Michael Dunn "Arrow logic, relevance logic, and relation algebras"
Computational Logic: A 70th Birthday Celebration Honoring Melvin Fitting....
published: 19 Nov 2012
author: Yegor Bryukhov
Michael Dunn "Arrow logic, relevance logic, and relation algebras"
Michael Dunn "Arrow logic, relevance logic, and relation algebras"
Computational Logic: A 70th Birthday Celebration Honoring Melvin Fitting.- published: 19 Nov 2012
- views: 90
- author: Yegor Bryukhov
Michael Dunn: "Logic, Information, and Computation"
Presented Oct. 9, 2013, in the Info-Metrics Seminar Series at American University in Washi...
published: 22 Oct 2013
Michael Dunn: "Logic, Information, and Computation"
Michael Dunn: "Logic, Information, and Computation"
Presented Oct. 9, 2013, in the Info-Metrics Seminar Series at American University in Washington, DC. http://www.american.edu/cas/economics/info-metrics/ Abstract: The development of the concept of information is traced from Plato to the Port-Royal Logic, on through Mill, Boole, Frege, Carnap, Bar-Hillel, Montague, Kripke, Shannon, and I relate it to algebraic representations of Stone, Priestley, myself, and others. I finish by introducing the concept of an information frame, generalizing the Routley-Meyer ternary frame semantics for relevance logic, and show how it can be employed to model the static and dynamic aspects of information (information as data, information as program) and hence model combinatory logic, relation algebras, and some other logics of interest to computer science. The talk is an updated version of my paper "The Concept of Information and the Development of Modern Logic," in Non-classical Approaches in the Transition from Traditional to Modern Logic, ed. W. Stelzner, de Gruyter, 2001.- published: 22 Oct 2013
- views: 7
A Crash Course in Formal Logic Pt 4a-b Fallacies of Relevance
In this first of three videos on fallacies I discuss Fallacies of Relevance including the ...
published: 05 Jul 2013
author: PhilHelper
A Crash Course in Formal Logic Pt 4a-b Fallacies of Relevance
A Crash Course in Formal Logic Pt 4a-b Fallacies of Relevance
In this first of three videos on fallacies I discuss Fallacies of Relevance including the appeal to force, pity and others. I also explain the distinction be...- published: 05 Jul 2013
- views: 15
- author: PhilHelper
[FREE PDF] Three Views of Logic: Mathematics, Philosophy, and Computer Science
Download Link : http://www.rarshare.com/three-views-of-logic-mathematics-philosophy-and-co...
published: 13 Jan 2014
[FREE PDF] Three Views of Logic: Mathematics, Philosophy, and Computer Science
[FREE PDF] Three Views of Logic: Mathematics, Philosophy, and Computer Science
Download Link : http://www.rarshare.com/three-views-of-logic-mathematics-philosophy-and-computer-science-by-donald-w-loveland-pdf/ Three Views of Logic: Mathematics, Philosophy, and Computer Science by Donald W. Loveland [PDF] Book Description Publisher: Princeton University Press (January 26, 2014) Demonstrating the different roles that logic plays in the disciplines of computer science, mathematics, and philosophy, this concise undergraduate textbook covers select topics from three different areas of logic: proof theory, computability theory, and nonclassical logic. The book balances accessibility, breadth, and rigor, and is designed so that its materials will fit into a single semester. Its distinctive presentation of traditional logic material will enhance readers' capabilities and mathematical maturity. The proof theory portion presents classical propositional logic and first-order logic using a computer-oriented (resolution) formal system. Linear resolution and its connection to the programming language Prolog are also treated. The computability component offers a machine model and mathematical model for computation, proves the equivalence of the two approaches, and includes famous decision problems unsolvable by an algorithm. The section on nonclassical logic discusses the shortcomings of classical logic in its treatment of implication and an alternate approach that improves upon it: Anderson and Belnap's relevance logic. Applications are included in each section. The material on a four-valued semantics for relevance logic is presented in textbook form for the first time. Aimed at upper-level undergraduates of moderate analytical background, Three Views of Logic will be useful in a variety of classroom settings.- published: 13 Jan 2014
- views: 4
Zaitsev D. Vasiliev-style Propositions in Relevance (syllogistic) Logic
Zaitsev D. Vasiliev-style Propositions in Relevance (syllogistic) Logic International Work...
published: 26 Oct 2012
author: Виктор Горбатов
Zaitsev D. Vasiliev-style Propositions in Relevance (syllogistic) Logic
Zaitsev D. Vasiliev-style Propositions in Relevance (syllogistic) Logic
Zaitsev D. Vasiliev-style Propositions in Relevance (syllogistic) Logic International Workshop "Nikolai Vasiliev's Logical Legacy and the Modern Logic" (24-2...- published: 26 Oct 2012
- views: 61
- author: Виктор Горбатов
Relevance- Legendary(Logic- Walk On By remix) video
link to my other channel: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_VEuLmQyLunJWUAgKynbxQ
published: 06 Nov 2013
Relevance- Legendary(Logic- Walk On By remix) video
Relevance- Legendary(Logic- Walk On By remix) video
link to my other channel: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_VEuLmQyLunJWUAgKynbxQ facebook:https://www.facebook.com/isaiah.williams.73932 sorry for the bad quality of the video, but its the best i can do for now. but leave a like, comment, or subscribe- published: 06 Nov 2013
- views: 66
Part 1: New Logic of Marketing Relevance
The organization's relevance in the new world of interactive social media marketing is dis...
published: 15 Jun 2011
author: John Heinrichs
Part 1: New Logic of Marketing Relevance
Part 1: New Logic of Marketing Relevance
The organization's relevance in the new world of interactive social media marketing is discussed. Marketing in digital time requires a rapid response as well...- published: 15 Jun 2011
- views: 46
- author: John Heinrichs
Patrick Blackburn "Building Character with Hybrid Logic"
Computational Logic: A 70th Birthday Celebration Honoring Melvin Fitting....
published: 20 Nov 2012
author: Yegor Bryukhov
Patrick Blackburn "Building Character with Hybrid Logic"
Patrick Blackburn "Building Character with Hybrid Logic"
Computational Logic: A 70th Birthday Celebration Honoring Melvin Fitting.- published: 20 Nov 2012
- views: 92
- author: Yegor Bryukhov
The History and Power of Logic
Philosophy Project by Zuleika, Vanessa, Karoulin....
published: 29 Apr 2013
author: Zuleika Rodriguez
The History and Power of Logic
The History and Power of Logic
Philosophy Project by Zuleika, Vanessa, Karoulin.- published: 29 Apr 2013
- views: 22
- author: Zuleika Rodriguez
Discourse on the Logic of Language.avi
published: 18 Nov 2011
author: Parmida Jamali
Discourse on the Logic of Language.avi
Vladimir Lifschitz "What answer set solvers tell us about the semantics of logic programs"
Computational Logic: A 70th Birthday Celebration Honoring Melvin Fitting....
published: 21 Nov 2012
author: Yegor Bryukhov
Vladimir Lifschitz "What answer set solvers tell us about the semantics of logic programs"
Vladimir Lifschitz "What answer set solvers tell us about the semantics of logic programs"
Computational Logic: A 70th Birthday Celebration Honoring Melvin Fitting.- published: 21 Nov 2012
- views: 75
- author: Yegor Bryukhov
LSAT Logical Reasoning Question Types l Kaplan Test Prep
This video teaches you how to break down the different types of questions from the Logical...
published: 31 Oct 2011
author: kaplanlsat
LSAT Logical Reasoning Question Types l Kaplan Test Prep
LSAT Logical Reasoning Question Types l Kaplan Test Prep
This video teaches you how to break down the different types of questions from the Logical Reasoning Section of the LSAT. The LSAT has two Logical Reasoning ...- published: 31 Oct 2011
- views: 3591
- author: kaplanlsat
Youtube results:
Radiant Logic - Defining Identity And Giving It Context, Too with Dieter Schuller
You may know the identity of someone when they come to your web site, but how do you provi...
published: 03 Feb 2011
author: radiantlogic
Radiant Logic - Defining Identity And Giving It Context, Too with Dieter Schuller
Radiant Logic - Defining Identity And Giving It Context, Too with Dieter Schuller
You may know the identity of someone when they come to your web site, but how do you provide a level of context and relevance when the information about the ...- published: 03 Feb 2011
- views: 167
- author: radiantlogic
Bytecode Assembler in Core.Logic 1
This is a quick overview of some work I've been doing in core.logic (Clojure) lately. This...
published: 13 Dec 2012
author: Timothy Baldridge
Bytecode Assembler in Core.Logic 1
Bytecode Assembler in Core.Logic 1
This is a quick overview of some work I've been doing in core.logic (Clojure) lately. This shows how to do encoding of a basic AST into a data format that co...- published: 13 Dec 2012
- views: 626
- author: Timothy Baldridge
Logic and Fallacies
Here's a long boring video on Logic! Fallacies are Listening tools, not arguing tools! Ad ...
published: 03 Aug 2013
author: Ben Joiner
Logic and Fallacies
Logic and Fallacies
Here's a long boring video on Logic! Fallacies are Listening tools, not arguing tools! Ad Hominem, Slippery Slope, Begging the Question, False Dilemma, Non-C...- published: 03 Aug 2013
- views: 12
- author: Ben Joiner
[FREE PDF] Logic in Games by Johan van van Benthem [PDF]
Download Link : http://www.rarshare.com/logic-in-games-by-johan-van-van-benthem-pdf/
published: 15 Jan 2014
[FREE PDF] Logic in Games by Johan van van Benthem [PDF]
[FREE PDF] Logic in Games by Johan van van Benthem [PDF]
Download Link : http://www.rarshare.com/logic-in-games-by-johan-van-van-benthem-pdf/ Logic in Games by Johan van van Benthem [PDF] Book Description Publisher: The MIT Press (January 24, 2014) This book draws on ideas from philosophical logic, computational logic, multi-agent systems, and game theory to offer a comprehensive account of logic and games viewed in two complementary ways. It examines the logic of games: the development of sophisticated modern dynamic logics that model information flow, communication, and interactive structures in games. It also examines logic as games: the idea that logical activities of reasoning and many related tasks can be viewed in the form of games. In doing so, the book takes up the "intelligent interaction" of agents engaging in competitive or cooperative activities and examines the patterns of strategic behavior that arise. It develops modern logical systems that can analyze information-driven changes in players' knowledge and beliefs, and introduces the "Theory of Play" that emerges from the combination of logic and game theory. This results in a new view of logic itself as an interactive rational activity based on reasoning, perception, and communication that has particular relevance for games. Logic in Games, based on a course taught by the author at Stanford University, the University of Amsterdam, and elsewhere, can be used in advanced seminars and as a resource for researchers.- published: 15 Jan 2014
- views: 1