- published: 30 Mar 2016
- views: 238032
Pope Francis (Latin: Franciscus; Italian: Francesco; Spanish: Francisco; born Jorge Mario Bergoglio, 17 December 1936) is the 266th and current Pope of the Roman Catholic Church, a title he holds ex officio as Bishop of Rome, and Sovereign of the Vatican City. He chose Francis as his papal name in honor of Saint Francis of Assisi. Francis is the first Jesuit pope, the first from the Americas, the first from the Southern Hemisphere and the first non-European pope since the Syrian Gregory III in 741.
Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Bergoglio worked briefly as a chemical technologist and nightclub bouncer before beginning seminary studies. He was ordained a Catholic priest in 1969 and from 1973 to 1979 was Argentina's provincial superior of the Society of Jesus. He was accused of handing two priests to the National Reorganization Process during the Dirty War, but the lawsuit was ultimately dismissed. He became the Archbishop of Buenos Aires in 1998 and was created a cardinal in 2001 by Pope John Paul II. He led the Argentine Church during the December 2001 riots in Argentina, and the administrations of Néstor Kirchner and Cristina Fernández de Kirchner considered him a political rival. Following the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI on 28 February 2013, a papal conclave elected Bergoglio as his successor on 13 March.
L'informazione di Tv2000
Sulla Strada, Sabato alle 17.30 e Domenica alle 07.30, su Tv2000
Le apparizioni di Gesù alla mistica Luisa Piccarreta
In esclusiva Angelo Branduardi si racconta a TV2000
Papa Francesco, intervista a Tv2000 e InBlu Radio per chiusura Giubileo della Misericordia
TV2000 nella cappella della Medaglietta miracolosa a Parigi
La storia di Laura Cancedda a Tv2000
TV 2000 - Chiara Corbella Petrillo, nati per non morire più
Il Signore Gesù ha deciso di farci dei grandissimi doni, essendo Egli Re della Misericordia ancor prima che Giudice infinitamente giusto, poiché "l'Umanità non troverà la pace finché non si rivolgerà con fiducia alla Divina Misericordia". Ecco le Sue promesse: 1. "L'Anima che venererà questa immagine non perirà. Le prometto, ancora sulla Terra, la vittoria sui nemici, ma specialmente in punto di morte"; 2. Io, il Signore, la proteggerò come Mia Gloria. I raggi del Mio Cuore significano Sangue ed Acqua, e riparano le Anime dall'ira del Padre Mio. Beato chi vive alla loro ombra, poiché non lo raggiungerà la mano della Giustizia Divina"; 3.Proteggerò, come una madre protegge il suo bambino, le Anime che diffonderanno il culto alla Mia Misericordia, per tutta la loro vita; nell'ora della loro...
Dal lunedì al sabato alle ore 12.00, alle 18.30 e alle 20.30 va in onda il Tg2000 diretto da Lucio Brunelli. L’attività pastorale di Papa Francesco, inchieste e reportage. Tutto con un taglio attento ai temi della famiglia, della scuola, della salute, della carità e della solidarietà e a quanto accade alle periferie esistenziali delle città metropolitane e del mondo. E poi l’attività della Chiesa italiana, ma anche cronaca, approfondimenti, storie, che solitamente restano fuori dai circuiti informativi senza dimenticare gli esteri, la politica e l’economia. Ogni giorno dal lunedì al venerdì dopo l’edizione delle 18.30 va in onda Tg2000 il Post E dal lunedì al venerdì, alle 20.45, va in onda TGtg - telegiornali a confronto, un programma giornalistico dedicato alla riflessione sull’infor...
Le apparizioni di Gesù alla mistica Luisa Piccarreta: racconta la sua storia il Rettore del Seminario diocesano di Bisceglie (BT), Don Gaetano Corvasce.
Lucia Ascione intervista Angelo Branduardi, che si racconta in esclusiva a TV2000
Papa Francesco, in occasione della chiusura del Giubileo della Misericordia, ha rilasciato una lunga intervista (40 minuti) a Tv2000 e InBlu Radio. Il Pontefice, nel colloquio con il direttore di Rete, Paolo Ruffini e il direttore dell’Informazione, Lucio Brunelli, riflette sui frutti dell’Anno Santo straordinario ("Una benedizione del Signore"); su come dovrà cambiare la Chiesa, sul modo in cui la misericordia interpella le coscienze dei singoli e degli Stati, sull’idolatria del denaro e sull’attenzione verso i più poveri. Papa Francesco racconta quindi numerosi episodi legati ai suoi ‘Venerdì della Misericordia’ con ex prostitute, malati terminali, carcerati. Riflette sul rapporto fra giustizia e misericordia e sulla questione della pena di morte e dell’ergastolo. Con tono familiare e sp...
Antonella Ventre in diretta da Parigi visita la cappella della Medaglietta miracolosa.
Mi hanno fatto conoscere i testimoni di Geova quando avevo 10 anni (mia moglie ne aveva 5) e seguendo la famiglia li ho frequentati e ne ho fatto parte per 40 lunghi anni. Hanno manipolato quasi tutta la mia vita. Ho iniziato come interessato, cosi veniva identificato colui che iniziava a studiare, poi iscritto alla scuola di ministero teocratico (una continua preparazione su cosa e come predicare di casa in casa), poi promosso a proclamatore, quindi pronto per andare di casa in casa. Battezzato, sposato nella loro comunità, servitore di ministero (una specie di diacono), il più giovane anziano a 23 anni (una specie di vescovo), conduttore della scuola di ministero teocratico, conduttore della rivista torre di guardia, segretario contabile, sorvegliante che presiede,responsabile del com...
EWTN's exclusive 15-minute interview with Cardinal-Archbishop Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Buenos Aires, now Pope Francis. Conducted just six months ago, the future pope discusses His Holiness Benedict XVI's call for a Year of Faith, Latin America as a spiritual resource for the universal Church, the theological virtues of Faith, Hope and Charity, and much more.
This is the first worldwide interview that Jorge Mario Bergoglio gave as the new Pope Francis. This interview was given to a popular Sunday night show in Brazil on July, 28 2013, during the World Youth Day 2013 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The questions were asked in Portuguese and the Pope answered in his native Spanish and all the dialogue has been translated and subtitled to English. WARNING: Comments are being strictly moderated. Curse language is removed, trolling and bulling are banned. Please only post comments that you would say in person. It is ok to be critical, as long as that is done in a civilized and respectful way.
President Obama spoke with "CBS Evening News" anchor and managing editor Scott Pelley, one day after meeting Pope Francis for the first time.
Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RomeReportsENG/ Click here to receive the latest news: http://smarturl.it/RomeReports Visit our website to learn more: http://www.romereports.com/ February 18, 2016. On the Zika virus: “The abortion is always a crime. It's possible to use contraceptives in extreme cases.” --------------------- For broadcasting: sales@romereports.com ROME REPORTS, www.romereports.com, is an independent international TV News Agency based in Rome covering the activity of the Pope, the life of the Vatican and current social, cultural and religious debates. Reporting on the Catholic Church requires proximity to the source, in-depth knowledge of the Institution, and a high standard of creativity and technical excellence. As few broadcasters have a permanent c...
Interview: Vinicio Riva The Disfigured Man The Pope Francis kissed (Almighty) A disfigured man kissed by pope speaks out on the moving moment.
Comedian and host Stephen Colbert of The Late Show on CBS discusses the hypothetical conversation he would have with Pope Francis if the Pope were a guest on The Late Show. Salt and Light TV's full interview with Stephen Colbert can be seen at www.saltandlighttv.org/witness/colbert Premieres Sunday, September 13, 2015 at 8pm ET #ColbertWitness
As CBS 2's Tony Aiello reported, it has been interpreted as practice for a presumed east coast trip. Official Site: http://newyork.cbslocal.com/ YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/CBSNewYork Twitter: @cbsnewyork Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CBSNewYork
The first installment in a new series of interviews with real Philadelphians on every kind of topic, from the personal to the local to the universal. In this episode, we ask about the impending visit of Pope Francis. Next month: FEAR.
Jesus never kissed the feet of women or men. And so just what is Francis up to, as he publicly bows to Jezebel? It stinks to high Heaven! Find out how Francis is outright lying to both women and men at the expense of their souls. See how Francis REFUSES TO FOLLOW the ways of the Lord, but instead worships 'a new god', made in the image and likeness of man. The pope who so proudly calls himself Francis, is creating 'a New Church', built with human hands - a "church" where every sin under the sun is welcome. But it is diametrically opposed to the Church that was founded by Jesus Christ the Lord. Jesus died so that people could turn to Him, repent wholeheartedly of their sins, be healed - and then follow Him in each and every moment, along the path that leads to the Kingdom of Heav...
Andrew Sullivan, the founding editor of The Dish, shares his hopeful thoughts about Pope Francis, as well his take on what role Ratzinger might now play. This video is from The Dish's "Ask Anything" interview series.
Archbishop Vincent Nichols of Westminster, President of the Bishops' Conference, will be made a Cardinal at the next consistory at the Vatican on 22 February 2014. Here's an interview recorded the day after the announcement.
MP3 Download: http://www.fdrpodcasts.com/#/3087/-pope-francis-vs-karl-marx-who-said-it Recently Pope Francis visited the United States and some of his statements were a bit - interesting. In light of Pope Francis leaving his gold throne in Vatican City to lecture Congress and the American people about income inequality - we present to you the debut edition of: Who said it? Pope Francis or Karl Marx? Can you tell the difference between the leader of the Catholic Church and the revolutionary socialist philosopher? Freedomain Radio is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by signing up for a monthly subscription or making a one time donation at: http://www.fdrurl.com/donate Get more from Stefan Molyneux and Freedomain Radio including books, podcasts and other info at: h...
A portion of our Young Turks Main Show from September 24, 2015. For more go to http://www.tytmembership.com. Cenk hosting. The Pope spoke to Congress today and Cenk admits he kind of loves him. Reading through some of his progressive stances that clearly line up with Catholic belief. After the speech, the Pope greeted the huge crowd from a balcony and while standing next to him, Boehner couldn’t hold back tears. Video of this crying session as well as one moment where Marco Rubio appeared to be crying during the speech. Cenk doesn’t believe Rubio was crying when the subject was on immigrants. Just late last year, Rubio criticized the Pope for his stance on America working toward an agreement with Cuba. One Republican Congressman refused to attend the Pope’s appearance, claiming that since...
During a 20-minute interview with TVLibertés on January 29, 2017, Bp. Fellay, Superior General of the Society of St. Pius X commented on the crisis of the Church after the Second Vatican Council, the reaction of the clergy in the today confusion, the status of the SSPX, the Rosary Crusade, and Pope Francis. http://sspx.org
'Dans les Coulisses avec Meg Stuart' by Les Spectacles Vivants de Centre Pompidou is a video of an interview with Meg Stuart on the occasion of the performances of her work 'Hunter' (2014) at Centre Pompidou, Paris (February 4-7, 2015). In her solo 'Hunter', choreographer Meg Stuart explores her own body as an archive populated with personal and cultural memories, ancestors and artistic heroes, fantasies and invisible forces. Discovering traces in the land of small things that linger around her body, Stuart translates them into a series of self-portraits. Experiences are cut up and spliced together on the editing table to reveal potential connections and forms, such as a cartoonesque body, a shamanist chanting ritual, or a noisy sound sculpture. Stretched onto different surfaces and ricoc...
Ross Douthat, op-ed columnist for ‘The New York Times,’ sits for a lengthy interview with Collin Hansen, editorial director of The Gospel Coalition. They talk about Donald Trump, Pope Francis, abortion, homosexuality, religious liberty, immigration, marriage, parenting, decadence, collegiate 'safe spaces,' the future of Europe, and more.
Many men have died
Many more will follow
I need a life-saver - DF 118
DF 118
DF 118
I need a life-saver DF 118
I get so stressed out
Pressure is my world
I wanna switch off - DF 118
DF 118
DF 118
I need a life-saver DF 118
DF 118
DF 118
I need an I.V. DF 118