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The far right Islamophobic “Reclaim Australia” movement burst onto the streets in what was the biggest racist mobilisation since the Cronulla riots, in 16 places across Australia on April 4. They were armed with swastika tattoos, Australian flags and a few simplistic slogans such as “No halal food”.

They were also met by counter protesters who stood up to reject racism, chauvinism and bigotry.

Reclaim Australia is arguably the most significant attempt to build a far-right movement in Australia since the early days of Pauline Hanson's One Nation party almost 20 years ago. They are threatening to mobilise again on a date yet to be announced. There have also been threats from some of their supporters to attack other anti-racist and left-wing rallies and stalls in coming... Read more

On Saturday April 4, a far right mob calling themselves "Reclaim...

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Socialist Alliance welcomes the news (March 6) that the Baird government has cancelled the coal seam gas (CSG) license covering metropolitan Sydney (PEL 463).

This is a victory for tens of thousands of people across NSW who have campaigned against the invasive and dangerous CSG industry. It also shows what groups of committed activists can achieve. PEL 463 should never have been granted...

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Bellicose and racist jingoism is the last refuge of scoundrel Prime Minister Tony Abbott. His February 23 “National Security Statement” was blatant incitement of hatred, bigotry and suspicion against Australia's Muslim minority.

Muslims were branded as the hostile “other” in this speech, as Randa Abdel-Fattah, an award-winning author, former lawyer and Australian of Muslim background,...

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"NSW Liberal Premier Mike Baird is in danger of going the way of his Queensland counterpart Campbell Newman, if he continues down the path of selling essential public assets," Howard Byrnes, Socialist Alliance candidate for the NSW Legislative Council, said on February 11.
"The issue of power industry privatisation effectively brought down the Newman Liberal-National Party government in...

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Socialist Alliance NSW media release

"The NSW and other state governments are also to blame for the latest shameful and outrageous results of the Closing The Gap Report tabled by PM Tony Abbott in federal parliament today," said Sharlene Leroy-Dyer the lead Socialist Alliance candidate for the Legislative Council in the upcoming March 28 NSW elections.

"The Abbott...

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