The Wayback Machine -
1859 Carrington Event - The biggest Solar Storm in history
Franco-Austrian War 1859- Battle of Solferino and Aftermath.
The Carrington event of 1859 - the largest solar flare ever recorded.
DIXIE'S LAND - Original 1859 Verses  - Tom Roush
Lectia de istorie 15 - Unirea de la 1859
Les Grandes Batailles du Passé : 1859 La Bataille de Solferino
Vilém Blodek - Symphony in D-minor (1859)
1859 Unirea Principatelor Romane
Batalla de Cepeda y Batalla de Pavón (1859-1861)
The P53 Enfield Rifle-Musket: Platoon Exercise c. 1859
1853-1859 Verso l'Unità d'Italia
Time Capsule (1859) in Waverly, Ohio


Year 1859 (MDCCCLIX) was a common year starting on Saturday (link will display the full calendar) of the Gregorian calendar and a common year starting on Thursday of the 12-day slower Julian calendar.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

  • Loading...
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  • 5:47

    1859 Carrington Event - The biggest Solar Storm in history

    1859 Carrington Event - The biggest Solar Storm in history

    The Carrington Event On the morning of September 1, 1859, amateur astrologer Richard Carrington ascended into the private observatory attached to his country...
  • 2:30

    Franco-Austrian War 1859- Battle of Solferino and Aftermath.

    Franco-Austrian War 1859- Battle of Solferino and Aftermath.

  • 1:40

    The Carrington event of 1859 - the largest solar flare ever recorded.

    The Carrington event of 1859 - the largest solar flare ever recorded.

    Just before noon on September 1st 1859, the British astronomer Richard Carrington witnessed the largest solar flare ever recorded. The solar flare ejected a ...
  • 4:10

    DIXIE'S LAND - Original 1859 Verses - Tom Roush

    DIXIE'S LAND - Original 1859 Verses - Tom Roush

    Composer Dan Emmett, a Northern sympathizer, never intended for this song to become the anthem that it was for the South. Most folks today have never heard m...
  • 4:48

    Lectia de istorie 15 - Unirea de la 1859

    Lectia de istorie 15 - Unirea de la 1859

    Premise. După eșecul Revoluției de la 1848 din Țările Române, Imperiul Otoman și cel Rus, puteri reacționare care se opuneau liberalismului național în teritoriile de sub influența lor, au decis să-și consolideze stăpânirea în Valahia și Moldova și să preîntâmpine orice altă mișcare națională. Cele două puteri au ignorat dorința românilor de modernizare și de unire a celor două state și au semnat CONVENȚIA DE LA BALTA LIMAN (1849) prin care se stabilrea faptul că domnitorii Țărilor Române vor fi considerați funcționari otomani. Astfel autonomia lor era profund limitată, ei fiind numiți direct de către sultan. Între anii 1853-1856 are loc un n
  • 50:28

    Les Grandes Batailles du Passé : 1859 La Bataille de Solferino

    Les Grandes Batailles du Passé : 1859 La Bataille de Solferino

  • 33:35

    Vilém Blodek - Symphony in D-minor (1859)

    Vilém Blodek - Symphony in D-minor (1859)

    Vilém Blodek (October 3, 1834, Prague -- May 1, 1874, Prague), was a Czech composer, flautist, and pianist. Work: Symphony in D-minor (1859) Mov.I: Andante s...
  • 7:20

    1859 Unirea Principatelor Romane

    1859 Unirea Principatelor Romane

  • 4:17

    Batalla de Cepeda y Batalla de Pavón (1859-1861)

    Batalla de Cepeda y Batalla de Pavón (1859-1861)

  • 11:41

    The P53 Enfield Rifle-Musket: Platoon Exercise c. 1859

    The P53 Enfield Rifle-Musket: Platoon Exercise c. 1859

    Although I have covered the functioning of the Enfield paper cartridge in detail, this clip will examine the actual drill taught to British and Empire soldiers for the use of their P53 Rifle-Muskets circa 1859 (Loading and firing)
  • 5:14

    1853-1859 Verso l'Unità d'Italia

    1853-1859 Verso l'Unità d'Italia

    1853-1859 Verso l'Unità d'Italia.
  • 6:42

    Time Capsule (1859) in Waverly, Ohio

    Time Capsule (1859) in Waverly, Ohio

    While repairing bricks at the historic German church in Waverly (now the Pike Heritage Museum), workers discovered a time capsule from 1859. This footage is ...
  • 67:48

    Joachim Raff - Symphony No. 1 "To the Fatherland" (1859)

    Joachim Raff - Symphony No. 1 "To the Fatherland" (1859)

    Painting Info - The artist is Piotrek Swigut I. Allegro - 00:00 II. Scherzo - Allegro Vivace - 18:12 III. Larghetto - 25:58 IV. Allegro Drammatico - 39:06 V....
  • 7:18

    The King Hunt: Mandolfo vs Ignatz von Kolisch - Paris 1859

    The King Hunt: Mandolfo vs Ignatz von Kolisch - Paris 1859

    Mandolfo vs Ignatz von Kolisch Paris 1859 Vienna Game: Stanley Variation (C26) This game is taken from the book: The King Hunt:
  • 4:05

    Near Miss, Solar Super Storm - Iconic Carrington Event of Sept. 1859 Almost hit us on July 23, 2012

    Near Miss, Solar Super Storm - Iconic Carrington Event of Sept. 1859 Almost hit us on July 23, 2012

    Near Miss: The Solar Superstorm of July 2012.. From August 28, 1859, until September 2, numerous sunspots were observed on the Sun. Just before noon on Septe...
  • 2:51

    G. A. Cohen - Marx's 1859 Preface

    G. A. Cohen - Marx's 1859 Preface

    Gerald (Jerry) Cohen was a Marxist political philosopher. He was Chichele Professor of Social and Political Theory at Oxford and subsequently Quain Professor...
  • 51:22

    Harjap Bhangal Legal Solutions Full Show 20150327 1859 MATV National 00

    Harjap Bhangal Legal Solutions Full Show 20150327 1859 MATV National 00

    Complete Legal Solutions show from 27th March 2015.
  • 11:17

    1859-1861 L'unificazione italiana

    1859-1861 L'unificazione italiana

    1859-1861 L'unificazione italiana La pace di Villafranca e le insurrezioni nell'Italia centrale La spedizione dei Mille Il Regno d'Italia.
  • 10:58

    EATING HORSE IN JAPAN! (6.2.14 - Day 1859)

    EATING HORSE IN JAPAN! (6.2.14 - Day 1859)

    watch the new video, selfies with strangers here: the limited guitar picks are at along with the signed po...
  • 4:06

    An Early Photographic History of Disasters: Part 2 (1859-1865)

    An Early Photographic History of Disasters: Part 2 (1859-1865)

    A collection of the earliest photographs of disasters including images taken during and after floods, fires, and train crashes from 1842 to 1865. Photographs of destruction caused by war in this period are excluded mostly because of their very common nature during the American Civil War (1861-1865). Fire being put out by firefighters in warehouse owned by Cyrus Fields in New York City, 1859:,_Warehouse_in_New_York,_from_Robert_N._Dennis_collection_of_stereoscopic_views.jpg Train derailment in South Bend, Indiana, 1859:
  • 2:50

    24 ianuarie 1859 - Unirea Principatelor Romane

    24 ianuarie 1859 - Unirea Principatelor Romane

    Acum 155 de ani la București, conform Convenției de la Paris, promulgată un an mai devreme, era confirmată și în Țara Românească alegerea lui Alexandru Ioan ...
  • 46:52

    Johannes Brahms - Piano Concerto No.1 in D-minor, Op.15 (1859)

    Johannes Brahms - Piano Concerto No.1 in D-minor, Op.15 (1859)

    Picture: Joseph Mallord William Turner - Snow Storm, Hannibal and his Army Crossing the Alps Johannes Brahms Work: Piano Concerto No.1 in D-minor, Op.15 (185...
  • 2:52

    King's Gambit Accepted: Muzio Gambit: Morphy vs Conway - New York 1859

    King's Gambit Accepted: Muzio Gambit: Morphy vs Conway - New York 1859

    Paul Morphy - Moncure Daniel Conway [C37] New York.1859 King's Gambit Accepted: Muzio Gambit 1.e4 e5 2.f4 exf4 3.Nf3 g5 4.Bc4 g4 5.d4 gxf3 6.Qxf3 Bh6 7.0--0 ...
1859 Carrington Event - The biggest Solar Storm in history
1859 Carrington Event - The biggest Solar Storm in history

The Carrington Event On the morning of September 1, 1859, amateur astrologer Richard Carrington ascended into the private observatory attached to his country...
Franco-Austrian War 1859- Battle of Solferino and Aftermath.
Franco-Austrian War 1859- Battle of Solferino and Aftermath.
The Carrington event of 1859 - the largest solar flare ever recorded.
The Carrington event of 1859 - the largest solar flare ever recorded.

Just before noon on September 1st 1859, the British astronomer Richard Carrington witnessed the largest solar flare ever recorded. The solar flare ejected a ...
DIXIE'S LAND - Original 1859 Verses  - Tom Roush
DIXIE'S LAND - Original 1859 Verses - Tom Roush

Composer Dan Emmett, a Northern sympathizer, never intended for this song to become the anthem that it was for the South. Most folks today have never heard m...'S_LAND_-_Original_1859_Verses_-_Tom_Roush
Lectia de istorie 15 - Unirea de la 1859
Lectia de istorie 15 - Unirea de la 1859
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:48
  • Updated: 13 Oct 2014

Premise. După eșecul Revoluției de la 1848 din Țările Române, Imperiul Otoman și cel Rus, puteri reacționare care se opuneau liberalismului național în teritoriile de sub influența lor, au decis să-și consolideze stăpânirea în Valahia și Moldova și să preîntâmpine orice altă mișcare națională. Cele două puteri au ignorat dorința românilor de modernizare și de unire a celor două state și au semnat CONVENȚIA DE LA BALTA LIMAN (1849) prin care se stabilrea faptul că domnitorii Țărilor Române vor fi considerați funcționari otomani. Astfel autonomia lor era profund limitată, ei fiind numiți direct de către sultan. Între anii 1853-1856 are loc un nou război ruso-turc, în care însă s-au amestecat și Franța și Anglia de partea Porții – Războiul Crimeii. Înfrângerea Rusiei a dus la slăbirea influenței ei în Peninsula Balcanică pentru următoarele decenii. Rusia ceda Moldovei trei județe din sudul țării – Cahul, Bolgrad și Ismail, pierzând așadar ieșirea la Dunăre. Totodată, eșecul Rusiei a adus la masa discuțiilor problema organizării Principatelor. Acestea intrau sub garanția colectivă ale Marilor Puteri, care au primit numeroase memorii de la boierii reformatori care solicitau unirea Țărilor Române. La Congresul de Pace de la Paris din 1856, care încheia Războiul Crimeei, Marile Puteri au decis constituirea unor Adunări Ad-Hoc, care să consulte populația privind unirea. În Valahia Adunarea ad-hoc a fost majoritar pro-unire, dar în Moldova situația s-a complicat datorită amestecului otomanilor care erau interesați să blocheze unirea. Astfel, caimacanul (reprezentantul Porții) Nicolae Vogoride a falsificat listele electorale ale Adunării pentru a obține un vot negativ. Intrigile sale au fost dezvăluite însă Marilor Puteri și în urma presiunilor lor otomanii au fost nevoiți să accepte decizia pro-unire și a Adunării din Moldova. 2. Unirea propriu-zisă. Luând act de decizia majorității populației din cele două Țări Române privind unirea, Marile Puteri au organizat Conferința de la Paris din 1858, ocazie cu care au decis: - unirea parțială a Principatelor într-un stat care să se cheme Principatele Unite ale Moldovei și Valahiei. - noul stat rămânea vasal otomanilor dar sub garanția colectivă a Marilor Puteri. - doi domni, două capitale. -singurele puncte comune urmau să fie Comisie Centrală (Parlament) la Focșani, Înalta Curte de Casație și Justiție și armata, limitată oricum numeric. Cu toate că documentul prevedea necesitatea alegerii unor domnitori diferiți, nicăieri nu se specifica imposibilitatea alegerii aceluiași domn. Această “scăpare” a fost adesea pusă pe seama bunăvoinței împăratului francez Napoleon al III-lea care căuta să-și sporească influența în răsăritul Europei prin sprijinirea unirii celor două Țări Române. La 17 ianuarie 1859 la Iași este ales în Moldova domn Al. I. Cuza, iar peste o săptămână, pe 24 tot el la București în Valahia. Marile Puteri au fost puse în fața faptului împlinit și au acceptat realitatea cu excepția Imperiului Otoman, care a necesitat negocieri mai îndelungate până a fost de acord cu domnia unită doar în timpul lui Cuza. 3. Urmări. Mica Unire, așa cum a fost ea numită ulterior, a fost adesea ignorată comparativ cu mult mai importanta unire Mare din 1918, dar la momentul respectiv ea a reprezentat un pas important către formarea și consolidarea statului modern român. Ca multe state europene la acea vreme, precum Germania sau Italia, și țara noastră a căutat mereu să realizeze unirea tuturor românilor în interiorul unei singure granițe. Caracterul extraordinar al unirii din 1859 ar trebui să fie evident dacă ținem seama de condițiile extraordinare în care s-a realizat și că orice altă circumstanță ar fi dus probabil la nerealizarea sau la desfacerea rapidă a ei.
Les Grandes Batailles du Passé : 1859 La Bataille de Solferino
Les Grandes Batailles du Passé : 1859 La Bataille de Solferinoé_1859_La_Bataille_de_Solferino
Vilém Blodek - Symphony in D-minor (1859)
Vilém Blodek - Symphony in D-minor (1859)

Vilém Blodek (October 3, 1834, Prague -- May 1, 1874, Prague), was a Czech composer, flautist, and pianist. Work: Symphony in D-minor (1859) Mov.I: Andante s...ém_Blodek_-_Symphony_in_D-minor_(1859)
1859 Unirea Principatelor Romane
1859 Unirea Principatelor Romane
  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:20
  • Updated: 21 Jan 2014
Batalla de Cepeda y Batalla de Pavón (1859-1861)
Batalla de Cepeda y Batalla de Pavón (1859-1861)ón_(1859-1861)
The P53 Enfield Rifle-Musket: Platoon Exercise c. 1859
The P53 Enfield Rifle-Musket: Platoon Exercise c. 1859
  • Order:
  • Duration: 11:41
  • Updated: 12 Dec 2014

Although I have covered the functioning of the Enfield paper cartridge in detail, this clip will examine the actual drill taught to British and Empire soldiers for the use of their P53 Rifle-Muskets circa 1859 (Loading and firing)
1853-1859 Verso l'Unità d'Italia
1853-1859 Verso l'Unità d'Italia

1853-1859 Verso l'Unità d'Italia.'Unità_d'Italia
Time Capsule (1859) in Waverly, Ohio
Time Capsule (1859) in Waverly, Ohio

While repairing bricks at the historic German church in Waverly (now the Pike Heritage Museum), workers discovered a time capsule from 1859. This footage is ...,_Ohio
Joachim Raff - Symphony No. 1
Joachim Raff - Symphony No. 1 "To the Fatherland" (1859)

Painting Info - The artist is Piotrek Swigut I. Allegro - 00:00 II. Scherzo - Allegro Vivace - 18:12 III. Larghetto - 25:58 IV. Allegro Drammatico - 39:06 V...."To_the_Fatherland"_(1859)
The King Hunt: Mandolfo vs Ignatz von Kolisch - Paris 1859
The King Hunt: Mandolfo vs Ignatz von Kolisch - Paris 1859
  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:18
  • Updated: 09 Feb 2015

Mandolfo vs Ignatz von Kolisch Paris 1859 Vienna Game: Stanley Variation (C26) This game is taken from the book: The King Hunt:
Near Miss, Solar Super Storm - Iconic Carrington Event of Sept. 1859 Almost hit us on July 23, 2012
Near Miss, Solar Super Storm - Iconic Carrington Event of Sept. 1859 Almost hit us on July 23, 2012

Near Miss: The Solar Superstorm of July 2012.. From August 28, 1859, until September 2, numerous sunspots were observed on the Sun. Just before noon on Septe...,_Solar_Super_Storm_-_Iconic_Carrington_Event_of_Sept._1859_Almost_hit_us_on_July_23,_2012
G. A. Cohen - Marx's 1859 Preface
G. A. Cohen - Marx's 1859 Preface

Gerald (Jerry) Cohen was a Marxist political philosopher. He was Chichele Professor of Social and Political Theory at Oxford and subsequently Quain Professor...'s_1859_Preface
Harjap Bhangal Legal Solutions Full Show 20150327 1859   MATV National 00
Harjap Bhangal Legal Solutions Full Show 20150327 1859 MATV National 00
  • Order:
  • Duration: 51:22
  • Updated: 01 Apr 2015

Complete Legal Solutions show from 27th March 2015.
1859-1861 L'unificazione italiana
1859-1861 L'unificazione italiana

1859-1861 L'unificazione italiana La pace di Villafranca e le insurrezioni nell'Italia centrale La spedizione dei Mille Il Regno d'Italia.'unificazione_italiana
EATING HORSE IN JAPAN! (6.2.14 - Day 1859)
EATING HORSE IN JAPAN! (6.2.14 - Day 1859)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 10:58
  • Updated: 06 Sep 2014
  • author: CTFxC

watch the new video, selfies with strangers here: the limited guitar picks are at along with the signed po...!_(6.2.14_-_Day_1859)
An Early Photographic History of Disasters: Part 2 (1859-1865)
An Early Photographic History of Disasters: Part 2 (1859-1865)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:06
  • Updated: 13 May 2015

A collection of the earliest photographs of disasters including images taken during and after floods, fires, and train crashes from 1842 to 1865. Photographs of destruction caused by war in this period are excluded mostly because of their very common nature during the American Civil War (1861-1865). Fire being put out by firefighters in warehouse owned by Cyrus Fields in New York City, 1859:,_Warehouse_in_New_York,_from_Robert_N._Dennis_collection_of_stereoscopic_views.jpg Train derailment in South Bend, Indiana, 1859: Fire at the Daily Morning Call newspaper offices at corner of Clay and Montgomery Streets in San Francisco, California, 1859: Wootton railroad bridge collapse in Warwickshire, England, 1861: Flooding on Elizabeth Street in Melbourne, Australia, 1862: Aftermath of a fire in Troy, New York, 1862: Flooding in Sacramento, California, 1862: Cairo, Illinois, 1862: Miller's Photographic History of the Civil War Train derailment in Mont-Saint-Hilaire, Quebec, 1864: Flooding in Denver, Colorado, 1864: Freemason's Hall fire at the corner of Tremont and Boylston Streets in Boston, Massachusetts,1864: Aftermath of fire on Queen Street in Brisbane, Australia, 1864: Flooding on Charlotte Street in Brisbane, Australia, 1864: State Library of Queensland Aftermath of Great Sheffield Flood in Sheffield, England, 1864: Hand-colored photograph taken during a fire at the Smithsonian Castle in Washington, D.C., 1865: Flooding in Rochester, New York, 1865:
24 ianuarie 1859 - Unirea Principatelor Romane
24 ianuarie 1859 - Unirea Principatelor Romane

Acum 155 de ani la București, conform Convenției de la Paris, promulgată un an mai devreme, era confirmată și în Țara Românească alegerea lui Alexandru Ioan ...
Johannes Brahms - Piano Concerto No.1 in D-minor, Op.15 (1859)
Johannes Brahms - Piano Concerto No.1 in D-minor, Op.15 (1859)

Picture: Joseph Mallord William Turner - Snow Storm, Hannibal and his Army Crossing the Alps Johannes Brahms Work: Piano Concerto No.1 in D-minor, Op.15 (185...,_Op.15_(1859)
King's Gambit Accepted: Muzio Gambit: Morphy vs  Conway - New York 1859
King's Gambit Accepted: Muzio Gambit: Morphy vs Conway - New York 1859

Paul Morphy - Moncure Daniel Conway [C37] New York.1859 King's Gambit Accepted: Muzio Gambit 1.e4 e5 2.f4 exf4 3.Nf3 g5 4.Bc4 g4 5.d4 gxf3 6.Qxf3 Bh6 7.0--0 ...'s_Gambit_Accepted_Muzio_Gambit_Morphy_vs_Conway_-_New_York_1859
  • 1859 Carrington Event - The biggest Solar Storm in history
    1859 Carrington Event - The biggest Solar Storm in history
  • Franco-Austrian War 1859- Battle of Solferino and Aftermath.
    Franco-Austrian War 1859- Battle of Solferino and Aftermath.
  • The Carrington event of 1859 - the largest solar flare ever recorded.
    The Carrington event of 1859 - the largest solar flare ever recorded.
  • DIXIE'S LAND - Original 1859 Verses  - Tom Roush
    DIXIE'S LAND - Original 1859 Verses - Tom Roush
  • Lectia de istorie 15 - Unirea de la 1859
    Lectia de istorie 15 - Unirea de la 1859
  • Les Grandes Batailles du Passé : 1859 La Bataille de Solferino
    Les Grandes Batailles du Passé : 1859 La Bataille de Solferino
  • Vilém Blodek - Symphony in D-minor (1859)
    Vilém Blodek - Symphony in D-minor (1859)
  • 1859 Unirea Principatelor Romane
    1859 Unirea Principatelor Romane
  • Batalla de Cepeda y Batalla de Pavón (1859-1861)
    Batalla de Cepeda y Batalla de Pavón (1859-1861)
  • The P53 Enfield Rifle-Musket: Platoon Exercise c. 1859
    The P53 Enfield Rifle-Musket: Platoon Exercise c. 1859
  • 1853-1859 Verso l'Unità d'Italia
    1853-1859 Verso l'Unità d'Italia
  • Time Capsule (1859) in Waverly, Ohio
    Time Capsule (1859) in Waverly, Ohio
  • Joachim Raff - Symphony No. 1
    Joachim Raff - Symphony No. 1 "To the Fatherland" (1859)
  • The King Hunt: Mandolfo vs Ignatz von Kolisch - Paris 1859
    The King Hunt: Mandolfo vs Ignatz von Kolisch - Paris 1859

1859 Carrington Event - The biggest Solar Storm in history

The Carrington Event On the morning of September 1, 1859, amateur astrologer Richard Carrington ascended into the private observatory attached to his country...
  • published: 09 Feb 2010
  • views: 209329
  • author: raiderski1

1859 Car­ring­ton Event - The biggest Solar Storm in his­to­ry
The Car­ring­ton Event On the morn­ing of Septem­ber 1, 1859, am­a­teur as­trologer Richard Carri...
pub­lished: 09 Feb 2010
au­thor: raider­ski1
Fran­co-Aus­tri­an War 1859- Bat­tle of Solferi­no and Af­ter­math.
pub­lished: 05 Nov 2012
au­thor: astrid­belge
The Car­ring­ton event of 1859 - the largest solar flare ever record­ed.
Just be­fore noon on Septem­ber 1st 1859, the British as­tronomer Richard Car­ring­ton wit­nesse...
pub­lished: 11 Feb 2012
DIXIE'S LAND - Orig­i­nal 1859 Vers­es - Tom Roush
Com­pos­er Dan Em­mett, a North­ern sym­pa­thiz­er, never in­tend­ed for this song to be­come the an...
pub­lished: 09 Jul 2013
au­thor: Tom Roush
Lec­tia de is­to­rie 15 - Unirea de la 1859
Premise. După eșecul Rev­oluției de la 1848 din Țările Române, Im­peri­ul Otoman și cel Rus, ...
pub­lished: 13 Oct 2014
Les Grandes Batailles du Passé : 1859 La Bataille de Solferi­no
pub­lished: 04 Nov 2013
Vilém Blodek - Sym­pho­ny in D-mi­nor (1859)
Vilém Blodek (Oc­to­ber 3, 1834, Prague -- May 1, 1874, Prague), was a Czech com­pos­er, flaut...
pub­lished: 09 Apr 2013
1859 Unirea Prin­ci­patelor Ro­mane
pub­lished: 21 Jan 2014
Batal­la de Cepe­da y Batal­la de Pavón (1859-1861)
pub­lished: 04 Jul 2012
The P53 En­field Ri­fle-Mus­ket: Pla­toon Ex­er­cise c. 1859
Al­though I have cov­ered the func­tion­ing of the En­field paper car­tridge in de­tail, this cli...
pub­lished: 12 Dec 2014
1853-1859 Verso l'Unità d'Italia
1853-1859 Verso l'Unità d'Italia....
pub­lished: 07 Jun 2012
Time Cap­sule (1859) in Wa­ver­ly, Ohio
While re­pair­ing bricks at the his­toric Ger­man church in Wa­ver­ly (now the Pike Her­itage Mus...
pub­lished: 10 Oct 2011
au­thor: watch­man8653
Joachim Raff - Sym­pho­ny No. 1 "To the Fa­ther­land" (1859)
Paint­ing Info - The artist is Pi­otrek Swigut I. Al­le­gro - 00:00 II. Scher­zo - Al­le­gro Viva...
pub­lished: 28 Jul 2013
The King Hunt: Man­dol­fo vs Ig­natz von Kolisch - Paris 1859
Man­dol­fo vs Ig­natz von Kolisch Paris 1859 Vi­en­na Game: Stan­ley Vari­a­tion (C26) This gam...
pub­lished: 09 Feb 2015
photo: AP / Evan Agostini
Actress Jennifer Garner attends a special screening of "Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day" on Wednesday, Oct. 1, 2014, in New York.
Edit TMZ
01 Jul 2015
Jennifer Garner reached her breaking point with Ben Affleck's drinking and gambling, and that's why she called pulled the plug on their marriage ... sources connected with the couple tell TMZ. Our sources not surprisingly have 2 views of what happened ... some align with him and some with her. The Jen sources say Ben's drinking and gambling have escalated over the last few years to the point "she couldn't take it anymore." ... See also ... > ... ... ....
photo: AP / Majdi Mohammed
Saudi billionaire Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, waves as he arrives at the headquarters of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in the West Bank city of Ramallah, Tuesday, Feb. 4, 2014.
Edit South China Morning Post
02 Jul 2015
Saudi tycoon Prince Alwaleed bin Talal has promised to give his entire US$32 billion (HK$248 billion) fortune to charity in coming years, in one of the biggest ever such pledges. The pledge is “maybe... the first such big announcement” of its kind in the region, and is modelled on a charity established by Microsoft founder Bill Gates in the United States, the prince told reporters on Wednesday ... “I assure you my health is good.”. ....
photo: AP / Evan Agostini/Invision
File - Actors Michael Douglas and wife Catherine Zeta-Jones attend the 41st Annual Chaplin Award Gala honoring Rob Reiner at Avery Fisher Hall on Monday, April 28, 2014 in New York.
Edit The Guardian
29 Jun 2015
Behind the Candelabra star tells Event magazine he ‘regretted the embarrasment’ to Catherine Zeta-Jones of his comments about oral sex and cancer given in a 2013 Guardian interview. ‘It was one of those things’ … Michael Douglas. Photograph. Clarius Entertainment/cour/R/Clarius Entertainment/cour/R. Ben Child. @BenChildGeek. Monday 29 June 2015 09.48 BST ... Related. Michael Douglas. oral sex caused my cancer ... “And her family.” ... Related ... Related ... ....
photo: via YouTube
KUKA Industrial Robot - Volkswagen Robot Automotive line
Edit Mashable
02 Jul 2015
A robot has killed a contractor at one of Volkswagen's production plants in Germany, the automaker said Wednesday. See also. A robot called Hadrian wants to build you a house in two days ... ....
photo: WN / Ahmed Deeb
Palestinian militants of the Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades, Hamas's armed wing, parade in Rafah, southern Gaza Strip, on May 29, 2014.
Edit The Times of India
01 Jul 2015
CAIRO. Islamic State insurgents threatened on Tuesday to turn the Gaza Strip into another of their Middle East fiefdoms, accusing Hamas, the organisation that rules the Palestinian territory, of being insufficiently stringent about religious enforcement ... "The rule of sharia (Islamic law) will be implemented in Gaza, in spite of you ... "There is cooperation between them in the realm of weapons smuggling and terrorist attacks ... ....

Edit The Business Journals
02 Jul 2015
Clair County, MO MO 1676 1668 8 0.5% 1858 59.21 Tazewell County, IL IL 57907 57631 276 0.5% 1859 59.24 Schuylkill County, PA PA 50049 49811 238 0.5% 1860 59.27 McClain County, OK OK 8622 8581 41 0.5% 1861 59.31 Grundy County, IA IA 4002 3983 19 0.5% 1862 59.34 Clark County, SD SD 1054 1049 5 0.5% 1863 59.37 Lincoln County, OK OK 6780 6748 32 0.5% ......
Edit The Examiner
01 Jul 2015
Ulysses S. Grant owned a slave named William. He freed William in 1859, before the war started, by granting him his manumission papers. The exact language of the papers stated “I, Ulysses S. Grant…do hereby manumit, emancipate and set free from Slavery my Negro man William, sometimes called William Jones…forever.”. Grant was married to Julia Dent ... Louis, Missouri ... Ulysses S ... She declined ... Grant managed the plantation between 1854 and 1859 ... ....
Edit Topix
01 Jul 2015
On Nov. 24, 1859, Charles Darwin's "On the Origin of Species" was published. Even though there are still some Americans arguing about its contents, there is little debate that Darwin's book helped launch a revolution of scientific inquiry that continues to this day.

Edit Reuters
01 Jul 2015
DALLAS A pre-Civil War baseball card that survived as an heirloom within the family of a player for more than 150 years is being offered at auction, with online bidding starting on Tuesday, a Dallas-based auction house said ... The Atlantics were a founding member of baseball’s first organized league, the National Association of Base Ball Players, and reigned as champions from 1859 through 1861, the auction house said ... Reuters ... X. ....
Edit Seattle Post
01 Jul 2015
Gerber YuniquePLM to be Used for its Performance Outerwear. TOLLAND, Conn., USA (PRWEB) June 30, 2015. Gerber Technology’s YuniquePLM™ product lifecycle management solution has been selected by French manufacturer Pyrenex® for its apparel lines ... Pyrenex’s iconic pieces include the Authentic, Spoutnic and Mythic jackets ... About Pyrenex. Pyrenex is a family business founded in 1859 by Abel Crabos in the Pyrenees region of France ... ###....
Edit The Inquisitr
01 Jul 2015
Carrey’s dramatic outburst on social media comes in the wake of a new California law, which forbids parents the right to exempt their children from vaccinations for “personal or religious reasons.” ... “I am not anti-vaccine ... In 1859 dentists who supported the use of amalgam formed a breakaway group called the American Dental Association and used it from then until the present day as the filling material of choice....
Edit PR Newswire
01 Jul 2015
Chanin School of Architecture at The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art. He joins Cooper this month ... The firm has offices in Boston and New York City ... Tehrani received a B.F.A ... Founded by inventor, industrialist and philanthropist Peter Cooper in 1859, The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art offers education in art, architecture and engineering, as well as courses in the humanities and social sciences ... ....
Edit Public Technologies
01 Jul 2015
(Source. NASA - The National Aeronautics and Space Administration). NASA Administrator Charles Bolden and Brazilian Space Agency (AEB) President José Raimundo Braga Coelho have signed agreements to further research into heliophysics and space weather and to enhance global climate study and educational opportunities ... Credits. Photo Credit. (NASA/Bill Ingalls) ... students an opportunity to work on international teams ... The 1859 Carrington Event....
Edit Australian Broadcasting Corporation
30 Jun 2015
An 1859 photograph of Tom Wills, the father of Australian Rules Football, on display at the National Portrait Gallery embodies his "beautiful, but sad" life story.

Edit Australian Broadcasting Corporation
30 Jun 2015
An 1859 photograph of Tom Wills, the father of Australian Rules Football, on display at the National Portrait Gallery embodies his "beautiful, but sad" life story.

Edit Australian Broadcasting Corporation
30 Jun 2015
An 1859 photograph of Tom Wills, the father of Australian Rules Football, on display at the National Portrait Gallery embodies his "beautiful, but sad" life story. ....
Edit Public Technologies
30 Jun 2015
(Source. Heritage Auctions Inc) ... DALLAS - A c ... The Atlantics served as a founding member of the sport's first organized league, the National Association of Base Ball Players, and held the Championship from 1859 through the war-shortened season of 1861 before finally surrendering supremacy to archrival Eckford of Brooklyn in 1862 ... "The members of the Atlantic nine who played in a majority of games during the season of 1859 were....
Edit Toronto Sun
30 Jun 2015
GODERICH, Ont ... Built between 1855 and 1859, the limestone tower is topped by a 12-sided lantern framed in cast iron ... ....

He says: "Go get the big one, go eat the big fish!"
She guesses: I'm just a sick fuck - nicotine lip-gloss
I need a kiss
Give me a dive
I wanna go get a dive
I wanna dive
...just went back from 1859
Don't stop tellin' me it's too hot, I gotta have too much
I've got all that i wan't - but a hand-chopped block cuts
