- published: 10 Mar 2017
- views: 563
Ipsa is a genus of small or medium-sized sea snails, cowries, marine gastropod mollusks in the family Cypraeidae, the cowries.
Species within the genus Ipsa include:
Gran Canaria (Spanish pronunciation: [ɡɾaŋ kaˈna.ɾja]; originally meaning "Great [Island] of Dogs") is the second most populous island of the Canary Islands, a Spanish archipelago, with a population of 838,397 which constitutes approximately 40% of the population of the archipelago. Located in the Atlantic Ocean about 150 kilometres (93 mi) off the northwestern coast of Africa and about 1,350 km (840 mi) from Europe.
Gran Canaria was populated by the Canarii, who may have arrived as early as 500 BC. The Canarii called the island Tamarán or Land of the Brave. After over a century of European (French, Portuguese...) incursions and attempts at conquest, the island was conquered on April 29, 1483, after a campaign that lasted five years, by the Crown of Castile, with the support of Queen Isabella I, a conquest which turned out to be an important step towards the expansion of the unified Spain.
The capital city of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria was founded on June 24, 1478, under the name "Real de Las Palmas", by Juan Rejón, head of the invading Castilian army. In 1492, Christopher Columbus anchored in the Port of Las Palmas (and spent some time on the island) on his first trip to the Americas. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria is, jointly with Santa Cruz de Tenerife, the capital of the autonomous community of the Canary Islands.
IPSA or Ipsa may refer to:
我的愛用保養品分享!Lancome IPSA Kiehls | Hey l'm Alice
測試一天: IPSA POWDER FOUNDATION 磁石透光粉餅 | 中文字幕
IPSA 2015 Gran Canaria
IPSA 遮瑕專家 - 3 Steps to be Perfect!
IPSA Seminar (International Police & Security Association)
IPSA Police Security Seminar
2016-IPSA 透明粉撲&自律循環彩妝蜜好不好用呢? IPSA Transparent Gel Sponge and Liquid Foundation First Impression|米大❤️
[Ad] 11小时带妆实测!IPSA光透恒美粉底液 | Rainology
Seminario IPSA 2014. Gran Canaria
Hey I'm Alice 其實是一個我錄了兩次的影片XD 分享了一些我對於保養的想法 希望妳們喜歡~ ----------------↓更多愛麗絲↓------------------ Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/alicehsu076/ instagram : https://www.instagram.com/alicehsu_o/ E-mail : alicehsu076@gmail.com 謝謝你們觀看我的影片! 喜歡的話記得訂閱我喔! 有任何問題也歡迎留言給我~ ----------------↓商品小分享↓------------------ IPSA 角質發光液 IPSA 美膚微整機能液 IPSA ME濕潤平衡液(基礎2) LANCOME 菁萃亮妍能量精露(水潤型) LANCOME 菁萃亮妍嫩肌精華乳 too cool for school 雞蛋面霜 Kehils 冰河醣蛋白霜 克蘭詩使用中 ----------------↓徵求字幕合作↓------------------ 字幕教學:https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/6054623 感謝您們幫我放上字幕,可以讓更多不同的人看到我的影片 如果有記得要email聯繫我喔 alicehsu076@gmail.com 我會寫卡片感謝你們的(跪) 愛麗絲的膚質:混合偏乾 Thank you for watching!!
資料更正: 係SPF 25 PA +++ IPSA磁石透光粉餅 BLOG POST: http://bit.ly/29iE65C Blog: http://www.bethni.com Instagram: http://instagram.com/bethniy Facebook - http://facebook.com/bethniblog Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/bethniy VLOG Channel - http://www.youtube.com/bethnivlogs Business Inquiries Only: info@bethni.com Products Mentioned: [試用] IPSA Control Base (BLUE)* [試用] IPSA Powder Foundation SPF25 PA+++ #100* 9g / 6色選擇 粉餅: HK$340 粉盒連粉撲: HK$110 粉撲: HK$40 官方資料: http://www.ipsahk.com/node/585 我的膚質: 混合偏乾 春夏 - t字位容易出油,其他位置乾 秋冬 - 整體皮膚都好乾,有時候會敏感 My Skin Type: Spring/Summer - Dry - combination skin, t-zone gets oily but other areas remain dry. Fall/Winter - Dry skin, sometimes sensitive. DISCLOSURE This is not a sponsored video. Click here to read my full disclaimer: http://goo.gl/DATgO6
International Police & Security Association Police Seminar in Gran Canaria Instructors Martin Luna Monica Couto Alejandro Mena Krav Maga Tenerife Seminars
Police Security Seminar Self Defence Techniques Arrest & Restraint Take Downs Defence from Knives Control Techniques Using Extendable Baton Close Protection Operative Techniques Guardia Civil National Police Local Police Private Security Close Protection
Self Defence Seminar for Police Units, Private Security & Close Protection Officers. Defence from Unarmed Attacks, Defence from Knive Attacks, Control & Restraint Techniques.
△ IG: mi_love_bii https://www.instagram.com/mi_love_bii/ △ FB: 米大 https://www.facebook.com/mi.da.9?fref=ts Thank you for watching 謝謝你們的訂閱 還沒訂閱的歡迎訂閱我的頻道,不定時會更新影片和抽獎唷~~
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Noviembre 2014. Curso realizado por los Maestros Martín Luna y Raúl Gutiérrez López en la Isla de Gran Canaria.Organizado por el Instructor Bienvenido Mena.
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Laughter from Esharra is convincing, but unclaimed.
The last of Ka drifts across the river
- Our sky outside has not been named.
Two Ugalla-demons start their battle
- Tempest of the creek is floored in flames.
Winds of Imhullu foretold their weather
- Sea-dwelling floods reply without names.
Taste the salty tides of the Apzu
- Alight seven tablets wearing steel of lame.
Laughter from Esharra is convincing, but unclaimed.
6000 years past away to let the Utu tribes
hear the lying words against Azzta's truth.
Ea's eye is the way...
We are the ones who know the mountain passes,
and we'll search the battlefields,
in order to find the essential weapons corroded within the tan dust.
Marduk, Anu, Ellil, and Ea watch us all to test our bold and drastic strength,
so Tiamat sneers with the hate and commands the storm-chariot of the horses.
Their teeth and heart carry poison to strike us down,
but cannot fill our veins with venom.
We warned you twice:
"We Command The Mushussu!"
"Sharp Of Tooth And Strike Of Fang!"
"Horned Serpent Of The Unclaimed!"
Make a path, fix the hour, and raise the seed
The dragon's semen is what you drink to be crowned by night
"Belet-ili, O great pythoness, kiss me!"
"Belet-ili, O great pythoness, kiss me!"
With the billowing fog, the abyss speaks below
Your wings of force cannot warp you through the times
"Belet-ili, O great pythoness, caress me!"
"Belet-ili, O great pythoness, caress me!"
In the ninth aeon, Esharra ceases the laughter
Then, Imhulla assembles the blazing cycllone
"Belet-ili, O great pythoness, embrace me!"
"Belet-ili, O great pythoness, embrace me!"
Now you are spiritually drunk from the dragon's semen,
So set your arrow in the bow and coat it with the poison
"Belet-ili, O great pythoness, clutch me!"
"Belet-ili, O great pythoness, clutch me!"