A veteran (from Latin vetus, meaning "old") is a person who has had long service or experience in a particular occupation or field; " A veteran of ..." . This page refers to military veterans, i.e., a person who has served or is serving in the armed forces, and has direct exposure to acts of military conflict, commonly known as war veterans (although not all military conflicts, or areas in which armed combat takes place, are necessarily referred to as "wars").
Military veterans often receive special treatment in their respective countries due to the sacrifices they made during wars. Different countries handle this differently, some openly support veterans through government programs and others ignoring them. Veterans are also subject to illnesses directly related to their military service such as PTSD. War veterans are generally treated with great respect and honor for their contribution to the world and country by their own nationals. Conversely there are often negative feelings towards the veterans of alien nations held long after the war is over, for example towards the German Nazi soldiers, but they are no less veterans of war than those of the winning side. There are exceptions. Veterans of unpopular conflicts, such as the Vietnam War, have been discriminated against. Others, such as veterans of conflicts like the Korean War, are often forgotten (even though the casualty rate in Korea was higher than that experienced in the Vietnam War) when compared with those who fought in the World Wars. In some countries with strong anti-military traditions (e.g., Germany after 1945) veterans are neither honored in any special way by the general public, nor have their dedicated Veterans Day, although events are sometimes orchestrated by Neo-Nazis and other minority right-wing groups.
Army Veteran: Less Freedom in Baltimore During Unrest Than in Iraq
FaZe Linkzy Trickshots Veteran Bots #6 (Sick Episode!)
You Might Be A Veteran If...
The 7 Worst Ways to Thank a Veteran
Veteran Stopped From Saving Flag From Protest [Video]
Homeless Veteran Timelapse Transformation
Veteran Of 2/506th Calls Out Fake Ranger At Oxford Valley Mall
America's Veteran Crisis: Abandoned At Home
Veterans Day: Soldiers Returning Home
Veteran is Arrested For Trying to Save American Flag From Protestors
Veteran Stands Up Against Baltimore Rioters
Unemployed Veteran Lands Hollywood Dream Job - Prank It FWD
An Emotional Surprise for an Inspiring Veteran
Giving Homeless Veteran $100 on Thanksgiving!
In 1942, an elite group of over six hundred Canadian soldiers were trained to create a lethal battalion that would, along with their American counterparts, parachute behind German lines and wreak havoc upon the enemy. DEVIL'S BRIGADE is a compelling four-part series that chronicles the journey of 15 present-day Canadian and U.S. soldiers as they are taken back in time to face the grueling training and hardship the original Devil's Brigade endured at their training post in Helena, Montana. The present day experiences of these young soldiers are inter-cut with first-person interviews with Devil's Brigade veterans and compelling archival footage. Devil's Brigade remembers and pays tribute to this elite group of soldiers who regularly achieved what most called the impossible during the darkest days of the Second World War.
In 1942, an elite group of over six hundred Canadian soldiers were trained to create a lethal battalion that would, along with their American counterparts, parachute behind German lines and wreak havoc upon the enemy. DEVIL'S BRIGADE is a compelling four-part series that chronicles the journey of 15 present-day Canadian and U.S. soldiers as they are taken back in time to face the grueling training and hardship the original Devil's Brigade endured at their training post in Helena, Montana. The present day experiences of these young soldiers are inter-cut with first-person interviews with Devil's Brigade veterans and compelling archival footage. Devil's Brigade remembers and pays tribute to this elite group of soldiers who regularly achieved what most called the impossible during the darkest days of the Second World War.
In 1942, an elite group of over six hundred Canadian soldiers were trained to create a lethal battalion that would, along with their American counterparts, parachute behind German lines and wreak havoc upon the enemy. DEVIL'S BRIGADE is a compelling four-part series that chronicles the journey of 15 present-day Canadian and U.S. soldiers as they are taken back in time to face the grueling training and hardship the original Devil's Brigade endured at their training post in Helena, Montana. The present day experiences of these young soldiers are inter-cut with first-person interviews with Devil's Brigade veterans and compelling archival footage. Devil's Brigade remembers and pays tribute to this elite group of soldiers who regularly achieved what most called the impossible during the darkest days of the Second World War.
Jake Bannon is going to be a Star... Dead or Alive
Using a unique blend of living history elements, CGI, first-person interviews and never-before-seen WWII footage, this dramatic four-part documentary series follows a new generation of young men - all of whom are descendants of WWII veterans - as they undergo training to become a Lancaster aircrew. While these new recruits struggle to come to terms with 1940s discipline and values, we hear the harrowing anecdotes of the "real" Bomber Boys - the veterans who flew into the night skies over Occupied Europe to fight in some of the most critical battles of the war. As the two groups come together, a special bond emerges, building a bridge between the generations and giving new understanding to the experiences of those who fought in the Second World War
When Longfellow Deeds, a small-town pizzeria owner and poet, inherits $40 billion from his deceased uncle, he quickly begins rolling in a different kind of dough. Moving to the big city, Deeds finds himself besieged by opportunists all gunning for their piece of the pie. Babe, a television tabloid reporter, poses as an innocent small-town girl to do an exposé on Deeds. Of course, Deeds' sincere naiveté has Babe falling in love with him instead. Ultimately, Deeds comes to find that money truly has the power to change things, but it doesn't necessarily need to change him.
Keywords: abbreviation-in-title, apple-tree, bare-butt, billionaire, blown-cover, butler, car-accident, car-crash, cat, character-name-in-title
Don't let the fancy clothes fool you.
Small town kid, big time right hook
Crazy Eyes: I watch the stock market channel all the time - I just watch because I suspect that anchor man of being an evil leprechaun... he can bullshit everybody else, but he ain't fooling me.
Helicopter Pilot: You own the Jets, Deeds.
Emilio: How can I thank you?::Longfellow Deeds: All I want is your friendship, Emilio. You're a good man.::Emilio: Deeds! How about a billion dollars?::Longfellow Deeds: Alright.::Emilio: Done.
Longfellow Deeds: Whoa, you kinda snuck up on me there...::Emilio: I am very very sneaky, sir.
[Longfellow Deeds is showing Emilio his frostbitten foot]::Emilio: The hideousness of that foot will haunt my dreams forever.::Longfellow Deeds: Oh, yeah. I've heard that before
Babe: You must be Jan. My name is...::Jan: I know who you are. Wham-Bam Dawson, a.k.a. Little Miss Slut-slut.::Babe: Okay, I deserved that...::Jan: Do you have any idea how much you hurt him? You're not getting anywhere near that boy.::Babe: I have to find him, and there's nothing you can do to stop me.::Jan: [rolls up her sleeves] There's a lot I can do to stop you.::Babe: He needs to know how bad I feel, and I would go to the end of the earth, I would do anything, *anything*, to take back what I did to him.::Jan: ...I'm sorry? All I heard was, "blah blah blah, I'm a dirty tramp."
[Deeds comes to rescue a girl fallen into a frozen pond, but stops when he sees it's Babe]::Longfellow Deeds: Where do you got the camera hidden? In the woods?::Babe: [shivering] No camera! I'm s-s-so cold! Please!::Longfellow Deeds: You're gonna get mugged in there, too?::Babe: I'm s-s-s-so s-s-s-sorry! I really l-l-love you!::Longfellow Deeds: Bu-bu-bu-bu-bullshit!
Longfellow Deeds: It's hard to soar with the eagles when you're surrounded by turkeys.
Longfellow Deeds: What up, Chuck?
[Anderson raises his hand after Chuck Cedar asks if anyone knows a doctor that just faxed them]::Chuck Cedar: Congratulations, you have a spastic colon.::Cecil Anderson: That would explain a lot.
As the film opens on an Oklahoma farm during the depression, two simultaneous visitors literally hit the Wagoneer home: a ruinous dust storm and a convertible crazily driven by Red, the missus' brother. A roguish country-western musician, he has just been invited to audition for the Grand Ole Opry, his chance of a lifetime to become a success. However, this is way back in Nashville, Red clearly drives terribly, and he's broke and sick with tuberculosis to boot. Whit, 14, seeing his own chance of a lifetime to avoid "growing up to be a cotton picker all my life," begs Ma to let him go with Uncle Red as driver and protege. Thus begins a picaresque journey both hilarious and poignant.
Keywords: 1930s, alcoholic, audition, based-on-book, based-on-novel, blood, brother-in-law-brother-in-law-relationship, brother-sister-relationship, bus, chicken
The boy is on his way to becoming a man. The man is on his way to becoming a legend.
Highway Patrolman: [finds Marlene in the trunk of the car] Get out of there! It's against the law to ride in the trunk in this state. I don't suppose you've got any I.D., either?::Marlene: Idee? Idee 'bout what?
Red Stovall: What's a girl like you going to do in Nashville? Have you any money or friends? What are you gonna do, live in the streets?::Marlene: The Lord will provide.::Red Stovall: He'd better provide you a way of gettin' there, too.
Whit: Uncle Red, don't you think you have a problem with your drinking?::Red Stovall: Only when I can't get it.::Whit: I mean - don't you think you might need some help with your drinking?::Red Stovall: No, I do quite well all by myself.
Red Stovall: Mary was right to go back to her husband. What the hell did I have to offer a kid? Just honky-tonks and flop-houses. That's the life of a country singer, Hoss. Sound good to you?::Whit: It don't sound too hot when you put it like that, but it sure beats picking cotton and living in a sharecropper's shack.
Henry Axle: You don't think he should be doing this, do you?::Whit: Do you? Knowing it might kill him?::Henry Axle: Want me to level with you, pal? He's going to die anyway, and he knows it. And he knows that this is his last chance.::Whit: Last chance? For what?::Henry Axle: To be somebody. Did you ever feel like you wanted to be somebody? If he makes these recordings - who knows?
Television viewer seeing this for the first time: Gee whiz, it's in black-and-white and was made in the 40's and is about crime and...Eureka!...another "noir" film is discovered. How about just another typical Martin Mooney film that starts out as pretending to be something socially significant---call Prison Warden Lewis E. Lawes to do another prologue speech---and then quickly gets into just another cops-vs-robbers (or good crooks vs. bad crooks)B-feature action-thriller that will open in every 2nd-tier theatre in the country on Sunday, close on Wednesday... and be the bottom-half of a grind-house twin-bill two weeks later. "San Quentin" ably fills that description. Ex-con Jim Rowland (Lawrence Tierney), gone straight and returning from WWII as a hero, is more than a bit irked, as one of the founders of the Prison Welfare League (cons rehabilitating cons inside and outside the walls), when he learns that bank robber Nick Taylor (Barton MacLane) has used the good name of the PWL to escape from San Quentin, and knocked the Warden in the head to boot. This is one founding father that isn't going to stand idly by after the good name of the PWL has been stained, especially by the likes of Barton MacLane, probably still laughing at the thought there was a Warden somewhere who would actually trust him. So Jim and his ex-con pal 'Broadway' (Joe Devlin) set out to track down Nick Taylor. They encounter Marian Carr along the way.
Keywords: 1940s, b-movie, black-convict, bus-passenger, cab-driver, cell-mate, cigarette-smoking, cigarettes, coffee-shop, criminal
Army Veteran: Less Freedom in Baltimore During Unrest Than in Iraq
FaZe Linkzy Trickshots Veteran Bots #6 (Sick Episode!)
You Might Be A Veteran If...
The 7 Worst Ways to Thank a Veteran
Veteran Stopped From Saving Flag From Protest [Video]
Homeless Veteran Timelapse Transformation
Veteran Of 2/506th Calls Out Fake Ranger At Oxford Valley Mall
America's Veteran Crisis: Abandoned At Home
Veterans Day: Soldiers Returning Home
Veteran is Arrested For Trying to Save American Flag From Protestors
Veteran Stands Up Against Baltimore Rioters
Unemployed Veteran Lands Hollywood Dream Job - Prank It FWD
An Emotional Surprise for an Inspiring Veteran
Giving Homeless Veteran $100 on Thanksgiving!
Hero Veteran Ryan Berk Calls Out Fake Soldier for Trying To Get Discounts at the Mall
Emotionally-charged Angry Army veteran confronts panhandler 'faking' military connection
86-year-old veteran sniper still has perfect aim.
Veteran Goes Off on American Flag Protester at Valdosta State
Sal Gonzalez: Wounded Veteran Inspires With Cover of "Ain't No Sunshine" - America's Got Talent 2014
Liquor Store Clerk Iraq Veteran Turns Tables On Would Be Robber
ISTORIA vie a României: Dumitru Șomlea, 101 ani, veteran de război. #zSerioase
Do Not Mess With A Navy Veteran Neighbor Beatdown
[Elsword]Veteran Commander Super sonic Deluging Behemoth (Sander Secret Dungeon}
CIA Veteran Jack Devine Discusses 'Good Hunting, An American's Spy Story', Sony Hack and Baltimore
Hitam Putih - 11 Nov 2014 - Kisah Veteran Penjuang 1945 [FULL]
Call of Duty: World at War- Mission 15: Downfall "Veteran Mode"
Video pembunuhan jl veteran selatan
TRIBUTE TO AMERICAN SOLDIERS - Vintage Memorial / Veteran's Day Film | Military History Documentary
SR-71 Pilot Interview Richard Graham Veteran Tales
Veteran NDEs / Love: Our true identity, purpose and meaning for being human
"Call of Duty 9: Black Ops 2", HD walkthrough (Veteran), Mission 1 - Pyrrhic Victory (+Intel)
Marques Houston (2007) "Veteran"
Call Of Duty Advanced Warfare Veteran Walkthrough Part 1 - Mission 1 Gameplay Review 1080P
THE UNDEAD VETERAN (Town of Salem QUAD FACECAM w/ The Derp Crew Ep. 18)
Interview with John F. Perotti, Vietnam War veteran. CCSU Veterans History Project
Gwydion - Veteran (FULL ALBUM)
RESIDENT EVIL 5 VETERAN - Zueiras e Mais Zueiras (14)
Motokros národů veteran classic 2012 Ledeč nad Sázavou
[Elsword]Veteran Commander 1v1 PVPArena AP128 [revised manuscript]
RESIDENT EVIL 5 - El Gigante Vovô (07)
Kingdom Rush Frontiers Walkthrough Level 21 Dusk Chateau [Veteran] [3 Stars]
Elder Scrolls Online - Veteran City of Ash Walkthrough
Kingdom Rush Origins / Beheaders Seat / 3 stars / NLL / Veteran / Walkthrough
Kingdom Rush Frontiers Walkthrough Level 19 Bonesburg [Veteran] [3 Stars]
How to stop veteran suicides
Sophie interview with WW2 Russian Veteran experience with Nazis
Brooklyn NetsVs veteran breaking news pt. 3
Vs veteran breaking news final
US Veteran Returns From North Korea After Fruitless Search For US Bodies
WisHVs veteran breaking news pt. 2
WisH Vs veteran. breaking news
The Elder Scrolls: Online | Character Creation Veteran Gear
Download Warface Veteran Pack NEW 2015
Veteran Marathi actor Bimba Modak passes away
DAY 2 - Doom 3 BFG Edition - part 2 - PC - VETERAN
Disabled Veteran's wheelchair stolen from driveway - Apr 28th, 2015
Vietnam War Veteran, Desert Aces, C.A.P. 4-27-2015
8-4 Very Hard w/ Veteran Commander
NEWSMAKER-Saudi veteran foreign minister Prince Saud al-Faisal
Veteran Global Affairs
Modern Warfare 2 - Special Ops - Veteran Co-op Bravo #1
Veteran journalist Hari Shankar Vyas talks about the influence of NGOs in India
Veteran OTAs: Chicago Bears get back to work
Mortal Kombat X- Me vs a veteran-
Battlefield Hardline Single Player | Checking Out Part 1 | Veteran Difficulty
Battlefield Hardline Single Player | Checking Out Part 2 | Veteran Difficulty
Old man sits in the public park-Sun has set and soon
comes dark! Last bottle is empty, throat is dry-No place
to sleep, it's cold outside!
He lost his friends in a war-Back in 1944! Once he stood
there with a gun-Now he's tired, old and done!
Once he fought for the Fatherland-When Russians came, he
fought like a man! We owed him lot but we've betrayed-He
did his part, we never paid!
He never got out anything-From what leaders promised to
him! You'll get your share when the war is won-Now they
treat him like a scum!
How it feels now, did you win? Was it worth everthing?
The land's still free, but they've forgot-Just who to
thank for we have got?
Once he fought for the Fatherland-When Russians came, he
fought like a man! We owed him lot but we've betrayed-He
Oh my God!
Radio Killa!
I heard you ain't hittin' it right
He ain't got the right love for you
He got the job but he can't work it like I do
He's young-minded, sometimin'
And you need a man that can handle you
It's hard to find them rare diamonds
But you love it when you do
I know you're used to those fly-by-night boyfriends
But what you really need is me, woman
Always up in the VIP
Always yelling out, "Drinks on me!"
Always all tricked up
Always never not givin' a fuck
Got my playas over here
And my haters over there
I got my drink up in the air
'Cause she on her way over
'Cause I'm a veteran
She dancing up on me, dancing up on me, hold me all close
Diamonds on my wrist, got her eyes wide open
And the Belvedere got her coming out her clothes
I'm a veteran
First I buy out the bar, then I pop bottles
I own what I'm sippin'
They don't make a car I can't dip in
You trippin'
But she
You ain't hittin' it right
You ain't hittin' it right
You ain't hittin' it right
You ain't hittin' it right
You ain't gettin' it right
You ain't gettin' it right
You ain't gettin' it right
She needs some Dream in her life, yeah
Girl, I know you ain't getting the love that you deserve
No no, no no, no no, no no, no no, no no, no no, no!
And girl I know I can please you, all you got to do is say the word
Girl you know, girl you know, girl you know, girl you know, oh!
The man you with ain't cool
He's full of insecurities
I can keep a relationship smooth
You should fuck with me
Always up in the VIP
Always yelling out, "Drinks on me!"
Always all tricked up
Always never not givin' a fuck
Got my playas over here
And my haters over there
I got my drink up in the air
'Cause she on her way over
'Cause I'm a veteran
She dancing up on me, dancing up on me, hold me all close
Diamonds on my wrist, got her eyes wide open
And the Belvedere got her coming out her clothes
I'm a veteran
First I buy out the bar, then I pop bottles
I own what I'm sippin'
They don't make a car I can't dip in
You trippin'
But she
You ain't hittin' it right
You ain't hittin' it right
You ain't hittin' it right
You ain't gettin' it right
You ain't hittin' it right
You ain't gettin' it right
You ain't gettin' it right
She needs some Dream in her life, yeah
Always up in the VIP
Always yelling out, "Drinks on me!"
Always all tricked up
Always never not givin' a fuck
Got my playas over here
And my haters over there
I got my drink up in the air
'Cause she on her way over
'Cause I'm a veteran
She dancing up on me, dancing up on me, hold me all close
Diamonds on my wrist, got her eyes wide open
And the Belvedere got her coming out her clothes
I'm a veteran
First I buy out the bar, then I pop bottles
I own what I'm sippin'
They don't make a car I can't dip in
You trippin'
But she
You ain't hittin' it right
You ain't hittin' it right
You ain't hittin' it right
You ain't hittin' it right
You ain't gettin' it right
You ain't gettin' it right
You ain't gettin' it right
Yeah, you're abandoned,
so sorry, you're just a waste of their time,
yeah, you've been lied to once again,
yeah, well, they've paid you no,
where are we, where are we now?
Where are we, where are we now?
Old woman, have you seen your better days,
are you feelin' so alone,
well, the times they all have changed,
hungry and cold,
veteran, are you satisfied with life,
are you sleepin' on concrete,
are you forgotten and alone,
poor, homeless in this country,
where are we, where are we now?
Where are we, where are we now?
Hey senior, have you been taken past your prime,
have you been taken advantage of,
are you forgotten,
tired and poor by the ones you've voted for,
yeah, you're abandoned,
so sorry, you're just a waste of their time,
yeah, you've been lied to once again,
yeah, well, they've paid you no mind,
yeah, you're abandoned,
so sorry, you're just a waste of their time,
yeah, you've been lied to once again,
yeah, well, they've paid you no mind
The slavery of poverty,
no one should be hungry in this country,
enough to feed,
to medicate,
to clothe the backs and housin' for families,
the cuts in care and Medicaid leads me believe our government just doesn't care,
we send our aid,
our misspent funds,
Americans hungry livin' in the gutter
The cuts in care and Medicaid leads me believe our government just doesn't care,
we send our aid,
our misspent funds,
Americans hungry livin' in the gutter
Where are we, where are we now? [2x]
Yeah, you're abandoned,
so sorry, you're just a waste of their time,
yeah, you've been lied to once again,
yeah, well, they've paid you no mind,
yeah, you're abandoned,
so sorry, you're just a waste of their time,
yeah, you've been lied to once again,
yeah, well, they've paid you no mind
(Yeah yeah yeah) [3x]
The world gets smaller [world gets smaller]
My heart beats bigger the world gets smaller [world gets smaller]
You might be bigger but I'm much smarter [much smarter]
My heart beats bigger the world gets smaller [world gets smaller]
What don't kill you lets you live
To remember what it did
I'm a bit relieved you're still the same
'Cause there's no illusion you've changed
Now, it's all over
I see now, I'm a veteran of things I don't want to be
And the more I learn, the less I know
And the deeper it feels, the less it shows
There was a time and a day when
I didn't think I would be here
But now, it's all over
I see now, i'm a veteran of things I don't want to be
I've been down, and it's over
'Cause I see now, I'm a veteran of things I don't want to be
The world gets smaller [world gets smaller]
My heart beats bigger the world gets smaller [world gets smaller]
You might be bigger but I'm much smarter [much smarter]
My heart beats bigger the world gets smaller [world gets smaller]
Now that it's over
I see now, I'm a veteran of things I don't want to be
Get down, and it's over
'Cause I see now, I'm a veteran of things I don't want to be