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Hyperviolence is an attitude
Actors Maurice Compte (actor), Brad Hunt (actor), Nick Palumbo (producer), Nick Palumbo (director), Nick Palumbo (writer), Shawn Andrews (actor), Susan Ferris (producer), Alison B. Buck (producer),
Actors Hermie Go (producer), Vic del Rosario Jr. (producer), Lui Manansala (actress), Ernie Zarate (actor), Vicente G. del Rosario III (producer), Shamaine Buencamino (actress), Joselito Altarejos (director), Joselito Altarejos (producer), Jiro Manio (actor), Joselito Altarejos (writer), Lex Bonife (writer), Lex Bonife (actor), Lex Bonife (writer), Valeria S. del Rosario (producer), Arkee Tunisia (actor),
Actors Michael Rogers (actor), Adam Beach (actor), Andrew Simpson (miscellaneous crew), Denis Corbett (actor), Ben Cotton (actor), Karyn Edwards (miscellaneous crew), Dana Dubé (miscellaneous crew), Shawn Williamson (producer), Stephen Hegyes (producer), Nathaniel Arcand (actor), Lenka Svab (editor), Cynthia Chapman (producer), Sheila Tousey (actress), Shirley Cheechoo (director), Jenn Griffin (actress),
В Праге прошли массовые протесты против шествия колонны американской боевой техники по Чехии. Вооруженные силы США недавно провели учения вблизи российской границы в Прибалтике. Теперь бронемашины возвращаются на базу в Германию. Вашингтон распорядился перебросить технику через Восточную Европу, чтобы таким образом проявить солидарность с коллегами перед лицом возможной угрозы со стороны России. Однако, как заявил эксперт Ричард Беккер в интервью RT, угрозу представляют именно США. Подписывайтесь на RT Russian - RT на русском - Vkontakte - Facebook - Twitter - Livejournal -
Nick Broomfield, an award winning filmmaker, talks to Going Underground host Afshin Rattansi about his work. He says that his current film, about the ‘Grim Sleeper,’ alleged serial killer Lonnie Franklin, is about ‘disposable people.’ The police used to use the slang term ‘no human involved,’ or NHI, to describe murder prostitutes or gang members. They wouldn’t bother ‘doing proper forensics,’ and wouldn't put too much effort into investigating the deaths. There was an attitude that as these were disposable people, ‘it didn’t really matter.’ He thinks it is more to do with class than colour, those who have little political weight, people who are not regarded as ‘proper citizens.’ It is, however, seen particularly in black communities like south central, or Ferguson, for example. He says that he’s ‘not sure the police has changed their attitude very much, I think their PR departments [but] I think the attitude of NHI still very much exists today.’ He believes that people feel the police racism in Ferguson could have happened across the States, and there is an ‘intrinsic racism’ in both the Republican and Democrat parties. The political system in the US is ‘designed to disenfranchise’ minority communities, with possession of crack, something predominantly in black communities, there is an automatic felony conviction that excludes you from voting for minimum 7 years, whereas the white drug of choice, cocaine, would be a misdemeanour with no felony conviction, and he argues this has been the way since ‘the end of slavery.’ RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Google+ Listen to us on Soundcloud: RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
The Red Cross says the Saudi-led air strikes against Houthi rebels, mean they are unable to deliver medical supplies. The main airport in Sana'a has been a major target for coalition aircraft, as 'Operation Decisive Storm' stretches into its sixth day. RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Google+ Listen to us on Soundcloud: RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
Media wars have entered new territory: Secretary of State John Kerry, members of the EU and the military alliance NATO all have singled out this television station - RT - as some kind of security threat. Since when is holding and broadcasting a different opinion or narrative a threat to global media freedom? CrossTalking with Anthony Salvia, Martin McCauley, and Don DeBar. Listen to CrossTalk+ here: Watch all CrossTalk shows here: (2009 - 2011) (2011 - 2012) (2012 - 2013) (2013 - 2014) (2015 - Current) RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Google+ Listen to us on Soundcloud: RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
Mehr auf unserer Webseite: Die Werbekampagne des US-Militärs mit dem Titel Dragoon Ride hat auf ihrer Mission fünf osteuropäische NATO-Staaten durchquert. Auf ihren Zwischenstopps kamen viele Schaulustige, aber auch Gegendemonstranten, die in dem Militär-Konvoi eine Provokation und Bedrohung sahen. Der offizielle Grund für die Werbetour lautet: „Washingtons Alliierte im Angesicht einer wahrgenommenen Gefahr durch Russland zu beruhigen." Heute erreicht die US-Werbetour Deutschland, Endstation ist der Truppenübungsplatz Grafenwöhr in der Oberpfalz . Folge uns auf Facebook: Folge uns auf Twitter: Folge uns auf Google+: RT Deutsch nimmt die Herausforderung an, die etablierte deutsche Medienlandschaft aufzurütteln und mit einer alternativen Berichterstattung etablierte Meinungen zu hinterfragen. Wir zeigen und schreiben das, was sonst verschwiegen oder weggeschnitten wird. RT - Der fehlende Part.
Former Minnesota governor and wrestling heavyweight Jesse Ventura brings his ‘Off the Grid’ views on politics and news to RT America, beginning this Friday at 6 PM EST. Find RT America in your area: Or watch us online: Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter
Prokofiev International airport Donetsk was, two years ago, a symbol of hope for a region in need of stimulation. It now lies in ruins, beyond repair, the recipient of massive firepower from both sides in Ukraine's war. RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Google+ Listen to us on Soundcloud: RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
An RT Arabic crew reporting on Palestinian Land Day demonstrations in Nablus in the West Bank narrowly avoided injury after almost being struck by stun grenades on Monday. RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Google+ Listen to us on Soundcloud: RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
MORE DOCUMENTARIES HERE: Miguel Francis, a Los Angeles film school graduate, travels to Crimea to discover how life there has changed since it was reunited with Russia. He explores the beautiful peninsula’s history and cultural heritage, as well as taking in some of Crimea’s tourist attractions while talking to locals about their attitudes to becoming Russian citizens. RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Google+ Listen to us on Soundcloud: RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
Welcome to North Korea where you have to follow your guide’s instructions and only take pictures of what we say. To some the people are repressed, though they prefer to describe themselves as "protected," at least on camera. Life here is the result of a unique 70-year social experiment in which the people are "shielded" from the "corrupting influence" of the outside world. Dynastic leader Marshal Kim Jong-un, who inherited the job from his father and grandfather, continues their political heritage. An RTD film crew was granted rare access to this unique country, which may seem to have leapt from the pages of a dystopian novel, to see what life is really like and what the people really think of their homeland and its leader. RTD WEBSITE: RTD ON TWITTER: RTD ON FACEBOOK: RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
Una corresponsal de RT en árabe se encontró este lunes en medio de un ataque de la Policía israelí en la región de Cisjordania LEER MÁS: ¡Suscríbete a RT en español! RT en Twitter: RT en Facebook: RT en Google+: RT en Vkontakte: Vea nuestra señal en vivo: RT EN ESPAÑOL: DESDE RUSIA CON INFORMACIÓN
Mehr auf unserer Webseite: RT Korrespondent Ilya Petrenko traf sich mit dem Zeugen dessen Aussagen willentlich von einem Reuters-Journalisten ins Gegenteil verkehrt und teilweise komplett erlogen wurden. Die offiziellen Untersuchungen zu MH-17 sind noch immer in Gange und die Ermittler appellieren an die Medien nicht über den Absturz zu spekulieren. Leider ist der Fall, wie der von Reuters, kein Einzelfall, sondern reiht sich in eine Fülle von vorherigen Artikeln ein. RT fasst die spekulativen und erlogenen Meldungen der Vergangenheit zusammen. Folge uns auf Facebook: Folge uns auf Twitter: Folge uns auf Google+: RT Deutsch nimmt die Herausforderung an, die etablierte deutsche Medienlandschaft aufzurütteln und mit einer alternativen Berichterstattung etablierte Meinungen zu hinterfragen. Wir zeigen und schreiben das, was sonst verschwiegen oder weggeschnitten wird. RT - Der fehlende Part.
What cool project would you do with $10,000 dollars? We want to know! Go to and your project could be chosen! Submissions are due by March 31st at 9pm PST and we will announce what project we chose on April 1st at the #BESTDAYEVER livestream at: || FREE EDGAR: || Join in on the conversation at: Rooster Teeth Store: Rooster Teeth: Achievement Hunter: Business Inquiries: Subscribe to the RT Channel: Subscribe to the Let's Play Channel: Subscribe to The Know Channel: Subscribe to the Slow Mo Guys Channel: Subscribe to the Game Fails Channel: Watch RWBY: Watch Red vs. Blue: Watch RT Animated Adventures: Watch RT Life: Watch RT Shorts: Watch Immersion:
The Rooster Teeth Podcast is back in video form! Join us for our episode originally aired on February 9, 2015, sponsored by Dollar Shave Club ( and NatureBox ( This episode features Gus Sorola, Gavin Free, Adam Kovic, Meg Turney, and Burnie Burns. Rooster Teeth Sponsors get to watch the episode streamed live during taping every Monday evening at 7:30PM Central Time. For more information visit Sponsors for this week: Dollar Shave Club: NatureBox: Links discussed this episode: RT Store: Rooster Teeth: Achievement Hunter: Subscribe to the RT Channel: Subscribe to the Let's Play Channel: Subscribe to The Know Channel: Subscribe to the Slow Mo Guys Channel: Subscribe to the Game Fails Channel: Watch RWBY: Watch Red vs. Blue: Watch RT Animated Adventures: Watch RT Life: Watch RT Shorts: Watch Immersion:
A discussion between CNN’s Christiane Amanpour and RT’s Anissa Naouai degraded into a tense back and forth on Friday, resulting in Naouai’s criticisms of CNN and its coverage of international affairs being cut from the finalized interview that was broadcast. After repeated questions which, according to Naouai, implied her impartiality was lacking, the RT host responded by questioning Amanpour’s own impartiality and potential conflicts of interest when it comes to US military interventions. These comments never made it on air. RT’s Ben Swann speaks to Naouai herself for a reaction. Find RT America in your area: Or watch us online: Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter
Honestly, this was the overall highlight I wanted to complete the most. More so than the Michael and Geoff highlight I've made. I'm surprised they haven't made a booooOOOoooo shirt yet. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The content in this video was made by Rooster Teeth. I don't claim ownership of the content used and the video is intended for entertainment purposes only.
This week the crew hosts the RT Recap while partying it up at SXSW in Austin! || FREE EDGAR: || Join in on the conversation at: Rooster Teeth Podcast #316 - The Patch #97 - Leaderboard #30 - The Know It All - On the Spot #17 - How to: Evolve - RTAA #181 - Happy Hour #17 - GO! #74 - HUNT #74 - VS #108 - Things to do in Minecraft - Things to do in GTA V - Top 5 - Rage Quit - Let's Play GTA V - The Prison Job Part 3 - Let's Play Zombie Army Trilogy - Let's Play Battlefield Hardline Part 2 - Let's Play Rainbow Six Vegas Part 4 - Let's Play Minecraft Chutes and Ladders - The Slow Mo Guys CD Shattering at 170,000 FPS - X-Ray and Vav Season 2 Intro - Red vs. Blue Channel - Sponsor Play: Alien Isolation Pt. 12 - Sponsor Play: Alien Isolation Pt. 13 - AH Team Salt & Vinegar Shirt - Funhaus Channel - Dude Soup Podcast #8 - Open Haus #6 -
البث الحي لقناة RT Arabic الاشتراك في فيديوهات قناة "ٌRT" من خلال اليوتيوب: ...
The U.S. is planning to splash out up to 5-billion dollars on orbital defense. One of the key reasons behind the spending spree, according to Washington, is a potential threat from China. RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Google+ Listen to us on Soundcloud: RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
Adoption without the consent of a child’s biological parents remains a controversial issue in the UK, one of only two European countries that practice “forced adoption”. Many families felt they had no choice but to seek refuge in Ireland or other foreign country. Human rights activists have raised concerns about social workers’ integrity and the fairness of the system. RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Google+ Listen to us on Soundcloud: RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
Many in the West believe the destiny of the human race is to embrace Western liberal democratic values. This may or may not be true, but it partially explains why Washington and its allies are so willing to overthrow governments around the world – even if they are democratically elected. And the favorite tool is the NGO. CrossTalking with Ken O'Keefe, Joe Lauria, and Richard Weitz. Listen to CrossTalk+ here: Watch all CrossTalk shows here: (2009 - 2011) (2011 - 2012) (2012 - 2013) (2013 - 2014) (2015 - Current) RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Google+ Listen to us on Soundcloud: RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
Ukraine's delicate balancing act: to the surprise of many the ceasefire designed to de-escalate Ukraine's civil war is holding. Nonetheless there are many reasons to remain skeptical. Kiev is desperate for more arms, which Washington would like to provide. And the Europeans are wary of an American proxy war against Russia. CrossTalking with Marcus Papadopoulos, James Carden, and Seumas Milne. Listen to CrossTalk+ here: Watch all CrossTalk shows here: (2009 - 2011) (2011 - 2012) (2012 - 2013) (2013 - 2014) (2015 - Current) RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Google+ Listen to us on Soundcloud: RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
Mehr auf unserer Webseite: Die Offensive der irakischen Regierung gegen den „IS“ in Tikrit steht nach Wochen vor einem Durchbruch. Regierungstruppen und schiitische Milizen stoßen in das Stadtzentrum der Geburtsstadt des ehemaligen Regierungschefs Saddam Hussein vor. Die Schlacht gilt als Gradmesser für eine künftige Offensive auf Mossul im Norden des Landes. Folge uns auf Facebook: Folge uns auf Twitter: Folge uns auf Google+: RT Deutsch nimmt die Herausforderung an, die etablierte deutsche Medienlandschaft aufzurütteln und mit einer alternativen Berichterstattung etablierte Meinungen zu hinterfragen. Wir zeigen und schreiben das, was sonst verschwiegen oder weggeschnitten wird. RT - Der fehlende Part.
Peter Haisenko war 30 Jahre lang Lufthansa-Pilot. Im RT Deutsch Interview fasst er die wenigen Erkenntnisse zusammen, die als gesichtert gelten und kritisiert die vorschnellen Urteile, die in vielen Medien bereits gefällt werden. Weitere Eskalation im Jemen: Nachdem gestern die saudische Luftwaffe den Jemen bombadiert hatte, wird heute bereits offen über den Einsatz von Bodentruppen diskutiert. Mehr auf unserer Webseite: Folge uns auf Facebook: Folge uns auf Twitter: Folge uns auf Google+: RT Deutsch nimmt die Herausforderung an, die etablierte deutsche Medienlandschaft aufzurütteln und mit einer alternativen Berichterstattung etablierte Meinungen zu hinterfragen. Wir zeigen und schreiben das, was sonst verschwiegen oder weggeschnitten wird. RT - Der fehlende Part.
From Afghanistan to Yemen we are told we must fight terrorism over there to keep us safe here at home. The historical record tells us a very different story. Washington’s so-called war on terror has only created and motivated more violent extremists and destroyed states. As a result of failed wars, terrorism flourishes around the world. CrossTalking with Phyllis Bennis, Bruce Fein, and James Jeffrey. RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Google+ Listen to us on Soundcloud: RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
Amazingly the Obama administration still calls Yemen a "template" of success when it comes to its counterterrorism efforts. Closer to the truth is probably still another poorly thought out foreign policy adventure. And double standards abound – what is deemed legitimate for Yemen is denied in the case of Ukraine. CrossTalking with Marcus Papadopoulos, Mark Sleboda, and Eric Draitser. Listen to CrossTalk+ here: Watch all CrossTalk shows here: (2009 - 2011) (2011 - 2012) (2012 - 2013) (2013 - 2014) (2015 - Current) RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Google+ Listen to us on Soundcloud: RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
Now it’s Yemen’s turn: Saudi Arabia – the richest petro-kingdom - is militarily assaulting the Arab world’s poorest state – and it has Washington’s full backing. Riyadh has made it clear it wants its man back in power in Yemen and the surrender of the Houthis. Neither is likely to happen. But a regional war is. CrossTalking with Sami Ramadani, Ali al-Ahmed, and Ervand Abrahamian. Listen to CrossTalk+ here: Watch all CrossTalk shows here: (2009 - 2011) (2011 - 2012) (2012 - 2013) (2013 - 2014) (2015 - Current) RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Google+ Listen to us on Soundcloud: RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
Die vier Außenminister des Normandie-Formats wieder einmal vereint in Berlin Richard Gage, Architekt, Gründer des Verbandes „Architekten und Ingenieure für die Wahrheit am 11. September“ zum Thema: „Nach 14 Jahren ist 9/11 teilweise immer noch ungeklärt“ Putin, der König aller Memes, zensiert mal wieder locker flockig das russische Internet. Oder doch nicht? RT macht sich auf die Spurensuche im Sumpf der westlichen Halbwahrheiten Mehr auf unserer Webseite: Folge uns auf Facebook: Folge uns auf Twitter: Folge uns auf Google+: RT Deutsch nimmt die Herausforderung an, die etablierte deutsche Medienlandschaft aufzurütteln und mit einer alternativen Berichterstattung etablierte Meinungen zu hinterfragen. Wir zeigen und schreiben das, was sonst verschwiegen oder weggeschnitten wird. RT - Der fehlende Part.
Civil wars in Syria and Ukraine, the threat of ISIS, and now protests in Hong Kong. So far the UN has prevented a war from breaking out between super powers since the end of World War II, but recently the US has not gotten its way in the UNSC. By way of financial flows and sanctions, Western powers have ultimately started a world proxy war. CrossTalking with Rodney Shakespeare, Patrick Henningsen, and George Szamuely. Watch all CrossTalk shows here: (Sep 2009 - Feb 2011) (Mar 2011 - Jul 2012) (Jul 2012 - current) RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
Purging Kiev, or the revolution eats its own children: On the back of an economic meltdown and defeat on the battlefield there are signs the Maidan revolutionaries are turning on each other. Walking away from the Minsk ceasefire process, the Kiev regime is looking desperate. Is more war their only option? CrossTalking with Anton Fedyashin, Charles Shoebridge and Alexander Mercouris. Listen to CrossTalk+ here: Watch all CrossTalk shows here: (2009 - 2011) (2011 - 2012) (2012 - 2013) (2013 - 2014) (2015 - Current) RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Google+ Listen to us on Soundcloud: RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
An historic agreement that could trigger a geopolitical realignment in the Middle East. There is no final agreement yet between the P5+1 countries and Iran regarding its nuclear program – but what we do know gives reason to be cautiously optimistic. Can the parties of war still prevail over hopes for peace? CrossTalking with Mohammad Marandi, Fred Fleitz, and Massoumeh Torfeh. Listen to CrossTalk+ here: Watch all CrossTalk shows here: (2009 - 2011) (2011 - 2012) (2012 - 2013) (2013 - 2014) (2015 - Current) RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Google+ Listen to us on Soundcloud: RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
The closer the Western powers and Iran come to a negotiated settlement, the more we hear the West and Iran are destined to be enemies. Can the political establishment in the West and Israel ever say ‘yes’ to peaceful co-existence with the Islamic Republic? CrossTalking with Charles Cogan, Chuck Freilich, and Jim Lobe. Listen to CrossTalk+ here: Watch all CrossTalk shows here: (2009 - 2011) (2011 - 2012) (2012 - 2013) (2013 - 2014) (2015 - Current) RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Google+ Listen to us on Soundcloud: RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
Die deutsche Presselandschaft ist seit November 2014 um eine Farbe reicher. Der russische Sender „Russia Today“ produziert seither täglich die 30-minütige Sendung „Der fehlende Part“. Dieses Programm wird vorwiegend über Youtube im Netz verbreitet, und fügt sich nahtlos in die englischsprachigen Produktionen von RT International ein, die den größten Teil des 24-Stunden-Programmes ausmachen. Russia Today, das eine klassische terrestrische Ausstrahlung anstrebt, sieht sich selbst bewusst nicht als Sender, dessen Fokus es ist, über Russland zu berichten, sondern eher als ein Pendant zu BBC oder Deutsche Welle. Russia Today ist angetreten, um den Usern Tagespolitik aus der russischen Perspektive näherzubringen. Nicht allen gefällt die russische Konkurrenz. So wurde die Redaktion in Berlin von den Kollegen alles andere als herzlich aufgenommen. Im Gegenteil. RT Deutsch musste sich von Anfang an eher verspotten lassen, aber auch tätliche Angriffe auf Kamerateams von RT kamen vor. Gastfreundschaft und Pressefreiheit scheinen im wiedervereinigten Deutschland aktuell schnell an seine Grenzen zu kommen, wenn man als Europäer zu weit aus dem Osten kommt. KenFM sprach mit dem Chefredakteur von RT Deutsch, Ivan Rodionov, über dessen Vorgeschichte und die Herausforderung, auf dem zweitgrößten Nachrichtenmarkt der Welt, der BRD, seine Zielgruppe zu finden. Das Gespräch fand kurz vor Jahreswechsel statt. Wir erlebten in Ivan Rodionov einen sehr erfahrenen und in sich ruhenden Journalisten und Chefredakteur, der jahrelange Erfahrung als Reporter aufweisen kann. Nach eigener Schätzung hat er bis dato weit mehr als die Hälfte aller Staaten auf diesem Globus als Berichterstatter bereist. KenFM heißt die Kollegen in Berlin herzlich willkommen, denn Konkurrenz belebt das Nachrichtengeschäft.
Many young men dream of joining Russia’s Special Forces. However, for that to come true, they have to pass a series of incredibly tough endurance tests. There’s no room for failure. The slightest hesitation or poor mark and they’re disqualified. For most, running 11 kilometers in full military gear, under conditions similar to a real battle, would be unbearable. But for those battling for the right to wear the coveted crimson beret, this is just one of the trials that must be passed with flying colors. They also have to shoot accurately, storm buildings quickly and demonstrate outstanding combat skills. Throughout the grueling ordeal, the hardest challenge is to overcome themselves. RTD WEBSITE: RTD ON TWITTER: RTD ON FACEBOOK: RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
Maria Janssen, politische Aktivistin, nach ihrer Rückkehr aus der Ostukraine zum Thema „Wieviel Leben steckt noch in den Städten und Dörfern um Donezk?“ Bruno Kramm, Netzaktivist und Mitglied der Piraten-Partei zum Thema „Was hat die PKW-Maut mit Überwachung zu tun?“ Wie Netanjahus Bombengrafik der US-Regierung den Iran-Deal versüßt Mehr auf unserer Webseite: Folge uns auf Facebook: Folge uns auf Twitter: Folge uns auf Google+: RT Deutsch nimmt die Herausforderung an, die etablierte deutsche Medienlandschaft aufzurütteln und mit einer alternativen Berichterstattung etablierte Meinungen zu hinterfragen. Wir zeigen und schreiben das, was sonst verschwiegen oder weggeschnitten wird. RT - Der fehlende Part.
¿Qué amparo legal tiene algunas de las sanciones que se han adoptado a lo largo de la historia? ¿En qué se basan las medidas que se ejercen hoy en día contra la Habana, Moscú o Teherán? La nueva edición de RT Investigaciones se adentra en las "horcas" económicas que algunas potencias imponen a diferentes países. Javier Rodríguez Carrasco enseña con cifras en mano y apoyado en los testimonios de expertos y economistas como estas multas pueden llegar a ser una forma de "terrorismo" justificado. ¡Suscríbete a RT en español! RT en Twitter: RT en Facebook: RT en Google+: RT en Vkontakte: Vea nuestra señal en vivo: RT EN ESPAÑOL: DESDE RUSIA CON INFORMACIÓN
RTD and Miguel Francis Santiago, the author of “Crimea for Dummies”, go to Donetsk where the bloody conflict between the Ukrainian army and the anti-government forces is in full swing. With contradictory information coming from the region, witnessing the situation first-hand is the only way to find out what’s really happening there. They visit the city’s devastated airport and go to the Donbass Opera that also serves as a bomb shelter for locals. On their way, they talk to anti-government fighters to learn why they took up arms, as well as common citizens who are trying to go on with their lives and preserve a sense of normality in these dire circumstances. RTD WEBSITE: RTD ON TWITTER: RTD ON FACEBOOK: RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
Perú. País de diferentes estilos culturales, de distintas zonas climáticas; de montes y cerros, lagos y océanos, selvas y desiertos. Un país tan multilateral que su diversidad se convierte en divergencias. Así pasa con la economía peruana, que oficialmente indica un crecimiento estable que para muchos trabajadores no significa casi nada. El corresponsal de RT, Gonzalo Wancha, viajó a través del país y encontró la respuesta: la mayoría de estas desproporciones se debe a la economía clandestina. TODOS LOS PROGRAMAS: ¡Suscríbete a "ActualidadRT"! RT en vivo: RT EN ESPAÑOL: DESDE RUSIA CON INFORMACIÓN
Carmen Aristegui, símbolo de la libertad de expresión en México, despedida de MVS Radio por revelar las propiedades privadas del presidente Peña Nieto, en entrevista exclusiva a RT, devela las confabulaciones de MVS Radio con el poder político, descontento de su trabajo, así como el motivo del por qué algunos medios del país disminuyen su ojo crítico hacia el gobierno y el por qué el mandatario mexicano optaría por el uso de las fuerzas frente a la grave situación que enfrenta México. ¡Suscríbete a RT en español! RT en Twitter: RT en Facebook: RT en Google+: RT en Vkontakte: Vea nuestra señal en vivo: RT EN ESPAÑOL: DESDE RUSIA CON INFORMACIÓN
Washington has again put Venezuela into its cross hairs. New sanctions appear to reflect a new cycle of cynicism given Venezuela’s own fragility in the face of depressed oil prices. Is Caracas now the focus of forced regime change? And could we see a repeat of the 2002 coup attempt? CrossTalking with Mark Weisbrot, Michael McCarthy, and George Szamuely. Listen to CrossTalk+ here: Watch all CrossTalk shows here: (2009 - 2011) (2011 - 2012) (2012 - 2013) (2013 - 2014) (2015 - Current) RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Google+ Listen to us on Soundcloud: RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
En este episodio de Keiser Report, Max y Stacy comentan que los franceses son capaces de trabajar un 20% menos y producir la misma cantidad que el trabajador promedio en Gran Bretaña. Asimismo, hablarán de las empresas de fracturación hidráulica y de la economía especulativa de la vivienda en el Reino Unido. En la segunda mitad, Max entrevista a Aleksandar Vidovic de la compañía Salviol con el que conversará sobre el tamaño del mercado del fraude financiero y lo que su compañía hace para reducirlo. ¡Suscríbete a RT en español! RT en Twitter: RT en Facebook: RT en Google+: RT en Vkontakte: Vea nuestra señal en vivo: RT EN ESPAÑOL: DESDE RUSIA CON INFORMACIÓN
The West and Russia can’t seem to get over their differences, with the tensions between the Washington and Kremlin changing the stakes for the whole world. How far would this confrontation go? Is there another Cold War coming? And finally, will the world once again know the horror of a Nuclear War looming over the humanity? We ask these questions to a prominent American scholar on Russian studies, Professor at New York University and Princeton University. Stephen Cohen is on Sophie&Co; today. Follow@SophieCo_RT RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
Vladimir Putin speaks to RT while visiting the channel in the capital. Various themes were discussed during the interview: Syria, Iran, data surveillance, drones and others. Transcript of the interview here RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
In an exclusive interview with RT, Syrian President Bashar Assad said that Syria is not going through a civil war, but rather a different kind of war -- terrorism through proxies - FULL SCRIPT: RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark.
The recent beheading of journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff by the Islamic State sparked shock and outrage. And with the images spreading worldwide, the group seems to be achieving its...
He was Canadian minister of Defense in 1960s, ruling over the country's armed forces during the time of the Cold War -- and when he retired he publicly stated that we are not alone in the universe, and some guests from outer space actually live here, on planet Earth. Is this fantasy? Is someone actually watching us? Today we ask the man who says UFOs are a serious business -- Paul Hellyer. FULL SCRIPT: RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
CNN New Day host Chris Cuomo, who's been reporting from Ukraine this week, got into an explosive dozen-minute shouting match with RT anchor Peter Lavelle Wednesday morning, as the two men largely yelled past each other over Russia's culpability in the downing of flight MH17 and the evidence since offered by western powers. Cuomo asked Lavelle why Putin had allowed the crime scene to so deteriorate, while Lavelle argued that Putin had no control over a foreign country's territory. The two fought over the existence of the west's evidence that Moscow-backed Ukrainian separatists fired the missile that took down the plane, with Lavelle claiming it came from "Twitter." "The U.S. government condemned Russia before the bodies were even off the ground," Lavelle said. "What kind of logic is that?... U.S intelligence has no idea what it's talking about. Or it knows what happens and it doesn't want the world to find out what really happened." Lavelle's thoughts were not entirely different from what CNN heard from its own foreign correspondent Diana Magnay yesterday; on the other hand, RT just lost one of its foreign correspondents, Sara Firth, who loudly accused the network of submitting to Putin's agenda on the way out. From there the interview quickly escalated into accusations of water-carrying and stupidity, as Cuomo accused Lavelle of dodging his queries to protect Russia and Lavelle accused Cuomo of asking loaded questions intended to assign blame ahead of facts. "Here's the difference between you and me, Peter. You are obsessed with clearing Russia from culpability," Cuomo said, going on to say he "seemed to be acting like a representative of Russia." "Why should you carry water for Russia when you're supposed to be a journalist?" "You carry water for the U.S. State Department," Lavelle said, calling Cuomo's questions stupid and added that western joiurnalists were "denying the agency of people in eastern Ukraine. You just think they're puppets of Russia. That's simply not true." "CHRIS CUOMO PETER LAVELLE" "CNN" "RUSSIA TODAY" "RT"
Udo Ulfkotte war 16 Jahre FAZ-Journalist und packt jetzt aus. Gegenüber RT berichtet er wie die CIA und andere US-Behörden Journalisten in allen großen deutschen Zeitungen kauften. Taucherausrüstung und Aufenthalte in 5-Sterne Hotels inklusive. Im Gegenzug wurde pro-amerikanische Berichterstattung gefordert und mediale Unterfütterung von US-Kriegsvorbereitungen. Das Interview wurde vom RT Deutsch-Reporter Nicolaj Gericke (@Nicolaj_Gericke) geführt. Mehr auf unserer Webseite: Folge uns auf Facebook: Folge uns auf Twitter: Folge uns auf Google+: RT Deutsch nimmt die Herausforderung an, die etablierte deutsche Medienlandschaft aufzurütteln und mit einer alternativen Berichterstattung etablierte Meinungen zu hinterfragen. Wir zeigen und schreiben das, was sonst verschwiegen oder weggeschnitten wird. RT - Der fehlende Part.
Chairman of the Ludwig von Mises Institute Lew Rockwell talks with RT about the U.S. and the China's new infrastructure bank.
RT Deutsch Reporter Nicolaj Gericke hat den Publizisten Jürgen Todenhöfer zu seinem Aufenthalt beim Islamischen Staat interviewt. Das 37-Minuten Interview ist das längste, welches Todenhöfer bisher zu seinen Erfahrungen mit dem IS gegeben hat und beleuchtet bis dato nicht oder nur sehr oberflächlich angesprochene Aspekte zum IS. Mehr auf unserer Webseite: Folge uns auf Facebook: Folge uns auf Twitter: Folge uns auf Google+: RT Deutsch nimmt die Herausforderung an, die etablierte deutsche Medienlandschaft aufzurütteln und mit einer alternativen Berichterstattung etablierte Meinungen zu hinterfragen. Wir zeigen und schreiben das, was sonst verschwiegen oder weggeschnitten wird. RT - Der fehlende Part.
Russia Today, Russia’s state-run cable news channel, is going after CNN after the American outlet seemingly edited out RT host Anissa Naouai’s harsh criticism of CNN and one of its hosts, Christiane Amanpour.
Mass executions, kidnappings and beheadings are just some of the atrocities committed by Islamic State, as the bloodthirsty jihadists try to establish a caliphate across large areas of Syria and Iraq. The group has also killed a number of Western journalists. RT's Maria Finoshina travelled to Lebanon - which has allowed anti-Assad fighters to cross its border... There she spoke to some of the jihadists. RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
Letzte Woche hatte CNN die RT-Moderatorin Anissa Naouai („In the Now“) zu einer CNN-Diskussionsrunde mit Christiane Amanpour und dem ehemaligen russischen Premierministers Michael Kasyanow eingeladen zum Thema: Der Propagandakrieg der russischen Regierung. Im Laufe der Diskussion entwickelte sich ein heftiger Schlagabtausch, bei dem die RT-Moderatorin die Propaganda Rolle von CNN im Irak- und Serbienkrieg sowie direkt von der US-Regierungen in Auftrag gegebene CNN-Sendungen hinterfragte. Als die Sendung ausgestrahlt wurde, fehlte der komplette Teil in dem Naouai die CNN faktenreich kritisiert und hinterfragt hatte. Wir zeigen den von CNN zensierten Part. Das gesamte Interview kann man hier in der transkribierten englischen Fassung nachlesen. Mehr auf unserer Webseite: Folge uns auf Facebook: Folge uns auf Twitter: Folge uns auf Google+: RT Deutsch nimmt die Herausforderung an, die etablierte deutsche Medienlandschaft aufzurütteln und mit einer alternativen Berichterstattung etablierte Meinungen zu hinterfragen. Wir zeigen und schreiben das, was sonst verschwiegen oder weggeschnitten wird. RT - Der fehlende Part. Interview mit Eva Herman und Andreas Popp auf RT Deutsch über Charlie Hebdo und Systemursachen
Im Interview mit RT Deutsch gibt Rainer Rupp, alias Topas, seine geopolitische Einschätzung zur Ukraine-Krise, erläutert die ominöse Rolle des ukrainischen Geheimdienstes bei MH17 sowie die Indizien für eine Stasiverstrickung bei Bundespräsident Joachim Gauck und Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel. Rainer Rupp galt als der „beste Mann“ der DDR-Aufklärung. Unter dem Decknamen Topas (Kennung XV/3334/68) lieferte er jahrelang Informationen der höchsten Geheimhaltungsstufe „COSMIC Top Secret“ aus dem NATO-Hauptquartier in Brüssel. Im Juli 1993 wurde er verhaftet und für schweren Landesverrat verurteilt. Nach seiner Freilassung machte er sich einen Namen als Publizist und Referent zu geopolitischen und geheimdienstlichen Themen. Mehr auf unserer Webseite: Folge uns auf Facebook: Folge uns auf Twitter: Folge uns auf Google+: RT Deutsch nimmt die Herausforderung an, die etablierte deutsche Medienlandschaft aufzurütteln und mit einer alternativen Berichterstattung etablierte Meinungen zu hinterfragen. Wir zeigen und schreiben das, was sonst verschwiegen oder weggeschnitten wird. RT - Der fehlende Part.
Abby Martin interviews Dr. Steven Greer on RT's "Breaking the Set" about the US government's secrecy of the UFOs and extraterrestrial presence. Dr. Steven Greer follows up on his work with the Disclosure Project, an organization that has collected testimonies from over one hundred US government officials concerning the existence of extra-terrestrial life. By the way, the US government just did an one trillion dollar upgrade of America's existing nuclear arsenal, consisting of over five thousand warheads. How would education prosper with that kind of money? Abby follows by calling out the corporate media's coverage of Chris Christie and 'Bridgegate' and discusses how this is distracting from Congress, sneaking through new legislation that would give Obama authority to fast track the controversial Trans Pacific Partnership. BTS wraps up the show featuring a performance by hip hop artist, Remo Conscious.
Best selling author and critically acclaimed filmmaker Tariq Nasheed gives an interview on the RT Network in London to discuss international race issues.
WATCH the full interview RT's gained exclusive access to the Syrian President, who continues to run the country from Damascus in defiance of foreign calls to step down. Bashar al-Assad slammed those calls from abroad for him to go, and warned against outside intervention in Syria. RT talks to Sophie Shevardnadze who interviewed the embattled leader in his capital. RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark.
In an exclusive interview with RT, Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad pointed out that the 21st century is about knowledge, while nukes are the means of the past. Iran's view on the "Arab Spring" and its relations with other countries has also been discussed. RT on Twitter: RT on Facebook:
Fedor Emelianenko has numerous nicknames Man-Machine, Russias Last Emperor, and even Russias Military Experiment. The slayer of Americas Brett Grim Rogers, he is considered by many the best fighter on the planet.
Continuing our experimental content is this interview Burnie did with an old friend that had to be cut from the main podcast for various reasons. Those reasons will become clear as you listen to this. | Wireless Routers: sku: 33-320-208 Here's a wireless router, made by Asus, Model: RT-AC87U. Check out the video for more info! ASUS 87U Wireless Router Interview @Newegg: - Credits - Special Guest: JJ from ASUS Presenter: Steve Producer: Lam Camera: Tina Post-Production: Anna NeweggTV is growing! We're expanding to other channels to bring you even more content -- from the latest in computer hardware, to snazzy consumer electronics, and even video game overviews -- you can check it all out at the channel links below: Can't get enough cool tech? | subscribe to Want consumer electronics? | subscribe to Interested in gaming? | subscribe to For everything else, check out For a more in-depth view of Newegg behind the scenes, check out Newegg Unscrambled, The Official Newegg Blog! Newegg Inc. provides the information contained herein as an educational service. Although we believe the information in this presentation to be accurate and timely, because of the rapid changes in the industry and our reliance on information provided by outside sources, we make no warranty or guarantee concerning the accuracy or reliability of the content or other material which we may reference. This presentation is provided on an "as is" basis without warranties of any kind, expressed or implied, including but not limited to warranties of title, non-infringement or implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. This video/audio file is the property of Newegg Inc. Newegg Inc. grants permission to distribute, rebroadcast or copy this file, provided that (1) the below copyright notice appears in all copies (2) is for non-commercial use only and (3) is not modified in any way. Copyright © 2011 Newegg Inc. All rights reserved.
In an RT global exclusive premiere, President Putin gives his first post-inauguration interview, speaking in depth with RT's Kevin Owen ahead of the APEC sum...
Fianna Fáil has said it would give tax credits for childcare to working parents if was in government after the next election.
Big News Network 2015-04-19Fianna Fáil has said it would give tax credits for childcare to working parents if was in government after the next election.
RTE 2015-04-19He said: "Our cancer survivor rates have improved considerably.
RTE 2015-04-19(Source: ... Troopers were dispatched to Alt Rt 7 in the Town of Colonie for a reported property damage auto accident ... % ... pm ... ny.
noodls 2015-04-19Tánaiste Joan Burton has said more productivity from civil servants in return for a restoration of pay "makes sense".
RTE 2015-04-19RT’s budget alone is put at $500m, and growing.
The Independent 2015-04-19The older model ran Windows RT, a proprietary – for lack of a better word – operating system that ...
The Inquisitr 2015-04-19Sadler’s Wells; the Place, London ... Luke Jennings. Sunday 19 April 2015 07.00 BST. Facebook Twitter. ‘Acid-edged’: ... Photograph: ... ).
The Guardian 2015-04-19Rats ... However, Scherff can play any position on the line, and will probably end up at OG or RT down the road.
Dayton Daily News 2015-04-19VERO BEACH, Fla. -- There were no motorized scooters seen at Historic Dodgertown this week ... experience ... J ... RT Jeff Perrett 31.
Toronto Sun 2015-04-19Aston Villa v Liverpool - player ratings ... SACK RODGERS ! RT IF YOU AGREE — EMiN (@eminLFC) April 19, 2015. I'm so pissed ... pic.
London Evening Standard 2015-04-19Thrills&Spills; On April 21, RT's Peter Scott will host a live Q&A; session with Mikhail Korniyenko ...
Big News Network 2015-04-18The Irish province face the expensively assembled French side in the last four in Marseille on Sunday (3.15
RTE 2015-04-18Look up rt or RT in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
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[Gary Moore Coverversion]
Say good bye to your true love
One step further from me
I can't decide which way to take it
Stand alone and don't look back
Music is coming 'round the past
Take it, we'll all twist again
Once you find it, stay close behind it
You're still waiting, this time for me
Once we're playing, now we're praying
One step closer
One step closer
One step closer
Live fast, don't you talk trash
Someone's waiting right on your ass
Take it, this time we're gonna make it
Roaming round this time around
I guess you all know what's coming down
Take it
Once you find it, stay close behind it
You're still waiting, this time for me
Once we're playing, now we're praying
One step closer
One step closer
a lasting memory
A thousand different dreams
I traveled over a golden rainbow
There's more I have to see
along country miles
find I need
sit so patiently
I ever find my lady
just a dream away
just a dream away
just a dream away
just a dream away
have all my boyhood memories
locked inside my dreams
Never knew this hard
really need
I'm standin' at the station
raincoat in my hand
lonely girls
headin' out to distant lands
just a dream away
just a dream away
just a dream away
"Are you ready to rock 'n roll?,
get off your feet, off your feet, Born To Be Wild"
"San Antonio, San Antone..."
"London, it's been two years,
and a very hard struggle,
to bring a band to Hammersmith,
are you ready to get down?,
a good one, please welcome for the first time,
our guests from New York City: RIOT"
"RIOT is on it's first visit to the
Bundes-Republik Of Germany, and as I understand it,
from talking with record company people,
the band is having to deal with a conflict of
I been use i been abused for far too long.
I got my mind on lettin go.
Seventy years or more i'm paying for my crime.
What i've done i just don't know.
I did my time behind these wallls.
I hear the sound of freedoms call.
Running from the law, from the law
That's where i'm at baby
I took my chance i made my stance once and for all.
No more chains to hold me down.
I run and hide i will decide to never fall.
No more Kings to break my crown
Finally free no more to pay.
Your battered walls can't make me stay.
No more running from the law, from the law
From the law, from the law.That's where i'm at now.
No more running from the law, from the law, from the law, from the lw
Not the man i used to be, one more day i will be free.
i'm running so hard oh no that's right.
Oh no they ain't never taking me alive baby. That's right
So we went one by one, flew through the sky
Suddenly mystery, fear in my eyes.
Should i, throw mayself away from the fight
Sould i , hide and stay out of sight
Run, hide my eyes from the sun,
wait till morning has come, should i run
Desperatlely, soon i see, some fall away
Calling out, helpless shouts, dying now they lay
How i, recify my soul, i don't know
Can i, hide inside this how, let me go
Run, hide my eyes from the sun,
wait till morning has come, should i run
Should i, pull myself away from the fight
Should i, hide inside and stay our of sight.
Run, hide my eyes from the sun,
When the sun goes down,
In this border town,
And a fear sets in,
And gets higher.
Down in the streets,
In the desert heat,
Ride seven men, with their hearts afire.
They ride through the town,
And it burns to the ground.
There'll be no vengeance, and greed.
'Cause they're the Restless Breed.
This outlaw attack,
They strike from the back.
Is just the revenge, that they need
'Cause their brothers they fell
on the wishing well
Now this town, will surely bleed
They ride through the town,
And it burns to the ground. and greed
'Cause they're the Restless Breed.
They'll take what they need,
I was sittin' on top of the world
Happy as a fool could be
Now there's a dark cloud overhead
I need someone to rescue me
You're and earthshaker
Dream maker
I'm crying out for a miracle cure
I know that you're the one for sure
Take me home magic maker
Take me home magic maker
Livin' hard
Livin' under the gun
Cross me and i'll make you bleed
Never knew what the good book said
My eyes were closed i could no see
You're and earthshaker
Dream maker
I'm crying out for a miracle cure
I know the one for sure
Take me home magic maker
Take me home magic maker
Take me home magic maker
Let me know the feeling I have seen
Somewhere deep, deep inside a dream
Is it only in my mind, it`s only you
Till the end I felt like I believe
Something real, something I have feared
Loving you is all I had, only you
Never thought I would be true
Never thought it could be real
Never nothing left for me
I feel like I should say
Let me know, don`t you ever let me go
I`m losing you, you don't know how I feel
Let it show, don`t you ever let it go
I`m holding on to something that is real
Don`t you know it`s killing me
I`m losing everything I see
Is this all you wanted for us baby, let it show
Don`t you go, won`t you even let me know
I`m holding on, can`t you ever let it go
I`m losing you, there`s nothing left for me
Tell me why, why there`s nothing left to hide
I`m holding on, baby don`t let go
I can see, yeah there's nothing left for me
I`ll be holding on, won`t you let it show
You know me you see
In your dreams so distantly
Remember what i said ?
I'll never let you go
Hold secrets deep and dark
My visions light the spark
Surrender all your fear
And take me by the hand
I've come a thousand miles
To watch you in the night
Now i won't let you go
I've got you in my sight
You feel me , you can tell
I've got you in my spell
Tonight i'll make you mine
I'll never let you go
I touch you with my eyes
You run but can not hide
I'll hold you in my hands
Then run into the night
So many times before
I've let you slip away
The time has come for more
This time i make you stay
I'm on the run
I'm on the run
So many times before
I've let you slip away
The time has come for more
This time i make you stay
I'm on the run
They say she's gone, gone forever.
Far away from the emerald shores.
I always thought, she'd leave me never.
Forsaken heart of Inishmore.
In the hills of galway, i'll wait forever more.
Around midnight he locked in tight to his frustrations, she told her tales
With all she could, that's right. He wasn't half as good at cold manitpulation,
But he just listened as he should yea.
You don't know, but it will show. you'll make a better man of me.
Queen, it seems you hold my heart within your hands
Queen, i mean you make me sorry, but you don't know.
Queen, i dream you made me bleed and just for show.
But you won't let me go.
She played hist heart she played his mind with every finger.
Untill he finally lost his soul yea.
He said a thousand times her captive rhythms still linger.
But she just crucified him cold
You don't know, but it will show, you'll make a better man of me.
Queen, it seems you hold my heart within your hands
Queen, i mean you make me sorry, but you don't know.
Queen, i dream you made me bleed and just for show.
But you won't let me go.
Queen, it seems you hold my heart within your hands.
Queen, i mean you make me sorry baby but you don't know. yeah
Queen, i dream you made me bleed and just for show
but you won't let me go.
Queen, i dream you made me bleed and just for show.
But you won't let me go
won't let me go baby.
Feels like you're tearin' me apart baby
Oh you made me bleed and just or show baby.
Yes my father
I'll take your command
So my brother
I'll ride through you hand
All i feel is the painm in my heart, it won't let me be
Save my people from all that you start
Drive them to the sea
Wounded Heart
Sail away on the ocean
Take my hand together we'll fly
from this land
Wounded heart
Spread your wings on the ocean rest your head
For alderman, now you are dead
Our villages burned and destroyed
Will soon be employed
Take my mark on the mountain of hope
Now I've com to lead
Blood and vengeance is all that i know
Brothers follow me
Now my people they bargain my soul
And turn their eyes away
They lost freedom that once made us whole
Now i hear them say
Wounded Heart
Sail away on the ocean
Take my hand together we'll fly
from this land
Wounded heart
Spread your wings on the ocean rest your head
A streak of Lightning is shooting through the air
Electric sun lights the sky
His face is fighting, so evil one's beware Men of disaster hear his cry
And now at last we know he's real
The power of his sword we feel
Thundersteel Thundersteel
The earth it rumbles death is in the air The city
crumbles is everywhere And from the burning sky
we see the soldier fly He mounts his horse of steel
and now he rides And now at last we know he's
real The power of his word we feel Thundersteel
Thundersteel A streak of Lightning is shooting
through the air Electric sun lights the sky His face
is fighting, so evil one's beware Men of disaster
hear his cry And now at last we know he's real The
power of his sword we feel Thundersteel
[Drum Solo]
the law
something I did not do
the truth
catch me
on the run
Running through the hills
no place to hide
Running from the law,
Reaching for the sky
running from the law
the haze
getting near
won't give up the chase
at my door
running evermore
Running from the law
the sky
never turn by back
in the night
the law
Running from the law
not due
fighting for the truth
down on me
running from the law
the sky
my back
shadows in the night
Running from the law.
Running from the law.
I heard you ccrowling across the floor
While the sun was scratching at my back door
I tasted the pleasure upon you're lips
And i saw the blood on your fingertips
Oh another night, another day
You sent my love someone else's way
You rocked and rolled while i walked the floor
What kind of fool do you take me for
You answered the call of the street again
The sidewalk's under your feet again, Maryanne
There's a time for war and a time for peace
A time or love and sweet release
I gave you twice what i asked you for
Well give it back, my baby, this is war
Fire burns and needle stings
And darkness closes on everything
I gave you love and i gave you life
Now you're trying to twist the knife
You answered the call of the street again
The sidewalk's under your feet again, Maryanne
You answered the call of the street again
I remember sudden distant sound
Guilt and leverage mark my way
I try to take myself a thousand steps from here
Somewhere something makes me stay
I recall a broken spirit traveling down the road
Never more his images have burned upon the floor, floor, floor
Let it out, the chains revolving in my mind, fight on
Tear it out, death is calling me this time
Draw the line, a simple man hands upon his stone
Spin his wheel for a dime
He sheds a tear of two and covers up his soul
He did not ever speak his mind
Rattle on, the masters keep him like a frightened dog
Battle scars, the fortune of his heart will kill us all, all, all
Let it out, the chains revolving in my mind, fight on
Tear it out, death is calling me this time
Draw the line, oh you feel like there`s nowhere at all
You feel you`re alone at the door
It`s alright you`ll see, yeah
Let it out, the chains revolving in my mind, fight on
Tear it out, death is calling me this time
Draw the line
Let it out, the chains revolving in my mind, fight on
Tear it out, death is calling me this time
Draw the line
Oh yeah, let it out, let it out
Running the cameras on what they are waiting to say
Fixing the picture to who you will gather and pray
Some will protest and some will defy in the night
Some will cry for an ending to come, waiting to let them selves go
Liberty, dying to set yourselves free
In your hour of darkness your fighting for freedom to be
Liberty, hurtling towards victory, from the gutters and gate
Posts your children are coming to see liberty
Controlling you mind, supressing your thoughts and beliefs
Crushing your senses conormities all that is real
Sound the call in the morning you march to the sword
paying prices for what you have done, wanting to let yourself go
Liberty, dying to set yourselves free, standing one and for all
You must sacrifice all that you see.
Liberty, hurtling towards victory
Only god will convince them for one is for all to be free
Liberty yea
Sound the call in the morning you march to the sword
paying prices for what you have done, wanting to let yourself go
Liberty, dying to set yourselves free
In your hour of darkness your fighting for freedom to be
Liberty, hurtling towards victory, from the gutters and gate
Flashing lights above my head,
It's all that I can see.
Crashing clouds of smoke appear,
Sayin' come on, follow me.
Here we come again,
Ready to lose control.
The battle has begun,
The planes are ready to roll.
Fire's blazing,
All hell's broke loose.
Flaming swords,
From an electric noose.
Flying tigers above me appear,
Fly me away.
Get me outta here.
On and on and on,
We sing our battle cry.
We'll leave the cities far behind,
And that'll be (?).
Here we come again,
Ready to lose control.
The battle has just begun,
The planes are ready to roll.
Fires blazing,
All hell's breaking loose.
Flaming swords,
From an electric noose.
Flying tigers above me appear,
Get me outta here.
Get me outta here.
Here we come again,
Ready to lose control.
The battle has begun,
The planes are ready to roll.
Well, here we come again,
Ready to lose control.
The battle has begun,
The planes are ready to roll.
Here we come again.
Here we come again.
Here we come again.
Here we come again.
Here we, here we come again.
Here we, here we come again.
Here we, here we come again.
Here we, here we come again.
New York, and Chicago.
Here we, here we come again.
[Guitar Solo Mark Reale]
[Guitar Solo Mike Flyntz]
Into the darkness that all men must face,
Within the brief hours, of your life here on earth.
Pain thrashed into his life, the great prince stood firm,
Behind his high and mighty shield, awaiting his turn.
Shield at his side, cloak across his breast,
His love and his life, they put him through the test.
Shine on, shine on, in all of your glory.
Shield all your fears, release all your fury.
Shine, shine on, through the darkness and the pain.
Shine, shine on, Warrior.
Shine, shine on, through the wind and the rain.
Shine, shine on, Warrior.
Shield at his side, cloak across his breast,
His love and his life, they put him to the test.
Shine on, shine on, in all of your glory.
Shield all you fears, release all your fury.
Shine, shine on, through the darkness and the pain.
Shine, shine on, Warrior.
Shine, shine on, through the wind and the rain.
So we waited for you to come home.
Riding high on your visions done
Touching darkness we wait by the sea.
Holding on desperatly.
Far from certain you, ride the serpent and, touch the Pillars of stone
Break the chains from the masters of game then you, rise your sword to the throne
Save us we cry from the mountains you fly it goes over and over again
Soon we will know when your armies they show and they fight by our side till the end yea.
Giving answers to questions you here.
Listen closely to those that you fear.
How i wonder wherever you are.
See you coming from far
Free your eagles trough, out the city who's, wings are battered and torn
On your crown is our bloody red gown holding, all your anger and scorn.
Save us we cry from the mountains you fly it goes over and over again
Soon we will know when your armies they show and they fight by our side till the end yea.
Far from certain you, ride the serpent and, touch the Pillars of stone
Break the chains from the masters of game then you, raise your sword to the throne
Save us we cry from the mountains you fly it goes over and over again
Soon we will know when your armies they show and they fight by our side till the end yea.
I'm travelin' in my car, I call my automobile,
Something's sayin', boy you got to go on.
I'm feelin' overdrive, you're sittin' at my side.
Can you hear my wheels begin to squeal ?
I can't go no more,
My foot's to the floor.
We'll be lucky to get out alive,
In overdrive, in overdrive.
I'm feelin' overdrive, you're sittin' at my side.
Can you hear my wheels begin to burn ?
I got my foot to the floor,
My hands on your clutch.
I'm gonna make my pistons pump,
Right through the roof.
I can't go no more,
My foot's to the floor.
We'll be lucky to get out alive,
In overdrive, in overdrive.
I can't go no more,
My foot's to the floor.
We'll be lucky to get out alive.
In overdrive, in overdrive.
Yeah, come on.
Oh, hit the highway,
And don't look back.
Ah, can you feel my hot rod?
Oh yeah, oh yeah, come on.
Oh shake me, yeah, come on.
Deep within the city, hidden in it's walls they hide the people
and the places far below
But they're strong enough and they're
hard enough to recify the anger in the minds of all subversive men who know.
Still there waiting far behind yea.
Soon he'll sound his call, then we'll stand or fall
Kings are falling destinies calling for this time, oh this time we will be free, yea.
Kings are falling destinies calling in my mind, in my mind i will be free yea, i will be free.
Darkened inner city, one by one they fall along the border of the places which they came.
Well we're mad enough and we're bad enough to seperate illusion from the madness all the faces look the same
Now they're waiting for his call.
soon we'll hear his cry, then we'll stand and fight.
Kings are falling destinies calling for this time, oh this time we will be free, yea.
Kings are falling destinies calling in my mind, in my mind i will be free yea, i will be free.
Now they're waiting for his call.
soon we'll hear his cry, then we'll stand and fight.
Kings are falling destinies calling for this time, oh this time we will be free, yea.
[Deep Purple Coverversion]
Down below, visions are calling you home
Where dark eyes glow, cities of crumbling stone.
So many people, turning their heads from fire
You'll never lose your desire, it's bringin you higher.
Oh your watching the signs, coming for you.
Oh your ready this time, running for the line.
Soon you'll know, your giving the best that you got
Soon it will show, the sun on your back beating hot.
One after one, your answers becoming your lies.
You'll never lose your desire, it's bringing you higher.
Oh your watching the signs, coming for you.
Oh your ready this time, running for the line.
Oh your watching the signs, coming for you.
don't understand
the same
victim of the law
the same
Vigilante killer
loving man
Vigilante killer,
But they don't understand
in hands
sure he is
He's a vengeance loving man.
Vigilante killer,
Victims of mass
Victims of the night.
Payment, and restitution,
Never see the light.
He lived a life of persecution,
He lived a life of,
Violent, violent, violent crimes.
Master of
He lived a life of
He lived a life of,
Violent, violent, violent crimes.
It's kill or be killed baby,
I'm a city slicker...\
He lived a life of
He lived a life of,
Violent, violent, violent crimes.
in the night
Obsessed with
He takes another life.
Victims of mass confusion,
Victims of the night.
Payment, and restitution,
Riding the white horse faithful and true
With the armies of heaven behind
His eyes were like fire, he wore many crowns
He suffered the pain for mankind
The i saw the besat and the kings of the earth
And their armies were gathered to fight
Into the lake of fire they fell
Storming the gates of Hell
Faithful we are
Blessed is he
The rightous ones we will defend
Armed with the sword and the wine of revenge
On the enemy we will descend
Then i saw businessmen, barons and whores
And a city was buiolt to their name
Intot he lake of fire they fell
Storming the gates of hell
I'm a vicitm of philosophy
Meanwhile in Babylon
Men lock their doors while merchants of death walk free
The minds of the weak and the helpless
Are so anshackled in slavery
There is no justice or mercy or peace
While cowards and fools rule the day
We'll risk our lives and our fortunes as well
Woman shed tears of Sorrow for their men so far away
With hope they wait for tomorrow - but in the night
They bow their heads and pray
They live by the sword and the gun
And now they march thru the darkness
The fire of freedom burns brught like the sun
Fighting for liberty
With blood on your hands
You lead your command victory
Thrashing across the seas
Mighty you stand
Defending the land
With a heart that's brave and free
Back home there's fear and hunger
Out in the streets
The desperate bleed
Out in this world there stalks a killer
Who's heart is filled with lust and greed
Fighting for liberty
With blood on your hands
You lead your command victory
Thrashing across the seas
Mighty you stand
Defending the land
[Deep Purple Cover Version]
[Drum Solo]
Stop arresting my mind, finding the force in my eyes.
No use telling your lies, looking for safety inside.
I'm cotrolling me i've got hold of my life.
No use holding me steal the blood in my eyes.
No use forcing my arm to comply with your greed.
Sons of society.
You keep me satisfied - you keep me satisfying.
Scorned with compliancy no more to satisfy
I will comply with you. yea.
Formed in silence and war, subtle we move to destroy.
Give to you more and more, the massesare set to deploy.
Stop consoling me i've got hold of my life.
Stop patrolling me stealthe blood in my eyes.
No use forcing my arm to comply with your greed.
Sons of society.
You keep me satisfied - you keep me satisfying.
Scorned with compliancy no more to satisfy
I will comply with you. yea.
Sons of society.
You keep me satisfied you keep me satisfying.
Scorned with complaincy.
No more to satisfy i never will comply with you.
Sons of society.
You keep me satisfied - you keep me satisfying.
Scorned with compliancy no more to satisfy
There are ships upon the ocean
Through the morning mist and cold
Ride the wind to the new world
Lion hearts they sail so bold
In a vision i have seen this
Such a dream i can't ignore
What become of our children
When they reach the secred shore ?
Santa Maria
The world awaits your destiny
Santa Maria
Say a prayer for me
A man of faith, he is driven
Passion turns deep inside
Hope and courage dwell within him
As he watched the midnight sky
There are some who will forsaken him
There are those who wonder why
Though many people will embrace him
We remember and we cry
Santa Maria
The world awaits your destiny
Santa Maria
For many years my people walked this land on ehich i stand
I pray no more whitre men come to soil this holy land
Pontiac, gather xour men and meet me down below
Until they learn, they must pay with the seeds in life they sow
Holy Land
I'll fight you with this arrow in my hand
Holy Land
Running from the valley to the sand
Now get away, i'll slaughter all i find on this frontier
No more to say, no answer or excuses will i hear
I'm ottawa, i've com to make you pay for what you've done
I will not fall, not before your brother or your son
Holy Land
I'll fight you with this arrow in my hand
Holy Land
Running from the valley to the sand
On my way, i must erase your poison from this land
I'm here to stay, eradicate your seed with my bare hands
Holy Land
I'll fight you with this arrow in my hand
Holy Land
Road racin',
Movin' on down the line.
Shiftin' gears,
and time
Move so fast I can't
Hands on the wheel
road again
Radio's blastin'
Rockin' all night
Rollin' down the
Through the dead of night.
Road racin',
Feel the earth move under my wheels.
The chills you get from the turns and squeals.
On my way
Just let me know
Rollin' down the
With the
World's flashing by,
Past the smoke and the heat.
We're road racin'
kick it out now
Road racin,
the line
space and time
dead of night
I'm in the mood,
Rhythm feels right.
Gonna rock you babe,
I'm gonna do it all night.
Get your fire burnin',
Knock you off your feet.
I'm gonna rip it down,
Oh, turn on the heat.
We're gonna do it up.
We're gonna turn it on.
We're gonna do it up.
Oooh, gonna pour it on.
'Cause tonight's the night, the night,
We're gonna rip it up.
Let it ride, let it fly,
Set yourself free.
If you need a little lovin',
You just come and see me.
I'll make you feel so good,
I'll turn you on.
I'll keep you comin',
While I sing you a song.
Hey baby, I got a little song for you.
turn it up
me and the boys
gonna pour it on
tonight's the night
do you up
Rock and roll ya baby.
in the mood
fire burning
turn on the heat
Oh boy, nice catch...
If you're lookin' for some action,
Runnin' against the tide.
Feel like causin' some destruction,
Spend some electric nights, on the danger line.
Fire down under.
Fire down under.
Flame and chrome, it burns the night,
Through your eyes, and in your mind.
Explode with savage thunder,
Hells gate, next up in line.
Fire down under.
Fire down under.
Fire down under.