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NOW Available on iTunes: KKBOX: MOOV: Music One: Spotify: http://on.f...
是次主要輯錄Fiona薜凱琪給十年後的我Collection精選經典歌曲~ 出道十年o既Fiona 亦看可到形像及歌路轉變~演技更加成熟~ 0:00 XBF / 1:40 目黑/ 2:57 奇洛李維斯回信/ 4:27 麥當娜一吻/ 5:15 趕/ 6:49 上帝是男孩/ 7:38 886 / 8:26 南瓜車/...
Clipe da música Tipo Fiona, faixa do álbum Mudei por Você. Inimigos da HP, grupo do casting da FS Produções Artísticas. Composição Jairinho Delgado / Faber M...
Available on iTunes NOW: Fiona對MV製作向來認真, 自加盟太陽娛樂文化後, 《冷笑話》、《告別我》及《週末畫報》等MV都特意飛往台灣重本拍攝, 今趟最新歌曲《諸葛亮》亦不例外。 新歌拍攝繼續沿用合作無間的著名MV導...
由薛凱琪跟Kit Hung一同執導的新歌《一直一直》,是Fiona新專輯《Tonight》裡面第二首親自執導的MV,前期後期製作均一手包辦,MV以花朵為主題,因為Fiona覺得《一直一直》是一首感覺簡單甜蜜的情歌,而花令人聯想到浪漫及愛情,因此頭飾及背景都以花朵為主。 今次MV的佈景、造型以及後期電腦特技都落重本,MV內Fiona共換了七個造型,每個造型都有一個獨特的頭飾,而頭飾都是特別為今次MV而訂製,因此都是獨一無二的。除此之外,美術指導特別以人手摺出一個3D紙花牆,此紙花牆是整個MV中最昂貴的場景,而且事前買了大量花朵去試驗如何擺放才能達至最佳效果。多個不同場景模擬出各類型的仙景,有時是鳥語花香的,有時是比較黑暗神秘的,而去到最後一場就是一個較極端的仙景,周圍都佈滿花朵,後期更會用電腦特技加上蝴蝶及光環,因此今次相對以往花了更多時間於後期製作。 導演Kit形容Fiona今次是演繹不同類型的仙女,Fiona聽後則笑言很想嘔,她自己就覺得是演繹感覺清新清純的女子,相比上一首重劇情的《最後最後》,今次觀感上相對強一點,當中一個被花包圍的造型最辛苦,Fiona需背著一個幾磅重的鐵光環,鐵線不斷跟身體磨擦令皮膚受損,損傷背後繼續做出猶如置身仙景般舒適的表情面對鏡頭,完成拍攝後名副其實的如釋重負。 **Special Thanks 【Outfit】 // Electric sekki // Katy Ho and To Kei Lam // Tsui Wing Kit 【Accessories】 // Swarovski 【Headpiece】 // Jaycow @ XiaoShiGuang --------- 一直一直 曲:徐浩 詞:陳詠謙 編:徐浩 / Randy Chow 監:徐浩 / Randy Chow 從那天一句你好嗎 好到轉眼三年了 互送驚喜 搜索世事奧妙 共你一起 相信永恆有預兆 如果枯萎了送的花 可掛起你獻的畫 逗你開心對著愛情撒嬌 睡你胸襟 沉迷在一種飄渺 一直回望 一直迴盪 戀愛那一天 擁抱那一天 太熱情 纏綿被貓貓聽見 思念如浪 湧在沿岸 想你吐的煙 想你壯的肩 半夜長 無眠又多想數遍 和你牽手到這一天 一次一次肯定我 你的心思 給我製造快樂 你的體溫 拉我遠離了寂寞 曾經車廂裡唱的歌 將你心意說清楚 字裡生花 信誓有日結果 讓我終生 成為幸福的一個 一直回望 一直迴盪 戀愛那一天 擁抱那一天 太熱情 纏綿被貓貓聽見 思念如浪 湧在沿岸 想你吐的煙 想你壯的肩 半夜長 無眠又多想數遍 感激你深愛我 但深愛我甚麼 或你的答案 是只對我凝望 (一雙眼已經說破) 即管放膽吻我 來提示我更多 來突然抱著我 來熱溶我就似當初 (多想被你觸摸) 一直回望 一直迴盪 戀愛那一天 擁抱那一天 太熱情 纏綿被貓貓聽見 思念如浪 湧在沿岸 想你吐的煙 想你壯的肩 半夜長 情人是否想見見
Music video by Melanie Fiona performing Give It To Me Right. (C) 2008 Universal Records, a Division of UMG Recordings, Inc. and SRC Records, Inc.
Preschool animation - Fiona´s Day Off - Full Episode in English Fiona Fire Engine can´t remember when she last had a day off from work, so she is persuaded by Wheelie to take a days vacation. But it is hard to be free when problems keep popping up that need to be solved. In a final attempt to get Fiona to relax, Wheelie takes her to the beach, but that turns out to be the place where the biggest problem turns up. Heroes of the City is a television cartoon about rescue vehicles in a small town where everybody gets to be a hero! More Heroes of the city could be found in our apps:;=en or on our website:
"Filicious" available on iTunes - Filicious專輯中特別收錄一首國語歌"Better Me" 。這首歌是Fiona跟監製舒文的首次合作,雖然是第一次合作,但他們好像有說不完的話題一樣,由談論歌詞、唱法、錄製的方式已有...
Music video by Fiona Apple performing Criminal. (C) 1997 SONY BMG MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT.
NOW Available on iTunes: KKBOX: MOOV: Spotify: 由Fiona跟Kit Hung(洪榮杰)導演一同執導及編劇,《最後最後》MV推出了兩個版本,首先推出MV版,再推出微電影版本,這是Fiona第一次為自己的歌曲拍攝微電影。 MV故事講述男女主角在畫廊邂逅,其後進入熱戀階段並進行Fiona認為最浪漫的活動——在家共舞,最後他們吵架分手,直至幾年後男方再度出現,發現雙方都變得成熟了,為了從前的任性,男方遞上寫著「對不起」的紙巾,然後再次於家中相擁共舞,《最後最後》想表達的就是他們如何珍惜重遇的最後一晚。 ----- 最後最後 曲:Hong JinYoung 詞:林若寧 編 : Hong Jinyoung 監 : Edward Chan / Hong Jinyoung 垂熄燈火只可影照這一隻舞 現在落淚我怕我再看你不到 專心的翩翩起舞不敢去倒數 延遲說分手拖一分鐘也好 但願現在比煙花燦爛 即使與你 可歌可泣只得一瞬間 但願浪漫蓋過了孤單 如果煙花會散 也至少開一絲花瓣 oh…woo…woo…woo… oh…woo…woo…woo… oh…woo…woo…woo… oh…woo…woo…woo… 戀戀不捨可否給我多半秒 別問道別說愛你會聽見多少 只可惜分針走得快 等不到破曉 遙遠的天空很渺小 但願現在比煙花美麗 即使與你 可歌可泣只得一瞬間 但願浪漫蓋過了孤單 如果煙花要散 這剎那總算最耀眼 oh…woo…woo…woo… oh…woo…woo…woo… oh…woo…woo…woo… oh…woo…woo…woo… 尚有三分鐘倒數 好好謹記吻你那味道 尚有一分鐘倒數 餘下這一分鐘怎過方好 祈求上帝聽我細訴 將光陰帶進去隧道 漫步到初相識最好 停頓你的呼吸一下都好 但願現在比煙花美麗 即使與你 可歌可泣只得一瞬間 活在現實與過去之間 時空穿梭往返 我世界只有這夜晚 oh…woo…woo…woo… oh…woo…woo…woo… oh…woo…woo…woo… oh…woo…woo…woo…
My facebook page: Please make a small donation to Hope For Paws:
Music video by Melanie Fiona performing It Kills Me. (C) 2009 Universal Records, a Division of UMG Recordings, Inc. and SRC Records, Inc.
Music video by Melanie Fiona performing 4AM. (C) 2011 Universal Records, a Division of UMG Recordings, Inc. and SRC Records, Inc.
Available on iTunes : 忙著即將來臨9月份演唱會做準備的Fiona,特意抽出時間錄製2014年第一首派台歌曲《弗洛蒙》,由林寶作詞,跟Fiona多年好友的方大同作曲,早前更遠赴台灣拍攝MV,邀請了曾在《周末畫報》MV合作過的台灣著名MV...
Rejoins Jaws Sur Facebook: Son en hommage a la petite Fiona (Avec les voix de Caroline Costa)
Available on: iTunes: KKBOX: MOOV: Spotify: Music One: Soliton: 《Just You And Me》是由Fiona跟Fergus Chow一起作曲,周禮茂填詞,Fergus Chow同時負責編曲及與Gareth Chan監製。Fiona初初構思這首歌時,是希望帶出喜歡一個人時是一種很直接簡單的感情,特意找周禮茂填上一份淺白簡單的詞;就像歌曲內容一樣,由互相擦出火花著緊對方那刻開始,其實不用思前想後如何表達你的心意,有時簡簡單單直接表達來得更感動。 MV內剪輯了Fiona由進入2014年開始一直默默為 "TONIGHT Fiona Live 2014" 兩場的演唱會作準備的花絮,當中很多過程,也許有辛苦的開心的;為著十年來一直被大家寵愛著,所以Fiona用最大的努力直接地做最大的成果給大家,創造Fiona跟大家那兩晚Just you and me的回憶 。 ------ 薛凱琪 - JUST YOU AND ME 曲:薛凱琪, Fergus Chow 詞:周禮茂 編:Fergus Chow 監:Fergus Chow, Gareth Chan 你沒說過去 誰沒有過去一堆 自己都懶去問 如沒有撤退 其實巳說了准許 誰不可以靠近 別要等 要發生 我的心彷彿清楚 從不可以但你可能 燃點起巳睡了愛的火 AND YOU CARE FOR ME I CARE FOR YOU IN EVERY WAY 不想放棄 在這刻就像醒了自覺心有股勇氣 講需要你 是你不刻意的不經意 愈錯過愈覺知味 MISS YOU EVERY NIGHT AND EVERY DAY LOVING YOU IN EVERY WAY JUST YOU AND ME WE'RE MEANT TO BE JUST YOU AND ME EVERY NIGHT AND FOR ALWAYS 你在笑抱我 其實也愛我偸摸 才不早太靠近 如為你與我 營造這剎那體溫 曾假裝你似笨 別要等 要發生 快決心想講清楚 由不可以就變可能 重燒起按耐了愛的火 AND YOU CARE FOR ME I CARE FOR YOU IN EVERY WAY 鼓起勇氣 在你心預習千次萬次怎說聲"愛你" 像你輕撫我般輕撫你 涙眼笑著更旖旎 MISS YOU EVERY NIGHT AND EVERY DAY LOVING YOU IN EVERY WAY JUST YOU AND ME WE'RE MEANT TO BE JUST YOU AND ME EVERY NIGHT AND FOR ALWAYS AND YOU CARE FOR ME AND I CARE FOR YOU 早置身浪漫天地 兩顆真的心 無限互動的愛在細膩同回味 然後日日相聚 然後夜夜相睡 合唱這首歌 綻放千朶 愛花火 像你輕撫我般輕撫你 涙眼笑著更旖旎 MISS YOU EVERY NIGHT AND EVERY DAY LOVING YOU IN EVERY WAY JUST YOU AND ME WE'RE MEANT TO BE JUST YOU AND ME EVERY NIGHT AND FOR ALWAYS JUST YOU AND ME WE'RE MEANT TO BE JUST YOU AND ME WE'RE MEANT TO BE JUST YOU AND ME WE'RE MEANT TO BE JUST YOU AND ME
JAY Z's Life+Times premieres the exclusive music video for Melanie Fiona's Grammy nominated single, "Wrong Side Of A Love Song" directed by Larenz Tate. Watc...
Tipo Fiona, nova música de trabalho do grupo Inimigos da HP. Confiram o clipe oficial em:
De debuutsingle van 'The Voice Kids' revelatie Fiona! Float Like a Butterfly - iTunes : Facebook : Web : Twitter : Soundcloud :
4 complete episode in a row uninterrupted - Wrong side of the Tracks, Hero Helper, The Seamonster and Alice´s Alarm. Paulie and Fiona is a television cartoon about rescue vehicles in a small town where everybody gets to be a hero! The TV-serie contains a lot of warmth and teaches the importance of friendship and what we can achieve by helping each other.
Fiona Culley - Through The Dark (One Direction Cover) Produced by: Wiley Chandler Recording & Mixing Engineer: Ryan Wilson Chief Camera Operator: Melissa Haithcock Secondary Camera Operator: Jenna Peterson Video Editing by: Wiley Chandler Acoustic Guitar: Wiley Chandler Electric Guitar: Dan Reising Bass Guitar: Shawn Scruggs Percussion: Matt Muha Vocals: Ashton Compon & Wiley Chandler Through The Dark Written By: Jamie Scott, Toby Smith / Louis Tomlinson, Liam Payne © EMI Music Publishing
Compilation with 4 complete episode in a row uninterrupted - Fiona´s day off, The treasure map, Friends forever, Fisherman Fred in troubled waters. Paulie and Fiona is a television cartoon about rescue vehicles in a small town where everybody gets to be a hero! The TV-serie contains a lot of warmth and teaches the importance of friendship and what we can achieve by helping each other. More Paulie and Fiona could be found in our apps: App Store: Google Play:;=en or on our website:
4 complete episode in a row uninterrupted - The Ghost Car,The Racing Day,The Forgotten Birthday and Cara And The Mini Circus. Paulie and Fiona is a preschool...
Compilation with 4 complete episode in a row uninterrupted - The Movie Maker,The Train Adventure,Camping Troubles and The Mysterious Thief. Paulie and Fiona ...
Best Songs of Fiona Fung || Fiona Fung's Greatest Hits Track List: 1.00:00 Proud Of You - Fiona Fung 2. 03:11 A Little Love - Fiona Fung 3. 06:22 Shining Friends - Fiona Fung 4. 09:47 Forever Friend - Fiona Fung 5. 12:52 Special Crew - Fiona Fung 6. 13:47 True Color - Fiona Fung 7. 15:39 Da Da Da - Fiona Fung 8. 17:31 A little bit of memories - Fiona Fung 9. 18:38 A voiding The Port Wind - Fiona Fung 10. 22:27 Goodbye Police - Fiona Fung 11. 24:44 A Wonderful Day - Fiona Fung 12. 25:08 I Love Sunshine - Fiona Fung 13. 26:13 If The Sun - Fiona Fung 14. 29:07 Small - Fiona Fung 15. 32:47 Childhood - Fiona Fung 16. 34:23 Happy Time - Fiona Fung 17. 35:54 I See You In My Dream - Fiona Fung 18. 37:21 You Are My Everything - Fiona Fung 19. 40:27 Love Machine - Fiona Fung 20. 43:57 Little Johnny - Fiona Fung 21. 45:00 Make A Wish Demo - Fiona Fung 22. 47:57 Gau Saang Huen (Life Buoy) - Fiona Fung 23. 51:13 Foh Sing Yuen Gui Man (Mars Aborigine) - Fiona Fung 24. 54:27 Hang Wan Yi (The Lucky One) - Fiona Fung
Acoustic set in Tower Records, West Hollywood, CA, USA October 6, 2005 Setlist: 1. Extraordinary Machine 2. Better Version of Me 3. Paper Bag 4. O' Sailor 5. Parting Gift 6. Fast as You Can 7. After You're Gone
The Idler Wheel Is Wiser Than the Driver of the Screw and Whipping Cords Will Serve You More Than Ropes Will Ever Do by Fiona Apple (2012) If you like this a...
Guest Mix by Rebecca & Fiona. Broadcasted on July 7, 2012. Tracklist: 01 Rebecca & Fiona - Giliap (Original mix) 02 Carli - Big Journey (Original mix) 03 Car...
Những bài hát hay nhất của fiona fung fiona fung - my darling - a little love - forever friend - i love sunshine - froud of you - mouse love rice - true colo...
Compilación con cuatro episodios completos seguidos sin interrupción. La carrera, El auto fantasma, El cumpleaños olvidado, Cara y el mini-circo. Paulie y Fiona es una animación preescolar sobre vehículos de rescate en una cuidad pequeña donde todos pueden ser héroes. Sigue la fantásticamente emocionante aventura junto con tus amigos en la ciudad. Conoce a Paulie Patrulla y a Fiona Camión de Bomberos mientras ayudan a los ciudadanos a encontrar ladrones, apagar incendios y a resolver uno de muchos misterios que pasan en la tranquila ciudad. También podrás conocer al Cuervo Calamidades, el ave más desafortunada de la ciudad. La serie de TV contiene mucha cordialidad y enseña la importancia de la amistad y lo que podemos lograr al ayudar al prójimo. Episodio completo en Español Latinoamericano.
Paulie y Fiona es una animación preescolar sobre vehículos de rescate en una cuidad pequeña donde todos pueden ser héroes. Sigue la fantásticamente emocionante aventura junto con tus amigos en la ciudad. Conoce a Paulie Patrulla y a Fiona Camión de Bomberos mientras ayudan a los ciudadanos a encontrar ladrones, apagar incendios y a resolver uno de muchos misterios que pasan en la tranquila ciudad. También podrás conocer al Cuervo Calamidades, el ave más desafortunada de la ciudad. La serie de TV contiene mucha cordialidad y enseña la importancia de la amistad y lo que podemos lograr al ayudar al prójimo. Episodio completo en Español Latinoamericano.
MP3 LINK: This video is intend to give the viewer an orgasm. This video is intend for mature viewers. If you have ...
DOWNLOAD this set here: For MORE LIVESETS, TRACKS & DOWNLOADS, visit us at: LIKE us on FACEBOOK for more updates:
1 - Shadowboxer 2 - Sleep to dream 3 - Angel 4 - Criminal
Bangla Natok/Telefilm 2015 - Life And Fiona লাইফ এন্ড ফিওনা - ft. Nisho,Farzana Story & Direction : Tanim Rahman Ongshu Cast : Afran Nisho,Sharlin Farzana,Shamol Maula,Kazi Uzzal,Dipannita,Shawon Haque,Rashed,Digonto Hasan,Jisad,Himel,Abir,Poli,Syeda,Afrin,Afroz,Anan,Nujhan Dina. Additional Information : bangla natok,bangla natok 2015,bangla new natok 2015,bangla natok by nisho 2015,bangla natok by sharlin farzana 2015,bangla romantic natok 2015,bangla telefilm 2015,bangla romantic telefilm 2015,bangla natok Life And Fiona লাইফ এন্ড ফিওনা by Tanim, ft - Nisho,Farzana.... Mosharraf Karim's natok 2015 | can be found here - Please Subscribe to this channel to stay updated
disc 2 : Vu que madame Fiona a enfin sorti un 4ème disque en 16 ans (bon d'accord ce n'est pas entièrement de sa f...
En este episodio, el cineasta Quentin Tarantino y la música Fiona Apple charlan sobre cine y música en Austin, Texas, donde Tarantino asiste a un concierto de Apple, y luego ella realiza una gira por el set de la película de Quentin, Grindhouse. También tendrán tiempo de explorar algunos sitios frecuentados por personas del lugar, y tesoros ocultos, incluyendo una colonia urbana de murciélagos.
Fiona Staples is an Eisner, Hugo and Shuster Award-winning artist and the co-creator of Saga at Image Comics. She uses a Cintiq, Manga Studio 5 and Photoshop CS5 to create her beautiful lines (and is not opposed to breaking out Copic markers and other traditional tools when necessary). Next Wednesday, December 3rd at 11 a.m. PT, Fiona will be live in conversation with Techman Joe Sliger and Caleb Goellner to discuss her workflow, inspiration and influences. Please join us for a peek behind the process of creating a best-selling comic series.
Avicii Video : More Sets from TomorrowWorld 2013 Tiesto : David Guetta...
Où est passée la petite Fiona ? Le 12 mai 2013, une femme enceinte semble paniquée dans la parc de Montjuzet. Cécile a emmené jouer ses filles de 5 ans et 2 ...
Eid Telefilm: Life and Fiona (on air 4th day of eid on Ntv) Story & Direction: Taneem Rahman Angshu. Producer: Shahriar Shakil. Screenplay: Debashis Howlader Dev Cast: Afran Nisho, Shamol Mawla, Sharlin Farzana, Deepanwita Martin, Irin Afrose, Kazi Ujjal, Shawon Huq and more. DOP: Ridoy Sarkar. 2nd Unit Cinematographer: S K Jewel. Post: Ismail Hossain. Promo Edit: Taneem Rahman Angshu. Color Grade: Taneem Rahman Angshu. Promo Song: Lighthouse Family. A Musical Appearance by: Minar Rahman Chief AD: Toufiqul Islam Khan Rabbii. 1st ADs: Sakib Hasan Badhon, Diganta HaSsan. 2nd AD: বাসেদ এলাহী ধ্রুব Production Controller: Partha Protim Mridha. Special Gratitude: Masud Ul Hasan Executed by: Motion Rock Entertainment. ON AIR: 4th day of Eid ul Azha at 2:30 pm on Ntv.
Sorry about the terrible quality :(
Fiona Culley - Thinking Out Loud (Ed Sheeran Cover) Produced by: Wiley Chandler Recording & Mixing . Funny Cover of Ed Sheeran Thinking Out Loud / Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran__ video credits to: Lemuel Tamayo & Pinoy Kulitan WorldWide. Fiona Culley - Thinking Out Loud (Ed Sheeran Cover) . Hi I'm Brooklyn-Rose age 16 from the Uk and this is my cover of Ed Sheeran's amazing song Thinking Out Loud. Hope you enjoy my cover, the guitar and piano was played by my friend and fellow.
Watch the full version movie:
Tier 2 Challenge Hammer Fiona IGN: YourNightmaree
+13 enhanced bloodlust majesty longsword +5 kobold nighthawk small shield 3x apocryphal 2* solid master (rest unscrolled) or 3* +2x champion 3* or 4* armor unscrolled cadet badge+vvip 51 attack speed
Tries to save Punjabi language in UK
My stash aunt people on top mustache
I RECOMMAND WATCH IN " HD ", SINCE GooglTube totally FUPED QUALITY.;/ Read description for more info. One of my shorter (but not shortest) solos of Glas without being bugged. Video was made for Fail Event, with the ridiculous name: "Class Challenge". It's not really good or fast solo, but at least I passed event requirements (Max 10 hits). I tried don't risk too much while making this run due to difficulty and bugs of this raid. Run was made without cheating with Feather Glitch... about which I'm somehow proud. ---------------------------------------------- Informations about Character: - Almost unscrolled gear, but with Crit Infusions; - Avatar Set were used; - No cheating NX items; - No Boosters and VIP; - No consumables (including Campfire); - No Feather Glitch (abused by some players, which wasn't allowed); - Master ES exchanged to Restoration ES due to Glas bugs.
HOLLA! Aujourd'hui, je fait un petit fisha du petit délire de Jennifer, Fiona et moi :') J’espère que vous aimerez *w* Aller bisous ^-^ A oui! Si tu as aimer met un pouce bleu et n’hésite pas a t'abonné, pourrons nous atteindre les 300?! A vous de répondre! ♥♥♥
Disclaimer: My lyrics in no way refer to the lovely lady featured in this video. This upload is dedicated to boxhead's mum.
Check out my cover of Melanie Fiona's "I've Been That Girl". I hope you guys love it.
*DISCLAIMER* Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. I DO NOT OWN THE SONG OR THE LYRICS. IT'S JUST A TRIBUTE TO THIS AMAZING ARTIST!
Suzy is a young woman who hangs around rock bands while living with her friend Fiona ... Fiona ...
The Examiner 2015-03-31... the security or income they need – most are under constant financial strain Fiona Weir, Gingerbread.
The Guardian 2015-03-31Fiona Bruce told Radio Times magazine, "The punch wasn’t in the script".
York Press 2015-03-31Fiona Bruce and the team set up for another busy day in the grounds of Hever Castle in Kent.
Australian Broadcasting Corporation 2015-03-31By Fiona Ortiz ... (Reporting and writing by Fiona Ortiz in Chicago; Additional reporting by Mary ...
Yahoo Daily News 2015-03-31Una brutta razza" event, fronted by former Olympic long-jumper Fiona May, is being promoted on the ...
noodls 2015-03-31(Source: ... S ... S ... Fiona Hill, director of the Brookings Center on the United States and Europe, will provide introductory remarks.
noodls 2015-03-31Jennifer Beattie (Manchester City), Fiona Brown (Glasgow City), Frankie Brown (Bristol Academy), ...
BBC News 2015-03-31(Source: Charles Sturt University ) ... ends. Media contact: Fiona Halloran and Emily Malone, (02) 6933 2207 Media Note: ... csu. edu.
noodls 2015-03-3131 March 2015 Last updated at 11:17 ... The ceremony was hosted by Niall Iain Macdonald and Fiona MacKenzie ... News navigation.
BBC News 2015-03-31Ordering full reports before she passes sentence, District Judge Fiona Bagnall said: "If those care ...
Belfast Telegraph 2015-03-31Newsreader Fiona Bruce has revealed that it was her co-star Dawn French's idea to punch her during ...
Belfast Telegraph 2015-03-31(Bloomberg) -- Macquarie Group Ltd ... Fiona McDonald, a Hong Kong-based spokeswoman at the Australian bank, declined to comment.
Bloomberg 2015-03-31Fiona is a feminine given name. The name Fiona was invented, and first used, by the Scottish poet James Macpherson[citation needed] (1736–96), author of the Ossian poems, which he claimed were translations from ancient Gaelic sources (sources, when challenged, he never produced). The name was subsequently used as a pseudonym by William Sharp (1855–1905), who authored several romantic works under the name "Fiona Macleod". The name has since become popular in England, Scotland and Ireland.
The name is considered to be a Latinised form of the Gaelic word fionn, meaning "white", "fair". The name Fiona is also sometimes used as an Anglicisation of the Irish language name Fíona. There is also a modern tendency to equate the authentic Scottish Gaelic feminine name Fionnghal with Fiona (note that it is possible that Fiona may have been based on Fionnghal).
The name Fiona is rising in popularity particularly in German-speaking countries. Fiona was the 49th most popular name for baby girls born in 2008 in Germany.Fiona was tied for third place in the ranking of most popular names for baby girls born in the tiny principality of Liechtenstein in 2008. The name was the 347th most popular name for girls born in the United States in 2008, where it has ranked among the top 1,000 most popular names for girls since 1990 and among the top 500 since 1999. The name Fiona has been particularly popular for girls of Asian or Pacific Islander descent in New York City, where Fiona ranked as the ninth most popular name for girls from those groups in 2007.
Fiona Sit Hoi-Kei (born August 11, 1981) is a female singer and actress from Hong Kong.
Fiona Sit attended Island School and studied Creative Media in City University of Hong Kong until 2004. She used to be a part-time model, shooting for adverts and magazines.
Owing to her uncle Peter Wong, who was Senior management in Capital Artists, she had the opportunity to have a test and finally signed a deal with Warner Music Hong Kong to be an artist.
After joining Warner Music Group in 2003, Sit first plugged her debut song "XBF" and "Madonna's Kiss", catching attention from audience. Sit released her first album F Debut on 8 April 2004. It became a best-seller in Hong Kong, being certified gold for sales in excess of 25,000 copies. The album contained the hit ballad "XBF" (short for ex-boyfriend) and another hit "Keanu Reeves Reply". The song "Keanu Reeves Reply" reached #1 in the four medium.
She published her debut Photobook F-Trip and sold with her limited set of "Fileee Doll", later sold it in Animation-Comic-Game Hong Kong. It became sellout after four days.
Fiona Apple McAfee Maggart (born September 13, 1977) is an American singer-songwriter and pianist. Apple met international acclaim for her 1996 debut album, Tidal, which was a critical and commercial success. At the age of nineteen she received a Grammy Award for Best Female Rock Vocal Performance for the single "Criminal" from that album in 1998.
After Tidal, Apple released the critically acclaimed, though less commercially successful albums, When the Pawn... (1999) and Extraordinary Machine (2005). A perceived shelving of Extraordinary Machine was met with vocal protests from her fans, who campaigned against her record label in 2005. Apple's musical style contains elements of jazz and alternative rock.
Born in New York City, Apple is the daughter of singer Diane McAfee and actor Brandon Maggart. Her older sister, Amber, sings cabaret under the stage name Maude Maggart. Her half brother Spencer is a director and directed the video for her single "Parting Gift." Her half brother Garett Maggart starred in the TV series The Sentinel. In addition, her maternal grandparents were Millicent Green, a dancer with the George White's Scandals, a series of 1920s musical revues similar to the Ziegfeld Follies, and Johnny McAfee, a multireedist and vocalist of the big band era; her grandparents met while touring with Johnny Hamp and his orchestra. Apple was raped at the age of twelve, a trauma she would later allude to in songs such as "Sullen Girl."
Outside at night i see the stars shine down on me
the moon above, it's all around and i just feel free
the morning light, the birds keep staring at the sea
i'm running home 'cause i'm tired and i start to freeze
can you see these summerdays?
they're all long gone away
want to go out today
but it is not ok...
i feel the warm winds and feel the sunshine on my fur
i run around, with the other dogs i play
i'm jumping right, i'm jumping left, jump up and down
but when i'm tired, i'm running home
i'm coming down...
can you see these summerdays?
they're all long gone away
want to go out today
but til says it's not ok...
Fiona if you plan an inquisition
we'd better get over with right now
I'd better tell you about my new position
You're gonna find out about it anyhow
I'm not a heretic as far as true love goes
But I've changed denomination
and I guess it shows
Fiona if you find the worm is turning
and headed for another piece of ground
Remember that the worm is only learning
His crying is a most depressing sound
I'm not a heretic as far as true love goes
But I've changed denomination
and I guess it shows.
Way down yonder on the bayou
There lives a little girl-o
Skin so pale
Six feet high
Skinny as a rail
Just one eye
She's the one-eyed Fiona
She's the one-eyed Fiona
She's the one-eyed Fiona
She's the one-eyed Fiona
Her daddy gone to heaven
Her mama won't like you
Her brother he's crazy
He just might bite you
Her sister she's pretty
But she just won't do
She's the one-eyed Fiona
She's the one-eyed Fiona
She's the one-eyed Fiona
She's the one-eyed Fiona
Oh you say she gonna love you
Because you made a little voodoo
Oh but what they didn't tell you
Is it ain't up to you dude
You better not cross her
You try to boss her
Then you better duck Mister
Here come a cup and a saucer
She's the one-eyed Fiona
She's the one-eyed Fiona
She's the one-eyed Fiona
She's the one-eyed Fiona
So if you're going to the bayou
Man I'll tell you all I know
She's got skin so pale
She's six feet high
And she'll look right through you
With just one eye
She's the one-eyed Fiona
She's the one-eyed Fiona
She's the one-eyed Fiona
Be good to yourself, cause you were never good to me
I know what I know, cause I read it in your diary.
So stop shaking your knees, stop nodding your head.
I said forever. Forever's what I said.
The only woman I will ever love.
Know that I'm watching through windows and behind the door.
I'll be staring down at you every time you snore.
You know I'm not afraid to wind up dead.
Cause I said forever. Forever's what I said.
The only woman I will ever love.
I love you so but you act like such a ho.
You act like such a ho.
You're such a ho.
The only woman I will ever love.
I love you so but you act like such a ho.
You act like such a ho.
You're such a ho.