12 Apr


China: The purge, detained feminists & the new normal



The Purge While on a visit in China, I have learned the habit of regularly checking the news for announcements of yet another corruption investigation by the government. Until recently, corruption involving Party or government officials had been treated as a politically explosive scandal, which the government preferred the public not to see. But now […]

Filed under: China, Featured

28 Mar

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Greece: Truth, responsibility & honesty with ourselves



KEVIN OVENDEN writes from Athens on continuing moves to re-legitimise the neo-Nazis of Golden Dawn on the eve of their trial as a criminal organisation, and responds to voices that have tacitly defended some of the perturbing concessions to chauvinism coming from within the new Greek government. Following his essay is some background on the legal […]

23 Mar

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Athens: Crisis, racism & new figures of resistance



KEVIN OVENDEN wrote this report from Athens just after Saturday’s anti-racist day of action there. I’ve not seen the centre of Athens so black since August of 2012 and the massive protest against the onset of the Xenios Zeus anti-immigrant police sweeps. Not the black of Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union. Its party colour gives rise […]

20 Mar

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Frankfurt 2015: Anti-capitalism makes a comeback?


Police use pepper spray against Blockupy protesters

PHIL BUTLAND, Berlin (with the input of KEVIN OVENDEN, Athens) reflects on the Blockupy protest in Frankfurt this week and whether we are at a “Prague moment” opening up a new sequence of anti-capitalist and international mobilisations  Just four days ago, I* was reporting with hope about a few hundred people demonstrating in Berlin for Greece […]

Filed under: Europe, Featured, Germany

12 Mar

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Tariq Ali & Luke Stobart: Podemos, crisis & movements


Alexis Tsipras & Pablo Iglesias at a Syriza election rally

Within a year of its creation, Podemos became the main opposition party in Spain. Analyses of its rapid rise have centred on its unorthodox and ambitious political approach and the different forms of participatory democracy practised (however imperfectly). Less has been said about the relation between the Podemos phenomenon and the Spanish context of major […]

12 Mar

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Anti-Germanism: the anti-austerity politics of fools


Tsipras visiting site where Nazi occupiers had executed resistance fighters outside Athens

KEVIN OVENDEN returns to Athens for the first in a new series of posts at Left Flank. It is worth reading in full yesterday’s speech by Greek prime minister Alexis Tsipras on the incendiary issue of German war reparations to Greece. The issue was not resolved upon the unification of the German state in 1990 […]

Filed under: Europe, Featured, Greece

04 Mar

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The worrying re-legitimation of Golden Dawn


The 2013 arrest of Golden Dawn leader Nikolaos Mihaloliakos

The intervention of SYRIZA MP and Speaker of the House Zoi Konstantopoulou during the first (and so far sole) session of the Greek Parliament sent a chill through the country’s anti-fascist movement. The Speaker proposed the postponement of the parliamentary sitting because the District Attorney had not given permission to the MPs of Golden Dawn […]

Filed under: fascism, Featured, Greece