Consul (abbrev. cos.; Latin plural consules) was the highest elected office of the Roman Republic and an appointive office under the Empire. The title was also used in other city states and also revived in modern states, notably in the First French Republic. The relating adjective is consular, from the Latin consularis (which has been used, substantiated, as a title in its own right).
While many cities (as in Gaul) had a double-headed chief magistracy, often another title was used, such as Duumvir or native styles such as Meddix, but Consul was used in some.
It was not uncommon for an organisation under Roman private law to copy the terminology of state and city institutions for its own statutory agents. The founding statute, or contract, of such an organisation was called lex, 'law'. The people elected each year were patricians, members of the upper class.
The city-state of Genoa, unlike ancient Rome, bestowed the title of Consul on various state officials, not necessarily restricted to the highest. Among these were Genoese officials stationed in various Mediterranean ports, whose role included helping Genoese merchants and sailors in difficulties with the local authorities. This institution, with its name, was later emulated by other powers and is reflected in the modern usage of the word (see Consul (representative)).
dotScale 2014 - Mitchell Hashimoto - Building Robust Systems With Consul
Consul Demo
Orchestrating Docker with Terraform and Consul by Mitchell Hashimoto
Troca do kit mecânico lavadora CWI07 consul floral parte 1
lavadora consul pratice
Lavadora Consul Facilite 8 kg (CWE08) - 1ª lavagem (sem roupas)
Problema resolvido Climatizador Consul C1F06, troca de capacitor e limpeza do motor.
Como retirar agitador da lavadora Consul
Limpeza Lava Roupas Consul
Gisele Consul - Destino Implacavel (Andrezinho Shock)
Geladeira Consul Bem Estar - CRM 55
Lavadora automática Consul Facilite 11Kg (CWG11)
Nowy Nabytek 2013 Claas Consul
Lavadora Consul Facilite 8 kg (CWE08) - Roupas Brancas Muito Sujas
Simon Tabet is a Lebanese who currently lives in the United States. He urgently arrives to Marseilles to look for Nirane Tabet, who maybe his long lost sister, reported missing during a massacre in which his whole family perished at the outset of the war in Lebanon (1975-1990).
Keywords: lebanon, missing, sister
This is a dramatization of events in the life of St. Francis of Assisi from before his conversion experience through his audience with the pope, including his friendship with St. Clare.
Keywords: 1210s, anti-materialism, apostle, armor, assisi-italy, balcony, bare-butt, barefoot, bathing, beating
A Motion Picture That Celebrates The Timeless Joy of Original Innocence
Bishop Guido: They are restoring a consecrated ruin for love. Is that a crime?
Giacondo: He's been riding all night on a girl. Tomorrow is the battle, we must prepare!
Bernardo: War's a serious business::Giacondo: Such profoundity Bernardo
St. Francis of Assisi: This is my death mask.
Paolo: You just saunter out of your house one fine morning and pluck God out of the air as easily as catching a butterfly. It's all too simple.::St. Francis of Assisi: If what you say is true then the Holy Father will point out errors in my faith
Bishop Guido: Come forward, sons of Assisi. God is with you!
Pietro Di Bernardone: Business is blooming, life is back to normal at last
Pietro Di Bernardone: These servants are just like animals!
Pietro Di Bernardone: That's obvious what was wrong with him. The boy needed a woman.::Pica Di Bernardone: Don't be so clumsy, monsignor. It's L'Amour
St. Francis of Assisi: What have the judges of men to do with me. God is my only judge!::Consul: Unfortunately, he isn't around to help us out.
Based on the Edward Bulwer-Lytton novel. Set in the shadows of Mt. Vesuvius just before its famous eruption, the film begins with Glaucus, a Roman legionnaire, returning to his home from far-off wars. Upon arriving, however, he discovers that his father has been murdered by a gang of black-hooded looting bandits. Glaucus vows revenge against the killers, but just how high up are those involved?
Keywords: ancient-rome, arena, based-on-novel, blind-woman, blood, bow-and-arrow, centurion, chariot, christian, christianity
VOLCANIC! Now the Screen is Swept by Scenes That Stagger the Imagination!
An American insurance adjuster, stranded in Havana, becomes involved with an archaeologist and a collector of antiquities in a hunt for treasure in the Mexican ruins of Zapoteca.
Keywords: antiquities, based-on-novel, consul, dodgy-deal, double-cross, exoneration, exotic-locale, false-accusation, gold, gunfire
Al Colby: Take a good look at yourself! Who'd want to kiss THAT?
Julie Barnes: You stood me up because you think i'm a tramp.::Al Colby: I don't think you're a tramp.::Julie Barnes: Yes you do... cuz I am. I'm a tramp and everybody knows it; Julie the tramp. What's a lady have to do to get a cigarette around here?
Al Colby: Drink's alright, just so it doesn't take you in the wrong direction.
Nora and her uncle get railroaded into spending the night at a broken-down hotel in Canada. After Nora falls for the handsome owner, she convinces her uncle to invest in the inn and modernize it. After the hotel opens, Nora's uncle faces financial ruin and her romance hit a snag in the form of pretty reporter.
Keywords: big-band, boy-meets-girl, dance-number, farce, hotel, ice-skater, ice-skating, jealousy, man-in-drag, millionaire
The captain of a battleship of a small Balkan country is fed up with following strange orders from the country's queen, who wants to make a cruise to the Med inspite of the fact that the country is broke and the crew didn't get its salary. So he decides to disobey orders and commands his ship to Monte Carlo, but the queen decides to go there too. He loses his money there at the casino, but the queen falls in love with him.
Keywords: based-on-novel, imaginary-country
dotScale 2014 - Mitchell Hashimoto - Building Robust Systems With Consul
Consul Demo
Orchestrating Docker with Terraform and Consul by Mitchell Hashimoto
Troca do kit mecânico lavadora CWI07 consul floral parte 1
lavadora consul pratice
Lavadora Consul Facilite 8 kg (CWE08) - 1ª lavagem (sem roupas)
Problema resolvido Climatizador Consul C1F06, troca de capacitor e limpeza do motor.
Como retirar agitador da lavadora Consul
Limpeza Lava Roupas Consul
Gisele Consul - Destino Implacavel (Andrezinho Shock)
Geladeira Consul Bem Estar - CRM 55
Lavadora automática Consul Facilite 11Kg (CWG11)
Nowy Nabytek 2013 Claas Consul
Lavadora Consul Facilite 8 kg (CWE08) - Roupas Brancas Muito Sujas
Ar Condicionado Portátil Consul 12.000 BTUs Frio Facilite C1A12A Função Siga-me e Filtro HEPA
ya el consul
Atualização Consul Bem Estar - C1F07AB. O que mudou depois do nosso vídeo?
Climatizador de Ar Consul Bem Estar
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Dicas de Instalação | Ar Condicionado Split Consul
Como arrumar uma geladeira consul frost free com R$ 1,30 muito facil.
Lavadora Consul Facilite 11,5 Kg
Lavadora Consul Facilite 8 kg (CWE08) - Roupas Coloridas Sujas
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Geladeira da consul congelando, problemas no damper e como resolver
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Armon Dadgar, Hashicorp
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El Cónsul Perlasca
Entre dos Mundos - Hostal el Consul
ar consul 7500 btus placa eletronica
Lavadora Consul Facilite 8 kg (CWE08) - Roupas brancas encardidas
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Reforma Mecânica Brastemp Consul - Parte 04
Service Discovery with Consul
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Consul Freezer
Consul RMT-003 беспроводной + 4 датчика
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Home For Sale: 19013 Consul Ave Corona, California 92881
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Щетка стеклоочистителя Consul Comfort SDL-680-18
Щетка стеклоочистителя Consul Comfort SDL-680-20
Щетка стеклоочистителя Consul Universal SDL-680-13
Щетка стеклоочистителя Consul Universal SDL-680-14
Щетка стеклоочистителя Consul Universal SDL-680-15
Щетка стеклоочистителя Consul Universal SDL-680-16
Щетка стеклоочистителя Consul Universal SDL-680-17
Щетка стеклоочистителя Consul Universal SDL-680-19
Щетка стеклоочистителя Consul Universal SDL-680-20
Щетка стеклоочистителя Consul Universal SDL-680-26