A nun is a woman who has taken vows committing her life to her religion. She may be a woman who decided to dedicate her life to serve the other living beings or to be an ascetic who voluntarily chooses to leave mainstream society and live her life in prayer and contemplation in a monastery or convent. The term "nun" is applicable to Catholics – both eastern and western traditions – Orthodox Christians, Anglicans, Lutherans, Jains, Buddhists, Taoists, and Hindus. While in common usage the terms nun and sister are often used interchangeably, in some cases they are differentiated, a nun being a religious woman who lives a contemplative cloistered life of prayer and meditation for the salvation of others, while a sister, in Christian Catholic order like Mother Teresa's Missionaries of Charity, lives an active vocation of prayer and service, often to the needy, sick, poor, and uneducated.
All Buddhist traditions have nuns, although their status is different among the various Buddhist countries. The Buddha is reported to have allowed women into the sangha only with great reluctance, predicting that the move would lead to Buddhism's collapse after 500 years, rather than the 1,000 years it would have enjoyed otherwise (this prophecy occurs only once in the Canon and is the only prophecy involving time in the Canon, leading some to suspect that it is a late addition.) Fully ordained Buddhist nuns (bhikkhunis) have more Patimokkha-rules than the monks (bhikkhus). The important vows are the same, however.
Blero - N.U.N
Cak Nun - Mocopat Syafaat 17 MARET 2015 Part - 1
Blero ft. SoulKid - N.U.N (Prygo Remix)
Nasehat CAK NUN untuk HABIB SYECH vs GUS NURIL Agar Tidak Mudah Mengkafirkan Orang Lain
Cak Nun - Maiyah Merapi,Glagah Harjo - Cangkringan,Sleman.
The True Story of the Nun of Monza (1980)
Pengajian Cak Nun Terbaru Bikin Ngakak Abis 2015 tetang Jokowi Presiden
Blero - N.U.N (Eurolindi & ETC) Gezuar 2015 Full HD
Maiyah UII - Cak Nun & Kiai Kanjeng Part - 1
CAK NUN Terbaru 2015 BAHAYA ORANG MERASA SUCI Pengajian Serius Penuh Makna Bersama Kiai Kanjeng FULL
Love Letters of a Portuguese Nun (1977)
Nun and Priest Pranks - Best of Just For Laughs Gags
The Killer Nun (1978)
Maiyah Magelang - Cak Nun & Kiai Kanjeng - 10 Januari 2015
A documentary style "glimpse" into James Franco, Val Lauren, and Jim Parrack's acting class at Playhouse West in North Hollywood CA. This show portrays different teaching styles, including the exciting and unconventional teaching method of James Franco, and the effect it has on the students. Starring James Franco, Val Lauren, Brian Lally and Jim Parrack.
A visit with Shepard Lynx
Milicent Amourless, secretary, romantic dreamer, and unwitting guinea pig in a giant corporate experiment, has the most unusual day of her life as Olivier Du Sexe, suave seducer, swoops into her world... Will she find true love, or be a casualty of corporate greed?
Keywords: cross-dressing, farce
The sisters of the legendary Loredo Chapel in Santa Fe, New Mexico have lived for years with an unfinished choir loft, until one day a mysterious drifter (Petersen) arrives in town (just passing through), and is hired by the Reverend Mother (Hersey) to complete the work.
Keywords: chapel, church, dying, nun, tragic-ending
Blero - N.U.N
Cak Nun - Mocopat Syafaat 17 MARET 2015 Part - 1
Blero ft. SoulKid - N.U.N (Prygo Remix)
Nasehat CAK NUN untuk HABIB SYECH vs GUS NURIL Agar Tidak Mudah Mengkafirkan Orang Lain
Cak Nun - Maiyah Merapi,Glagah Harjo - Cangkringan,Sleman.
The True Story of the Nun of Monza (1980)
Pengajian Cak Nun Terbaru Bikin Ngakak Abis 2015 tetang Jokowi Presiden
Blero - N.U.N (Eurolindi & ETC) Gezuar 2015 Full HD
Maiyah UII - Cak Nun & Kiai Kanjeng Part - 1
CAK NUN Terbaru 2015 BAHAYA ORANG MERASA SUCI Pengajian Serius Penuh Makna Bersama Kiai Kanjeng FULL
Love Letters of a Portuguese Nun (1977)
Nun and Priest Pranks - Best of Just For Laughs Gags
The Killer Nun (1978)
Maiyah Magelang - Cak Nun & Kiai Kanjeng - 10 Januari 2015
Cak nun berdialog dengan 2 cewek kristen terbaru
Ceramah Cak Nun Terbaru 2015,Kenduri Cinta Maret,Ateisme Agama #1
Ceramah Cak Nun Terbaru 2015,Kenduri Cinta Maret,Ateisme Agama #2
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Sexy Bikini Nun
Daniele De Martino Ft. Giusy Attanasio - Nun Me Chiammà
Terbaru Full Lucu Pengajian CAK NUN Oktober 2014 - Kemajuan Teknologi Kemunduran Zaman?
Cak Nun : "Jangan kaget kalau Nabi itu keturunan Jawa"
I was skating down the pavement
It was a warm and sunny day
I saw a nun coming walking
She was coming my way
But I could not stop
Could not turn away
She had to jump aside
She almost ruined my day
There came a car and hit the nun
Now she was dead bleeding in the sun
I felt guilty, I felt sad
But after all I still could be glad
'Cause I don't believe in God... anyway
I was really sorry but what is done is done
...So I skated on
And I smiled at the world
And the world smiled at me
I met a friend he told me not to care
Went home to my place and we drank some beer
I felt better and I was not sad
And after all I still could be glad
'Cause I don't believe in God... anyway
I was really sorry but what is done is done
...so I skated on
And I smiled at the world
And the world smiled at me
What if I go to hell
To suffer pain that never ends
I'll probably be there with my friends
[Psalm 119:106-112]
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.
I have sworn and confirmed that i will keep your righteous judgments
I am afflicted very much
Revive me, O Lord, according to Your word
Accept, I pray the freewill offerings of my mouth, O Lord
And teach me your judgments
My life is continuall in my hand, yet i dont forget Your law
The wicked have laid a share for me, yet i have not strayed from your precepts
Your testimonies i have taken as a heritage forever
For they are the rejoicing of my heart
I have inclined my heart to perform Your statutes