Australian council cancels hall booking for SEP anti-war meeting
11 April 2015
It is already clear that Burwood Council cancelled the hall booking in a knee-jerk response to phone calls from racist and nationalist elements.
Australian Senate tax grandstanding: A preparation for austerity
10 April 2015
The posturing in a Senate committee this week over the need to “tax the rich” is window dressing for deeper cuts to essential social spending.
New Zealanders shun Camp Gallipoli WWI celebration
10 April 2015
The Camp Gallipoli debacle reflects widespread anti-war sentiment among ordinary people who are hostile to the campaign to glorify World War I.
US defence secretary warns China over Asian maritime disputes
9 April 2015
Ashton Carter is visiting Japan and South Korea to integrate their militaries more closely into the Pentagon’s preparations for war with China.

A bipartisan conspiracy: Australian imperialism and the Middle East war

The Socialist Equality Party unequivocally condemns the commitment of Australian jet fighters and special forces to indefinite combat operations in the US-led war in Iraq and Syria. The military deployment is a bipartisan conspiracy, carried out against widespread opposition in the working class, to assist US imperialism extend its domination over the entire oil-rich Middle East.

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Australian “No to racism rallies” silent on Labor and union role
7 April 2015
Under conditions of political crisis, right-wing nationalist and neo-fascist organisations are raising their heads, exploiting fears whipped up about Islamic immigrants.
Anzac Day, the glorification of militarism and the drive to World War III
6 April 2015
The Anzac Day celebrations are part of conscious efforts to indoctrinate youth with patriotism and drown out anti-war sentiment.
Queensland Labor government destabilised by witch-hunt against indigenous MP
1 April 2015
The sudden eruption of the Billy Gordon affair highlights the instability of the parliamentary system.
Further blow to US as Australia signs up to China-backed bank
30 March 2015
Intense geo-political tensions continue over the planned Asian investment bank.