New Internationalist

Palestine’s heartbroken homes

Palestine’s heartbroken homes

Noreen Sadik reports on Israel’s systematic demolition of Arab homes.
Dilemma of justice under Indian rule in Kashmir

Dilemma of justice under Indian rule in Kashmir

Uzma Falak reports on a problem of powerlessness and the struggle against it.
Their recession is not our degrowth!

Their recession is not our degrowth!

Rather than just having less of the same, let’s have something different and better, says Federico Demaria.
Brazil’s ‘machismo’: a licence for abuse

Brazil’s ‘machismo’: a licence for abuse

Melanie Hargreaves looks at the impact of one ‘safe house’ providing haven in a sea of domestic violence.
Eight ways to help stop human trafficking in Nepal

Eight ways to help stop human trafficking in Nepal

Women and children are even more vulnerable following the earthquakes, writes Beulah Devaney, so what can we do?
Greece’s turn to draw the line

Greece’s turn to draw the line

The country’s neo-Nazi party is to be put on trial this week. Niki Seth-Smith analyses the implications.

Top stories

Palestine’s heartbroken homes

Noreen Sadik reports on Israel’s systematic demolition of Arab homes.

Brazil’s ‘machismo’: a licence for abuse

Melanie Hargreaves looks at the impact of one ‘safe house’ providing haven in a sea of domestic violence.

Greece’s turn to draw the line

The country’s neo-Nazi party is to be put on trial this week. Niki Seth-Smith analyses the implications.

Afghanistan’s women rangers

Gelareh Darabi reports on the country’s first female park rangers in a new Al Jazeera documentary.

21st-century coffin ships

As we consider the plight of today’s asylum-seekers, the fate of Irish refugees two centuries ago is instructive, writes Jeremy Seabrook.

War nerves

Daiva Repečkaitė reports on the rise of all things military in Lithuanian society.

Haiti's Seeds in A Dark Fruit Sky

A new literary project shines a light on Haiti’s storytelling tradition.


Dilemma of justice under Indian rule in Kashmir

Uzma Falak reports on a problem of powerlessness and the struggle against it.

Their recession is not our degrowth!

Rather than just having less of the same, let’s have something different and better, says Federico Demaria.

Eight ways to help stop human trafficking in Nepal

Women and children are even more vulnerable following the earthquakes, writes Beulah Devaney, so what can we do?

What justice, Mr Gove?

Scrapping the EU human rights act is high on the new Justice Secretary’s list of priorities, but it would be a disaster, says Neda Tehrani.

Sabah’s invisible children

A new Al Jazeera documentary looks at the fate of ‘illegals’ in Sabah, Malaysia. Producer Sarah Yeo recounts her journey there. 

Who would be English today?

Vanessa Baird tries to think positively about the UK election results…

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