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Satira Soal Hudud, Aisyah BFM Terima Ancaman Bunuh
PKR nasihat PAS minta jaminan bertulis BN sokong hudud
Haron Din: Hudud lebih penting berbanding Pakatan
Teresa slams 'illogical' MCA over hudud
Hudud - Art of the Matter
Hudud Potong Tangan - Ustaz Ahmad Jailani Abdul Ghani
Penerangan Hukum Hudud Paling INDAH - Dr Ustaz Ahmad Jailani Abd Ghani
Nur Jazlan: Belum masa untuk laksanakan hudud
AAM Ktbh; HUDUD; Mendedahkan Tembelang Sesiapa Yang Tak Mahu Undang-Undang Syariat Berdaulat
DAP: Biar Pakatan berpecah jika PAS tetap mahu hudud
Umno sokong hudud kerana Allah, kata Alwi dengan hiba
Cara betul Hukuman Hudud Ke Atas Penzina ( Hudud In Islam )
Penghinaan Terkini Mahathir Terhadap Hudud Dan Jawapan Pemimpin Pas
Fact Sheet - March 19: Hudud bill passed, DAP calls for action against PAS
STESEN radio BFM dan Projek Dialog kesal dengan serangan peribadi dilakukan ke atas penyampai video Hudud Isi Periuk Nasi?, Aisyah Tajudin yang dikeluarkan pihak mereka di Youtube, semalam… selanjutnya:
PAS dinasihatkan supaya berhati-hati dengan taktik Umno dan perlu mendapatkan jaminan bertulis daripada Barisan Nasional (BN) yang mereka akan mengundi dan menyokong rang undang-undang persendirian hudud sebelum membawanya ke Parlimen, kata Rafizi Ramli. Setiausaha agung PKR itu berkata, ini penting untuk memastikan tiada muslihat dan tipu daya daripada Umno yang pernah memangsakan PAS dengan menendang parti itu keluar BN pada 1977. Katanya, kepimpinan PAS dan rakyat perlu berhati-hati dan waspada dengan muslihat Umno dan BN yang menggunakan ketaatan orang Islam terhadap hukum Allah sebagai muslihat politik.
Mursyidul Am PAS Datuk Dr Haron Din menegaskan parti itu lebih mengutamakan hukum Allah - hudud - daripada hukum manusia termasuk urusan kerjasama politik dengan Pakatan Rakyat. Beliau juga menegaskan bahawa PAS tidak akan berganjak dengan perjuangannya melaksanakan hukum hudud sekalipun mendapat tentangan keras daripada sekutunya, lapor Utusan Malaysia hari ini. Katanya, Kalau PAS teragak-agak atau lebih mementingkan sekutunya yang menentang atau terlampau sayang dengan pakatan sehingga sanggup mengorbankan prinsipnya, maka PAS tidak akan membentangkan rang pindaan hukum hudud yang sedang berlaku di Kelantan.
DAP vice-president Teresa Kok slams MCA's 'illogical' demand for DAP elected representatives to resign over the hudud bill issue.
In this week's episode of Art of the Matter, Art puts on his lawyer hat (again) and takes on the recent announcement that Hudud law has passed in Kelantan.
Siaran Langsung dari Masjid Sembilang Seberang Jaya
Ahli Parlimen Pulai, Datuk Nur Jazlan Mohamed berpandangan belum masanya bagi melaksanakan hukum hudud di negara ini. Sebaliknya, kata beliau, PAS seharusnya memberi tumpuan membangunkan negara dan Islam dan bukannya menghukum umatnya dengan meluluskan Kanun Jenayah Syariah II 1993 pindaan 2015.
HUDUD; Mendedahkan Tembelang Sesiapa Yang Tak Mahu Undang-Undang Syariat Berdarulat Channel Youtube Rasmi Dr. Abu Anas Madani FB AAM : Website AAM : Blog AAM : DVD Online : Youtube Dartaibah :
Ahli Parlimen Bukit Gelugor Ramkarpal Singh berkata pendirian DAP adalah jelas bahawa parti itu menolak Enakmen Kanun Jenayah Syariah II 1993 yang dibentangkan dengan pindaan di Dewan Undangan Negeri hari ini. Katanya, tidak mengapa jika Pakatan Rakyat berpecah kerana DAP akan tetap pada pegangannya untuk menolak hukum hudud.
Semua Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) Umno Kelantan menyokong Pindaan Enakmen Kanun Jenayah Syariah II 1993 bagi melaksanakan hukuman hudud di Kelantan. ADUN Kok Lanas Datuk Md Alwi Che Ahmad memulakan perbahasan rang undang-undang itu dengan nada sebak dan berkata sokongan padu Umno itu adalah kerana Allah.
Cara betul Hukuman Hudud Ke Atas Penzina ( Hudud In Islam ) Hukuman sebat yg btul megikut syariat Islam....bkn mcm hukum sebat yg dilakukan di penjara Malays...
Kenyataan terbaru Mahathir berkaitan Hukum Hudud.Beliau terus mempertikai Hukum Hudud yang pada pandanganya tidak adil kerana hanya dikenakan kepada orang is...
Kinitv's news bulletin Fact Sheet brings you the hottest local and international news of the day. Today: Kelantan hudud bill passed unanimously; DAP wants Pakatan to act against PAS; Gov't aims to tighten leash on social media.
YB DATUK HJ MD ALWI BIN HJ CHE AHMAD-ADUN KOK LANAS menerima dan bersetujud dengan cadangan YB Dato' Dr Mohd Fadzli untuk membuat ketetapan bahawa semua ahli...
MCA mesti memutuskan hubungan dengan Umno jika parti Melayu itu berpendirian untuk menyokong pindaan Enakmen Kanun Jenayah Syariah II Kelantan 1993 bagi membolehkan hukum hudud dilaksanakan di negeri itu, kata pemimpinnya Gan Peng Sieu. Gan, yang juga adalah pengerusi Biro Undang-undang Syariah dan Unit Khas Pelaksanaan Polisi MCA, berkata senario sekarang memaksa parti itu untuk bertindak.
Hudud (Arabic: حدود Ḥudūd, also transliterated hadud, hudood; singular hadd, حد, literal meaning "limit", or "restriction") is the word often used in Islamic literature for the bounds of acceptable behaviour and the punishments for serious crimes. In Islamic law or Sharia, hudud usually refers to the class of punishments that are fixed for certain crimes that are considered to be "claims of God." They include theft, fornication (zina) and adultery (extramarital sex), consumption of alcohol or other intoxicants, and apostasy (see apostasy in Islam).
Ahli Parlimen Gua Musang, Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah menyokong penuh pindaan enakmen hudud dan berharap perlaksanaannya nanti benar-benar berlandaskan syariat Islam.
YBhg Dato' Dr Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin dan YB Dr Khairuddin Aman Razali At Takiri telah diminta untuk mengulas Kertas Kerja 1 bertajuk Hikmah Perlaksanaan Und...
Forum Perdana Anjuran Yayasan Dakwah Islam Malaysia (YADIM) Di Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Geting,Pengkalan Kubor. Kira-kira 5 Ribu Orang Yang Hadir.
Exco Agama kerajaan negeri Kelantan, Datuk Nasaruddin Daud berkata masyarakat bukan Islam seharusnya menyokong pindaan ke atas Kanun Jenayah Syariah II yang diluluskan hari ini. Katanya dengan pindaan berkenaan, mereka kini tidak lagi boleh dibicarakan mengikut undang-undang yang akan dilaksanakan di Kelatan itu.
Melaporkan Berita Dan Maklumat Ahli Parlimen Barisan Nasional.
The implementation of hudud law in Kelantan should be consistent with the Federal constitution, said ...
Big News Network 2015-04-09... nationwide to seek the support of Umno MPs when the bill on hudud is debated in Parliament.
Big News Network 2015-04-09... resistance from DAP over the Islamic party’s push for the implementation of hudud in Kelantan.
Big News Network 2015-04-09... Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia to hasten the tabling of his hudud Bills, which the Islamist party .
Big News Network 2015-04-09The Private Member’s Bill by PAS to make way for hudud in Kelantan is not likely to be tabled in ...
Big News Network 2015-04-09Thus we would like to make clear to the people the hudud [religious punishments] of God- Almighty ...
The Inquisitr 2015-04-08We are given a blinkered response: "The implementation of the hudud"—the limitations on conduct ...
The Daily Beast 2015-04-06... had vetoed a proposal allowing the use of a form of Islamic punishment, hudud, in Kelantan state.
noodls 2015-04-03Asked to comment on the release of two local media practitioners arrested over a report on hudud ...
noodls 2015-04-02! This is a classical example of a religion’s (Syaria/Hudud) failure to protect a little girls’s ...
The Inquisitr 2015-04-02PAS has submitted a bill in parliament to change the constitution to allow hudud to actually be implemented.
South China Morning Post 2015-04-01... in the video, which is titled: "Hudud Isi Periuk Nasi? [Kupas]" - or: "Hudud: ... I support Hudud."
The Independent 2015-04-01Under hudud law, the penalty for adulterers and apostates is death while thieves will have their hands amputated.
South China Morning Post 2015-04-01Hudud (Arabic, also transliterated hadud, hudood; singular hadd, حد, literal meaning "limit", or "restriction") is the word often used in Islamic literature for the bounds of acceptable behaviour and the punishments for serious crimes. In Islamic law or Sharia, hudud usually refers to the class of punishments that are fixed for certain crimes that are considered to be "claims of God." They include theft, fornication and adultery (zina), consumption of alcohol or other intoxicants (khamr), and apostasy (see apostasy in Islam).
Hudood is one of four categories of punishment in Islamic Penal Law:
Hudud offenses are defined as "claims of God," and therefore the sovereign was held to have a responsibility to punish them. All other offenses were defined as "claims of [His] servants," and responsibility for prosecution rested on the victim. This includes murder, which was treated as a private dispute between the murderer and the victim's heirs. The heirs are given the right to forgive the murderer, or demand compensation (see Diyya) or demand execution of the murderer (see Qisas).
everyone says that they're better
everyone says that they're strong
everyone tries to intimidate
they're probably right all along
but they're all fighting
putting us down
tattoos on motorcycles
don't want us in their town
so many times that i've been told
to change for the sake of blind hellos
one thing i learned in
all of these lies
all of these days
all of these cries
words come back
words come back
words come back to you
they come back to you
words come back
Hey Mister
Where are you going and
who do you know
in various forms of
You come upon us and go
Not withstanding prejudice
confused minds can't alter
what I believe
If you know me
better think about it
don't come near me
I don't even know you
Hey Mister
Where are you going
this nice sunny day
You know I heard a story
I was just wandering what
Oh, no, no
I was looking for love
And I couldn't find it because
You were staring me in my eyes
But I didn't realize
Just what you knew all the time
I was yours, and you were mine
And now I finally see the signs
I'm all yours, baby be mine1 - Wherever you go
I will follow
Whenever you cry
I'll dry your eyes
Wherever you go
I will follow
I will always be
Right by your side
It doesn't even matter
How long it takes
True love will stand the test of time
No matter how many mistakes we make
Cupid knew just who to shoot
When he pointed his arrow at me and you
I just want to let it be known
I l-o-v-e you, today, today, today, today
Repeat 1Hmm just put your heart in mine(L-o-v-e you)And baby take your time(L-o-v-e you)I wanna spend my life(L-o-v-e you)I want you for my wife
out of reachin the days of our lives
feeling gravity pull them apart
many words fail to say what we feel
as if we can't feel
through the darkness we come from a far
into the light but no strength to perceive
many worlds have we seen: we've not tasted one
still we gather, though no fruit has fallen
contradiction is all that we see
soon we find out
where we
(because) all these lives they
are come freely gone
and though I lie inside the suffering cryingand though I
old beyond the days sadness
my soul it will alone a standing mourning
for if I swallow my dismay timeless
and though my reasons they may faulter broken
time may kiss me with despair heaven
I know it will not be long always waiting
Not mine
To know what I would die for and find above the reasons
was never what I asked for was here my heart away
for sorrow
for beauty heart away from me
I�m crying for eternity
So when I leave the mountain and come to you in rain
you're falling so when I leave I take away the pain.
My heart is emptySo far away
No love tomorrow
I sleep today
The bed is broken
I can`t find my soul when
Day is over
I can`t deny the pain
Travelled all around
Just had to get away
All this mindless frustration
Takes apart my days
Now i`m walking ahead of me
Why, when I near your door, must I turn away, when I knew
you so well?Why, when you came to me, did I send you
Out of unfulfilled equations, turning to despairBut the
time you`ve spent ain`t really gone.
It`s time to pick up, feel around and you`re still here
no one can make you disappear.
And if you let go that
Concerning you with block and understand
It`s just a symptom of the fine burning in us all,
Maybe with acceptance breeds the name of untold mess
was this the only way to heal
we never were been told to see that we are here,
just took it as a given fact
now you may question that to find the strength you need
and see it`s really all you got
what we must also seek is that we cannot know
but know it`s somewhere where we are
release the power stag that keeps you in its bind
Though he's growing dailyThough his patience multiplies
The slightest thing still sets him off
And he throws it all away
For what good reason?
And I'm toiling in the undergrowth
Haunted by a friendly ghost
Wishing to be free of what I need
And yet despise the pain I feel more than I value what
I got
And it seems so lonesome
Yet I caught a glimpse of what could be
For in giving self up I am free
Free to face the ruins of despair
Free to make a tragedy repair at my calling
I am tired of this road of bitterness (Though I know my
I can't meet your needs (is prepared for three??)
You can't meet my needs
How long can I go on wanting more?
Living in the road leading to your door
And I don't want to be here for a glimpse and then and
then see none
If I value my mortality I've only just begun
To come free through this
strange and lovely destination come
(Not entirely sure of the ending, he could be saying
'CAN meet your needs/my needs' instead of 'can't,' and
he sings unintelligbly throughout the song. I
transcribed them painstakingly. Let mek now if
the thoughts that we embrace unfolding what we never
knewthe shaking through has just begun ain't over
though the day
is through. our time does test our love and never will
work be done if sleep could steal the madness it would
again in morning come. the thoughts that we escape
brought by our ignorance portray the insignificance of
the thoughts that we embrace and though we'll disappear
leave these fragments of our shattered youth it's only
and it holds no meaning util it gone. And I can't look
you know, from all the things that bring me down
what happens here in solitude is only distance from the
I can't look
away, you know, but still it will not bring me down as
riddles empty out the sanctity that�s hardly
hear our hearts cry for you
why can't we through futility our only hope convey more
the urgency
why can't we just by listening bring passage
to the beauty hidden in our son is understand or is
found no heart of all
why can't we just change the world
In the stories I've daydreamed which offer their
answersFor the crafty-eyed craftsman who's never
marched on
Entertaining the mugs, hard-pressed to receive them
Here I go, making rhymes, don't I know I can fall
All your dreams come tumbling down
You and I, could we be around
In the light which offers vigil
More than light you should come around
Are you captive of truth?
Are you captive of passion?
Climbing high, climb up high
Climb the walls which surround
Can you see past the confines of what you believed in?
Are you duty-bound master, are you duty-bound?
All your dreams come tumbling down
You and I, would we be around
Gather the light around you
All your fears would just bring you down
Ask me why, tell me why, you were left by the seaside
When you were just a time ago richer than kings
Now you're bitter for sure, but it's just on the
Was it worth all the shelter to bypass the rain?
All your dreams come tumbling down
You and I, would we be around?
You can, you must be brave now
Are you reeling or are you found?
Your pastures, they demand it
Were you not made to till the ground?
All your dreams now unveil you
Might you see they're better things found
Check breezes which carry you down to the city
Lest we go drifting by beneath the black sun
Watching monsters and mermaids drift by past our
Boat disguising the fact that we think we've not won or
All your dreams come tumbling down
You and I, would we be around?
You can, you must, be brave now
Are you reeling or are you found?
Your pastures, they demand it
Were you not made to till the ground?
All your dreams now unveil you
Might you see there are better things found
All your dreams now unveil you
Don`t fool yourself, manIt`s just a stupid game
To get you through today
It got you through yesterday
But what about tomorrow
You can`t see it falling
What will it take
To make you realize
Your pain has no end
Don't let them fool you
it`s just a fucking game
to put you through today
they put you through it yesterday
they`ll put you through tomorrow
It`s just your innocence
That suffers in the end
If you think you can
Stop the pain
Don`t fool yourself
It`s just world news
Hunted people died today
That you might live anotherday
Don`t fool yourself, man
it`s only world pain
if you think that you`re immune
you say that you can`t feel any pain
but it`s your pain too