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Like a Swede (a way of living)
Vintage Letterman - Let's Look for Swedes
SWEDES VS. MEXICANS PART I: Things we say and what we really mean
What Swedes are like
Are Swedes a bunch of blonde-haired blue-eyed Vikings?
Kate Beckinsale On "Underworld" Suit, Acting For Swedes - Conan on TBS
Swedes (Uncut: Lance Armstrong)
Betnér on Swedes speaking english
How Swedes React if you say you come from Australia! | anngann
Looptroop Rockers - Naked Swedes (feat. Deacon The Villain & Natti)
TGEN- part1: Meeting the Swedes
Hur man gör en midsommartårta (Swedes baking with TENS, again)
Stereotypes about Swedes Vet du varför Sverige rankas som ett av världens bästa länder? Like a Swede är berättelsen om hur ett samarbete kan påverka ett helt...
Four segments from one episode. 1992.
FLX är produktionsbolag för filmen, och det är Felix Herngren och Fredrik Falck som har regisserat den.
Follow me on Facebook and Twitter Some attributes of Swedish people. What Swedes are like.
What is the quintessential Swedish stereotype? Blonde, blue-eyed, beautiful and bearded? More importantly, how do Swedes react to these claims? The Local too...
The lovely and talented Brit reveals that she can't drive.
Arguably the perfect man, Kassem G interviews beach-goers about Lance Armstrong. Watch the original: Other Uncut I...
From the special Live in Tallinn shot 2014. The special consists of material from my two Edinburgh Fringe shows and will be posted on this channel soon.
I'm an 18 year old AUSSIE exchange student in SWEDEN and i like Sven the reindeer from Frozen ........... Click Like and Subscribe to my channel Music by Swe...
Naked Swedes
A funny documentary about the Swedes. First part: What you have to know before going in the Stockholm subway and before even trying to talk to Swedish people.
Såhär i midsommartider kan det vara svårt att veta vad man skall bjuda på när det börjar nalkas midsommarkalas. Men som vi alla vet så blir det oftast en enk... presents: Stereotypes about Swedes and Sweden among those who have visited the country and those who have never been t...
mr. swede, being the badass that he is. i don't own any of this, i'm just putting my favorite character being a sickening badass up here so my girlfriend can...
True stories, or neighborly scorn between Nordics ? Swedish people have a reputation / Might be true at last Country: Norvege Year: 2012 Brand: Cloetta Agenc...
Main channel: You can contact me here: Facebook page: Instagram: SandraNoSekai Twitter: SandraNoSekai
Stereotypes and realities of swedes. Very funny and everything is made for fun. Go to my channel and subscribe and share if you find it funny!
Its the last party of the summer and the swedish love drink ,eat and suck ! Big thanks to london swedes for a great party Don't forget to subscribe to my channel or follow me on CHECK MY WEBSITE SEND ME AN EMAIL FACEBOOK INSTAGRAM TWITTER INTRO TUNE Philly Joseph - Think It Over
MALM (AFP) - Video footage of a Moroccan boy begging for mercy as a security guard bangs his head against a brick floor has shocked Sweden as the country grapples with a record influx of child refugees. Several witnesses last week uploaded video clips to YouTube showing a security guard straddling the nine-year-old boy inside the Malmoe central station. Crying and gasping for air, the boy can be heard reciting an Islamic prayer that is sometimes said when a person is about to die. "The clip does not do reality justice," a witness who declined to be named wrote in regional daily Sydsvenskan. "You cannot capture the boy s cry for help, his prayer and the muffled thump of the skull against the stone floor," he added. The security guard has been suspended pending a police investigation into the incident, which took place after the boy boarded a train without a ticket. _______________________________________________________________________________ وضع شريط فيديو الشرطة السويدية في موقف حرج، وقد أظهر جفاء مفرطا تحراه عنصرين منها ضد طفل مغربي في مدينة مالمو بسبب عدم توفر الأخير على تذكرة تشفع له بركوب الترامواي. الفيديو الذي جرى تسريبه، يفضح عنصرية شرطة السويد وقد أظهر تعامل عنصري أمن مع الطفل المغربي إذ عمد أحدهما إلى خنقه بتلابيب ملابسه قبل أن يحاول تصفيده، فيما ظل الطفل الصغير يئن بجسده الغض تحت وزن الشرطي. وبدا الطفل المغربي بلا حول أو قوة في مواجهة الشرطي الذي لم يعبأ بشهود على الواقعة تحلقوا حوله، محاولا كتم أنفاس الطفل لكن الأخير أطلق العنان لصوته مستنجدا وناطقا بالشهادتين: أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأن محمد رسول الله. واقعة الاعتداء على الطفل المغربي في مدينة مالمو السويدية، كانت لتمر دون أن تخلف غصة لدى الجالية المغربية والمسلمة في البلد الاسكندنافي لولا أن جرى تسريبه مؤخرا وبثه عبر موقع “يوتيوب” العالمي. وأثار شريط الفيديو ضجة في السويد، بينما وضع جهاز الشرطة في مدينة مالمو في حرج شديد، إزاء هكذا تدخل سافر لا يوازي المخالفة التي تحراها الطفل المغربي الذي كان ينوي الصعود لترامواي المدينة دون تذكرة، وفق مصادر إعلامية سويدية.
The video have English subtitles. We used 250 large rubber bands on a 8kg (17.6lbs) watermelon.
For More Great StandUp Comedy Check out our other YouTube Channels: - StandUp Central 1 - StandUp Central 3 - StandUp Central 2 - StandUp Central 4 - StandUp Central 5 - Hannibal Buress - Jim Gaffigan - Ladies of Comedy - Mitch Hedberg Sell Your Airline Miles & Credit Card Points Today! Instant Payment!
Tejbz talks with Felix about how he met his girlfriend, their first kiss, how much money he makes and more. Original interview:
Will Ferrell in a swedish interview in Sweden, Stockholm.
My friend Thomas and I hit the streets of Örebro, Sweden to ask the citizens about thier country's culture. Jag älskar Sverige! QUESTIONS: 1. What do you lik...
Facebook : Website :
Robyn interview with Thomas & Harald 2010 (Senkveld). (Make sure annotations are on to see English chat bubbles)
Alexander Skarsgård on Jimmy Fallon The interview belongs to NBC and some footage belongs to Sony Pictures Movies & Shows. :D
We talk with Swedish expert PewDiePie about Swedish stereotypes. GMM #544! Good Mythical MORE: For a free trial of go to - Check out PewDiePie - SUBSCRIBE for daily episodes: **** PREVIOUS episode: NEXT episode: Link Coming Soon! Get the GMM Coffee Mug! Get the GMM Signed Poster plus the GMM T-shirt! MAIN YOUTUBE CHANNEL: Listen to Ear Biscuits! iTunes: SoundCloud: JOIN the RhettandLinKommunity! LIKE us on FACEBOOK! FOLLOW us on TWITTER! FOLLOW us on TUMBLR: FOLLOW our INSTAGRAM - JOIN our circle on GOOGLE PLUS: Good Mythical Morning is available for download on iTunes! Video Podcast: Audio Podcast: We are two Internetainers dedicated to giving you a daily dose of casual comedy every Monday-Friday on our show "Good Mythical Morning" at Thanks for making us a part of your daily routine. Be your mythical best, mythical beast. - Rhett & Link Mail us stuff to our P.O. Box Go to for details. CREDITS: Produced by Stevie Wynne Levine Writer, Producer, Camera: Edward Coleman Editor, Graphics: Morgan Locke Production Assistant: Alexander Punch Show Graphics Package and Lighting: Ben Eck Intro Motion Graphics: Digital Twigs Intro Music: Pomplamoose Set dresser: Cassie Cobb Set construction: Jason Inman Wheel music: Microphone: The Mouse from Blue Microphones:
Nationalist and professional sniper Mike from Stockholm/Sweden, explaining why he came to Ukraine to fight on the side of Ukranian volunteer batallion "Azov"...
Malin Akerman talks about the name she shares with all sorts of elderly Swedish ladies.
Alexander Skarsgård talks about Generation Kill. Swedish TV from September 2008. ETA: Translation available at:
While trying a popular liquor from Sweden, Will Ferrell explains christmas traditions and together sing a christmas song from the country. Subscribe to The J...
Sweden has the most beautiful women in the world. know more about swedish girls, their preferences, and what they like about men and life, this interview rev...
My first interview was with the fine young men of The Black Swedes. A great local Seattle band with a new album coming out soon. Note to self. MAke sure anot...
Matt Stone and Trey Parker interviewed in Sweden, fall 2005.
August 2, 2010 Part 2: (unless it's already blocked)
A visit to Stockholm - Gamla Stan, snus and surströmming! SUBSCRIBE: Joe Goes To COMIKAZE - Watch SWEDEN PART 2: Watch more "Joe Goes" - Stalk Joe on Twitter: Stalk Joe on Facebook: Shot by Matt Friedman - BUY A T-SHIRT that will get you laid: Next Wednesday: Joe Goes To SWEDEN (Part 2)
Ricky sweet-talked the Swedes by reminding them they're descended from a long line of rapists & pillagers. More CONAN @
Atlas CEO, Brad Lips, interviews former Minister of Employment in Sweden, Sven Otto Littorin. The two discuss Sweden's commitment to welfare reform and the e...
Their hit is tearing up the charts, so what better game for Swedish duo Icona Pop to play with Ellen than "I Don't Care/I Love It?" Enjoy!
This is a story about how Swedish firemen can't go into certain areas because of arabs throwing rocks and threatening them, and how swedes can't go out in th...
She has sons with some of the most interesting celebrity baby names around. Kate told Ellen about the unique names, and how her boys feel about them!
MMA H.E.A.T.'s Karyn Bryant talks with UFC Lightweight Anton Kuivanen, minutes after his victory over Mitch Clarke at UFC 149 in Calgary. Anton talks about t...
Swedes were among those offering condolences to the families of victims after an airbus A320 ...
The Local 2015-03-24The 26-year-old Swede, who has played 25 times for the Championship promotion chasers, will undergo surgery on his left knee.
BBC News 2015-03-24The Swede has 20 goals on the season, one more than countryman Erik Karlsson of the Ottawa Senators ...
The Miami Herald 2015-03-24All Times EDT ... Site: ... ... ... ... The Swede closed with her second straight 5-under 67 for a one-stroke victory over Lizette Salas ... .
The Miami Herald 2015-03-24The Swede has 20 goals on the season, one more than countryman Erik Karlsson of the Ottawa Senators ...
Fox News 2015-03-24'Fair Chance' Official Cost Stenson A Win. Henrik Stenson told ESPN ... Tags: ,. NEXT VIDEO ... Henrik Stenson told ESPN ... Tags: , ... Tags:
ESPN 2015-03-23... the ball in the net-y, he's a Super Swede and the huns are deid, walking in Guidetti wonderland."
Sporting Life 2015-03-23... the ball in the net-y, he's a Super Swede and the huns are deid, walking in Guidetti wonderland."
RTE 2015-03-23For our lunch box version we’re using lamb neck fillet with golden glorious swede and a wild garlic salsa verde.
London Evening Standard 2015-03-23The Swede then saw a 20-foot putt to force a play-off at the 18th slide past the cup, as Matt Every ...
Orange News 2015-03-23But the frustrated 38-year-old Swede said he "could not see the point" of being put on the clock.
CNN 2015-03-23inline-left " >LPGA Kia Classic. Website: kiaclassic. com ... It doesn’t feature expensive jewels, but two inscribed words: ... Page:
U~T San Diego 2015-03-23CARLSBAD On her wrist Anna Nordqvist wears a polished bracelet crafted by one of her native Sweden’s most famous artisans.
U~T San Diego 2015-03-23Swedes (Swedish: svenskar) are a nation and ethnic group native to Sweden, mostly inhabiting Sweden and the other Nordic countries, with descendants living in a number of countries.
Most scholars agree that Suiones and the attested Germanic forms of the name derive from the same Proto-Indo-European reflexive pronominal root, *s(w)e, as the Latin suus. The word must have meant "one's own (tribesmen)". In modern Scandinavian, the same root appears in words such as svåger (brother-in-law) and svägerska (sister-in-law). The same root and original meaning is found in the ethnonym of the Germanic tribe Suebi, preserved to this day in the name Schwaben.
Sweden enters proto-history with the Germania of Tacitus in AD 98. In Germania 44, 45 he mentions the Swedes (Suiones) as a powerful tribe (distinguished not merely for their arms and men, but for their powerful fleets) with ships that had a prow in both ends (longships). Which kings (kuningaz) ruled these Suiones is unknown, but Norse mythology presents a long line of legendary and semi-legendary kings going back to the last centuries BC. As for literacy in Sweden itself, the runic script was in use among the south Scandinavian elite by at least the 2nd century AD, but all that has come down to the present from the Roman Period is curt inscriptions on artefacts, mainly of male names, demonstrating that the people of south Scandinavia spoke Proto-Norse at the time, a language ancestral to Swedish and other North Germanic languages.
Kathrin Romary "Kate" Beckinsale (born 26 July 1973) is an English actress. After some minor television roles, she made her film debut in Much Ado About Nothing (1993) while still a student at Oxford University. She then appeared in British costume dramas such as Prince of Jutland (1994), Cold Comfort Farm (1995), Emma (1996) and The Golden Bowl (2000), in addition to various stage and radio productions. She began to seek film work in the United States in the late 1990s and, after appearing in small-scale dramas The Last Days of Disco (1998) and Brokedown Palace (1999), she had a breakout year in 2001 with starring roles in the war epic Pearl Harbor and the romantic comedy Serendipity. She built on this success with appearances in the bio-pic The Aviator (2004) and the comedy Click (2006).
Beckinsale became known as an action star following an appearance in 2003's Underworld and has since starred in many action films, including Van Helsing (2004), Underworld: Evolution (2006), Whiteout (2009), Contraband (2012), and Underworld: Awakening (2012). She also makes occasional appearances in smaller dramatic projects such as Snow Angels (2007), Winged Creatures (2008), Nothing but the Truth (for which she earned a Critic's Choice Award nomination in 2008) and Everybody's Fine (2009). Her next onscreen appearance will be in the sci-fi action remake Total Recall, due for release in August 2012.
Lance Edward Armstrong (born Lance Edward Gunderson on September 18, 1971) is an American former professional road racing cyclist who won the Tour de France a record seven consecutive times after having survived testicular cancer. He is also the founder and chairman of the Lance Armstrong Foundation for cancer research and support. He last rode for UCI ProTeam Team RadioShack, a team he helped found.
In October 1996 he was diagnosed as having testicular cancer with a tumor that had metastasized to his brain and lungs. His cancer treatments included brain and testicular surgery and extensive chemotherapy, and his prognosis was originally poor. He went on to win the Tour de France each year from 1999 to 2005, and is the only person to win seven times having broken the previous record of five wins shared by Miguel Indurain, Bernard Hinault, Eddy Merckx, and Jacques Anquetil.
In 1999, he was named the ABC Wide World of Sports Athlete of the Year. In 2000 he won the Prince of Asturias Award in Sports. In 2002, Sports Illustrated magazine named him Sportsman of the Year. He was also named Associated Press Male Athlete of the Year for the years 2002–2005. He received ESPN's ESPY Award for Best Male Athlete in 2003, 2004, 2005, and 2006, and won the BBC Sports Personality of the Year Overseas Personality Award in 2003. Armstrong announced his retirement from racing on July 24, 2005, at the end of the 2005 Tour de France but returned to competitive cycling in January 2009 and finished third in the 2009 Tour de France. He confirmed he had retired from competitive cycling for good on February 16, 2011.
Victims will follow to their Death
Show no Sorrow
Steal their last Breath
Hide in the Shadows to seek out my Prey
Victim's Creator leads them away
Frustrating Desire to watch the Victim die
The ultimate Destiny
Is to rob you of your Life
To die, to kill for the Night
I'll capture the Chosen
Who's trapped in my Sight
No Mercy, no Pity
For the one in my Grasp
Your Days have been numbered
This is your Last
You struggle with your Adversary
Only to be eaten alive
Still hungry for Violence
Perpetual Hunter for Life
A Hunter again to punish the Weak
Craving the Flesh
The meat of the Beast
Strike and Devour
For the Balance of Death
In dominate, terminate
Nature of death
Extinction of Life awaits
Your Destiny at Hand
Hands of Fate grasp you and tighten
Yet only by Chance
Lashing out to Dominate
Your Trust in me is your one Mistake
Life's Blood you're forced to give
Canceling your Life to Live
Spewing liquid Life Form
Clenching Jaws
Blunder to your Fate, you take the Fall
Tearing into your Flesh with wicked Claws
Worm Consumption
Carcass Erosion, Contamination
Decomposition, Mutilation
Equalization of Death and Life
Balance of Death, Balance of Life
Life's prolonged Prerequisite
Is for you to Die
A Hunter again to punish the Weak
Craving the Flesh
The meat of the Beast
Strike and devour
For the Balance of Death
In dominate, terminate
Nature of Death
Extinction of Life awaits
Your destiny at Hand
Hands of Fate grasp you and tighten
Struck down in a flash of pain
Killed swiftly in its own domain
Struggling for what is left
Brutal shock, dismemberment
Ineffective attempts to flee
Body stuck to an instant grave
Makes no difference left to be
Can't you see the life in me is draining away?
Destiny calls
Don't fall
Impending death
Struggling to be
Now freed
Life passed on
A million times struck down
Body becomes fused to the ground
Mangled body
Flattened corpse
Stench of rot
Hammered carnage
Crusting thing
Maggots breed
Eroding bone
Melts to stone
Collapse to dust
Good riddance
Struck down in a flash of pain
Killed swiftly in its own domain
Struggling for what is left
Brutal shock, dismemberment
Ineffective attempts to flee
Body stuck to an instant grave
Makes no difference left to be
Can't you see the life in me is draining away?
Feasting on rancidness
Not seeing through the self-accusing lies
Are hordes of wormly cowards
Who hesitate and fail to bring their dreams to life
Left unseen
Lost in occupations
Becoming socially secured
Life's manipulation
Age endures
Accepting circumstances
Resentment uncontained
Quality of existence
Capitalistic gains
Can't you see
Your destiny?
Living free
Doing what you feel and think is real
Or do you just fail to see?
Can't see through your own mind
Cast yourself to live this lie
Blackening out natural dignity
Forcing in abnormal functioning
Losing desire your will to leave
This life you built so easily
It's time...
to live
Ascend from below to blaze a trail through life
Follow your lead and succeed your destiny
Twisted mind, twisted Face
There's no rest, endless Race
It's too late to save your Face
From the twisted sons of Hate
In your brain, the vein of Pain
Causes you to twist your Face
Velocity, accelerate
Pressure builds, burning Strain
Mirror skiing for the answer
Your face a twisted Mess
Speeding faster, never Slowing
You know there's no rest
Feel the Rush, urgency
Methamphetamine, can't be Freed
Feel your Heart beat faster faster
Never ending Thrust
Feel your Skull begin to Crush
Your Brain turns into Mush
Crank it up, smell the Rage
Locked within, Cage of Death
Can't slow down, no time to Rest
No way to end this Chase
Your twisted Face, your burning Nose
You die a fucking Disgrace
Twisted Mind, Twisted Face
There's no rest, endless Race
It's too late to save your Face
From the twisted Sons of Hate
In your Brain, the Vein of Pain
Causes you to twist your Face
Velocity, Accelerate
Pressure builds, burning Strain
Mirror skiing for the Answer
Your face a twisted Mess
Speeding faster, never slowing
You know there's no Rest
Twisted Face
Twisted Face
I can't wait to steal the Stage
To quench my Thirst
For Neon is what I Crave
Throughout the Day
So feed your Face
Sadus will take Control
Steal the Show
Kill them all's
The final Command
We need D.T.P.
Death to posers is what I mean
Stand tall, never Fall
We will Rise to kill them all
There's an Evil in your Brain
Driving you fucking Insane
Fighting off
The Evil in your Brain
At any Cost
To Release you from this Pain
Death will come
The final Sign will arrive
To torture your Mind
Anybody from deep inside
There's an evil in your Brain
Driving you fucking insane
Living high, no Life denied
A Game's your Life
Every Time is Right
And one of these Times you're gonna Die
Racing Death, tempting Fate
You lose Control
Your Mind's lost, a senseless Cause
Until you get some more
Racing time, you can't get caught
But it's too late
Your Doom's locked, no Way out
Until you're straight
Play it straight or take a Chance
Well what will it be?
But of course we all know your Destiny
Your right to Live Is yours to give
So take Control
Or you'll fall
And then you Die
And then you Die
You're gonna Die
And then you Die
Long life, fast Death, which one
Will it be? Living hard, you're
Dying fast, you can't Fight
Destiny, Hands of Time are going
Fast, how long can you make it last?
Your Right to Live
Is yours to give
So take Control
Or you'll Fall
One look and all were blind - All that have seen
All the pain - It can't live without me
Time is blind - As it runs right over me
All the pain it seems - Seems to find me
One word for you... hate
One step and you're history crushed dead
Wipe you out... deathly blow finishing stroke bloodshed
Homicidal - I am the one executioner of punishment
Hate - Words of war - I create
Prosper until death becomes the words of war
All that you have heard - All that you will find
Weakness by corruption - Pollution of the mind
Death by my say... cruel
No mercy by me - Immolate fate so cold
Bloodthirsty no one escape
The words of hate the world to cry... hate
Words of war I create
Taught and raised the ways of the new world
Right from wrong - It's only influential
Generations pass - Provides no balance
Safety in numbers - Not afraid of the challenge
Face the change in everyday life
Evolution for all to be insane
Timeless wave it programs my soul
Beyond circumstances and despair
The chain of life to be insane
Revolves around my ways
The wrong and right in black and white
Useless lives will fade away
Reanimated yet segregated
Only to break the night by the day
The chain of life to be insane
Revolves around around my ways
Safety in numbers
Face the change in everyday life
Evolution for all to be insane
Timeless wave it programs my soul
Beyond circumstances and despair
The chain of life to be insane
Revolves around around my ways
Taught and raised the ways of the new world
Right from wrong - It's only influential
Generations pass - Provides no balance
Trust interprets power - Lies may deceive
Behind facial masks - Dominance is achieved
Ruled by one - Unity now strong
Power to behold - Force all control
Wise men will dream - Of the one built to be
Faith in all who believe - Trust now achieved
Face to Face - Raised for today
Just abiding force - Provoked to destroy - DESTROY
Power of one - Power of one - Change has begun - Power of one
Trust interprets strength - All blind to their needs
Open eyes can't see all the lies
Face to face - Raised for today
Just abiding force - Provoked to destroy
No weak ones - Life goes on - Here I am - There's no end - This is life
No pussies squeak - When life gets tweaked
Stay straight be strong - Stay tight live long
Stronger than life
Pain creates strength - Motivation the growth of all
Now I'm whole I have all the faith I need
Strength through adversity is mine
Pain creates power it motivates us all
The life you make and what you create
Stronger than life you'll be this I can say for me now
I won't backdown - In your face I'll be
I won't backdown - Stronger than life
All weaknesses gone and I am the one
Living my way
Through time the mind grows strong
Leading my way
No pain - No gain - One way - Full strength
No pain - No gain - One way - Insane
Shaping my world for my own way
Who are you to say anything
No pain - No gain - One way - Full strength
No pain - No gain - One way - Insane
No weak ones - Life goes on - Here I am - There's no end
Born in this world all alone - Can't even see I'm all alone
Open my eyes to see the light - Cry out for help but no one's there
Morning life - Craving light - Take in all - Watch me grow
In the end - There's no end - In the end - Life begins
One more is born - One more is gone
Life is death - Regenerate and recreate
One done life gone - You will be the one
All you wanted to be trusting me
In the end - There's no end - In the end - Life begins
All you wanted to be trusting me
One way promise me - Hope I disagree
They'll lie inherit me - No honesty now I do agree
Hope - Fear - Desire
My time is their gain
I will achieve despite the inhuman lie again
Faceless - Bastard wins
Fuel by fire
Deception is their tool - A vehicle with no rule
A trust built on emptiness - A covenant of uselessness
No priority above life
We'll do without what they won't do for me
It's they're loss now
Identified by empty hand their gain is me now
So are you afraid of me
Stand up for the things you say behind my back
Extreme - Incensed - Enraged... You make me feel aggression
Your words mean squat to me
You've never proven your worth beyond a pile of shit
All I feel is...
Anger rushes through my veins
In no time I'll take you down you will be crushed
Intense - Maddening - Fury... You make me feel aggression
I can't believe all I hear
As for you you'd better prepare to feel my rage
All I am is... aggression
To your face - I am the scorn - In your eyes - I am the thorn
Won't back down
Time is short - Your time is due - I'll be here when you're through
Revenge is mine
All I feel is aggression - All I am is aggression
Your words destroy yourself
You'll go down because of this I'll see to it
Severe - Outrage - Boiling - You make me feel aggression
No light no hope you fall
Vindicated I stand here and watch you fade
Hungriness of killing makes me all I am
Exploration of death
To heal is their plan
Incision, scrutiny
Futile plan failing
Spawning all sickness
Grotesque forms
Taking what I want
Leaving nothing for you
All that is left will be mine in time
Sickly form of life
Afflicted with incurable infestation
Cutting into life
Preserving mankind
Cutting into life
Under the knife
Under the knife
Under the knife
Hungriness of killing makes me all I am
Exploration of death
To heal is their plan
Cutting into life
Preserving mankind
Cutting into life
All is consumed by vanity
Whims of short lived mortality
Our desperate cries of pity
Are carried on winds for eternity
And lost in forgotten echoes...
The more that is known
The greater there is fear
It's worthless to question
It's useless to interfere
What has already been
Will come to pass again
An altering is hopeless
A chasing after the wind
Minutes pass to hours
Hours into years
The years of your life
Reflected in the mirror
The mirror only shows
The time that you can see
But how can time exist
Without eternity
Revelations of mankind fade away
Cries are lost, spray to the wind
In revolutions of the world
And echoes of forever
In an endless circle the sun hides from our sight
But as the circle is endless
It returns after the night
Nothing is new under the sun
As past and future become one
Though the tide retreats,
perpetually from the shore
It always returns itself
As it has before
Everything is meaningless
Pure insignificance
The past always leaves us
But never to subside
Recollections of memory
And the future coincide
In thought dwell the mysteries
Eternally they reside
Forever is the circle
I answer to no one
And make no mistake
Got my thumb on the pulse of the nation
And it's mine to take
A whole new world
is in my eyes
A land of anger
Why must they die?
Out for blood
MURDER...lashing out, the will to kill, to take a life
KILLER.....the one who slays, the blood on hand, the
face of man
SINNER.....the word they say, the book obey, damn you
RULER......the king of man, the will on hand, the one
to obey
The weak must abide
With power to break down their pride
Insanity, confusion presides
The weak must fall
With power that threatens us all
The will to kill them all
You can't shut me out
I'm going to get in
Got my eyes on the territory
And what lies within
You pry and pry
I won't let you win
You try and try
I can't give in
Out for blood
MURDER...lashing out, the will to kill, to take a life
KILLER.....the one who slays, the blood on hand, the
face of man
SINNER.....the word they say, the book obey, damn you
RULER......the king of man, the will on hand, the one
to obey
The weak must abide
With power to break down their pride
Insanity, confusion presides
The weak must fall
With power that threatens us all
Can't bring me down
You can't kill me
Can't sell me out
Going to help myself now
You can't fill me with what you want me to be
No one will make me
You can't change me
I am my own man
So fall by the hand of me
No mercy from me
Can't bring me cold
Gone in your wasted mind
Won't let you by
So don't even try
I'm done...
No more thoughts of you
I'm through with you
I curse you dead
Throw the hammer down
I'm down...
Burn in fucking hell
Better hear what I say
Get out of my way
I'm wild in my fucking ways
So cold...
You show to all your wickedness
Pray for the life you'll miss
You think you see
You think you see right through me
Distorted eyes see what they like
You think you see
You think you see right through me
Distorted eyes see what it likes
Mind is crazy
Can't cope inside
You can't cage me
I am the night inside you
Inside, inside you,
Cursed for being born
All that is evil
Seek the fray, killing prey
I am the night inside you
Inside, inside you,
Do you believe in you or me
Then I believe in you
Do you believe what you can't see
Well what is me is
I don't understand, tell me who you are, you're not me
Are you crazy?
What is insanity? Who is reality? I can't see
We're all crazy
Slowly I'm changing inside
Am I crazy?
I see you see me, how can it be?
What is crazy?
You're all crazy!
Born to rule hell
The heart of evil
Can't change me
Can't cage me
I rule the night inside you
Emerging from Hell's Dominion
To crawl upon the Land
Mutants of the Holocaust
Lose their Flesh into the Sand
Victims of the wicked World
Pray to the evil Shrine
Brimstone Churches
They all fall in Time
The Undead
Immortality Madness possessed
Feeding on Flesh
Rancid decaying Stench
Vile Stench of Death
Burning rot Decay
Corpses litter Cities
In a silent putrid Array
Maggots fill their Brains
As every Limb must Fall
Submit to the Sewers below
And await the Reaper's Call
The Undead
Immortality Madness possessed
Feeding on Flesh
Rancid decaying Stench
Feed upon the living Flesh
As Blood fills their Eyes
Wishful whims of Life
Our maker hears their Cries
Kingdom of the Dead
Is cast out upon the Ground
Salvation from their Pain
Is nowhere to be found
The Undead
Immortality Madness possessed
Feeding on Flesh
Rancid decaying Stench
Memories of Destruction
Inflicted mortal Wounds
Mists of gaseous Poison
Sullen as it Looms
Immortal Corpses crawling
In Rust and toxic Slime
There is no Death in dying
We need D.T.P.
Death to posers is what I mean
Stand tall, never Fall
We will Rise to kill them all
There's an Evil in your Brain
Driving you fucking Insane
Fighting off
The Evil in your Brain
At any Cost
To Release you from this Pain
Death will come
The final Sign will arrive
To torture your Mind
Anybody from deep inside
There's an evil in your Brain
Driving you fucking insane
Staring at the Walls around me
Pale and dismal life
I'll leave
A Time of Emptiness
That surrounds me
Waiting just for Life to be
Seclusion into the Mind
Involuntary Refuge
A Period in Time
I'll wait
The carving out of Life
Left in Solitude
Wise enough to See
It will Change
Time won't help me
While I'm Waiting
Tired of Living
This way I'm Feeling
Delaying Await
Depression Fills me
Descending Feeling
Lapse of Meaning
Throw it Away
Throwing it all Way
Throw it Away
Throwing away the Day
Wasting my Life
Waiting for others to get with the Plan
Taking their Time
I can't wait forever for this I won't Stand
Time after Time
Leaving us dormant and rotting away
Waste of the Day
Until we take Hold and Break Free we'll Pay
Time won't help me
While I'm Waiting and Throwing Away the Day
Throw it Away
Throwing it all Way
Throw it Away
Throwing away the Day
Mourning Time
Seeps into your Head
Dazed in Wait
Day is Dead
Slow to Pass
Tired of this Life
Tired of this Life
I bet I'll Die to Live
Eyes of the Greedy
See what they will
Lust of the Flesh
A need to fulfill
The Fool and the Liar
Must feed the desire
The Will to acquire
The Eyes of the Greedy will always Crave for more
Feasting hungry Eyes on this worthless Horde
The Eyes of the Greedy will see no Sleep or Rest
Are you saved or enslaved
Trapped by Need to have
Feel it clench you
Do you want to give in
Through the Eyes the Will to see what they want to see
Looking through the Eyes of Greed
Feel Temptation burn
Each earns his own Fate
Each one has a will to Live
Blind are the Eyes that Need
Looking through the Eyes of Greed
Eyes of the Greedy
See what they will
Lust of the Flesh
A need to fulfill
Looking through the Eyes of Greed
Feel Temptation burn
Each earns his own Fate
Each one has a Will to Live
Blind are the Eyes that need
Living silence, hidden deep
Clouded vision, nothing seen
Arise above normality
Open your eyes so I can see
Can't you hear the scream in me?
I'm dying for the chance to be
No chance for reality
To live and reign inside of me
Screams of pain
Wake of death
Relentless reign
A precedent
The wake of severity is pushing through
A kick in the face is overdue
Knowing what you believe is right
Blind to everything in sight
Living terror
From within
The wake of severity will now
I had a vision of non-existence
To pass away, ceased to exist
Depart this life, become no more
Become extinct just like before No
The wake you can't evade
Time's path is laid
Drowning in our fate
A droplet of existence
I a wave of ignorance
On the path of resistance
Only to prove our persistence
The wake of severity is pushing through
A kick in the face is overdue
Screams of pain
Unknown Substance
A putrid Cloud -
Choking all within Results of Progress,
A noxious Waste -
Floating in the Air
Living free?
So now our World is fading into slowly burning out Prime Wealth?
Toxic Health
Advancing towards extinction is the way it's turning out Foul Air?
Do you care?
Is Cleanness where
you live going against your common believe
Too much slime, insufficient time?
In a suffocated future
will you find the time to breathe
Jammed in one place
Blind in haste
Progress can't wait
A life in waste
Tending towards - Technology
Reverse of: life's biology
Chemical comatose
Radiation overdose
Burning, melting flesh
Leaking slime of dissolving waste
Overflowing blackness of death
Creation is being torn down by abuse
Infringement of the substance and our use
Elements decomposing, dilution is too slow
Every contribution, to the evolution
Its bad gets worse; deathly course.
Swallowed in Black
Faced with reality?
Search your memory
Nothing dead ever comes back
Skilled Victims play their Games
A cause of violence for Fortune and Fame
Like all possessed they worship it all
Money loving mercenary Risks it all
Why can't you see the Intensity
The High that was not to be
With no decline it works every Time
Until we had enough we'll see
You can't get enough of the fucking Stuff
The rotting of the Brains a Game
Time after Time
With the loss of a Mind
You're crying out insanity
You can't afford to be
As fucking dumb as you seem
You know the Price you can't Pay
You Steal from one to Repay
The Debts of Bets, you should Die
Slave to Misery
Causing Suffering
Anything causing Pain
Experiencing Agony
Torment, Torture
I don't want to see you Suffer
Slave to Misery
Uncontrolled thoughts
They told me to kill
I can't help it
I'm not myself
I hate you so hate me
This won't sell
I can't help it
I'm not myself
I'm sick, sick, twisted...
I'm stuck, I'm caught...I can't resist
This is me now
Once again
I can't help it
I can't pretend
Who are you inside now
This can't sell
I can't help it
Can't you tell
I'm sick, sick, twisted...
No thought, no reason, no consequence
Sick, sick, twisted...
Bullet goes in...Brain comes out...
Bullet goes in...Brain comes out...
Bullet goes in...Brain comes out...
Bullet goes in...Shit comes out...
Who am I now
I can't tell
I can't help it
I'm not myself
I hate you so hate me
I don't care
I can't help it
I'm not myself
I'm sick, sick, twisted...
I'm stuck, I'm caught...I can't resist
I'm sick, sick, twisted...
There's too many people in this world
There's too many people fuck this world
Bullet goes in...Brain comes out...
Bullet goes in...Brain comes out...
Bullet goes in...Brain comes out...
Bullet goes in...Shit comes out...
There's too many people in this world
Powers of hate
Are directing your thoughts
And lead me to believe
In what you are not
Anger drives you
To inflict others' pain
Now feel the rage
Consuming your brain
Committing revenge now regulates
Your unguided ways to manipulate
Logic dies with bitter frustration
Anxiety feeds your slow damnation
How can this be right?
Your way of looking through me
Seeing beyond your lies
It's just your way to use me
All anger that you feel
Its driving force surrounding you
Forget your words of hate
The power that's confounding you
Reason to not forgive
Breaking down your tolerance
Can't you tell it's wrong
Not believing in the consequence
Into the recesses of your mind
Mysterious shadows unidentified
Shrouded by fears of the darkest kind
And there your being lies classified
This reign of hatred and despise
This weapon of spite caused you to lie
What is kept secret behind your eyes
Mindless fools listen
To a brainwashing, false doctrine
Live to obey
As they tune into the oracle each day
Embedded in the brain of the potentially insane
Susceptible to be deceived easily
The prophet for the blind is possession if the mind
A manipulation of the public's domination
I'm the influence of suggestion
Your life is my obsession
I'm the voice of the media
The power of propaganda
I've given to you my system
Of which you'll become a victim
A system of conformity
Forfeit of your liberty
So careless, you are, of your destiny
So confused, of what, has come to be
Your life, your worth, you've given up to me
Believing, my words, I've become your deity
A hollow shell of what you used to be
Your life-form drained of mentality
Thoughts are ruled by complexity
As you're numbed, and sink into dormancy
Categorized in societies dominion
As a glitch of that non-exception
Deceived by the generalized opinion
A meaningless specter
a lifeless zombie
your ice is thin
Trust in false gods, only to be deceived again
Your fate is as shallow as the grave you rot in
Mindless fools listen
Live to obey
A life of submission, to the oracle of obmission
A life of submission, to the oracle of obmission
One lonely Man
Picked despite his Will
To fight for his Country
Supposedly Born and Bred to Kill
He was afraid to Die
To Kill, or to Fight
He had the Love of Jesus
Blinded by the Light
You'll Fight or Die
So Dominate, you can't Hide
It's Do or Die, before it's too Late
Far away from Home, his Mission
Is to Kill, there is no
Sanctuary, for the Coward's
Spiteful will, all others they
Will follow, the Leaders of the
Death is their Future in this
The Leaders Scream Attack
You'll Fight or Die
So Dominate, you can't Hide
It's Do or Die, before it's too Late
Smell of Death grows Stronger
As Blood begins to Flow
Every man's a Hunter
And to Kill is all they know
War Machines keep Pushing
Metal falls like Rain
Stench of Bodies Burning
This man has reached his End
This man's war he Lost
And no one's felt the Pain
No mercy and no Sorrow
Only Countries Gained
But far away from home, his
Mission was to kill
Still no Sanctuary, for the Cowards
Spiteful Will
You'll Fight or Die
So Dominate, you can't Hide
Loss of Vision
Brain Contusion
Sight and short of Breath
Heartbeat pounding, Pulse is slowing
Light has turned to Black
Excruciating Agony
Have you lost your Will to Live?
Perpetuating Destiny
It's in your Hands to give
Staring at the Crypts of Death
Certain Mortal Perishment
There is no will to give
Existence has reached its End
There is no Perplexity
End of Life's expectancy
Stripped of Life's Vitality
Certain Death
Pressure building inside your Head
Compression pushing to the Red
Limbs are Numb, Control is Lost
Bag of Blood is about to Bust
Searching for the Strength to Grasp
Your Life Span is Flashing Fast
Now your Time has come to Pass
Thickening Blood will now Delay
Pulse has quickened, but too Late
Melting Braincells Die away
Cranium dripping, oozing Gray
Ever lasting Intensity
Perpetuating Destiny
Excruciating Agony
Certain Death
Covered in Gore by Butchery
Constant flowing Ecstasy
Grasping Life
You feel it slip
Death awaits you at the Crypts
There is no Perplexity
End of Life's Expectancy
Stripped of Life's Vitality
Questions arise from the unknown
Confusion brings curiosity
Whispers come as many regrets they've buried in the past
To witness the unreal... the unreal
A vision unfolds before my eyes
A vision of cold and pale gray skies
Minutes seem like hours
Alone we sit and stare and wait for them to come
To witness the unreal... the unreal
What's false - What's real - Truth is unknown
Serious - Mysterious - Are we alone
Voices from the black call to me
The eyes up in the void watching me
There lies in the skies secrets we seek
They're lies to mystify to keep us week
Echoes of the past reminding me
You say you got a problem
I say you want to die
Confusion in your mind
Terror solidified
Violence indisplaced
Fear in its place
Tempest, yet blind in haste
All right, I'm in your face
Hostilities come to war
Outbreak, a rush discharged
Lash out your fuse is lit
Go off, inflict the sick
Violence indisplaced
Fear in its place
Tempest, yet blind in haste
All right, I'm in your face
Implode to the head
Convulsive force of red
Adrenaline rushing blast
Inflamed fury's past
Who are you to me
One bad seed
A different breed
A fucking freak
Dead, you're dead
Dead to me
I burn inside
From hate and lies
Your drama tells the tale
You'll burn yourself
We are all freaks
We will die freaks
Who are you to me
Not a fucking thing
Greedy piece of shit
You make me sick
You're fucked
Dead, fucking dead to me
I live with hate
Sadness and pain
Never be the same
You're the one to blame
You're the one to blame
Valley of dry Bones
Bless the Land
Arise come together Bone to Bone
Fusion of Flesh to Bone
Sand becomes the Blood of Man
Do it because I say you will
Repent to thee or turn to Dust
Just like the Sand
There'll be no rest
Valley of Dry Bones
Valley of Dry Bones
Bless the Land
Ice cold blood is flowing in your veins
Screams not heard oblivious to the pain
Blind from the rage, you couldn't just walk away
We've all heard it all there's nothing left to say
No more face left
No more unrest
No more protest
I don't want to hear your lies
No more resentment
No more rejection
No more deception
I don't want your alibis
Torn right through it's ripping through your skin
Cold black darkness covers the evil grin
No more true words
No more voice heard
Nothing to endure
Couldn't spare another day
No more weird moods
No more attitudes
Not even if we could
You know it had to be this way
No one trusts you all you ever say are lies
Time won't heal the insanity that blinds your eyes
No more face left
No more unrest
No more protest
I don't want to hear your lies
No more resentment
No more rejection
No more deception
I don't want your alibis
To me I swore
There'd be no more
You can't ignore
You are no more
To me...
To me I swore
There'd be no more
You can't ignore
You are no more
Tear one face off the second is there to damn
Bloody fucking flesh from the bleeding of the hands
No more true words
No more voice heard
Nothing to endure
Couldn't spare another day
No more weird moods
No more attitudes
Not even if we could
You know it had to be this way
To me I swore
There'd be no more
You can't ignore
You are no more
To me I swore
There'd be no more
You can't ignore
You fall before us, shattered in vain
You thrash about us, screaming in pain
Tortured and flaming, you're on your knees
You fucking whores, it's us you must please
We'll give you merciless...
We'll give you merciless...
We'll give you merciless...
We'll give you merciless... DEATH!!!
Stand up and bang, till you fall to the floor
The sound is so deafening, it can't be ignored
The place is burning, your minds are destroyed
Devastated and helpless, you're left here to die
The angel has landed - judgement has come
Your death has arrived, faster than some
The darkness descending upon heaven's gates
Your soul is now promised and you know that
We'll wait!!!...
You hide behind a mask too confused to show what's real
Plastic sense of value to go with your plastic way of life
Your self-righteousness is corrupted by your tendencies to avoid your lies
Paranoia - Hypocrite - You burn another bridge
"Your self-righteousness is corrupted by your tendencies to avoid
confrontations causing a
fake relationship with the ones who support you and as you burn yet another
bridge you
fall into the trap of becoming a hypocrite of all the accusations you once
slayed me with".
Afraid - Confused - Coward behind the mask
You hide behind a mask too confused to tell the truth
Backwards way of thinking to go with your backward way of life
"You relay a false confidence and a sense of friendly surroundings but behind
doors you burn with hatred and loathing to anyone honest to not provide you
with a
total worship and give you full control which causes you to loose it and go
Afraid - Confused - Coward behind the mask
How could you not think that I won't even know
How could you not think that I can't even see
How could you not think that I don't even feel
How could I forget the words you said to me
How could I forget the things you took from me
How could I forget the way you were to me
I don't even care who's behind the mask
Time... is wasting
Time... is passing
The world... is going straight down the tubes, oh well
What man will make of it... time will tell
Watching all that's wasting in this world
In time there's no escaping what's to tell
The population is feeding, soon to fall
There's got to be a better way, time will tell
Quality receding
Contaminants increasing
Consequently death
The splendor and the radiance
The brightness and the brilliance
Sheer luster of life is gone
The foul stench of stag
Will devour the human race
Until every bit of life is gone
Poverty, extremity, impurity, insolvency
The crumble, decline, destruction, wears on
There's got to be a better way
Blacken the sky, nature has died
Wastefulness of mankind
Thoughts were impure, time must endure
We must stop before it's too late
Impurities will crush, till all life is lost
Destruction of the ozone layer
What has been said, what's left to say
There's got to be a better way
Putrefaction, uncleanness of man
The man infestation, infected world span
Filthy impurities, blue sky turn to gray
Crippled efficiency, the black eats away
Putrefaction, uncleanness of man
The man infestation, infected world span
The quagmire and vermin, as bad goes to worse
The drab wilt of mankind engulfing the earth
Watching all that's wasting in this world
In time there's no escaping what's to tell
The population is feeding, soon to fall
There's got to be a better way, time will tell
Quality receding
Contaminants increasing
What you breathe
Is supposedly
Exhausted clean
Toxins rise
Through melting Skies
Life will die
Work to feed
A lifeless breed
The flourishing
Hybrid way
Circuits scream
Mankind heeds
Slave to all
Lifeless thralls
Of computer laws
Days are gone
New life's begun
On they'll run
[from the Iron Maiden album "The Number of the Beast"]
[Bonus Track]
Longboats have been sighted the evidence of war has
Many Nordic fighting men their swords and shields all
gleam in the sun
Call to arms defend yourselves get ready to stand and
fight for your lives
Judgement day has come around so be prepared don't run
stand your ground
They're coming in from the sea
they've come the enemy
beneath the blazing sun
the battle has to be won
Invaders ... Pillaging
Invaders ... Looting
Set ablaze the campfires alert the other men from
Warning must be given there's not enough men here for a
The Vikings are too many too powerful to take on our
We must have reinforcements we cannot fight this battle
They're coming over the hill
they've come to attack
they're coming in for the kill
there's no turning back
Invaders ... Fighting
Invaders ... Marauding
Axes grind and maces clash as wounded fighters fall to
the ground
Severed limbs and fatal woundings bloody corpses lay
all around
The smell of death and burning flesh the battle weary
light to the end
The Saxons have been overpowered victims of the mighty
You'd better scatter and run
the battle's lost and not won
you'd better get away
to fight another day
Invaders ... Raping
To obsession of a final goal
How far will one go to the whim of another
Spilling, spilling
Of blood as it takes it's toll
How many will die, until we kill our brother
Signs, signs
A message from above, voices beyond
What type of promises are being sold for lies
Fate, fate
The body will die the spirit moves on
What type of bullshit waits on the other side
New ways of old
Have begun again
Doomed to repeat the past
Another mortal sin
Lies - Feed the fire
That burn our hands
Die for a cause
The ill will of man
In the name of God - To make a stand
In the name of pride - To take more land
In the name of love - To kill a man
In the name of greed - No harmony
In the name of fear - Won't set it free
In the name of hate - Won't let it be
Pray, pray
They sanctify death - not a final act
The only model of poer and glory is the martyr
Die, die
Death brings life to their ultimate cause
Even the young line up to throw their lives away
Fight, fight
When death is in their eyes and the battle rage
For God or country, for fortune or control
Creed, creed
We're not the same, yet they kill for less
Renewing mistakes...some ol' fucking mess
New ways of old
Have begun again
Doomed to repeat the past
Another mortal sin
Lies - Feed the fire
That burn our hands
Die for a cause
The ill will of man
In the name of God - To make a stand
In the name of pride - To take more land
In the name of love - To kill a man
In the name of greed - No harmony
In the name of fear - Won't set it free
Oppressed by darkness in the mind, unleashed action
Illusions forming to a substance, manifestation
Confused beyond reality, false-fact-fusion
Engulfed chaotic interlude, obscure vision
When the sick mind is left to rule...
Confusion grows, thoughts intertwine
Memory is a blur in a scenario of time
Details are exposed, but remain ignored
Things that are real, are found in a dream
The way in which to see things is not what it seems
Looking for answers, in a mirror that is blank
Images overlap
Reflections deviate
Images overlap
Reflections deviate
Vengeance, sickness claims its spite, twisted memory
Unbalance of fantasy and reality, ruptured harmony
Fiction animated falsely, materialized
There's no reason for deception, there's no lie
When the sick mind is left to rule...
Vast capacity of imagination
Within focus of concentration
Abstract input disrupting aim
Course of option appears the same
A rapid static flashing glance
Only a sudden random chance
When reasons defy reality
Insight has no authority
Visions that reality hid
Victimized by the Id
That's the reflections I despise
Or is it true the mirror lies?
The truth is clouded from my sight
Radiating heat not light
Mirages forming identity
Thoughts becoming entity
Images overlap
Reflections deviate
Images overlap
Imaginative formations
Taking control of the fears I hide
Intricate creations
Twisting and shaping me from inside
Massive confusion
Constantly veiling my mind's eyes
Into oblivion
Spiraling downward, reaching my demise
Misleading visions
Reflecting figments of what is to be
Forceful delusions
Driving me inward to my mental sea
Optical distortions
Bind me to what I don't know
Repulsive contortions
Blinding me of which way to go
What have I done to reality?
Chaos strangles my sanity
What have I done to reality?
Chaos strangles my sanity
Projected through shadows
Chromatic patterns shift and blur
Dim light shallows
Oppressive darkness becomes obscure
Imprisoned by unreal
Plunged into falseness rapidly
Deceit I feel
Flash of light
Before your eyes
All is deceased
By undecided crimes
Maturing fate
Wasting life, surpassing time
Erupt, toxic clouds exterminate
Fusion flow
Eats the brain
Melds decay
Lethal dose
Feeds disease
Rotting blood, turning black
A violent, noxious death
Winds of death
Engulf the sphere
That no longer lives
Now takes its course
Until the end
A world gone black, through toxic skies
Lay to waste
Last abide
Upon earth
So you think
That we're all crazy
Can't you see
That I'm already there
What you need
Can't do without it
Can't you see
That I don't even care
I'm on the edge
Pound it out
Twice as loud
I crave the sound - (in darkness no weakness)
Flying free
At full speed
It's what I need - (ears will bleed, what we need)
Work and feed
Off of me
Adrenaline - (arise above, arise above)
Our fuel for life
It's what we like
It's in out blood - (in the blood, in the blood)
Freedom for you
Freedom from pain
Freedom for all
Freedom from this life
Where are you
Here I am
Hidden deep
Out of size and mind
Time flies by
And I'm alive
Alive inside
Inside of all of you
Inside of you
I've paved the way
For all to see
It's all for you - (all for you, bleed for you)
And now I'm lost
And time won't stop
Now that I'm through - (so through, so through)
What you need
Ears will bleed
I'll bleed for you - (bleed for you, all for you)
Don't leave me
I can't see you - (where are you, where are you)
Freedom for you
Freedom from pain
Freedom for all
Freedom from this life
So the twisted one is me
Sad, so bad, sad,
Don't make me laugh
Free from all that is me
Sad, too bad, sad
Highs and lows
Effect us all
And crush one's soul
Time and time again
Feel the need
Arise above the pain you feel
Inside us all
And take control
I've paved the way
For all to see
It's all for you - (all for you, all for you)
And now I'm lost
And time won't stop
Now that I'm through - (so through, so through)
No day of rest
No time to guess
Arise above - (arise above, arise above)
Flying free at full speed
It's what I love - (it's what I need, that's why I
Freedom for you
Freedom from pain
Freedom from all
Contemplating death, untimely near
It's not your death developing your fear
Deteriorating state, hope is lost
Your greed for life is beyond the cost
Hoping for advancement, an invention, a cure
Because of your disease your intentions are unpure
Corrupted by moral values
Spoiled by common wealth
In your race for fortune
You forgot to regard your health
Self pity; shame to blame.
Existence transferred to an alternate frame
Cellular osmosis, frozen to paralysis
Suspending the result of the ultimate nemesis
Essence drained, exchanged for synthetics
Drastic measures to alter genetics
No reincarnation
Eternal hibernation
False incarnation
Opaque destination
Catatonic pleasure, anti-fluids numb the pain
Robbing yourself of death, what did you expect to gain?
Frozen fate, all thoughts cease
Resisting the afterlife for nothing at all
Truth distorted, path into darkness
Cannot see what caused your fall
Lying dormant, your seed of faith
Has grown into a nasty vine
Final chapter in the book of life
Forever darkness stops the time
Delaying natural death, for a fear of what's beyond
Afraid to take that final step, to the place where you belong
What you believed before
Do you anymore?
Or do you want to see
Looking out from the inside
To a place you cannot
Frozen in dark solitude
Yearning to be free
No one has awakened you
A false destiny
No reincarnation
Eternal hibernation
False incarnation
Opaque destination
Torn between Life
Dividing Inside
Dwelling on the Lies
They made to build their Lives
Born an Accident
In a World where no one Fits
A Fact of life for me
Starving in Poverty
Born here
Die here
Reason of Being
Living in this Hell Hole
I'm throwing away the day, every Day
Every Day
Forgive me not
For living in this World of Rot
I can't believe it all to be
A facelift, a Change, Society
Watching Tension build
My Hatred being Fulfilled
And making me want to Kill
And kill and kill and Kill
Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill
Depression and resurrect Life
No Hate, no Ignorance
No Tolerance for Prejudice
Coming, come to me
Facelift of inner Being
Don't let your Eyes be the Guide
To what your Mind can't see
Don't paint the Picture by the Color
Or what it seems to be
Know in the Debts of yourself
What you know to be Right
Making the Difference in how you Feel for Life
Open your Mind
Look Inside
Escaping Reality by Taking in all I can see
It's only the Way to Leave this Place
We all call Misery
Looking for the one to find
But nobody is left
Praying for meaning and waiting for Death
No Hate, no Ignorance
No Tolerance for Prejudice
Coming, coming to me
Facelift of Inner Being
Value of the one last died in himself
His Blood burns, Peace gone
Crying for help
Can't stop Misery
His Silence hears Death
Wishing the one gone was himself
No way of knowing what is rest
Death on the inside has killed all that's left
Lowest of the Low
Where Feelings are kept
His Silence is the one Cry
Eyes... persuade the Mind
Ears... believe the Lies
One's own Society cries
Such a wasted Fate
Pre-programmed Hell
Reality is just a state of mind
And you can't believe the things you hear and see
Getting caught in fear that climbs
Escalating high
For your inferior mind
Can't cope with your right to decide
Waiting for your life to be
Having no ideas nor dreams to live
Believing all of the others' beliefs
Determining your fate eternally
Your mind is free
To believe in what you need
To live and breathe
Your destiny
Each of us has ideas of their own
Depicting original thoughts our own seeds to sow
Believing what is right to be real
Navigating one's own path to stray from ideals
Waste your thoughts
Follow their lies
Believing the false
Close your eyes
"So you think a man can cheat death and outwit
"I say a cunning man can cheat death for a long
He spoke to the curse and nothing more, to set our fate
Cursed to leave, cursed to light, cursed to die
In what words might death call?
Repeat them thrice, that is all
The hooded stranger said those words
All around us no one heard
He spoke the curse and nothing more
To set our fate to the Bleak Shore
In a voice only spoken to us
We must rise and leave at once
To that place where death hunts
A thousand miles have come and gone
And all around life wanes on
Sailing west to the ocean's song
A thousand more will come to pass
But our deaths come at last...
Despite the doom that holds us fast?
Thirty days then cliffs appear
The blackened sands are drawing near
The Bleak Shore and unknown fear
"So you think a man can cheat death and outwit
"I say a cunning man can cheat death for a long
He spoke to the curse and nothing more, to set our fate
Cursed to leave, cursed to light, cursed to die
Bleak Shore...Bleak Shore...Bleak Shore...
In what way might death chance?
Spoken three times, held in trance
Black dead eyes transfixed in space
The bloodless lips part the pale face
He spoke the curse and nothing more
We sail to death to the Bleak Shore
In a voice only spoken to us
We must rise and leave at once
To that place where death hunts
A thousand miles have come and gone
And all around life wanes on
Sailing west to the ocean's song
A thousand more will come to pass
But our deaths come at last...
Despite the doom that holds us fast?
Thirty days then cliffs appear
The blackened sands, unknown fear
I can't hear but all the screams - Coming down It's how it's been
Leave me now and they'll soon be gone - And if not the way I'll make them then
Find life or do without
Fight all the way slow death
A filthy breed is you and me
A cry out for help that no one sees
Do they scream for you - There's no way run away
Do they scream for you - You can't get away
Pain from within coming out I'm caving in
There's no way out
A lost soul no consciousness casts out itself
There's no way out
The weight is gone - Now live life
It seems you can't go on - It's a hard life
No more pain - Hard every way
Crutch - I can't go on
I can't hear but all the screams - Come down I can't retreat
Leave me now I'll soon be gone - If not the way I'll make them then
Find life or do without
Fight all the way a slow death
A filthy breed is you and me
A cry out for help that can't be seen
Do they scream for you - There's no way run away
Do they scream for you - Can't get away