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Indonesia Bagus - Keunikan Ternate, Maluku Utara Tonton kami di layar televisi anda: | Jakarta - 27 UHF | Garut - 26 UHF | Bandung - 30 UHF | Medan - 43 UHF ...
Sepenggal kisah di Tanah Maluku Utara...
Around of Ternate Island (Aerial), Indonesia
After our awesome equator crossing the crew lands on the island of Ternate! We meet the locals, go to a rap competition, clubbing, visit a sultan's volcano retreat, and have lot's of other adventures! Check the links below for more S\V Delos Action! This made possible by you! Support S/V Delos Videos! Music Used In This Video! Onetox - Ramaukanji 00:01 Silent Partner - Big Cars 01:21 YouTube Audio Library Joe Bagale - Do it 04:07 YouTube Audio Library Topher Mohr and Alex Elena - Say Yeah 07:05 YouTube Audio Library Gunnar Olsen - Tremsz 08:54 YouTube Audio Library Silent Partner - Bright Future 13:33 YouTube Audio Library Jingle Punks - Raga Scape 15:34 YouTube Audio Library Robin Grey - Every Waking Hour (Instrumental) 18:15 Silent Partner - Parasail 19:28 YouTube Audio Library Phoebe- Sensation Jam 21:23
After two incredible months in Raja Ampat the crew pulls up the hook and sets sail for Ternate Island in the Muluku Province. We see squalls, calms, and wind from every direction. With our motor broken the sail is slow but peaceful. We dodge some more squalls, catch a Mahi-Mahi and Barracuda, and get visited by a massive pod of dolphins that play in our bow wake for hours. This made possible by you! Support S/V Delos Videos! Check the links below for more S\V Delos Action! Music Used In This Video! Onetox- Ramukanji 0:00 Tekno Eddy- Depart 1:20 Black Ant- Piece 6:42 Csuha- Trenz 8:25 Kevin MacLeod- Carefree 11:16 Jason Farnham- Microchip 14:05 YouTube Audio Library Krackatoa- Diwali Charlie 15:21 Phoebe Leyten- Sensations Jam 17:38
Mantaaaaaappp.....Ternate, Maluku Utara.
Ternate City is a bustling, busy city of contrasts: old and new, traditional and contemporary, colorful and dreary, clean and dirty. We saw only a small port...
Ribuan masyarakat Kota Ternate, Maluku Utara memenuhi Bandara Ternate untuk menjemput jenazah Sultan Ternate Mudaffar Sjah yang meninggal di Rumah Sakit Pondok Indah Jakarta. Jenazah Sultan Ternate ditandu warga dari bandara hingga ke Keraton Kesultanan. Official Website: @BeritaSatuTV
Tonton kami di layar televisi anda: | Jakarta - 27 UHF | Garut - 26 UHF | Bandung - 30 UHF | Medan - 43 UHF | Surabaya - 58 UHF | Video Tutorial UHF NET: htt...
TERNATE - Di tengah kemeriahan menyambut tahun baru Imlek, kabar duka justru menyelimuti warga Maluku Utara (Malut). Sultan Ternate ke-48 Mudaffar Sjah meninggal dunia sekira pukul 01.50 WIB di Jakarta. Pantauan Okezone, Kamis (19/2/2015), ribuan pelayat memadati alun-alun dan pekarangan Kedaton Kesultanan Ternate di Kelurahan Sio-Sio, Kecamatan Ternate Utara, menunggu kedatangan jenazah Sultan. Mereka bukan hanya warga Kota Ternate, tapi juga datang dari berbagai daerah seperti Jailolo dan Pulau Hiri. Umumnya, mereka adalah warga yang masih memegang teguh adat Kesultanan Ternate. Di tengah para pelayat, tampak Wali Kota Ternate, Burhan Abdurachman dan Kapolda Malut, Brigjen Pol Sobri Effendi. Rencananya, jenazah Sultan Ternate akan diterbangkan siang ini dari Jakarta dan tiba di Ternate sekira pukul 15.00 WIT. Sultan ke-48 dalam sejarah Kesultanan Ternate itu wafat dalam usia ke-80. Mudaffar Sjah menghembuskan nafas terakhirnya di Rumah Sakit Pondok Indah, setelah sekian lama dirawat di rumah sakit tersebut. Mudaffar Sjah sendiri telah menjalani dua periode sebagai anggota DPD-RI. Saat pelantikan anggota dewan Oktober lalu, Mudaffar menjadi senator tertua. Sebelumnya, mendiang pernah menjabat sebagai anggota DPR-RI dari PDK pada periode 2004-2009 dan ketua DPRD Maluku Utara pada periode 1999-2004. Saya membuat video ini dengan Pembuat Rangkai Slide YouTube (
Ternate Island was a very important power center in Indonesia in the Spice Trading days, as far back as the 1500's. It still has an influential Sultanate tod...
Ternate – Jenazah Sultan Ternate, Mudaffar Sjah diberangkatkan dari Bandar Udara Soekarno Hatta pada pukul 13.15 WIB dan tiba di Bandar Udara Sultan Babullah sekitar Pukul 17.45 WIT menggunakan maskapai penerbangan Sriwijaya. Jenazah Sultan disambut ribuan warga yang memadati sepanjang jalan dari dan menuju Sultan Babullah. Saat turun dari pesawat, jenazas sang sultan langsung diangkat oleh satuan Brimob Polda Malut lalu diserahkan kepada pengawal kesultanan. Selanjutnya jenazah kemudian ditanduh menuju kedaton besar kesultanan Ternate. selain memadati bandara babullah, ribuan warga juga memadati akses jalan dari Kedaton hingga bandara Babullah sepanjang 5 kilometer. Dari pantauan, jenazah sang sultan telah tiba di kedaton besar kesultanan Ternate pada pukul 19.15 Wit. Namun belum diketahui pasti apakah jenazah akan di kebumikan petang ini, hal itu belum diketahui pasti. Pasalnya pihak keluarga atau pun pihak kedaton belum memberikan keterangan resmi kepada wartawan soal pemakaman itu I created this video with the YouTube Slideshow Creator (
EDITOR : SANDY LATIF ISMAIL CAMERA : SANDY LATIF ISMAIL twitter : @sandy_latif FB. sandy latif ismail.
------ Untuk News terbaru , visit... Website: Facebook: Twitter: @topikantv
Judul : Kota Ternate Penyanyi : Feybiola Kawatu Sepenggal Kisah di Tanah Ternate, Tugas dan panggilan hati telah membawa seorang anak Sunda merantau ke Tanah...
Kenangan Ir. Agus Purwanto saat mendarat di Bandara Sultan Babullah Ternate dari Makassar. Kunjungan Perdana ke Ternate setelah 14 tahun meninggalkan Ternate...
batu akik batu akik bertuah jenis batu akik jual batu akik batu akik termahal macam macam batu akik harga batu akik batu akik sulaiman batu akik kecubung cincin batu akik batu akik darah gambar batu akik batu akik combong batu akik kalimaya khasiat batu akik batu akik yaman batu akik bacan foto batu akik batu akik terbaik batu akik madu jenis2 batu akik batu akik pacitan macam2 batu akik batu akik merah batu akik pancawarna batu akik pirus batu akik jamrud batu akik anggur manfaat batu akik macam batu akik batu akik ruby koleksi batu akik batu akik unik batu akik lavender jenis jenis batu akik batu akik merah delima sejarah batu akik kasiat batu akik batu batu akik batu akik tapak jalak kegunaan batu akik batu akik labrador batu akik bergambar batu akik siem batu akik giok jenis batu akik dan khasiatnya berniaga batu akik daftar harga batu akik fungsi batu akik harga batu akik termahal batu akik permata batu akik mata kucing batu akik indonesia batu akik termahal di indonesia batu permata akik batu akik topas jenis batu akik termahal batu akik gambar batu akik murah batu akik kalimantan batu akik mulia batu cincin akik jenis batu akik sulaiman batu akik hitam batu akik panca warna harga batu akik sulaiman pengertian batu akik tokobagus batu akik kumpulan batu akik jual beli batu akik batu akik terbaru aneka jenis batu akik batu akik dijual macam macam batu akik sulaiman jual batu akik murah batu akik harga berburu batu akik jual batu akik asli batu akik hijau batu akik motif aneka batu akik harga harga batu akik batu akik termurah batu akik dan harganya batu akik badar besi harga2 batu akik macam2 batu akik dan harganya harga jenis batu akik jenis jenis batu akik sulaiman batu akik termahal di dunia harga batu akik madu jenis jenis batu akik termahal jenis batu batu akik macam macam jenis batu akik berbagai macam batu akik batu batu akik termahal batu akik blue safir cincin batu akik murah jenis batu akik dan harga batu akik cempaka nama jenis batu akik mustika batu akik tentang batu akik cara mengisi batu akik batu akik sulaiman madu macam jenis batu akik batu akik dan harga batu akik harga batu akik kecubung batu akik batu mulia jenis batu akik kecubung macam macam batu akik kecubung jenis dan harga batu akik batu akik dan permata batu akik koleksi batu akik kecubung wulung jenis batu akik termahal di indonesia batu akik pandan distributor batu akik kolektor batu akik jenis batu akik di indonesia batu akik topaz batu cincin batu akik biduri bulan harga batu akik sulaiman madu nama nama batu akik jenis batu akik cempaka batu akik sungai dareh batu akik garut harga cincin batu akik harga batu akik terbaru harga batu akik pacitan kumpulan batu akik termahal model cincin batu akik batu akik di indonesia batu akik teratai macam batu akik termahal berbagai jenis batu akik batu cincin termahal batu akik paling mahal di dunia batu akik lumut macam macam batu cincin batu akik bulu macan harga batu cincin batu akik puser bumi harga batu akik termahal di indonesia batu akik badar lumut jenis jenis batu cincin koleksi batu cincin batu mulia termahal khasiat batu akik sulaiman batu akik safir batu akik ati ayam batu akik merah siam batu akik mata dewa batu akik aceh harga batu akik cempaka jenis batu akik indonesia jual batu cincin
qasidah dari maluku utara berjudul jasad ibu
Batu Obi Asal Ternate Kalahkan Harga Batu Bacan Batu Obi Asal Ternate Kalahkan Harga Batu Bacan Batu Obi Asal Ternate Kalahkan Harga Batu Bacan Dikalangan penggemar batu selain batu Bacan kini batu Obi mulai banyak diminati. Batu yang berasal dari Ternate, Maluku Utara ini mencapai harga kisaran ratusan ribu hingga ratusan juta rupiah. Yt:Strecth=16:9, Yt:Crop=16:9, Yt:Quality=High, jokowi, berita, berita terbaru, jokowi terbaru, Berita terbaru, Joko Widodo (Politician), Pemprov DKI, Berita Terbaru Hari Ini, Dua Dunia Live, Stand Up Comedy 2014, Berita Terbaru, Berita Ahok, Berita Hari Ini, Berita Jokowi 2014, Berita Jokowi, Masih Dunia Lain 2014, On The Spot Trans 7, Mata Najwa 2014, Liputan 6, On The Spot 2014, Jokowi 2014, Ahok 2014, Jokowi, Berita Terkini, Hitam Putih 2014, Trans Tvbreaking, streaming, video artis, selebriti, aktor, gosip, akting, berita terbaru hari ini, berita pagi, berita terkini, jokowi 2014, hitam putih, mata najwa, jokowi nyapres, kick andy, liputan6, beritasatu, berita Indonesia, debat tv one, berita ahok, metro tv, Joko Widodo, berita tv one, berita hari ini, berita jokowi, jokowi capres 2014, jokowi apec, pemprov DKI, jokowi ahok, jokowi jk, TV One, Hitam Putih, Mata Najwa, Kick Andy, Liputan6, Beritasatu, Berita Indonesia, Metro Tv, Berita Tv One, Berita terbaru hari ini, batu akik, batu bacan, batu rubi, batu kalimaya, batu bluesafir, batu Cincinnati, batu murah Delima, batu panca warna, Berita Hot Selebriti, Indo Cover Music, Cover Music Hit, Wisata Lokasi, Berita Hot, Berita Online,Nsh News Tv,
Driving to Costa de Hamilo passing Mount Palay Palay from Ternate to Nasugbu Batangas. The view of the cove and sea was beautiful! And we will be seeing the Kaybiang Tunnel, currently as of this documentation's longest tunnel in the Philippines... was it not Edsa which is longer? Enjoy watching! 6:29 - Kaybiang Tunnel 7:57 - cove view 12:30 - Costa de Hamilo / Pico De Loro Road Condition - Good paved roads Drive thrill - Relaxing trail, enjoy the views Security - Safe at morning I don't know about evening Rating: 5/5 :-| Its uncomfortable driving when some senior citizen beside you is doing some homily ....
This film is dedicated to ALFRED RUSSEL WALLACE (Born: January 8,1823).
presentation for our thesis in tourism 211h.
Nasugbu, Batangas January 23, 2009 President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo led the groundbreaking ceremony of the Ternate-Nasugbu Road Project in Nasugbu, Batangas...
Ternate Island located on the western side of the much larger Halmahera Island in the eastern part of Indonesia, was a very important power center in the Spi...
Largely unknown to western tourists and as you can see quite quiet at the time of our visit.
Located in eastern Indonesia's North Maluku province, nestled on the west side of the large island of Halmehara is Ternate Island. Ternate is a small island,...
Colorful Underwater of Ternate, Tidore, and Jailolo. Located at North Maluku Province, Indonesia. Music by Flight Facilities - Crave You Taken with Olympus T...
Jailolo, on the western side of Halmehera Island, Indonesia, is a very clean and pleasant rural area that's only 17 sea miles from the bustling, gateway city...
KEEP CALM and VISIT INDONESIA Indonesia Wonderful ... know it, love it Most Popular And Best Islam Tourist Attraction In Indonesia In general, the tourist attractions in Indonesia under the influence of Islam is divided into three, namely, mosques, palaces, and gravestones and tombs. Three types of tourist attraction that drew the interest of tourists, both Islamic religious tourism and educational tourism. Here is a list of sites of Islam in Indonesia. List of Places of Historic Mosque in Indonesia The mosque is a place of worship for Muslims. Ancient mosques that come from the development of Islam in Indonesia attract tourists from home and abroad. The mosque, among others: 1.Demak Mosque in Demak, Central Java 2.Menara Kudus Mosque in Kudus, Central Java 3.Great Mosque of Banten, Banten 4.Great Mosque Kasepuhan Cirebon, West Java 5.Great Mosque of Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta 6.Great Mosque of Surakarta, Central Java 7.Spring Dhuwur Mosque in Tuban, East Java 8.Sunan Ampel Mosque, Surabaya, East Java 9.Baiturrahman Mosque Aceh, NAD 10.Muara Angke Mosque in Jakarta 11.Katangkaa Mosque, Makassar, South Sulawesi 12.Cheng Ho Mosque, Surabaya East Java List of Places of Islam in Indonesia Keraton The palace is home to the king or sultan and his family. Remains of the palace in the form of tourist attractions spread almost all over Indonesia. Some of the famous tourist attraction of the palace are as follows: 1.Sultanate of Aceh 2.Sultanate of Delhi 3.Maimonides palace in Medan 4.Kasepuhan Palace Cirebon 5.Kanoman Cirebon 6.Keraton Yogyakarta Sultanate 7.Pakualaman Palace of Yogyakarta 8.Keraton Surakarta 9.Keraton Mangkunegaran 10.Palace of the King of Gowa, Makassar 11.Royal Palace of Ternate, North Maluku List of Nisan and Tomb Places to Visit in Indonesia Holidays do not have to go to public places. There are also tourists who prefer to visit the grave and headstone historic figures. Nisan is wood or stone buildings are planted on the grave and a sign of a tomb. Nisan usually equipped with a tomb (gravestones) and cupola. Here is a list of tourist attractions in Indonesia, which has a historical value in the form of a headstone, among others: 1.Headstone Fatimah Bint Maemun in Learn, Gresik 2.Headstone of Sultan Malik Al Saleh in Samudra Pasai 3.Headstone Maulana Malik Ibrahim in Gresik 4.Gravestone in Moloyo and Trowulan 5.Headstone in Munje Tujoh in Banda Aceh Besides tombstones, historical sights are also in the form of the tomb. Tomb is the burial place of people who have died. Ancient tombs during the development of Islam are usually located on a hill and is equipped with a cupola. Here are some sites that have the appeal of an ancient tomb: 1.Tomb and gate Sendhang Dhuwur in Tuban 2.Sunan Bayat in Klaten 3.Tomb of Princess Suwari in Gresik 4.Tomb of Malik Al Saleh in Samudra Pasai 5.Tomb of Sheikh Maulana Malik Ibrahim in Gresik 6.Sunan Giri in Gresik 7.Sunan Ampel Surabaya 8.Holy Sunan Kudus 9.Sunan Muria in Jepara 10.Sunan Kalijaga in Demak 11.Sunan Bonang in Tuban 12.Sunan Drajat in Lamongan 13.Tomb of Sunan Gunung Jati in Cirebon For more information...!!! - Visit Indonesia Tourism at Sharing is caring...
Magnetic Highway - Ternate, Cavite MIT Physics4 Docu Part 5.
On the westernmost tip of the Island of Flores, the town of Labuan Bajo, or also spelled Labuhan Bajo sits peacefully: a small fishing site with surprisingly...
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Gunung Gamalama Meletus Gunung Gamalama Meletus Gunung Gamalama Meletus Gunung Gamalama di Kota Ternate, Maluku Utara (Malut), pada Kamis malam, pukul 21.41 WIT meletus dengan menyemburkan abu vulkanik setinggi 200 meter dari puncak itu. Kepala Pos Pengamatan Gunung Api Gamalama, Darno Lamane ketika dihubungi, Kamis malam mengatakan, setelah letusan pertama pukul 21.41 wit tersebut diikuti lagi dengan letusan kedua pukul 22.45 WIT dengan ketinggian semburan abu vulkanik 200 meter. Abu vulkanik yang disemburkan gunung api setinggi 1.700 meter lebih dari permukaan laut itu menyebar ke sejumlah wilayah di Kota Ternate, seperti di Kecamatan Pulau Ternate, Ternate Selatan, Ternate Tengah dan Ternate Utara. Darno mengatakan, meski gunung gamalama sudah dua kali menyemburkan abu vulkanik, statusnya masih tetap waspada level II dan masih dikaji untuk melihat perkembangan aktivitas vulkanik di gunung itu. Masyarakat di Kota Ternate diimbau untuk tetap waspada, namun tidak perlu khawatir dan tidak pula terpengaruh dengan berbagai informasi yang tidak benar terkait dengan adanya letusan di gunung gamalama. "Masyarakat sebaiknya hanya mendengarkan informasi terkait meletusnya gunung gamalama dari pemerintah setempat, karena kami akan terus menginformasikan perkembangan aktivitas vulkanik gunung gamalam kepada pemerintah setempat," katanya. gunung krakatau,krakatau,gunung krakatau meletus,letusan gunung krakatau,Letusan Gunung Krakatau 2010,Gunung Krakatau Meletus 2010,letusan gunung krakatau 1883,letusan gunung krakatau terdahsyat,video letusan gunung krakatau,kejadian aneh 2014,kejadian aneh tapi nyata,kejadian aneh menyeramkan,kejadian aneh kuasa allah,kejadian aneh alam semesta,video aneh terbaru,video aneh tapi nyata,video aneh di dunia,video aneh tapi nyata terbaru,video gunung meletus terdahsyat di dunia,gunung meletus di bawah laut,gunung meletus terbesar di dunia,video aneh,video aneh aneh,video gunung meletus di bawah laut terdahsyat di dunia,gunung meletus,video gunung meletus,Kelud (Mountain),Kediri Regency (Indonesian Regency),gunung,meletus,gunung meletus terdahsyat di dunia,gunung krakatau 1883 meletus,gunung semeru,gunung padang,gunung kelud,gunung rinjani,gunung bromo,gunung merapi,gunung slamet,lava pijar,lahar dingin,Krakatoa (Mountain),Java (Geographical Feature),gunung meletus terdahsyat di indonesia,gunung meletus sinabung,gunung meletus merapi,video gunung meletus sinabung,gunung meletus krakatau,gunung meletus jogja,gunung meletus galunggung,video gunung meletus di indonesia,Gunung,Meletus,Krakatau,Tahun,1814,mufti jaya,motivator siswa,geografi,fenomena aneh,kejadian aneh,Video Letusan Gunung Kelud,Abu Gunung Kelud,Gunung Kelud Hari Ini,video gunung Kelud,Video Meletusnya Gunung Kelud,Hujan Abu Gunung Kelud,Abu Vulkanik,Abu Vulkanik Gunung Kelud,Mount Merapi (Mountain),merapi,fire,mount,video,amatir,daniel,moyano,gambar,pictures,photo,letusan gunung merapi,Gunung Merapi,Yogyakarta,Indonesia,gunung berapi,gunung paling berbahaya,gunung paling berbahaya di dunia,10 Gunung Paling Berbahaya Di Dunia,letusan gunung paling dahsyat,gunung paling berbahaya di indonesia,gunung paling angker,penampakan,aneh,On The Spot,On The Spot Trans 7 Terbaru,On The Spot Trans 7,On The Spot 2014,7 Lagu Misterius,On The Spot 7,On The Spot Trans7 2014,Segitiga Bermuda Dajjal,Khazanah Islam Trans7,7 Manusia Harimau,7 Kutukan,Tujuh Keajaiban Dunia,Kejadian Aneh Indonesia,Manusia Aneh,Manusia Barbie,Kejutan Yang Gagal,Video Hantu Nyata,Selebrasi Gol Terlucu,Video Lucu,K\u012blauea (Mountain),Mountain (Geographical Feature Category),Tourist Destination,volcano,kilaue eruption,kilaue volcano,30 tahun meletus,meletus non stop,Hawaii,Gunung Kilauea,Mengerikan! Gunung Kilauea 30 Tahun Meletus Tanpa Henti,Maui,Hawaii (Geographical Feature),Tourism (Interest),Hawaiian,Pacific,video asli gunung kelud meletus,video amatir gunung kelud meletus,video asli letusan gunung kelud,video amatir letusan gunung kelud,gunung kelud erupsi,gunung kelud meletus,erupsi gunung kelud,video gunung kelud erupsi,video gunung leud meletus,berita gunung kelud meletus,gunung kelud meletus 2014,meletusnya gunung kelud,letusan gunung kelud,erupsi,erupsi kelud,hot topics,TopicsUpdate,,suara letusan gunung,orasdfcasea,on the spot,video lucu,lucu,stand up comedy,unik,kecelakaan lucu,kejadian lucu,onthespot trans 7,onthespot 7,onthespot,funny,onthespot sekarang,onthespot trans7,on the spot sekarang,onthespot terbaru,on the spot terbaru,onthespot trans7 terbaru,on the spot trans7 terbaru,lucu abis,sejarah gunung kelud,video gunung kelud meletus tahun 2014,foto letusan gunung kelud,gambar gunung kelud meletus 2014,gunung kelud
北マルク州テルナテ島のポルトガル要塞 Benteng Tolukko, Ternate, Maluku Utara 16世紀初初頭の大航海時代。マルク諸島にやってきたポルトガルはテルナテ島に要塞を建設した。今に残るトルッコ要塞(Benteng Tolukko)。同要塞は、トロコ(Tolloco)、トロコ(Tolo...
The 303-meter underground tunnel that passes through the Puerto Azul resort in Nasugbu, Batangas and connects to Ternate, Cavite now goes all the way through...
From what we've seen in our 4 months here, the Indonesians love festivals, and the chance to fly banners, play loud music, make speeches, and eat plenty of s...
Lake Tolire is infested with crocodiles and therefore not accessible to humans. Gamalama volcano has erupted 5 times the last 35 years , the most recent bein... Discover all that Ternate has to offer with Boulevard Hotel Ternate as a base. All hotel's g...
Paduan suara bidang pelayanan GMIH Ternate menyanyikan lagu rohani diiringi oleh musik tradisional Yanger pada acara HUT GMIH Maluku Utara Tahun 2012 di Tobelo. Video diambil dan diedit oleh Veri Kamal. Info lebih lanjut klik
Video Kota Ternate dari Udara by Wahyu Bappeda Kota Ternate.
Acara ronggen yanger Tobelo.
Keindahan danao tolire
Ikat weaving (tenun ikat) in Ternate Village, NTT, eastern Indonesia, on July 31, 2014
Walau kau jauh tapi kau tetap di hatiku .eyang gajah mada.
This is Part 4 of the Search for the Homeland Hawaiki series. It will explain various words in the language / dialects from the Moluccan and Sulawesi islands...
The Sangihe Islands (also spelled "Sangir", "Sanghir" or "Sangi") – Indonesian: Kepulauan Sangihe – are a group of islands which constitute two regencies within the province of North Sulawesi, in northern Indonesia, the Sangihe Islands Regency (Kabupaten Kepulauan Sangihe) and the Sitaro Islands Regency (Kabupaten Siau Tagulandang Biaro). They are located northeast of Sulawesi between the Celebes Sea and the Molucca Sea, roughly halfway between Sulawesi and Mindanao, in the Philippines; the Sangihes form the eastern limit of the Celebes Sea.[1] The islands combine to total 813 sq kilometers, with many of the islands being actively volcanic with fertile soil and mountains. The main islands of the group are, north to south, Sangir Besar (or Sangir Island), Siau (or Siao), Tahulandang, and Biaro. The largest island is Sangir Besar and contains an active volcano, Mount Awu (1320 metres). Tahuna is the chief town and port, also hosting the islands' sole airport, Naha Airport. The area came under Dutch control in 1677, and became part of Indonesia when it declared independence from the Netherlands in 1945. The Sangir language is spoken in the islands; this Austronesian language is also spoken in some islands in the Philippines, and on the extreme northern tip of Sulawesi.[2] The Sangihe tectonic plate is named after the island arc and is very active. The population for these island groups was 189,676 at the 2010 Census, comprising 126,133 in the Sangihe Islands Regency and 63,543 in the Sitaro Islands Regency. In 2007, Sitaro (Siau island, Tagulandang island and Biaro island) became a new regency by dispart with Sangihe island. In 2014, a first media, in form of newspaper is brought from several young people that have a clean integrity to build Sangihe Region. [3] (source :
This a Bambu Gila performance, was taken in September 17th 2010, located in Morella village, the up-northern part of Ambon Island. It is traditionally presen...
Journey into the fabled Maluku islands in pre colonial Indonesia. Sail through the emerald sea, towards these pristine isles, before disembarking, and taking a stroll through the spice islands. Enjoy.... Useful Source:
Indonesian Culture Exhibition 2014 5 & 8 March 2014 @National Taiwan University of Science and Technology No. 43號, Section 4, Jīlóng Rd, Daan District, Taipei City, Taiwan 106 Don't Miss It..!!!! Like our facebook fan page : Photo credit : Hadziq Fabroyir & Ibnu Febry Kurniawan Music : On the Bach
Download Mp3 Mix Culture - Bidadari (Free) : Link : Blogspot : Page Facebook : http://facebook...
RINDU TOBELO - Sysilia. P. Ridua Pop Daerah Tobelo 2013 Studio Record : JM Record Kesyl LS Production
ternate cavite, beach, swimming, fun, eat, foods.
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Greetings! We celebrated our Town Fiesta this past Saturday, January 12, 2013 at Alondra Park in Lawndale, California. The event was attended by hundreds of ...
None of them are academics, yet the ancient tongue is alive and kicking. GMA News Online: Facebook: Twitter:
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Greetings! We celebrated our Town Fiesta this past Saturday, January 12, 2013 at Alondra Park in Lawndale, California. The event was attended by hundreds of Ternateño families and friends. To name a few, families representing Abaleses, Caraigs, Catamisans, Ceburons, Cercados, Dinglases, Dioneses, Federicos, Hernandezes, Huertos, Ramoses, Velascos, and Uranis showed up in full force and enjoyed the festivity (in true Ternate style). Kudos to those who joined us from Hayward, San Diego, Temecula, and Italy. After the Novena and Mass, hundreds of Ternateños danced, honored, and praised our Santo Niño during the Karakol -- this was a blast! Book Drive was also a great success. Many thanks to those who brought their used books as part of the book drive. We now have a "balikbayan" box full of used books for donations to the Philippines. I would also like to say special thank you to Jhun Catalasan, Divina Catalasan and Sir Aguilar (Santo Niño preparation and flowers), Benjie Diones, Flordeliza Lozano, and Jun De Vera (Kitchen and Food Duty), DJ Mejie Peliña (Pro Bono), and Alita Huerto (Photographer). Special thank you also goes to Elenor Diones and Lourdes Diones for donating the "Ternate Got Talent" prizes. Our young generation entertained us with their singing and dancing performances. Congratulations to our top talent, Camille Velasco, who won by singing "Rumor Has It." Again, thank you for making this a fantastic event. Viva Santo Niño! Sincerely, Edwin H. Monteagudo President
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Greetings! We celebrated our Town Fiesta this past Saturday, January 12, 2013 at Alondra Park in Lawndale, California. The event was attended by hundreds of ...
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Greetings! We celebrated our Town Fiesta this past Saturday, January 12, 2013 at Alondra Park in Lawndale, California. The event was attended by hundreds of ...
Chavacano or Chabacano [tʃaβaˈkano] is a Spanish-based creole language spoken in the Philippines. The word Chabacano is derived from Spanish, meaning "poor t...
Howie Severino seeks out the language that some say is in danger of dying out. GMA News Online: Facebook: Twitter:
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Video ini memiliki hak cipta Copyright : silahkan Lihat pada ID Videonya Lihat video lainya disini: eiiiiit ...
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Rahmi yang tengah berada di Ternate, melakukan penelitian bersama mahasiswa dari Universitas Khairun di sekitar Hutan Bakau. Disini Rahmi juga ikut mencari K...
The search is ongoing for the missing fishermen in Ternate, Cavite. If you are in the Philippines, watch the full episode on IWanTV!
Ratusan calon penumpang Batik Air Tujuan Teranate di Bandara Soekarno Hatta mengamuk pada kru maskapai karena merasa ditipu. Batik Air menyediakan penerbangan jurusan Jakarta-Ternate disaat maskapai lain menghentikan sementara tujuan tersebut. Namun setelah membeli tiket, pesawat tak kunjung diterbangkan.
In April 2012 the Australian Ambassador to Indonesia, Mr. Greg Moriarty, visited Ternate. Kang Guru Indonesia was there in Ternate as well and the Ambassador...
On October 10th, 2011, U.S. Marines with a Combat Engineer Detachment and Filipino Marines and Sailors participate in an Engineering Civil Assistance Project...
Posibleng masampahan ng patung-patong na kaso ang mayor ng Ternate, Cavite na si Lambert Bambao, kabilang ang pang-aabuso umano sa mga bata. Ito'y matapos lu...
Alor is a place of incredible surprises! We offer you no guaranties, but Mola Mola (Sunfish), Thresher shark, Hammerhead shark, whale, Marlin have been spott...
Amphibius Landing Exercise 2014- Helocast Training at Marine Base, Gregorio Lim, Ternate Cavite. Philippines.
Marines and Sailors volunteer to spend the day at a local Philippine Elementary School to hand out free school supplies for the children during exercise Bali...
mutiara logo in disco light and students performances.
Indonesia and China rattled by quakes. On Sunday, July 4, the Hechi City Public Security Bureau in China reported that 1586 small temblors had occurred in l...
A powerful 7.6 magnitude earthquake struck Padang on Indonesia's Sumatra Island on September 30, 2009, claiming more than 1000 lives and damaging approximat...
Officials with Fayetteville schools are keeping close watch of the weather over the next few days to determine whether to cancel class.
Magnitude 6.4 Date-Time Sunday, August 26, 2012 at 15:05:35 UTC Sunday, August 26, 2012 at 11:05:35 PM at epicenter Location 2.231°N, 126.865°E Depth 69.7 km...
Atlanta is the latest US city to be involved in a school test cheating scandal. This time, however, it is not the students who are being accused, it is their...
This is going the opposite direction from Lipa City to Mataasnakahoy. We are driving past the Robinsons shopping mall and a couple of schools.
A Philippine coast guard is seen laughing while trying to fire a rifle at a fleeing Taiwanese fishing boat, in a video of the incident that left one man dead... Amaia Scapes Cavite Start your new life now! - At the heart of the master-planned Amaia Scapes community located in...
Purificacion "Nyora Puring" Nicolas Ballesteros was born on May 18, 1927 to parents Praxedes Arias and Ernesto Nicolas. Her primary and elementary education ...
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A new school year has begun! A one-day mini-camp to prepare for the coming school year
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Find the best deal for Hotel Residence Montelago Ternate : A natural setting and a breathtaking view for the guests of the Montelago Hotel & Residence. Situated in an enchanting position directly on the shores of Lake Comabbio, Montelago Hotel & Residence is just few kilometres from Varese. The beauty of the landscape and the charming lake view, offer unique and pleasant emotions, memories to keep in time Paradise for sportsmen, for those who wish to enjoy peace and tranquility, ideal for spending relaxing moments during a business trip or holiday. Find the best deal for Hotel Residence Montelago Ternate :
►Info & Cheap Booking! : ►Best Hotels in Ternate : Set directly on Lake Comabbio the Montelago is ideal for hikes to Lake Maggiore Lake Lugano and Lake Varese. This eco-friendly hotel features energy saving systems and rooms with free Wi-Fi.All rooms at Hotel Montelago are elegantly furnished and modern with parquet floors. Each comes with air conditioning a flat-screen TV with satellite channels and an en suite bathroom. Some have a balcony and some offer views of Lake Comabbio.Breakfast is served in the dining room and is buffet style. It includes a variety of sweet and savoury products.Ternate Train Station is a 5-minute walk from the hotel which is adjacent to a park with playground and to the cycling and walking path to the lakes. Milan Malpensa Airport is a 20-minute drive away.The hotel is also near Ternates business district and close to companies such as Agusta Westland Whirlpool and JRC Euratom. ►User Reviews :
Prices and Info: Property Location Located in Ternate (Lake Varese), Hotel Montelago is convenient to Lake Comabbio and Lake Monate. This 4-star hotel is within the vicinity of Historic Ice Houses and Varese Golf Club.Rooms Make yourself at home in one of the 35 individually decorated guestrooms, featuring minibars and flat-screen televisions. Complimentary wireless Internet access keeps you connected, and digital programming is available for your entertainment. Private bathrooms with bathtubs or showers feature rainfall showerheads and complimentary toiletries. Conveniences include phones, as well as safes and desks.Rec, Spa, Premium Amenities Enjoy recreation amenities such as bicycles to rent or take in the view from a garden. This hotel also features complimentary wireless Internet access, a television in the lobby, and tour/ticket assistance.Dining Grab a bite from a snack bar/deli, or stay in and take advantage of the hotel's 24-hour room service. Quench your thirst with your favorite drink at a bar/lounge.Business, Other Amenities Featured amenities include express check-in, express check-out, and dry cleaning/laundry services. Free self parking is available onsite. Details: Check-in: 2:00 PM Check-out: 10:00 AM
Ternate in Blues 10 luglio 1994 Ternate (Varese) Afternoon rehearsals Noel Redding with More Experience "Hey Joe"
Views of this interesting colonial structure on picturesque Ternate island, North Moluccas, Indonesia.
Ternate in Blues 10 luglio 1994 Ternate (Varese) Afternoon rehearsals Noel Redding with More Experience "Red House"
Ratusan calon penumpang Batik Air Tujuan Teranate di Bandara Soekarno Hatta mengamuk pada kru maskapai karena merasa ditipu. Batik Air menyediakan penerbangan jurusan Jakarta-Ternate disaat maskapai lain menghentikan sementara tujuan tersebut. Namun setelah membeli tiket, pesawat tak kunjung diterbangkan.
Located in Ternate (Lake Varese), Hotel Montelago is convenient to Lake Comabbio and Lake Monate. This 4-star hotel is within the vicinity of Historic Ice Houses and Varese Golf Club. Rooms Make yourself at home in one of the 35 individually decorated guestrooms, featuring minibars and flat-screen televisions. Complimentary wireless Internet access keeps you connected, and digital programming is available for your entertainment. Private bathrooms with bathtubs or showers feature rainfall showerheads and complimentary toiletries. Conveniences include phones, as well as safes and desks. Rec, Spa, Premium Amenities Enjoy recreation amenities such as bicycles to rent or take in the view from a garden. This hotel also features complimentary wireless Internet access, a television in the lobby, and tour/ticket assistance. Dining Grab a bite from a snack bar/deli, or stay in and take advantage of the hotel's 24-hour room service. Quench your thirst with your favorite drink at a bar/lounge.Business, Other Amenities Featured amenities include express check-in, express check-out, and dry cleaning/laundry services. Free self parking is available onsite. . Details: Check-in: 2:00 PM Check-out: 10:00 AM 309813
With a stay at Residence Montelago in Ternate (Lake Varese), you'll be convenient to Lake Comabbio and Lake Monate. This residence is within the vicinity of Historic Ice Houses and Varese Golf Club. Rooms Make yourself at home in one of the 27 air-conditioned rooms featuring minibars. Complimentary wireless Internet access keeps you connected, and digital programming is available for your entertainment. Private bathrooms with showers feature complimentary toiletries and hair dryers. Conveniences include phones, as well as safes and desks. Rec, Spa, Premium Amenities Enjoy recreation amenities such as bicycles to rent or take in the view from a garden. Additional features include complimentary wireless Internet access, a television in the lobby, and tour/ticket assistance. Dining Grab a bite from a snack bar/deli serving guests of Residence Montelago. Quench your thirst with your favorite drink at a bar/lounge.Business, Other Amenities Featured amenities include a 24-hour front desk, multilingual staff, and coffee/tea in the lobby. . Details: Check-in: 2:00 PM Check-out: 10:00 AM 403227
A short movie produced by BELAJARDIVING.COM about scuba diving in Halmahera Island Indonesia. Still near the famous Raja Ampat in papua, this halmahera could...
SMS / TELPON 085648344782, 081237832140, 081938043018 CEK TOKO di WWW.TOKOARAPRINT.COM By : Maya Arnelita HATI-HATI MEMBELI PRINTER KAOS DTG LOKAL, Agar Anda tidak tertipu membeli Printer Kaos DTG Rakitan Lokal, Berikut Tips Aman yang bisa Anda jadikan Acuan : 1. Pilih Toko yang Tepat yang Memberikan Garansi Service Penuh 2. Tanyakan Kualitas Tinta Putih Printer DTG Tersebut 3. Mintalah Pada Toko Untuk Melakukan Demo Printer DTG Tersebut Dengan Hasil Terbaik 4. Tanyakan Juga Setting Software Untuk Menghasilkan Tinta Putih Dengan Kualitas yang Pekat Meskipun Sekali Printing 5. Jangan Terpancing Harga Murah Tapi Kulitas Printer DTG Murahan 6. Minta Jaminan Garansi Kalau Terjadi Trouble dengan Printer DTG Tersebut 7. Kalau Perlu Suruh Toko Penjual Printer DTG Mencuci Hasil Print Kaos DTG Setelah Melakukan Demo Printing 8. Kualitas Tinta Putih DTG Yang Bagus Dengan Hasil Pekat Hanya Sekali Print, Kalau Berkali-kali Print Hasil Kurang Memuaskan Berarti Kwalitas Tinta Perlu Dipertanyakan. Demikian TIPS Cara Membeli Printer DTG Lokal DARI TOKO ARAPRINT. DAFTAR HARGA PRINTER KAOS DTG : Printer Kaos DTG A4 (Kaos Warna Terang, Auto Reset ) Epson T13 = Rp. 5.900.000 Printer Kaos DTG A4 (Kaos Warna Gelap, Auto Reset) Epson R230 = Rp. 10.500.000 Printer Kaos DTG A3 (Kaos Terang+Gelap+Compressor) Epson 1390 = Rp. 15.900.000 Spesifikasi Printer DTG A3 : - Ukuran Max : 32 x 45cm atau setara A3 - Warna Tinta : CMWWYK (1 Set) - Ink : DTG Textile Ink - Bisa nge print di kaos gelap/terang - Menggunakan Tinta putih duppont USA - Garansi servis 1 tahun - Software DTG - Software Resetter - Treetment 1 liter (untuk coating di warna kaos gelap) - Head cleaner (buat membersihkan head printer) - Free training ATAU Lebih Jelasnya LIHAT DI TOKO KAMI : WWW.TOKOARAPRINT.COM With its central location, Archie Hotel is within easy reach of most tourist attractions and business addresses in Ternate. All hotel's guestrooms have all the conveniences expected in a hotel in its class to suit guests' utmost comforts. Each of the hotel's guestrooms offers desk, television, shower. Guests can experience the high standards of comfort while staying at this luxury Ternate hotel with everything they need right on the site such as meeting facilities, restaurant. Modern comfort and convenience are seamlessly combined to ensure the guests' satisfaction. For your reservation at the Archie Hotel Ternate, please select your dates of stay and fill in our secure online booking form.
Ternate in Blues Ternate (Varese) ITALY Noel Redding original bass player of THE JIMI HENDRIX EXPERIENCE with More Experience (from Switzerland) The More Exp...
For the FTX events, the Philippine Army (PA), Philippine Air Force (PAF), Philippine Navy (PN), ...
noodls 2015-04-10The vision for Gujarat In ternational Finance Tec-City was laid out by Prime Minister Narendra Modi ...
The Times of India 2015-04-08(Source: ... April 07, 2015. Volume 87 No ... . . ... 877 (MN) ... New Bond Offering (General Obligation Al- ternative Facilities, 2015-A) .
noodls 2015-04-07While the Field Training Exercises (FTX) events will have the following involved unit; the ...
noodls 2015-04-06Geological Survey (USGS) said ... The quake, only 10 kms deep, was 128 kms north-west of Ternate in the Moluccas. Reuters.
Canberra Times 2015-03-30The quake, only 10 kms deep, was 128 kms north-west of Ternate in the Moluccas. Reuters, Bloomberg.
Canberra Times 2015-03-30A number of 6.8 ... The quake, only 10 kilometres deep, was 128 kilometress north-west of Ternate in the Moluccas.
Canberra Times 2015-03-30SYDNEY: ... The quake, only 10km (six miles) deep, was 128km (80 miles) northwest of Ternate in the Moluccas.
The Times of India 2015-03-29REUTERS: ... S ... The quake, only 10 kms (six miles) deep, was 128 kms (80 miles) northwest of Ternate in the Moluccas.
The Himalayan 2015-03-29S ... The quake, only 10 kms (six miles) deep, was 128 kms (80 miles) northwest of Ternate in the Moluccas ... Slideshow ... Reuters.
Reuters 2015-03-29The shipyard theme area presents the company itself, which meanwhile operates in-ternationally, and ...
noodls 2015-03-27The 27 year-old from Ternat (Belgium) was returning to the Wirral for the first time since winning ...
noodls 2015-03-24(Source: Mergent Inc ) MERGENT® MUNICIPAL & GOVERNMENT WEEKLY INDEX ... March 27, 2015 ... 2015-A) . ... ternative Facilities, 2015-A) .
noodls 2015-03-24Ternate is an island in the Maluku Islands (Moluccas) of eastern Indonesia. It was the center of the powerful former Sultanate of Ternate. It is located off the west coast of the larger island of Halmahera.
Like its neighbouring island, Tidore, Ternate is a visually dramatic cone-shaped island. The islands are ancient Islamic sultanates with a long history of bitter rivalry. The islands were once the world's single major producer of cloves, a commodity that allowed their sultans to become amongst the wealthiest and most powerful of all sultans in the Indonesian region. In the precolonial era, Ternate was the dominant political and economic power over most of the "Spice Islands" of Maluku.
Today, Ternate City is the largest town in the province of North Maluku, within which the island constitutes a municipality (kotamadya). It is, however, no longer the provincial capital, a title now held by the town of Sofifi on Halmahera.
Ternate is dominated by the volcanic Mount Gamalama (1715 m). An 1840 eruption destroyed most houses on the island and recent eruptions occurred in 1980, 1983, 1994 and 2011. During the latest eruption in 2011, Indonesia closed a domestic airport near the volcano for several days following ash emissions that reached 2,000 meters into the atmosphere. The foothills are home to groves of clove trees, and climbs to the peak of the volcano can be made.
Been waiting so long, you still haven't phoned
So many sleepless nights spent here all alone
I've had it to here, I'm gonna get my way
Don't try to pass it off, I mean what I say
Went out of your way making sure you had won
Took my love and went, looks like you had your fun
Didn't beat around, stood me up and left town
Took my lifeline away and you still can't be found
Enough is enough I just can't take it no more
Don't take no time to explain, I heard it all before
Enough is enough, I'm sick of being polite
Don't need a promise of love over the telephone
Enough is enough
A phone call will do if you can spare the dime
Don't call collect agai, I'll diconnect the line
Our party of two just got reduced in size
Time for me to go, don't appologize
Enough is enough I just can't take it no more
Don't take no time to explain, I've heard it all before
Enough is enough, I'm sick of being polite
Don't need a promise of love over the telephone
Been waiting so long, you still haven't phoned
So many sleepless nights spent here all alone
I've had it to here, I'm gonna get my way
Don't try to pass it off, I mean what I say
Enough is enough I just can't take it no more
Don't take no time to explain, I've heard it all before
Enough is enough, I'm sick of being polite
Don't need a promise of love over the telephone
Enough is enough, ohhhhh, ohhhhhhhh, yeah
Enough is enough, Oooooh, ooooooooh, well
Enough is enough
Enough is enough
'Cause everytime we touch
A shooting star fell down to earth
Lightning cracked the sky
Something weird is happening
Something I can't deny
A strange kind of magic
Running through my brain
Feel I'm in heaven
Or going insane
'Cause everytime we touch
I get this feeling
And everytime we kiss
I swear I could fly
Can't you feel my heart beat fast
I want this to last
Need you by my side
'Cause everytime we touch
I feel this static
And everytime we kiss
I reach for the sky
Can't you hear my heart beat so
I can't let you go
Want you in my life
'Cause everytime we touch
'Cause everytime we touch
The wind was like a hurricane
Storm clouds filled the sky
I heard a crash of thunder
The earth shook in reply
A strange kind of magic
Running through my brain
Feel like I'm in heaven
Or going insane
4x 'Cause everytime we touch…
'Cause everytime we touch
I get this feeling
And everytime we kiss
I swear I could fly
Can't you hear my heart beat so
I can't let you go
No one'll know
I'll never know
You're like the sun
You're the light to find my day
You're the light that show my way
Show my way
Stand the sun after the rain
I finally learned to live again
Live again
Just put your trust in me and you will see
We should be together
Just put your trust in me and you will see
We could last forever
You're like the sun
Cause you shine on everyone
With you in my life
I'll never be lonely
You're like the sun
Cause you shine on everyone
With you in my life
I'll never be lonely
You been dozen
Telling secrets no one knows
No one knows
In your heart I have found my own
You will never be alone
Be alone
Just put your trust in me and you will see
We should be together
Just put your trust in me and you will see
We could last forever
You're like the sun
Cause you shine on everyone
With you in my life
I've been lonely, I've been waiting for you
I'm pretending and that's all I can do
The love I'm sending
Ain't making it through to your heart
You've been hiding never letting it show
Always trying to keep it under control
You got it down and you're well
On the way to the top but there's something that you forgot
What about love, don't you want someone to care about you
What about love, don't let it slip away
What about love I only want to share it with you
You might need it some day
I can't tell you what you're feeling inside
I can't sell you what you don't want to buy
Some thing's missing and you got to
Look back on your life you know something here just ain't right
What about love, don't you want someone to care about you
What about love, don't let it slip away
What about love
I only want to share it with you
What about love, don't you want someone to care about you
What about love, don't let it slip away
What about love
Emerson Lake And Palmer
E L Powell
The Score
What's your game
Alright you've got it
Take your aim
Alright you shot it
It's been so long your welcome back my friends
To the show that never ends
Do you know the score
Alright I hear you
I would make a play for sure
If I could only get near you
It's been so long your welcome back my friends
To the show that never ends
What's your name
I can't forget it
I've been there and back again
And I will never regret it
It's been so long your welcome back my friends
You make my pants wanna get up and dance
You make my face wanna grin
You make my knees wanna kneel down, say, "Please"
Honey, won't you kiss me again?
You make my pants wanna get up and dance
You make my face wanna grin
You make my knees wanna kneel down, say, "Please"
Honey, won't you kiss me again?
I was a lost and lonely man
Now I get through life the best I can
'Til the day I laid my eye on you
That day I decided what I had to do
You make my pants wanna get up and dance
You make my face wanna grin
You make my knees wanna kneel down, say, "Please"
Honey, won't you kiss me again?
Start the music strike up the band
I never done the boogie but I believe I can
Never met a girl half as sweet as you
Nobody's ever moved half the moves you do
You make my pants wanna get up and dance
You make my face wanna grin
You make my knees wanna kneel down, say, "Please"
Honey, won't you kiss me again?
You make my pants wanna get up and dance
You make my face wanna grin
You make my knees wanna kneel down, say, "Please"
I heard you were a fighterI saw you in the street
Your friends were all around you
They follow you like sheep
A knight in blue jean armour
Upon a concrete throne
you're a two bit punk from nowhere
Afraid to stand alone
Looking for trouble, finding it easy
Looking for trouble for the rest of your life
Looking for trouble, ready to gamble
Looking for trouble, yeah
Another stripped down Chevy
Is sitting up on blocks
It only took a minute
And now the money talks, oh
Yeah, money talks
Looking for trouble, finding it easy
Looking for trouble for the rest of your life
Looking for trouble, ready to gamble
Looking for trouble, yeah
A rat has got your number
The cops are on your case
Your life's in constant danger
You're head will win the race
I know that I can save you
You told me that you cared
Don't wanna see those handcuffs on you, no
Looking for trouble, finding it easy
Looking for trouble for the rest of your life
Looking for trouble, ready to gamble
Looking for trouble, yeah
Looking for trouble, finding it easy
Looking for trouble, finding it easy
Looking for trouble, finding it easy
They're going off the deep end
Got my finger on the reset
Can't get you on the telphone
I think about my weakness
You got me going sleepless
I don't wanna spend the night alone
Don't walk away
Don't walk away, yeah yeah
Ever since I've known you
Been waiting for this moment
I'm standing in the danger zone
Can't hold it any longer
I thought that I'd be stonger
Can't wait to get you all alone
Don't walk away
Don't walk away, yeah yeah
I've been trying hard to say it
It'll be alright
Yeah, I thionk we're gonna make it
But we gotta try, yeah we gotta try
Now it should be easy
You got me where you want me
Don't make me wait another day
Don't walk away
Don't walk away, yeah yeah
Don't walk away, yeah yeah
Don't walk away, yeah yeah
I'm sorry baby
If my mood's been changin'
But my social life
Needs some rearrangin', yeah
Well, I got nothin'
Against my ole lady
But every now and then
A man's gotta get out and get crazy
I need a boys' night out
That's all baby
Boys' night out
We'll do some drinkin'
Maybe hurt ourselves real bad
I guarantee the best time
That we ever had
So don't stay up
'Cause I'll be out all night
And don't you try to see me
'Cause I'll be outta sight
One more boys' night out, yeah
Boys' night out, come on
Boys' night out
Now, what do you say fellas, one more
Boys' night out, that's all baby
Boys' night out
I'll do my best
To stay outta jail
Because my ole lady
She never gonna go my bail
I hope that Eddie doesn't
Start another fight
'Cause we get too high
You know baby, we just might
I need help
Boys' night out
Oh, it's comin' up on me, baby
Boys' night out
One more, boys' night out
Boys' night out
Boys' night out
Boys' night out
Boys' night out
White Lion
Mane Attractione
You¹re All I Need
I know that she¹s waiting
For me to say forever
I know that I sometimes
Just don¹t know how to tell her
I want to hold and kiss her
Give her my love
Make her believe
ŒCause she doesn¹t know
She doesn¹t know
You¹re all I need beside me girl
You¹re all I need to turn my world
You¹re all I want inside my heart
You¹re all I need when we¹re apart
I know that she¹s always
There when I need her loving
I know that I¹ve never
Told her how much I love her
I see her face before me
I look in her eyes
Wondering why
She doesn¹t know
She doesn¹t know
You¹re all I need beside me girl
You¹re all I need to turn my world
You¹re all I want inside my heart
You¹re all I need when we¹re apart
Say, say that you¹ll be there
Whenever I reach out
To feel your hand in mine
Stay, stay within my heart
Whenever I¹m alone
I¹ll know that you are there
You¹re all I need beside me girl
You¹re all I need to turn my world
You¹re all I want inside my heart
You¹re all I need when we¹re apart
You¹re all I need, etc.
All that I need
Is for you to believe
All that I need
Making your move
You come down as fast as lightnin
Crossing the stage
And now you can feel the excitement
So, shake it up
Turn it on
Shake it up
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Your daddy don't know
What your mama's gonna do tonight
I said your daddy don't know
What your mama's gonna do tonight
She's breakin your heart
You'd better be your own best friend
Cause once you learn the steps
It's somethin you'll never forget
So, shake it up
Turn it on
Shake it up
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Your daddy don't know
What your mama's gonna do tonight
I said your daddy don't know
What your mama's gonna do tonight
Shake it
Shake it up
Shake it up
Sh... sh... shake it up
Your daddy don't know
What your mama's gonna do tonight
I said your daddy don't know
What your mama's gonna do tonight
Shake it up
Turn it on
Shake it up
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Your daddy don't know
What your mama's gonna do tonight
I said your daddy don't know
What your mama's gonna do tonight
Now, your daddy don't know
What your mama's gonna do tonight
Your daddy don't know
You're a mystery to meYeahhh, mystery to me
What's your secret, yeah
You're still a mystery to me
What's your angle, no one seems to know
What are you thinking, it never seems to show
Wheels are turning behind those eyes
Something's burning
I see the smoke but I can't feel the fire
You're a mystery to me
Yeahhh, mystery to me
What's your secret, yeah
You're still a mystery to me
Love is waiting, it's here on the?
The door is open, now you wedge your body through
I need to tell you, come on I'll be?
When you're ready
I hope that I can wear on your?
Cause you're a mystery to me
Yeahhh, mystery to me
What's your secret, yeah
You're still a mystery to me
Yeah, you keep it all locked up inside
Please, tell me the combination
I'll be on your side
Wheels are turning behind those eyes
Something's burning
I see the smoke but I can't feel the fire
You're a mystery to me
Yeahhh, mystery to me
What's your secret, yeah
You're still a mystery to me
Yeahhh, mystery to me
What's your secret, yeah
You're still a mystery to me
Yeahhh, mystery to me
What's your secret, yeah
Tell me, who's been fooling you?
Tell the truth
Now, who's been fooling who?
Hey you, sit there, looking so cool
While the whole show is passing you by
Better come to terms fellow soon
'Cause the whole world's shaking
Now, can't you feel it?
New dawn is breaking, now, can't you see it?
Tell the truth
Tell me, who's been fooling you?
Tell the truth
Now, who's been fooling who? Hey
Oh, it doesn't matter just who you are
Where you're going or been
Just open your eyes and take a look at your heart
'Cause the whole world's shaking, now
Can't you feel it? Oh no, don't you feel?
A new dawn is breaking, now, can't you see it?
I can see it, yeah, I can see it
I can see it, yeah, I can see it, now
I can see it, yeah
Tell the truth
Tell me, who's been fooling you?
Now, who's been fooling who?
Tell the truth, oh yeah
Now, who's been fooling who?
Hear, what I say 'cause every word is true
You know I wouldn't tell you no lies
Your time's coming, it's gonna be soon, oh
The whole world is shaking, now
Can't you feel it? Oh no
A new dawn is breaking, now, can't you see it?
I can see it, yeah, I can see it
I can see it, yeah, I can see it
See it, yeah, I can see it
I can see it, I can see it
See it, yeah, I can see it
Lord, I can see it, see it
Whole world is shaking, now
Can't you feel it? Oh yeah
New dawn is breaking, now, can't you see it?
I can see it, yeah, I can see it
I can see it, yeah, I can see it
I can see it, I can see it
See it, yeah, I can see it, I can see it
I can see it, yeah, I can see it, I can see it
See it, yeah, I can see it
See it, yeah, I can see it
See it, yeah, I can see it
I return to the ancient Gran and snow cathedral,
Kiss the flag and the fountain so i hope you leave oh.
Care forgiveness and loose this burden i carry,
i need to pray in front of a statue of virgin mary
Did a sign on the cross her eyes started bleeding
my presence with close the mouth on any eden.
I brought back believing saint like but that ain't
i'm robbin on spies like your bike you probably don't
What you see what it be When i key i put you in misery.
When i flee heavenly as i see, there will be no changes
miracles for ages, the truth is outrageous, so i bring
through rap pages. From stages and other places where
you find me at.
Surrounded by A and Rs that wanna sign my act.
I saw behind all that, cause my order came first, now
i'm back cause-
i couldn't skip the curse or chase skirts.
Tommy Tee:
If you drink from this fountain, you must return,
if the time has come your heart may yearn,
Away from these three you cannot turn live life firm
and your soul will not burn
If you drink from this fountain, you must return,
if the time has come your heart may yearn,
Away from these three you cannot turn live life firm
and your soul will not burn
I took you from the holy mountain to the holy
Baptised you in the pool of light mastering the rulest
my only presence life lesson finding diaz bloodstained
Living my impression like christ in torino,
you're gathering away your life like casino.
I move through lands created by rhyme inflated by mine.
Cannasis Creater of time.
No your helpless got it wrong cause you're selfish,
scorned by the multiples of sun and the celsius,
i brought storms to your ships, word born all my lips,
torn from my crip
slip from grace earthbound to this form deliver mic
miracles apocalypse
Return to the source of life, the original sin the
original strife
Tommy Tee:
If you drink from this fountain, you must return,
if the time has come your heart may yearn
Away from these three you cannot turn live life firm
and your soul will not burn
If you drink from this fountain, you must return,
if the time has come your heart may yearn
Away from these three you cannot turn live life firm
and your soul will not burn
Dj Scratching & Voice:
The Trinity
I saw the beast and the kings of the earth
And their armies gathered together to fight the god they cursed
The beast and Phaul's prophets were taken from their thrones
They were cast alive to the fire and brimstone
Satan and his armies marched into the valley
Bodies on the pile, paths of destruction
You will see the fires of hell rain throughout the night
The battle of Armageddon, the battle of Armageddon
Angels in the skies wings a fiery blaze
The cdevils' balls of fire can see them
Through the haze good against the evil, evil sure to win
Lightning in the sky, thunder clouds rool by
Battle's finally over, Satan's time to die
God has taken over, peace throughout the land
Candles glow demonic haze, preacher screams
Satanic praise, life means nothing to his lord
Virgin's blood is finally poured, pentagram
Blood is shed, virgin's dead and chalice warm
Blood is sweet upon my lips, down my chin the blood drips
Sacrifice to the devil, the burning begins
Sacrifice to Lucifer, rejoice for your sins
Sacrifice your soul, this ain't no dream
Sacrifice, sacrifice, sacrifice
God will forgive you for your sins
Haven't you read?
It's just a matter of time you know, before we're dead
Holding high a southern cross, blood is in my hand
All the world the depth of hell have fallen to my command
Blinding light from the sky
Sacrifice, success, virgin dies
Satan laughs we've passed the test
You've heard him preach for a thousand years
About a fate that's sure to come
So listen now to the words I say
Because if you don't you're dumb
A rising force shall come to us from a cold forbidden place
It will come in the form of man, and never leave this place
Listen to the preacher, don't turn your back on him
Listen to the preacher, he's the only hope we've got
Tribulations, manifestations, miracles from the sky
You will witness crucifixion, but they will never die!
This demon, this tool of Satan
We must see him we can't be blind
People will follow with blind ambition
They will take his mark and lose their mind
You know, you know, you know
The time to take you is now, yes it's now!
Legions of the dead
Preachers in the alley born to the night
You will see him under the red light
Join hell's legions six feet under ground
Legions of the dead, legions of the dead, legions of the dead
Legions in hell
Beyond the black, deep in the pit
A life of light you'll soon forget
You will be on the cross, you'll burn in the fire
The time to take you is now, yes it's now
Legions of the dead
Put your fist up in the air
Life can't stop you if you dare
The legions of death are awaiting you
This is the one thing you must do
I rode into the valley, destruction in my heart
I had a plan of hatred, to tear them all apart
'Cause I'm the knight of darkness, and I've come to call
I'm the knight of darkness and you're going to fall
I slaughtered and I killed, 'till my task was through
I've buried all the dead, there's nothing left to do
I am the knight of black, and I carry a blood sword
I ride for the dark force, and fight for my lord
Known as Death to mortals
with a hunger to harvest
A lasting flame in one hand
and a scythe in the other
to signify destruction
The Antichrist, the rebel, the unshackled
The unholy, the enemy, the dark one
Uprise, come into force
The Tyrant, the horned one, the beast
The fire, the chaos, the wrath
The wise, the evil one, the black
I am a man like any other man But what I've seen with my eyes Still lives on like the torturing pain That has possessed my life
Hear the bells of Hades, ringing for the dead Hear the bells of hell, and you'll burn
I was chosen to ring those bloody bells Whenever someone had died From the day on, the bells have never stopped The diabolical rage
Hear the bells of Hades, ringing for the dead Hear the bells of hell, and you'll burn in hell
From the rope the criminal hangs For the deeds he has done His soul lives on, for a demon never dies He is only reborn to...
Sailed across the water, in search of Babylon On a quest of the mighty and the strong With our swords made of steel And the armor of the gods We will rise to the top of the world
Babylon Babylon
Footsteps in the sand, As we marched across the land Leaving the sea behind We've crossed thousands of miles, With still thousands left to go How I long to see the gates of sweet hell.....Babylon!!
Babylon Babylon
Sailed across the water to die in Babylon On a quest of the dying, and the damned With the gift we will speak In the tongues of the dead We will resurrect the city of sin
At midnight, we summon the dead, we can hear them beckoning The powers from beyond the grave Possess you and I
From beyond the grave
The devil possesses your mind, And kills you from inside The power of the pentagram, engulfs you forever!!
From beyond the grave
At midnight, we summoned the dead to rise from the grave The legions shall walk the earth, rise, rise, rise
From beyond the grave From beyond the grave
She’s all dressed in leather She rides a fast machine All the time she’s faster They call her highway queen
Rollin’ down the highway Always on the run Looking for adventures Where she can get some fun
Killer cat, killer cat Please come back To your heavy metal pack
When she starts her engine Sound is very loud Then she gets on rockin’ Yeah she’s really proud
Driving like a madman She’s a rockin’ cat Rides her heavy bike to hell Never coming back
Up, up, high, look to the sky There's a figure glowing and You're not afraid to die God is calling for you to meet your fate Hear the angels sing as they fly through the gates
Into the flames
Down, down, deep down into the flames There's a fallen angel and calls our your names He is the man named Satan He laughs while you burn Don't look now here comes your turn
Into the flames
You're locked in your casket scratching to get our Feel your soul is lifting, floating all about The sky is turning black, so are all your souls I pray to the lords of sex 'n' rock 'n' roll
In a land alone, so alone, life has passed me by In a land of stone, cold & grey, I watch the sun slowly die And I'll walk alone and go In a land of death, no life at all, I feel so alone So I'll walk alone and go
From the bowels of Hades, in a land of death Look beyond the pinnacle, And you'll see the sky cave in
Walking through the valley of death Walking through the valley of death
Through the eyes of Satan, His power seems to grow-but Read the book written long ago And don't let go of your soul
Walking through the valley of death Walking through the valley of death
In a land alone, so alone, life has passed me by In a land of stone, cold & grey, I watch the sun slowly die So I'll walk alone and go
No sex no wine no body no crime one blonde one pleasure is right devotion for leisure i know i do that fact is true one night one tit no time i've never been fit one-time lover i jump above time is right
I wanna make love
I work she cries i try to fly my pulse increased i hope she's not deseased i know i do that fact is true one night one tit no time i've never been fit one-time lover i jump above time is right
What colour blood do you wear Be careful she’s In town this night She looks for victims there And some others she can bite
Grab my neck and do your best Suck my sweet blood till the rest I’ll feel your silky tongue My brain explodes like a bomb
Blood suckin’ woman You’re the queen of the night No one can stop you now Come on and love me Hold me tight
You walk through foggy streets Your shadow’s creeping Down the walls Your bat is near by you I really hope you hear my call
Blood suckin’ woman You’re the queen of the night No one can stop you now Come on and love me Hold me tight
Fallen The lord's wrath strikes The wings of unclean fears The fatal hour Has come to my soul! Into the grave In order to steal the power Hail and fire Mixed with blood was hurled down upon the hell Thrown into the lake of fire Where Satan has his throne
Feel the sign of coming plague When the blue sky turns red See the evil with red eyes Which gaze deep inside you WE SHALL ARRIVE! WE SHALL DESTROY!
God of wrath saying: Fools! Go away to the hell! Betrayer! I will make you suffer for it! ANGEL OF PLAGUE!
Fools! Go away to the inferno! Traitor! I will give you the ultimate death! ANGEL OF PLAGUE!
Fools should go away to the hell They hear the call from hell They feel the whisper of ANGEL OF PLAGUE Hark! Here's the cry of the damned I see the tears from the sky I really know you, ANGEL OF PLAGUE
The king's rage beats The eyes with unholy lights Turn my back On the order of father My nightmare begins Dawn of the dark reign Under the protection Of ancient serpent, flap my unholy wings Thrown into the lake of fire Where Satan drinks their blood Feel the rage of angel of plague When the sea turns into blood Gather the kings together to the place Where people calls Armageddon! WE SHALL ARRIVE! WE SHALL KILL!
b. Walk alone under the full moon I saw that something like a huge mountain Ablaze was thrown into the sea and it turned into blood Star, blazing like a torch, fell from the sky And it burning them out
Roaring sounds like howling wolf mangle the silence In an eternity of solitude I've lived Shadows creeping up on me with malice Undermine my spirit
I walked alone in the full-moonlight I was fallen... Release the angels of wrath From the Abyss where Satan has his throne
c. An eye for an eye I will drink the wine of the blood of the beast And sign the contract with devil by the blood Kiss the ass of the devil I believe Pressing the soiled blood from the goat I remove impurities of the altar of death The altar of blood, the altar of hell An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth
I will suck the blood of a living goat dry Devote my soul and life to death Under the protection of the mighty eveil Cast a spell over thy angel I remove impurities of the altar of death The altar of blood, the altar of hell An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth
Sorrowful seven angels says: Look! A sea of fire mixed with wrath of Father Seven last plagues are there In the name of the Alpha and the Omega With them his wrath will be completed
Angel of plague!
Unknown fighters out in space Not a soul not a face Dark and hopeless is their task But they try to do it fast
Pomporns roar and engines cry No time to die Burning tanks in universe Red alert on our earth
A spaceship which I looks Like bomb Is on the way up to the sun The man inside can’t trust his eyes He feels the death And takes the gun
Hey guy look out and fight Danger stop invaders You take your gun it’s right Danger shoot invaders The sky explodes time stand still Lacerated bodies Float through space The smell of corpses fill up the air It’s raining blood You get no grace
I've a razor I've the chance to die What a dark shit is our life But i'm dreaming Of the middle age Hunting armed but with a knife
Fighting all together Sound of bursting steel Free for all
Wounded soldier Don't stop fighting now Live your life in your own world Steel-clad waistcoat Weapons made of bones See your rivals swim in dirt
Fighting all together Sound of bursting steel Free for all
Sloshing tyrants Waiting for the death I'm the killer in this scene Only slobber Streaming down my face Is the rest of my great dream
Long ago, in a far and distant land The prophets told them all The souls of the dead Shall rise into the sky Cut me loose from this hell I command, god set me free
The prophecies, revelation The beginning of the end, of time
The sands of time shall blow away Into the wind, up into the sky The word of the book, be known to all Or stay to face the rapture
The prophecies, revelation The beginning of the end, of time
I've read the book, and know what it says But it is far too late for me For I've been left to face hell on earth Counting down to Armageddon I pray the beast will die
Fighting the powers of evil A battle that can not be won Evil exists in the hearts of all men And once killed the evil lives on
Fight for the Nazarene, fight for your soul Fight for the Nazarene, fight for your soul
Into the face of the storm, You'll never be seen again The forces of nature takes over your sails You will never survive
Fight for the Nazarene, fight for your soul Fight for the Nazarene, fight for your soul
Saving the world from the clutches of Satan He is no mortal man Riding a white horse down from the heaven He killed with one stroke of his hand
There's a place south of nowhere where nobody ever goes
And the devil who hides in the shadows of the night
There's a lady they say that's evil
She's got the power of the devil in her hands
And when she casts her spell upon you, you'll burn
Fall into the hands of evil
Let them take you away
Fall into the hands of evil, you will
Hey evil lady won't you come on in the night
There's a shadow all around you I can see it in your eyes, your eyes
I will take you so far away
I will take you to the place you'll stay
You will be my evil lady of the night
verse 1
i don't believe we were put together not to be together
and i don't believe theres anyone out there that can love me better
i don't believe that you know how much i miss seeing your pretty smile.
of course we had our ups and downs
but i gotta have you around me cuz...
i feel it all over my body
i dream about you when i sleep
you're the one for me(you're the one)
you're the one for me(you're the one)
all the signs say that
ever since the day that we laid eyes on each other baby
you're the one for me(you're the one)
you're the one for me(you're the one)
verse 2
i don't believe that you know how much i melt every time i smell your scent boy
and i don't believe (i don't believe) i got myself in this predicament
im sorry(im so sorry)
for everything i ever did wrong
im sorry(im so sorry)
and im begging you begging you begging you begging you please come back home
when i lay in my bed at night
im hoping and praying that you feel the same way i do deep down inside(inside)
and the feeling you just cant control
it makes you wanna just call me
and tell me how much you really miss me
it makes you wanna call me.
and say that you just cant wait
to hold and kiss me kiss me ALL OVER!! HEEYYYYY!!
I was riding my bike about a hundred and ten When suddenly the lights went out I heard the demons laugh and the victims cry In the name of God, let me out! It didn't take me long to realize Just where the hell I was When Satan yelled turn up the fire I wished I was a better man cuz
It's too late to pray
The pain, the pain, the inescapable pain The smell of burning flesh and bone Is driving me insane In hell there are no flames You burn from within Strapped to the altar The black mass begins
It's too late to pray
I was riding my bike about a hundred and ten When suddenly the lights went out I heard the demons laugh and the victims cry In the name of God, let me out! In the funeral fire, you will see my eyes Demons eat my rotting flesh, I suffer from within
This won't take long. I'm too angry to write
This is no fuckin' poetry, this is pure hate!
Tunes of hate, hellbound, possessed
Straight to hell
There's no reuniting with God
Did you really think you were the chosen one?
You don't have a fuckin' clue, do you?
You mean nothing to me
Cut the chains to the fires of hell
Unleash its wrath within
Let flames disintegrate bones and skin
Unchained, armed with flames
The fireball keeps spinning
I spawned the fire
I welcome a new beginning
Break down, destroy, in order to create
A new tile is coming
Restart with the number 6.6.6
The gate stand open
Make way for the change
Don't tell me us what we should do we don't need help from you we must go our own way we wanna live today
We stay free as long as we rock we stay free
No time to hesitate we must find our own fate we see your tedious world come on eat your own dirt
Look out God, you better step aside
You ain't big enough to interrupt my war
Harvest time, burn the fields
Men's deeds of valour will soon by forgotten
-Send this world to hell!
Look out God, you better step aside
You ain't big enough to interrupt my war
Total devastation. I bring it loud and clear
Before the light of day break Shine down upon the ground He is stalking in the shadows Waiting to take you down
Stalks the night for the living To quench his thirst for blood The slicing steel is all you feel Before you hit the ground
Don't be afraid to enter the dark He promises to be quick So open up your eyes to his surprise You've become his sacrifice
You, Yes you! Can you feel the heat?
It's getting closer, slowly but surely
Keep burning the candle at both ends
Did you really think it would last?
You were wrong!
Remain enslaved.
Don't question it. Keep ready.
Keep injecting the poison
Don't move. Keep listening.
Keep obeying the broken tongues
You fuckin' bastard, BURN!
You can't run from the fire
The darkness of clouds come rolling in
The presence of evil braws me into sin
Teardrops from heaven becomes my wine
Weeping father of heaven
Has a broken spine
Here, where the chaos rules
Your illusions are rushed
You lead your line of fools
Into submissions they are forced
Everytime you come around
There's a bouquet for me
A corsage of promises
And I am pinned
Like a butterfly on a card
I'm naked and I'm scarred
And you're so perfect to me
Violent ties with hands like a steeple
Tell me lies with a tongue like a needle
I let the words shot down my throat
A face like an iron fist
That I can never resist
I learn the ...
Words of wisdom from your tyrant mouth
Words of wisdom from your tyrant mouth
I'm stuck just like a pig
Roasting in your eyes
I'll believe anything that you want
You gotta teach me how to live
Cause you make me wanna die
You took it all, now you're all I've got
Words of wisdom from your tyrant mouth
Words of wisdom from your tyrant mouth
There's noises in my head
Just noises in my head
If I could I'd drown them all out
I'd bury all of these noises
From your tyrant mouth
You're just a noise in my head
You're just a noise in my head
I'll drown you out
And I'll bury all the noises
From your hateful little mouth
Words of wisdom from your tyrant mouth
Words of wisdom
Words of wisdom
Words of wisdom from your tyrant mouth
Break loose from your chain
Let the end begin. Unleash the beast within
You need, you can you will!
Hate runs through your veins
The fuels that feeds your flame.
Time to act, dressed in black
Arm yourself for the coming attack
Hell has broken loose
There's no time to loose
Pure hate, hells fury, Armageddon!
- Are you ready?
One by one, into the wheels that grind
Total death, nothing will be left alive
I've seen the warrior standing, armor shining bright
Battle axes sharpened, they stand prepared to fight
Thrashing and grinding, till the final thrust
Nothing can satisfy their awesoem blood lust
Warriors of metal, warriors of metal, warriors of metal
Fire desire can't handle this pain
If i don't get out i'll go insane
A sea of death as far as i can see
What's happened to me
The dead shall rise and life shall fall
The unholy master's got us by the balls
You will seek into the fire, unholy desire
In the days of Armageddon, the warriors of metal
Shall battle the knights of darkness through the night
So listen to the preacher or fall to the hands of evil
Becoming Satan's sacrifice joining his legions of the dead
You, you're wild and free, you don't have to get away
I'm not like before, oh no
You, you don't know my game
You've got to be free, every night, alright
You, you don't know, your time's running low
You've got to be free, tonight
You, I saw you before, thought you were a whore
I know where you're goin' I do
You, you're wild and free, you don't have to get away
I'm not like before
Walked into the room, saw you there
Walked right by, like I didn't care
Saw you look in my direction
I could tell you wanted my connection
It's gonna be alright, I'll getcha through the night
It's gonna be alright
Over the rainbow, so far away
I'll take you to a place we can stay
Im my castle in the sky
I'll give you things money just can't buy