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#MexicoWantsAristeguiBack ¡Súmate a la Acción Global!
You Are Being Programmed to Accept the Global ID Control Grid
CAŁA PRAWDA O MNIE - Counter-Strike: Global Offensive #1
PRIMUL LOC - CS:GO - Counter-Strike: Global Offensive !
Robert DeLong - Global Concepts
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive - Obieracz do Macior vs skill up!? (gra z widzami)
NO FEAR (MATCHMAKING #17) Counter - Strike : Global Offensive
Global Warming Facts
Kazemon & Rebalances April Update & Events 2015!! - Global Digimon Masters Online
Global Force Wrestling Is coming to Las Vegas!
Brave Frontier Global Rare Summon For Zedus (Soul Bound Saga Series)
NUCLEAR SHOWDOWN (MATCHMAKING #10) Counter - Strike : Global Offensive
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive - Obieracz do Macior vs Oni się sami przewracajoo?
Who you with?
Actors Brian Lynch (writer), Brian Lynch (actor), Brian Lynch (producer), Rachel Walker (actress), Leah Warren (actress), Michael Clinkenbeard (actor), Acie Blaze (editor), Acie Blaze (director), Acie Blaze (actor), Noble Lee Lester (actor), Shawanna Paris (actress), Cre8 (actor), Christopher Villafane (producer), Roosevelt Owens (actor), Jay Verkamp (composer),
Mercedes Le Anza, Maronzio Vance, Adam Ray, Michael Barbuto, Lorenzo Lamas,
Sindy Nurse, Akinwale Ojomo, Claudia White, Chloe JonPaul, Erik Mueller,
Súmate a esta acción global por la libertad de expresión. La salida del aire de la periodista Carmen Aristegui causó indignación a millones de mexicanos en México y el mundo, por lo que ahora la SOCIEDAD CIVIL quiere ser la voz de Carmen, tal y como lo ha sido ella de todos nosotros al denunciar la corrupción, la violencia, los conflictos de interés de la élite en el poder, los asesinatos de activistas, periodistas y miles de ciudadanos por parte de gobiernos y el crimen organizado. Este lunes 23 en punto de las 11:11 de la mañana, nos uniremos todos, artistas, intelectuales, periodistas y ciudadanos de a pie para expresarnos contra la censura y contra el cierre del espacio radiofónico en el que su titular, Carmen Aristegui y su equipo de investigación realizaban trabajos periodísticos vitales para la democracia del país. A través de las redes sociales, particularmente Twitter y Facebook, mandaremos un mensaje en apoyo a esta causa utilizando el hashtag #MexicoWantsAristeguiBack (México quiere de regreso a Aristegui), el cual busca llegar a otras partes del planeta para que se enteren de lo que en México está sucediendo y la trascendencia que tiene. Recomendamos que cada uno mande 11 mensajes como mínimo durante el día y que pase la voz con sus contactos y toda la gente que está comprometida con México, la libertad de expresión y la lucha por un mejor futuro para las nuevas generaciones. Recuerda: No te adelantes y pasa la voz de manera privada para una mejor difusión y alcance. La hora y el día para iniciar esta campaña viral es este lunes 23 a las 11:11, y el hashtag para tus redes es #MexicoWantsAristeguiBack. Envía tu video!
SHOW NOTES: Half a century ago people had to be reassured their social security card was not being used for identification. Now there are federally standardized and globally synchronized ID cards, government-sponsored online ID projects, DNA databases, and even secret databases of your newborn baby's genetic information and nobody bats an eyelid. How did we get here, and how can we break this conditioning?
☞Chcieliście CS'a, więc łapcie go w moim stylu ;) ☞Koszulki, Bluzy i Gadżety: ☞SUBUJ!: ☞IEM Relacja!: ☞FUNNY MOMENTS!: SOCIAL MEDIA!: ✔Facebook: ✔Instagram: ✔LIVE: ✔Ask: ✔Twitter: ------------------------------------------- Pierwszy odcinek u mnie na kanale z CS:GO! Mam nadzieję ze się spodoba! Jeśli tak, wbijajcie łapkę i udostępniajcie! Dając łapki/ulubione i udostępniając film pozwala by się mój kanał rozwinął, więc każde doceniam! Dziękuję!
Pls leave a rating if you guys enjoyed! Music:Sirena - Chemicals (Addal Remix) / Galantis Runaway (Party Thieves Remix)/ Mike Williams - Konnichiwa
Putem sa strangem 3000 de LIKE-uri la acest episod superb? -- Profil PERSONAL : Facebook: Twitter:
Buy the 'Global Concepts' EP here: Follow Robert: Facebook: Twitter:
LIKE KOMENT I UDOSTĘPNIENIE POPROSZĘ !! ;) - soł macz świetna gra Se''X'' i dużo walenia xD : potwierdzać trzeba :P /w Kosa Koszulki: Ask: Kontakt: Niezbędna wiedza o - jeśli czegoś nie wiesz, czytaj: Fanpage: - Strona głóna - Klient gry - Przeczytaj! :) - Rejestracja - FanPage Ravia Lubisz to? Nie działa Ci klient? Uruchom Patcher.exe jako Administrator Nie działa Ci strona? (error 404) 1. Jeśli masz zmienne IP, zresetuj router 2. Jeśli masz stałe IP, zrób konto na i zrób konto lub: - pobierz program hotspot / bramka proxy itp. - zadzwoń do operatora aby odblokował ciasteczka Nigdy nikomu nie podawaj hasła (GM nigdy cię nie zapyta o hasło, więc nie daj się wrobić na podróbki) Sprawdzaj stronę główną tam zawsze dowiesz się co nowego na serwerze ;)
If you enjoyed the video, click the thumb that's pointing up! For some reason, it's the universal symbol for "Liking" something. Aim_Botz (CS:GO Practice Map) Subscribe For More! Additional Music By: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Twitter Thing: Facebook Thing: Buy My Shirts!: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ... NASA Global Warming Facts: 2009 - Second Warmest Year on Record; End of Warmest Decade --- Please SUBSCRIBE to Science & Reason: • • • --- Global climate change ... NASA's eyes on the Earth: A warming world - global temperature update ... piecing together the temperature puzzle. Each year, scientists at NASA'S Goddard Institute for Space Studies analyze global temperature data. The past year, 2009, tied as the second warmest year since global instrumental temperature records began 130 years ago. Worldwide, the mean temperature was 0.57°C (1.03°F) warmer than the 1951-1980 base period. And January 2000 to December 2009 came out as the warmest decade on record. • --- 2009 was tied for the second warmest year in the modern record, a new NASA analysis of global surface temperature shows. The analysis, conducted by the Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) in New York City, also shows that in the Southern Hemisphere, 2009 was the warmest year since modern records began in 1880. Although 2008 was the coolest year of the decade, due to strong cooling of the tropical Pacific Ocean, 2009 saw a return to near-record global temperatures. The past year was only a fraction of a degree cooler than 2005, the warmest year on record, and tied with a cluster of other years — 1998, 2002, 2003, 2006 and 2007 1998 and 2007 — as the second warmest year since recordkeeping began. "There's always an interest in the annual temperature numbers and on a given year's ranking, but usually that misses the point," said James Hansen, the director of GISS. "There's substantial year-to-year variability of global temperature caused by the tropical El Niño-La Niña cycle. But when we average temperature over five or ten years to minimize that variability, we find that global warming is continuing unabated." January 2000 to December 2009 was the warmest decade on record. Throughout the last three decades, the GISS surface temperature record shows an upward trend of about 0.2°C (0.36°F) per decade. Since 1880, the year that modern scientific instrumentation became available to monitor temperatures precisely, a clear warming trend is present, though there was a leveling off between the 1940s and 1970s. The near-record temperatures of 2009 occurred despite an unseasonably cool December in much of North America. High air pressures in the Arctic decreased the east-west flow of the jet stream, while also increasing its tendency to blow from north to south and draw cold air southward from the Arctic. This resulted in an unusual effect that caused frigid air from the Arctic to rush into North America and warmer mid-latitude air to shift toward the north. "Of course, the contiguous 48 states cover only 1.5 percent of the world area, so the U.S. temperature does not affect the global temperature much,' said Hansen. In total, average global temperatures have increased by about 0.8°C (1.5°F) since 1880. "That's the important number to keep in mind," said Gavin Schmidt, another GISS climatologist. "In contrast, the difference between, say, the second and sixth warmest years is trivial since the known uncertainty — or noise — in the temperature measurement is larger than some of the differences between the warmest years." Decoding the Temperature Record: Climate scientists agree that rising levels of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases trap incoming heat near the surface of the Earth and are the key factors causing the rise in temperatures since 1880, but these gases are not the only factors that can impact global temperatures. • .
Kazemon Skills: How to Unlock Kazemon: Digimon Rebalances: Belphemon Rage Mode Skills: Subscribe!! New videos coming up multiple times xa week! Leave your Question & comments below~ Give a Like on Facebook: Check out my main channel: Follow me on Twitter:!/JerryF0X Download Digimon Masters [Free MMO]: Your LIKES and comments help this channel GROW!! Got a Question? Leave it in the comment section!! Korea Digimon Masters English Translation: _______________________________ Recording Program: Screenflow 4 Editing Software: Final Cut Pro X
Finally another Soul Bound Saga unit has come? So we were trying to get our Zedus. It's guaranteed to get 1 after 10 summons, but can we get them before 10 summons? Find out more in the video. Enjoy! :D Part 2 : Coming Soon! ================================================ 「ブレイブフロンティア」 Please comment & press "Like" button ;) Share it to your friend / family / community or anything else if you like the video ;) Subscribe to watch more Brave Frontier videos : Like my facebook to get more informations every update, also if you have any request/questions you can post here on my page : And lastly, thanks for watching :)
If you enjoyed the video, click the thumb that's pointing up! For some reason, it's the universal symbol for "Liking" something. Crashz' Crosshair Generator (Workshop) Subscribe For More! Additional Music By: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Twitter Thing: Facebook Thing: Buy My Shirts!: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
LIKE KOMENT I UDOSTĘPNIENIE POPROSZĘ !! ;) Najnowsza gra za free POLECAM - Se''X'' i dużo walenia xD : potwierdzać trzeba :P /w Kosa Koszulki: Ask: Kontakt: Niezbędna wiedza o - jeśli czegoś nie wiesz, czytaj: Fanpage: - Strona głóna - Klient gry - Przeczytaj! :) - Rejestracja - FanPage Ravia Lubisz to? Nie działa Ci klient? Uruchom Patcher.exe jako Administrator Nie działa Ci strona? (error 404) 1. Jeśli masz zmienne IP, zresetuj router 2. Jeśli masz stałe IP, zrób konto na i zrób konto lub: - pobierz program hotspot / bramka proxy itp. - zadzwoń do operatora aby odblokował ciasteczka Nigdy nikomu nie podawaj hasła (GM nigdy cię nie zapyta o hasło, więc nie daj się wrobić na podróbki) Sprawdzaj stronę główną tam zawsze dowiesz się co nowego na serwerze ;)
Kazemon Skills: How to Unlock Kazemon: Digimon Rebalances: Belphemon Rage Mode Skills: Subscribe!! New videos coming up multiple times xa week! Leave your Question & comments below~ Give a Like on Facebook: Check out my main channel: Follow me on Twitter:!/JerryF0X Download Digimon Masters [Free MMO]: Your LIKES and comments help this channel GROW!! Got a Question? Leave it in the comment section!! Korea Digimon Masters English Translation: _______________________________ Recording Program: Screenflow 4 Editing Software: Final Cut Pro X
The Official Tomorrowland Travel Experience. Travel within a Magical Fantasy world, uniting the People of Tomorrow. Global Journey Packages are the easiest way to travel to Tomorrowland. Offering you the very best service, covering your trip from the moment you take off all the way through to the return journey home. Create your own package according to your situation and preferences. FLIGHT PACKAGES TRAIN PACKAGES HOTEL PACKAGES 1 DAY OF MADNESS DISCOVER EUROPE Choose your Global Journey Package and calculate the price. Tomorrowland Brasil (May 1-2-3, 2015) Tomorrowland Belgium (July 24-25-26, 2015) TomorrowWorld USA (September 25-26-27, 2015) All info: Movie made by Invisible Pictures & the Tomorrowland Creative Team.
CLIMATE CHANGE IS VERY REAL - BUT THE OFFICIALS HAVE JEOPARDIZED OUR ABILITY TO PREPARE FOR THE FUTURE Global warming models/predictions have been an abject failure for 20 years, and yet the IPCC claims ever-higher certainty? How does this happen and what comes next? All papers and charts are publicly available information, or you send us an email and we will forward the source/citation for any information. Most of the citations can already be found at the Links button at our website, under the Counterstrike Links. Our Websites:
Copertura in diretta del Global Poker Masters World Cup (GPM) 2015, Day 2 – I round finali in cui i giocatori competono per accedere al tavolo finale
Here's 4 one-way smokes on mirage. It basically means that you can see through the smoke but the enemies can't see you. I found out about all these smokes on Reddit, I'm just showcasing them! ♥ Become a banana ♥ Visit: ● For viewmodels, configs, facebook page, steam group, and more! Materials Used ● Primary Font - ● Banana Icons - ● BG Music (Kevin MacLeod) - BananaGaming Team ● MaximTheBeast - Producer, Editor, VFX ● Holdynski - Social Media Manager, Inspector
Parcerias e Descontos para Inscritos na descrição Tapete Ric Collector's Edition : Usa o código desconto do Ric » "RFf4cp" PC's do Ric na Globaldata : Usa o código "RICFAZERES" para desconto na loja •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Segue-me nas redes sociais e nunca perdes um vídeo novo ;D ➤ FACEBOOK FAN PAGE ♥ ➤ INSTAGRAM ♥ ➤ TWITTER ♥ ➤ GOOGLE+ ♥ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ➤ Instala o aplicativo RIC e não perdes um novo vídeo •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• PARCERIAS ➤ GamingReplay : Código desconto na loja : RICFAZERES (loja de jogos PS/Xbox/Wii com os melhores preços do mercado) ➤ Gamershop : Código desconto do RIC na loja : RFf4cp (loja online para comprar periféricos gaming PCs/Consolas) ➤ GLOBALDATA : Código desconto na loja : RICFAZERES (loja de periféricos e material para PC) PCs do Ric :;=0 ➤ LIKE A PLAYER : Código desconto na loja : RICFAZERES (Já podes usar as T-shirts do Ric/T-shirts personalizadas do Ric) ➤ FraggerZstuff : (loja online para comprar periféricos gaming PCs/Consolas) ➤ COMPRA AS TUAS COINS AQUI : Usa este código para +8% coins : RICFAZERES com BONUS de +8% de coins e pagamento com Paysafe Card ou PayPal (vídeo a explicar como comprar coins : )
Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: @gabrielfln Siga o canal no YouTube! Acompanhe também o trabalho da Games Academy @gamesacademy no twitter Vídeo aulas, transmissões e tudo sobre CS Junte-se ao clube, venha competir na Games Academy
Remember to leave a like for more CS: GO! Let's hit 1k today! Don't forget to Subscribe: Twitter: Instagram: SHIRT SHOP: US: UK: EU: Intro created by Binoftrash1 Youtube: Twitter: "Take a Chance" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 "Discovery Hit" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 "Two Finger Johnny" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
CSGO: Banter Competitive Match! w/The Pack (Counter Strike Global Offense) Link to my Main Channel: Follow me on Twitter: (Request games to play) Preston: Rob: Vik Follow me on Twitch: Follow me on Instagram:
The Counter-Strike Logo has a CT player holding a SCAR-H. We investigate further. Highres Picture by RustyCharles: ♥ Become a banana ♥ Visit: ● For viewmodels, configs, facebook page, steam group, and more! Materials Used ● Primary Font - ● Banana Icons - ● BG Music (Kevin MacLeod) - BananaGaming Team ● MaximTheBeast - Producer, Editor, VFX ● Holdynski - Social Media Manager, Inspector
▼ FANPAGE - ▼ ZASUBSKRYBUJ - ▼ PO PROSTU MIŚ - ■═════════════════════════════■ SKINY ZA SMS ➡ POGADAJ ZE MNĄ NA TEAMSPEAKU ! ➡ IP: POPRZEDNI ODCINEK ?! ➡ ■═════════════════════════════■ BIZNES / WSPÓŁPRACA ★
Originally broadcast live and now available here on Youtube. I interviewed Simon Parkes about his latest Newsletter (see below) regarding what's happening right now on the global playing field: PUTIN, THE GLOBAL FINANCIAL RESET, RECENT ATTEMPTED ASSASSINATION ATTEMPTS ON PUTIN AND OBAMA, CERN and more! Special Note: Just a few hours prior to the live broadcast Simon's computer was destroyed. He went out and bought a new one and was still unable to get online to use skype. Clearly they do not want this information out there! Please distribute widely! A SECOND INTERVIEW WITH SIMON PARKES FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 2015 FOR MORE INFO AND TO SEE SIMON'S NEWSLETTER GO TO: *** KERRY LYNN CASSIDY PROJECT CAMELOT
Check out all the action from the official Guitar Hero Live Reveal event. We introduce the world to both GH Live and GHTV from the iconic Best Buy Theater in New York City — you might even see a few special faces. Guitar Hero Live. It's about to get real™. Coming Fall 2015. Learn more at Follow us for the latest updates. Web: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:
LIKE KOMENT I UDOSTĘPNIENIE POPROSZĘ !! ;) - ino grać ;P p0rn0 gra - - twoja własna firma ;P potwierdzać trzeba :P /w Kosa Koszulki: Ask: Kontakt: Niezbędna wiedza o - jeśli czegoś nie wiesz, czytaj: Fanpage: - Strona głóna - Klient gry - Przeczytaj! :) - Rejestracja - FanPage Ravia Lubisz to? Nie działa Ci klient? Uruchom Patcher.exe jako Administrator Nie działa Ci strona? (error 404) 1. Jeśli masz zmienne IP, zresetuj router 2. Jeśli masz stałe IP, zrób konto na i zrób konto lub: - pobierz program hotspot / bramka proxy itp. - zadzwoń do operatora aby odblokował ciasteczka Nigdy nikomu nie podawaj hasła (GM nigdy cię nie zapyta o hasło, więc nie daj się wrobić na podróbki) Sprawdzaj stronę główną tam zawsze dowiesz się co nowego na serwerze ;)
► CS:GO, Mit ►► PLAYLIST: ►►► Bevor es noch mehr Moondye7 Faker und Scammer gibt, hier der offizielle Moondye7 TRADELINK, alle anderen sind FAKE und wollen eure Items klauen: Also wenn ihr Traden/Schenken oder Scammen wollt hier ist der einzige echte Link um mit mir zu traden:;=6ioBwoFL ● Facebook: ● Twitter: ● Livestream: ● Email: ● Reddit: /r/moondye7 ● Reallife Channel: Intro/Outro Musik: ● Sound Stabs - To The Utmost ● ● ● Mein Crosshair (Neu,Grün): cl_crosshair_drawoutline "1" cl_crosshair_dynamic_maxdist_splitratio "0" cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitalpha_innermod "1" cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitalpha_outermod "0.300000" cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitdist "1" cl_crosshair_outlinethickness "1" cl_crosshairalpha "180" cl_crosshaircolor "5" cl_crosshaircolor_b "50" cl_crosshaircolor_r "50" cl_crosshaircolor_g "250" cl_crosshairdot "0" cl_crosshairgap "-1" cl_crosshairgap_useweaponvalue "0" cl_crosshairscale "0" cl_crosshairsize "3" cl_crosshairstyle "4" cl_crosshairthickness "0" cl_crosshairusealpha "1" Maihos Crosshair: cl_crosshair_drawoutline "0" cl_crosshair_dynamic_maxdist_splitratio "0.35" cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitalpha_innermod "1" cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitalpha_outermod "0.5" cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitdist "7" cl_crosshair_outlinethickness "1" cl_crosshairalpha "255" cl_crosshaircolor "5" cl_crosshaircolor_b "0" cl_crosshaircolor_g "0" cl_crosshaircolor_r "250" cl_crosshairdot "0" cl_crosshairgap "-7" cl_crosshairgap_useweaponvalue "0" cl_crosshairscale "0" cl_crosshairsize "3" cl_crosshairstyle "4" cl_crosshairthickness "0.5" cl_crosshairusealpha "1"
If you enjoyed the video, click the thumb that's pointing up! For some reason, it's the universal symbol for "Liking" something. Aim_Botz (CS:GO Practice Map) Subscribe For More! Additional Music By: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Twitter Thing: Facebook Thing: Buy My Shirts!: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Global Dedication - Episode 03 #GD3 Presented By Coone. Global Dedication is a podcast created by the purest dedication of Hard Dance! Coone’s personal touch and your lively input on each episode will from the creation of the next month’s episode. Use your voice to shape the Global Dedication and join in the discussion using the hashtag #GlobalDedication on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. *Global Dedication on Itunes: *Global Dedication on Soundcloud: *Global Dedication on Youtube: *Global Dedication on Twitter: *Subscribe to Global Dedication at Spotify: Tracklist #GD3: 00:00:26 - 01. Rebourne - Ignition 00:02:48 - 02. Wildstylez & Brennan Heart - Lies Or Truth (Global Hit Of The Month) 00:05:56 - 03. Cyber - The Supreme 00:08:00 - 04. Audiotricz - ID 00:10:35 - 05. Ummet Ozcan - Raise Your Hands (Rebourne Bootleg) 00:12:42 - 06. Coone - Starf*ckers (Global Classics) 00:16:01 - 07. Showtek - World Is Mine (Global Classics) 00:21:37 - 08. Timekeeperz & Anklebreaker - The Spirit Of Light (Global Voice Of The Crowd) 00:23:26 - 09. Da Tweekaz ft. Oscar - Break The Spell (Dr Rude Remix) 00:27:13 - 10. Josh & Wesz - World At Peace (Global Listeners Choice) 00:31:04 - 11. Noisecult - Dances Of The Soul 00:33:08 - 12. Proto Bytez - Let Go 00:36:47 - 13. Alphaverb - Houserockerz 00:40:38 - 14. Hard Driver ft. Szen - Echoes (Global Premiere) 00:42:33 - 15. Neilio - Intervention 00:45:49 - 16. ID - ID 00:49:08 - 17. Donkey Rollers - The Sound Of The Beast (Dr Rude Remix) 00:52:17 - 18. Hard Driver & Phuture Noize - Everywhere 00:55:04 - 19. Frontliner & B-Front - World Outside 00:58:22 - 20. The Pitcher & Frequencerz ft. MC Nolz - Attack Follow Coone:
Huawei lights up London with Huawei P8 Smartphone launch on 15th April 2015. Watch the highly anticipated LIVE event here.
If you enjoyed the video, click the thumb that's pointing up! For some reason, it's the universal symbol for "Liking" something. Aim_Botz (CS:GO Practice Map) Subscribe For More! Additional Music By: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Twitter Thing: Facebook Thing: Buy My Shirts!: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Global Capitalism: Monthly Economic Update Richard D. Wolff Wednesday, April 8, 2015 at 7:30pm “Basic Economic Changes Today: Within and Beyond Capitalism” Judson Memorial Church Assembly Hall 239 Thompson Street at Washington Square, Manhattan Co-sponsored by Democracy at Work, Left Forum, and Judson Memorial Church These programs begin with 30 minutes of short updates on important economic events of the last month. Then Wolff analyzes several major economic issues. For this April 8, these will include: 1. Basic Economic Changes: From Anti-austerity to Anti-capitalism 2. Social Polarization: From “we are all middle class” to “1% versus 99%” 3. Changing “higher education” into “job training” – why, how and for whose gain? When time permits, we open the floor to questions and comments. Our goal: to develop all participants’ understanding and ability to explain current economic events and trends to others. ....... Professor Wolff's Website: Professor Wolff's Podcast: Permission to reprint Professor Wolff's writing and videos is granted on an individual basis. Please contact to request permission. We reserve the right to refuse or rescind permission at any time.
Nick Warren - Global Underground Reykjavik CD02 CD01:
Longines Global Champions Tour of Miami Beach Grand Prix - Round 1
♥ Loja Parceirassa, JAYOB (Mousepad do Barato & Periféricos): — Sigam o Tecnosh: • • • • ♥ Gostou? JOINHA & INSCREVA-SE: ♥ Mídias Sociais ? ▼▼ _ ♥ Face: ♥ ♥ Twitter: ♥ ♥ Instagram: ♥ ¯ ♥ Doações Armas/Chaves? (;=xrsb0OII) ♥ Comunidade BDG na Steam, VEM! ( ♥ Mais Partidas de CSGO: » Competitivo CSGO Ep.01: » Snipando de Brinkcs CSGO Inscreva-se para receber novos vídeos! Like+Fav para ajudar os baratões, é nois! Dúvidas? Deixa seu comentário! ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★
▼ FANPAGE - ▼ ZASUBSKRYBUJ - ▼ PO PROSTU MIŚ - ■═════════════════════════════■ SKINY ZA SMS ➡ POGADAJ ZE MNĄ NA TEAMSPEAKU ! ➡ IP: POPRZEDNI ODCINEK ?! ➡ ■═════════════════════════════■ BIZNES / WSPÓŁPRACA ★
Global Dedication - Episode 02 #GD2 Presented By Coone. Global Dedication is a podcast created by the purest dedication of Hard Dance! Coone’s personal touch and your lively input on each episode will from the creation of the next month’s episode. Use your voice to shape the Global Dedication and join in the discussion using the hashtag #GlobalDedication on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. *Global Dedication on Itunes: *Global Dedication on Soundcloud: *Global Dedication on Youtube: *Global Dedication on Twitter: *Subscribe to Global Dedication at Spotify: Tracklist #GD1: 00:00:27 - 01. Dr Rude & Coone ft. K19 - For The World / GLOBAL PREMIERE 00:04:30 - 02. Darren Styles & Re-Con ft. Matthew Steeper - Rest Of Your Life (Da Tweekaz Remix) 00:08:47 - 03. Sylence - Ode / GLOBAL VOICE OF THE CROWD 00:12:40 - 04. TNT - Fuel (Gasoline Mix) 00:15:43 - 05. Yellow Claw ft. Ayden - Till It Hurts (LNY TNZ Remix) 00:17:58 - 06. Noisecontrollers & Wildstylez - A Different Story / GLOBAL CLASSIC 00:20:59 - 07. Scope DJ & Coone - Free Again / GLOBAL CLASSIC 00:25:10 - 08. Sephyx - Gallinaceo 00:26:59 - 09. Sneak Preview / Josh & Wesz - TBA 00:28:16 - 10. Max Enforcer - Rise Up (Official Rebirth Anthem 2015) / GLOBAL HIT OF THE MONTH 00:32:31 - 11. Wildstylez - Santiago 00:35:08 - 12. Avana - Maniac Material 00:36:37 - 13. Coone - Diss Boom (Knock Out Diss 2015) 00:39:43 - 14. Code Black - Draw Me Closer 00:43:30 - 15. Sylence & Cyber - Each Other 00:46:12 - 16. Dr Rude - Freak (Phrantic Remix) 00:48:28 - 17. Noisecult - The Zone 00:50:24 - 18. ID - ID / GLOBAL LISTENERS CHOICE 00:53:52 - 19. The Pitcher ft. Sik-Wit-It - Surprise Motherfucker 00:56:11 - 20. Phuture Noize - Phuture Propaganda (Prelude) 00:59:24 - 21. E-Force - Blood Written (Qapital Anthem 2015) Follow Coone:
Today I was on facebook and a disturbing video came up on my timeline. The video was of 3 African-American boys beating up an African-American girl. The 3 African-American boys were attempting to steal the African-American girl's phone. After reading some of the comments to that video I decided to record my thoughts on the video. I also wanted to address particular comments that were posted by other viewers. In particular there were posted comments that suggested that the violent behavior present in the video was the result of Global White Supremacy. The issue of Global White Supremacy, as a legitimate excuse for the dysfunction found within the African-American, is counterproductive. This video explains a more reasonable and rational reason as to why there is so much dysfunction present within the African-American community. These things being said there are several reasons why I decided to record this video. Reason #1: It is important for African-American men who are committed husbands and dedicated fathers to speak out about the destructive behaviors that are prevalent amongst African-American children in general, and African-American boys in particular. Reason #2: There is a need for a balancing force as it relates to the illogical excuses that are often made by African-Americans in regards to the various plights facing African-Americans in general, and African-American boys in particular. Reason #3: Global White Supremacy has been given far too much power by far too many African-American leaders who continue to perpetuate parental irresponsibility and perpetual black victimhood. Reason #4: Excuses do not solve problems. Siting Global White Supremacy as the reason for destructive behavior found in some African-American children will never solve any of the issues facing African-American people in general, and African-American boys in particular. Reason #5 The best solution to black-on-black violence, child criminality, and dysfunctional male/female relationships is parental responsibility. Parental responsibility should not be absolved on the grounds that somehow Global White Supremacy is a megalithic force that is beyond the trans-formative abilities of the African-American parent. #6 Rarely are the topics facing the African-American community discussed by African-American men who are living the lifestyle of a committed husband and dedicated father; as a matter of proper intellectual process a balanced perspective is needed in these regards. Fair Use Notice and Disclaimer The following video contains excerpts of unlicensed footage and images, which are used with lawful excuse, for educational purposes only and not-for-profit. Unlicensed footage and images are used in accordance with Section 107 of the US Copyright Law. The views expressed in this film are those of the creator of this film alone. The persons appearing in this film may not or do not necessarily support the viewpoints of the creator of this film.
Global Proyecto Español Álbum del estudio Fecha de lanzamiento: 18 de septiembre 2012 Grabado: 2012 Género: Música de adoración contemporánea Etiqueta: Hills...
Professor Noam Chomsky joins Afshin to discuss the major crisis in the West. From the ‘terror-generating’ drone strikes in Yemen which leads to Al Qaeda’s expansion to anti-neoliberal movements spreading through South America and even parts of Europe with the rise of Syriza and Podemos, could US hegemony be coming to an end? And with the ‘extraordinary demonisation’ of Russia over the Ukraine crisis, there’s a very real risk of ‘a conflict that could be terminal.’ Watch the full episode here: LIKE Going Underground FOLLOW Going Underground FOLLOW Afshin Rattansi FOLLOW on Instagram
Global Capitalism: Monthly Economic Update Richard D. Wolff Wednesday, March 11, 2015 at 7:30pm “As Wealth and Income Inequalities Deepen, the System Undermines Itself” Judson Memorial Church Assembly Hall 239 Thompson Street at Washington Square, Manhattan Co-sponsored by Democracy at Work, Left Forum, and Judson Memorial Church These programs begin with 30 minutes of short updates on important economic events of the last month. Then Wolff analyzes several major economic issues. For this March 11, these will include: 1. Global Economic Inequality: the Basic Numbers, Causes and Consequences 2. Reform versus Revolution: the System was always the Problem 3. How and Why 21st Century Socialism Must Differ from Past Socialisms ....... Professor Wolff's Website: Professor Wolff's Podcast: Permission to reprint Professor Wolff's writing and videos is granted on an individual basis. Please contact to request permission. We reserve the right to refuse or rescind permission at any time.
► Łapka w górę na pocieszenie? Trzeba znów wbijać Global Elite... Ostatnio mam niesamowitą passę meczów na Global Elity, gdzie w prawie każdym meczu trafiają się cziterzy... Ciężko nad sobą panować w takich momentach. Z kim grałem: Kubik - Eon - easy - Kac Chcesz więcej? Sprawdź: FB: instagram: twitch: www:
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Aksi Seru Sang Legendaris Bruce Lee Global TV Fist Of Fury
The Kellogg-WHU Executive MBA program is an established and experienced program that truly synthesises the US American and European management know-how. Learn what students, alumni and . Dr. Peggy Bishop Lane, Vice Dean for the Wharton MBA Program for Executives (EMBA) provides an overview of the programs in Philadelphia and San Francisco. The Kellogg-WHU Executive MBA . Experience the power of the Kellogg Executive MBA Global Network: global business learning, endless networking opportunities, new perspectives. Check out our Network's new global video.
Five schools, four continents, OneMBA. OneMBA is the truly global executive MBA Program. Watch UNC Kenan-Flagler's students, alumni and faculty describe the unique experience of the OneMBA. The Truly Global EMBA. CUHK Business School EMBA Program. Download Brochures or Apply now! OneMBA is the only global EMBA designed by an equal partnership of five . OneMBA, the truly global executive MBA, features four week-long immersions. This video highlights the Latin American residency. Watch this video and understand the unique aspects of the OneMBA.
Five schools, four continents, OneMBA. OneMBA is the truly global executive MBA Program. Watch UNC Kenan-Flagler's students, alumni and faculty describe the unique experience of the OneMBA. The Truly Global EMBA. CUHK Business School EMBA Program. Download Brochures or Apply now! OneMBA is the only global EMBA designed by an equal partnership of five . OneMBA, the truly global executive MBA, features four week-long immersions. This video highlights the Latin American residency. Watch this video and understand the unique aspects of the OneMBA.
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The Global Ideas Institute is a program that provides Grade 11 students from participating high schools intensive research skills and learning opportunities that help focus on the increasing importance of global citizenship and global engagement. Students are given the opportunity to work with student mentors and access to University of Toronto faculty experts to tackle a global challenge – a real-world problem without a current solution. On April 8, The Learning Partnership was pleased to take part in the final symposium for the Global Ideas Institute program in partnership with the prestigious Munk School of Global Affairs, the University of Toronto Schools and its Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering. Follow: Friend: Find out more:
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FYE is centered around Univ 150: Freshman Year Experience. This year-long course, designed especially for entering freshmen, combines student development with the academic curriculum in a supportive learning community. The themes for this course are self-identity (fall semester) and global identity (spring semester). Essential writing, speaking, critical thinking, and information competence skills are integrated with an introduction to the academic disciplines across topics and readings that challenge students to think about their own identity, personal goals, and the purpose of education. April 8, 2015 Lecture: Davin Cardenas North Bay Organizing Project Download: / Need Counterstrike Global Offensive Hack now you can download the counterstrike go wallhack for free. Counterstrike Go Aimbot FULL Features: Aimbot: - Autoshoot - Silent Aim - No Spread - Auto Wall - Anti Aim - Recoil X/Y - Aim Smooth - Aim FOV - Aim Key - Hitbox - No Recoil - Trigger - Trigger Box - Trigger Key ESP [Wallhack] : - Chams - Name - Weapon - Bone - Enemies - Far - Box - Health Chams: - Enemy Visible - Enemy Invisible - Friends Visible - Friends Invisible Radar: - Show Radar Misc: - Bunnyhop - Autopistol - No Smoke - Speedhack - Spawn Protection - Speed Control - Crosshair - Flash Removal - Speed Key - Speed Value - No Hands Positions: - Customizable Radar position with the mouse - Customizable Menu position with the mouse Keys: - First Customizable Save Key - Second Customizable Save Key - First Customizable Load Key - Second Customizable Load Key - Customizable Aim Key - Customizable Trigger Key Settings: - Save settings auto/key - Load settings auto/key Anti-Cheats: - VAC3 Undetected - Secure Hack Streaming System Aimbot: - Autoshoot - Silent Aim - No Spread - Auto Wall - Anti Aim - Recoil X/Y - Aim Smooth - Aim FOV - Aim Key - Hitbox - No Recoil - Trigger - Trigger Box - Trigger Key ESP [Wallhack] : - Chams - Name - Weapon - Bone - Enemies - Far - Box - Health Chams: - Enemy Visible - Enemy Invisible - Friends Visible - Friends Invisible Radar: - Show Radar Misc: - Bunnyhop - Autopistol - No Smoke - Speedhack - Spawn Protection - Speed Control - Crosshair - Flash Removal - Speed Key - Speed Value - No Hands Positions: - Customizable Radar position with the mouse - Customizable Menu position with the mouse Keys: - First Customizable Save Key - Second Customizable Save Key - First Customizable Load Key - Second Customizable Load Key - Customizable Aim Key - Customizable Trigger Key Settings: - Save settings auto/key - Load settings auto/key Anti-Cheats: - VAC3 Undetected - Secure Hack Streaming System00% UNDETECTED EXtra tags cs go hack cs go hacks cs go cheat cs go cheats cs go aimbot cs go aim bot cs go wall hack cs go wallhack cs go hack download cs go no recoil hack cs go esp cs go hackings counter strike global offensive hack counter strike global offensive hacks counter strike global offensive cheat counter strike global offensive cheats counter strike global offensive aimbot counter strike global offensive aim bot counter strike global offensive wall hack counter strike global offensive wallhack counter strike global offensive hack download counter strike global offensive no recoil hack counter strike global offensive esp counter strike global offensive hacking Counter strike global offensive hack Counter strike global offensive cheat Counter strike global offensive wallhack Counter strike global offensive aimbot Counter strike global offensive esp Title: 2007 BOMBARDIER GLOBAL EXPRESS XRS For Sale Category: Jet Aircraft
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An Englishman, A Welshman and an Italian man Play CSGO. Hilarity ensues. Talks of Shrek, Kiss and Racism. Fun!
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Teens will be discipled as part of Global Fingerprints in Haiti.
19 April 2015 - United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has declared 2015 a year for global ...
Big News Network 2015-04-20What are these forces, and how will they affect the global economy in the months ahead?
Financial Times 2015-04-20With its huge new infrastructure bank and its ambitions for a globalized renminbi currency, China is ...
Big News Network 2015-04-20DENVER, Colorado--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Liberty Global plc ("Liberty Global") (NASDAQ: ... billion.
Business Wire 2015-04-20The report is presented today at the Financial Times Global Commodities Summit 2015, of which ABN AMRO is a sponsor.
noodls 2015-04-20Global Sources Ltd ). HONG KONG, April 18, 2015 - Global Sources' (NASDAQ: ... About Global Sources.
noodls 2015-04-20... MF Global before it went bankrupt in 2011, is considering a comeback ... MF Global, which was a $1.6
Yahoo Daily News 2015-04-20... Ribbon Day will be shared at the Global Citizen Hearing to be held during the World Health Assembly.
Topix 2015-04-20President Joko Widodo said he would propose a new global order at the commemorative Asia-Africa ...
Indonesia News 2015-04-20Japanese stocks fell, led by developers and banks, following a global slide that began after markets ...
Indonesian Business Daily 2015-04-20knows no bounds. The global blockbuster grossed another $167.9 ... million .
Big News Network 2015-04-20WASHINGTON -- The world's financial leaders see a number of threats facing a global economy still on ...
Big News Network 2015-04-20... Democratic presidential nomination has brought US domestic politics to the global fore yet again.
Big News Network 2015-04-20[ VERSE 1 ]
I been tryin to flip the script and take this rap thing to the next page
But the federalies got me travellin on Con Air like I'm Nicholas Cage
Did 4 years, 4 months in the feds, but couldn't get no peace
Released from the belly of the beast, but the 'ralies put a nigga on a leash
The rules and regulations they inflicted, had me restricted, paroled
Kept me from blowin bomb, knowin and I'm hooked and addicted for sho'
Now how am I to be an MC when I can't get my travel on?
Can't bring no babby home, cause every morning I'm gettin sweated by Babylon
The only way out is to max out and give these fools back they lease
Fuck parole, probation, piss test and supervised release
I'ma bring a calendar, bounce, blow up like Chernobyl
Kirk out and get mobile and do this thing global
Worldwide rompin, stompin in other nations
Blowin bomb with Jamaicans, and sippin Dom with them Haitians
Kickin major flows, have Asian hoes, play the romp, maxin for 'ternity
Kick gravel, travel, see what they know about me in?
[ CHORUS: Dubee ]
We be global
Touch land and that sand over the seas
Blew off of coco leaves, releasin verbal telekinese
For sheez, clickulate with players
Under the stairs, to the Himalayas
Kinda thick, layer for layer(2x)
[ VERSE 2 ]
Sometimes I sit and reminisce about life in '87
When I was doin my thug game, brain ten miles higher than heaven
One-track minded, blinded by the game and quick change
Not knowin across the way-way niggas were doin big thangs
And it's a shame, cause before I hit the f-e-d's
I didn't know about them niggas in Cuba and them sisters in Belize
Now I'm curious - is Belizan pussy the bomb?
When they blow, do they hum, and how quick do they come?
Boy, it's time to hit the friendly skies and fly like a seagull
Post up in spots where the pot's good and legal
Eat tacos in Mexico with cats named Flaco
And catch a red-eyed flight the same night to Morocco
Top-nacho, chasin superbad scrilla villains
Then bounce to the Phillipines and get mo' head than guillotines
Boy, life ain't nothin but fat checks and head sex
So I'ma get mobile, stay global like FedEx
[ VERSE 3 ]
I was a cell dweller, eatin Top Ramen and sardines
Now it's Taiwanese Japanese cuisine
Barefooted, fitted, sippin on sake
Blow on big hashis while I feast on teriaki
International is how I'm smashin, hoe
A cutthroat nigga that will blast and roll
I took a trip to Queens to see Jazz and Preme
They had a nigga blowin brown, said it wasn't no green
But that ain't no thang, cause in Tacoma
I blew bomb till I was in a coma
And in Seattle my partner Chilly Chill
Got that purple leaf dank that really real
I'm global, boy, I be travellin
Gettin further in the air like a javelin
Chirpitch, kirkitch, finna bounce to San Coy
Mac Dre, global, holler at your boy
they say
"all are equal"
but their actions show
their hollow lies
do they
really think
that they can
do anything
Brrrrrlt! It's de ultimate musical mystical magical Yuh done know dis... Pan and de soca! Yo! Is pan and soca come together Mix de steelpan with de fire Take de steelpan one step higher Put yuh hands up clear Panorama gone clear dis year Everybody hands up, hands up in de air Put yuh hands up dere Pan and soca gone clear dis year Everybody hands up, hands up in de air Bllllt
We tryin' something new Cause dis long over due Is pan and soca we blessin' it Man yuh never see dis yet Bringin' steelband in de fete Is pan and soca we blessin' it From de gutter to de uptown Is party til we drop down dis year Dis year, dis year, dis year Dis musical conjunction Might give you one convulsion Cause people jumpin', wavin' like it's ... music
Throw yuh hands up clear Panorama gone clear dis year Everybody hands up, hands up in de air Throw yuh hands up clear Pan and soca gone clear dis year Everybody hands up, hands up in de air Throw yuh hands up clear Panorama gone clear dis year Everybody hands up, hands up in de air Throw yuh rags up clear Panorama gone clear dis year Everybody hands up, hands up in, everybody
Jump jump jump jumpin' up Jump jump jump jumpin' up Jump jump jump jumpin' up (Everyone) Wave wave wave wavin' up Wave wave wave wavin' up Wave wave wave wavin' up
De people rub de flame De steelband on de train Is pan and soca we blessin' it Cause we give it way for free So dis year dis one for we Is pan and soca we blessin' it Man dis one could never pop (?) down Cause now we have been lock down dis year, Dis year, dis year, dis year From north stand to de gran'stand De panyard to de bandstand Is people jumpin' wavin' like is ... wavin'
Throw yuh hands up clear Panorama gone clear dis year Everybody hands up, hands up in Throw yuh hands up clear Pan and soca gone clear dis year Everybody hands up, hands up in de air Put yuh hands up clear Panorama gone clear dis year Everybody hands up, hands up in de air Throw yuh hands up dere Pan and soca gone clear dis year Everybody hands up, hands up Everybody! Now!
Jump jump jump jumping up Jump jump jump jumping up Jump jump jump jumping up... (bllllllt!) Wave wave wave waving up Wave wave wave waving up (Wave wave wave waving up....)
(Alright watch dis)
Play de pan like coca in de soca Some ah dem doh like pan Dem is joker I feel like dey mad, but dey on coke Pan and soca mix like ... ...dem like nova scotia Make dem flash... like supernova Pan soca will be takin over, takin over, takin over, now!
Put yuh rag up in de air let me see Let me see yuh rag because we create history Show de world de heights of creativity Nobody else out dere like we, (alright yo! ) Put yuh han' up in de air let me see Let me see yuh rag because we create history Show de world de heights of creativity Is pan and soca come together Mix de steelpan wit de fire Put de steelband one step higher Alright
Put yuh rags up clear Panorama gone clear dis year Everybody hands up, hands up in de air Put yuh rags up dere Pan and soca gone clear dis year Everybody hands up, hands up in de air Put yuh rags up dere Panorama gone clear dis year Everybody hands up, hands up in de air Put yuh rags up dere Pan and soca gone clear dis year Dis year!
Alright! Come on!
Jump jump jump jumpin' up Jump jump jump jumpin' up Jump jump jump jumpin' up... (Everybody) Wave wave wave wavin' up Wave wave wave wavin' up Wave wave wave wavin' up
Alright! Fire!
Jump jump jump jumping up...