An Agent is one who acts for, or in the place of, another, by authority from him; one entrusted with the business of another.
Agent 47 (often referred to as 47 or Mr. 47) is a fictional character and the main protagonist in the Hitman video-game series. Created by IO Interactive, the character was developed around David Bateson, who also provided the in-game voice. 47 has appeared in all four installments of the Hitman series, in the novel Hitman: Enemy Within, as well as the film adaptation in which he was dramatized by Timothy Olyphant. A genetically-enhanced bald clone trained to assassinate targets, the agent's name is derived from the last two digits of his assigned barcode which is tattooed on the back of his head, reading 640509-040147.
According to Jacob Andersen, lead designer of Hitman 2: Silent Assassin, Agent 47 went from being "a mean old hairy guy" to having "hi-tech glasses" before getting to his current bald design. More inspiration came from "comic books, Hong Kong movies," and other similar media.
According to Game Director Rasmus Højengaard, the idea of a clone whose future is decided by the people that created him, intrigued the Hitman team. Højengaard felt the idea of creating the "ultimate assassin" by cloning "evolved with the character before the first Hitman game was done".
Zachary John Quinto (born June 2, 1977) is an American actor and producer. Quinto grew up in Pennsylvania and was active in high school musical theater. In the early 2000s, he guest starred in television series and appeared in a recurring role in the serial drama 24 from 2003 to 2004. In 2006, Quinto acted in the sitcom So NoTORIous and portrayed series antagonist Sylar in the science fiction drama Heroes from 2006 to 2010. He was cast as Spock of the Star Trek franchise and appeared in the 2009 reboot Star Trek. He will continue the role in the 2013 sequel. He also voiced the Emergency Medical Hologram (EMH) in the Star Trek Online MMORPG
Quinto, who is of half-Italian and half-Irish descent, was born in Pittsburgh and grew up in Green Tree, Pennsylvania, with his mother Margo and his brother Joe. His father, John, who was a barber, died of cancer when Quinto was 7 years old. He graduated from Central Catholic High School in 1995, where he participated in their musicals and won the Gene Kelly Award for Best Supporting Actor, and then attended Carnegie Mellon University's School of Drama, from which he graduated in 1999.
Hitman: Agent 47 Official Trailer #1 (2015) - Rupert Friend, Zachary Quinto Movie HD
"Agents of Secret Stuff"
Minecraft Animation for Agent Minecraft School by Movi
Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. - Trailer 1 (Official)
Hitman: Agent 47 Official Trailer (2015) - Rupert Friend HD
Destiny Xur FINALLY Sells Thunderlord! Destiny New Upgraded Exotic Gear Xur Agent Of The Nine!
Hitman: Agent 47 International Theatrical Trailer #1 (2015) HD
Border Patrol Agent Attacks Woman
L'Agent by Agent Provocateur: Autumn Winter 2013 Campaign
"Working at McDonalds" Agent Minecraft School Ep. 5
Destiny: Xur's Exotic Armors & Weapons - THUNDERLORD / Agent Of The Nine / 8th May 2015
Maman Agent Secret 2013 FRENCH complet
La prof énervée - #4 Génération Erasmus et L'Agent 318
Agent Carter & Agents of SHIELD Renewed Bad New for Spinoff Series
Biopic of J. Edgar Hoover told by Hoover as he recalls his career for a biography. Early in his career, Hoover fixated on Communists, anarchists and any other revolutionary taking action against the U.S. government. He slowly builds the agency's reputation, becoming the sole arbiter of who gets hired and fired. One of his hires is Clyde Tolson who is quickly promoted to Assistant Director and would be Hoover's confidant and companion for the rest of Hoover's life. Hoover's memories have him playing a greater role in the many high profile cases the FBI was involved in - the Lindbergh baby kidnapping, the arrest of bank robbers like John Dillinger - and also show him to be quite adept at manipulating the various politicians he's worked with over his career, thanks in large part to his secret files.
Keywords: 1920s, 1930s, 1960s, 1970s, airplane, alvin-karpis, ambition, anarchist, anti-communism, archival-footage
The Most Powerful Man in the World
J. Edgar Hoover: Find Agent Purvis. He is to be demoted or, better yet, fired.
J. Edgar Hoover: What's important at this time is to re-clarify the difference between hero and villain.
J. Edgar Hoover: No one freely shares power in Washington, D.C.
Agent Stokes: The crimes we are investigating aren't crimes, they are ideas.
Harlan Fiske Stone: Lower the treble, son, you didn't call this meeting, I did.
J. Edgar Hoover: McCarthy was an opportunist not a patriot.
Albert Osborne: Is that all, Mr. Hoover? I have a 2:30 class to teach.::J. Edgar Hoover: No, you don't. Consider your pay doubled; you now work for your country. Congratulations, Dr. Osborne.
Annie Hoover: [Contemptuously to Edgar] I would rather have a dead son than a daffodil for a son.
J. Edgar Hoover: Do I kill everything that I love?
[first lines]::J. Edgar Hoover: Let me tell you something. The SCLC has direct Communist ties. Even great men can be corrupted, can't they? Communism is not a political party. It is a disease. It corrupts the soul, turning men, even the gentlest of men, into vicious evil tyrants.
An Interactive Adventure!
Mrs. Bleckner: You're a storyteller, Thomas. Do you know what storytellers do?::Thomas Miller: They tell stories?::Mrs. Bleckner: No. They tell...yes, they tell stories.
Thomas Miller: And that, Mrs. Bleckner, is why I don't have the formula on your desk. So very, very sorry.::Mrs. Bleckner: Let's try this one more time, shall we? Your math homework, Mr. Miller. And please refrain from patronizing me with "my dog ate it" or "my grandmother passed away".::Thomas Miller: Actually, you see, it's sort of a combination thing. The truth is, my grandmother was helping me with my homework. Bless her soul. Then my dog pounced on the kitchen table and ate her. Yep! That's why I don't have my homework. My dog ate my grandmother.
Thomas Miller: I'd like to say something in my defense.::[turns to Jackie]::Jackie Hoffman: Don't speak.::Thomas Miller: But she...::Jackie Hoffman: Shh!
Thomas Miller: I need to explore all my options.::Jackie Hoffman: I'm your only option.
Jackie Hoffman: Let me understand. I continue to be the only person who actually listens to your outrageous stories.
Thomas Miller: Yo, dog. [dog turns to him] How do I look?
Thomas Miller: [Thomas has just knocked Mr. Randall off a ladder] Oops, sorry.::Mr. Randall: [groaning] "Oops, sorry"?
Jackie Hoffman: [to Thomas] You're so disturbed. [smiles]
Drake Chapman: What's going on Mildred?::Thomas Miller: Hello Drake. So what's it going to be today? Stuff me in a locker? Shake me down for loose change? Hey, you know what's always fun? Hanging me from the flagpole by my underwear? People laugh, they cry, they go home happy. Always a real crowd pleaser.::Jackie Hoffman: Why are you giving him ideas?::Thomas Miller: Because he is too dumb to come up with them on his own.::Drake Chapman: Did you just call me dumb?
Jackie Hoffman: [Thomas and Jackie make their way on hands and knees through the school ceilings. Jackie's tux is covered in dirt] Great. And I had to wear white.::Thomas Miller: Since when do you care about that sort of thing?::Jackie Hoffman: Hey, I'm still a girl.
Q is an agent of an underground organization called "Art of Love." Art of Love generates revenue by helping suburban housewives cheat on their husbands under the guise of free love. One day, Q runs into M, a transient Korean girl. M develops a fever, and Q shelters her for a week. Q senses a peculiar compassion developing for M. Don Jim, the leader of Art of Love, strictly forbids his agents from involvement in monogamous intimate relationships. Q decides to severe his relationship with M. But after M recovers, she starts cooking gourmet dishes. The seductive force of her food cripples Q's aspiration for freedom and jeopardizes his loyalty to Don Jim. Q has to choose between free love and one love--lightness and heaviness--in his quest for ultimate happiness.
Live Love Eat Die
A fictionalized take on the group of brilliant young skateboarders raised in the mean streets of Dogtown in Santa Monica, California. The Z-Boys, as they come to be known, perfect their craft in the empty swimming pools of unsuspecting suburban homeowners, pioneering a thrilling new sport and eventually moving into legend.
Keywords: 1970s, accident, alcoholic-mother, auto-theft, bare-chested-male, beach, beach-bum, beating, beer, beer-drinking
They came from nothing to change everything.
Based on the true story of the legendary z-boys.
They never thought they'd be famous, but they always thought they'd be friends.
Gabrielle: Hey! You totally blew me away!::Jay: What? You wanna blow me? [the Z-Boys laugh]::Gabrielle: Maybe!
Stacy: [in full skate gear] So, what's up with Tony? You guys still skate with him?::Jay: He's competing with the sun for the center of the universe.::[Stacy shrugs, walks off]::Jay: [to Sid] Stacy looks like a stock car.
Jay: [the Z-Boys want to drain and skate Sid's pool, Sid comes out of his house] What did he say?::Sid: "Sid, are you high? The pool's for swimming!"::Jay: Tell him we'll fill it back up when we're done.::Sid: He said if you got hurt, you'll sue him.::Jay: We're not gonna sue him.::Sid: He said your parents would.::Stacy: Our parents can't even afford lawyers.::Tony: Hey, let me talk to him.::Sid: Hey, the only Mexicans my dad talks to push lawnmowers. [Tony grabs him playfully]
Jay: [to Sid] I'll let you bang my mom!
Jay: [Biniak yells in Sid's ear, making him wipe out] dude, he's got that inner ear thing!::Bob Biniak: Suck my inner ear, Jay-Boy!
Stacy: [now knowing about Jay and Kathy being together] When were you going to tell me you were with her?::Jay: You couldn't handle her.
Jay: [talking to Kathy] Gimmie Kitty!
Kathy Alva: Take your boxers off.::Jay: No way.
Tony: [to Stacey] Grab your pad and take notes, Peralta!
Jay: Dude, you just got patty slapped. [boys begin to laugh]
In the year 2054 A.D. crime is virtually eliminated from Washington D.C. thanks to an elite law enforcing squad "Precrime". They use three gifted humans (called "Pre-Cogs") with special powers to see into the future and predict crimes beforehand. John Anderton heads Precrime and believes the system's flawlessness steadfastly. However one day the Pre-Cogs predict that Anderton will commit a murder himself in the next 36 hours. Worse, Anderton doesn't even know the victim. He decides to get to the mystery's core by finding out the 'minority report' which means the prediction of the female Pre-Cog Agatha that "might" tell a different story and prove Anderton innocent.
Keywords: 2050s, action-noir, advertising, aerial-combat, altered-version-of-studio-logo, arrest, attempted-murder, ball, balloon, bandaged-face
What would you do if you were accused of a murder, you had not committed... yet?
Everybody Runs
The system is perfect until it comes after you.
Get Ready to RUN!
The Future Can Be Seen. Murder Can be Prevented. The Guilty Punished Before the Crime is Committed. The System is Perfect. It's Never Wrong. Until It Comes After You.
Everybody Runs...
You Can't Hide
Count to 3 and get ready to run...
You can't hide. Get ready to run!
John Anderton: Mr. Marks, by mandate of the District of Columbia Precrime Division, I'm placing you under arrest for the future murder of Sarah Marks and Donald Dubin that was to take place today, April 22 at 0800 hours and four minutes.
Agatha: Murder.
John Anderton: [about Witwer's father] What does he think about your chosen line of work?::Danny Witwer: I don't know. He was shot and killed when I was 15 on the steps of our church in Dublin. I know what it's like to lose someone close, John. 'Course, nothing is like the loss of a child. I don't have any children of my own, so I can only imagine what that must've been like. To lose your son - in such a public place like that. At least now you and I have the chance to make sure that kind of thing doesn't happen to anyone...::John Anderton: Why don't you cut the cute act, Danny boy, and tell me exactly what it is you're looking for?::Danny Witwer: Flaws.::John Anderton: There hasn't been a murder in 6 years. There's nothing wrong with the system, it is perfect.::Danny Witwer: [simultaneously] - perfect. I agree. But if there's a flaw, it's human. It always is.
Agatha: Think about all the lives that little girl has saved.::Lamar Burgess: Think about all the lives that little girl has saved, think about all the lives she will save, that little girl could have saved Sean.::John Anderton: [yells] Don't you *ever* say his name!::Arthur: You used the memory of my dead son to set me up.::John Anderton: [yells] You used the memory of my dead son to set me up! That was the one thing you knew would drive me to murder.::Dashiell: What are you going to do now, Lamar?::John Anderton: [yells] What're you going to do now, Lamar?::Arthur: How are you...::John Anderton: ...going to shut me up?::Dashiell: I'm sorry, John.
Dr. Iris Hineman: Sometimes, in order to see the light, you have to risk the dark.
Dr. Iris Hineman: I call it a gift, for them it was more like a big cosmic joke.
Dr. Solomon: For true enlightenment there is nothing like... well, let's just say taking a shower while this large fellow with an attitude you couldn't knock down with a hammer, that keeps whispering in your ear: Oh nancy, Oh nancy. Now that was a lot of fun, thank you so very much John for putting me in there, thank you so very much for giving me an opportunity to get to know myself much better.
Dr. Iris Hineman: It's funny how all living organisms are alike...::[she starts crushing a mutated plant]::Dr. Iris Hineman: ...when the chips are down, when the pressure is on, every creature on the face of the Earth is interested in one thing and one thing only.::Dr. Iris Hineman: [the plant scars her palm] Its own survival.
John Anderton: No doubt the precogs have already seen this.::Lamar Burgess: No doubt.::John Anderton: You see the dilemma don't you. If you don't kill me, precogs were wrong and precrime is over. If you do kill me, you go away, but it proves the system works. The precogs were right. So, what are you going to do now? What's it worth? Just one more murder? You'll rot in hell with a halo, but people will still believe in precrime. All you have to do is kill me like they said you would. Except you know your own future, which means you can change it if you want to. You still have a choice Lamar. Like I did.
Agatha: Is it now?
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What power art thou
Who from below
Hast made me rise
Unwillingly and slow
From beds of everlasting snow
See'st thou not how stiff, how stiff
And wondrous old
Far unfit to bear the bitter cold
I can scarcely move
Or draw my breath
I can scarcely move
Or draw my breath
Let me, let me,
Let me freeze again
Let me, let me
Freeze again to death
Let me, let me, let me
O Death, rock me asleep,
Bring me to quiet rest,
Let pass my weary guiltless ghost
Out of my woeful breast.
O Death, rock me asleep,
Bring me to quiet rest,
Let pass my weary guiltless ghost
Out of my woeful breast.
Toll on, thou passing bell,
Ring out my doleful knell,
Let the sound my death tell.
for I must die
there is no remedy.
three maidens a-milking did go
and the wind it did blow high and the wind it did blow low
it tossed their petticoats to and fro
they met with some young man they know
and they boldly asked him if he had any skill
to catch them a small bird or two
oh yes i've a very good skill
and it's come along with me to yonder flowering tree
and i'll catch a small bird or two
so off to the greenwood went they
and it's off to the greenwood went they
and he tapped at the bush and the bird it did fly in
a little above her lilywhite knee
her sparkling eyes they did turn around
just as if she had been all in a swoon
and she cried “i've a bird and a very pretty bird
and he's pecking away at his own ground”
here's health to the bird in the bush
and we'll drink up the sun, we'll drink down the moon
let the people say little or much
there is a thorn bush in our cale yard
at the back o'thorn bush there lays a lad and lass
and they're busy busy fairing at the cuckoo's nest
hi the cuckoo, ho the cuckoo, hi the cuckoo's nest
i'd give anybody a shilling and a bottle of the best
that'll rumple up the feathers in the cuckoo's nest
it is thorn and it is prickle, it is compassed all around
it is thorn and it is prickle, and it isn't easy found
she said, “young man you blunder”, and i said it isn't true
and i left her with the makings of a young cuckoo
hi the cuckoo, ho the cuckoo, hi the cuckoo's nest
i'd give anybody a shilling and a bottle of the best
Don’t be afraid when you hear the ringing bell
It’s a sign from God that you are through
It’s time for us to take control of what we do
It’s time for you to know your fears
And life just goes on
In its simple way
I don’t know what to do
When it stops… the pain!
It’s filling me with joy and happiness
Around me there is nothing less
than lust to pull it through
Life itself can make it possible
To fake it so damn horrible
than things that should not do
It’s time to see that you are just a mirror
A twisted shadow of our lives
You seek again for the unholy sacred year
Evil should burn your soul within
And life just goes on
In its simple way
I don’t know what to do
When it stops… the pain!
It’s filling me with joy and happiness
Around me there is nothing less
than lust to pull it through
Life itself can make it possible
To fake it so damn horrible
than things that should not do
It’s filling me with joy and happiness
Around me there is nothing less
than lust to pull it through
Life itself can make it possible
To fake it so damn horrible
It’s a time of ending era
With prosper in the land
A time to make a profit
A vision to be said
It’s a starting revolution
Rising of the dead
Falling of a power…
A power you once had
Evil lies upon the dark of lasting age
Truth of sorrow and illusions still remain
How can you steal when your soul cannot be healed?
A broken truth, a slap of pain is waiting near
Terror makes it so much easier
The choice is in your hands
To leave it out there standing
Or join in the game
Thousands asking for salvation
Victims of despair
Hunted like a cattle
Decayed by vicious men
How can you steal when your soul cannot be healed?
A broken truth, a slap of pain is waiting near
You’re on your own but your heart becomes a stone
Lost your soul, lost the will for eternity
How can you steal when your soul cannot be healed?
A broken truth, a slap of pain is waiting near
You’re on your own but your heart becomes a stone
A voice from the past
Whispers in my ear again
Almost forgot
It doesn’t sound the same
I’m walking alone
Chasing dreams across the land
I’m almost there
It is almost in my hand
I’m no longer afraid to face the truth
I am the master of my fate
I will regain my youth
This part of the road
is part of the rest of the crowd
But I’m still not alone
The whisper is getting loud
A scream in my head
Echoes in the silent night
I am in bed
But my brain is in a fight
Running Around
The truth is hard but there is no escape
Having to accept, to consolidate
I’m scared no more of my fate
I know which way to go
I’m gonna beat the hate
They took the wrong turn
I can see it from above
But I’m still not alone
The whisper is getting loud
אין לי חשש (I have no fear)
אין לי גורל (I have no fate)
אין לי חשש (I have no fear)
גם בלי מזל (Even without luck)
It’s time to refresh
It’s time to cross
It’s time to face the real
Forget about the lost
It’s time to regain control
It’s time to ignore the lies
It’s time to open your eyes
This part of the road
is part of the rest of the crowd
But I’m still not alone