Amenhotep III (sometimes read as Amenophis III; Egyptian Amāna-Ḥātpa; meaning Amun is Satisfied) also known as Amenhotep the Magnificent was the ninth pharaoh of the Eighteenth dynasty. According to different authors, he ruled Egypt from June 1386 to 1349 BC or June 1388 BC to December 1351 BC/1350 BC after his father Thutmose IV died. Amenhotep III was the son of Thutmose by Mutemwiya, a minor wife of Amenhotep's father.
His reign was a period of unprecedented prosperity and artistic splendour, when Egypt reached the peak of her artistic and international power. When he died (probably in the 39th year of his reign), his son initially ruled as Amenhotep IV, but later changed his own royal name to Akhenaten.
The son of the future Thutmose IV (the son of Amenhotep II) and a minor wife Mutemwiya, Amenhotep was born around 1388 BC. He was a member of the Thutmosid family that had ruled Egypt for almost 150 years since the reign of Thutmose I.
Amenhotep III was the father of two sons with his Great Royal Wife Tiye, a queen who could be considered as the progenitor of monotheism[dead link] through her first son, Crown Prince Thutmose, who predeceased his father, and her second son, Amenhotep IV, later known as Akhenaten, who ultimately succeeded Amenhotep III to the throne. Amenhotep III also may have been the father of a third child—called Smenkhkare, who later would succeed Akhenaten, briefly rule Egypt as pharaoh, and who is thought to have been a woman.
Philip Glass (born January 31, 1937) is an American composer. One of the highest profile composers writing "classical" music today, he is often said to be one of the most influential composers of the late 20th century. His music is also often controversially described as minimalist, along with the work of the other "major minimalists" La Monte Young, Terry Riley and Steve Reich.
He has lately distanced himself from the "minimalist" label, describing himself instead as a composer of "music with repetitive structures." Though his early mature music shares much with what is normally called "minimalist", he has since evolved stylistically. Currently, he describes himself as a "Classicist", pointing out that he is trained in harmony and counterpoint and studied such composers as Franz Schubert, Johann Sebastian Bach and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart with Nadia Boulanger.
Glass is a prolific composer: he has written works for the musical group which he founded, the Philip Glass Ensemble (with which he still performs on keyboards), as well as operas, musical theatre works, ten symphonies, eleven concertos, solo works, chamber music including string quartets and instrumental sonatas, and film scores. Three of his film scores have been nominated for Academy Awards.
Ancient Egypt's Golden Empire Part 3 The Last Great Pharaoh
Solomon is Amenhotep III 3:09 sec
Akhnaten - Funeral of Amenhotep III
WHAAAAAT! Pharaoh of Moses Exodus Amenhotep III Rises Again in Egypt! ** Bible Prophecy**
Saving The Temple of Amenhotep III at Thebes (ft Dr. Hourig Sourouzian)
Amenhotep III returns
(11) L'Egypte des Pharaons - Les grands Pharaons, d'Amenhotep III à Séthi 1er
Arqueólogos egipcios restauran esplendor de Amenhotep III
Amenhotep III Documentary
Amenhotep III, The Bible & Solomon
Philip Glass - Funeral Of Amenhotep III
Off The Wall: Amenhotep III
Philip Glass - Cello Octet Conjunto Ibérico - 11 Funeral of Amenhotep III
King Amenhotep III's Legacy, Eygpt by
Narrator: In those days, the first everything was crawling up out of the sea: the first snake. [snake walks out of the pond] The first chicken. [chicken rises, then shakes itself off and walks away] Crab grass. [grass crawls away from the pond] The first real estate salesman. [salesman rises, then empties his briefcase of the water, while Garfield builds a sand castle] And then came the first girl cat.
Garfield: Life No. 5 was short.::Cameraman: Hey, cat, you're wanted on the set.::Garfield: I'll be right back.
Jon: [lamely] You called, master?::Garfield: Ain't life great?::Jon: I assume you would like to have lunch now.::Garfield: Yes, and I desire a picnic on the lawn.::Jon: You want what?::Garfield: [pointing to his lips] Read my lips, Jon, I wanna eat outside today.::Jon: [leaving] Very well, sir.::Garfield: It's hard to find good help.
Garfield: [as the pyramid builders grovel before him] Did I ever tell you I love it when you grovel? Okay, okay, enough adoration. Back to work! [cracks his whip as the builders rush back to building the pyramids]
Creator: Nice job staff. You've designed the perfect animal: a cat. However, there is one finishing touch... give it nine lives!::[all exclaim]::Man: Why nine lives?::Woman: Everyone else only gets one life!::Creator: Well, let's just say it'll make for a great plot of a story, okay?
Garfield: I'd like to think I'll live forever, but hey, I'm only human. Here's a sneak preview of my ninth life.
Creator: I feel like creating cat today.
Garfield's Mom: [to the cook] You can't take him! He's too young.::Garfield: Aw, come on Mom, I'm a big boy; I'm five minutes old now. Besides, I'm getting tired of hanging around the house all the time.
Garfield: To this day, every time I look at a test tube, I throw up.
Garfield: My third life was my favorite. My body grew old, but I never, never, never grew up.
Ancient Egypt's Golden Empire Part 3 The Last Great Pharaoh
Solomon is Amenhotep III 3:09 sec
Akhnaten - Funeral of Amenhotep III
WHAAAAAT! Pharaoh of Moses Exodus Amenhotep III Rises Again in Egypt! ** Bible Prophecy**
Saving The Temple of Amenhotep III at Thebes (ft Dr. Hourig Sourouzian)
Amenhotep III returns
(11) L'Egypte des Pharaons - Les grands Pharaons, d'Amenhotep III à Séthi 1er
Arqueólogos egipcios restauran esplendor de Amenhotep III
Amenhotep III Documentary
Amenhotep III, The Bible & Solomon
Philip Glass - Funeral Of Amenhotep III
Off The Wall: Amenhotep III
Philip Glass - Cello Octet Conjunto Ibérico - 11 Funeral of Amenhotep III
King Amenhotep III's Legacy, Eygpt by
Philip Glass - Akhnaten (Act I, Scene I: Funeral of Amenhotep III) (1983)
Pharaoh Amenhotep III Statue Raised Again in Over 3,000 Years!
Mystery of the Ascension 4 - Amenhotep III and Temple of Luxor
Deux colosses d'Amenhotep III dévoilés en Egypte
EGYPT 274 - EGYPTIAN MUMMIES II - II المومياوات المصرية - (by Egyptahotep)
WOW! Ancient Egyptian Tomb Of Amenhotep Discovered In Luxor
Corregencia entre Amenhotep III y Amenhotep IV: estado de la cuestión
The Temple Of Amenhotep III At Soleb, N. Sudan
Amenhotep IV (Akhenaten), Tutankhamun, Ay and Seti I 3/3
Archaeology and the Bible
Ancient Egypt and its Shadowy Past
YHWH the True name of God
Egypt 2 5 Amenhotep to Ikhnaton
THE BIBLE - 14 Century BC Evidence - "The Shasu Of YHWH" Egypt Soleb Temple Amenhotep III
The Great Egyptian Mortals Amenhotep and Imhotep
Fresque d'Amenophis, fils de Hapou, Le plus vieux format texte de la Bible
Preview on When Egypt Ruled the East
Ailey II in The External Knot
Ancient Precision Technology at Serapeum of Saqqara
Dancing at Amenhotep's Funeral (New and Improved)
King Tut: More European Than Egyptian?
BRAFA 2015 - Galerie Harmahkis
Philip Glass - Cello Octet Conjunto Ibérico - 05 The Secret Agent
NASA | Taking on Titan: An Interview with Carrie Anderson
Genocide On Ethiopians Bete Israel.
Serapeum, Sakkara , Egypt. 2012
EGYPT 453 - WHITE CHAPEL of SENUSRET I - (by Egyptahotep)
Egypt - Living in the past
Archaeologist Finds Israel: In The Merneptah Stele Egyptian Text