The secrets of Scientology (Full Documentary)
The secrets of Scientology (Full Documentary)
The secrets of Scientology (Full Documentary)
The secrets of Scientology (Full Documentary) ANONYMOUS HEADQUARTERS: http://AnonHQ.com Become Anonymous:http://www.anonhq.com/be-anonymous JOIN US: ...
VICE Meets Marty Rathbun, Former Senior Executive of the Church of Scientology
VICE Meets Marty Rathbun, Former Senior Executive of the Church of Scientology
VICE Meets Marty Rathbun, Former Senior Executive of the Church of Scientology
This week, VICE meets Mark "Marty" Rathbun, a former senior executive of the Church of Scientology who left the church in 2004. He is a key subject of Alex Gibney's new documentary Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief, which is being released March 29 through HBO Documentary Films. We discuss his past in the Church of Scientology, auditing, and the harassment techniques allegedly used by the church.
Up Next:
Hollywood's Most Secretive Religious Relic: E-Meter Testing: https://youtu.be/rrNmk2J3rAo
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Inside the Scientology Celebrity Centre: An Ex-Parishoner Reveals All
Inside the Scientology Celebrity Centre: An Ex-Parishoner Reveals All
Inside the Scientology Celebrity Centre: An Ex-Parishoner Reveals All
This documentary is an inside look at the Scientology Celebrity Centre. I begin by taking you on my journey from a fresh faced new actor who just arrived in Los Angeles, full of hopes and dreams, to ultimately being recruited into Hollywood's most dangerous, secretive, and famous cult. I'm bringing to light all of their horrible crimes, especially detailing how they exploit members financially. I talk about their elite Sea Organization, which makes members sign billion year contracts and devote their entire lives to serving Scientology as around the clock slave labor. I also publicly reveal how anti-gay the church is, bringing homophobia to a
Scientology & Paul Haggis: 'It's a Cult' - NBC News, Part 1 of 2
Scientology & Paul Haggis: 'It's a Cult' - NBC News, Part 1 of 2
Scientology & Paul Haggis: 'It's a Cult' - NBC News, Part 1 of 2
Scientology is a cult, says Academy Award-winning director Paul Haggis, a Scientologist for 34 years. Also, one family tells its story of escaping Scientolog...
Scientology is Coming Apart at the Seams
Scientology is Coming Apart at the Seams
Scientology is Coming Apart at the Seams
The public image and public relations of the Church of Scientology has never been at such a low point as it is now. There are reasons for this and in this video I break down what some of those reasons are. Scientology is literally collapsing right before our eyes and its leader, David Miscavige, is not dealing with this in any kind of effective or reasonable manner.
Check out more articles and videos about this at my blog: http://mncriticalthinking.com.
Tom Cruise Scientology Video - ( Original UNCUT )
Tom Cruise Scientology Video - ( Original UNCUT )
Tom Cruise Scientology Video - ( Original UNCUT )
In the near future you will read:
"This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Church of Scientology International"
Tom Cruise informs on the "authorities on the mind". - long version (9:34 min)
Scientology front group that tries to recruit through the prisons. * SP: Suppressive Person. Anyone that doesn't like Scientology and/or criticizes Scientology. Scientology mini dictionary:
*KSW (short for Keeping Scientology Working): A policy written by
Hubbard in the 1960's that requires all Scientologists to follow his
words and
What Really Happens In The Church of Scientology
What Really Happens In The Church of Scientology
What Really Happens In The Church of Scientology
"In Scientology, “going clear” means reaching a state of happiness and freedom. To get there, you've got to go through “audits.” Years of them. AJ+'s Francesca Fiorentini visited the Church of Scientology in San Francisco for her very first dip into the religion, or, as some would call it, cult.” Watch the full AJ+ segment here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jlg55L6RlyM
Cenk Uygur (http://www.twitter.com/cenkuygur) and Ana Kasparian (http://www.twitter.com/AnaKasparian) of The Young Turks discuss.
AJ+ is a global news community for the connected generation. Watch more here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV3Nm3T-XAgVhKH9jT0ViRg/featured
The Decline (and Probable Fall) of the Scientology Empire - Jim Lippard
The Decline (and Probable Fall) of the Scientology Empire - Jim Lippard
The Decline (and Probable Fall) of the Scientology Empire - Jim Lippard
Jim Lippard spoke on the history of the Church of Scientology, how it has collided with the Internet and lost control of its secrets and its membership, and ...
FOX TV on Scientology ~Mike Rinder on the fallout over HBO's 'Going Clear
FOX TV on Scientology ~Mike Rinder on the fallout over HBO's 'Going Clear
FOX TV on Scientology ~Mike Rinder on the fallout over HBO's 'Going Clear
Mike Rinder was the Church Spokesman for some 20 years. in 2007 he fled (escaped) with only the shirt on his back.
As a pretense the Church kept his picture and job up on line for a full year after he had fled, most likely embarrassed to admit and acknowledge the Church Spokesman had taken flight.
For some 2 years Mike Rinder had been imprisoned in SP HOLE
Take a look at the latest ~~
Radio Podcasts
Follow me on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/karende
ABC - Scientology: The Ex-Files (45 min)
ABC - Scientology: The Ex-Files (45 min)
ABC - Scientology: The Ex-Files (45 min)
http://www.abc.net.au/4corners/special_eds/20100308/scientology/ Ex-members of the Church of Scientology tell their stories of abuse and fraud. thx to http:/...
Leah Remini: Church of Scientology Wants Me to Fail
Leah Remini: Church of Scientology Wants Me to Fail
Leah Remini: Church of Scientology Wants Me to Fail
Actress who was a public supporter of the controversial church is now speaking out against it.
John Travolta Defends Scientology Against New Documentary Claims
John Travolta Defends Scientology Against New Documentary Claims
John Travolta Defends Scientology Against New Documentary Claims
"John Travolta's 40-year involvement with Scientology is one of the main story lines in "Going Clear," HBO's explosive new documentary on the controversial church.
And while the premiere of "Going Clear" pulled in record ratings for HBO, Travolta was not one of the film's 1.7 million viewers.
"No, I haven't" seen the film, "and I don't really care to," Travolta said in a phone interview with the Tampa Bay Times while promoting his new movie 'The Forger.’”*
Cenk Uygur (http://www.twitter.com/cenkuygur) and Ana Kasparian (http://www.twitter.com/AnaKasparian) discuss.
*Read more here http://www.businessinsider.com/john-travolta-response-to-g
48 Hours Mysteries - Scientology (10/28/06)
48 Hours Mysteries - Scientology (10/28/06)
48 Hours Mysteries - Scientology (10/28/06)
48 Hours Mysteries - Scientology (10/28/06) episode about some people's experiences, accounts and tragedy while practicing Scientology.
Scientology: Jason Beghe Interview
Scientology: Jason Beghe Interview
Scientology: Jason Beghe Interview
Actor Jason Beghe speaks about his years in Scientology and why he left the group.
BBC Panorama - Scientology and Me
BBC Panorama - Scientology and Me
BBC Panorama - Scientology and Me
An infamous BBC Panorama documentary focusing on the religion of Scientology. Reporter John Sweeney visited the United States to investigate whether the Chur...
Scientology: The Ex Files
Scientology: The Ex Files
Scientology: The Ex Files
Behind Scientology's high celebrity profile lies an organisation on its knees. In this powerful documentary, a band of former elite members emerge from the secretive religion to allege extreme...
Scientology Documentary: Lawrence Wright talks about "Going Clear"
Scientology Documentary: Lawrence Wright talks about "Going Clear"
Scientology Documentary: Lawrence Wright talks about "Going Clear"
Scientology Documentary: Lawrence Wright talks about "Going Clear" Pulitzer Prize-winning author, Lawrence Wright talks about his book, Going Clear: Scientol...
Scientology Aussteigerin berichtet über ihre Erfahrungen (1/3)
Scientology Aussteigerin berichtet über ihre Erfahrungen (1/3)
Scientology Aussteigerin berichtet über ihre Erfahrungen (1/3)
ZDF Markus Lanz: eine von Scientology geköderte Tochter berichtet mit ihrer Mutter über ihre Erfahrungen. Als Experte nimmt Wilfried Handl, der 28 Jahre Mitg...
Scientology's Organizational Madness
Scientology's Organizational Madness
Scientology's Organizational Madness
In this video, I explain the unique and unworkable organizational structure behind Scientology and how it creates more trouble than it's worth. But worse tha...
Going Clear with Scientology Member Turned Whistleblower Tom Devocht
Going Clear with Scientology Member Turned Whistleblower Tom Devocht
Going Clear with Scientology Member Turned Whistleblower Tom Devocht
Going Clear, the HBO documentary on Scientology, and the sinister truth about the church is discussed with former Scientologist, Tom Devocht. His decades-long exploitation by the group, the dark side of David Miscavige, and how Scientology corrodes the will of members from the Sea Org up to Hollywood stars including Tom Cruise are exposed by the whistleblower in an uncensored Media Mayhem, hosted by Allison Hope Weiner.
Tom Devocht is a former member of the Church of Scientology who has since departed the group and appeared in the HBO Documentary, GOING CLEAR.
Scientology Whistleblower Tells All, Admits to Secretly Recording Tom Cruise
Scientology Whistleblower Tells All, Admits to Secretly Recording Tom Cruise
Scientology Whistleblower Tells All, Admits to Secretly Recording Tom Cruise
–Mark Rathbun, the highest ranking whistleblower from the Church of Scientology and former Senior Executive of the Church, joins David to discuss being ambushed by Scientologists at LAX airport, his secret recording of Scientology sessions with Tom Cruise, and how he left the Church
–On the Bonus Show: Joseph Smith had up to 40 wives, Glenn Beck’s mystery illness, SpaceX is building satellites, more…
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How much of Scientology's attack video is true?
How much of Scientology's attack video is true?
How much of Scientology's attack video is true?
Examining each claim Scientology uses to attack Alex Gibney and his documentary,"Going Clear."
Sorry for the terrible audio quality. My laptop can only handle so much. Making this video was a little too much for it.
Documentary "Going Clear" examines Church of Scientology
Documentary "Going Clear" examines Church of Scientology
Documentary "Going Clear" examines Church of Scientology
An upcoming HBO documentary has sparked months of controversy. "Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief," which includes interviews with several former church members, is being criticized by the Church of Scientology as "one-sided" and "dishonest." The film's director Alex Gibney and Lawrence Wright, a Pulitzer Prize-winning author whose book the film is based on, join "CBS This Morning" to discuss the documentary.