- Irish Internet Hotline      function pageload(){ //checksize of browser and adjust report button position if(screen.width<1000){ document.getElementById('reportbtn').style.margin='-95px 220px 0'; } //close if } //close pageload       Irish Internet Hotline Report Suspected Illegal Content     HomeAboutNoticesInternet SafetyPublicationsContact us     Notices  14/05/15 Minister for Justice launches ISPAI Annual Report   Today ISPAI published the Annual Report of, available at  » which examines action taken on reports of illegal content on the Internet, especially Child Pornography (CSAM). The event was addressed by Frances Fitzgerald TD, Minister for Justice and Equality.  

 ... read on   11/02/15 Video - Your Report Matters!   22/01/15 Beware of emails about invalid logon attempts to iCloud account   20/10/14 Warning: emails faking your ISP/Telco seeking personal details   11/09/14 Warning of fake bank transfer notifications  VIEW ALL NOTICES

   Decisive Action. International Reach. Service provides an anonymous facility for Internet Users to report suspected illegal content, particularly Child Sexual Abuse Material, accidentally encountered Online, in a secure and confidential way. is run and funded by the Internet Service Providers Association of Ireland (ISPAI) whose members are determined to take measures to counter the use of their Internet facilities for such illegal purposes. It is currently in receipt of grant support from the European Commission until mid-2016.

 The Hotline works in collaboration with An Garda Síochána and it is overseen by the Department of Justice and Equality (Office for Internet Safety).

 To ensure international reach, ISPAI is a founding member of INHOPE – the International Network of Internet Hotlines.

  Quick Links: › Report Suspected Illegal Content Now › Types of Illegal Content You Should Report › Advice on Internet Safety 

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