Eskimos (or Esquimaux) or Inuit–Yupik (for Alaska: Inupiat–Yupik) peoples are indigenous peoples who have traditionally inhabited the circumpolar region from eastern Siberia (Russia), across Alaska (United States), Canada, and Greenland.
There are two main groups that are referred to as Eskimo: Yupik and Inuit. A third group, the Aleut, is related. The Yupik language dialects and cultures in Alaska and eastern Siberia have evolved in place beginning with the original (pre-Dorset) Eskimo culture that developed in Alaska. Approximately 4,000 years ago the Unangam (also known as Aleut) culture became distinctly separate, and evolved into a non-Eskimo culture. Approximately 1,500–2,000 years ago, apparently in Northwestern Alaska, two other distinct variations appeared. The Inuit language branch became distinct and in only several hundred years spread across northern Alaska, Canada and into Greenland. At about the same time, the technology of the Thule people developed in northwestern Alaska and very quickly spread over the entire area occupied by Eskimo people, though it was not necessarily adopted by all of them.
Damien Rice (born 7 December 1973) is an Irish singer-songwriter, musician and record producer who plays guitar, piano, clarinet and percussion.
Rice was raised in Celbridge, County Kildare, Ireland and began his musical career as a member of the 1990s rock group Juniper. After leaving the band he worked as a farmer in Tuscany and busked throughout Europe before returning to Ireland in 2001 and beginning a solo musical career.
In 2002 his debut album O reached #8 on the UK albums chart, won the Shortlist music prize and generated three top-30 singles in the UK. Rice released his second album 9 in 2006 and his songs have appeared in numerous films and television episodes.
Rice's personal activities include musical contributions to charitable projects such as the Songs for Tibet, Freedom Campaign and the Enough Project.
Rice was born to George and Maureen Rice and raised in Celbridge, County Kildare, Ireland.
Rice began his music career using the stage name "Dodima" Rice[citation needed] and formed the rock band Juniper along with Paul Noonan, Dominic Philips, David Geraghty and Brian Crosby in 1991. The band met whilst they were attending Salesian College secondary school in Celbridge, Co. Kildare as students. After touring throughout Ireland the band released their debut EP Manna in 1995.
Based in Straffan, Kildare the band continued touring and signed a six album record deal with Polygram. Their recording projects generated the singles “Weatherman” and “Single of the Fortnight” which received favorable reviews.
Francesco Guccini -Eskimo-
The Alaskan ESKIMO HUNTERS (720p)
Eskimo Family, 1959
An Inuit/Eskimo family in the Arctic 1959
White Eskimo - 100X
Jeezy - Black Eskimo (Explicit)
Eskimo - Can you pick me up? (Full Album) ᴴᴰ
Eskimo - Are You Serious ?
Eskimo Hunters in Alaska - The Traditional Inuit Way of Life | 1949 Documentary on Native Americans
Eskimo - Party Pooper
Strange Talk - Eskimo Boy (Draper Remix) [OFFICIAL]
Eskimos: Winter in Western Alaska [1950]
Eskimo Callboy - Muffin Purper-Gurk (official)
Eskimo Callboy - Cinema (Skrillex/Benny Benassi Cover) official
Francesco Guccini -Eskimo-
The Alaskan ESKIMO HUNTERS (720p)
Eskimo Family, 1959
An Inuit/Eskimo family in the Arctic 1959
White Eskimo - 100X
Jeezy - Black Eskimo (Explicit)
Eskimo - Can you pick me up? (Full Album) ᴴᴰ
Eskimo - Are You Serious ?
Eskimo Hunters in Alaska - The Traditional Inuit Way of Life | 1949 Documentary on Native Americans
Eskimo - Party Pooper
Strange Talk - Eskimo Boy (Draper Remix) [OFFICIAL]
Eskimos: Winter in Western Alaska [1950]
Eskimo Callboy - Muffin Purper-Gurk (official)
Eskimo Callboy - Cinema (Skrillex/Benny Benassi Cover) official
FISHING WITH AN ESKIMO - [Living in Alaska 60]
Learn The Eskimo Strap Drill Friction Fire
Eskimo - Stay Where You Are
Eskimo ___ Tribaltech ___ Vj Julio
Damien Rice - Eskimo (Album O)
Eskimo - Hello Moto
Eskimo Callboy - Paradise In Hell ~Track №10~
Francesco Guccini - Eskimo + testo
Francesco Guccini Eskimo live
Eskimo Callboy im Interview
Eskimo Callboy Interview - Irgendwo zwischen 20cm und SchlagerCore
Eskimo Callboy | Interview | Bury Me In Vegas | Impericon Festival
Eskimo Callboy - Crystals, Bevorstehende Tour! | Interview 2015 Wacken Radio
Eskimo Callboy interview London Islington Academy 25 Feb 13
Interview Eskimo Callboy
King Asshole TV - Interview mit Eskimo Callboy Teil 1 ( Oktober 2013 )
25 questions Eskimo Callboy
Eskimo Joe Interview on new album (2013), crowdfunding, tour and more...
Zuhause bei Eskimo Callboy - JägermeisterWirtshausTour Interview
One EskimO Interview
One Eskimo Interview (2009)
ESKIMO CALLBOY: Saufbuden-Test @ Summer Breeze
NRWlive 2015 03 31 Eskimo Callboy Interview Teil1
ESKIMO CALLBOY - Ihre besten Moves
NRWlive 2015 03 31 Eskimo Callboy Interview Teil2
BSI im Interview mit Eskimo Callboy beim Mair 1 Festival 2011
Kav Temperley (Eskimo Joe) Interview
ESKIMO CALLBOY - Hangover in Castrop-Rauxel Pt.1
BM TV: Eskimo Callboy interview
MovieCops - Eskimos im Kreuzverhör: ESKIMO CALLBOY @ Kulttempel Oberhausen
PP Interview: Eskimo Callboy
Tiredness fuels empty thoughts
I find myself disposed
Brightness fills empty space
In search of inspiration
Harder now with higher speed
Washing in on top of me
So I look to my eskimo friend
I look to my eskimo friend
I look to my eskimo friend
When I'm down, down, down.
Rain it wets muddy roads
I find myself exposed
Tapping doors, but irritate
In search of destination
Harder now with higher speed
Washing in on top of me
So I look to my eskimo friend
I look to my eskimo friend
I look to my eskimo friend
When I'm down, down, down.
When I'm down, down, down.
I'm the only gay Eskimo
I'm the only one I know
I'm the only gay Eskimo
In my tribe
I go out seal hunting with my best friend Tarka
But all want to do is get into his parka
I'm the only gay Eskimo
In my tribe
Well me and Muk-Fluk-Chuk-Buk
We both like blubber
But me I've got this crazy fetish for rubber
I'm the only gay Eskimo
In my tribe
I make a wish on the Northern Lights
That I can find a decent pair of whaleskin tights
I'm the only gay Eskimo
In my tribe
And the seals they sing now...
These cold winter nights
Are taking their toll
I even get excited when I see the North Pole
See the North Pole...
I'm the only gay Eskimo
Only gay Eskimo
I'm the only one I know
The only one I know-oh-oh-oh
I'm the only gay Eskimo
Time is fuse
Empty thoughts
Find myself disposed
Brightness fills
Empty space
In search of you
In spirit
Hard enough
With higher speed
Washing in on top of me
So I look to my eskimo friend
I look to my eskimo friend
I look to my eskimo friend
When I'm down down down
Rain at once
Mighty rose
Find myself
Topping down
But there I take
In search of
Harder now with higher speed
Washing in on top of me
So I look to my eskimo friend
I look to my eskimo friend
I look to my eskimo friend
When I'm down
When I'm down down down
I'm the only gay Eskimo
I'm the only one I know
I'm the only gay Eskimo
In my tribe
I go out seal hunting with my best friend Tarka
But all want to do is get into his parka
I'm the only gay Eskimo
In my tribe
Well me and Muk-Fluk-Chuk-Buk
We both like blubber
But me I've got this crazy fetish for rubber
I'm the only gay Eskimo
In my tribe
I make a wish on the Northern Lights
That I can find a decent pair of whaleskin tights
I'm the only gay Eskimo
In my tribe
And the seals they sing now...
These cold winter nights
Are taking their toll
I even get excited when I see the North Pole
See the North Pole...
I'm the only gay Eskimo
Only gay Eskimo
I'm the only one I know
The only one I know-oh-oh-oh
I'm the only gay Eskimo
In my tribe.
You come here with nothing
and you expect to get it all
just like that
Who do you think you are
You come here with flowers
and you think it'd be ok
But it's not ok
It's like you're walking around on air
with your head high
Above the clouds
soon you'll stumble backwards
Trough your shadow
into something you've tried
to put behind
'Cause you've never been
where I am
Don't you see
So why don't you shut the fuck up
you don't know a shit about me
So what if you had Jesus
rolling around on your floor
I don't care
So what if there's beaches
whiter than lies
I don't care
Yeah, I swear
it doesn't make any difference to me
A heart of snow
she cries
The tears of an eskimo
In the name of it's for you I
Bought it all and it's all untrue I
Know, i'm a little slow
Desparate and it shows
In the name of spending street(?)
Burning bush and a busted knee you
Stole, all the rain and snow
Who will be my Eskimo
It's what I wanna know
It's time to under go
Somewhere in Mexico
I'm making room for you
A Simple Point of view
Someone too deeper to
Searching for an eskimo
Searching and I wanna know, someone, like you
What did they say
Desperate and I gotta go
Searching for an eskimo, someone, like you
In the name of Jesus Christ I
Sold my son and I named my price I
Sold, just a little love
Who will be my eskimo
That's what I wanna know
Before I under go
Somewhere in Mexico
I making room for you
A Simple point of view
Someone too deeper to
Ooooooh aw
Searching for an eskimo
Searching and I wanna know, someone, like you
Hey hey hey
Desperate and I gotta go
Searching for an eskimo, someone, like you
In the name of Oscar Wilde I
Saw the mess and I saw he smiled I
Go, toe to toe in the whole, world to find and eskimo
Questa domenica in Settembre
non sarebbe pesata cosi'
l'estate finiva piu' nature
vent'anni fa o giu' di li'
Con l'incoscienza dentro al basso ventre
e alcuni audaci, in tasca "l'Unita'",
la paghi tutta, e a prezzi d'inflazione,
quella che chiaman la maturita'
Ma tu non sei cambiata di molto
anche se adesso e' al vento quello che
io per vederlo ci ho impiegato tanto
filosofando pure sui perche'
Ma tu non sei cambiata di tanto
e se cos'e' un orgasmo ora lo sai
potrai capire i miei vent'anni allora
e quasi cento adesso capirai
Portavo allora un eskimo innocente
dettato solo dalla poverta'
non era la rivolta permanente
diciamo che non c'era e tanto fa
Portavo una coscienza immacolata
che tu tendevi a uccidere pero'
inutilmente ti ci sei provata
con foto di famiglia o paleto'
E quanto son cambiato da allora
e l'eskimo che conoscevi tu
lo porta addosso mio fratello ancora
e tu lo porteresti e non puoi piu'
Bisogna saper scegliere il tempo
non arrivarci per contrarieta'
tu giri adesso con le tette al vento
io ci giravo gia' vent'anni fa
Ricordi fu con te a Santa Lucia
al portico dei Servi per Natale
credevo che Bologna fosse mia
ballammo insieme all'anno o a Carnevale
Lasciammo allora tutti e due un qualcuno
che non ne fece un dramma o non lo so
ma con i miei maglioni ero a disagio
e mi pesava quel tuo paleto'
Ma avevo la rivolta fra le dita
dei soldi in tasca niente e tu lo sai
e mi pagavi il cinema stupita
e non ti era toccato farlo mai
Perche' mi amavi non l'ho mai capito
cosi' diverso da quei tuoi cliche
perche' fra i tanti, bella,
che hai colpito ti sei gettata addosso proprio a me
Infatti i fiori della prima volta
non c'erano gia' piu' nel sessantotto
scoppiava finalmente la rivolta
oppure in qualche modo mi ero rotto
Tu li aspettavi ancora ma io gia' urlavo che
Dio era morto, a monte, ma pero'
contro il sistema anch'io mi ribellavo
E Gianni ritornato da Londra
a lungo ci parlo' dell'LSD
tenne una quasi conferenza colta
sul suo viaggio di nozze stile freak
E noi non l'avevamo mai fatto
e noi che non l'avremmo fatto mai
quell'erba ci creseva tutt'attorno
per noi crescevan solo i nostri guai
Forse ci consolava far l'amore
ma precari in quel senso si era gia'
un buco da un amico, un letto a ore
su cui passava tutta la citta'
L'amore fatto alla boia d'un Giuda
e al freddo in quella stanza di altri e spoglia
vederti o non vederti tutta nuda
era un fatto di clima e non di voglia
E adesso che potremmo anche farlo
e adesso che problemi non ne ho
che nostalgia per quelli contro un muro
o dentro a un cine o li' dove si puo'
E adesso che sappiamo quasi tutto
e adesso che problemi non ne hai
che nostalgia, lo rifaremmo in piedi
scordando la moquette stile e l'Hi Fi
Diciamolo per dire, ma davvero
si ride per non piangere perche'
se penso a quella ch'eri, a quel che ero,
che compassione che ho per me e per te
Eppure a volte non mi spiacerebbe
essere quelli di quei tempi la'
sara' per aver quindic'anni in meno
o avere tutto per possibilita'
Perche' a vent'anni e' tutto ancora intero
perche' a vent'anni e' tutto chi lo sa
a vent'anni si e' stupidi davvero
quante balle si ha in testa a quell'eta'
Oppure allora si era solo noi
non c'entra o meno questa gioventu'
di discussioni, caroselli, eroi
quel ch'e' rimasto dimmelo un po' tu
E questa domenica in Settembre
se ne sta lentamente per finire
come le tante via distrattamente
a cercare di fare o di capire
Forse lo stan pensando anche gli amici
gli andati, i rassegnati, i soddisfatti,
giocando a dire che si era piu' felici
pensando a chi si e' perso o no a quei patti
Ed io che ho sempre un eskimo addosso
uguale a quello che ricorderai
io come sempre, faccio quel che posso
domani poi ci pensero' se mai
Ed io ti cantero' questa canzone
uguale a tante che gia' ti cantai
ignorala come hai ignorato le altre
That's because CD's like this one spare you from all the charred topping, tinie bobbing,
disposable happy horseshit that brings up the bile to the back of my neck
I have no time or tollerance for shitty whack acts like that, I wouldn't piss on their CD's to put out a fire
I'm tired of all those lame ass tame ass, prefabricated and sorry excuses for singers and musicians who don't
write their own songs
What the world needs now is a musical revolution
We need some rock, we need something that has balls
we need something with substance, depth, something with soul, some edge, some passion, some power
Shit if it's going to be mellow fuck man it had better have something, it had better mean something
I'm telling you
You gotta hit 'em with something hard
I'm so fucking tired of all that shit that I'm hearing on the radio
That's because CD’s like this one spare you from all the charred topping, tinie bobbing,
disposable happy horseshit that brings up the bile to the back of my neck.
I have no time or tollerance for shitty whack acts like that, I wouldn't piss on their CD's to put out a fire
I'm tired of all those lame ass tame ass, prefabricated and sorry excuses for singers and musicians who don't
write their own songs
What the world needs now is a musical revolution
We need some rock, we need something that has balls
we need something with substance, depth, something with soul, some edge, some passion, some power
Shit if it's going to be mellow fuck man it had better have something, it had better mean something
I'm telling you
You gotta hit 'em with something hard
I'm so fucking tired of all that shit that I'm hearing on the radio
Hang around and I'm paranoid
I can't help but doubt
but I don't know what the people know
I want something to count
just stay where you are
I'm right behind you
stay where you are
if someone's looking
stay where you are
I might not be the one, that's true
but I'm trying, don't you know
Rattle coins in a coffee can
you shut me on and off
turn around, turn around
they're burning hotels down
so stay where you are
I'm right behind you
stay where you are
I'm always looking
stay where you are
I might not be the one, that's true
but I'm trying, don't you know
don't you know
don't you know
don't you know
don't hang on
but don't let go
don't aim high
This is the real deal... just open your mind...
you can find we've always been here
most of the time.
But since the real deal, just nobody to find
most of the time...
You just open your mind... you just open your mind... You just
open your mind...
You can find, we found... we found... we found... we found... we
This is the real deal... just open your mind...
you can find we've always been here
most of the time,
but you'll see that we can make it if you dance with me,
and in life you can't take it but you can be free...
This is the real deal... yeah, the real deal... this is the real
Step right up, hurry hurry, get your tickets now,
before your vision gets hurt don't ask me how...
Cause anybody shaking just make you smile,
and i got a hundred reasons that will drive you wild...
Here we go again, I know exactly what's coming don't tell me that is isn't how it seems
I see all the tell-tale signs that you're running, it's obvious what all this means
You're expression fuels my depression
Why does this always happen to me
You look away, I've got nothing to say
You're apology is so short of sorry
This is our breakup talk she broke the news when you broke for your walk
She said; Lets not make this harder than it has to be
About a weeks gone by you're with some other guy I'm feeling lied to and a little betrayed,
I guess your words don't mean much when you're feeling his touch
Do you remember any of the promises that you made
You cover up with lies talks filled with sighs and you're thinking I don't have a clue
But I'm onto you
This is our breakup talk she broke the news when you broke for your walk
She said; Lets not make this harder than it has to be
This is our breakup song lets finish this so we can carry on
She said; It was never you it was always me
It Was Always Me!
So Give me a second so I can take you in
'Cause I know I'll probably never get to see you again
'Cause I've never seen anything as cold as that stare
I'm sorry for wearing my heart on my sleeve
I'm sorry I bailed I didn't want you to leave
I'm sorry you kept it all held inside
I'm sorry that everything that you had has died
This is our breakup talk she broke the news when you broke for your walk
She said; Lets not make this harder than it has to be
This is our breakup song lets finish this so we can carry on
She said; it was never you it was always me
Uh oh, I had no idea she'd be here tonight
Lets go we should bail before she tries to start a fight
And we swore we'd never let it get this way
No more this is going to end today
Regret seems to be the reoccurring theme
Wanna forget and pretend you were just a bad dream
Don't try to make your exit before I say my goodbyes so you'll never forget this day!
This pain is real unlike you
You were always such a fake
If I could give it all back, I'd give it all back
You were always such a mistake
This pain is real unlike you
You were always such a fake
If I could go back to the day I never knew you
You were always such a mistake
Here's your stuff, there's the door
He's waiting for you
Save your tears, there not real
I saw right through you from the start
So you can have our year
But I'll take back my heart
This pain is real unlike you
You were always such a fake
If I could give it all back, I'd give it all back
You were always such a mistake
This pain is real unlike you
You were always such a fake
If I could go back to the day I never knew you
You were always such a mistake
Keep your apologies
(All I hear is noise)
While your falling apart
(I'll maintain my poise)
I know you miss me
This pain is real unlike you
You were always such a fake
If I could give it all back, I'd give it all back
You were always such a mistake
This pain is real unlike you
You were always such a fake
If I could go back to the day I never knew you
Wha What you gonna do,
We're gonna have fun just me and you
Everyay guy you'll find a way
To bring a smile to my face
I like the things that you do,
And love will make us feel alright
I like the way you move while you dance
Now give me a chance
Fantasy we can have together
Fantasy you can make me wonder
I just want to spend me time close to you
We can dance together
and get into the groove
Fantasy you feel my body
Fantasy we're gonna party
You're the key, boy to my fantasy
Fantasy all night in motion
Fantasy you feel my passion
Everytime you play the game of fantasy
Wha what you gonna do
to make us happy from not feeling blue
I like the way you move while you dance