Muslin (/ˈmʌslɨn/ or /ˈmjuːslɨn/) is a loosely-woven cotton fabric which originated in Bangladesh, which was introduced to Europe from the Middle East in the 17th century. It became very popular at the end of the 18th century in France. Muslin is most typically an unbleached or white cloth, produced from carded cotton yarn. It is often used to make sewing patterns, such as for clothing, curtains, or upholstery. Because air moves easily through muslin, muslin clothing is suitable for hot, dry climates.
Muslin clothes were traded by ancient Greeks from the Indian port town Machilipatnam, which was called Maisolos or Masalia in ancient times. Some believe that the name muslin originated from the name Maisolos.Marco Polo, the famous traveller, visited the Kakatiya kingdom in which Machilipatnam was located and praised the muslins available there. In 1298, Marco Polo described the cloth in his book The Travels. He said that it was made in Mosul, Iraq. Although this view has the fabric named after the city where Europeans first encountered it (Mosul), the fabric is believed to have originated in Dhaka, which is now the capital of Bangladesh. In the 9th century, an Arab merchant named Sulaiman makes note of the material's origin in Bengal (known as Ruhml in Arabic).
Making a Pattern from Draped Muslin: Design School with Nick Verreos
Quickly removing wrinkles from your Muslin Backdrops - Studio Photography Tutorial
Why you need to make a muslin
Liz Earle Pure Muslin Cloths Review! :)
Muslin and Woolbabe wrap guide
Studio Accessory Kit - Muslin Backdrop, Clips, Clamps, Tape & Reflector
Folding a Muslin Newborn Nappy. Jo Fold by The Nappy Lady
Background Support System and Muslin Review
How to Swaddle your Newborn Infant Baby in a Muslin Blanket
Making a Muslin
Stampin' Gals Gone Wild Wednesday - Stamping & Coloring on Muslin Bags
Matthew Vincent "Muslin"
Teresa Collins: Stamped Muslin Bags
Making a Pattern from Draped Muslin: Design School with Nick Verreos
Quickly removing wrinkles from your Muslin Backdrops - Studio Photography Tutorial
Why you need to make a muslin
Liz Earle Pure Muslin Cloths Review! :)
Muslin and Woolbabe wrap guide
Studio Accessory Kit - Muslin Backdrop, Clips, Clamps, Tape & Reflector
Folding a Muslin Newborn Nappy. Jo Fold by The Nappy Lady
Background Support System and Muslin Review
How to Swaddle your Newborn Infant Baby in a Muslin Blanket
Making a Muslin
Stampin' Gals Gone Wild Wednesday - Stamping & Coloring on Muslin Bags
Matthew Vincent "Muslin"
Teresa Collins: Stamped Muslin Bags
Nagamatzu - Muslin
Cloth Diapering a Newborn with a Muslin Flat
How to Sew a Muslin Tea bag for an Herbal Bath
Aden & Anais Muslin Swaddling Wraps
Muslin Cleansing Cloths
Squaring and Pressing the Muslin Fabric (FREE SAMPLE)
Traditional Taiwanese belly binding with muslin
Baby Must Have: Aden + Anais Muslin Cotton Blankets, Sleepers and Toys
pannolini lavabili MUSLIN - piegatura origami -
My Selene
[Music and lyrics by Jani Liimatainen]
Nocturnal poetry:
Dressed in the whitest silver you'd smile at me
Every night I wait for my sweet Selene
But still...
Solitude's upon my skin
A Life that's bound by the chains of reality
Would you let me be your Endymion?
I would
Bathe in your moonlight and slumber in peace
Enchanted by your kiss in forever sleep
But until we unite
I live for that night
Wait for time
Two souls entwine
In the break of new dawn
My hope is forlorn
Shadows they will fade
But I'm always in the shade
Without you...
Serene and silent sky
Rays of moon are dancing with the tide
A perfect sight, a world devine
And I...
The loneliest child alive
Always waiting, searching for my rhyme
I'm still alone in the dead of night
Silent I lie with a smile on my face
Appearance deceives and the silence betrays
As I wait for the time
My dream comes alive
Always out of sight
But never out of mind
And under waning moon
Still I long for you
Alone against the light
Solitude am I
In the end I'm enslaved by my dream
In the end there's no soul who'd bleed for me
Hidden from daylight I'm sealed in my cave
Trapped in a dream that is slowly turning to nightmare,
Where I'm all alone
Venial is life when you're but a dream,
The book is still open the pages as empty as me
I cling to a hope that's beginning to fade
Trying to break the desolation I hate
But until we unite
I live for that night
Wait for time
Two souls entwine
In the break of new dawn
My hope is forlorn
We will never meet
Only Misery and me
This is my final call
My evenfall
Drowning into time
I become the night
By the light of new day
I'll fade away
Reality cuts deep
Would you bleed with me
Mezza luna mezzanotte in mezzo ad un pensiero cielo come Coca-Cola io mi sento sola e non ? vero. Vaffanculo luna, come Loredana, altro che Nirvana un'altra settimana, e sclero. Galleggia dentro il buio mentre affoghi, anemica, pu? sembrare timida, ma ha visto tutti i luoghi e tutti i posti.
Appiccicata in cielo come un post-it per ricordarci che conosce i sogni pi? nascosti. Ricatta chi sospira al suo cospetto chi ha mangiato merda per amore e si rigira dentro un letto.Troppi l'han cercata in fondo ai pozzi o dentro agli occhi di un'amante che poi li ha tirati pazzi.
Anima, dove vai, ora che non sei pi? qui. Dove vai, anima, ora che non sei pi? qui.
Chi ha visto tante lune sa che lei ? l'unica che regola la crescita di ci? che il sole poi domani illumina. Magica, trasforma una bambina in femmina, fasica come la pillola, 28 giorni al mese in pista. Non gioca in squadra con nessuno, solista, qualcuno, l'ha vista, mangiarsi le pi? belle stelle per invidia rubare i sogni per infamia, dimenticare le promesse per accidia, giura e poi sparisce, eclisse, buio come prima. Si stima, ma non produce luce, ? il sole che le d? la voce e in cambio lei sorride e lo seduce, pericolosa sposa senza dote. Questa va a chi non se la gode: Luna piena e braccia vuote. Questa ? per chi sconta la sua pena: braccia vuote e luna piena.
Anima, dove vai, ora che non sei pi? qui. Dove vai, anima, ora che non sei pi? qui.
Lune rosse, rotte, storte, notti troppo corte, basso l'orizzonte, ma adesso siamo pronte occhi dentro gli occhi, niente trucchi, questa sera non mi tocchi ? il cosmo che cospira in mio favore.
Rappresento quel plotone di esaurite in ribellione lunatici, nevrotici, kamikaze in missione non ci ? dato di sapere l'esito nemmeno un'istruzione in merito. Resta il fatto che la storia ha un seguito, tatuata sulla pelle dei pi? forti, una sola sfera e mille volti. Veglia sopra i vivi e sopra i morti ? al corrente delle nostre sorti selene sa dove son finti gli altri.