This site, created in 1998, provides photos, lyrics, discographies, and other information on the UK punk rock bands that existed from 1980-1984. This site popularized the term "UK82" (taken from an Exploited song), but was never meant to define a genre. Bands of this period did not consider themselves to be "UK82" - they were simply the punk rock bands of this time and place, who happened to play music that was raw, simple, and pure.

This site does not include all bands from that era, not through deliberate omission, but due to a lack of content (and time to format and post it). If you want to help this site, please view the want list page for content that I'd like to add to the site.


January 14, 2013:

I am selling badges on eBay. Click here to see my listings.

I am also open to trading.

January 13, 2013:

Fixed the link on the Skroteez page for The Pish Between Two Shittys

Also, I shut down UK82 Radio a few weeks ago, as no one seemed to be listening to it.

November 25, 2011:

Added a fanzine article to the Attak page.

November 19, 2011:

Added new content to the Violators page.

November 8, 2011:

Corrected 2 errors in the lyrics to "Live Fast Die Young" on the Violators page.

November 1, 2011:

Added several songs to the UK82 Radio playlist.

Also made some revisions/additions to the links page.

June 4, 2011:

Partisans page added.
Defects page added.

Added additional photos and lyrics to the Threats page.

You can contact me via the form on the contact page.




band photo: public disgrace

demolition blues photo



