Written on tablets
Linear A and B think it can be decoded, even today, after
3700 years of the
Albanian language.
In this tablet by Lin A, we have tried to make sense of these three names unknown at this time, but according to
British researchers
John Young, who expressed the opinion that it is animal products, and no doubt the word:
= DI = we know today, we can say that
= DI = "Dhi" =
Goats, as well as the upper word
CAP = "Cap" and "CAP" can certainly be explained by
Goat= CAP in Albanian language.
However, deciphering these tablets have a greater commitment of our researchers and the right effort, and I am confident that the results you need ardhmen are obtained with young researchers.
Écrits sur des tablettes Linear A et B on pense que cela peut être décodé, aujourd'hui encore, après 3700 années de la langue albanaise.
Dans cette tablette par Lin A, nous avons essayé de donner un sens à ces trois noms inconnus à ce jour, mais selon les chercheurs britanniques John Young, qui a exprimé l'opinion que, il s'agit de produits d'origine animale, et nul doute que le mot:
= DI = que nous connaissons aujourd'hui, nous pouvons dire que = =DI=Dhi"= chèvres, ainsi que le mot supérieur
= CAP=Cap" et "Cjap" s'explique certainement par
Chèvre= en langue albanais.
Cependant, déchiffrer ces comprimés ont un plus grand engagement de nos chercheurs et de l'effort correct, et je suis convaincu que les résultats t'ardhmen nécessaires sont obtenus avec des jeunes chercheurs.
Shkrimet mbi tabletat e Linearit A dhe B mendoj se mund të deshifrohën edhe sot pas 3700 vitësh në gjuhën shqipe.
Në këtë tablet nga Lin A, ne jemi munduar ti japim kuptim këtyre tri emrave te panjohura deri më sot, por, sipas studiuesit britanik John Young, i cili ka shprehur mendimin se, bëhët fjalë për prodhime kafshësh, dhe pa dyshim se, fjala:
=DI= na është e njohur edhe sot, pra, mund të thëmi se:
=DI=dhi, poashtu edhe fjala e siperme
=CAP= padyshim se spjegohet me
=Cjap apo Cap -in në gjuhën shqipe.
Megjithate, për deshifrimin e këtyre tabletave duhet një angazhim më i madh nga dijetarët tanë si dhe perpjekje te vijushme, shpresojmi se në t'ardhmen do arrihën rezultate të duhura me hulmutues të rinjë.
************************************* fr.*******************************
Linear de A HT 20 tablet (HM 27) (GORILA I 36 -37)
Written on tablets A and B Linerve think it can be decoded, even today, after 3700 years of the Albanian language.
Sur une autre tablette, lorsque nous rencontrons tous les noms et il
Identifier les types d'aliments, alors les noms sont liés uniquement sur les produits alimentaires:
En tant que:
FIC=Fik=figue ?
Vina Re= le vin nouveau ?
= Vina Si=vina zi, vin rouge/ou noir ?
= Vir=
Birr= bière ?
Sur une autre tablette, nou rencontrons les noms de produits
aliments comme:
=FIC =figues=Fiq/
FIK en albanais ?
=Vin-a Re =New Vina, = le vin nouveau?
=Vina Si=Vëna zih/zezë=black/noir/vin rouge ?
=Vir = Birra = Biérre?
Written on tablets A and B Linear think it can be decoded, even today, after 3700 years of the Albanian language.
In this tablet by Lin A, we have tried to make sense of these three names unknown at this time, but according to British researchers John Young, who expressed the opinion that it is animal products, and no doubt the word = DI = we know today, we can say that;
= DI = "Dhi" = goats, as well as the upper word
= CAP = "Cap" and "CJAP" can certainly be explained by
= Goat= Cap in Albanian language.
However, deciphering these tablets have a greater commitment of our researchers and the right effort, and I am confident that the results you need ardhmen are obtained with young researchers.
Scritto su tavole
A e B Linear penso che possa essere decodificato, ancora oggi, dopo 3700 anni di lingua albanese.
In questo tablet da Lin A, abbiamo cercato di dare un senso a questi tre nomi sconosciuti in questo momento, ma secondo i ricercatori britannici John Young, che ha espresso il parere che si tratta di prodotti di origine animale, e senza dubbio la parola = DI = sappiamo oggi, possiamo dire che;
=Di=Dhi=Capre, così come la parola superiore
=CAP = Cap e "cjap" può certamente essere spiegato con
Capra= lingua albanese.
Tuttavia, decifrare queste compresse hanno un maggiore impegno dei nostri ricercatori e il giusto sforzo, e sono sicuro che i risultati desiderati si ottengono con ardhmen giovani ricercatori.
Dardan Leka, d'apres le Surces de: John Young
- published: 23 Apr 2013
- views: 1243