NewsAnthology: Helping Brands Tell Stories through Video Ad Content
Published onApril 23, 2015

Anthology: Helping Brands Tell Stories through Video Ad Content

As video consumption continues to grow on Facebook, we’re working to make sure that people see videos that are high quality and relevant. This includes videos from brands. That’s why we launched Anthology—a new group of leading video publishers, who, together with the Facebook Creative Shop, will work with brands to produce outstanding advertising content for Facebook.
Content for advertisers...
Anthology is equal parts art and science, pairing publisher creativity with Facebook advertising insights to create custom campaigns that meet brands’ business goals. The program gathers a number of leading publishers to lend brands their creativity, storytelling expertise and video production know-how. These are the current Anthology network partners:
  • Electus Digital
  • Funny Or Die
  • Oh My Disney
  • The Onion
  • Tastemade
  • Vice Media
  • Vox Media
While brands are free to work with any content producer on their Facebook advertising campaigns, Anthology publishers are Facebook Marketing Partners. This means that in addition to offering creative and production services, each is trained on how to get the most out of the Facebook platform to drive business results.
...delivered to the right people
Anthology campaigns begin and end with insights. For each Anthology campaign, the Creative Shop—Facebook’s in-house creative strategy team—partners with brands, agencies and publishers to provide audience planning, insights, distribution plans and measurement. Together, the Creative Shop and Anthology partners guide brands to build advertising content that resonates with people and drives business.
Start creating
We’ll continue to provide more information about the program as new publishers are brought on board. To learn more about Anthology, talk to your account manager or visit the Facebook Marketing Partners website.

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