= Yo yo' identity revealed, fo' yo' viewing pleasure , wOrd!
- Duration: 2:01
- Updated: 31 Jan 2015
I am a 'Quantum Cybernetic Physicist' by education, and professionally for various aerospace companies, and the military. I have specialized skills in A.I., Coherent Optical Computing, Robotics, Bose-Einstein Condensates, Cryogenics, Electronics, Medical Diagnostics, Holography, Remote Sensing, High Energy Plasma, Lasers, and 20 other technologies. I've read 2500+ books on these, and more 'organic' subjects. B.S., M.S., Ph.D.
Some of my research includes: adaptive systems, anglo-american feminism, aluminum oxynitride, animal rights, arthur rimbaud, arthur schopenhauer, artificial intelligence, artificial un-intelligence ; ), artificial life, automation, bastardization, beigbeder, biodiversity, biogeography, biological cybernetics, biomedical engineering, bioregionalism, bohem, bose-einstein, bukowski, bush, bruno latour, camus, carl jung, charles baudelaire, chekhov, child genius,child rearing, children & ecology, christiodogmatics, chromodynamics, chunang-tzu, complexity theory, complex systems, confucius, connectionism, constitutional law, control systems, cryogenics, dante alighieri, decision support systems, decision theory, deep ecology, dostoyevsky, duma, dylan thomas, dynamical systems, ecocriticism, eco ethics, ecofeminism, eco justice, eco law, ecology, eco psychology, eco terrorism, ee cummings, egalitarianism sucks!, endurance aerobics, energy, energy alternatives, energy gluttony, engineering, engineering cybernetics, environmentalism, environmental terrorism, erich fromm, eta hoffman, feminism, feministic chauvinism, feminist terrorism, feynman, frank bidart, franz kafka, friedrich nietzsche, fusor, g.b. shaw, game theory, gender, generation, genetics, genius as a good thing to be!, georgy porgy puddin' and pie, globalization, global warming, god, goddess traditions, green revolution, h. d. thoreau, h.g. wells,hamsun, harmonic analysis, hawking, health, heinrich heine, henry miller, herman hesse, high altitude climbing, holography, homer, houellebecq, hunger, huxley, hydroponics, i.q, immanuel kant, information theory, intelligence amplification, iris murdoch, isac asimov, islamic genocidal edict, j.w.von goethe, james joyce, john fante, john keats, jonathan safran foer, jose saramago, jospeh conrad, julian barnes, kafka, kerouac, kundera, kurt vonnegut, learning organizations, linguistics and metas, logocentrism, lord byron, magnetohydrodynamics, management science, mann, mark twain, marquez, the maslowian travesty of misappropriated priorities, maternal predilective violence, mathematical systems, medical cybernetics, melville, milan kundera, motocross, myth of culture, nabokov, natural history, natural superiority and arrogance vs. god, nature photography, nature writing, near net shaping, negative feedback, network theory (diktyology), neutron generator, noam chomsky, operations research, organizational cybernetics, orwell, pablo neruda, paleoecology, pantheism, paragliding, parents rights, particle acceleration, patriarchy, patrick suskind, percy bysshe shelley, permaculture, ph.d., phallogocentrism, physics, piezoelectrics, plasma physics, plato, pollution, polymers, porsche, project cybersyn, proust, psychocybernetics, quantum cybernetics, quantum mechanics, queer theories, r.m. rilke, r.w. emerson, racism, radical ecology, richard brautigan, s.t. coleridge, sagan, salinger, sartre, second-order cybernetics, semiotic information theory, semiotics, sexuality, simulation, social ecology, sociocybernetics, sorren kierkegaard, spatial frequency modulation, spinoza, stendhal, steinbeck, supreme court, sustainability environmental, sustainable dev, sustainable energy, synergetics, systems biology, systems engineering, systems theory, ecriture feminine (when it isn't uber feminist frankly), t.s.eliot, tea, teleological mechanisms, tennyson, theory, trail running, transverse pumped gas dynamic x-ray laser, ultralights, unconditional love, veganism, vegetarianism, violence,virgil, voltaire, w.b. yeats, w.wordsworth, walt whitman, WAR!, war & military, warm forming, waste & toxins, white ink, wicca, wilderness, wildness, william burroughs, william shakespeare, wislawa szymborska, xenophobicism, and zoolatracistics.
I am a 'Quantum Cybernetic Physicist' by education, and professionally for various aerospace companies, and the military. I have specialized skills in A.I., Coherent Optical Computing, Robotics, Bose-Einstein Condensates, Cryogenics, Electronics, Medical Diagnostics, Holography, Remote Sensing, High Energy Plasma, Lasers, and 20 other technologies. I've read 2500+ books on these, and more 'organic' subjects. B.S., M.S., Ph.D.
Some of my research includes: adaptive systems, anglo-american feminism, aluminum oxynitride, animal rights, arthur rimbaud, arthur schopenhauer, artificial intelligence, artificial un-intelligence ; ), artificial life, automation, bastardization, beigbeder, biodiversity, biogeography, biological cybernetics, biomedical engineering, bioregionalism, bohem, bose-einstein, bukowski, bush, bruno latour, camus, carl jung, charles baudelaire, chekhov, child genius,child rearing, children & ecology, christiodogmatics, chromodynamics, chunang-tzu, complexity theory, complex systems, confucius, connectionism, constitutional law, control systems, cryogenics, dante alighieri, decision support systems, decision theory, deep ecology, dostoyevsky, duma, dylan thomas, dynamical systems, ecocriticism, eco ethics, ecofeminism, eco justice, eco law, ecology, eco psychology, eco terrorism, ee cummings, egalitarianism sucks!, endurance aerobics, energy, energy alternatives, energy gluttony, engineering, engineering cybernetics, environmentalism, environmental terrorism, erich fromm, eta hoffman, feminism, feministic chauvinism, feminist terrorism, feynman, frank bidart, franz kafka, friedrich nietzsche, fusor, g.b. shaw, game theory, gender, generation, genetics, genius as a good thing to be!, georgy porgy puddin' and pie, globalization, global warming, god, goddess traditions, green revolution, h. d. thoreau, h.g. wells,hamsun, harmonic analysis, hawking, health, heinrich heine, henry miller, herman hesse, high altitude climbing, holography, homer, houellebecq, hunger, huxley, hydroponics, i.q, immanuel kant, information theory, intelligence amplification, iris murdoch, isac asimov, islamic genocidal edict, j.w.von goethe, james joyce, john fante, john keats, jonathan safran foer, jose saramago, jospeh conrad, julian barnes, kafka, kerouac, kundera, kurt vonnegut, learning organizations, linguistics and metas, logocentrism, lord byron, magnetohydrodynamics, management science, mann, mark twain, marquez, the maslowian travesty of misappropriated priorities, maternal predilective violence, mathematical systems, medical cybernetics, melville, milan kundera, motocross, myth of culture, nabokov, natural history, natural superiority and arrogance vs. god, nature photography, nature writing, near net shaping, negative feedback, network theory (diktyology), neutron generator, noam chomsky, operations research, organizational cybernetics, orwell, pablo neruda, paleoecology, pantheism, paragliding, parents rights, particle acceleration, patriarchy, patrick suskind, percy bysshe shelley, permaculture, ph.d., phallogocentrism, physics, piezoelectrics, plasma physics, plato, pollution, polymers, porsche, project cybersyn, proust, psychocybernetics, quantum cybernetics, quantum mechanics, queer theories, r.m. rilke, r.w. emerson, racism, radical ecology, richard brautigan, s.t. coleridge, sagan, salinger, sartre, second-order cybernetics, semiotic information theory, semiotics, sexuality, simulation, social ecology, sociocybernetics, sorren kierkegaard, spatial frequency modulation, spinoza, stendhal, steinbeck, supreme court, sustainability environmental, sustainable dev, sustainable energy, synergetics, systems biology, systems engineering, systems theory, ecriture feminine (when it isn't uber feminist frankly), t.s.eliot, tea, teleological mechanisms, tennyson, theory, trail running, transverse pumped gas dynamic x-ray laser, ultralights, unconditional love, veganism, vegetarianism, violence,virgil, voltaire, w.b. yeats, w.wordsworth, walt whitman, WAR!, war & military, warm forming, waste & toxins, white ink, wicca, wilderness, wildness, william burroughs, william shakespeare, wislawa szymborska, xenophobicism, and zoolatracistics.
- published: 31 Jan 2015
- views: 22