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KGB Documentary on the Secrets of the Russian KGB Full Documentary
Sex-espionage a secret weapon of the KGB - Searching for the Truth
EX-KGB Russian Cop Fights 4 Thugs
Dysydent z KGB (2009)
Soviet KGB defector & Communist propaganda expert, predicts Obama's gameplan almost 30 years ago
Tajne pobjede KGB-a
KGB, torture and Soviet terror: why Latvia worries about today’s Russia (NATO Review)
Ликвидатор КГБ Хохлов. исповедь предателя/ Liquidator KGB
The Secret KGB Paranormal Files
Ex-agente da KGB explica tática comunista que estaria sendo aplicada no Brasil
Les dossiers secrets du KGB Documentaire Français Complet 2013
LA NUEVA KGB - CUANTA PENA (lo nuevo en vivo)
Greatest Chess Player Ever. Cold War Hero. Rebel.
Actors Damian Chapa (writer), Damian Chapa (actor), William Knight (actor), Art Roberts (actor), Damian Chapa (producer), Damian Chapa (director), Alison Lees-Taylor (actress), Carmen Perez (actress), Andray Johnson (actor), Natasha Blasick (actress), Kristoffer Kjornes (actor), Leslie Garza (actress), Leslie Garza (producer), Harwood Gordon (actor), Jesse Wang (actor),
Actors Dionicio Castellanos (actor), Charles Ashenoff (actor), Oscar Gutiérrez (actor), Juventud Guerrera (actor), Adolfo Tapia (actor), Tom Howard (actor), Rafael García (actor), Leonardo Carrera (actor), Octagon (actor), Cibernético (actor), Todd Bradford (actor), Halloween (actor), Jerry Estrada (actor), José Mercado López (actor), Leon Negro (actor),
Actors Jean Denis Römer (actor), Ingeborg Westphal (actress), Dieter Schleip (composer), Devid Striesow (actor), Axel Werner (actor), Dominik Graf (director), David Groenewold (producer), Stefan Gärtner (producer), Reiner Heise (actor), Michael Gerber (actor), Klaus Manchen (actor), Max Riemelt (actor), Jessica Schwarz (actress), Barbara Grupp (costume designer), Michael Klier (writer),
Actors Tim Rogers (writer), Tim Rogers (director), David Burke (actor), Dwight Gustafson (composer), Mary Anderson (miscellaneous crew), Dwight Gustafson (actor), Laura Stevenson (editor), John Magnuson (actor), Bob Jones Jr. (actor), Edward Panosian (actor), Robert Pratt (actor), Lonnie Polson (actor), Alice Cromley (actress), Ron Pyle (actor), Dewitt Jones (actor),
Actors Tim Rogers (writer), Tim Rogers (director), David Burke (actor), Dwight Gustafson (composer), Mary Anderson (miscellaneous crew), Dwight Gustafson (actor), Laura Stevenson (editor), John Magnuson (actor), Bob Jones Jr. (actor), Edward Panosian (actor), Robert Pratt (actor), Lonnie Polson (actor), Alice Cromley (actress), Ron Pyle (actor), Dewitt Jones (actor),
Actors Tim Rogers (writer), Tim Rogers (director), David Burke (actor), Dwight Gustafson (composer), Mary Anderson (miscellaneous crew), Dwight Gustafson (actor), Laura Stevenson (editor), John Magnuson (actor), Bob Jones Jr. (actor), Edward Panosian (actor), Robert Pratt (actor), Lonnie Polson (actor), Alice Cromley (actress), Ron Pyle (actor), Dewitt Jones (actor),
Actors Tim Rogers (writer), Tim Rogers (director), David Burke (actor), Dwight Gustafson (composer), Mary Anderson (miscellaneous crew), Dwight Gustafson (actor), Laura Stevenson (editor), John Magnuson (actor), Bob Jones Jr. (actor), Edward Panosian (actor), Robert Pratt (actor), Lonnie Polson (actor), Alice Cromley (actress), Ron Pyle (actor), Dewitt Jones (actor),
Actors Tim Rogers (writer), Tim Rogers (director), David Burke (actor), Dwight Gustafson (composer), Mary Anderson (miscellaneous crew), Dwight Gustafson (actor), Laura Stevenson (editor), John Magnuson (actor), Bob Jones Jr. (actor), Edward Panosian (actor), Robert Pratt (actor), Lonnie Polson (actor), Alice Cromley (actress), Ron Pyle (actor), Dewitt Jones (actor),
KGB Documentary on the Secrets of the Russian KGB Full Documentary Subscribe me to get newest videos: Tag to search: documentary 2014, d...
Sex-espionage a secret weapon of the KGB Subscribe to STB channel: STB: STB on Facebook:
EX-KGB Russian Cop Fights 4 Thugs at a train station in moscow.
KGB jest uznawana za jedną z największych służb specjalnych świata. Mało jest jednak relacji byłych oficerów odnośnie jej funkcjonowania. Jak pokazuje przykł...
A WARNING from ex-KGB communist defector Yuri Bezmenov from *29 YEARS AGO*, detailing the 4 stages of a Marxist-Leninist revolution and taking over a nation....
Tajne pobjede KGB-a Dokumentarni film
In this moving video, NATO Review looks inside the KGB prison where Latvians were locked up, tortured or killed. We hear how today's leading Latvians were affected by Soviet occupation. And we ask if they see echoes in today's Russian aggression. Именно из таких откровений можно найти крупицы информации о самом секретном подразделении ЧК-КГБ. Называю эго « Л», бойцы которо...
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CLICANDO EM GOSTEI, VOCÊ AJUDA A DIVULGAR. INSCREVA-SE PARA FAZER PARTE DO CANAL: Curta no Facebook: Ficha técnica: Direção de jornalismo: Barbosa Neto Roteiro: Fernandes Araújo Direção, edição e câmera: Caveirinha Iluminação: Marco Aurélio Tufão Operador de teleprompter: Carlos Eduardo Lima Câmera auxiliar: Renata Albuquerque Pauta: José Oliveira Produção: BDE - Brasil Digital Informação e Entretenimento Canal: Ficha Social Imagens: Disponíveis na internet
documentaire documentaire francais documentaire histoire documentaire arte documentaire animalier documentaire choc documentaire animaux sauvages documentair. Les dossiers secrets du KGB Documentaire Français Complet 2013 Les dossiers secrets du KGB Documentaire Français Complet 2013 Les dossiers secrets du KGB Doc. Ce documentaire relate des événements qui se sont produits en URSS. Vous y verrez comment l'armée russe a récupéré un engin d'origine extraterrestre ainsi qu. Les dossiers secrets du paranormal du 25-07-2012 sur Direct8. Encore plus sur : .
In dieser Sendung, die Teil einer Serie über das Spionagewesen im 20. Jahrhundert ist, konzentrieren wir uns auf das 'Komitet Gosudarstvennoi Bezopasnosti' (...
Lo nuevo Cuanta pena de daniel agostini en plena!!!
Po druhej svetovej vojne bola KGB takmer 50 rokov najefektívnejšou rozviedkou v dejinách výzvedných služieb. Kľúčom k jej úspechu bola jej mimoriadna schopnosť, s akou využívala peniaze, sex a vydieranie, aby zlákala cudzincov k zrade vlastnej krajiny a k vydaniu tajných informácií. Doposiaľ nezverejnené dokumenty a filmy poskytujú nový pohľad na tajnú službu bývalého Sovietskeho zväzu...
Descripcion del Servicio Secreto que opero dentro y fuera de la Union Sovietica durante los años del telon de acero y la guerra fria. Organizacion interna y ...
A KGB. titkos aktái ...J.F.K.
KGB (КГБ) is the commonly used acronym for the Russian: Комитет государственной безопасности (Komitet gosudarstvennoy bezopasnosti or Committee for State Security). It was the national security agency of the Soviet Union from 1954 until 1991, and was the premier internal security, intelligence, and secret police organization during that time. The KGB has been considered a military service and was governed by army laws and regulations, similar to the Soviet Army or MVD Internal Troops. While most of the KGB archives remain classified, two on-line documentary sources are available. Since breaking away from Georgia de facto in the early 1990s with Russian help, South Ossetia established its own KGB (keeping this unreformed name). The State Security Committee of the Republic of Belarus also uses the acronym KGB. The GRU (military intelligence) recruited the ideological agents Julian Wadleigh and Alger Hiss, who became State Department diplomats in 1936. The NKVD's first US operation was establishing the legal residency of Boris Bazarov and the illegal residency of Iskhak Akhmerov in 1934. Throughout, the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) and its General Secretary Earl Browder, helped NKVD recruit Americans, working in government, business, and industry. Other important, high-level ideological agents were the diplomats Laurence Duggan and Michael Whitney Straight in the State Department, the statistician Harry Dexter White in the Treasury Department, the economist Lauchlin Currie (an FDR advisor), and the "Silvermaster Group", headed by statistician Greg Silvermaster, in the Farm Security Administration and the Board of Economic Warfare. Moreover, when Whittaker Chambers, formerly Alger Hiss's courier, approached the Roosevelt Government—to identify the Soviet spies Duggan, White, and others—he was ignored. Hence, during the Second World War (1939--45)—at the Teheran (1943), Yalta (1945), and Potsdam (1945) conferences—Big Three Ally Joseph Stalin of the USSR, was better informed about the war affairs of his US and UK allies than they were about his. Soviet espionage succeeded most in collecting scientific and technologic intelligence about advances in jet propulsion, radar, and encryption, which impressed Moscow, but stealing atomic secrets was the capstone of NKVD espionage against Anglo--American science and technology. To wit, British Manhattan Project team physicist Klaus Fuchs (GRU 1941) was the main agent of the Rosenberg spy ring. In 1944, the New York City residency infiltrated the top secret Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, by recruiting Theodore Hall, a nineteen-year-old Harvard physicist. The KGB failed to rebuild most of its US illegal resident networks. The aftermath of the Second Red Scare (1947--57), McCarthyism, and the destruction of the CPUSA hampered recruitment. The last major illegal resident, Rudolf Abel ("Willie" Vilyam Fisher), was betrayed by his assistant, Reino Häyhänen, in 1957. Recruitment then emphasised mercenary agents, an approach especially successful in scientific and technical espionage—because private industry practiced lax internal security, unlike the US Government. In late 1967, the notable KGB success was the walk-in recruitment of US Navy Chief Warrant Officer John Anthony Walker who individually and via the Walker Spy Ring for eighteen years enabled Soviet Intelligence to decipher some one million US Navy messages, and track the US Navy. In the late Cold War, the KGB was lucky with intelligence coups with the cases of the mercenary walk-in recruits FBI counterspy Robert Hanssen (1979--2001) and CIA Soviet Division officer Aldrich Ames (1985-1994).
USA VS The World Commando Knock Out Challenge. Incredible exciting fight.
Like us on facebook "Hooligans TV" Arranged fight in Sweden 27.09.2014 Hammarby IF (crew-KGB) vs. Gais Yngre (crew-Gais Youth) 25x25 Won for Hammarby IF
Despite wanting to recruit her daughter to the KGB, Elizabeth wasn't the one who initiated the conversation.
The Hollywood Reporter 2015-04-02She makes no mention of the KGB, however ... KGB spy mission takes tragic turn Alan Eyerly.
The Los Angeles Times 2015-04-02The first agent reactivated is a civil servant, bullied and blackmailed into working for the KGB.
noodls 2015-04-02KGB-FM dee-jays announced that the space shuttle Discovery was being diverted from Edwards Air Force ...
U~T San Diego 2015-04-02Just because Paige knows her parents' secret, doesn't mean that she's going to find out that the KGB ...
The Examiner 2015-04-02Putin (below) was formerly an officer in the KGB, the Russian government agency which acted as ...
Belfast Telegraph 2015-04-02How did they get to seven? ... David Cameron ... Biggest gaffe? ... He thinks the KGB tried to recruit him during his gap year ... -->.
The Independent 2015-04-02You've got a KGB officer ... They're basically the only link in the show between the FBI and the KGB."
The Examiner 2015-04-01The Americans centers on what appears to be a typical suburban American family in the early years of ...
The Inquisitr 2015-04-01I listened to him when he made it to San Diego on KGB, KCBQ and B-100 (KFMB-FM), the first FM ...
LA Daily News 2015-04-01... I recommend people to visit Museum of Genocide Victims (KGB), Tolerance Center, Holocaust Exhibit.
noodls 2015-04-01April also brings the hit spy thrillers The Americans, which delves into a suspense-filled cold war ...
noodls 2015-04-01Media wishing to interview Molotov Mitchell, please contact media@wnd. com ... Note: ... × ... Putin and the shadow of the KGB 03/31/2013 ... :
WorldNetDaily 2015-04-01The KGB (КГБ) is the commonly used acronym for the Russian: Комитет государственной безопасности (help·info) (Komitet gosudarstvennoy bezopasnosti or Committee for State Security). It was the national security agency of the Soviet Union from 1954 until 1991, and was the premier internal security, intelligence, and secret police organization during that time. While most of the KGB archives remain classified, two on-line documentary sources are available.
Since breaking away from Georgia de facto in the early 1990s with Russian help, South Ossetia established its own KGB (keeping this unreformed name). The State Security Committee of the Republic of Belarus currently uses the Russian name KGB.
A 1983 Time magazine article reported that the KGB was the world's most effective information-gathering organization. It operated legal and illegal espionage residencies in target countries where a legal resident gathered intelligence while based at the Soviet Embassy or Consulate, and, if caught, was protected from prosecution by diplomatic immunity. At best, the compromised spy either returned to the Soviet Union or was declared persona non grata and expelled by the government of the target country. The illegal resident spied, unprotected by diplomatic immunity, and worked independently of Soviet diplomatic and trade missions, (cf. the non-official cover CIA agent). In its early history, the KGB valued illegal spies more than legal spies, because illegal spies infiltrated their targets with greater ease. The KGB residency executed four types of espionage: (i) political, (ii) economic, (iii) military-strategic, and (iv) disinformation, effected with "active measures" (PR Line), counter-intelligence and security (KR Line), and scientific–technological intelligence (X Line); quotidian duties included SIGINT (RP Line) and illegal support (N Line).
Spectre to beguile
Defector, a spy
Under interrogation
No answers when you ask why
New tactics employed
Infiltrate to destroy
Minefields, your mind yields
To advances of the enemy
You are the enemy
You hide, I see
Release the chaos onto our streets
You are the enemy
You hide, I see
Now captive
You will never be free
Intent on sabotage
They got inside
Claiming pure intentions
Another lie
Not forgive, not forget
Not forgive, never forget
Not forgive, not forget
Not forgive, never regret
We are the bringers of revenge
We will be your end
We do not forgive, we do not forget
We do not forgive, We will never forget
"And what shall we do
With each others secrets?
Mutual Assured Destruction
Anna learned to lie when she was young Her dad was secret agent number one He taught her to spy, steal and kill And hwo to break a prisoner's will
Operating in the dark Dead Bodies in gorky park
K, G, KGB In the name of security K, G, KGB Double life for the KGB
John came to Moscow in sixty-five There he met Anna, his future wife So they got married in sixty-six Never learned she was a bag of tricks
He worked at the embassy She worked for the KGB
John worked at the Embassy She worked for the KGB He fell for her cunning eyes Blinded for her sabotage
Another night
in this Russian town
I wonder what to do now
Just gunna hang around
but in the nights i see
Shadows of a demon army
on the way to kill you and me....
it’s the KGB
it’s the KGB now
Yeah KGB
it’s the KGB
there gunna drop the bomb
watch out for Russian spies
cause you can see the Fire
burning in they’re eyes
but in the nights i see
Shadows of a demon army
on the way to kill you and me....
it’s the KGB
it’s the KGB now
Yeah KGB
it’s the KGB
why can’t they just go and leave us alone
why can’t they just let us go home
theres nowhere to run , theres nowhere to hide
but now it’s too late baby a million people die
but in the nights i see
Shadows of a demon army
on the way to kill you and me....
it’s the KGB
it’s the KGB now
Yeah KGB
She good looking, got a (?) cookin’, yeah
Would you give me the time of day, but
If my occupation was a star in a constellation
We can get together in a milkyway, and
Everybody wanna know somebody
Everyone wants to drop your name
You need no reservation, no special limitation
No collage education, when you’ve got fortune and fame
Ooo, ooo..
One, two, three, four
Everyone I know wants to be a star
And we are, and we are, and we are
Everyone I know wants to be a star
And we are, and we are, and we are, and we are
And we are
Now im snapping, got my (?) crackin’
Got my whole thing happen at centre stage
She’s there lookin’ up on me, desperately in love with
Just can’t get enough of me, if I’ve got fortune and
Ooo, ooo..
One, two, three, four
Everyone I know wants to be a star
And we are, and we are, and we are, and we are
Everyone I know wants to be a star
Drivin’ in a limousine, even carry (?)
Everyone I know wants to be a star
And we are, and we are, and we are, and we are
And we are, and we are, and we are, and we are
Ooo, ooo..
One, two, three, four
Everyone I know wants to be a star
And we are, and we are, and we are, and we are
Everyone I know wants to be a star
Wants to be recognized, walkin’ down the boullevard
Everyone I know wanna to be a star
And we are, and we are, and we are, and we are
And we are, and we are, and we are, and we are
And we are, and we are, and we are, and we are
And you are, and you are, and you are, and you are
And you are, and you are, and you are, and you are
And you are, and you are, and you are, and you are
And you are, and you are, and you are, and you are
Everyone I know…
The KGB make this stage twice as dangerous as these streets
Malaki and Binary form all these spontaneous beats
Formed the lyrically elite, piece to the conquistador beats
When we unsheathe the swords and the One Man Army brings beats to boards
We tell you angrious beats, defy your atheist beliefs
Malaki could get a crowd of paraplegics outta their seats
When I strangle the mic, I mangle your ass slow and painfully
Be thankful you still alive
While the faithfully by the frames catch records eye
You choose to dangerously tangle with me
You can hang out make Jack the Ripper look like your guardian angel anger me
I give you enough light cable to hang yourself
Place your name on the waitin list for hell
With the rest of the cel gangsters
And gashes on your back with the lashes with the mic cord
Warlords, storm stages making light by bombs
And all em dogs with the Krylon Cans meet my demands
Or you'll have the Michigan mic masses on your hands
[Senim Silla:]
Bio-hazardous agent on Sillas airborne
Infectuous rhyme lectures spit quick and effective
Dangerous, lethal languages of slang I kill
Murder he wrote, an assassin would remain my skill
Senims a rough son of a gun keep razors under my tongue
Strike with enough force to puncture a lung
I'm lyrically harmful, literally speaking
Emcees I'm proud beatin, demeanin and I'll treatin
Get introduced to mines and meet your demise
I despise rap guys and all they whack ties
Cause in my eyes, all men are not considered equal
Especially if you ain't one of Binary's people
I'm what you asking for
I'll give you that plus a classic more
Hand delivery, verbal total package raw
The mental matador
Mic heavyweights to shake the planet core
With one verse
Got you thinking, "Yo cancel the war"
You flirtin' with death
Better off dancing with wolves
Stabbin' yourself in your vocal chords with cancerous swords
After this track, I hit the streets recruiting new thugs
'Cause we got your squad holding hands in group hugs
The die harders and orbits like a monster in your closet
Challenging us is like playing a opossum with the carcus
You could never win
Hopin' your DJ specialize in medicine
'Cause the athletic army conquers and divides your regiment
The MI residence is known for talkin' shit
Got my reputation ripping in the heart of the [?]
A fortunate gift
Bent lies that'll force you to quit
Drop the mic and have you writing for the source or some shit
These niggas backstab like they Benedict
Drag they face in the mud til they mouth looks like they bit a brick
Butts like magnificent seven on horseback
Unsigned but find my rap portables in a source ma-
Gazine for fiends who fiend for guillotine sword stat
My tongue is a stinger, my brain is a stun gun
It's deadly as the one you put your thumbs on
And squeeze from the bottom
With fatigues but I'm high in the trees so high I can breath on a falcon
Jump down, sneak up on a emcee from the rear
A predator with the literature
It shows through my signature
Deliver more, did just for your click
What's even more sick is I'm a visitor
And plus they be diggin more
Scopin the perimeter
Sneak within the floor
Terminator 2, split your brain in two
While you snore
Keep sleepin, my train of thought is heat seekin
[?] like drippin' ink from a pen and adding Clorox
Murder emcees and leave my fingerprints on doorknobs
The court finds me guilty, might be different in the Lord's eyes
An evil genius, I play your villain in a movie
Fingertips touch the [?] from the refillin of the uzi
And it's bloodsport open up my mind from watch those slugs walk gracefully
Where your head reside is now a vacancy
Elzhi on, cut the head of a python, with a butcher knife long
When I die I want my third eye born
[O-Type Star:]
A sip of liquor, the flow [?] sensational [?] and skin like brass
The gravitational pull of two stars that's rotatin like space
Vinyl had me on the tre like Lionel Richie
Broke then rich again, Illinois to Michigan
[?] conditions I won't bitch but switch again
Style like tracks to smack who can't stab me
I build excitement like Pontiac Grand Prix
Wider is better, Iller is deffer
I'm trying to count zeros and hoes like Hugh Hefner
The O-B-A-F-G-K-M
My squad all stars, suckas we slave them
O type Star I blew spots when I said things
My thoughts take flight like black hawks with red wings
I'm slicka then a oil refinery
I hit your whole system when I shine with the Binary
And I'm in the presence of perfection
I could give a fuck about you lyin
Saying your style is free when it's tense like Les Nesman
I'm freshman at this game but we trying to graduate
I blow minds but you be blowin funk from the last ass you ate
Now let me ask you straight before I start trippin,
Is it me or does something about your lines sound like Nas cause "It Was
Written [Bitten] "
Your motor skill is outright and meanin to act fast
I hump rhythms while you couldn't Poke a Tone with Trackmaster
The rap bastard without Wu-Tang
Though, realistically most males are
The differences is I don't judge my manhood by what my sales are
If it's about the boldest, I'm the most
I'm the coldest since winter
To make you stop the tape and "Inspec-tha Deck" like you down with the RZA
Nigga {Wu-Tang Wu-Tang}
So I advise you to remember your roles
And tell your crew if they got beef, then I can bring the dinner rolls
Over [?] with swing snares and fat drum kits
I've seen [?] and holdin up chicks
I mean chickens runnin off in chickens like beastiality
And for any nigga that want it I drop the beat for you to battle me
Accepted the proof at your expense, I be the shit
Squeezin squares into little pieces like cheese nips
A whack emcee is something I could never be
That's like growing dreadlocks while you taking chemotherapy
Theoretically pen and paper is the recipe
Alphabetically I'm coming after you like the letter V
If you ever step to me, the worst is yet to come
You'll never get the best of me
Call it like a referee
Call it destiny, check the melody
Break the law of gravity
And lyrically catch a felony
I make it harder for the next emcee that's my specialty
Rappers better be tryin ta rap ahead of me
I'm a hard act to follow I could prove it medically
I'm sick in the head I could move a crowd with mental telepathy
Expect nothing less of me, top pedigree
Rap assassin, blastin'with syllable weaponry
Shoot the sheriff then the deputy
Don't be testin' me
Whoever think they fat can get the Dig Gregory
It's countless how many rappers over vinyl we scar
I jus rotate and dislocate your spine if we spar
Even freestyle in French when I'm rhyming abroad
I'm in the party rhymin off [?] Bacardi line of cigars [?]
I rattle rappers, and battle rappers trying to be hard
Rap is black jack and JUICE is like a primary card
You secondary, that's why you gotta rhyme with a squad
But genetically y'all niggas is designed to be flawed
Yesterday I spit game at your dame and she paused
To let me see a thick frame and outline it with drawers
So the chance you been looking for is finally yours
But see I'm deadlier than havin cyanide in your pores
I spin a rhyme, my hand is intertwined with the cord
Slowly the mic is ripped to bits, my dynasty tours
Big JUICE when signin off with the Binary Stars
Tt took a while, but now I see
My old man worked for the KGB
The government found out about
His work and had to take him out
It took a while but now I see
Why dad was such a mystery
Sometimes you cheat, sometimes you lie
It part of the job when you're
When you're a spy
It took a while but now I see
My old man worked for the KGB
The government found about
His work and had to take him out
Sitting in the yard I didn't understand
Holding his dead body in my hands
Now it's getting clear to me
My dad he worked for the KGB
On the fourth of March in his backyard
The sniper shot him in the heart
He was only fifty-three
But a hero for the KGB
And a hero for the KGB
And a hero
I'm a gangster now look at me.
I am in the KGB.
Me and the boyz we're all so bad, so don't diss us or make us mad.
Cause we're the Kokomo Gangsta Boyz, we're tough.
We are rough and we like to cuss.
Get me by myself and I'm so weak,
But when I'm with the boyz I can't be beat.
Well, now, I'm in a gang and I'm so bad.
I got my colors they're just so rad.
I got my boyz and they got my back.
Well I'm only a freshman, but I don't care.
I'm still a man 'cause I got pubic hair.
You better watch out, cause I'm so tough.
I'm a gangster now look at me.
I am in the KGB.
Me and the boyz we're all so bad, so don't diss us or make us mad.
Cause we're the Kokomo Gangsta Boyz, we're tough.
And we are rough and we like to cuss.
Get me by myself and I'm so weak,
But when I'm with the boyz I can't be beat.
So don't look at me wrong, or get in my way,
Cause I guarantee that you will pay.
If you're messin' with me, you're messin' with the whole family.
We'll wait till after school one day
When you turn your back the other way.
We'll all jump you at once, 'cause we're so tough.
You wanna be in a gang? And you wanna be like me?
It's not hard at all, in fact it's easy.
Just follow these ten easy gangsta rules.
And you can be in our club of G-boy gangsta fools.
There's ten steps to be in a gang.
We're gonna bust a cap in your head.
If you're not in our gang, you might as well be dead.
One, get a knife or a gun. Two, get some name brand shoes.
Three, by some jnco jeans. Four, buy some more.
Five, talk like a gangsta. Six, dress like a gangsta.
Seven, listen to G-boy gangsta music. Eight, cause trouble and be full of hate.
Nine, pretend to be so tough. Ten, get a rude attitude.
And the last thing you gotta go through is let us beat the crap outta you,
Beat the tar out of you, beat you till you're black and blue.