Tag Archives: Dr James Saleam

Squadron 88 + The Skull = lulz

“Hi, I’m Squadron 88. You may remember me from such media headlines as ‘Wake up white Australia’: Anti-Semitic flyers distributed in Sydney and Right to be a bigot comments have emboldened racists …” Oh dear: good old Squadron 88 have … Continue reading

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antifa notes (august 7, 2014)

Vice has published an article exploring Dr Jim Saleam’s Wonder World aka ‘The Bunker’ in Tempe: headquarters of the Australia First Party. It fails as an act of spotting (SAlt was absent from the counter-protest the other week), but it … Continue reading

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Protest Australia First Party, Sydney, Saturday, May 24

Update : Sadly, it appears that Blacktown City Council is happy to provide a platform to racists, fascists and neo-Nazis. You can let Council know what you think of their decision to facilitate racial vilification via their Twitter account here … Continue reading

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The Australia First Party. LOLWUT.

The Australia First Party (AF), a White nationalist/neo-fascist party, has been mentioned a few times in the media recently, chiefly on account of its organisation of a rally in Brisbane on May 2 in solidarity with the Greek neo-Nazi party … Continue reading

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antifa notes (april 4, 2014)

Australian Defence League Media report that last night the Sydney home of Nathan Abela, the “leader” of a branch of the anti-Muslim ‘Australian Defence League’, was shot at. Police have yet to apprehend those responsible, and precise details surrounding the … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-fascism, Broken Windows, Media, State / Politics | Tagged , , , , | 10 Comments

2013 Australian federal election. How did the far right fare?

The Mad Monk is Australia’s NEW! Prime Minister. HUZZAH! Five days after polling closed, here’s the results obtained by the far right. [NB. FINAL results will not be available for some days; I'll update the numbers periodically.] Australia First Party … Continue reading

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Revealed: Assange knee-deep in failed WikiLeaks preference deals [Crikey]

Revealed: Assange knee-deep in failed WikiLeaks preference deals Andrew Crook Crikey August 30, 2013 A damning internal email trail from inside the WikiLeaks Party has revealed that Ecuadorian Embassy recluse Julian Assange was intimately involved in the Senate preference debacle … Continue reading

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antifa notes (august 18, 2013) : special Australia First WikiLeaks Party edition

Oh dear. I wasn’t going to write another post just yet but the decision by the WikiLeaks Party (WLP) to preference the Australia First Party ahead of the Greens in the NSW Senate contest [PDF] is I think noteworthy. So … Continue reading

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Victory for White Nationalism in Penrith!

The Milky Bars are on Dr Jim in Penrith tonight! Tomorrow Belongs to Me from John Smith on Vimeo. For the second time in its brief history, the Australia First Party has had one of its members elected to local … Continue reading

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Yesterday is history; the Australia First Party is a mystery

The Sydney Morning Herald has today published an article on ‘John Marlowe’, the alleged author of the Australia First Party blog afbluemountains (March 2010–). The article concerns the fact that there is some question over whether or not Marlowe is … Continue reading

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