La Défense, the main business district of the city. A few weeks ago, a subscriber ("Vallonism") asked me if I could shoot a video in this area. I recently visited a few friends living not too far from there, so I had the opportunity to shoot this short video.
Of course, there are much less skyscrapers in La Défense that there are in many other cities in the world. For
La Défense Lincoln - film complet en francais
La Défense Lincoln - film complet en francais
La Défense Lincoln - film complet en francais
Michael Haller est avocat à Los Angeles. Habile, il est prêt à tout pour faire gagner les criminels de bas étage qu’il défend. Toujours entre deux tribunaux, il travaille à l’arrière de sa voiture, une Lincoln Continental. Ayant passé la plus grande partie de sa carrière à défendre des petits voyous minables, il décroche pourtant ce qu’il pense être l’affaire de sa vie : il est engagé pour défendre un riche play-boy de Beverly Hills accusé de tentative de meurtre. Mais ce qui semblait être une affaire facile et très rentable se transforme en redoutable duel entre deux maîtres de la manipulation…
Rust S02E03 : La défense
Rust S02E03 : La défense
Rust S02E03 : La défense
Achetez vos jeux beaucoup moins cher ici :
Le triangle est assiégé, et c'est la panique!
Futur Ministere de la Defense
Futur Ministere de la Defense
Futur Ministere de la Defense
Le Futur Ministère de la Défense dans le quartier Balard , 15éme arrondissement de Paris (France).
Hello les amigos, on se retrouve aujourd'hui pour un tuto essentiel pour gérer sa défense sur #FIFA15 ! Bon visionnage à tous et, pensez à ceux qui ont du mal à défendre :-) !
Site internet:
Twitter: @Abdoulaye_Sarr
Google+: +Abdoulaye Sarr
La défense Sicilienne Najdorf - Echecs leçon
La défense Sicilienne Najdorf - Echecs leçon
La défense Sicilienne Najdorf - Echecs leçon
Répertoire simplifié pour jouer avec les noirs.
Une vidéo intéressante pour faire ses premiers pas dans les ouvertures ! Nos deux grand maîtres expliquent les principes de base de la défense Najdorf en proposant un répertoire simple face à différentes réponses blanches. Une excellente leçon pour jouer la défense favorite de Gary Kasparov !(Niveau Débutant).
Pays : France
Année : 2000
Intervenants : GMI Eloi Relange, GMI Jean-Luc Chabanon
Cliquez ici pour vous abonner :
Nous espérons que vous aimerez cette vidéo, si c'est le cas n'hésitez pas à cliquer sur "j'aime", à commenter et
Jean Michel Jarre - Paris La Defense A City In Concert (VHS Full Show)
Jean Michel Jarre - Paris La Defense A City In Concert (VHS Full Show)
Jean Michel Jarre - Paris La Defense A City In Concert (VHS Full Show)
Event: Paris La Défense
When: Saturday, July 14, 1990
Where: Quartier De La Défense, Paris, France
Other Info:
Paris La Defense - Une Ville En Concert was a concert held by musician Jean Michel Jarre on the district of La Défense in Paris on Bastille Day, July 14, 1990. About 2.5 million people standing in front of the pyramidical stage all the way down to the Arc de Triomphe witnessed this event, setting a new Guinness Book of Records entry for Jarre. The concert was funded by Mairie De Paris, Ministry of Culture and a small cluster of high-profile Parisian business concerns. Later, a concert video as well as a photobook of the event were
Corée du Nord : le ministre de la Défense exécuté
Corée du Nord : le ministre de la Défense exécuté
Corée du Nord : le ministre de la Défense exécuté
Le dictateur Kim Jong Un n'a pas apprécié qu'il se soit assoupi lors d'une manifestation à laquelle il assistait selon des médias sud-coréens citant les services de renseignements de Séoul.
Hyon Yong Chol, a été fusillé pour trahison, déloyauté et manque de respect. Son exécution a eu lieu le 30 avril dernier devant des centaines de responsables du régime. Général peu illustre, il avait été promu au rang de vice-maréchal en 2012.
Selon la Corée du Sud, le numéro un de Pyongyang aurait ordonné …
Aujourd'hui dans l'actualité : les titres en vidé
Dédicace meet-up EnjoyPhoenix Cultura La Défense mai 2015 interview
Dédicace meet-up EnjoyPhoenix Cultura La Défense mai 2015 interview
Dédicace meet-up EnjoyPhoenix Cultura La Défense mai 2015 interview
La venue de Marie dite EnjoyPhoenix à la Défense le 27/05/2015 pour la dédicace de son livre EnjoyMarie. Pour les ados garçons et filles, Marie est une grande sœur qui leur prodigue ses conseils. Un livre complet sur les problèmes de l'adolescence . Une personne généreuse, attachante , méritante et à l'écoute. Son livre parle vrai , simplement et humoristiquement. Sorti juste avant l'été , il fera un carton..200 pages, 15€ EnjoyMarie
La défense Scandinave - Leçon d'échecs
La défense Scandinave - Leçon d'échecs
La défense Scandinave - Leçon d'échecs
Méprisée par beaucoup, snobée par les débutants ayant quelques notions théoriques, la Défense Scandinave n'est pas une ouverture qui impose le respect. En ef...
La Defense Lincoln - Bande-Annonce 1 - VF
La Defense Lincoln - Bande-Annonce 1 - VF
La Defense Lincoln - Bande-Annonce 1 - VF
Au cinéma le 25 mai 2011 Avec : Matthew McConaughey, Marisa Tomei, Ryan Phillippe, Josh Lucas, John Leguizamo, Michael Peña, Bob Gunton, Frances Fisher Réali...
Défense Philidor - La leçon d'échecs
Défense Philidor - La leçon d'échecs
Défense Philidor - La leçon d'échecs
La défense Philidor est une ouverture au jeu d'échecs qui est obtenue (dans son ordre de coups traditionnel) par les coups 1.e4 e5 2.Cf3 d6. Son nom vient d'...
Piero San Giorgio - Quelles armes pour la défense du domicile?
Piero San Giorgio - Quelles armes pour la défense du domicile?
Piero San Giorgio - Quelles armes pour la défense du domicile?
Avons nous le droit de nous défendre?
Comment identifier un agresseur hostile?
Quelles armes choisir pour quel type de domicile?
George Benson - Give Me The Night {Live @ La Défense Jazz Festival, Paris, July 4th 2015}
George Benson - Give Me The Night {Live @ La Défense Jazz Festival, Paris, July 4th 2015}
George Benson - Give Me The Night {Live @ La Défense Jazz Festival, Paris, July 4th 2015}
A l'occasion de l'événement La Défense Jazz Festival, George Benson a repris son célèbre "Give Me The Night" pour le plus grand plaisir de son public parisien. Enjoy it!!!
La défense du domicile
La défense du domicile
La défense du domicile
Pour en savoir plus, visitez le blog: La démarche du survivaliste n'est pas la promesse d'une catastrophe, ou l'espoir inc...
Nostromo - Apparences Fireworks Remix (La Defense)
Nostromo - Apparences Fireworks Remix (La Defense)
Nostromo - Apparences Fireworks Remix (La Defense)
The 2012 Defacto firework & light show took place at La Defense near Paris on the 22nd of September. It consisted in a 3D mapping video screening on the arch...
Echecs Défense Sicilienne Fermée - échecs cours
Echecs Défense Sicilienne Fermée - échecs cours
Echecs Défense Sicilienne Fermée - échecs cours
Joueurs Références : Adams - Anand. Cette leçon d'échecs vous est présentée par Stéphane Laborde et JB Mullon (Diagonale TV). La Sicilienne fermée est une ou...
La chaine officielle de l'émission de France 3.
C'est pas sorcier, le magazine de la découverte et de la science.
Fred, Jamy et Sabine retracent le travail des architectes qui ont œuvré sur le quartier de la Défense. Ils nous font découvrir les coulisses de cet ensemble urbain ultramoderne
La chaine officielle de l'émission de France 3.
C'est pas sorcier, le magazine de la découverte et de la science.
Fred, Jamy et Sabine retracent le travail des architectes qui ont œuvré sur le quartier de la Défense. Ils nous font découvrir les coulisses de cet ensemble urbain ultramoderne
published:27 May 2013
Drone Paris La Défense FPV Flight Paris Homemade Ultralight GoPro 3 Black
Naturellement, les commentaires sont soumis à modération;) Paris, La Défense, Europe's largest business district like you've never seen it before ! Paris, La...
Naturellement, les commentaires sont soumis à modération;) Paris, La Défense, Europe's largest business district like you've never seen it before ! Paris, La...
A brief visit to the pedestrian plaza and transportation hub of La Défense, the trendy business suburb of Paris. La Défense is a planned community in which c...
A brief visit to the pedestrian plaza and transportation hub of La Défense, the trendy business suburb of Paris. La Défense is a planned community in which c...
Ta aimer ? Like ma page Facebook : Chaque jour a 13h Episode inédit de plus belle la...
Ta aimer ? Like ma page Facebook : Chaque jour a 13h Episode inédit de plus belle la...
Even if Paris is famous for the old buildings and monuments of its historic downtown, its metropolitan area is actually the second containing the most skyscrapers in Europe (the first being the Greater London area).
Most of the Paris area's high-rise buildings are located in La Défense, the main business district of the city. A few weeks ago, a subscriber ("Vallonism") asked me if I could shoot a video in this area. I recently visited a few friends living not too far from there, so I had the opportunity to shoot this short video.
Of course, there are much less skyscrapers in La Défense that there are in many other cities in the world. For the skyscraper enthusiasts, this is obviously not as impressive as New York, Chicago, Dubai, Hong Kong or Tokyo. However, this is an unknown part of Paris which worth to be seen at least once. Its originality lies in the fact that all the district is actually a huge pedestrian area. It can be reached by roads, trains, metros and buses, but they all are underground.
A few facts and figures about La Défense:
- 72 glass and steel buildings and skyscrapers;
- 25,000 permanent residents and 180,000 daily workers;
- Many of the top French companies have their head offices here;
- Always new skyscrapers in construction or in project (for example:
MrKiddo's Facebook Page:
Even if Paris is famous for the old buildings and monuments of its historic downtown, its metropolitan area is actually the second containing the most skyscrapers in Europe (the first being the Greater London area).
Most of the Paris area's high-rise buildings are located in La Défense, the main business district of the city. A few weeks ago, a subscriber ("Vallonism") asked me if I could shoot a video in this area. I recently visited a few friends living not too far from there, so I had the opportunity to shoot this short video.
Of course, there are much less skyscrapers in La Défense that there are in many other cities in the world. For the skyscraper enthusiasts, this is obviously not as impressive as New York, Chicago, Dubai, Hong Kong or Tokyo. However, this is an unknown part of Paris which worth to be seen at least once. Its originality lies in the fact that all the district is actually a huge pedestrian area. It can be reached by roads, trains, metros and buses, but they all are underground.
A few facts and figures about La Défense:
- 72 glass and steel buildings and skyscrapers;
- 25,000 permanent residents and 180,000 daily workers;
- Many of the top French companies have their head offices here;
- Always new skyscrapers in construction or in project (for example:
MrKiddo's Facebook Page:
Michael Haller est avocat à Los Angeles. Habile, il est prêt à tout pour faire gagner les criminels de bas étage qu’il défend. Toujours entre deux tribunaux, il travaille à l’arrière de sa voiture, une Lincoln Continental. Ayant passé la plus grande partie de sa carrière à défendre des petits voyous minables, il décroche pourtant ce qu’il pense être l’affaire de sa vie : il est engagé pour défendre un riche play-boy de Beverly Hills accusé de tentative de meurtre. Mais ce qui semblait être une affaire facile et très rentable se transforme en redoutable duel entre deux maîtres de la manipulation…
Michael Haller est avocat à Los Angeles. Habile, il est prêt à tout pour faire gagner les criminels de bas étage qu’il défend. Toujours entre deux tribunaux, il travaille à l’arrière de sa voiture, une Lincoln Continental. Ayant passé la plus grande partie de sa carrière à défendre des petits voyous minables, il décroche pourtant ce qu’il pense être l’affaire de sa vie : il est engagé pour défendre un riche play-boy de Beverly Hills accusé de tentative de meurtre. Mais ce qui semblait être une affaire facile et très rentable se transforme en redoutable duel entre deux maîtres de la manipulation…
Hello les amigos, on se retrouve aujourd'hui pour un tuto essentiel pour gérer sa défense sur #FIFA15 ! Bon visionnage à tous et, pensez à ceux qui ont du mal à défendre :-) !
Site internet:
Twitter: @Abdoulaye_Sarr
Google+: +Abdoulaye Sarr
Hello les amigos, on se retrouve aujourd'hui pour un tuto essentiel pour gérer sa défense sur #FIFA15 ! Bon visionnage à tous et, pensez à ceux qui ont du mal à défendre :-) !
Site internet:
Twitter: @Abdoulaye_Sarr
Google+: +Abdoulaye Sarr
Répertoire simplifié pour jouer avec les noirs.
Une vidéo intéressante pour faire ses premiers pas dans les ouvertures ! Nos deux grand maîtres expliquent les principes de base de la défense Najdorf en proposant un répertoire simple face à différentes réponses blanches. Une excellente leçon pour jouer la défense favorite de Gary Kasparov !(Niveau Débutant).
Pays : France
Année : 2000
Intervenants : GMI Eloi Relange, GMI Jean-Luc Chabanon
Cliquez ici pour vous abonner :
Nous espérons que vous aimerez cette vidéo, si c'est le cas n'hésitez pas à cliquer sur "j'aime", à commenter et à partager.
Répertoire simplifié pour jouer avec les noirs.
Une vidéo intéressante pour faire ses premiers pas dans les ouvertures ! Nos deux grand maîtres expliquent les principes de base de la défense Najdorf en proposant un répertoire simple face à différentes réponses blanches. Une excellente leçon pour jouer la défense favorite de Gary Kasparov !(Niveau Débutant).
Pays : France
Année : 2000
Intervenants : GMI Eloi Relange, GMI Jean-Luc Chabanon
Cliquez ici pour vous abonner :
Nous espérons que vous aimerez cette vidéo, si c'est le cas n'hésitez pas à cliquer sur "j'aime", à commenter et à partager.
published:10 Mar 2015
Jean Michel Jarre - Paris La Defense A City In Concert (VHS Full Show)
Event: Paris La Défense
When: Saturday, July 14, 1990
Where: Quartier De La Défense, Paris, France
Other Info:
Paris La Defense - Une Ville En Concert was a concert held by musician Jean Michel Jarre on the district of La Défense in Paris on Bastille Day, July 14, 1990. About 2.5 million people standing in front of the pyramidical stage all the way down to the Arc de Triomphe witnessed this event, setting a new Guinness Book of Records entry for Jarre. The concert was funded by Mairie De Paris, Ministry of Culture and a small cluster of high-profile Parisian business concerns. Later, a concert video as well as a photobook of the event were released.
The show featured new tracks from the Waiting for Cousteau album, and vast grotesque marionettes created by Peter Minshall.
Track listing:
1: Calypso (remix) (over intro)
2: Paris La Defense
3: Oxygene 4
4: Equinoxe 4
5: Souvenir of China
6: Magnetic Fields II
7: Ethnicolor Part 1
8: Ethni-transition
9: Zoolookologie
10: Revolution, Revolutions
11: Second Rendez-Vous
12: Calypso 2
13: Calypso 3 - Fin De Siécle
14: Calypso
15: Calypso (encore)
Note: Equinoxe 5 and Fourth Rendez-Vous were performed also at the concert but were unfortunately omitted from this VHS release and also from the 1 hour TV broadcast.
* Jean-Michel Jarre: Synthesizers
* Michel Geiss: Synthesizers
* Francis Rimbert: Synthesizers
* Dominique Perrier: Synthesizers
* Frederick Rousseau: Synthesizers
* Sylvain Durand: Synthesizers
* Guy Delacroix: Bass, Synthesizers
* Christophe Deschamps: Drums & Percussions
* Dino Lumbroso: Drums & Percussions
* Christine Durand: Soprano
* Larbi Ouechli: Arab Vocals
* Amoco Renegades (directed by Jit Samaroo): Steel Drums
* Les Choeurs Des Hauts De Seine (conducted by Bruno Rossignol): Choir
* Al Mawsili: Classical Arab Orchestra
Event: Paris La Défense
When: Saturday, July 14, 1990
Where: Quartier De La Défense, Paris, France
Other Info:
Paris La Defense - Une Ville En Concert was a concert held by musician Jean Michel Jarre on the district of La Défense in Paris on Bastille Day, July 14, 1990. About 2.5 million people standing in front of the pyramidical stage all the way down to the Arc de Triomphe witnessed this event, setting a new Guinness Book of Records entry for Jarre. The concert was funded by Mairie De Paris, Ministry of Culture and a small cluster of high-profile Parisian business concerns. Later, a concert video as well as a photobook of the event were released.
The show featured new tracks from the Waiting for Cousteau album, and vast grotesque marionettes created by Peter Minshall.
Track listing:
1: Calypso (remix) (over intro)
2: Paris La Defense
3: Oxygene 4
4: Equinoxe 4
5: Souvenir of China
6: Magnetic Fields II
7: Ethnicolor Part 1
8: Ethni-transition
9: Zoolookologie
10: Revolution, Revolutions
11: Second Rendez-Vous
12: Calypso 2
13: Calypso 3 - Fin De Siécle
14: Calypso
15: Calypso (encore)
Note: Equinoxe 5 and Fourth Rendez-Vous were performed also at the concert but were unfortunately omitted from this VHS release and also from the 1 hour TV broadcast.
* Jean-Michel Jarre: Synthesizers
* Michel Geiss: Synthesizers
* Francis Rimbert: Synthesizers
* Dominique Perrier: Synthesizers
* Frederick Rousseau: Synthesizers
* Sylvain Durand: Synthesizers
* Guy Delacroix: Bass, Synthesizers
* Christophe Deschamps: Drums & Percussions
* Dino Lumbroso: Drums & Percussions
* Christine Durand: Soprano
* Larbi Ouechli: Arab Vocals
* Amoco Renegades (directed by Jit Samaroo): Steel Drums
* Les Choeurs Des Hauts De Seine (conducted by Bruno Rossignol): Choir
* Al Mawsili: Classical Arab Orchestra
Le dictateur Kim Jong Un n'a pas apprécié qu'il se soit assoupi lors d'une manifestation à laquelle il assistait selon des médias sud-coréens citant les services de renseignements de Séoul.
Hyon Yong Chol, a été fusillé pour trahison, déloyauté et manque de respect. Son exécution a eu lieu le 30 avril dernier devant des centaines de responsables du régime. Général peu illustre, il avait été promu au rang de vice-maréchal en 2012.
Selon la Corée du Sud, le numéro un de Pyongyang aurait ordonné …
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Le dictateur Kim Jong Un n'a pas apprécié qu'il se soit assoupi lors d'une manifestation à laquelle il assistait selon des médias sud-coréens citant les services de renseignements de Séoul.
Hyon Yong Chol, a été fusillé pour trahison, déloyauté et manque de respect. Son exécution a eu lieu le 30 avril dernier devant des centaines de responsables du régime. Général peu illustre, il avait été promu au rang de vice-maréchal en 2012.
Selon la Corée du Sud, le numéro un de Pyongyang aurait ordonné …
Aujourd'hui dans l'actualité : les titres en vidéo
euronews : la chaîne d'information la plus regardée en Europe.
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published:13 May 2015
Dédicace meet-up EnjoyPhoenix Cultura La Défense mai 2015 interview
La venue de Marie dite EnjoyPhoenix à la Défense le 27/05/2015 pour la dédicace de son livre EnjoyMarie. Pour les ados garçons et filles, Marie est une grande sœur qui leur prodigue ses conseils. Un livre complet sur les problèmes de l'adolescence . Une personne généreuse, attachante , méritante et à l'écoute. Son livre parle vrai , simplement et humoristiquement. Sorti juste avant l'été , il fera un carton..200 pages, 15€ EnjoyMarie
La venue de Marie dite EnjoyPhoenix à la Défense le 27/05/2015 pour la dédicace de son livre EnjoyMarie. Pour les ados garçons et filles, Marie est une grande sœur qui leur prodigue ses conseils. Un livre complet sur les problèmes de l'adolescence . Une personne généreuse, attachante , méritante et à l'écoute. Son livre parle vrai , simplement et humoristiquement. Sorti juste avant l'été , il fera un carton..200 pages, 15€ EnjoyMarie
Méprisée par beaucoup, snobée par les débutants ayant quelques notions théoriques, la Défense Scandinave n'est pas une ouverture qui impose le respect. En ef...
Méprisée par beaucoup, snobée par les débutants ayant quelques notions théoriques, la Défense Scandinave n'est pas une ouverture qui impose le respect. En ef...
Au cinéma le 25 mai 2011 Avec : Matthew McConaughey, Marisa Tomei, Ryan Phillippe, Josh Lucas, John Leguizamo, Michael Peña, Bob Gunton, Frances Fisher Réali...
Au cinéma le 25 mai 2011 Avec : Matthew McConaughey, Marisa Tomei, Ryan Phillippe, Josh Lucas, John Leguizamo, Michael Peña, Bob Gunton, Frances Fisher Réali...
La défense Philidor est une ouverture au jeu d'échecs qui est obtenue (dans son ordre de coups traditionnel) par les coups 1.e4 e5 2.Cf3 d6. Son nom vient d'...
La défense Philidor est une ouverture au jeu d'échecs qui est obtenue (dans son ordre de coups traditionnel) par les coups 1.e4 e5 2.Cf3 d6. Son nom vient d'...
A l'occasion de l'événement La Défense Jazz Festival, George Benson a repris son célèbre "Give Me The Night" pour le plus grand plaisir de son public parisien. Enjoy it!!!
A l'occasion de l'événement La Défense Jazz Festival, George Benson a repris son célèbre "Give Me The Night" pour le plus grand plaisir de son public parisien. Enjoy it!!!
Pour en savoir plus, visitez le blog: La démarche du survivaliste n'est pas la promesse d'une catastrophe, ou l'espoir inc...
Pour en savoir plus, visitez le blog: La démarche du survivaliste n'est pas la promesse d'une catastrophe, ou l'espoir inc...
The 2012 Defacto firework & light show took place at La Defense near Paris on the 22nd of September. It consisted in a 3D mapping video screening on the arch...
The 2012 Defacto firework & light show took place at La Defense near Paris on the 22nd of September. It consisted in a 3D mapping video screening on the arch...
Joueurs Références : Adams - Anand. Cette leçon d'échecs vous est présentée par Stéphane Laborde et JB Mullon (Diagonale TV). La Sicilienne fermée est une ou...
Joueurs Références : Adams - Anand. Cette leçon d'échecs vous est présentée par Stéphane Laborde et JB Mullon (Diagonale TV). La Sicilienne fermée est une ou...
Paris - La Defense (Europe travel) District Guide One
Paris - La Defense (Europe travel) District Guide One
Paris - La Defense (Europe travel) District Guide One
As the title says, this is a photo slideshow (from my own pictures) from a walking tour that we had last summer through Paris (from a vacation in Europe). Th...
Paris Tourism and Vacations 2015
Paris Tourism and Vacations 2015
Paris Tourism and Vacations 2015
Paris Tourism and Vacations 2015 - Paris, France Travel Guide 2015 - Paris Trip 2015
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide
Paris, the cosmopolitan capital of France, is one of the largest agglomerations in Europe, with 2.2 million people living in the dense, central city and almost 12 million people living in the whole metropolitan area. Located in the north of France on the river Seine, Paris has the reputation of being the most beautiful and romantic of all cities, brimming with historic associations and remaining vastly influential in the realms of culture, art, fashion, food a
Paris - La Defense (european travel) business district
Paris - La Defense (european travel) business district
Paris - La Defense (european travel) business district
As the title says, this is a photo slideshow (from my own pictures) from a walking tour that we had last summer through Paris (from a vacation). These specif...
"Les Catacombes, La Defense, and Chateau Vincennes" Ditchthecube's photos around Paris, France
"Les Catacombes, La Defense, and Chateau Vincennes" Ditchthecube's photos around Paris, France
"Les Catacombes, La Defense, and Chateau Vincennes" Ditchthecube's photos around Paris, France
Preview of Ditchthecube's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: This b...
Cheap Hotel in La Defense,Paris
Cheap Hotel in La Defense,Paris
Cheap Hotel in La Defense,Paris
7minute walk from La Defense business to shopping district.
cheap hotel in La Defense,Paris
Find Useful Tips for cheap la defense at Popular Sites
See 710 reviews, articles, and 808 photos of La Defense
La Defense Business District
cheap hotel in La Defense,Paris See 710 reviews, articles, and photos of La Defense...Book Now !
The 4-star Novotel Paris La Défense hotel is located in the heart of La Défense
Valletta, Malta Travel Guide
Valletta, Malta Travel Guide
Valletta, Malta Travel Guide
World Travel
Malta Travel Guide
Malta Travel Guide | Malta Travel Attractions | Malta travel tips | Malta Vacations | Malta Tourism
Shepherd Entertainment takes you on a tour of Valletta, the capital of Malta, which was built on the peninsula surrounded
by two bays.
Visit Valletta in Malta
The malicious that the language of Malta is like of an Italian which trying to speak Arabic however he only speaks English. And this complexity can be experience in not only the language but also the whole mentality and lifestyle of the people living here. Malta is located in the heart of the
"Visit to La Defense (CBD)" David.quinney's photos around Paris, France
"Visit to La Defense (CBD)" David.quinney's photos around Paris, France
"Visit to La Defense (CBD)" David.quinney's photos around Paris, France
Preview of David.quinney's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: This...
Paris Skyline from Sacre Coeur. Eiffel Tower, La Defense and more.
Paris Skyline from Sacre Coeur. Eiffel Tower, La Defense and more.
Paris Skyline from Sacre Coeur. Eiffel Tower, La Defense and more. See more at my Tr...
Paris Travel Video | Paris France Travel Guide | Backpack Europe | Budget Travel Paris
Paris Travel Video | Paris France Travel Guide | Backpack Europe | Budget Travel Paris
Paris Travel Video | Paris France Travel Guide | Backpack Europe | Budget Travel Paris
Paris Travel Video - Travel in Paris, France in a full length travel video including the Eiffel Tower, Champs Elysees, Louvre, Seine River, Notre Dame, Arc De Triomphe, Paris Boat Ride / Tour, Paris Obelisk, Place de la Concorde, Paris Metro and other destinations, structures and landmarks.
Highlights include St Chappelle Church with 13th-century stained glass, La Sainte-Chapelle that once contained Louis IX's relics of Christ, which included the Crown of Thorns, the Image of Edessa and some thirty other items.
Climb the Arc de Triomphe and look down on the historic axis (Axe historique) -- a sequence of monuments and grand thoroughfare
Aparthotels Adagio La Défense Esplanade
Aparthotels Adagio La Défense Esplanade
Aparthotels Adagio La Défense Esplanade
Découvrez un de nos aparthotels situé à La Défense, le premier quartier d'affaires européen !
Aparthotels Adagio, n°1 en Europe, proposent au cœur des villes, des appartements modernes équipés d'une cuisine et de services hôteliers pour des longs séjours avec des tarifs dégressifs dès 4 nuits.
Issus de la joint-venture entre les groupes Accor et Pierre & Vacances Center Parcs, en 2007, la marque propose deux gammes de produits :
- Adagio, des Aparthotels milieu de gamme, dans l'air du temps, situés au cœur des principales métropoles ;
- Adagio access, gamme économique, des Aparthotels astucieux, à proximité des centres-villes.
Le réseau co
Drone Paris La Défense FPV Flight Paris Homemade Ultralight GoPro 3 Black
Drone Paris La Défense FPV Flight Paris Homemade Ultralight GoPro 3 Black
Drone Paris La Défense FPV Flight Paris Homemade Ultralight GoPro 3 Black
Viatge Terrassa-Paris-Terrassa Anar i tornar en un dia, el 19-4-2008.
La Défense is a key suburb of Paris and is one of the largest business centres in the world. La Défense consists mainly of business highrises. Initiated by t...
Paris-Esplanade de La Défense
Paris-Esplanade de La Défense
Paris-Esplanade de La Défense
Make La Défense a recognized tourist destination
Create a La Défense brand; make La Défense a Greater Paris destination with its own unique image and a strong identity (architecture/urbanism, innovation, contemporary art)
Become a tourist destination recognized for its offerings for business travelers and vacationers; become known by the public and tourism-industry players (regional, national, foreign)
Integrate the area into tourism networks at various levels
VIDÉO. Les vélos désormais bienvenus sur le parvis de La Défense
VIDÉO. Les vélos désormais bienvenus sur le parvis de La Défense
VIDÉO. Les vélos désormais bienvenus sur le parvis de La Défense
L'expérimentation va durer 5 mois. Désormais on a le droit de circuler à vélo à la Défense. Le parvis était jusqu'alors interdit à la petite reine même si dans les faits, l'interdiction n'était pas respectée... Un reportage de Bertrand Lambert et Emmanuelle Hunzinger
UNSAF 2015 - vidéo-reportage sur le congrès des audioprothésistes - CNIT LA DEFENSE
UNSAF 2015 - vidéo-reportage sur le congrès des audioprothésistes - CNIT LA DEFENSE
UNSAF 2015 - vidéo-reportage sur le congrès des audioprothésistes - CNIT LA DEFENSE
Publireportage sur le congrès de l'UNSAF 10-11-12 Avril 2015
World of Warcraft Quest Guide: The Owlbeasts' Defense ID: 28838
World of Warcraft Quest Guide: The Owlbeasts' Defense ID: 28838
World of Warcraft Quest Guide: The Owlbeasts' Defense ID: 28838
Simple demonstration showing how to perform
the above mentioned quest.
Quest ID: 28838
Alternative Names in different Languages:
English Title: The Owlbeasts' Defense
German Title: Die Standhaftigkeit der Eulenbestien
French Title: La défense des chouettards
Russian Title: Защита совухов
Spanish Title: La defensa de las lechubestias
Italian Title: Le difese dei Bestiagufo
Portuguese Title: A defesa das Ferujas
Required Level:
Faction: Both
Zone: Winterspring
Quest starts at Npc/Item Id: 10929:
EN: Haleh
DE: Haleh
FR: Haleh
RU: Хале
ES: Haleh
PT: Haleh
IT: Haleh
Quest ends at Npc/Item
Visit Bay of Roses in Costa Brava - Spain Travel Guide
Visit Bay of Roses in Costa Brava - Spain Travel Guide
Visit Bay of Roses in Costa Brava - Spain Travel Guide
World Travel Spain Travel Guide The Bay of Roses is located in the Spanish region of Catalonia o...
World of Warcraft Quest Guide: The Defense of Grom'gol: Ogre Oppression ID: 26279
World of Warcraft Quest Guide: The Defense of Grom'gol: Ogre Oppression ID: 26279
World of Warcraft Quest Guide: The Defense of Grom'gol: Ogre Oppression ID: 26279
Simple demonstration showing how to perform
the above mentioned quest.
Quest ID: 26279
Alternative Names in different Languages:
English Title: The Defense of Grom'gol: Ogre Oppression
German Title: Die Verteidigung von Grom'gol: Ogerunterdrückung
French Title: La défense de Grom'gol : l'oppression des ogres
Russian Title: Защита Гром'гола: нападение на огров
Spanish Title: La defensa de Grom'gol: Opresión de ogros
Italian Title: La difesa di Grom'gol: l'oppressione degli Ogre
Portuguese Title: A defesa de Grom'gol: opressão dos ogros
Required Level:
Faction: Horde
Zone: Northern Stran
Paris Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Paris Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Paris Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Paris, the capital of France, attracts 42 million visitors a year.
You can start your Paris tour on the metro, on foot, or with a taxi or bicycle; the city is easily navigable on all fronts. Visit the Arc de Triomphe in the center of the city and marvel at its graceful lines and commanding presence. Built between 1806 and 1836, the Arc is one of a number of historical arches and landmarks peppering Paris.
If your Paris sightseeing includes purchasing souvenirs, head to the Champs-Élysées, home of boutique shopping, numerous restaurants, and many bars, along with a theatre and
Paris - La Defense (Europe travel) District Guide One
As the title says, this is a photo slideshow (from my own pictures) from a walking tour that we had last summer through Paris (from a vacation in Europe). Th...
As the title says, this is a photo slideshow (from my own pictures) from a walking tour that we had last summer through Paris (from a vacation in Europe). Th...
Paris Tourism and Vacations 2015 - Paris, France Travel Guide 2015 - Paris Trip 2015
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide
Paris, the cosmopolitan capital of France, is one of the largest agglomerations in Europe, with 2.2 million people living in the dense, central city and almost 12 million people living in the whole metropolitan area. Located in the north of France on the river Seine, Paris has the reputation of being the most beautiful and romantic of all cities, brimming with historic associations and remaining vastly influential in the realms of culture, art, fashion, food and design. Dubbed the City of Light (la Ville Lumière) and Capital of Fashion, it is home to the world's finest and most luxurious fashion designers and cosmetics, such as Chanel, Dior, Yves Saint-Laurent, Guerlain, Lancôme, L'Oréal, Clarins, etc. A large part of the city, including the River Seine, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The city has the second highest number of Michelin-restaurants in the world (after Tokyo) and contains numerous iconic landmarks, such as the world's most visited tourist site the Eiffel Tower, the Arc de Triomphe, the Notre-Dame Cathedral, the Louvre Museum, Moulin Rouge, Lido etc, making it the most popular tourist destination in the world with 45 million tourists annually.
Landmarks in Paris
Arc de Triomphe (8th)— The Arc de Triomphe exudes grandeur and offers a central view of the city Métro/RER Charles de Gaulle-Etoile
Catacombs (14th)— Used to store the exhumed bones of about 6 million people from the overflowing Paris cemeteries. They fill a section of caverns and tunnels that are the remains of old stone mines underneath the city. (There is a limit to the number of visitors allowed within the Catacombs at one time (200 persons). So, if you arrive just after opening, you must wait until someone exits, approximately 45-60 minutes, before anyone is admitted). Métro Denfert-Rochereau
Château de Versailles (Versailles)— Must be seen. France's most exquisite chateau, on the outskirts of the city, easily visited by train. Once the home to Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette. RER Versailles Rive Gauche
The Eiffel Tower (Tour Eiffel) (7th)— No other monument better symbolizes Paris. Métro Bir-Hakeim (6) or RER Champ de Mars-Tour Eiffel
Grand Arche de la Défense (La Défense)— A modern office-building variant of the Arc de Triomphe. Métro/RER La Défense
Notre Dame Cathedral (4th)— Impressive Gothic cathedral that was the inspiration for Victor Hugo's novel The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Climb to the top! Métro Cité (4) or RER Saint-Michel-Notre Dame
Opera Garnier (9th)— Masterpiece of theatre architecture of the 19th century built by Charles Garnier and inaugurated in 1875 housing the Paris Opera since it was founded by Louis XIV. Métro Opéra
Pantheon (5th)— Underneath, the final resting place for the great heroes of the French Republic including Voltaire, Victor Hugo, and Marie Curie; above, a marvellous view of the city. Métro Cardinal Lemoine (10) or RER Luxembourg
Père-Lachaise Cemetery (20th)— Unlike any cemetery in the world. Ornate grave stones, monuments set among tree lined lanes. See the graves of Jim Morrison, Oscar Wilde, and Frederic Chopin, amongst many others. Métro Père Lachaise
Sacré Coeur (18th)— A church perched on top of the highest point in Paris. Behind the church is the artists' area, in front are spectacular views of the whole city. Métro Anvers (2) or Abbesses (12), then climb the stairs on Rue Foyatier or take the funicular to the top of the hill.
Sainte Chapelle (1st)— Exquisite stained glass chapel. More beautiful interior than the gloomy Notre Dame Cathedral. Métro Cité
Paris Tourism and Vacations 2015 - Paris, France Travel Guide 2015 - Paris Trip 2015
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide
Paris, the cosmopolitan capital of France, is one of the largest agglomerations in Europe, with 2.2 million people living in the dense, central city and almost 12 million people living in the whole metropolitan area. Located in the north of France on the river Seine, Paris has the reputation of being the most beautiful and romantic of all cities, brimming with historic associations and remaining vastly influential in the realms of culture, art, fashion, food and design. Dubbed the City of Light (la Ville Lumière) and Capital of Fashion, it is home to the world's finest and most luxurious fashion designers and cosmetics, such as Chanel, Dior, Yves Saint-Laurent, Guerlain, Lancôme, L'Oréal, Clarins, etc. A large part of the city, including the River Seine, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The city has the second highest number of Michelin-restaurants in the world (after Tokyo) and contains numerous iconic landmarks, such as the world's most visited tourist site the Eiffel Tower, the Arc de Triomphe, the Notre-Dame Cathedral, the Louvre Museum, Moulin Rouge, Lido etc, making it the most popular tourist destination in the world with 45 million tourists annually.
Landmarks in Paris
Arc de Triomphe (8th)— The Arc de Triomphe exudes grandeur and offers a central view of the city Métro/RER Charles de Gaulle-Etoile
Catacombs (14th)— Used to store the exhumed bones of about 6 million people from the overflowing Paris cemeteries. They fill a section of caverns and tunnels that are the remains of old stone mines underneath the city. (There is a limit to the number of visitors allowed within the Catacombs at one time (200 persons). So, if you arrive just after opening, you must wait until someone exits, approximately 45-60 minutes, before anyone is admitted). Métro Denfert-Rochereau
Château de Versailles (Versailles)— Must be seen. France's most exquisite chateau, on the outskirts of the city, easily visited by train. Once the home to Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette. RER Versailles Rive Gauche
The Eiffel Tower (Tour Eiffel) (7th)— No other monument better symbolizes Paris. Métro Bir-Hakeim (6) or RER Champ de Mars-Tour Eiffel
Grand Arche de la Défense (La Défense)— A modern office-building variant of the Arc de Triomphe. Métro/RER La Défense
Notre Dame Cathedral (4th)— Impressive Gothic cathedral that was the inspiration for Victor Hugo's novel The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Climb to the top! Métro Cité (4) or RER Saint-Michel-Notre Dame
Opera Garnier (9th)— Masterpiece of theatre architecture of the 19th century built by Charles Garnier and inaugurated in 1875 housing the Paris Opera since it was founded by Louis XIV. Métro Opéra
Pantheon (5th)— Underneath, the final resting place for the great heroes of the French Republic including Voltaire, Victor Hugo, and Marie Curie; above, a marvellous view of the city. Métro Cardinal Lemoine (10) or RER Luxembourg
Père-Lachaise Cemetery (20th)— Unlike any cemetery in the world. Ornate grave stones, monuments set among tree lined lanes. See the graves of Jim Morrison, Oscar Wilde, and Frederic Chopin, amongst many others. Métro Père Lachaise
Sacré Coeur (18th)— A church perched on top of the highest point in Paris. Behind the church is the artists' area, in front are spectacular views of the whole city. Métro Anvers (2) or Abbesses (12), then climb the stairs on Rue Foyatier or take the funicular to the top of the hill.
Sainte Chapelle (1st)— Exquisite stained glass chapel. More beautiful interior than the gloomy Notre Dame Cathedral. Métro Cité
published:22 Dec 2014
Paris - La Defense (european travel) business district
As the title says, this is a photo slideshow (from my own pictures) from a walking tour that we had last summer through Paris (from a vacation). These specif...
As the title says, this is a photo slideshow (from my own pictures) from a walking tour that we had last summer through Paris (from a vacation). These specif...
Preview of Ditchthecube's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: This b...
Preview of Ditchthecube's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: This b...
7minute walk from La Defense business to shopping district.
cheap hotel in La Defense,Paris
Find Useful Tips for cheap la defense at Popular Sites
See 710 reviews, articles, and 808 photos of La Defense
La Defense Business District
cheap hotel in La Defense,Paris See 710 reviews, articles, and photos of La Defense...Book Now !
The 4-star Novotel Paris La Défense hotel is located in the heart of La Défense
7minute walk from La Defense business to shopping district.
cheap hotel in La Defense,Paris
Find Useful Tips for cheap la defense at Popular Sites
See 710 reviews, articles, and 808 photos of La Defense
La Defense Business District
cheap hotel in La Defense,Paris See 710 reviews, articles, and photos of La Defense...Book Now !
The 4-star Novotel Paris La Défense hotel is located in the heart of La Défense
World Travel
Malta Travel Guide
Malta Travel Guide | Malta Travel Attractions | Malta travel tips | Malta Vacations | Malta Tourism
Shepherd Entertainment takes you on a tour of Valletta, the capital of Malta, which was built on the peninsula surrounded
by two bays.
Visit Valletta in Malta
The malicious that the language of Malta is like of an Italian which trying to speak Arabic however he only speaks English. And this complexity can be experience in not only the language but also the whole mentality and lifestyle of the people living here. Malta is located in the heart of the Mediterranean Sea close to the coast of Northern Africa and only one thousand kilometers from Sicily. The Archipelago is part of the British Commonwealth. So, it's quite obvious that Arabic, Italian and British and other cultures influenced it.
Malta's language basically is related to the Semitic language family and so it's related to Arabic and Hebrew. It's the only surviving form of the Phoenicians language so this is truly unique. The capital of the Maltese Archipelago of three inhabited and two uninhabited islands is Valletta. Valletta is built on the peninsula surrounded by two bays. After the Turkish' siege, the Popes send his Architect Francisco Lipari here who together with Gerolamo Cassar, the chief architect of the order of knighthood planned the symmetrical square reticulated street structure of the new town.
For the construction, they used rocks extracted underneath the town area. Therefore today there's a several kilometer long tunnel system running under Valletta. The upper house was bomb during World War II. There are plans for the rebuilding, however it's better not to expect this opening in the next one or two years. The busiest street of Valletta is Liberty Street starting from the town gate.
We can recover from the fatigue of sightseeing by sitting on one of the café terraces. The most famous is the Café Cordino. Behind the coffee, inside the beautiful library, there's an audiovisual exhibition on the history of the St. John. The sounds and picture effects are cutting edge.
The palace of the Grand Master has lasted one decade starting from 1570. The renaissance building has been both the master's office and resident. Today it's a presidential palace and meeting place of the House of Commons. The table is placed on the wall of the inside yard and remind us the vistas of the pope and the queen.
The interest of trick el dasca which is parallel to Liberty Street is that it was the only street in Valletta more where the nights have been allowed to fight a duel. Near, there are the toy museum and a small product palace, the Casa Roca Picola where paintings from the 15th to 17th centuries are exhibited. Nowadays, there are only 8,000 habitants living in the city and many moved out to the suburbs.
In Valletta, traveling by car is problematic because they drive on the left and it's hard to find a parking place. It's better if we visit the inner areas by walking or by a small horse carriage called Karrozzin. The star shape of St. Elma was built on the former place of the watch tower. Some scenes of the Oscar winning film Gladiator were shot here.
Inside we find a World War Museum converted from the command center of the British Air Defense. Besides others, General Eisenhower's jeep named husky is guarded here as well as three contemporary airplanes of the Maltese air force. One is even a little interested in military history can spend illuminating hours here.
The name of the St. John Cathedral indicates that it received its cathedral status from the Pope together with its fellow Medina. The building represents a classical byzantine Basilica. We can see simple and clear forms on the outside and rich baroque interior. In olden times the Congresses of the Knights were held here. When Napoleon's army ravaged Malta, the silver gate was painted black in order to prevent soldier's recognizing how valuable it was.
The flooring of the main ship is made from 400 carve colored marble gravestones. Under which is night rest. The 12 Grand Masters are buried here. Among them de la Vallett, his coffin was brought over from the triumphful ladican temple in Saint John fortress. Caravaggio's famous painting titled "St. John's as beheading" is exhibited in the cathedral museum. The painter is escape from Naples to Malta after he killed his enemy. The painter signature on the painting is no worthy as it's the continuation of the blood coming from the chop head.
Tags: Valletta in Malta,Malta Travel Attractions,malta travel guide,malta travel information,Malta travel tips,shepherd entertainment,Visit Valletta in Malta,world travel,shepherdfilm
World Travel
Malta Travel Guide
Malta Travel Guide | Malta Travel Attractions | Malta travel tips | Malta Vacations | Malta Tourism
Shepherd Entertainment takes you on a tour of Valletta, the capital of Malta, which was built on the peninsula surrounded
by two bays.
Visit Valletta in Malta
The malicious that the language of Malta is like of an Italian which trying to speak Arabic however he only speaks English. And this complexity can be experience in not only the language but also the whole mentality and lifestyle of the people living here. Malta is located in the heart of the Mediterranean Sea close to the coast of Northern Africa and only one thousand kilometers from Sicily. The Archipelago is part of the British Commonwealth. So, it's quite obvious that Arabic, Italian and British and other cultures influenced it.
Malta's language basically is related to the Semitic language family and so it's related to Arabic and Hebrew. It's the only surviving form of the Phoenicians language so this is truly unique. The capital of the Maltese Archipelago of three inhabited and two uninhabited islands is Valletta. Valletta is built on the peninsula surrounded by two bays. After the Turkish' siege, the Popes send his Architect Francisco Lipari here who together with Gerolamo Cassar, the chief architect of the order of knighthood planned the symmetrical square reticulated street structure of the new town.
For the construction, they used rocks extracted underneath the town area. Therefore today there's a several kilometer long tunnel system running under Valletta. The upper house was bomb during World War II. There are plans for the rebuilding, however it's better not to expect this opening in the next one or two years. The busiest street of Valletta is Liberty Street starting from the town gate.
We can recover from the fatigue of sightseeing by sitting on one of the café terraces. The most famous is the Café Cordino. Behind the coffee, inside the beautiful library, there's an audiovisual exhibition on the history of the St. John. The sounds and picture effects are cutting edge.
The palace of the Grand Master has lasted one decade starting from 1570. The renaissance building has been both the master's office and resident. Today it's a presidential palace and meeting place of the House of Commons. The table is placed on the wall of the inside yard and remind us the vistas of the pope and the queen.
The interest of trick el dasca which is parallel to Liberty Street is that it was the only street in Valletta more where the nights have been allowed to fight a duel. Near, there are the toy museum and a small product palace, the Casa Roca Picola where paintings from the 15th to 17th centuries are exhibited. Nowadays, there are only 8,000 habitants living in the city and many moved out to the suburbs.
In Valletta, traveling by car is problematic because they drive on the left and it's hard to find a parking place. It's better if we visit the inner areas by walking or by a small horse carriage called Karrozzin. The star shape of St. Elma was built on the former place of the watch tower. Some scenes of the Oscar winning film Gladiator were shot here.
Inside we find a World War Museum converted from the command center of the British Air Defense. Besides others, General Eisenhower's jeep named husky is guarded here as well as three contemporary airplanes of the Maltese air force. One is even a little interested in military history can spend illuminating hours here.
The name of the St. John Cathedral indicates that it received its cathedral status from the Pope together with its fellow Medina. The building represents a classical byzantine Basilica. We can see simple and clear forms on the outside and rich baroque interior. In olden times the Congresses of the Knights were held here. When Napoleon's army ravaged Malta, the silver gate was painted black in order to prevent soldier's recognizing how valuable it was.
The flooring of the main ship is made from 400 carve colored marble gravestones. Under which is night rest. The 12 Grand Masters are buried here. Among them de la Vallett, his coffin was brought over from the triumphful ladican temple in Saint John fortress. Caravaggio's famous painting titled "St. John's as beheading" is exhibited in the cathedral museum. The painter is escape from Naples to Malta after he killed his enemy. The painter signature on the painting is no worthy as it's the continuation of the blood coming from the chop head.
Tags: Valletta in Malta,Malta Travel Attractions,malta travel guide,malta travel information,Malta travel tips,shepherd entertainment,Visit Valletta in Malta,world travel,shepherdfilm
published:23 Aug 2013
"Visit to La Defense (CBD)" David.quinney's photos around Paris, France
Preview of David.quinney's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: This...
Preview of David.quinney's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: This... See more at my Tr... See more at my Tr...
Paris Travel Video - Travel in Paris, France in a full length travel video including the Eiffel Tower, Champs Elysees, Louvre, Seine River, Notre Dame, Arc De Triomphe, Paris Boat Ride / Tour, Paris Obelisk, Place de la Concorde, Paris Metro and other destinations, structures and landmarks.
Highlights include St Chappelle Church with 13th-century stained glass, La Sainte-Chapelle that once contained Louis IX's relics of Christ, which included the Crown of Thorns, the Image of Edessa and some thirty other items.
Climb the Arc de Triomphe and look down on the historic axis (Axe historique) -- a sequence of monuments and grand thoroughfares on a route which goes from the courtyard of the Louvre, to the Grande Arche de la Défense. The monument was designed by Jean Chalgrin in 1806, and its iconographic program pitted heroic French against bearded Germanic warriors in chain mail. It set the tone for public monuments, with triumphant patriotic messages.
Video of the Eiffel Tower, a iron lattice tower located on the Champ de Mars in Paris. It was named after the engineer Gustave Eiffel, whose company designed and built the tower. Erected in 1889 as the entrance arch to the 1889 World's Fair, it has become both a global cultural icon of France and one of the most recognizable structures in the world.
Video includes scenes of a Notre Dame Cathedral service with video of the Pieta sculpture by Michelangelo, Rose Window and famous Stained Glass. Notre Dame Cathedral is widely considered to be one of the finest examples of French Gothic architecture and among the largest and most well-known church buildings in the world. The naturalism of its sculptures and stained glass are in contrast with earlier Romanesque architecture.
Lunch on Avenue des Champs-Élysées, a street in Paris, France. With its cinemas, cafés, luxury specialty shops and clipped horse-chestnut trees, the Champs-Élysées is arguably one of the world's most famous streets, and is one of the most expensive strips of real estate in the world. Several French monuments are also on the street, including the Arc de Triomphe and the Place de la Concorde. The name is French for Elysian Fields, the place of the blessed dead in Greek mythology. According to a much used description, the Champs-Élysées is la plus belle avenue du monde ("the most beautiful avenue in the world").
Visit Place de la Concorde, designed by Ange-Jacques Gabriel in 1755 as a moat-skirted octagon between the Champs-Élysées to the west and the Tuileries Garden to the east. During the French Revolution the statue of Louis XV of France was torn down and the area renamed "Place de la Révolution". The new revolutionary government erected the guillotine in the square, and it was here that King Louis XVI was executed on 21 January 1793.
Follow along to Luxembourg Park with Sailboats in the Fountain with Street Artists and Street Performers in Paris, France. Stroll on the Seine River, with 37 bridges within Paris and dozens more spanning the river outside the city. Examples in Paris include the Pont Louis-Philippe and Pont Neuf, the latter of which dates back to 1607. Outside the city, examples include the Pont de Normandie, one of the longest cable-stayed bridges in the world, which links Le Havre to Honfleur.
Travel Videos -
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Style & Apparel -
Paris, France Travel Video - BSC Europe
BSCeurope | Three Friends in Europe with a car for Three Months | Europe Youth Hostel | Backpack Travel | Backpacking | Eurail Tour
BSCtv | Watch Travel Videos | Amazing Sport Video | Live Events | Music Playlists | Current News | Lifestyle @
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Music used in Clip, all rights reserved by original copyright holder
01 "The Mad Thinker" (Dr. Frankenstein) / CC BY-NC-ND 3.0
02 Rossio (Jahzzar) / CC BY-SA 3.0
03 Pigalle (Jahzzar) / CC BY-SA 3.0
04 Lee Maddeford - Embellir with Les Gauchers Quintet
05 French National Anthem
06 Jahzzar - Pagalle
07 Kevin MacLeod - Parisian
08 Jahzzar - Jardins du Luxembourg
09 Kevin Macleod - Song of the Volga Boatmen
10 YACHT - Holy Roller Instrumental
11 Kevin MacLeod - Amazing Grace
12 Jason Shaw - Travel Light
13 Jahzzar - Pontes
Paris Travel Video - Travel in Paris, France in a full length travel video including the Eiffel Tower, Champs Elysees, Louvre, Seine River, Notre Dame, Arc De Triomphe, Paris Boat Ride / Tour, Paris Obelisk, Place de la Concorde, Paris Metro and other destinations, structures and landmarks.
Highlights include St Chappelle Church with 13th-century stained glass, La Sainte-Chapelle that once contained Louis IX's relics of Christ, which included the Crown of Thorns, the Image of Edessa and some thirty other items.
Climb the Arc de Triomphe and look down on the historic axis (Axe historique) -- a sequence of monuments and grand thoroughfares on a route which goes from the courtyard of the Louvre, to the Grande Arche de la Défense. The monument was designed by Jean Chalgrin in 1806, and its iconographic program pitted heroic French against bearded Germanic warriors in chain mail. It set the tone for public monuments, with triumphant patriotic messages.
Video of the Eiffel Tower, a iron lattice tower located on the Champ de Mars in Paris. It was named after the engineer Gustave Eiffel, whose company designed and built the tower. Erected in 1889 as the entrance arch to the 1889 World's Fair, it has become both a global cultural icon of France and one of the most recognizable structures in the world.
Video includes scenes of a Notre Dame Cathedral service with video of the Pieta sculpture by Michelangelo, Rose Window and famous Stained Glass. Notre Dame Cathedral is widely considered to be one of the finest examples of French Gothic architecture and among the largest and most well-known church buildings in the world. The naturalism of its sculptures and stained glass are in contrast with earlier Romanesque architecture.
Lunch on Avenue des Champs-Élysées, a street in Paris, France. With its cinemas, cafés, luxury specialty shops and clipped horse-chestnut trees, the Champs-Élysées is arguably one of the world's most famous streets, and is one of the most expensive strips of real estate in the world. Several French monuments are also on the street, including the Arc de Triomphe and the Place de la Concorde. The name is French for Elysian Fields, the place of the blessed dead in Greek mythology. According to a much used description, the Champs-Élysées is la plus belle avenue du monde ("the most beautiful avenue in the world").
Visit Place de la Concorde, designed by Ange-Jacques Gabriel in 1755 as a moat-skirted octagon between the Champs-Élysées to the west and the Tuileries Garden to the east. During the French Revolution the statue of Louis XV of France was torn down and the area renamed "Place de la Révolution". The new revolutionary government erected the guillotine in the square, and it was here that King Louis XVI was executed on 21 January 1793.
Follow along to Luxembourg Park with Sailboats in the Fountain with Street Artists and Street Performers in Paris, France. Stroll on the Seine River, with 37 bridges within Paris and dozens more spanning the river outside the city. Examples in Paris include the Pont Louis-Philippe and Pont Neuf, the latter of which dates back to 1607. Outside the city, examples include the Pont de Normandie, one of the longest cable-stayed bridges in the world, which links Le Havre to Honfleur.
Travel Videos -
BSCparis -
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Style & Apparel -
Paris, France Travel Video - BSC Europe
BSCeurope | Three Friends in Europe with a car for Three Months | Europe Youth Hostel | Backpack Travel | Backpacking | Eurail Tour
BSCtv | Watch Travel Videos | Amazing Sport Video | Live Events | Music Playlists | Current News | Lifestyle @
BSCeurope • BSCtv • BeachSideCrew •
Music used in Clip, all rights reserved by original copyright holder
01 "The Mad Thinker" (Dr. Frankenstein) / CC BY-NC-ND 3.0
02 Rossio (Jahzzar) / CC BY-SA 3.0
03 Pigalle (Jahzzar) / CC BY-SA 3.0
04 Lee Maddeford - Embellir with Les Gauchers Quintet
05 French National Anthem
06 Jahzzar - Pagalle
07 Kevin MacLeod - Parisian
08 Jahzzar - Jardins du Luxembourg
09 Kevin Macleod - Song of the Volga Boatmen
10 YACHT - Holy Roller Instrumental
11 Kevin MacLeod - Amazing Grace
12 Jason Shaw - Travel Light
13 Jahzzar - Pontes
Découvrez un de nos aparthotels situé à La Défense, le premier quartier d'affaires européen !
Aparthotels Adagio, n°1 en Europe, proposent au cœur des villes, des appartements modernes équipés d'une cuisine et de services hôteliers pour des longs séjours avec des tarifs dégressifs dès 4 nuits.
Issus de la joint-venture entre les groupes Accor et Pierre & Vacances Center Parcs, en 2007, la marque propose deux gammes de produits :
- Adagio, des Aparthotels milieu de gamme, dans l'air du temps, situés au cœur des principales métropoles ;
- Adagio access, gamme économique, des Aparthotels astucieux, à proximité des centres-villes.
Le réseau compte 90 aparthotels et 10 000 appartements en Europe, avec un objectif d'atteindre 150 aparthotels et 19 000 appartements à travers le monde d'ici 2016.
Toutes les informations concernant les Aparthotels Adagio sont disponibles sur le site internet
Découvrez un de nos aparthotels situé à La Défense, le premier quartier d'affaires européen !
Aparthotels Adagio, n°1 en Europe, proposent au cœur des villes, des appartements modernes équipés d'une cuisine et de services hôteliers pour des longs séjours avec des tarifs dégressifs dès 4 nuits.
Issus de la joint-venture entre les groupes Accor et Pierre & Vacances Center Parcs, en 2007, la marque propose deux gammes de produits :
- Adagio, des Aparthotels milieu de gamme, dans l'air du temps, situés au cœur des principales métropoles ;
- Adagio access, gamme économique, des Aparthotels astucieux, à proximité des centres-villes.
Le réseau compte 90 aparthotels et 10 000 appartements en Europe, avec un objectif d'atteindre 150 aparthotels et 19 000 appartements à travers le monde d'ici 2016.
Toutes les informations concernant les Aparthotels Adagio sont disponibles sur le site internet
published:04 Sep 2014
Drone Paris La Défense FPV Flight Paris Homemade Ultralight GoPro 3 Black
La Défense is a key suburb of Paris and is one of the largest business centres in the world. La Défense consists mainly of business highrises. Initiated by t...
La Défense is a key suburb of Paris and is one of the largest business centres in the world. La Défense consists mainly of business highrises. Initiated by t...
Make La Défense a recognized tourist destination
Create a La Défense brand; make La Défense a Greater Paris destination with its own unique image and a strong identity (architecture/urbanism, innovation, contemporary art)
Become a tourist destination recognized for its offerings for business travelers and vacationers; become known by the public and tourism-industry players (regional, national, foreign)
Integrate the area into tourism networks at various levels
Make La Défense a recognized tourist destination
Create a La Défense brand; make La Défense a Greater Paris destination with its own unique image and a strong identity (architecture/urbanism, innovation, contemporary art)
Become a tourist destination recognized for its offerings for business travelers and vacationers; become known by the public and tourism-industry players (regional, national, foreign)
Integrate the area into tourism networks at various levels
L'expérimentation va durer 5 mois. Désormais on a le droit de circuler à vélo à la Défense. Le parvis était jusqu'alors interdit à la petite reine même si dans les faits, l'interdiction n'était pas respectée... Un reportage de Bertrand Lambert et Emmanuelle Hunzinger
L'expérimentation va durer 5 mois. Désormais on a le droit de circuler à vélo à la Défense. Le parvis était jusqu'alors interdit à la petite reine même si dans les faits, l'interdiction n'était pas respectée... Un reportage de Bertrand Lambert et Emmanuelle Hunzinger
published:13 Apr 2015
UNSAF 2015 - vidéo-reportage sur le congrès des audioprothésistes - CNIT LA DEFENSE
Simple demonstration showing how to perform
the above mentioned quest.
Quest ID: 28838
Alternative Names in different Languages:
English Title: The Owlbeasts' Defense
German Title: Die Standhaftigkeit der Eulenbestien
French Title: La défense des chouettards
Russian Title: Защита совухов
Spanish Title: La defensa de las lechubestias
Italian Title: Le difese dei Bestiagufo
Portuguese Title: A defesa das Ferujas
Required Level:
Faction: Both
Zone: Winterspring
Quest starts at Npc/Item Id: 10929:
EN: Haleh
DE: Haleh
FR: Haleh
RU: Хале
ES: Haleh
PT: Haleh
IT: Haleh
Quest ends at Npc/Item Id: 10618:
EN: Rivern Frostwind
DE: Rivern Frostwind
FR: Rivern Givrevent
RU: Риверн Холодный Ветер
ES: Rivern Ventogélido
PT: Ripárion Glaciares
IT: Rivern Brezzafredda
==EN Description==
What a shame. Whatever Umbranse has done, he has prevented me from undoing his magic.He is wiser than I had anticipated.I do have a backup plan, however. I have seen owlbeasts enter and leave Mazthoril, even after Umbranse took control. Their ancient druidic magic must be capable of disabling Umbranse's. Luckily, I happen to be somewhat of an expert in their methods.Travel south, to Dun Mandarr. You will find a chest with a dreamcatcher in it.That will be your first step.
===========Quest Descriptions:=====================
==RU Описание==
Стыдно признаться, но что бы там Умбранс ни сотворил, он не дает мне обратить его колдовство.Он оказался хитрее, чем я предполагала.Впрочем, у меня есть запасной план. Я видела, что совухи спокойно входят в Мазторил и возвращаются даже после его захвата Умбрансом. Их древняя магия друидов, должно быть, сильнее колдовства Умбранса. По счастью, я неплохо разбираюсь в их традициях.Отправляйся на юг в Дун Мандарр. Там ты найдешь сундук с ловушкой для снов.Это то, что нам нужно для начала.
==DE Beschreibung==
So ein Ärger. Was immer Umbranse getan hat, es verhindert, dass ich seine Magie rückgängig machen kann.Er ist weiser, als ich es erwartet hatte.Aber ich habe dennoch einen Plan B. Ich habe Eulenbestien gesehen, die in Mazthoril ein und ausgehen, sogar nachdem Umbranse die Herrschaft übernommen hat. Ihre uralte, druidische Magie muss in der Lage sein, die von Umbranse unschädlich zu machen. Glücklicherweise kenne ich das Verhalten der Eulenbestien sehr genau.Reist nach Süden zu Dun Mandarr. Dort findet Ihr eine Truhe mit einem Traumfänger darin.Das wird Euer erster Schritt sein.
==ES Descripción==
Qué lástima. Sea lo que sea lo que ha hecho Umbranse, no soy capaz de invertir su magia.Es más inteligente de lo que esperaba.Pero tengo una alternativa. He visto que las lechubestias entran y salen de Mazthoril, aunque Umbranse la controle. Su magia druídica antigua debe de ser capaz de inutilizar la de Umbranse. Por suerte, resulta que soy una experta en sus métodos.Ve hacia el sur, hasta Dun Mandarr. Encontrarás un cofre con un atrapasueños dentro.Ese será tu primer paso.
==FR Description==
Quel dommage ! Quoi qu’Umbranse ait fait, il m’a empêché de défaire sa magie.Il est plus malin que je n’aurais pensé.J’ai un plan B, cela dit. J’ai vu des chouettards entrer et sortir de Mazthoril, même après la prise de contrôle d’Umbranse. Leur magie druidique ancienne doit être capable de désactiver celle d’Umbranse. Heureusement, il se trouve que je suis assez expert en ce qui concerne leurs méthodes.Allez au sud, jusqu’à Dun Mandarr. Vous y trouverez un coffre avec un capturêve dedans.Ce sera votre première étape.
Alternative Channels:
Title: World of Warcraft
Developer: Blizzard Entertainment
Publisher: Blizzard Entertainment
Utilized Software
Video Recording: Open Broadcaster Software
Music: VLC
Utilized Harware:
Microphone: T-Bone Sc450
Mouse: Logitech Mx518
Keyboard: Logitech 120k
CPU: i7-5820k
Graphics Card: R9 280x Toxic
Simple demonstration showing how to perform
the above mentioned quest.
Quest ID: 28838
Alternative Names in different Languages:
English Title: The Owlbeasts' Defense
German Title: Die Standhaftigkeit der Eulenbestien
French Title: La défense des chouettards
Russian Title: Защита совухов
Spanish Title: La defensa de las lechubestias
Italian Title: Le difese dei Bestiagufo
Portuguese Title: A defesa das Ferujas
Required Level:
Faction: Both
Zone: Winterspring
Quest starts at Npc/Item Id: 10929:
EN: Haleh
DE: Haleh
FR: Haleh
RU: Хале
ES: Haleh
PT: Haleh
IT: Haleh
Quest ends at Npc/Item Id: 10618:
EN: Rivern Frostwind
DE: Rivern Frostwind
FR: Rivern Givrevent
RU: Риверн Холодный Ветер
ES: Rivern Ventogélido
PT: Ripárion Glaciares
IT: Rivern Brezzafredda
==EN Description==
What a shame. Whatever Umbranse has done, he has prevented me from undoing his magic.He is wiser than I had anticipated.I do have a backup plan, however. I have seen owlbeasts enter and leave Mazthoril, even after Umbranse took control. Their ancient druidic magic must be capable of disabling Umbranse's. Luckily, I happen to be somewhat of an expert in their methods.Travel south, to Dun Mandarr. You will find a chest with a dreamcatcher in it.That will be your first step.
===========Quest Descriptions:=====================
==RU Описание==
Стыдно признаться, но что бы там Умбранс ни сотворил, он не дает мне обратить его колдовство.Он оказался хитрее, чем я предполагала.Впрочем, у меня есть запасной план. Я видела, что совухи спокойно входят в Мазторил и возвращаются даже после его захвата Умбрансом. Их древняя магия друидов, должно быть, сильнее колдовства Умбранса. По счастью, я неплохо разбираюсь в их традициях.Отправляйся на юг в Дун Мандарр. Там ты найдешь сундук с ловушкой для снов.Это то, что нам нужно для начала.
==DE Beschreibung==
So ein Ärger. Was immer Umbranse getan hat, es verhindert, dass ich seine Magie rückgängig machen kann.Er ist weiser, als ich es erwartet hatte.Aber ich habe dennoch einen Plan B. Ich habe Eulenbestien gesehen, die in Mazthoril ein und ausgehen, sogar nachdem Umbranse die Herrschaft übernommen hat. Ihre uralte, druidische Magie muss in der Lage sein, die von Umbranse unschädlich zu machen. Glücklicherweise kenne ich das Verhalten der Eulenbestien sehr genau.Reist nach Süden zu Dun Mandarr. Dort findet Ihr eine Truhe mit einem Traumfänger darin.Das wird Euer erster Schritt sein.
==ES Descripción==
Qué lástima. Sea lo que sea lo que ha hecho Umbranse, no soy capaz de invertir su magia.Es más inteligente de lo que esperaba.Pero tengo una alternativa. He visto que las lechubestias entran y salen de Mazthoril, aunque Umbranse la controle. Su magia druídica antigua debe de ser capaz de inutilizar la de Umbranse. Por suerte, resulta que soy una experta en sus métodos.Ve hacia el sur, hasta Dun Mandarr. Encontrarás un cofre con un atrapasueños dentro.Ese será tu primer paso.
==FR Description==
Quel dommage ! Quoi qu’Umbranse ait fait, il m’a empêché de défaire sa magie.Il est plus malin que je n’aurais pensé.J’ai un plan B, cela dit. J’ai vu des chouettards entrer et sortir de Mazthoril, même après la prise de contrôle d’Umbranse. Leur magie druidique ancienne doit être capable de désactiver celle d’Umbranse. Heureusement, il se trouve que je suis assez expert en ce qui concerne leurs méthodes.Allez au sud, jusqu’à Dun Mandarr. Vous y trouverez un coffre avec un capturêve dedans.Ce sera votre première étape.
Alternative Channels:
Title: World of Warcraft
Developer: Blizzard Entertainment
Publisher: Blizzard Entertainment
Utilized Software
Video Recording: Open Broadcaster Software
Music: VLC
Utilized Harware:
Microphone: T-Bone Sc450
Mouse: Logitech Mx518
Keyboard: Logitech 120k
CPU: i7-5820k
Graphics Card: R9 280x Toxic
published:20 Jun 2015
Visit Bay of Roses in Costa Brava - Spain Travel Guide
World Travel Spain Travel Guide The Bay of Roses is located in the Spanish region of Catalonia o...
World Travel Spain Travel Guide The Bay of Roses is located in the Spanish region of Catalonia o...
Simple demonstration showing how to perform
the above mentioned quest.
Quest ID: 26279
Alternative Names in different Languages:
English Title: The Defense of Grom'gol: Ogre Oppression
German Title: Die Verteidigung von Grom'gol: Ogerunterdrückung
French Title: La défense de Grom'gol : l'oppression des ogres
Russian Title: Защита Гром'гола: нападение на огров
Spanish Title: La defensa de Grom'gol: Opresión de ogros
Italian Title: La difesa di Grom'gol: l'oppressione degli Ogre
Portuguese Title: A defesa de Grom'gol: opressão dos ogros
Required Level:
Faction: Horde
Zone: Northern Stranglethorn
Quest starts at Npc/Item Id: 2464:
EN: Commander Aggro'gosh
DE: Kommandant Aggro'gosh
FR: Commandant Aggro’gosh
RU: Командир Аггро'гош
ES: Comandante Aggro'gosh
PT: Comandante Aggro'gosh
IT: Comandante Aggro'gosh
Quest ends at Npc/Item Id: 2464:
EN: Commander Aggro'gosh
DE: Kommandant Aggro'gosh
FR: Commandant Aggro’gosh
RU: Командир Аггро'гош
ES: Comandante Aggro'gosh
PT: Comandante Aggro'gosh
IT: Comandante Aggro'gosh
1) The Defense of Grom'gol: Murloc Menace
2) The Defense of Grom'gol: Trollish Thievery
==EN Description==
When we first arrived in this jungle we did not intend to wage war on the local tribes. Our mission to supply Stonard is of the highest priority. But complications have arisen. A local band of ogres has occupied the Mizjah Ruins to the southeast of Grom'gol. Despite warnings, they continue to ambush our supply caravans.I am putting you in charge of dealing with these uncooperative ogres.Travel to the ruins and attempt to drive them from the area. At the very least it will send a firm message.
===========Quest Descriptions:=====================
==RU Описание==
Когда мы прибыли в эти джунгли, у нас не было ни малейшего намерения воевать с местными племенами. Нам всего лишь надо было наладить поставку припасов в Каменор, причем как можно скорее. Но у нас возникли затруднения: в руинах Мизжа к юго-востоку от Гром'гола появилась банда огров. Несмотря на все предупреждения, они постоянно нападают на наши обозы.Назначаю тебя <ответственным/ответственной> за уничтожение этих назойливых огров.Отправляйся в руины и попытайся выдворить их оттуда. По меньшей мере, это покажет им, что мы настроены серьезно.
==DE Beschreibung==
Als wir zuerst hier im Dschungel ankamen hatten wir nicht vor, gegen die Einheimischen einen Krieg zu führen. Unsere Aufgabe, Steinard zu versorgen, hat oberste Priorität. Es ist aber zu Komplikationen gekommen. Ein paar Oger haben die Ruinen von Mizjah südöstlich von Grom'gol eingenommen. Trotz unsere Warnungen greifen sie unsere Versorgungskarawanen weiterhin an.Ich werde Euch damit beauftragen, Euch um die unkooperativen Oger zu kümmern.Begebt Euch zu den Ruinen und versucht, sie aus der Gegend zu vertreiben. Zumindest muss ihnen eine klare Nachricht geschickt werden.
==ES Descripción==
Cuando llegamos por primera vez a esta jungla, no pretendíamos tener que luchar con las tribus locales. Nuestra primera prioridad es enviar suministros a Rocal. Pero han surgido complicaciones. Una banda de ogros ha ocupado las Ruinas de Mizjah al sureste de Grom'gol. A pesar de las advertencias, siguen preparando emboscadas a nuestras caravanas de suministros.Te pongo al cargo de tratar con esos ogros tan poco cooperativos.Vete a las Ruinas e intenta expulsarlos de la zona. Al menos, con esto les mandaremos un firme mensaje.
Alternative Channels:
Title: World of Warcraft
Developer: Blizzard Entertainment
Publisher: Blizzard Entertainment
Utilized Software
Video Recording: Open Broadcaster Software
Music: VLC
Utilized Harware:
Microphone: T-Bone Sc450
Mouse: Logitech Mx518
Keyboard: Logitech 120k
CPU: i7-5820k
Graphics Card: R9 280x Toxic
Simple demonstration showing how to perform
the above mentioned quest.
Quest ID: 26279
Alternative Names in different Languages:
English Title: The Defense of Grom'gol: Ogre Oppression
German Title: Die Verteidigung von Grom'gol: Ogerunterdrückung
French Title: La défense de Grom'gol : l'oppression des ogres
Russian Title: Защита Гром'гола: нападение на огров
Spanish Title: La defensa de Grom'gol: Opresión de ogros
Italian Title: La difesa di Grom'gol: l'oppressione degli Ogre
Portuguese Title: A defesa de Grom'gol: opressão dos ogros
Required Level:
Faction: Horde
Zone: Northern Stranglethorn
Quest starts at Npc/Item Id: 2464:
EN: Commander Aggro'gosh
DE: Kommandant Aggro'gosh
FR: Commandant Aggro’gosh
RU: Командир Аггро'гош
ES: Comandante Aggro'gosh
PT: Comandante Aggro'gosh
IT: Comandante Aggro'gosh
Quest ends at Npc/Item Id: 2464:
EN: Commander Aggro'gosh
DE: Kommandant Aggro'gosh
FR: Commandant Aggro’gosh
RU: Командир Аггро'гош
ES: Comandante Aggro'gosh
PT: Comandante Aggro'gosh
IT: Comandante Aggro'gosh
1) The Defense of Grom'gol: Murloc Menace
2) The Defense of Grom'gol: Trollish Thievery
==EN Description==
When we first arrived in this jungle we did not intend to wage war on the local tribes. Our mission to supply Stonard is of the highest priority. But complications have arisen. A local band of ogres has occupied the Mizjah Ruins to the southeast of Grom'gol. Despite warnings, they continue to ambush our supply caravans.I am putting you in charge of dealing with these uncooperative ogres.Travel to the ruins and attempt to drive them from the area. At the very least it will send a firm message.
===========Quest Descriptions:=====================
==RU Описание==
Когда мы прибыли в эти джунгли, у нас не было ни малейшего намерения воевать с местными племенами. Нам всего лишь надо было наладить поставку припасов в Каменор, причем как можно скорее. Но у нас возникли затруднения: в руинах Мизжа к юго-востоку от Гром'гола появилась банда огров. Несмотря на все предупреждения, они постоянно нападают на наши обозы.Назначаю тебя <ответственным/ответственной> за уничтожение этих назойливых огров.Отправляйся в руины и попытайся выдворить их оттуда. По меньшей мере, это покажет им, что мы настроены серьезно.
==DE Beschreibung==
Als wir zuerst hier im Dschungel ankamen hatten wir nicht vor, gegen die Einheimischen einen Krieg zu führen. Unsere Aufgabe, Steinard zu versorgen, hat oberste Priorität. Es ist aber zu Komplikationen gekommen. Ein paar Oger haben die Ruinen von Mizjah südöstlich von Grom'gol eingenommen. Trotz unsere Warnungen greifen sie unsere Versorgungskarawanen weiterhin an.Ich werde Euch damit beauftragen, Euch um die unkooperativen Oger zu kümmern.Begebt Euch zu den Ruinen und versucht, sie aus der Gegend zu vertreiben. Zumindest muss ihnen eine klare Nachricht geschickt werden.
==ES Descripción==
Cuando llegamos por primera vez a esta jungla, no pretendíamos tener que luchar con las tribus locales. Nuestra primera prioridad es enviar suministros a Rocal. Pero han surgido complicaciones. Una banda de ogros ha ocupado las Ruinas de Mizjah al sureste de Grom'gol. A pesar de las advertencias, siguen preparando emboscadas a nuestras caravanas de suministros.Te pongo al cargo de tratar con esos ogros tan poco cooperativos.Vete a las Ruinas e intenta expulsarlos de la zona. Al menos, con esto les mandaremos un firme mensaje.
Alternative Channels:
Title: World of Warcraft
Developer: Blizzard Entertainment
Publisher: Blizzard Entertainment
Utilized Software
Video Recording: Open Broadcaster Software
Music: VLC
Utilized Harware:
Microphone: T-Bone Sc450
Mouse: Logitech Mx518
Keyboard: Logitech 120k
CPU: i7-5820k
Graphics Card: R9 280x Toxic
Paris, the capital of France, attracts 42 million visitors a year.
You can start your Paris tour on the metro, on foot, or with a taxi or bicycle; the city is easily navigable on all fronts. Visit the Arc de Triomphe in the center of the city and marvel at its graceful lines and commanding presence. Built between 1806 and 1836, the Arc is one of a number of historical arches and landmarks peppering Paris.
If your Paris sightseeing includes purchasing souvenirs, head to the Champs-Élysées, home of boutique shopping, numerous restaurants, and many bars, along with a theatre and other entertaining venues. Learn about culture and creativity at the Louvre, a 14th-century palace turned art museum, and check in on the Mona Lisa and her mysterious smile. Notre Dame Cathedral cannot be missed, as this imposing Gothic structure has stood since 1345.
Speaking of imposing, the Eiffel Tower is most frequently used to represent Paris. Stroll beneath it to get a good idea of its height, or travel to the top for a stunning view of the City of Light.
Visit our Paris travel guide page for more information or to plan your next vacation!
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Paris, the capital of France, attracts 42 million visitors a year.
You can start your Paris tour on the metro, on foot, or with a taxi or bicycle; the city is easily navigable on all fronts. Visit the Arc de Triomphe in the center of the city and marvel at its graceful lines and commanding presence. Built between 1806 and 1836, the Arc is one of a number of historical arches and landmarks peppering Paris.
If your Paris sightseeing includes purchasing souvenirs, head to the Champs-Élysées, home of boutique shopping, numerous restaurants, and many bars, along with a theatre and other entertaining venues. Learn about culture and creativity at the Louvre, a 14th-century palace turned art museum, and check in on the Mona Lisa and her mysterious smile. Notre Dame Cathedral cannot be missed, as this imposing Gothic structure has stood since 1345.
Speaking of imposing, the Eiffel Tower is most frequently used to represent Paris. Stroll beneath it to get a good idea of its height, or travel to the top for a stunning view of the City of Light.
Visit our Paris travel guide page for more information or to plan your next vacation!
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Follow us on our travel blog, Viewfinder:
La chaine officielle de l'émission de France 3.
C'est pas sorcier, le magazine de la déco...
published:27 May 2013
C'est pas sorcier -GRANDE ARCHE DE DEFENSE
C'est pas sorcier -GRANDE ARCHE DE DEFENSE
published:27 May 2013
La chaine officielle de l'émission de France 3.
C'est pas sorcier, le magazine de la découverte et de la science.
Fred, Jamy et Sabine retracent le travail des architectes qui ont œuvré sur le quartier de la Défense. Ils nous font découvrir les coulisses de cet ensemble urbain ultramoderne
Drone Paris La Défense FPV Flight Paris Homemade Ultralight GoPro 3 Black
Naturellement, les commentaires sont soumis à modération;) Paris, La Défense, Europe's lar...
Naturellement, les commentaires sont soumis à modération;) Paris, La Défense, Europe's largest business district like you've never seen it before ! Paris, La...
La Défense, Paris
A brief visit to the pedestrian plaza and transportation hub of La Défense, the trendy bus...
A brief visit to the pedestrian plaza and transportation hub of La Défense, the trendy business suburb of Paris. La Défense is a planned community in which c...
FR / Paris City Trip / La Défense
Driving at Paris: Porte Maillot, Tunnel de Neuilly, La Defense A14, Boulevard Circulaire....
Ta aimer ? Like ma page Facebook : Chaque jour a 13h Episode inédit de plus belle la...
La Defense - Paris
La Defense. Paris. Grande Arche. My blogger:
La Defense. Paris. Grande Arche. My blogger:
A Ride in Paris n°4: La Défense - The Business District of Paris
Even if Paris is famous for the old buildings and monuments of its historic downtown, its ...
published:30 Mar 2015
A Ride in Paris n°4: La Défense - The Business District of Paris
A Ride in Paris n°4: La Défense - The Business District of Paris
published:30 Mar 2015
Even if Paris is famous for the old buildings and monuments of its historic downtown, its metropolitan area is actually the second containing the most skyscrapers in Europe (the first being the Greater London area).
Most of the Paris area's high-rise buildings are located in La Défense, the main business district of the city. A few weeks ago, a subscriber ("Vallonism") asked me if I could shoot a video in this area. I recently visited a few friends living not too far from there, so I had the opportunity to shoot this short video.
Of course, there are much less skyscrapers in La Défense that there are in many other cities in the world. For the skyscraper enthusiasts, this is obviously not as impressive as New York, Chicago, Dubai, Hong Kong or Tokyo. However, this is an unknown part of Paris which worth to be seen at least once. Its originality lies in the fact that all the district is actually a huge pedestrian area. It can be reached by roads, trains, metros and buses, but they all are underground.
A few facts and figures about La Défense:
- 72 glass and steel buildings and skyscrapers;
- 25,000 permanent residents and 180,000 daily workers;
- Many of the top French companies have their head offices here;
- Always new skyscrapers in construction or in project (for example:
MrKiddo's Facebook Page:
La Défense Lincoln - film complet en francais
Michael Haller est avocat à Los Angeles. Habile, il est prêt à tout pour faire gagner les ...
published:14 May 2015
La Défense Lincoln - film complet en francais
La Défense Lincoln - film complet en francais
published:14 May 2015
Michael Haller est avocat à Los Angeles. Habile, il est prêt à tout pour faire gagner les criminels de bas étage qu’il défend. Toujours entre deux tribunaux, il travaille à l’arrière de sa voiture, une Lincoln Continental. Ayant passé la plus grande partie de sa carrière à défendre des petits voyous minables, il décroche pourtant ce qu’il pense être l’affaire de sa vie : il est engagé pour défendre un riche play-boy de Beverly Hills accusé de tentative de meurtre. Mais ce qui semblait être une affaire facile et très rentable se transforme en redoutable duel entre deux maîtres de la manipulation…
Rust S02E03 : La défense
Achetez vos jeux beaucoup moins cher ici :
Le triangle est ass...
published:11 May 2015
Rust S02E03 : La défense
Rust S02E03 : La défense
published:11 May 2015
Achetez vos jeux beaucoup moins cher ici :
Le triangle est assiégé, et c'est la panique!
Futur Ministere de la Defense
Le Futur Ministère de la Défense dans le quartier Balard , 15éme arrondissement de Paris (...
published:15 Oct 2014
Futur Ministere de la Defense
Futur Ministere de la Defense
published:15 Oct 2014
Le Futur Ministère de la Défense dans le quartier Balard , 15éme arrondissement de Paris (France).
Hello les amigos, on se retrouve aujourd'hui pour un tuto essentiel pour gérer sa défense ...
published:04 Oct 2014
published:04 Oct 2014
Hello les amigos, on se retrouve aujourd'hui pour un tuto essentiel pour gérer sa défense sur #FIFA15 ! Bon visionnage à tous et, pensez à ceux qui ont du mal à défendre :-) !
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La défense Sicilienne Najdorf - Echecs leçon
Répertoire simplifié pour jouer avec les noirs.
Une vidéo intéressante pour faire ses prem...
published:10 Mar 2015
La défense Sicilienne Najdorf - Echecs leçon
La défense Sicilienne Najdorf - Echecs leçon
published:10 Mar 2015
Répertoire simplifié pour jouer avec les noirs.
Une vidéo intéressante pour faire ses premiers pas dans les ouvertures ! Nos deux grand maîtres expliquent les principes de base de la défense Najdorf en proposant un répertoire simple face à différentes réponses blanches. Une excellente leçon pour jouer la défense favorite de Gary Kasparov !(Niveau Débutant).
Pays : France
Année : 2000
Intervenants : GMI Eloi Relange, GMI Jean-Luc Chabanon
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Jean Michel Jarre - Paris La Defense A City In Concert (VHS Full Show)
Event: Paris La Défense
When: Saturday, July 14, 1990
Where: Quartier De La Défense, Paris...
published:14 Sep 2012
Jean Michel Jarre - Paris La Defense A City In Concert (VHS Full Show)
Jean Michel Jarre - Paris La Defense A City In Concert (VHS Full Show)
published:14 Sep 2012
Event: Paris La Défense
When: Saturday, July 14, 1990
Where: Quartier De La Défense, Paris, France
Other Info:
Paris La Defense - Une Ville En Concert was a concert held by musician Jean Michel Jarre on the district of La Défense in Paris on Bastille Day, July 14, 1990. About 2.5 million people standing in front of the pyramidical stage all the way down to the Arc de Triomphe witnessed this event, setting a new Guinness Book of Records entry for Jarre. The concert was funded by Mairie De Paris, Ministry of Culture and a small cluster of high-profile Parisian business concerns. Later, a concert video as well as a photobook of the event were released.
The show featured new tracks from the Waiting for Cousteau album, and vast grotesque marionettes created by Peter Minshall.
Track listing:
1: Calypso (remix) (over intro)
2: Paris La Defense
3: Oxygene 4
4: Equinoxe 4
5: Souvenir of China
6: Magnetic Fields II
7: Ethnicolor Part 1
8: Ethni-transition
9: Zoolookologie
10: Revolution, Revolutions
11: Second Rendez-Vous
12: Calypso 2
13: Calypso 3 - Fin De Siécle
14: Calypso
15: Calypso (encore)
Note: Equinoxe 5 and Fourth Rendez-Vous were performed also at the concert but were unfortunately omitted from this VHS release and also from the 1 hour TV broadcast.
* Jean-Michel Jarre: Synthesizers
* Michel Geiss: Synthesizers
* Francis Rimbert: Synthesizers
* Dominique Perrier: Synthesizers
* Frederick Rousseau: Synthesizers
* Sylvain Durand: Synthesizers
* Guy Delacroix: Bass, Synthesizers
* Christophe Deschamps: Drums & Percussions
* Dino Lumbroso: Drums & Percussions
* Christine Durand: Soprano
* Larbi Ouechli: Arab Vocals
* Amoco Renegades (directed by Jit Samaroo): Steel Drums
* Les Choeurs Des Hauts De Seine (conducted by Bruno Rossignol): Choir
* Al Mawsili: Classical Arab Orchestra
Corée du Nord : le ministre de la Défense exécuté
Le dictateur Kim Jong Un n'a pas apprécié qu'il se soit assoupi lors d'une manifestation à...
published:13 May 2015
Corée du Nord : le ministre de la Défense exécuté
Corée du Nord : le ministre de la Défense exécuté
published:13 May 2015
Le dictateur Kim Jong Un n'a pas apprécié qu'il se soit assoupi lors d'une manifestation à laquelle il assistait selon des médias sud-coréens citant les services de renseignements de Séoul.
Hyon Yong Chol, a été fusillé pour trahison, déloyauté et manque de respect. Son exécution a eu lieu le 30 avril dernier devant des centaines de responsables du régime. Général peu illustre, il avait été promu au rang de vice-maréchal en 2012.
Selon la Corée du Sud, le numéro un de Pyongyang aurait ordonné …
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As the title says, this is a photo slideshow (from my own pictures) from a walking tour that we had last summer through Paris (from a vacation in Europe). Th...
Paris Tourism and Vacations 2015
Paris Tourism and Vacations 2015 - Paris, France Travel Guide 2015 - Paris Trip 2015
published:22 Dec 2014
Paris Tourism and Vacations 2015
Paris Tourism and Vacations 2015
published:22 Dec 2014
Paris Tourism and Vacations 2015 - Paris, France Travel Guide 2015 - Paris Trip 2015
Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide
Paris, the cosmopolitan capital of France, is one of the largest agglomerations in Europe, with 2.2 million people living in the dense, central city and almost 12 million people living in the whole metropolitan area. Located in the north of France on the river Seine, Paris has the reputation of being the most beautiful and romantic of all cities, brimming with historic associations and remaining vastly influential in the realms of culture, art, fashion, food and design. Dubbed the City of Light (la Ville Lumière) and Capital of Fashion, it is home to the world's finest and most luxurious fashion designers and cosmetics, such as Chanel, Dior, Yves Saint-Laurent, Guerlain, Lancôme, L'Oréal, Clarins, etc. A large part of the city, including the River Seine, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The city has the second highest number of Michelin-restaurants in the world (after Tokyo) and contains numerous iconic landmarks, such as the world's most visited tourist site the Eiffel Tower, the Arc de Triomphe, the Notre-Dame Cathedral, the Louvre Museum, Moulin Rouge, Lido etc, making it the most popular tourist destination in the world with 45 million tourists annually.
Landmarks in Paris
Arc de Triomphe (8th)— The Arc de Triomphe exudes grandeur and offers a central view of the city Métro/RER Charles de Gaulle-Etoile
Catacombs (14th)— Used to store the exhumed bones of about 6 million people from the overflowing Paris cemeteries. They fill a section of caverns and tunnels that are the remains of old stone mines underneath the city. (There is a limit to the number of visitors allowed within the Catacombs at one time (200 persons). So, if you arrive just after opening, you must wait until someone exits, approximately 45-60 minutes, before anyone is admitted). Métro Denfert-Rochereau
Château de Versailles (Versailles)— Must be seen. France's most exquisite chateau, on the outskirts of the city, easily visited by train. Once the home to Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette. RER Versailles Rive Gauche
The Eiffel Tower (Tour Eiffel) (7th)— No other monument better symbolizes Paris. Métro Bir-Hakeim (6) or RER Champ de Mars-Tour Eiffel
Grand Arche de la Défense (La Défense)— A modern office-building variant of the Arc de Triomphe. Métro/RER La Défense
Notre Dame Cathedral (4th)— Impressive Gothic cathedral that was the inspiration for Victor Hugo's novel The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Climb to the top! Métro Cité (4) or RER Saint-Michel-Notre Dame
Opera Garnier (9th)— Masterpiece of theatre architecture of the 19th century built by Charles Garnier and inaugurated in 1875 housing the Paris Opera since it was founded by Louis XIV. Métro Opéra
Pantheon (5th)— Underneath, the final resting place for the great heroes of the French Republic including Voltaire, Victor Hugo, and Marie Curie; above, a marvellous view of the city. Métro Cardinal Lemoine (10) or RER Luxembourg
Père-Lachaise Cemetery (20th)— Unlike any cemetery in the world. Ornate grave stones, monuments set among tree lined lanes. See the graves of Jim Morrison, Oscar Wilde, and Frederic Chopin, amongst many others. Métro Père Lachaise
Sacré Coeur (18th)— A church perched on top of the highest point in Paris. Behind the church is the artists' area, in front are spectacular views of the whole city. Métro Anvers (2) or Abbesses (12), then climb the stairs on Rue Foyatier or take the funicular to the top of the hill.
Sainte Chapelle (1st)— Exquisite stained glass chapel. More beautiful interior than the gloomy Notre Dame Cathedral. Métro Cité
Paris - La Defense (european travel) business district
As the title says, this is a photo slideshow (from my own pictures) from a walking tour th...
As the title says, this is a photo slideshow (from my own pictures) from a walking tour that we had last summer through Paris (from a vacation). These specif...
"Les Catacombes, La Defense, and Chateau Vincennes" Ditchthecube's photos around Paris, France
Preview of Ditchthecube's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: http://www.travelpod...
Preview of Ditchthecube's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: This b...
Cheap Hotel in La Defense,Paris
7minute walk from La Defense business to shopping district.
cheap hot...
published:21 Apr 2015
Cheap Hotel in La Defense,Paris
Cheap Hotel in La Defense,Paris
published:21 Apr 2015
7minute walk from La Defense business to shopping district.
cheap hotel in La Defense,Paris
Find Useful Tips for cheap la defense at Popular Sites
See 710 reviews, articles, and 808 photos of La Defense
La Defense Business District
cheap hotel in La Defense,Paris See 710 reviews, articles, and photos of La Defense...Book Now !
The 4-star Novotel Paris La Défense hotel is located in the heart of La Défense
Valletta, Malta Travel Guide
World Travel
Malta Travel Guide
published:23 Aug 2013
Valletta, Malta Travel Guide
Valletta, Malta Travel Guide
published:23 Aug 2013
World Travel
Malta Travel Guide
Malta Travel Guide | Malta Travel Attractions | Malta travel tips | Malta Vacations | Malta Tourism
Shepherd Entertainment takes you on a tour of Valletta, the capital of Malta, which was built on the peninsula surrounded
by two bays.
Visit Valletta in Malta
The malicious that the language of Malta is like of an Italian which trying to speak Arabic however he only speaks English. And this complexity can be experience in not only the language but also the whole mentality and lifestyle of the people living here. Malta is located in the heart of the Mediterranean Sea close to the coast of Northern Africa and only one thousand kilometers from Sicily. The Archipelago is part of the British Commonwealth. So, it's quite obvious that Arabic, Italian and British and other cultures influenced it.
Malta's language basically is related to the Semitic language family and so it's related to Arabic and Hebrew. It's the only surviving form of the Phoenicians language so this is truly unique. The capital of the Maltese Archipelago of three inhabited and two uninhabited islands is Valletta. Valletta is built on the peninsula surrounded by two bays. After the Turkish' siege, the Popes send his Architect Francisco Lipari here who together with Gerolamo Cassar, the chief architect of the order of knighthood planned the symmetrical square reticulated street structure of the new town.
For the construction, they used rocks extracted underneath the town area. Therefore today there's a several kilometer long tunnel system running under Valletta. The upper house was bomb during World War II. There are plans for the rebuilding, however it's better not to expect this opening in the next one or two years. The busiest street of Valletta is Liberty Street starting from the town gate.
We can recover from the fatigue of sightseeing by sitting on one of the café terraces. The most famous is the Café Cordino. Behind the coffee, inside the beautiful library, there's an audiovisual exhibition on the history of the St. John. The sounds and picture effects are cutting edge.
The palace of the Grand Master has lasted one decade starting from 1570. The renaissance building has been both the master's office and resident. Today it's a presidential palace and meeting place of the House of Commons. The table is placed on the wall of the inside yard and remind us the vistas of the pope and the queen.
The interest of trick el dasca which is parallel to Liberty Street is that it was the only street in Valletta more where the nights have been allowed to fight a duel. Near, there are the toy museum and a small product palace, the Casa Roca Picola where paintings from the 15th to 17th centuries are exhibited. Nowadays, there are only 8,000 habitants living in the city and many moved out to the suburbs.
In Valletta, traveling by car is problematic because they drive on the left and it's hard to find a parking place. It's better if we visit the inner areas by walking or by a small horse carriage called Karrozzin. The star shape of St. Elma was built on the former place of the watch tower. Some scenes of the Oscar winning film Gladiator were shot here.
Inside we find a World War Museum converted from the command center of the British Air Defense. Besides others, General Eisenhower's jeep named husky is guarded here as well as three contemporary airplanes of the Maltese air force. One is even a little interested in military history can spend illuminating hours here.
The name of the St. John Cathedral indicates that it received its cathedral status from the Pope together with its fellow Medina. The building represents a classical byzantine Basilica. We can see simple and clear forms on the outside and rich baroque interior. In olden times the Congresses of the Knights were held here. When Napoleon's army ravaged Malta, the silver gate was painted black in order to prevent soldier's recognizing how valuable it was.
The flooring of the main ship is made from 400 carve colored marble gravestones. Under which is night rest. The 12 Grand Masters are buried here. Among them de la Vallett, his coffin was brought over from the triumphful ladican temple in Saint John fortress. Caravaggio's famous painting titled "St. John's as beheading" is exhibited in the cathedral museum. The painter is escape from Naples to Malta after he killed his enemy. The painter signature on the painting is no worthy as it's the continuation of the blood coming from the chop head.
Tags: Valletta in Malta,Malta Travel Attractions,malta travel guide,malta travel information,Malta travel tips,shepherd entertainment,Visit Valletta in Malta,world travel,shepherdfilm
"Visit to La Defense (CBD)" David.quinney's photos around Paris, France
Preview of David.quinney's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: http://www.travelpo...
Preview of David.quinney's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: This...
Paris Skyline from Sacre Coeur. Eiffel Tower, La Defense and more. See more at my Tr...
Paris Travel Video | Paris France Travel Guide | Backpack Europe | Budget Travel Paris
Paris Travel Video - Travel in Paris, France in a full length travel video including the E...
published:22 Nov 2013
Paris Travel Video | Paris France Travel Guide | Backpack Europe | Budget Travel Paris
Paris Travel Video | Paris France Travel Guide | Backpack Europe | Budget Travel Paris
published:22 Nov 2013
Paris Travel Video - Travel in Paris, France in a full length travel video including the Eiffel Tower, Champs Elysees, Louvre, Seine River, Notre Dame, Arc De Triomphe, Paris Boat Ride / Tour, Paris Obelisk, Place de la Concorde, Paris Metro and other destinations, structures and landmarks.
Highlights include St Chappelle Church with 13th-century stained glass, La Sainte-Chapelle that once contained Louis IX's relics of Christ, which included the Crown of Thorns, the Image of Edessa and some thirty other items.
Climb the Arc de Triomphe and look down on the historic axis (Axe historique) -- a sequence of monuments and grand thoroughfares on a route which goes from the courtyard of the Louvre, to the Grande Arche de la Défense. The monument was designed by Jean Chalgrin in 1806, and its iconographic program pitted heroic French against bearded Germanic warriors in chain mail. It set the tone for public monuments, with triumphant patriotic messages.
Video of the Eiffel Tower, a iron lattice tower located on the Champ de Mars in Paris. It was named after the engineer Gustave Eiffel, whose company designed and built the tower. Erected in 1889 as the entrance arch to the 1889 World's Fair, it has become both a global cultural icon of France and one of the most recognizable structures in the world.
Video includes scenes of a Notre Dame Cathedral service with video of the Pieta sculpture by Michelangelo, Rose Window and famous Stained Glass. Notre Dame Cathedral is widely considered to be one of the finest examples of French Gothic architecture and among the largest and most well-known church buildings in the world. The naturalism of its sculptures and stained glass are in contrast with earlier Romanesque architecture.
Lunch on Avenue des Champs-Élysées, a street in Paris, France. With its cinemas, cafés, luxury specialty shops and clipped horse-chestnut trees, the Champs-Élysées is arguably one of the world's most famous streets, and is one of the most expensive strips of real estate in the world. Several French monuments are also on the street, including the Arc de Triomphe and the Place de la Concorde. The name is French for Elysian Fields, the place of the blessed dead in Greek mythology. According to a much used description, the Champs-Élysées is la plus belle avenue du monde ("the most beautiful avenue in the world").
Visit Place de la Concorde, designed by Ange-Jacques Gabriel in 1755 as a moat-skirted octagon between the Champs-Élysées to the west and the Tuileries Garden to the east. During the French Revolution the statue of Louis XV of France was torn down and the area renamed "Place de la Révolution". The new revolutionary government erected the guillotine in the square, and it was here that King Louis XVI was executed on 21 January 1793.
Follow along to Luxembourg Park with Sailboats in the Fountain with Street Artists and Street Performers in Paris, France. Stroll on the Seine River, with 37 bridges within Paris and dozens more spanning the river outside the city. Examples in Paris include the Pont Louis-Philippe and Pont Neuf, the latter of which dates back to 1607. Outside the city, examples include the Pont de Normandie, one of the longest cable-stayed bridges in the world, which links Le Havre to Honfleur.
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Music used in Clip, all rights reserved by original copyright holder
01 "The Mad Thinker" (Dr. Frankenstein) / CC BY-NC-ND 3.0
02 Rossio (Jahzzar) / CC BY-SA 3.0
03 Pigalle (Jahzzar) / CC BY-SA 3.0
04 Lee Maddeford - Embellir with Les Gauchers Quintet
05 French National Anthem
06 Jahzzar - Pagalle
07 Kevin MacLeod - Parisian
08 Jahzzar - Jardins du Luxembourg
09 Kevin Macleod - Song of the Volga Boatmen
10 YACHT - Holy Roller Instrumental
11 Kevin MacLeod - Amazing Grace
12 Jason Shaw - Travel Light
13 Jahzzar - Pontes
Aparthotels Adagio La Défense Esplanade
Découvrez un de nos aparthotels situé à La Défense, le premier quartier d'affaires europée...
published:04 Sep 2014
Aparthotels Adagio La Défense Esplanade
Aparthotels Adagio La Défense Esplanade
published:04 Sep 2014
Découvrez un de nos aparthotels situé à La Défense, le premier quartier d'affaires européen !
Aparthotels Adagio, n°1 en Europe, proposent au cœur des villes, des appartements modernes équipés d'une cuisine et de services hôteliers pour des longs séjours avec des tarifs dégressifs dès 4 nuits.
Issus de la joint-venture entre les groupes Accor et Pierre & Vacances Center Parcs, en 2007, la marque propose deux gammes de produits :
- Adagio, des Aparthotels milieu de gamme, dans l'air du temps, situés au cœur des principales métropoles ;
- Adagio access, gamme économique, des Aparthotels astucieux, à proximité des centres-villes.
Le réseau compte 90 aparthotels et 10 000 appartements en Europe, avec un objectif d'atteindre 150 aparthotels et 19 000 appartements à travers le monde d'ici 2016.
Toutes les informations concernant les Aparthotels Adagio sont disponibles sur le site internet
Drone Paris La Défense FPV Flight Paris Homemade Ultralight GoPro 3 Black
published:07 Aug 2014
Drone Paris La Défense FPV Flight Paris Homemade Ultralight GoPro 3 Black
Drone Paris La Défense FPV Flight Paris Homemade Ultralight GoPro 3 Black
published:07 Aug 2014
Viatge Terrassa-Paris-Terrassa Anar i tornar en un dia, el 19-4-2008....
La Défense is a key suburb of Paris and is one of the largest business centres in the world. La Défense consists mainly of business highrises. Initiated by t...
Paris-Esplanade de La Défense
Make La Défense a recognized tourist destination
Create a La Défense brand; make La Défens...
published:05 Jul 2015
Paris-Esplanade de La Défense
Paris-Esplanade de La Défense
published:05 Jul 2015
Make La Défense a recognized tourist destination
Create a La Défense brand; make La Défense a Greater Paris destination with its own unique image and a strong identity (architecture/urbanism, innovation, contemporary art)
Become a tourist destination recognized for its offerings for business travelers and vacationers; become known by the public and tourism-industry players (regional, national, foreign)
Integrate the area into tourism networks at various levels
The death of a tame Sumatra elephant has caused anger and outrage that has now spread across the globe. Yongki lived in a wild life refuge and he was a very friendly elephant that often worked with rangers who would patrol the forest looking for poachers ... ....
The last time Lance CorporalGregoryBuckley Jr spoke to his father, the Marine told him in 2012 that he could hear Afghan police sexually abusing children. “At night we can hear them screaming, but we’re not allowed to do anything about it,” George Buckley Sr told the New York Times. “My son said that his officers told him to look the other way because it’s their culture.” ... They don’t know our Marines are sick to their stomachs.”. --> ... ....
Article by Correspondent DallasDarling. It was a rare and memorable moment when the father of a soldier killed in Iraq accused then-President George W. Bush of being responsible for his son's death. This is especially true since few Americans ever have access to the dominant media and inner circles of American power, specifically the presidency and secretary of defense ... with Muslims and radical Islamists ... September 26, 2003....
(Source. Amnesty International Australia). American tech companies seeking access to China's domestic market must not turn a blind eye to the country's severe internet-related human rights abuses, Amnesty International said, ahead of a meeting between China's PresidentXi Jinping and top US tech firms on Wednesday ... "US tech firms need to put people and principles before profit, and defend internet freedom ... distributed by ... (noodl....
In a return to the foreign-policy stage, former CIA director told a Senate panel that US must offer protection to Syrian fighters in order to team up against Isis. @attackerman. David Petraeus, the former commander of the US war in Iraq, urged Barack Obama to credibly threaten Bashar al-Assad’s air force as a way through the bloody morass in Syria on Tuesday ... He called the overall war against Isis a “fairly dynamic stalemate” ... ....
(Source. Lucibel SA) SOCIETE GENERALE. PRESS RELEASE PARIS, SEPTEMBER 16 2015. Internet connection makes its revolution with LEDs. LUCIBEL and. SOGEPROM rely on the LiFi high bandwidth technology ...PierreSorel, Sogeprom's Deputy CEO, comments." ... We will not stop there as Lucibel will first install high bandwidth in our future headquarter in LaDéfense and will later propose the same installation to all our regional branches." ... About Lucibel....
(Source. Albioma SA) PRESS RELEASE. PARISLADÉFENSE, 9 SEPTEMBER 2015TOTAL NUMBER OF SHARES AND VOTING RIGHTS. in the share capital as at 31 August 2015 (Articles L. 233-8 (II) of the FrenchCommercial Code and 223-16 of the General Regulations of the French Financial Markets Authority). Date. Number of shares in the share capital. Number of theoretical voting rights. Number of exercisable voting rights1. 31/08/2015. 29,783,757. 29,783,757 ... 1....
(Source. Renault Group SA) ...Kadjar is inviting urban adventurers to LaDéfense for a dizzying experience…. The CNIT (Centre of New Industries and Technologies) at the LaDéfense business district outside Paris is hosting an original experience from tomorrow! ... Their exploit will be filmed ... distributed by ... (noodl....
A number of major contracts were won during the third quarter of the fiscal year, notably with (i) the Chaville and Berre l'Etangmunicipalities (Education market), the Colisée Patrimoine group (Healthcare market), and Tour D2 in Paris's LaDéfense business district and the L'Oréal Campus(Business & Industry), in France, (ii) Vigo hospital and ......
'>Desire Nimubona/IRIN' border=1>. Print... According to the UN, civil unrest erupted on 26 April in Bujumbura, Burundi's capital, after the ruling Conseil national pour ladéfense de la démocratie-Forces pour ladéfense de la démocratie (CNDD-FDD) party elected PresidentPierre Nkurunziza on 25 April as its candidate for the then-scheduled 26 June presidential election. Mr ... NewsTracker. past stories on this issue ... Source....
... for victims." According to the UN, civil unrest erupted on 26 April in Bujumbura, Burundi's capital, after the ruling Conseil national pour ladéfense de la démocratie-Forces pour ladéfense de la démocratie (CNDD-FDD) party elected PresidentPierre Nkurunziza on 25 April as its candidate for the then-scheduled 26 June presidential election....
(Source... In a statement issued yesterday evening by his spokesperson, Mr. Ban wished Mr ... "Mr ... Mr ... Civil unrest erupted on 26 April in Bujumbura, Burundi's capital, after the ruling Conseil national pour ladéfense de la démocratie-Forces pour ladéfense de la démocratie (CNDD-FDD) party elected PresidentPierre Nkurunziza on 25 April as its candidate for the then-scheduled 26 June presidential election, which was twice postponed. Mr....
(Source. Albioma SA) PRESS RELEASE. PARISLADÉFENSE, 5 AUGUST 2015 ALBIOMA FINALISES THE ACQUISITION OF A 65% STAKE IN CODORA ENERGIA IN BRAZIL. On 4 August 2015, Albioma finalised the acquisition of a 65% equity interest in CodoraEnergia, a company owning a 48 MW bagasse-fuelled cogeneration plant located in the state of Goiás in Brazil... 205/MWh. Furthermore, in anticipation of the commissioning of a new 20 MW turbine in ... ABOUT ALBIOMA....
Print... In a statement issued yesterday evening by his spokesperson, Mr. Ban wished Mr ... “Mr ... Mr ... Civil unrest erupted on 26 April in Bujumbura, Burundi’s capital, after the ruling Conseil national pour ladéfense de la démocratie-Forces pour ladéfense de la démocratie (CNDD-FDD) party elected PresidentPierre Nkurunziza on 25 April as its candidate for the then-scheduled 26 June presidential election, which was twice postponed. Mr ... Burundi....
La femme des uns sous le corps des autres, A des soupirs de voluptés, On s'en fout quand c'est pas la notre, Mais celles des autres D'abord on se dit vous et puis on se dit tout, On s'envoit un verre, on s'envoit en l'air, Et tout la haut la haut, tout la haut la haut, On regarde en bas et qu'est ce qu'on y voit ? La femme des uns sous le corps des autres, Et on commence à s'inquieter, On se dit que si, c'était la notre, la qui se vautre, On lui ferait passer le goût de recommencer, Et pour changer d'air, on l'enverrait faire, Un tour la haut, la haut, tout la haut la haut, Et pour s'consoler, alors on irait, on irait voir La femme des autres, et quand elle é-carterait les bras On se dirait elle est comme la notre, la femme des autres, On irait chasser dans les beaux quartiers Et dans l'ascenseur on ferait le joli coeur, Et tout la haut la haut, tout la haut la haut, Venu d'Amerique, y'aurait de la musique. Car pour les pin up, il faut des pick up, Faut pour les soulever, pour les envoyer, La haut la haut, tout la haut la haut, Des disques longues durées, haute fidelité, Haute fidelité, Haute fidelité, Haute fidelité.