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Actors Jim Iyke (actor), Pascal Atuma (producer), Pascal Atuma (actor), Pascal Atuma (director), Pascal Atuma (writer), Pascal Atuma (producer), Oscar Atuma (producer), Oscar Atuma (producer), Oscar Atuma (actor), Zalika Thomas (actress), Naja Matthews (actress), M. Trevino (editor), Maureen Onyechere (actress), Seun Maduka (actress), Stanley Atuma (actor),
This video was uploaded from an Android phone.
Encore une bande annonce faite maison pour fêter la sortie de mon premier roman ! Dédié à mon adolescence, ce livre vous plongera dans mes années collège, et dans mes débuts chaotiques avec Lady... Un extrait est disponible en ligne ici :
Visit our blog : السدل في الصلاة Arguments on Sadl (praying with the hands to the sides) according to sunni school, the ma...
Subscribe Hafidz Indonesia Official Youtube: Subs...
Maliki, la vingtaine, dessinatrice, est une fille de caractère à la tignasse rose. A peine entrée dans la vie active, elle découvre la fastidiosité du quotidien. Sa vie n'est pourtant pas celle de tout le monde. Son secret ? L'étonnant pouvoir de détourner la réalité en la redessinant à sa guise à la pointe de son crayon. Elle partage son existence avec des amis peu ordinaires : Jonn, viking bourru; Fang, une jeune colocataire débarquée de Chine; Ladybird, double surnaturel de Maliki et surtout... ses deux tigres de salon, Fleya, petit chat malicieux et son frère Fëanor, félin quantique sans cesse à cheval entre de multiples dimensions. Pas de combat épique à proprement parler pour tout ce petit monde, si ce n'est celui de contrer la morosité et la routine par tous les moyens imaginables ! Maliki et Ankama vous présentent "Rétro Gamins", le premier strip animé de Maliki ! Tous les autres scripts sur Retrouvez les albums de Maliki sur Ankama-Shop
"Jikalau abu lahab sudah jelas di cela di dalam alqur'an dan berada di dalam neraka selama-lamanya.. tetapi di setiap hari isnin Allah meringankan azabnya ke...
كيفية الصلاة على المذهب المالكي Here is the demonstration of the prayer according to the school of imam Malik Ibn Anas The Maliki Argument for not Clasping t...
This video is very rare on the web so i decided to upload it. It is the funeral of the very famous muhaddith of the haram shareef in Makkatul Mukarramah, She...
Slate's National Security Columnist Fred Kaplan explains why he thinks Iraq's PM is to blame for the rise of ISIS.
Un petit fanclip pour le sortie de mon album en librairie !
Pour la lecture sur mobile, utiliser ce lien : La bande annonce pour fêter la sortie de mon sixième al...
prof DR Abuya Sayyid Muhammad alawi al maliki faham famah yang harus di hindari.
Verses of Nur from chapter 24!
As-Salaamu Alaikum, Sheikh Fahd goes around the world to share with us inspirational reciters. He also met my 2nd favourite sheikh mashaAllah What a beautiful video mashaAllah, may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala grant us all pious children who recite the Qur'an from the heart (Allahumma Ameen)
Visit our blog : Shaykh Khatri Al Maliki (from the madrassa of Murabit Al Hajj in Mauritania) performed the purification M...
Emotional recitation by Hatem Al-Maliki ᴴᴰ تلاوة خاشعة ~ القارئ حاتم المالكي
تلاوة من سورة فاطر بصوت القارئ حاتم المالكي Surat Fatir Emotional recitation by Hatem Al-Maliki ᴴᴰ.
Un petit clip de promo pour la sortie de mon nouvel album !
Suraht An-Najm - Hatim Al-Maliki - Beautiful Quran Recitation Background Video - The Earth حاتم المالكي سوره النجم
Part 2: In this edition of Face to Face, Press TV conducts an exclusive interview with former Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki to discuss the ISIL threat in Iraq and Syria. Al-Maliki says the root cause of the creation of ISIL is extremism and racism in the region, particularly the Wahhabi ideology in Saudi Arabia. He further added that the ISIL harbors animosity toward both Shia and Sunnis and the group is being used as a tool to topple the Syrian government. Live @ Twitter @ LiveLeak @ Facebook @ Google+ @ Instagram @
This interview went on air on Suria TV on 12 September 2013. This interview was conducted not long after he was promoted and sworn in as the Minister of Stat...
Maliki Fiqh 2/9 by Sheikh Hamza Yusuf.
Maliki Fiqh 3/11 by Sheikh Hamza Yusuf.
Maliki Fiqh 4/11 by Sheikh Hamza Yusuf.
Visit our blog : Praying with the arms to the sides (Sadl) shaykh Hamza Yusuf The Maliki Argument for not Clasping the Han...
Pembacaan Shalawat Nabi ini berada di Ribath Sayyid DR. Ahmad bin Muhammad Al-Hasani bin Alawi bin Abbas bin Abdul Aziz Al-Maliki Al-Hasani Al-Idrisi Al-Makki di Distrik Roshifah Makkatul Mukarramah pada musim Haji tahun 1435 H / 2013 M
Paul Bremer says Nouri Al-Maliki's "sectarian" politics are responsible for the current situation in Iraq and blames Obama for "prematurely"withdrawing from Iraq. He admits to making mistakes when he was Iraq's Civilian Administrator but is adamant Iraqis are better off without Saddam no matter the price.
"..Dato ' Syeikh Muhammad Fuad Bin Kamaludin al Maliki As Sanusi adalah seorang ulama' yang begitu menitikberatkan pengajian ilmu secara bersanad dan bertala...
Visit our blog : This is an introduction to the maliki madhab, the school of jurisprudence of imam Malik Ibn Anas. This in...
Qasida Muhammadiyyah: Qasida Mudariyya:
Shaykh Mohammad Ibn Abdullah Ibn Ali Ibn Ahmad Al-Jarrullah Al-Malki Imam / Khateeb -- Masjid Al Baraa bin Malik, King Abdul Azeez International Airport Resi...
Yayasan Almaliki Indonesia Pekalongan SK. Menteri Hukum Dan Hak Asasi Manusia Nomor: AHU-01743.50.102014. Jl. Pelita III Gg. KH. Amirin No.53 Jenggot Pekalongan Jawa Tengah Indonesia. 51133 Telp. (0285) 4110241 FAX. (0285) 4110241. Email: No. Rekening Bank BNI 46:2014020233 a.n Al-Maliki Indonesia Pekalongan.
Shia volunteers answer a call to arms after Sunni rebels take over Iraqi cities. Adrian Finighan speaks to Lara Fatah - an Iraqi-Kurdish analyst; Alaa Makki - an Iraqi member of parliament with the Wataniya Alliance and Sabah al Mukhtar, president of the Arab Lawyers' Association, which has acted for the Iraqi government.
An insight into the life of our Prophet Muhammad (SAW) with regards to his family, belief, manners and morals.
Yusuf Mansur - Dakwah "Semua Milik Allah" - Al Maliki, Pekalongan Yusuf Mansur - Dakwah "Semua Milik Allah" - Al Maliki, Pekalongan Yusuf Mansur - Dakwah "Semua Milik Allah" - Al Maliki, Pekalongan yusuf mansur jordan, yusuf mansur wisata hati, yusuf mansur mp3, yusuf mansur wiki, Ust yusuf mansur, Ust yusuf mansur 2014, Ust yusuf mansur 2015, Ust yusuf mansur youtube, Ust yusuf mansur miracle sedekah, yusuf mansur terbaru, yusuf mansur 2014, yusuf mansur wisata hati 2014, yusuf mansur al muluk, yusuf mansur terbaru 2014, yusuf mansur sedekah, yusuf mansur murotal, yusuf mansur jodoh, yusuf mansur 10 dosa besar, yusuf mansur rtv,
الحوار والمحادثة مع ابويا المغفور له السيد محمد علوي المالكي في مسئلة التوسل باثر الانبياء وادلتها وكثير الغلط والخطاء من المفاهيم يجب ان تصحح
Sourate Ghafir - Abdullah Al Maliki Abonnez-vous ici : Découvrez ici les plus belles récitation coraniques des plus grands imams de la Mecque et Médine ainsi que les plus beaux chants. Abonnez-vous ici : Découvrez ici les plus grands imams en récitation : Abdurrahmane Soudaiss, Bandir Baleelah, Rachid Haddach et bien d’autres. اكتشاف هنا تلاوات من أعظم الأئمة
Sourate Al Hadid - Abdullah Al Maliki Abonnez-vous ici : Découvrez ici les plus belles récitation coraniques des plus grands imams de la Mecque et Médine ainsi que les plus beaux chants. Abonnez-vous ici : Découvrez ici les plus grands imams en récitation : Abdurrahmane Soudaiss, Bandir Baleelah, Rachid Haddach et bien d’autres. اكتشاف هنا تلاوات من أعظم الأئمة
Habib Syech bin Abdul Qodir Assegaf adalah salah satu putra dari 16 bersaudara putra-putri Alm. Al-Habib Abdulkadir bin Abdurrahman Assegaf
Habib Syech bin Abdul Qodir Assegaf adalah salah satu putra dari 16 bersaudara putra-putri Alm. Al-Habib Abdulkadir bin Abdurrahman Assegaf
Souillon est l'auteur de Maliki et Becky s'occupe de tout ce qui est administratif.
Visit our blog: The Art and Science of Making Wudu(Spiritual and Physical) purification demonstrated By Shaykh Muhammad Adeyinka Mendes with isnad(learning chain) going all the back to The Prophet Muhammad(Peace be Upon Him and His Family).
Meryem suresi güzel kıraat
Me Maliki Ibrahim Homme politique Malien lors de la conférence du COREN : Collectif des Ressortissants du Nord Mali
.: LISEZ LA DESCRIPTION :. Avec on a finalement décidé de participer au concours de Maliki du mois de février. On a eu pas mal de galère à cause du temps ... Trop de choses à faire et à gérer en même temps, mais finalement on y arrive ! Quelques minutes avant la fin, mais on est là ! Héhé. Le dessin est de Sa page : Le texte et la vidéo est de moi Ma page : Merci à vous pour votre attention ! Musique :
This video shows you how to pronounce Maliki
Maliki Fiqh 9/11 - Hamza Yusuf. Maliki Fiqh 2/11 - Hamza Yusuf. J'ai créé cette vidéo à l'aide de l'application de montage de vidéos YouTube ( Maliki Fiqh 1/11 - Hamza Yusuf. Maliki Fiqh 7/11 - Hamza Yusuf. Maliki Fiqh 5/11 - Hamza Yusuf. Maliki Fiqh 10/11 - Hamza Yusuf. Maliki Fiqh 6/11 - Hamza Yusuf. Maliki Fiqh 4/11 - Hamza Yusuf. Maliki Fiqh 3/11 - Hamza Yusuf. Maliki Fiqh 8/11 - Hamza Yusuf. Maliki Fiqh 11/11 - Hamza Yusuf. Sheikh Hamza Yusuf On The Topic of Multiculturalism In Relation to Islam Rethinking Islamic Reform - Oxford University, United Kingdom Year - 2010 Tags:- Isl.
Maliki Fiqh 2/11 - Hamza Yusuf. J'ai créé cette vidéo à l'aide de l'application de montage de vidéos YouTube ( Maliki Fiqh 1/11 - Hamza Yusuf. Maliki Fiqh 7/11 - Hamza Yusuf. Maliki Fiqh 5/11 - Hamza Yusuf. Maliki Fiqh 10/11 - Hamza Yusuf. Maliki Fiqh 6/11 - Hamza Yusuf. Maliki Fiqh 4/11 - Hamza Yusuf. Maliki Fiqh 3/11 - Hamza Yusuf. Maliki Fiqh 8/11 - Hamza Yusuf. Maliki Fiqh 11/11 - Hamza Yusuf. Maliki Fiqh 9/11 - Hamza Yusuf. The Noble Character of Prophet Muhammad Salallahu 'Alayhi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings of God be upon Him) by Hamza Yusuf.
Maliki Fiqh 11/11 - Hamza Yusuf
Maliki Fiqh 5/11 - Hamza Yusuf. Maliki Fiqh 4/11 by Sheikh Hamza Yusuf. Maliki Fiqh 3/11 by Sheikh Hamza Yusuf. Maliki Fiqh 2/9 by Sheikh Hamza Yusuf. islamic religious stories islamic religious free download islamic religious music mp3 islamic religious music islamic religious beliefs islamic religious pic. Maliki Fiqh 2/11 - Hamza Yusuf. J'ai créé cette vidéo à l'aide de l'application de montage de vidéos YouTube ( Maliki Fiqh 1/11 - Hamza Yusuf. Maliki Fiqh 7/11 - Hamza Yusuf.
Maliki Fiqh 6/11 - Hamza Yusuf. Maliki Fiqh 4/11 by Sheikh Hamza Yusuf. Maliki Fiqh 3/11 by Sheikh Hamza Yusuf. Maliki Fiqh 2/9 by Sheikh Hamza Yusuf. Maliki Fiqh 2/11 - Hamza Yusuf. J'ai créé cette vidéo à l'aide de l'application de montage de vidéos YouTube ( Maliki Fiqh 1/11 - Hamza Yusuf. Maliki Fiqh 7/11 - Hamza Yusuf. Maliki Fiqh 5/11 - Hamza Yusuf. Maliki Fiqh 10/11 - Hamza Yusuf. Maliki Fiqh 4/11 - Hamza Yusuf.
الحوار والمحادثة مع ابويا السيد محمد علوي المالكي : الفرق بين مقام الخالق والمخلوق وبين الايمان والكفر ومشكلتها وكثرة الخطاء والغلط من المفاهيم يجب ان تصحح
Maliki resignation clears way for new government.mp4.mp4
Ajoutée le 4 févr. 2015 7 morts et une quinzaine de blessés à GAO. Le lundi 26 janvier 2015 et le mardi 27 janvier 2015, les populations de Gao sont descendues en masse dans les rues pour protester contre la décision de la MINUSMA de créer une “zone temporaire de sécurité” à Tabankort. Cela à l’insu de nos plus hautes autorités. Une décision jugée inadmissible dans un État indépendant comme le Mali par les populations de Gao qui estiment que si les groupes armés favorables au Mali quittent Tabankort que ce sont plutôt le MNLA et ses alliés qui vont s’y installer.
... immediate release of all prisoners, including Shia clerics Sheikh Ali Salman and Sadeq al-Maliki.
Press TV 2015-04-09Former Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki is welcomed by Vice President Biden in Washington in October 2013.
National Public Radio 2015-04-09The Pentagon blames former Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki for politicizing the security ...
Stars and Stripes 2015-04-09... and the Sunni Muslims, who were marginalized by the previous government lead by Nouri al-Maliki.
Stars and Stripes 2015-04-09Dr Mohamad Maliki Bin Osman (Minister of State) # ... Dr Mohamad Maliki Bin Osman (Minister of State) #.
noodls 2015-04-08The groups championing Thowheed (the Oneness of Allah) argued against the Shafi, Hanafi, Maliki and ...
The Hindu 2015-04-08... ahead of the Shiite Islamist State of Law coalition, led by then Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.
Yahoo Daily News 2015-04-07Riyad al-Maliki, the minister of foreign affairs of the Palestinian Authority, said in an interview ...
Press TV 2015-04-07Officials looked forward to maintaining a dominant influence via a somewhat pliable al-Maliki, ...
CounterPunch 2015-04-07Al-Maliki responded to rising Sunni protests with a violent crackdown, further stirring dissent.
The Malta Independent 2015-04-06DPM Teo will be accompanied by Minister for Education Heng Swee Keat (Beijing and Jinggangshan); ...
noodls 2015-04-06Al-Maliki responded to rising Sunni protests with a violent crackdown, further stirring dissent.
The Miami Herald 2015-04-06Officials looked forward to maintaining a dominant influence via a somewhat pliable al-Maliki, ...
Huffington Post 2015-04-06The Mālikī (Arabic: مالكي) madhhab is one of the schools of Fiqh or religious law within Sunni Islam. It is one of the four schools, followed by approximately 35% of Muslims, mostly in North Africa, West Africa, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, in parts of Saudi Arabia, Oman and many middle eastern countries. In the past, it was also followed in parts of Europe under Islamic rule, particularly Islamic Spain and the Emirate of Sicily.
The Mālikī school derives from the work of Mālik ibn Anas, primarily the Muwaṭṭah and the Mudawwanah. The Muwaṭṭah is a collection of hadiths which are regarded as sound and find their place in al-Bukhārī with some commentary from Mālik regarding the ‘amal "practices" of the people of Medina and where the ‘amal is in compliance with or in variance with the hadiths reported. This is because Mālik (and what would later be the school after his name) regarded the ‘amal of Medina (the first three generations) to be a superior proof of the "living" sunnah than isolated, although sound, hadiths.
Hamza Yusuf Hanson is an American Islamic scholar, and (with Zaid Shakir and Hatem Bazian) is co-founder of Zaytuna College in Berkeley, California, United States. He is a convert to Islam, and is one of the signatories of A Common Word Between Us and You, an open letter by Islamic scholars to Christian leaders, calling for peace and understanding. He has described the 9/11 attacks as "an act of 'mass murder, pure and simple'". Condemning the attacks, he has also stated "Islam was hijacked ... on that plane as an innocent victim".The Guardian newspaper in the United Kingdom reported that he "is arguably the west's most influential Islamic scholar" and added that "many Muslims find his views hard to stomach."
Hamza Yusuf was born to two academics in Washington State and raised in Northern California. In 1977, he became Muslim and subsequently traveled to the Muslim world and studied for ten years in the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, as well as North and West Africa. Hamza Yusuf spent four years studying in the United Arab Emirates and elsewhere in the Middle East. Later he traveled to West Africa and studied in Mauritania, Medina, Algeria, and Morocco under such scholars as Murabit al Haaj; Baya bin Salik, head of the Islamic court in Al-'Ain, United Arab Emirates; Muhammad Shaybani, Mufti of Abu Dhabi; Hamad al-Wali; and Muhammad al-Fatrati of Al Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt.[citation needed] After more than a decade abroad, he returned to the United States and earned degrees in nursing from Imperial Valley College and religious studies at San José State University.[citation needed]
Knee deepen
We deepen the game
In deeper
Don't walk away
Just foolish dreamers
We aspire
Do we deserve all that we desire?
If you decide that we can't set your heart alight
We'll walk on into the night
We know that there's no need to fear
We are there we are here
We move, we move, we move, we move on
So long
We're long gone
Knee deepen (knee deepen)
We deepen the game (the game)
In deeper (deepen)
Don't walk away (walk away)
Knee deepen (knee deepen)
We deepen the game (the game)
In deeper (in deeper)
Don't walk away
We will remember you
No, we won't forget
No, no fear of regret
And though we are the ones who walk into the night (we go on)
We won't vanish out of sight
We get over it, we go beyond
We find a way to get along
We move, we move, we move, we move on (we move we move)
So come on (come on), if you want to come along (come along, come along)
Knee deepen (knee deepen)
We deepen the game (the game)
In deeper (deepen)
Don't walk away (walk away)
Knee deepen (knee deepen)
We deepen the game (the game)
In deeper (deepen)
Don't walk away
We go on, we go on, we go on and on
We go on, come along, we go on and on
(we go on and on, we go on)
Knee deepen
We deepen the game (we go on)
In deeper (we go on)
Don't walk away (the game)
Knee deepen (deepen)
We deepen the game (the game)
In deeper (deepen)
Don't walk away (the game)
(we deepen)
We deepen the game (the game)
(we deepen)
Don't walk away
Into the night I go day for night ...
I know what you talk about in your sleep wrap yourself around me
Not just a passer by I'm gonna stay awhile,
I like your peep show magnetized I saw you in the window,
I've been watching you don't know what else to do,
Trust me I'm sensitive intensitive I'll never let you go,
No need to be afraid release yourself to me I got that heart-ache,
Hubble bubble you know my trouble I saw you on your own no need to be alone,
let me levitate relax resonate turn off the lights,
Day for night ....
I saw your eyes on fire the desire won't release you,
I go where you go to I have to follow you,
So put your honey where your mouth is look behind you,
Relax and let me hypnotize I'd like to touch mmmm,
Standing in the shadows I've had my fill of it,
Too close to the light just for the thrill of it,
Hubble buble you know my trouble turn out the lights,
Day for night...
Don't put yourself down
Don't be hard on yourself
You didn't do wrong, baby don't
Blame yourself
I know how you feel
I've been there myself
It's what the devil my fare
What do you care
Can you control yourself?
I won't stick around
To watch you get colder
I know I couldn't be told,
Don't suppose
Now I'm a little older
The fault was all mine
I don't blame you if you blame me
I know I was wrong
I just cannot contain this
I just cannot, just cannot contain this
I just cannot, just cannot contain this
I just cannot, just cannot contain this
I just cannot, just cannot contain this
Just cannot contain this
Just cannot contain this
I just cannot contain this
Just cannot contain this
I just cannot contain this
And if it's a crime
Then can you explain to me
Where do I belong
I just cannot contain this
Can, not
Con tain this
Just cannot con tain this
Just cannot contain this.....
I just cannot, just cannot contain this
I just cannot, just cannot contain this
I just cannot, just cannot contain this
I just cannot, just cannot contain this
I just cannot contain this
Just cannot contain this
I just cannot contain this
Just cannot contain this
I just cannot contain this
Can, not
Con tain this
Just can not.........
Sure as a circle
Just keeps coming round
Sure as we've reached
The speed of sound
Sure as the sun will rise
In the morning sky
We'll never say it, never say goodbye
Now I know it will be
A hundred percent certainty
I'm giving you more
You can be sure
A hundred percent
Je t'adore
Now I know it will be
A hundred percent certainty
I'm giving you more
You can be sure
A hundred percent
Just as there's beauty
In everyday things
There is joy universal
When the bird sings
As sure as there's changes
We will all stay the same
The immortal pose
Just pictures in a frame
Now I know it will be
A hundred percent certainty
I'm giving you more
You can be sure
A hundred percent
Je t'adore
Now I know it will be
A hundred percent certainty
I'm giving you more
You can be sure
A hundred percent
Je t'adore
Now I know it will be
A hundred percent certainty
I'm giving you more
You can be sure
A hundred percent
Je t'adore
Now I know it will be
A hundred percent certainty
I'm giving you more
You can be sure
A hundred percent
Je t'adore
Show me amore
Trust in every sign
So be gone the space between us
There's no doubt in heart and mind
Now I know it will be
A hundred percent certainty
I'm giving you more
You can be sure
A hundred percent
Je t'adore
Now I know it will be
A hundred percent certainty
I'm giving you more
You can be sure
A hundred percent
Je t'adore
Now I know it will be
A hundred percent certainty
I'm giving you more
You can be sure
A hundred percent
Je t'adore
Now I know it will be
A hundred percent certainty
I'm giving you more
You can be sure
A hundred percent
Sure as a circle
Just keeps coming round
The speed of sound
Sure as the sun will rise
In the morning sky
We'll never say it, never say goodbye
Never say goodbye
You may as well use it as a crutch
If you have a cross to bear. It's only fair. If you use it as a crutch.
If you have a cross to bear. I think it's fair. If you use it as a crutch...
It was a long night and a tall story
I nearly died of fright
Who shot the go go dancer?
Will we ever know?
I don't know
You weird
Do you like my tight sweater?
See how it fits my body
Do you like my tight sweater?
If often in the still of night
Thoughts turn out twisted
Well unwind
Uncurl and lay the worries of the world
By any fire you find
Dreamers only believers in their sleep
Under achievers take a leap
Tell her the secrets that you keep
So close and yet too far out
Maybe someday you'll hear
Sweet something's whispered softly
Into your ear
To those with afflictions
Prone to addictions
To users and to losers
Doubters and their daughters and sons
Your Angel will come
Maybe she's come and gone
Already lost the one
What have you done
You lost the only one
If you came from something
And you're headed nowhere
Out on the run
Allow this thought to crystallise
It is better in the long run
To never get there
And let the journey decide
In all this doom and this gloom
And pessimistical visions
Came all condemned men
All fatalists in metaphysical fear
How could love be here
To those with afflictions
Prone to addictions
To users and losers
Doubters and their daughters and sons
Your Angel will come
And to those with intentions
In all three dimensions
To jokers and to the joke
Doubters and their daughters and sons
(maybe you've found the one)
Maybe she's come and gone
Bring it back
Sing it back
Bring it back
Sing it back to me
Bring it back
Sing it back
Bring it back
Sing it back to me
Bring it back
Sing it back
Bring it back
Sing it back to me
When you are ready I will surrender
Take me and do as you will
Have what you want you're ways always the best way
I have succumb to this passive sensation
Peacefully falling away
I am the zombie your wish will command me
Laugh as I fall to my knees
Bring it back
Sing it back
Bring it back
Sing it back to me
Bring it back
Sing it back
Bring it back
Sing it back to me
Bring it back
Sing it back
Bring it back
Sing it back to me
Bring it back
Sing it back
Bring it back
Sing it back to me
Can I control this empty dilusion
Lost in the fire below
And you come running your eyes will be open
( SIng it back to me back back to me )
And when you come back
I'll be as you want me
Only so eager to please
My little song will keep you beside me
Thinking your name as I sing
Bring it back
Sing it back
Bring it back
Sing it back to me
Bring it back
Sing it back
Bring it back
Sing it back to me
Come come come to my sweet melody
Come come come to my sweet melody
Come come come to my sweet melody
Come come come to my sweet melody
No you can't help it if you have been tempted
By fruit hanging ripe on the tree
And I feel useless
Don't care what the truth is
You will be here come the day
( Sing it back to me )
Truth do you here me don't try to come near me
So tired I sleep through the lie
If you desire to lay here beside me
Come to my sweet melody
Bring it back
Sing it back
Bring it back
Sing it back to me
Bring it back
Sing it back
Bring it back
Sing it back to me
Bring it back
Sing it back
Bring it back
Sing it back to me
Bring it back
Sing it back
Bring it back
Sing it back to me
Bring it back
Sing it back
Bring it back
Sing it back to me
Oh, tatty Narja! [repeat until climax]
Please accept my humble apology
S should've never happened
O oh my god how could I?
R rotten thing to do
R really didn't mean it
Y why'd I have to go and do a thing like that?
I'm sorry, so sorry,
I'm so sorry darling
So goodnight my dear
Hope you're feeling well
Hope you're feeling very clear
In this song and rhyme
Thoughts of changes that
Keep ourselves intact
And yes
It's hard to fake but I'm faltering
In the steps I'm about to take
I am sure it's true
What is all for me is much the same to you
If all the statues in the world
Would turn to flesh with teeth of pearl
Would they be kind enough to comfort me
The setting sun is set in stone
And it remains for me alone
To carve my own and set it free
So we wait and see
How this backward chapter reads
In verse inadvertently
And it feels like fading light
But that's all that's left
Only what's left is right
If all the statues in the world
Would turn to flesh with teeth of pearl
Would they be kind enough to comfort me
The setting sun is set in stone
And it remains for me alone
To carve my own and set it free
Jumping from a balloon
A carried aloft by a parachute in June
Twisting round and round
Well I hope the ground is what you find
The setting sun is set in stone
And it remains for me alone
To carve my own and set it free
I want you
Though you dare to deny it
I'm always reminded of you
And the more you forbid me
The more I need you to give me
Morning comes upon us
To impose another day
Though I might try to force myself to sleep
Why should I
Face up to
Another waking day
When there's a chance you'll come to me
In dreams
The world just keeps
Right on
Turning anyway
While I stay home and watch the shadow play
Innocence is lost into the dark
If I were dynamite would you provide the spark?
I want you
Though you dare to deny it
I am always reminded of you
And the more you forbid me
The more I need you to give me
I don't know what to do
If you dare to deny it
I'm always reminded of you
And the more you forbid me
The more I need you to give me
If only you could see my life
Turning inside out
A heart that keeps attacking me
Always in my mouth
And if my skin were glass my love
You would see a heart that keeps on beating
Only in the hope that you'll return, to me
I don't know what to do
Though you dare to deny it
I'm always reminded of you
And the more you forbid me
The more I need you to give me
I want you
Though you dare to deny it
I am always reminded of you
And the more you forbid me
The more I need you to give me
I don't know what to do
Though you dare to deny it
I'm always reminded of you
And the more you forbid me
The more I need you to give me
I want you
I am always reminded of you
I want you
Always reminded of you
Reminded of you
Always reminded of you
Pure Pleasure Seeker
Gotta get me some
Gotta get me instant gratification.
Gimme new kicks,
Won't you show me new tricks
Without the ramifications.
Give it a try, don't be shy.
Well you know you might like it.
Never been to keen a timekeeper
But I'm a pure new pleasure seeker.
All the way from Venus.
Invading from Mars.
Don't let that come between us.
It's written in the stars.
Save me from fading afraid.
The tears of a fool on parade.
Quietly turn into stone.
Make me flesh and bone.
Well come on, oh.
You know that you want it now
Well come on, yeah.
You know that you want it and how.
Stimulation in body and cell.
For the good and misguided.
Desperation I'm under your spell.
Misunderstood and derided.
Speculation they kiss and they tell.
Misjudged and misquoted.
Fell into the abyss
I must have wanted this.
Another myth exploded.
Take a weight off your mind.
Trust the voice of experience.
I'll tell you little white lies.
Viva indifference.
Stoke up the fire
I'm all you require.
They won't set you alight.
Come and live your desire.
Come make me whole.
Body and soul, come make me whole ...
Well come on, oh, oh.
You know that you want it now.
Well come on, oh.
You know that you want it and how.
Well come yeah
You know that you want it now.
Well come yeah
You know that you want it now.
Gimme new kicks
I wanna go deeper
Never been to keen a timekeeper
Show me new tricks
You can get me on the beeper
I'm a pure new pleasure seeker.
Gimme new kicks
I wanna go deeper
Never been to keen a timekeeper
Show me new tricks
You can get me on the beeper
I'm a pure new pleasure seeker.
Be crime against passion
Not to itch that itch
Oh don't ask how it happened
This is it
All we have ever wanted
All we will ever need
Nothing can take his plan
It's written all over your face
You know that you want it now
Come on
Oh ah you know that you want it and how.
Come on
Yeah you know that you want it now.
Come on
Oh ah you know that you want it and how.
Gimme new kicks
I wanna go deeper
Never been to keen a timekeeper
Show me new tricks
You can get me on the beeper
I'm a pure new pleasure seeker.
Come make me whole
Body and soul ....
Mother dear you'll never be my sister
Seek the advice of a solicitor
Mother dear you'll never be my sister
Show me
Californian sensibilities
All my problems spring from my troubled upbringing
We need to go right back to the beginning
Disposessed from the outset
What you need is precisely what you get
Mother dear it should be you that's sitting here
On this couch.
Mother dear you'll never be my sister
Seek the advice of a solicitor
Mother dear you'll never be my sister
On my shoulder you're a chip
On my foot you're a blister
Mother dear you'll never be my sister
Seek the advice of a solicitor
Mother dear you'll never be my sister
So tell me what am I gonna do
They told me that maybe I could sue
And oh how the many
Were corrupted by the few
So I dance the mambo and the cha cha cha
I run you over in my beautiful car
Dearest darling mummy dearest
We can't bear to have you near us.
Mother dear you'll never be my sister
Seek the advice of a solicitor
Mother dear you'll never be my sister
On my shoulder you're a chip
On my foot you're a blister
Mother dear you'll never be my sister
Seek the advice of a solicitor
Mother dear you'll never be my sister
The blame lies in the family name
It's not my fault I did as I was taught
Escape to Mongolia or Timbuktu
I know somehow, somewhere
I'll be bumping into you
You see, I'm blameless
I had a mother who was shameless
No wonder my life collapsed
See I'm aimless
With all this analysis
I think I'm having a relapse
Mother dear you'll never be my sister
Seek the advice of a solicitor
Mother dear you'll never be my sister
On my shoulder you're a chip
On my foot you're a blister
Mother dear you'll never be my sister
Seek the advice of a solicitor
Mother dear you'll never be my sister
On my shoulder you're a chip
On my foot you're a blister
We love you
We do
We've taken advice
We may sue
You see I'm blameless
I shall remain nameless
You can't run away from the past
I know what her game is
But I've forgotten what my name is
I'm just too frightened to ask
Tell me what did you expect
What you made is precisely what you get
Precisely what you get
Precisely what you get
Am I out of my depth?
Uninterrupted multiplicity, this is where you lose me
Come again, if you please?
Aluminium lunar luminous is taking over us
Am I missing the point?
This reeling speel, forgive me if I'm wrong
But are you making this up as you go along?
And it bores me to tears
Get a handle on the dialogue
It's a one man show
It's a monologue
I could be slow I don't know
You just went over my head
I don't understand a word you just said
I could be slow I don't know
You just went over my head
I don't understand a word you just said
I can't figure it out
This cascading fountain of nothingness, you're a mess
I simply cannot believe
You met a mighty metamorphous, that's ridiculous
I am somewhat confused
Selected, collected from the gene pool
They can keep you youthful?
Well, excusez-moi, Monsieur Cosmique, je suis protoplasmique, qu'est-ce que c'est?
How can I spell it out for you
I am no ordinary fool
And even though there's nothing left to say
You go ahead and say it anyway
I could be slow I don't know
You just went over my head
I don't understand a word you just said
I could be slow I don't know
You just went over my head
I don't understand a word you just said
I could be slow I don't know
You just went over my head
I don't understand a word you just said
I could be slow I don't know
You just went over my head
I don't understand a word you just said
I could be slow I don't know
You just went over my head
I don't understand a word you just said
I could be slow I don't know
You just went over my head
I don't understand a word you just said
I could be slow I don't know
You just went over my head
I don't understand a word you just said
[Studio discussion]
";.. if you want to .. this fuckin' whole thing.
... We got everything, just a .. And that's right before ..";
";.., what's that?";
";And, and call it- You've caught a little bit of .., that's all.
... Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!";
";Last .. today?";
[Samples of Roisin Murphy]
Tuesday. three. oh. eight. p. m.
God am I the only sane one around here,
Doesn't anybody else find this queer,
Oh shit oh,
A wizard approaches,
A reward for the weirdo,
Party weirdo ...
Countless times you have fallen weird one,
I'm gonna ask the judge for a party crack down,
A weirdo wack down hangin out on streets in cars in bars,
Outside my window in my pool in my bed in my head,
Party weirdo ... I'm simply ask the judge ... hello hello ...
Oh but somehow someway somewhere you get back on your partied,
Out feet, hello hello, party weirdo ...
It's just so exotic you got no where left to go, Party weirdo,
you will ask yourself who am I what am I where am I,
You will answer I am no-one probably nothing,
I know that I'm nowhere you poor crass animal ok I'm new around town,
Can anybody tell me what all these party weirdos are all about,
Someone says you must go there and check out the party weirdos,
Now all I see is a lot of young people all mixed up,
It's just not fair countless times you have fallen weird one partied out yet,
You might expect one's weirdness to subside,
But it does not subside it sort of grows and grows and grows man,
You can just go find somewhere else to go 'cos you're just not welcome here any more.
The enemy
Is gonna get me
But not today
On my horsey
No I won't interfere
I'm the only sound you'll ever need to hear
Listen to my breathe so near
Allow me to be every noise in your ear
Since that day I wake up early
Every morning which is good
But my stomach's churning, call me,
It would be nice if you could
Some days I question
The suggestion
You might not exist at all
Can we meet and talk it over
Would you be kind enough to call
Over and over
It's over all over
And over and over and over
And over.....
No there's no middle ground
Your off in another story
Or merry-go-round
No there'll be no measured terms
You fly in the face of the way the world turns
Like a frozen tidal wave
Since that day I'm standing still
You brought me here and I accept
Though you regret I never will
Just one sweet word
And then a smile from you
Is almost worth everything
I've given all I had to give
But you gave up giving in
You are everywhere I go
All the places we have been
I can't imagine where you are
For you are all I've ever seen
Over and over.....
All I've ever known
All I've ever seen
Places that I go
Places that we've been
Sniverling little bunny bouncing up and down,
Scummy little creatures,
Run them out of town,
In the tiny tunnels scuffling under ground,
Toxic little bunny can always be found,
Danger evil rodent,
Multiplying every day,
Bunny taking over,
Get on your knees and pray,
Filthy fluffy creatures,
Teeth as sharp as knives,
The longeared ones are coming,
Run run run for your lives,
Killa bunny is a coming,
Killa bunny on his way,
Killa bunny is a coming,
Nothing can stop you
Nothing can break you now
This is'ness has put you out of business
Bought and sold me
I'm lonely
I will admit I'm lonely
Just keep on walking
Act like you don't know me
Disown me
Go ahead disown me
It doesn't really matter
At all
Nothing seems to matter
Nothing can hurt you
Nothing can bring you down
Nothing at all
Nothing can break you
Nothing can take you now
Nothing at all
Let me down easy
Speak softly
Let me down gently
I realize it must be
What was I
What was I saying
Doesn't really matter
Nothing seems to matter
Nothing at all
Nothing can hurt you
Nothing can bring you down
Nothing at all
Nothing can take you
Nothing can break your heart
Nothing at all
Nothing can hurt you
Nothing can bring you down
Nothing at all
Nothing can take you
Nothing can break your heart
Nothing at all
This is a matter
This is a matter
This is a matter
This is a matter
Nothing can wreck me
Nothing can take me down
Artist : Moloko
Album : Statues
Title : Familiar Feeling
Nothing can come close
Nothing can come close
Nothing can come close
I never doubted it
What's for you will not pass you by
I never questioned it
It was decided before I asked why
It's all there ever was
And it's all there ever will be
How could you have questioned us?
It's yourself you deceive
Nothing can come close
To this familiar feeling
We say it all without
Ever speaking
Nothing can come close
To this familiar feeling
We say it all without
Ever speaking
Nothing can come close
To this familiar feeling
We say it all without
Ever speaking
Nothing can come close
To this familiar feeling
We say it all without
Hush now
No need to say the words
At first sight you perfectly heard
Love in all its entirety
Is no less than we deserve
I saw, your face
Some place
I felt this feeling before
Is it deja vu?
Do I somehow know you?
Nothing can come close
To this familiar feeling
We say it all without
Ever speaking
Nothing can come close
To this familiar feeling
We say it all without
Ever speaking
Nothing can come close
To this familiar feeling
We say it all without
Ever speaking
Nothing can come close
To this familiar feeling
We say it all without
Nothing can come close
To this familiar feeling
We say it all without
Ever speaking
Nothing can come close
To this familiar feeling
We say it all without
Ever speaking
Nothing can come close
Nothing can come close
(Ever speaking)
Nothing can come close
To this familiar feeling
Nothing can come close
From here on i'd agree
You belong to me
This here extended play
I made yesterday
It had you in mind
You're there all the time
Sugar honey sweet
You belong to me
This here house i've built
Is for me and you
The little kiddies too
Sugar honey sweet
You're coming out to play
What if I drown in this sea of devotion
Just a stone left unturned
My need is deep
Wide endless oceans
Feel it furious
The fire burns on
Let there be love
And it will live eternally
Will we receive without ever asking?
I'm just curious
Got to find me somebody
But there's nobody
To love me
And it's driving me crazy
There's nobody to love me
Somebody tell me
How could there be nobody
To love me
And it's driving me crazy
There's nobody to love me
Somebody tell me
How could there be nobody
Nobody to love me
And this life is so empty
There's nobody to love me
Endless tears
Forever joy
To feel most every feeling
Forever more
Endless tears
Forever joy
To feel most every feeling
Forever more
Endless tears
Forever joy
To feel most every feeling
Forever more
Endless tears
Forever joy
To feel most every feeling
Forever more
And if I drown in this sea of devotion
Just a stone left unturned
My need is deep
Wide endless oceans
Feel it furious
The fire burns on
Let there be love
And it will live eternally
Will we receive without ever asking?
I'm just curious
Don't want to see me crying
Just want to see me flying
I need to get so high and
Want somebody to blow my mind
Don't want to see me crying
Just want to see me flying
I need to get so high and
Want don't you blow my mind
Blow my mind
Blow my mind
Got to find me somebody
But there's nobody
To love me
Anybody could love me
And it's driving me crazy
There's nobody to love me
Anybody could love me
Somebody to hold my hand
Someone who understands
Somebody to help me write
The poetry of life
Someone to love me
Someone who loves me
Ooh Baby
Enless tears
Forever joy
To feel most every feeling
Forever more
Enless tears
Forever joy
To feel most every feeling
Forever more
Enless tears
Forever joy
To feel most every feeling
Forever more
Enless tears
Forever joy
To feel most every feeling
Forever more
Got to find me somebody
But there's nobody
To love me
And it's driving me crazy
There's nobody to love me
Most every feeling
To feel most every feeling
Is this me
Breaking free
Or just breaking down ha ha
A comic vision
Don't you feel proud
It's such a
How do
You do
Well this is not the done thing
Dance for me Baby let's begin the beguin
Ha ha ha ha ha
Do you remember the way we danced
I wish I could forget it
Said I'd give you the one last chance
I wish I'd never said it
Took a chance and I can't turn back
And I'm living to regret it
Come on, come on to me
Can't slow down
You dictate
The speed of the chase
Bitter sweet bitter's
The way that you taste
I won't waste this
Passion, it's true
I'm an everyday fool
No rhyme or reason to the
Things that I do
Ha ha ha ha ha
Do you remember the way we danced
I wish I could forget it
Said I'd give you the one last chance
I wish I'd never said it
Took a chance and I can't turn back
And I'm living to regret it
Come on, come on to me
Feed me
All your lies
Yes it's a gas
A word to the wise
You're blindingly obvious lately
Cure me
Somebody take away this
Seed of the devil
In the core of his kiss
Ha ha ha ha ha
Do you remember the way we danced
I wish I could forget it
Said I'd give you the one last chance
I wish I'd never said it
Took a chance and I can't turn back
And I'm living to regret it
Come on, come on to me
And some things
Got built in
Their own punishment
The repercussions
Will sure enough be felt
Ha ha ha ha ha
That which does not kill
Will make you stronger
No longer
In these Eyes
It's denial
No long or short
Baby you came close
Baby come closer
And come on to me
Baby you came close
Baby come closer
And come on to me
Baby come closer
Baby come closer
Baby come closer
Baby come closer
Baby come closer
Baby come closer
Baby come closer
Baby come closer
Do you remember the way we danced
I wish I could forget it
Said I'd give you the one last chance
I wish I'd never said it
Took a chance and I can't turn back
And I'm living to regret it
Come on, come on to me
No one's stopping you
We should've stopped at the start
At the start
Should have parted
Do it finish me off
Ha ha ha ha ha
If it's the end
The end
Then let me play the last tune
Begin the beguin
And play the notes of my doom
Ha ha ha ha ha
Tell me dearest enemy what you make of me
I didn't last, so fast you blast kinetic energy
I can't erase the memory
If I put a foot wrong
You could laugh out loud, like you've been laughing to yourself all along
Such lies, sweet hush of lullabies
In a small town loose talk it kind of gets around
I must reject all that I once believed
I've been deceived
Behind my back
I am quietly and suredly under attack
Downsized I guess I shouldn't be surprised
Two faced the time has come to be replaced
Betrayal, tiny minds
Something sinister's going on behind
You were my downfall
See me crawl, one and all
If I could only be a fly on the wall
Nothing is clear
So sincere in my ear
You look so pretty when you sneer
Behind the smile, sweet child
You were grinding your teeth all the while
Betrayed, low grade
Always delayed
Did you ever have the slightest intention to stay?
(Doo duh dee-dum doo duh doo)
Listen for the calling, use your pleasure
Perchance a wish and it just might come true
Beautiful is beautiful forever
You'll see yourself in me
Caught in a whisper
This is the meaning
Caught in a whisper
This is the meaning
Dirty monkey
Cheeky monkey
Dirty monkey
He was a cheeky monkey
Dirty monkey
Cheeky monkey
Dirty monkey
Couldn't carry her
If you hear me, baby, blink!
Do you even have the capability left to think?
There seems to be a missing link
Everybody's had a chance to see how far I can sink
As I try to call you back
As I try to call you back from the brink
If you hear me, baby, blink!
You're just so uptight
I don't suppose you have the energy to put up a fight
You just might implode before I get a chance at cracking the code
Take a good look around
Milk and honey's getting thin on the ground
If you hear me then make a sound
If you hear me, baby, blink!
As I try to call you back
As I try to call you back from the brink
If you hear me, baby, blink!
As I try to call you back
As I try to call you back from the brink
There will be no recompense when I'm screaming in the face of your silence
Still I draw a blank
Can't go down any further than I've already sank
If you're not there at all
Someone tell me why I'm talking to the wall
Do you hear me call?
If you continue to ignore these resonable demands
I'll be drawing up a new plan
The future is in your hands
Isn't it a crying shame your little game of hide and seek
Became so tiresome to me sometime last week?
The future is bleak
If you hear me, baby, blink!
As I try to call you back
As I try to call you back from the brink
If you hear me, baby, blink!
As I try to call you back
The lights are off
I know you're home
I burn your letters begging me to leave you alone
Keep your privacy
Your inner thoughts mean nothing to me
If you are waiting for me to take on my fair share of the blame
Honey your efforts are in vain
If you hear me call my name
If you hear me, baby, blink!
(If you hear me call your name)
As I try to call you back
As I try to call you back from the brink [repeat]
If you hear me, baby, blink!
As I try to call you back
As I try to call you back from the brink
Anybody, is there anybody in there?
Is there anybody, anybody in there?
Anybody, is there anybody in there?
Is there anybody?
I'm the sidekick
The mimic
(My lips moved) and you missed it
I need to know the mystery
Of your misery
(Give me some of that) magic
(I wanna be) I wanna be tragic
I wish I could just Xerox
(This is the paradox)
(You're waves) You're waves (in my brain) in my brain
(We could be) We could be one and the same
(Deep) Deep and meaningful artistic endeavor
(It's plain) it's plain (disdain) disdain
Makes you look clever
Everybody wants to be like you
Ah, show me what to do
Everybody wants to feel the way you do
Me too
I must fulfill my destiny
(Feel the force) Feel the force of your fury
Cock sure, you're a genius
Give me some (Give me some), reflect your glory
(All knowing) All knowing, (all bleeding) all bleeding
(I can dig it) I can dig it, Daddio
Tell me, show me, which way to go
(I really want to know)
Everybody wants to be like you
Ah, show me what to do
Everybody wants to feel the way you do
Me too
Everybody wants to be like you
Ah, show me what to do
Everybody wants to feel the way you do
Me too
Everybody wants to be like you
Ah, tell me what to do
Everybody wants to feel the way you do
Take me with you
Ah, show me what to do
Me too, take me with you (ah), take me with you (ah)...
I can't forgive and
I can't forget
It's never simple that way
Too proud to let you know
Oh know I wish it was so
It frightens me to say
Why don't I let somebody new
Take me home
Lately I feel so alone
Somebody new would make it easier
For me to let you go
Oh no
So be it
Let it be so
It's better this way Baby
Well you can take me down
What a way to go
Blow by Blow
It's how it always happens
In the throws of passion
Is it any wonder
It's no wonder at all
Just to live a lifetime
In the space of a lifetime
Well it's the hardest thing to do
But there'll be nothing after you
Blow by Blow
Kill me slow
Blow by Blow
What a way to go
Hey hey hey..........
You didn't mean those things you said
You didn't mean those things
I feel like
A drop in
The ocean
Just a ripple
On expanding seas
If the shoe fits
I swear It
I will wear It
By this shining stiletto
I do decree
I'm half full and my glass is empty
Say so long and wave goodbye.
I've been searching
For new ways to get lost
There's got to be someplace
Somewhere I'll never be found
I can fend for myself
Can pretend to myself
I will play the wild rover
Though my horse may be blind
I'm half full and my glass In empty
Say so long and wave goodbye
All the binds that tie are there for a reason
You won't fond the prairie. It's folly to try.
Yeah yeah yeah yeah
You've got something to hide
The party is humming
Something there's something inside
Makes you act like you're slumming
All right I might give you a try
But I know that I'll live to regret it
Go on spin me a line
I have cause to expect it
Lead me then lead me astray
Romeos tend to have eyes that stray
What will you say? What will you say?
What will you say when I ask you to stay?
Someone somewhere
There's more to you than meets the eye
Someone somewhere
Someone somewhere you left behind
Sweet child learn to relax
It's already decided
Sit back don't tamper with fate
Our stars have collided
Would you dance with me baby
The party is swinging
Don't just whistle the tune
When you should be singing
Easy momaceeta
Lay down next to me
Inside there somewhere your spirit is free
Frigid little Bridget
Lay down next to me
You're shaking, you're waking
Your spirit is free
Someone somewhere
There's more to you than meets the eye
Someone somewhere
Someone somewhere you left behind
Someone somewhere
There's more to you than meets the eye
Someone somewhere
Someone somewhere you left behind
Your spirit is free
Your spirit is free, baby
Listen to me
Your spirit is free baby
Yes my spirit is free
It just won't let me be
I'm empty. I'm hungry
My spirit is free
Ready me. Ready me
Ready me to receive
I believe, I believe.
Yes my spirit is free
It just won't let me be
I'm empty. I'm hungry
My spirit is free
Ready me.
Ready me to receive
I believe, I believe, I believe
Your spirit is free
Your spirit is free, baby
Someone somewhere
There's more to you than meets the eye
Someone somewhere
There's more to you than meets the eye
Someone somewhere
There's more to you than meets the eye
Someone somewhere
There's more to you than meets the eye
Someone somewhere
Someone somewhere
Someone somewhere
Someone somewhere
Someone somewhere
Someone somewhere
You're my last breathe
You're a breathe of fresh air to me
Hi, I'm empty
So tell me you care for me
You're the first thing
And the last thing on my mind
In your arms I feel
On a promise
A day dream yet to come
Time is upon us
Oh but the night is young
Flowers blossom
In the winter time
In your arms I feel
Give up yourself unto the moment
The time is now
Give up yourself unto the moment
Let's make this moment last
You may find yourself
Out on a limb for me
Could you expect it as
A part of your destiny
I give all I have
But it's not enough
And my patience is shot
So I'm calling your bluff
Give up yourself unto the moment
The time is now
Give up yourself unto the moment
Let's make this moment last
Give up yourself unto the moment
The time is now
Give up yourself unto the moment
Let's make this moment ... last
And we gave it time
All eyes are on the clock
But time takes too much time
Please make the waiting stop
And the atmosphere is charged.
In you I trust.
And I feel no fear as I
Do as I must.
Give up yourself unto the moment
The time is now
Give up yourself unto the moment
Let's make this moment last.
Give up yourself unto the moment
The time is now
Give up yourself unto the moment
Let's make this moment last
Tempted by fear
And I won't hesitate
The time is now
And I can't wait
I've been empty too long
The time is now
The tender night has gone
And the time has gone
Let's make this moment last
And the night is young
The time is now.
Let's make this moment last.
Give up yourself unto the moment
The time is now
Give up yourself unto the moment
Let's make this moment ... last.
Change my face
But it won't erase
I changed my heart
When my soul changed hands
What if, when I find myself?
Made new plans.
I don't really like myself?
What if when I look inside?
Change my name.
I don't like much what I find?
But I remain the same.
Change my name I remain the same.
Change my name I remain the same.
Try again, another new beginning.
Change my course.
But I can't change my ways
D I V O R C E.
Will you count the days
What if, when I find myself?
Change my tune.
I don't really like myself?
But I stand on shifting stand.
What if when I look inside?
When I change my name.
My heart was changing hands.
Baby you'll never understand.
Change my name I remain the same.
Change my name I remain the same.
Try again, another new beginning.
If I, if I could just
Slip from the net
Try to forget
I hang my head
In regret
If I, if I could just
But il's too much
Slip from my skin
I try again
Another new beginning
Change my name I remain the same.
Change my name I remain the same.
Try again, another new beginning.
Change my name I remain the same.
Change my name I remain the same.
Try again, another new beginning.
Change my name I remain the same.
Change my name I remain the same.
Change my name I remain the same.
Change my name I remain the same.
Try again, another new beginning.
Change my name I remain the same.
Change my name I remain the same.
Change my name I remain the same.
I remain the same, I remain the same, I remain the same.
Rameses, Colossus. Rameses, Colossus
Rameses, Colossus. Rameses, Colossus
Indigo here we go.
Indigo here we go o o o
Indigo here we go.
Indigo here we go o o o
Do you know that hue of my new blue jeans?
Can you judge the mood of the preteens?
Shrink my dreams to fit me with those laser beams.
To roll with rollerina is never quite as it seems.
Rameses. Colossus. Rameses. Colossus
Rameses, Colossus. Rameses, Colossus.
Indigo here we go.
Indigo here we go o o o
Indigo here we go.
Indigo here we go o o o
Indigo here we go.
Indigo here we go o o o
Indigo here we go.
Indigo here we go o o o
You only wanna be in a garage band.
You know you wanna give the gong a bang.
But nothing ever works out as you planned.
You only ever seem to can the canned.
You only wanna be in a garage band.
You know you wanna give the gong a bang.
But nothing ever works out as you planned.
You only ever seem to can the canned.
Indigo here we go.
Indigo here we go o o o
Indigo here we go.
Indigo here we go o o o
Indigo here we go.
Indigo here we go o o o
Indigo here we go.
Indigo here we go o o o
You're mixing with felons man.
Pull out the stops.
Rameses. Colossus. Rameses. Colossus.
Rameses. Colossus. Rameses. Colossus.
Rameses. Colossus. Rameses. Colossus.
Rameses. Colossus. Rameses. Colossus.
Rameses. Colossus. Rameses. Colossus.
Rameses. Colossus. Rameses. Colossus.
You only wanna be in a garage band.
You know you wanna give the gong a bang.
But nothing ever works out as you planned.
You only ever seem to can the canned.
You only wanna be in a garage band.
You know you wanna give the gong a bang.
But nothing ever works out as you planned.
You only ever seem to can the canned.
Indigo here we go.
Indigo here we go o o o
Indigo here we go.
Indigo here we go o o o
Indigo here we go.
Indigo here we go o o o
Indigo here we go.
Indigo here we go o o o
Rameses. Colossus.
Oh Yeah... Yeah Oh Yeah
Dumb dumb. So sweet so young.
You're not supposed to swallow your bubble gum.
Chicken foot, dim suts
Knuckle head. Knuckle head
Look what you've done
Dumb dumbing it down
Take a look around.
You and me are free to be the dumbest in town.
Young gun. Excuse the pun.
The pandemonium has just begun
Dumb dumb.
We're dumbing it down.
Dumb dumb.
We're dumbing it down.
Dumb dumb.
We're dumbing it down.
Dumb dumb.
We're dumbing it down.
Got a head full of cotton wool
But life for me. Is never dull
To fulfi you have to fill full
I turned around and bought a round and poured another one
Proud fool you're just too cool for school
Full moon come soon
And when the moon is not quite round
Where can the missing bit be found
Be proud to be profound.
Dumb dumb
We're dumbing it down.
Dumb dumb.
We're dumbing it down.
Dumb dumb.
We're dumbing it down.
Dumb dumb.
We're dumbing it down.
Dumb dumb.
We're dumbing it down.
Dumb dumb.
We're dumbing it down.
Dumb dumb.
We're dumbing it down.
Dumb dumb.
We're dumbing it down.
We are malcontent
We're not entirely sure of our intent
Brain washed we suffer memory loss
Ho hum play dumb come little boy lost.
Time bomb is ticking
Quickening, quickening quickening, quickening, quickening..
Dumb dumb.
We're dumbing it down.
Dumb dumb.
We're dumbing it down.
Dumb dumb.
We're dumbing it down.
Dumb dumb.
We're dumbing it down...
Human Being
Being Human
Hands Free
Nothing touches me
Transmit, remote, unseen, unknown.
She's glad to be so very happy.
We've placed your call into a queuing system.
Listen to the pretty musik play let it numb your fragile system.
She had a friend to call her own.
But now she spends her time alone
What of the cost of growing up
Put me on hold to shut me up.
Just being is bewildering
Disconnect me from what is mine
Call waiting, waiting on the other line.
At you leisure dear.
Come get your pleasure here
I'm so glad to be so very happy.
And if you need something, anybody, anything.
Just being is bewildering.
Call me dial l o v e.
Just being is bewildering.
I'll do as I please, I won't get down on bended knees.
Kiss and. Make up. Don't you. Hang up.
Stay and. Play out. The whole scene.
Try to stay calm. How long.
Do you. Hold on. Do you. Dare to dream.
Just being is bewildering
Just being is bewildering
Just being is bewildering
Just being is bewildering
Well it's a silly thing
That I've been wondering
Shall we drink a toast to
Absent minded friends
To all who turn the corner and
To those who went round the bend
Everybody raise your glasses
Drink and drown
Melancholy for the masses
Love come down
Well it's a silly thing
That I've been wondering
Maybe you will never
Bbridge the gulf
Baby you are just too sensitive
Are you numb enough?
Can we ever feel this
Impending void?
Have we become what we intended
To avoid?
Have you ever smiled for too long?
Till you're aching
Have you ever laughed till you cried?
Till your heart is breaking.
Have you ever smiled for too long?
Till you're aching
Have you ever laughed till your heart is breaking.
Well it'a a silly thing that I've been wondering.
Love is always riddled with
Few will find joy In their
Big success
From the sublime to the ridiculous in the
Blink of an eye.
Funny all too funny
You're a funny guy
If it'a too much to feel
Come this way my friend
Try to keep it unreal
Feels good to let yourself descend to pretend
We can transcend our everyday existances
No distances
How did we come undone?
Became what we've become
Have you ever smiled for too long?
Till you're aching.
Have you ever laughed till you cried?
Till your heart is breaking.
Have you ever smiled for too long?
Till you're aching.
Have you ever laughed till your heart is breaking.
How did we come undone?
Have you ever smiled for too long?
Till you're aching.
Became what we've become
Have you ever laughed till you cried?
Till your heart is breaking.
How did we come undone?
Have you ever smiled for too long?
Became what we've become
Have you ever laughed till your heart is breaking.
How did we come undone?
Became what we've become
How did we come undone?
Became what we've become
[Fade in chorus]
(You see, it goes like this)
Momma, don't you turn away
Just because I've gone astray
Out of the fire, into the frying pan, this is the story of a sorry man
I have been known to deviate myself from the path that is set
But let us not forget about the man who decided to dedicate his life to the jetset
He is now just a shadow of his former self
And dark clouds hover overhead
The living dead, move over, you see it goes like this
I could be a mover, I could be a shaker, don't you try to get in my way
I'm the heart breaker, the money maker, this will all be mine one day
I myself do not think that such a raw ambition, his disposition
To be a sin in itself, though
Should we not forget about the mess that he got himself in
Where now stands this meek and empty man, there once was a typhoon
Earthquaking, a phenomena, higher than the rest of us
'Cause he was steppin' on us, steppin' over people
And this is how the story goes, folks
I will go undefeated, I'll be protected
You think you're big time, I'll show you big time
Hollerin' and swallowin' air, crawling in the pit of dispair
Once he got his foot in the door,
well you know he was a fast stepper, a bad taste in the mouth kind of guy,
funny fella though, always had a joke or two,
but be careful, the joke could be on you
Did you ever hear the one about the id, the ego, the super ego,
the monumental man sat back to watch his automobile grow
He was a Lamborghini kind of guy, got so high
He would swear he could touch the sky
But the sky was the limit
He was calling, he was crawling, riddled by the immensities of life,
ladies of the night would call all hours of the day, every day, all day,
calling for his mommy when the day was done
Yes, he was moving, he was shaking, so lonesome tonight,
And his eyes belied his smile awhile,
Calling for his mummy but his mummy didn't come
Once he got his foot in the door,
well you know he was a fast stepper, a bad taste in the mouth kind of guy,
funny fella though, always had a joke or two,
but be careful, the joke could be on you
Did you ever hear the one about the id, the ego, the super ego,
the monumental man sat back to watch his automobile grow
He was a Lamborghini kind of guy, got so high
He would swear he could touch the sky
But the sky was the limit
I could be a mover, I could be a shaker, don't you try to get in my way
I'm the heart breaker, the money maker, this will all be mine one day
I will go undefeated, I'll be protected
You think you're big time, I'll show you big time
Hollerin' and swallowin' air, crawling in the pit of dispair
Can't leave you alone
We can't leave you alone no
You can't hide from the flipside
Your foolish pride
Can't sustain the strain
Trouble bubbles inside
You can try but you cannot resist
If we insist
Persistent, every instant, every moment in time
We are on your mind
Can't leave you alone
We can't leave you alone no
We have ways to make you understand
We demand you let us in
Under your skin
You tuned in to the frequency
We can't let you be
We live happily
On the underneath
On the inside
The flipside
Can't leave you alone
We can't leave you alone no
In your search for contentment
Tormented, unrelenting
Turbulent intent
And all the money spent
You will listen precisely to each word
As it reoccurs
We insinuate, irritate, we can't dissipate
Deflate your ego
Give up self control
Can't leave you alone
We can't leave you alone no
We can't leave you alone
Can't leave you alone no
When will it end?
Delerium is back again
We will suspend
Numbskulls are back around again
Trouble bubbles inside
You cannot hide from the flipside
We are in your mind
Every instant, every moment in time
We're alive and we will survive
As a part of you
Listen if we want you to
Can't you see?
Just a part of you are we
Surround sound you can't turn it down
A little frequency dependency
You are we, all on your own
We can't leave you alone no
We can't leave you alone
We can't leave you alone no
We can't leave you alone
We just can't leave you alone
(Give up self control)
Some of you will already know there's no place to go
This is the modern man, as good as I am
Here in the heart of the sun my memory melts
Swellegant, elephant pain, he never forgets
Should've been a beautiful thing
Could've been a beautiful thing
Pull over to the side of the road, let the bold be bold
Luxury at a low introductory price, now wouldn't that be nice?
A happy little family puts you in a trance meanwhile back at the ranch
Insatiable hand-held flexible friend, why not give him a chance?
Could've been a beautiful thing
Should've been, could've been a beautiful thing
Promises of pleasure mesmerised, but how far can we get?
At least here in the eye of the storm I won't get my hairdo wet
Some of you have already foreseen yourself undone
Some of you seem to believe you've only just begun
Try a little perjury, get rich quick
My eyes are bigger than my belly is, and it makes me sick
Attitude, so much to prove, should've been a beautiful thing
Some of you will already know, and I'm still wondering
Should've been a beautiful thing
Could've been a beautiful thing
I could've been, should've been, could've been a beautiful thing
Could've been a beautiful thing
Should've been, would've been a beautiful thing
(How we love to disguise)
(Burn... burn... burn...)
So if I blaze a trail
Hammer the final nail
So if I shake you off my tail
How can I fail?
Down, pretty bridges burn, all my bridges burnt
Burnt down pretty bridges burn all my bridges burnt
Nausea the vertical climb
A fatal flaw in the design
I can't be sure that you'll open the door to me
The double indemnity
(Burn... burn... burn...)
A mouthful of pleasurable sensation
Shaken by sheer anticipation
Glad you asked me, I had to dash, you see
It's been a blast
All my bridges burn
All my pretty bridges burn
Each one in their turn
All my pretty bridges burn
Burn, pretty bridges burn
All my bridges burn
Will I ever learn?
Watch all my pretty bridges burn
Hysterical look at this chaos
All that I had and all that I lost
You are feeling sleepy
Very very sleepy
Down, pretty bridges burn, all my bridges burnt
Burnt down pretty bridges burn all my bridges burnt
Burnt down pretty bridges burn all my bridges burnt
As for the bitter taste
Let it vanish into the flames
Don't let it go to waste
All the places and the names
This is the master stroke
Raised to the ground
And it all goes up in smoke
All my bridges burn
All my bridges burn
All my pretty bridges burn
Each one in their turn
All my pretty bridges burn
Burn, pretty bridges burn
All my bridges burn
Will I ever learn?
Watch all my pretty bridges burn
Down, pretty bridges burn, all my bridges burnt
Burnt down pretty bridges burn all my bridges burnt [x3]
All my bridges burn
All my pretty bridges burn
Each one in their turn
All my pretty bridges burn
Burn, pretty bridges burn
All my bridges burn
Will I ever learn?
Watch all my pretty bridges burn
(Burn... burn... burn...)
(Get back into society)
(Back into the community)
Dimensions are parallel
But there's this funny smell
All functions are shutting down
Everything's brown
Laxadasical haze
Not phased by the maze
I'm so sick
I forgot all about my outfit
(Back into society)
(Go back into the community)
My skin is turning green
Feels like neoprene
This radioactivity
Has gotten inside of me
Oh, the shame!
Just being the same
As that Tom, Dick and Harry
I wanna be Larry
Come see Dr Zee
(Go/get back into society)
New identity
(Back into the community)
This so called lunachic
It's just so last week
Get it right in rehearsal
Try to think universal
Through the looking glass
Now tell me what do you see?
With a little hard work
We could be pretty
Come see Dr Zee
(Go/get back into society)
New identity
(Back into the community)
Come see Dr Zee
(Go/get back into society)
New identity
(Back into the community)
Oh, so frivolous!
I look ridiculous
A walking absurdity
Afraid of obscurity
Mm, this elegance
Has lost its relevance
Nasty rumours are doing the rounds
And it's all over town
Come see Dr Zee
(Go/get back into society)
New identity
(Back into the community)
Come see Dr Zee
(Go/get back into society)
New identity
(Back into the community)
This monstrosity
Impending irony
Is playing on my mind
Still I'm one of a kind
Come see Dr Zee
(Go/get back into society)
New identity
(Back into the community)
(Get back into society)
(Back into the community)
(Get back into society)
(Get back into the community)
(Back into society)
(Back into the community)
(Back into society)
(Get back into the community)
(Back into society)
(Back into the community)
(Back into society)
Come see Dr Zee
(Go/get back into society)
New identity
(Back into the community)
Come see Dr Zee
(Go/get back into society)
New identity
(Back into the community)
I can't help myself ...
I am the doughnut that you hold up
And I never sold up in a pie,
The hoot boot's so fly,
I always try to beat the rest to impress,
I put my tongue in my trouser press,
I got the toots baby you got the fruits,
Fruit got the loot lady you got the boots,
Don't be a mook don't get the spook,
Don't be a cry baby I only said maybe,
Shmoozin I was pressuing when like a catapult,
I did a summersault,
Going down the lazy river,
three fingers deliver,
I can't help myself...,
The reverb you just heard is resounding in the surrounding area,
It's getting scarier I've got the amp damp mangled,
got my tingle in tangle let me see what I can wangle,
In the bermuda triangle,
Gravity will be the death of me,
Terminal velocity follow the follow the vaper,
One hundred purcent proof caper,
Burst the barricades but don't drink the lemonade,
Martinis by beeard man an artizan down at the can can,
And oh yes he can can fat,
Fredies cat in seven lead boots whiskey for the whiskers the shot sure shoots,
She sells sea shells sea shells on the sea shore,
Is it true what mummy said you can't come back no more,
Oh no no no no singing a song about nothing,
Talk through my belly button,
At the inn of seventh happiness more or less,
I found you on the floor saying more more more,
Peel back the skin sonar beats like quaver,
Small bananas selected for flavour,
I can't help myself....
I can't control this urge so I risk what I wager,
I lost to a chicken shit never was panty sniffer,
Got my eye on a cool hand and I wonder about his dog of a day,
Wanted to be a big shot real hot down with the domino,
You know calling on instict calling the bluff,
Telling a tale ten stories high to the operative,
I figured the numbers underpressure I played by the seat of my pants,
Then fate took a twist quietly wiley faking it waiting for a fluke,
Waiting for a sign by now boggle eyed,
If I believe I will receive leaning on the ever lasting tree,
Hanging in the hands of fate down with the domino,
I'm no, down with the domino, I'm no casino casanova with the good luck
it's hard to tell who's friend or foe when you go down like the domino,
One track mind just digging 'till I find,
The gold at the end of the rainbow just keep on going,
Though twisted up inside her fool heart takes over and jumps on for the
Down with the domino,
I need the roulette to make me forget,
Rotating random eyes roll in tandem,
Lady look illusive but I do what I can better be a day as a lion,
When you are ready, I will surrender
Take me and do as you will
Have what you want
Your way's always the best way
I have succumbed to this passive sensation
Peacefully falling away
I am the zombie, your wish will command me
Laugh as I fall to my knees
Can I control this empty delusion?
Lost in the fire below
And you come running
Your eyes will be open
And when you come back, I'll be as you want me
Only so eager to please
My little song will keep you beside me
Thinking your name as I sing
Sing it back to me
Sing it back to me
No, you can't help it if you have been tempted
By fruit hanging ripe on the tree
And I feel useless, don't care what the truth is
You will be here, come the day
Truth, do you hear me? Don't try to come near me
So tired I sleep through the lie
If you desire to lay here beside me
Come to my sweet melody
Sing it back to me
(Sing it)
Bring it back
(Sing it)
Sing it back
(Sing it)
Bring it back
Sing it back to me
(Sing it, sing it, sing it)
(Sing it back to me)
Bring it back
Sing it back
Bring it back