June 11th: International Day of Solidarity With Marius Mason, Eric McDavid & All Longterm Anarchist Prisoners

June 11thVia June11.org:

The last year has been full of changes and transitions for our imprisoned comrades and for those of us engaged in struggle on the other side of the walls. Now, solidly in the throes of spring, we feel compelled to celebrate these transitions and victories as new life and energy burst forth all around us. It is not often that we get a chance to truly mix celebration and struggle – but now is one of those times! On January 8th of this year the Eastern District Court of California ordered Eric McDavid released from prison. Our comrade Marius came out publicly as a man and began seeking resources for his physical transition. We believe these are both transitions worthy of celebration and reason for continued struggle. It is in this spirit that we bring you our thoughts about J11 2015.

Read the full call-out, check out past and future events, and get resources to help your very own plans at the main June 11th organizing page. We are also happy to help promote your event! Please e-mail supportmariusmason [at] riseup [dot] net and we will post the details on our web site and listserv. Until all are free!

More Materials for June 11th Available!

j11_heart_finalThe call for this year’s June 11th–The International Day of Solidarity With Marius Mason, Eric McDavid, & All Longterm Anarchist Political Prisoners–is titled Transition. We encourage everyone to check it out and hope that it will inspire people to hold local events in solidarity with Marius, Eric, and others.

June 11th organizers have also been putting out some quality materials for people organizing events! We encourage people to read and print out these materials to distribute for June 11th and beyond!

Zine about Marius, the Green Scare, and June11th (For printing)

Zine about Marius, the Green Scare, and June11th (To read online)

June 11th Heart Poster

June 11th Call-out (En Español)

Please let us know about any events you are planning! E-mail supportmariusmason [at] riseup [dot] net and we will help you with promotion!

Book Reviews and Thank You

So much of Marius’ time is spent on lock-down, when prisoners are confined to their cells.  They cannot access phones or rec areas, and are separated from other prisoners on their unit.  Because of this, the books Marius receives from friends and supporters are a lifeline.  They keep him informed about the world outside of Carswell and books of art and poetry can be a creative outlet.
As a “thank you” Marius wrote down some reviews for books that have been sent to him recently by supporters.

KolbertThe Sixth Extinction by Elizabeth Kolbert

“One of the best, no-nonsense books that I’ve read about how broad-reaching the current environmental crisis has become.  She strikes a good balance in her presentation; not an overly dramatic alarmist (though the situation is clearly dire) and with a bit of hope offered if serious and considered steps are taken.”

The Plague Dogs by Richard Adams

“The Plague Dogs is a work of fiction, so it has to be taken differently.  It really brings the full character and spirit of the two dog protagonists to the page – which is in and of itself important for readers to consider the implications of animals as complex and sentient beings.  The descriptions Adamsof vivisection are brutal, and given in totally bare/raw language, as well as the often useless and nonsensical research topics.  It’s really hard to read those sections, but makes the point eloquently.  Sometimes I think that the role of fiction is to explore these moral questions, let the consequences play out in a storyline where the real beings are hurt, but where possible dangers or harm can be brought to the light, allow public discussion and consideration.”

See Marius’ Support Page for guideline on how to send him a book!

Painting — Starfish

Star Fish

Science magazine had a recent article about how sea stars, star-shaped echinoderms, along the Northwest coast of the US were melting from the acidification of the oceans. Climate change and the increasing levels of CO2 in the atmosphere have greatly increased the acid dissolved in the oceans. In some places, this has had a devastating effect on marine life. The magazine biologist who wrote the article talked about sea stars with bulging blisters, whose arms ceased to function or fell off. There were photos of their decomposing bodies melting into the rocks they cling to. The image of a silent scream.