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Antinuclear resistance in Pyhäjoki – Join the struggle! (Finland)

May 3rd, 2015

The Fennovoima Energy Company is starting to construct a nuclear power
plant in Pyhäjoki, a nice, quiet and small village in the northwest of

During the second half of April, Fennovoima cut 95 hectares of very
special coastal forest at the construction area. They didn’t wait for a
month for the legal permission to clear cut the landscape. Instead,
Fennovoima started destroying the forest on Wednesday, the 15 of April.
The forest was a home for several rare birds and other species. Nests of
endangered white-backed woodpeckers (Dendrocopos leucotos) were
destroyed, a very rare white tale eagle got disturbed as dozens of
machines demolished it´s neighborhood.
Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Eco Struggle |

Bristol: Fracking whore MP Charlotte Leslie gets a home visit – Fuck the Tories (UK)

May 2nd, 2015

Vandals with conscience have targeted Tory parliamentary candidate Charlotte Leslie’s family home, scratching cars and spray painting ‘Tory Scum’ and ‘Media Whore’ on them. The ignorant and brainless bimbo ‘politician’ Leslie, known for wet T-shirt contests and ice-bucket challenges, thought she could lead a media and police repression campaign against anarchists in the Bristol and South-West area, but is now scared and frightened of what will happen to her family. Good. After destroying the homes and working lives of millions of people and their families, it’s pay back time for the Conservative party. No tears here.

Charlotte whined : “This is very upsetting. When my office was vandalised – and it was criminal and it was wrong – but that was my public office. This is very different. This is my personal home, my parents’ home. It was definitely premeditated. Somebody has targeted my family and their home. It’s wrong. The ‘media whore’ is something which has been levelled at me many times, and it’s obvious these people want to demoralise and destabilise my operations. It will take a while to get up and running again, but we will.”

The attack comes less than a week before the British regime’s fake elections next Thursday.

“I’m now concerned about the safety of my parents. I know I won’t be intimidated by this, but they have gone for my family.”

Fuck the Elections – Fuck the Tories

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Posted in Direct Action |

Massive police operation against anarchists left three people in custody (Czech Republic)

May 2nd, 2015

Following massive raid on anarchists on Tuesday night, three people were
charged with terrorism and taken into custody. Whole operation police
called “Phoenix” started in early morning with house search in dozens of
private flats and social center “Ateneo” in the town of Most. Around 20
people were arrested, part of them only questioned and immediately

Three people were charged of attempted terrorism (12-20 years of
prison), some others are officially investigated of the same crime but
were released. Even others were charged of not reporting this serious
crime. Three people were taken into custody. As some servers were
confiscated most of Czech anarchists websites are down.
Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Social Control |

Llamado a la solidaridad con la huelga de hambre de Nataly, Juan, Guillermo y Enrique ($hile)

May 2nd, 2015

A lxs compañerxs que en Chile y el mundo se enfrentan a toda forma de

A las mentes y conciencias insumisas que rechazan la dominación y
anhelan la libertad total.

A quien se sienta interpeladx y llamadx a la acción:

Quienes nos dirigimos a ustedes somos individuxs y grupos organizadxs y
activxs en la solidaridad antiautoritaria con prisionerxs anárquicxs y

Hoy escribimos para motivar que los gestos de compañerismo se expresen
de manera urgente y combativa en acciones solidarias en apoyo a la
huelga de hambre que realizan lxs compañerxs Juan Flores, Nataly
Casanova, Guillermo Durán y Enrique Guzmán. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Prison Struggle |

8 y 17 de Mayo: Actividades en recuerdo del compañero anarquista Mauricio Morales ($hile)

May 2nd, 2015

Empezó Mayo…

Próximos a cumplir 6 años desde la partida en combate de nuestro
compañero anarquista Mauricio Morales durante aquel 22 de Mayo del 2009,
tras la detonación accidental de un artefacto explosivo en las cercanías
de la Escuela de Gendarmeria.

Desde esa fecha hasta hoy, año tras año, una serie de actividades y
gestos a lo largo y ancho del mundo se expanden combatiendo el olvido y
transformando en presente de acción el recuerdo revolucionario. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Autonomy |

Text by Nikos Maziotis, member of Revolutionary Struggle for the event organized by the International Red Help for the 1st of May (Greece, Switzerland)

May 1st, 2015

The events of May 1886 that took place in Chicago are a turning point in the history of the revolutionary labor movement.

It was not only the fight of the workers to reduce working hours to eight hours daily that featured in this fight and led to the global fight of the proletariat for an 8 hour work day, but it was also a response of the workers to a crackdown by the bosses, and the murder of workers at the McCormick factory. This response was “Workers in arms” which called for a reaction of the working class to the killings of the bosses. It was the armed reaction of the workers when police ordered the dissolution of the Hay Market Square protest that was called against the killings of the strikers at the McCormick factory. The armed tradition of the working class and revolutionary movement was at that time closely related to unionism and the struggle for an 8 hour work day, better working conditions, wage increases, social security. And all this was seen to some extent, as a stage on the way to the abolition of the capitalist system.

Such struggles, which were inspired by the events of May 1886 in Chicago erupted in many countries over the next few years in France, in Italy, Spain, Russia, Mexico, Argentina and they were characterized by the use of armed violence on the part of workers.

Unfortunately a large part of the labor movement adopted an approach that considered armed practices as “provocation” and practices of “individual terrorism” that harm the labor movement and were therefore condemnable. There is the view, for example, that the events of the Hay Market Square with the throwing of a bomb and the armed scuffle against the police that followed were an intentional provocation to justify the murder of several of the assembled workers, but also the conviction and execution by hanging of the organizers of the Hay Market Square protest. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Autonomy |

‘Woolf Report: 25 Years On & Nothing Has Changed’ – An article by John Bowden about the prison system’s latest attempt to obstruct his move to an open prison (UK)

May 1st, 2015

In April this year, the 25th anniversary of the Strangeways prison uprising, Lord Justice Woolf, who led the inquiry into the uprising, claimed that conditions in most British jails were now even worse than they had been before Strangeways erupted in 1990.

The treatment of those prisoners confined to usually overcrowded local remand and post-sentence jails (of which Strangeways was and is one), where the great bulk of the prison population are held, has always been significantly worse than the treatment of prisoners in more long-term establishments where the potential for collective unrest has always been traditionally greater.

Prison staff employed in over crowded local jails argue that the transient and difficult to control and manage population of such institutions, coupled with severe cut-backs in staffing levels, make all but the most basic functions of control and containment extremely difficult if not impossible. The operational reality of such an argument finds expression in virtual lock-down regimes and a wholesale warehousing of prisoners, as well as an overtly repressive response to any perceived potential loss or compromise of total control, all ingredients of what caused the Strangeways prison uprising in 1990.

Greenock prison near Glasgow is an archetypal local jail; antiquated Victorian architecture and conditions, and an attitude and behaviour amongst some staff that is often openly contemptuous of prisoners, underpinned by a relationship of power that renders prisoners always vulnerable to abuse. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Prison Struggle |

19-22 May: Anti-Frontex Days, Warsaw (Poland)

April 27th, 2015

Antifrontex days 19-22 May, 2015

On May, 21st, 2015 the crème de la crème of European racism will gather in Warsaw, Poland, to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the creation of one of the most influential meta-organisations that guards assets of the Fortress Europe. The organization, not widely known, until recently standing in the shadows, is a hybrid of border police and intelligence service, as well as aggressive promoter of anti-migrant policy. Frontex (from French Frontieres exterieurs), being discussed here, is the executive body of EU (anti)migration policy – enjoys autonomy in decision-making (for EU foreign policy), and has a yearly growing budget, which is not accounted. Budget, used to finance futuristic projects, straight from distopia, like an automatic system of land drones, known as TALOS project, carried out in cooperation that included Warsaw University of Technology, Israeli Aerospace Industries and a lot of other military corporations.

The trust also allows them to conduct their own foreign policy on migration – dealing with the neighboring dictatorships (Belarus, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria), sponsoring and organizing repression against refugees in a secure buffer zone, which blurs responsibility. As a result, the border of Europe moves farther away from the ‘old continent’, helping to hide the effects of this policy in the eyes of Europeans. Sponsored camps in the countries of the global south and ruthless anti-human migration policy of the EU countries result in real victims – tens of thousands of people drown, starve, are left at sea or desert, or are directly shot – every year more than at the Berlin wall in the entire time of its existence. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in No Borders |

Athens: Dynamic protest against destructive gold mining in the ancient forests of Halkidiki (Greece)

April 26th, 2015

On 16 April 2015 a dynamic protest took place, despite the provocations of the Greek riot police operating under the left government of SYRIZA, in solidarity to the residents of Halkidiki in northern Greece fighting against the destruction of their homes, the environment and the pollution of drinking water in their area due to gold mining operations.

A few years ago the multinational gold mining company Eldorado Gold settled in Skouries and with the backing of powerful domestic private interests has begun large-scale mining activities. Thus, the irreversible destruction of the ecosystem of Skouries and the contamination of soil and groundwater with heavy metals throughout western Halkidiki has already started.

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Posted in Eco Struggle |

Statement of Revolutionary Struggle member Nikos Maziotis about the U.S. State Department list of international “terrorists” (Greece)

April 23rd, 2015

From ContraInfo:

In 2009, the anarchist urban guerrilla group Revolutionary Struggle (Epanastatikos Agonas) was designated a “foreign terrorist organization” by the U.S. Department of State, in the aftermath of a rocket propelled grenade attack against the U.S. Embassy in Athens in January 2007.

On April 21, 2015, the State Department issued “terrorist designation” against one of the members of Revolutionary Struggle, anarchist prisoner Nikos Maziotis. The next day, the comrade issued the following statement in response:

“Whoever is not with us is against us”
– from a speech of U.S. President George W. Bush after September 11, 2001

“We are not with you, we are against you”
– from a statement of Nikos Maziotis to the special court in Koridallos prisons on June 11, 2012 regarding the Revolutionary Struggle attack on the U.S. Embassy

The State Department admittedly did me great honor by including me in the list of international “terrorists”. This is the second time that the planetary killers honor me as a Revolutionary Struggle member, since they had placed a one-million-dollar bounty on me along with other members of the organization after the Revolutionary Struggle attack against the U.S. Embassy in Athens in January 2007. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Prison Struggle |

New anarchist place in Paris : La Discordia (France)

April 22nd, 2015

La discorde est une forme profonde de désaccord, un dissentiment violent qui oppose des personnes entre elles et les dresse les unes contre les autres. Ce que nous souhaitons encourager, c’est qu’elle les oppose plutôt à ce vieux-monde et à ses défenseurs, comme cela se manifeste déjà, ça et là, par de nombreux actes de révolte et d’insoumission. Il n’est pas question pour nous de jeter de l’eau sur les braises de ces révoltes, mais au contraire de jeter, comme la déesse Discordia, la pomme de discorde au milieu de cette société où les rapports marchands et répressifs semblent avoir pris le dessus sur l’entraide, la solidarité et la recherche d’une vie que l’on aimerait vivre. Aussi contre cette résignation diffuse et la recherche du consensus à tout prix – même au prix de l’apathie. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Autonomy |

European Economic Congress in Katowice: Anti-Terrorist Unit brutally raids the ‘Alternative Economical Forum’ (Poland)

April 21st, 2015

Monday 20 April: Last night in the early morning hours, police raided a house squatted by activists in Mariacka street, Katowice. The police used rubber bullets, smoke, and stun grenades. 21 people were beaten up and arrested. (At least 3 people were taken to hospital) The people imminently stated that they are starting a hunger strike against their detention. According to the police, the people are accused of breaching domestic peace (in an empty building!). Solidarity picket took place at 13:00 in front of the cop station at Lompy 19, Katowice. In Poznan at 14:00 solidarity picket in front of the Regional Police station, Kochanowskiego 2a.

Solidarity communique:

European Economic Congress in Katowice: full hotels, empty houses – Antiterrorists fighting social change

Katowice. Another day of meetings for the European elites. The subject is TTIP and hundreds of other anti-social programs, forced on people against their will. A group of anarchists and trade unionists who organize Anticongress, together with the people that need a roof above their head, have squatted one of the thousands of empty buildings, which after being ‘cleaned’ of the tenants awaits its demolition and transformation into an office building. On the front wall, a huge banner is hung, saying ‘human capital resists!’. In the newly opened space, the ‘Alternative Economical Forum’ took place. The debates started on a different kind of economic politics, the kind that could reverse the trend of radical accumulation of wealth into the hands of the elites in Europe and the world. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Social Control |

About the anti-fascist struggle after Maidan (Ukraine)

April 20th, 2015

This is a translation of a brochure written by 2 anti-authoritarian communist groups, Vida (Rivet) and Proletconnect about the anti-fascist struggle in Ukraine after the Maidan events. Events unfold on very high speed and although this brochure discusses the Ukrainian reality until June 2014, to the opinion of the translator it offers insight on the background of the conflict and the international geopolitical significance of these events. It offers a different interpretation compared to western media and even parts of the western left.

In USSR times…

“…Its (Kiev’s) buildings are famous all over Russia. It was a center of religion. And now it is a semi-ruin. Here the Germans showed what they could do. Every public building, every library, every theater, even the permanent circus, destroyed, not with gunfire, not through fighting, but with fire and dynamite. Its university is burned and tumbled, its schools in ruins. This was not fighting, this was the crazy destruction of every cultural facility the city had, and nearly every beautiful building that had been put up during a thousand years. Here German civilization did its work, and one of the few justices in the world is that German prisoners are helping clean up the mess that they made.

Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Anti-Fascist |

Pancartas de agitación durante las jornadas contra la sociedad carcelaria (Chile)

April 20th, 2015

Agitación y presencia callejera siempre necesaria en la lucha anti-autoritaria, realizada con más fuerza como respuesta al llamado de nuestrxs compañerxs en prisión.

Las pancartas dicen:

* El Estado,sus chantajes y el encierro de nuestrxs cercanxs no detendrá la lucha por la libertad. Solidaridad con la huelga de hambre de Nataly Juan y Guillermo.

*Que ningùn individux someta a otrx. A destruir las càrcels y todaformade autoridad. Por la liberación total. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Prison Struggle |

Network of Imprisoned Fighters end their 48 day hunger strike after Greek parliament agree to significant portion of the demands (Greece)

April 19th, 2015

Athens: Protest march in solidarity with hunger strikers in Greek prisons followed by clashes in Exarchia

Network of Imprisoned Fighters (DAK) announce the end of their 48 day old hunger strike after a vote in the Greek parliament paved the way for a significant portion of the comrade’s demands to be met.

These include: redefining of the legal framework regarding Type-C prisons, revision of the so-called ‘Hoodie Law’ (severe sentencing for those caught committing crimes while masked) – judges will now be able to exercise their own discretion in such cases, the involvement of an independent expert from the first stage of DNA collection in cases that involve DNA evidence and the release from prison to house arrest for N17 comrade Savvas Xiros who is extremely unwell and legally considered to be 98% disabled; this would also apply to all prisoners who are considered to be 80% disabled or over.

“These 48 days of tenacious struggle at a tactical level ended with a positive outcome that reaped dividends for those at ‘the bottom.’ A positive result also for the global fight against the bosses and the new totalitarianism which they impose as well as another step closer towards a classless society. Our aim is to use this victory and the new territory gained to become even more dangerous to those in power. We share the life-giving flames of victory with all those who saw this struggle as a common cause and took part in our fight.”

Via Insurrection News.

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Posted in Prison Struggle |

Athens: The Earth Liberation Front takes responsibility for an incendiary attack against a poultry company in solidarity with the prisoners struggle (Greece)

April 19th, 2015


Inter Arma received and translated:

On the evening of the Easter day, 12 to 13 of April, we attacked using 3 incendiary devices with time delay, aiming to destroy the building’s entrance and 3 vehicles (1 truck and 2 vans) belonging to a poultry company in Agios Pavlos Str. in Peristeri, as an action of solidarity with the imprisoned hunger strikers in Greek prisons.

Strength to all those who continue, to the imprisoned members of Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and those who are recovering, having stood with dignity and consistency against the state and in this specific timing, against the left administrators and exponents of authority – who (and this is clear for all those who don’t connive) since the first day they gripped the governmental seats have made their intentions clear, with highlight, so far, the tactical administration of the hunger strike and the eviction of the occupied University’s of Athens deanery.

IMMEDIATE satisfaction of the hunger strikers’ demands:

Abolition of paragraphs 187 and 187A of the counter-terrorist law

Abolition of the hood-law

Abolition of type C prisons

Immediate release of the heavily handicapped Savvas Ksiros

Restriction of DNA use

We chose this specific target as we believe that practical opposition to the non-human animals commercialization industry cannot be excluded from the fight against the state, the capital and every kind of authoritarian superstructure. The practice of detention is the same, equally rejectable whether it has to do with human prisons – “correctional institutions”, concentration camps or if it concerns structures of the meat and animal products industry .

The timing of our attack was no coincidence. It was a moment while the human-mass was still sunk in sloth, having done the previous days their bit towards the Church and the holy ghosts that haunt and define their very existence. Every temple of society, physical or mental, every mold, every stereotype, every habit that reproduces, feeds or just reflects the numerous faces of power, is worth nothing more than being crushed.

Such a habit is the meat eating which has been established the exact same way that the practice of nature looting is established as “normal”, as we notice it taking place in Skouries, Chalkidiki, Italy (NO-TAV) and every place in the world.

Through this action of ours we respond to the call of Chilean comrades, whose actions have given us smiles so many times. Strength to Nataly Casanova, Juan Flores and Guillermo Durán, who are on hunger strike since April 14th.

At the same time, we are sending our own signal of solidarity and complicity to all those charged, imprisoned and suffering repression, having found themselves on the attack lines of ELF and ALF.

We’re sending out a call to every rebelling individual, every affinity group, every direct action cell, in order to intensify the attacks on all fronts, in any way they think suitable, by all means available.

Synapses of Ignition for the polymorphous anarchist struggle – ELF

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Posted in Direct Action |

Yarl’s Wood detainees punished for solidarity action (UK)

April 18th, 2015

From Movement for Justice via RabbleLDN:

Anna Rjabova and Lillija Jezdovska are brave fighters for their own freedom and for the rights and freedom of their fellow detainees in the notorious Yarl’s Wood detention centre, near Bedford. On Thursday 9th April they were part of an integrated group of African, Caribbean and East European women who gathered to physically block the deportation of Lucy N, a victim of torture from Kenya. The women gathered together, sitting around Lucy, linking arms and singing.

That afternoon 30+ ‘guards’ employed by Serco (the private company that manages Yarl’s Wood) forced their way into Lucy’s room, wearing full riot gear and armed with batons. You can hear the moment the guards entered the room and dragged the women away here, there were 3 guards for every woman. Anna, Lillija and four other women were handcuffed and taken to Kingfisher wing, the isolation block within Yarl’s Wood.

Anna and Lillija had been brutally beaten on their legs with a baton by one of the guards, Jo Singh, against whom Lillija had previously made official complaints. Anna had to be taken to Bedford hospital for treatment on Saturday. They have made further complaints and have spoken to the Prison Inspectors currently visiting Yarl’s Wood. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in No Borders |

PDF: Why Anti-Civilization?

April 17th, 2015

PDF: Why Anti-Civilization?

This was originally published in the zine DISORDERLY CONDUCT. It’s a basic introduction to anti-civilization ideas. We think the anti-civilization argument is made pretty obvious when one simply looks around at the prison society in which we’re encaged. For the total destruction of civilization and towards the subsequent liberation for all non-human/human animals, and the earth!

- The Feral Space vegan sXe anarchist collective

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Posted in Library |

Anarchist comrade Eric G.King needs support funds for Federal Trial (USA)

April 17th, 2015

Eric G. King, a 28-year-old vegan anarchist, was arrested and charged
with an attempted firebombing of a government official’s office in
Kansas City, MO in September 2014. Eric is being charged with throwing a
hammer through a window of the building, followed by two lit Molotov
cocktails. The criminal complaint states that both alleged incendiary
devices failed to ignite. Scheduled to go to trial in July 2015, he is
facing up to 30 years in federal prison.

Eric was identified as a suspect by local police because he had
previously come under suspicion for anti-government and anti-police
graffiti. He is currently being held in the Corrections Corporation of
America’s Leavenworth Detention Center. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Prison Struggle |

Rejection of the request for release of comrade Marco Camenisch (Switzerland)

April 17th, 2015

From actforfree:

Once again the Federal Tribunal rejected request of release on bail for Marco Camenish on 3rd December 2014, after the comrade has served 2/3 of the sentence, thus postponing his liberation to 2018.

The request had already been rejected by the Administrative Tribunal of Zurich on 24th October 2013, on the grounds that the comrade had showed no signs of repent in the course of the years.

The Swiss judiciary understanding of the case continues to follow the same line, as usual, and this is significant and conclusive as for the mechanisms of repressive revenge towards indomitable anarchist prisoners.

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