Scientists reveal ‘Altamura man’ was a Neanderthal and also very unlucky to have fallen down a s
- Duration: 1:21
- Updated: 20 Apr 2015
Altamura man’
Scientists reveal ‘Altamura man’ was a Neanderthal and also very unlucky to have fallen down a sinkhole
Meet Neanderthal who is LITERALLY a caveman after falling down sinkhole and fusing with walls over 150,000 years
Scientists prove 'Altamura man' was a Neanderthal and very unlucky
The mystery of the corpse found merged to cave walls near Altamura, Italy, had . he's a Neanderthal, and the poor guy fell into a sinkhole 150,000 years ago.
Altamura Man who fell down sinkhole starved to death and FUSED
Meet Neanderthal who is LITERALLY a caveman after falling down
Botten Italiaanse 'Altamura Man' 150.000 jaar oud
In 1993 werd een vergroeide schedel in het kalksteen van een grot in Altamura, Italië gevonden. Vandaag weten wetenschappers dat het gaat om een
Altamura Man who fell down sinkhole starved to death and FUSED
was a Neanderthal who fell down a sinkhole around 150,000 years ago . Over the thousands of years that followed, the body decayed and
Scientists prove 'Altamura man' was a Neanderthal and very unlucky .
After 150000 Years in a Cave, a Neanderthal Skull Looks Like This
This is the Altamura Man. He's old. In 1993, cave researchers stumbled across an odd formation in Italy: a skull that had essentially grown over .
GIFs Show Constellations Transforming Over 150000 Years
But 50,000 years from now (assuming civilization hasn't blotted the sky out with several millennium's worth of chemical and light pollution) kids
Ever wondered what a Neanderthal skull looks like if it's left in a .
suggest that the unfortunate Neanderthal who the skeleton belonged to was trapped in the hole between 128,000 and 187,000 years ago.
Neanderthal who fell into a well gives scientists oldest DNA sample
About 150,000 years ago — give or take 20,000 — a guy fell into a well. ... It took them more than 20 years to get around to doing it.
Meet Neanderthal who is LITERALLY a caveman after falling down sinkhole and fusing with walls over 150,000 years
Scientists have found that the Neanderthal fell down into the cave thousands of years ago - believing the person starved to death
Scientists reveal ‘Altamura man’ was a Neanderthal and also very unlucky to have fallen down a sinkhole Scientists prove 'Altamura man' was a Neanderthal and very unlucky
The mystery of the corpse found merged to cave walls near Altamura, Italy, had long intrigued anthropologists who disputed its origin. But now
Altamura Man who fell down sinkhole starved to death and FUSED .
Meet Neanderthal who is LITERALLY a caveman after falling down
Altamura Man could shed light on the early history of our ancient
Calcium formations on 'Altamura Man', a skeleton found in a cave in 1993, suggest he was 128,000 to 187,000 years old. Now researchers .
Dates Obtained for Italy's Altamura Man
Oldest Ever DNA Sample from Calcified Neanderthal Man
Nicknamed the “Altamura Man,” the bones were calcified into the walls of the cave after the ancient homonid slipped and fell into a well .
Well-preserved skeleton yields oldest Neanderthal DNA ever found
Found: Oldest Neanderthal DNA
“The Altamura man represents the most complete skeleton of a single non-modern human ever found,” study co-author Fabio Di Vincenzo
The oldest Neanderthal DNA ever found could revolutionize our
Botten Italiaanse 'Altamura Man' 150.000 jaar oud
In 1993 werd een vergroeide schedel in het kalksteen van een grot in Altamura, Italië gevonden. Vandaag weten wetenschappers dat het gaat
Oldest Neanderthal DNA Sample Extracted in Italy
Consisting of a virtually complete, fossilized hominin skeleton in an excellent state of preservation, the Altamura Man was discovered by a
'Altamura Man' fossil provides oldest Neanderthal DNA sample
WASHINGTON: Scientists have confirmed that 'Altamura Man', a partially preserved fossil discovered in a cave in Italy, is a Neanderthal whose
DNA extracted from ancient Neanderthal fossil
Only the skull and part of a shoulder are visible on Altamura Man. The rest of the body is incorporated into calcite concretions. (Museo
This is the amazing story of the oldest Neanderthal DNA ever studied
Palo del colle: Il Liberty Palo alla prova del nove oggi contro il Barium
Può essere vantaggioso quanto il titanio per Iron Man o dannoso . alle spalle la
Ini Penemuan Rangka Manusia Kuno yang Paling Sempurna
Fosil Altamura Man sendiri, ditemukan di Italia pada 1993. . Sementara, penemuan manusia Altamura ini dikatakan sebagai penemuan .
Now THAT'S a caveman! Neanderthal who fell down sinkhole 150,000 years ago starved to death and FUSED with its walls
Altamura Man was discovered in a cave in Lamalunga near Altamura, Italy
Researchers say the body has been in the cave for 128,000 to 187,000 years
Scientists have extracted DNA that has confirmed bones are Neanderthal
They say DNA might reveal new details about the evolution of hominids‘Altamura_man’_was_a_Neanderthal_and_also_very_unlucky_to_have_fallen_down_a_s
Altamura man’
Scientists reveal ‘Altamura man’ was a Neanderthal and also very unlucky to have fallen down a sinkhole
Meet Neanderthal who is LITERALLY a caveman after falling down sinkhole and fusing with walls over 150,000 years
Scientists prove 'Altamura man' was a Neanderthal and very unlucky
The mystery of the corpse found merged to cave walls near Altamura, Italy, had . he's a Neanderthal, and the poor guy fell into a sinkhole 150,000 years ago.
Altamura Man who fell down sinkhole starved to death and FUSED
Meet Neanderthal who is LITERALLY a caveman after falling down
Botten Italiaanse 'Altamura Man' 150.000 jaar oud
In 1993 werd een vergroeide schedel in het kalksteen van een grot in Altamura, Italië gevonden. Vandaag weten wetenschappers dat het gaat om een
Altamura Man who fell down sinkhole starved to death and FUSED
was a Neanderthal who fell down a sinkhole around 150,000 years ago . Over the thousands of years that followed, the body decayed and
Scientists prove 'Altamura man' was a Neanderthal and very unlucky .
After 150000 Years in a Cave, a Neanderthal Skull Looks Like This
This is the Altamura Man. He's old. In 1993, cave researchers stumbled across an odd formation in Italy: a skull that had essentially grown over .
GIFs Show Constellations Transforming Over 150000 Years
But 50,000 years from now (assuming civilization hasn't blotted the sky out with several millennium's worth of chemical and light pollution) kids
Ever wondered what a Neanderthal skull looks like if it's left in a .
suggest that the unfortunate Neanderthal who the skeleton belonged to was trapped in the hole between 128,000 and 187,000 years ago.
Neanderthal who fell into a well gives scientists oldest DNA sample
About 150,000 years ago — give or take 20,000 — a guy fell into a well. ... It took them more than 20 years to get around to doing it.
Meet Neanderthal who is LITERALLY a caveman after falling down sinkhole and fusing with walls over 150,000 years
Scientists have found that the Neanderthal fell down into the cave thousands of years ago - believing the person starved to death
Scientists reveal ‘Altamura man’ was a Neanderthal and also very unlucky to have fallen down a sinkhole Scientists prove 'Altamura man' was a Neanderthal and very unlucky
The mystery of the corpse found merged to cave walls near Altamura, Italy, had long intrigued anthropologists who disputed its origin. But now
Altamura Man who fell down sinkhole starved to death and FUSED .
Meet Neanderthal who is LITERALLY a caveman after falling down
Altamura Man could shed light on the early history of our ancient
Calcium formations on 'Altamura Man', a skeleton found in a cave in 1993, suggest he was 128,000 to 187,000 years old. Now researchers .
Dates Obtained for Italy's Altamura Man
Oldest Ever DNA Sample from Calcified Neanderthal Man
Nicknamed the “Altamura Man,” the bones were calcified into the walls of the cave after the ancient homonid slipped and fell into a well .
Well-preserved skeleton yields oldest Neanderthal DNA ever found
Found: Oldest Neanderthal DNA
“The Altamura man represents the most complete skeleton of a single non-modern human ever found,” study co-author Fabio Di Vincenzo
The oldest Neanderthal DNA ever found could revolutionize our
Botten Italiaanse 'Altamura Man' 150.000 jaar oud
In 1993 werd een vergroeide schedel in het kalksteen van een grot in Altamura, Italië gevonden. Vandaag weten wetenschappers dat het gaat
Oldest Neanderthal DNA Sample Extracted in Italy
Consisting of a virtually complete, fossilized hominin skeleton in an excellent state of preservation, the Altamura Man was discovered by a
'Altamura Man' fossil provides oldest Neanderthal DNA sample
WASHINGTON: Scientists have confirmed that 'Altamura Man', a partially preserved fossil discovered in a cave in Italy, is a Neanderthal whose
DNA extracted from ancient Neanderthal fossil
Only the skull and part of a shoulder are visible on Altamura Man. The rest of the body is incorporated into calcite concretions. (Museo
This is the amazing story of the oldest Neanderthal DNA ever studied
Palo del colle: Il Liberty Palo alla prova del nove oggi contro il Barium
Può essere vantaggioso quanto il titanio per Iron Man o dannoso . alle spalle la
Ini Penemuan Rangka Manusia Kuno yang Paling Sempurna
Fosil Altamura Man sendiri, ditemukan di Italia pada 1993. . Sementara, penemuan manusia Altamura ini dikatakan sebagai penemuan .
Now THAT'S a caveman! Neanderthal who fell down sinkhole 150,000 years ago starved to death and FUSED with its walls
Altamura Man was discovered in a cave in Lamalunga near Altamura, Italy
Researchers say the body has been in the cave for 128,000 to 187,000 years
Scientists have extracted DNA that has confirmed bones are Neanderthal
They say DNA might reveal new details about the evolution of hominids
- published: 20 Apr 2015
- views: 1