- published: 30 Jul 2015
- views: 38684
DearS (ディアーズ, Diāzu) is a Japanese manga series co-written and illustrated by Banri Sendo and Shibuko Ebara, credited under their pen name Peach-Pit. It was serialized monthly by MediaWorks in their magazine Dengeki Comic Gao! from March 2002 to December 17, 2005 and was later published into a ten volume set by the company. The manga was licensed and translated into English by Tokyopop. A 13-episode anime was adapted by MSJ and a PlayStation 2 video game was produced by MediaWorks.
Exactly one year prior to the beginning of DearS, humanity made unprecedented contact with extraterrestrial life. Forced to crash land into Tokyo Bay when, en route to their home planet of Thanatos, their spacecraft breaks down, 150 humanoid aliens are naturalized into Japanese society and affectionately nicknamed "DearS"; a portmanteau of the words "Dear" and "Friends".
Takeya Ikuhara is a temperamental seventeen-year-old Japanese student attending the fictitious Koharu High School with a strong prejudice against the DearS. Due to a childhood scare, he believes that the aliens are fake, worthless beings that have generated nationwide overhype and are secretly plotting to take control of Earth.
Dears episode 1
DearS alle Folgen Deutsch
DearS _ Folge 1_ (Ger Dub)
DearS capitulo 1 sub español completo
DearS Folge 2 Der Einkaufsbummel
DearS - Ren Knows All [ClipDub]
DearS Episode 2 English Dubbed
Anime Analysis - DearS (Commentary)
Dears episode 01 Sub indo
Dears Opening+Ending
Irgendwann in der Zukunft: Außerirdische leben mitten unter uns. Sie sind wunderschöne Wesen und heißen DearS. Damit sie die Gebräuche und Gewohnheiten der Menschen besser erlernen, werden sie auf zufällig ausgewählte Schulen geschickt. Als der junge Takeya einer DearS auf seiner Schule begegnet und sie vorläufig bei sich aufnimmt, geht die Geschichte eigentlich erst richtig los: Ren, die DearS, ist komplett hilflos und kann weder Japanisch noch kennt sie die Angewohnheiten der Menschen. Also muss Takeya sie in die Grundlagen des Menschlichseins einweisen, nutzt ihre Hilflosigkeit aber auch aus. Von Ren erfährt er, dass die Aliens auf der Erde notlanden mussten und deshalb versuchen, sich in die Gesellschaft zu integrieren. Zwischen Ren und Takeya wächst eine merkwürdige, aber lustige Bezi...
-DearS capitulo 1-
Takeya: JonFawkes Ren: AegisHikaru DearS is owned by Geneon Entertainment and Chiba TV.
Anime Episode : Dears Episode 2 English Dubbed channel : Oranjiyo.com ...................... ........................... ............................... Title: DearS Year: 2004 Status: COMPLETED Genres: Comedy, Ecchi, Harem, Romance, Sci-Fi Description: Ikuhara Takeya is a high school student living a normal life. He is not interested in the commotion around a UFO filled with beautiful alien females that crashed on earth a year ago. The aliens, known as DearS, are deciding to take permanent residence on earth. What no one knows is that these aliens are a slave species whose sole purpose is to serve and please their masters. One day, Takeya spots a person shivering behind some bushes. This person, Ren, is one of the DearS, and after being saved by Takeya she chooses him as her master. Take...
I'm not sure how well this one turned out. Well, you guys can be the judge of it. This anime was...awful. Just awful. Then again, that's made pretty clear in the video.
Dears官方網站: Dears(Dewi & 小安) https://www.facebook.com/alfadears Dewi https://www.facebook.com/LoveDewiChien 小安 https://www.facebook.com/DabeChen2013 _________________________________________________ 數位下載 ♪♪ ♬ iTunes → http://goo.gl/GwcJNT ♬ KKBOX → http://goo.gl/ACJqvN ♬ myMusic → http://goo.gl/BO7ZCF ♬ omusic → http://goo.gl/ctGgSE _________________________________________________ 阿爾發音樂傾力培植 全新雙人女子團體【Dears】 無懼天王天后強勢夾攻 國民妹妹 Dears 暑季清新降溫 療癒華語樂壇 沒有過多矯飾的歌聲技巧 沒有強迫掩藏的清新互動 沒有刻意浮誇的舞台表現 沒有強烈意欲的天然純真 天然糖蜜【Dears】甜浸全台 鄰家女孩的親和氣質 讓人忍不住開口叫親愛的妹妹~ 渾然天成 國民妹妹 首張【Dears】同名寫真EP 2014/08/16 ★★ 清新哼唱 ★★ Dears暖身主打推薦:My Dears 完全裸露真實面貌 國民妹妹Dears 驗明正身的ID之歌 這是一首完全屬於國民妹妹Dears的入門歌,也是最親近民心的暖身主打歌,因為唱片公司為了讓這兩位妹妹的首張EP歌曲更貼近市場喜好,曾在發片前舉辦私密粉絲選歌會,【My Dears】成為所有粉絲熱愛首選的第一主打歌曲!也因此讓唱片公司在發片幾周決定大逆轉的所有主打歌順序,讓這首原本安排在後短宣傳才曝光的【My ...
Dears官方網站: Dears(Dewi & 小安) https://www.facebook.com/alfadears Dewi https://www.facebook.com/LoveDewiChien 小安 https://www.facebook.com/DabeChen2013 _________________________________________________ DEARS 2016年元氣見面禮【Say Yes】寫真EP 144頁尺度大躍進全彩寫真書 x 3首披露青澀少女情懷EP 帶你零距離貼近DEARS的日常生活私密心情❣ 首刷隨書贈【DEARS寫真明信片組(一組三張)】,數量有限,送完為止! 博客來79折預購中 ▶ http://goo.gl/HyL6iF 數位下載 ♪♪ iTunes ▶https://goo.gl/TLRUxz Spotify ▶https://goo.gl/ANOfdr KKBOX ▶ https://goo.gl/i1Riy7 myMusic ▶ http://goo.gl/bMlhcj Omusic ▶ http://goo.gl/LqH1aK 愛我就要勇敢說出來~ 你猜我Say Yes,還是會Say No? 國民妹妹DEARS的甜蜜心事 等你來解開 國民妹妹「DEARS」2016年首支單曲「Say Yes」,兩位元氣女孩用開朗樂觀的青春氣息,向所有等待她們已久的歌迷朋友大聲問候! Say Yes 詞:林理惠 曲:張傑 看著鏡頭 自拍棒開始和我進行 捕與捉的揮動 按下心中的快門就像 慢動作重播 傳送了顏文字笑容 你神回我say yes or no 你猜我say yes 還是會say no 我的心踩著飛輪轉動 有點想say yes 又猶豫say no 加速心跳 一起暖身...
簡廷芮Dewi 粉絲專頁https://www.facebook.com/LoveDewiChien 安婕希DabeChen 粉絲專頁https://www.facebook.com/DabeChen2013 Dears粉絲專頁https://www.facebook.com/alfadears/ 影片版權歸中天電視所有
Dears官方網站: Dears(Dewi & 小安) https://www.facebook.com/alfadears Dewi https://www.facebook.com/LoveDewiChien 小安 https://www.facebook.com/DabeChen2013 _________________________________________________ 數位下載 ♪♪ ♬ iTunes → http://goo.gl/GwcJNT ♬ KKBOX → http://goo.gl/ACJqvN ♬ myMusic → http://goo.gl/BO7ZCF ♬ omusic → http://goo.gl/ctGgSE _________________________________________________ 阿爾發音樂傾力培植 全新雙人女子團體【Dears】 無懼天王天后強勢夾攻 國民妹妹 Dears 暑季清新降溫 療癒華語樂壇 沒有過多矯飾的歌聲技巧 沒有強迫掩藏的清新互動 沒有刻意浮誇的舞台表現 沒有強烈意欲的天然純真 天然糖蜜【Dears】甜浸全台 鄰家女孩的親和氣質 讓人忍不住開口叫親愛的妹妹~ 渾然天成 國民妹妹 首張【Dears】同名寫真EP 2014/08/16 ★★ 清新哼唱 ★★ Dears青春爛漫推薦:U N ME 小確幸的大幸福 平淡中聽見Dears和50萬粉絲的愛戀情愫 在聽過【My Dears】首波暖身主打歌後,Dears的清新少女聲線必定打動不少男孩的心,緊接著再推薦一首純正Dears風格,帶著俏皮電玩音色趣味的青春小情歌【U N ME】,這首是由南拳媽媽的古典鋼琴好手宇豪為兩位可愛妹妹量身打造的歌曲,歌詞則由新世代作詞人Mark V為她們寫下專屬於Dears才有的戀人...
Dears官方網站: Dears(Dewi & 小安) https://www.facebook.com/alfadears Dewi https://www.facebook.com/LoveDewiChien 小安 https://www.facebook.com/DabeChen2013 _________________________________________________ DEARS 2016年元氣見面禮【Say Yes】寫真EP 144頁尺度大躍進全彩寫真書 x 3首披露青澀少女情懷EP 帶你零距離貼近DEARS的日常生活私密心情❣ 首刷隨書贈【DEARS寫真明信片組(一組三張)】,數量有限,送完為止! 博客來79折預購中 ▶ http://goo.gl/HyL6iF 數位下載 ♪♪ iTunes ▶https://goo.gl/TLRUxz Spotify ▶https://goo.gl/ANOfdr KKBOX ▶ https://goo.gl/i1Riy7 myMusic ▶ http://goo.gl/bMlhcj Omusic ▶ http://goo.gl/LqH1aK 愛我就要勇敢說出來~ 你猜我Say Yes,還是會Say No? 國民妹妹DEARS的甜蜜心事 等你來解開 國民妹妹「DEARS」2016年首支單曲「Say Yes」,兩位元氣女孩用開朗樂觀的青春氣息,向所有等待她們已久的歌迷朋友大聲問候! 在這次的寫真EP中,DEARS也首度嘗試了慢板抒情歌曲,這首『也許』唱出女孩在面對愛情的不安和敏感,從無憂無慮的少女時期長大,DEARS初嘗愛情的苦澀與甜美,會受傷、會勇敢,她們誠懇地唱出屬於這個世代的純愛物語。
Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear, oh dear, oh dear, oh dear, oh dear, oh dear, oh dear, oh dear, oh dear, oh dear, oh dear, oh dear, oh dear, oh dear, oh dear, oh dear, oh dear, oh dear, oh dear, oh dear, oh dear, oh dear, oh dear, oh dear, oh dear, oh dear, oh dear, oh dear, oh dear, oh dear, oh dear, oh dear, oh fuck this. Game Link: http://store.steampowered.com/app/71113/ Nerd³ Site: http://nerdcubed.co.uk Nerd³ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/nerdcubed End theme by Dan Bull: http://www.youtube.com/user/douglby Dad³ Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/OfficialDadCubed Toy Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/Officiallynerdcubed Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/nerdcubed Twitter: https://twitter.com/Dannerdcubed Subreddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/nerdcubed Game Servers: http://nerdcubedserv...
Furitsuzuku ame no naka de
utsuroge ni sora o miageteita
kagirinaku hirogaru hate ni
jiyuu o motomeru tori no mure ga naiteita
ushinatta egao no kazu dake
kesshite uragiru koto wa dekinai no da to
nandomo sou kokoro de tsubuyaita
tatoe donna ni kizutsuite mo
dore dake kizutsuku koto ni natte mo
dareni mo boku wa tomerarenai
wazuka na hikari o mitsukereba ii
ima no taiyou ga agaranakute mo
"furidashita ame wa itsuka yamu n da ne..."
arukitsukareteita kimi wa
te no naka de kieteyuku yume o daiteita
kono inochi ga tsukita to shite mo
wasurerarenai taisetsuna koto ga aru
onaji jidai o tomo ni tatakatta koto
tatoe kono koe ga todokanakute mo
nido to ano koro ni modorenakute mo
sakebitsuzukeru boku ga iru
dore dake jidai ga nagarete mo
karada o yusaburu omoi no mama ni...
tatakaitsuzuketa akashi wa nokoru kara
daremo ga umaretekita imi o
tatoe donna ni kizutsuite mo
dore dake kizutsuku koto ni natte mo
dare ni mo boku wa tomerarenai
wazuka na hikari o mitsukereba ii
ima wa taiyou ga agarenakute mo
"furidashita ame wa itsuka yamu n da ne..."