About DV

Dissident Voice is an internet newsletter dedicated to challenging the distortions and lies of the corporate press and the privileged classes it serves. The goal of Dissident Voice is to provide hard hitting, thought provoking and even entertaining news and commentaries on politics and culture that can serve as ammunition in struggles for peace and social justice.

Sunil K. Sharma

DV Founder Sunil K. Sharma is a musician, writer/researcher, and merry agitator based in Santa Rosa, CA. He did his undergraduate work in Music at Sonoma State University. He is formerly a researcher with the media watchdog group Project Censored, and is co-author of The Current Plight of the Kosovo Roma, a groundbreaking survey based on the field research and compiled reports of historian Paul Polansky, published by Voice of Roma in Graton, CA. His articles have appeared in Z Magazine, CounterPunch, Yellow Times, Palestine Chronicle, and Left Turn among others. He has also contributed essays to the book Left Out! How Liberals Helped Reelect George W. Bush by Joshua Frank. Sunil performs music frequently in the Northern California Bay Area. He is a composer and guitarist for Reality Check, a violently anti-“smooth jazz”, jazz-rock quintet. He recorded “Faces in the Mirror,” a CD of his original compositions. He can be reached at: gro.eciovtnedissidnull@rotide.

DV Senior Editor Angie Tibbs enjoys walking along the harbour front, listening to English folk rock, and teaching her feline, Logan Brodie, how to talk. She is fighting against occupation/oppression, war, inequality, injustices wherever they exist, and the destruction of the environment, especially mining practices that involve decapitation of mountain peaks. She has been writing online since 2003, and her articles/interviews have been published in Dissident Voice, Redress, and other progressive media. She can be reached at: gro.eciovtnedissidnull@eigna.

DV Co-Editor Kim Petersen enjoys scuba diving, working out, and advancing the struggle for a world based on principles of peaceful and equitable sharing and respect for the environment and life … and Anton Berg marzipan. He studied at universities in occupied First Nations territory (“British Columbia,” “Canada”) and Norway. His essays appear in books, newspapers, and webzines, and he has been a contributing writer to Dissident Voice since 2002. If interested in having a book reviewed, email Kim at: gro.eciovtnedissidnull@mik.

DevNullPhantom160The Phantom of /dev/null: Once, these tortured souls were the “unacknowledged legislators of the world.” Now they are merely unacknowledged. The spirits of writers, musicians and graphic artists play and replay their sounds and visions in the depths of /dev/null for eternity. Occasionally, a few of their meanderings of quantum consciousness reach the GUI browsers of the digital networks of “reality” via the contact point, the nexus, at www.dissidentvoice.org. The Angry, Hysterical (in every sense of the term) souls banished to /dev/null without knowing the charges against them, and certainly without trial by a jury of their peers, of whom there are none, look to the readers of Dissident Voice to bear witness to the sights and sounds their raging, undefeated energies have brought to light…
Yours, The Phantom of /dev/null. The Phantom can be reached at: gro.eciovtnedissidnull@mada.