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Titanic - 1912 Original Video Footage
The Year Was 1912
Titanic departure (real video 1912)
The Land Beyond The Sunset (1912 Edison Silent Film Masterpiece)
Mauser 1912/14 in .45ACP at James D Julia
Titanic Disaster - Genuine Footage (1911-1912)
Movie: Cleopatra (1912)
Titanic - Videos Originales 1912
1912 Easy Washing Machine
How to start a 1912 Cadillac
1912 Harley Davidson
Winsor McCay - How a Mosquito Operates [1912]
Quo vadis? 1912
This is my tribute to the most famous of all the ships out there. A tribute to the RMS TITANIC. I have a Facebook page that I have opened for all Titanic ent...
Original Footage of titanic of 1912 before its departure to its final journey . This is a Detailed Video showing many parts of titanic adn also the passengers who died th... More»at tragic day
What life was like 100 years ago. Songs heard: Bethena, Turn off your light Mr Moon man, Everybody's Doing It, The Art Of Rag, Castle House Rag, Meet Me Toni...
Real footage of RMS Titanic leaving for the first voyage. 1912. Видеокадры "Титаника" 100-летней давности.
The Land Beyond The Sunset (1912 Edison Silent Film Masterpiece) Before World War One, the Mauser company tried to make a follow-up automatic pistol to replace its famous C96 "Broomhandle" design with something more modern. The result was a very successful pocket pistol in .25ACP and .32ACP, and a series of unsuccessful blowback and delayed blowback service pistols in 9mm and .45ACP. This particular one is an intermediate example, with an internal delayed blowback system and buffer spring, but before the designers turned to a flap-style system to delay the action. Theme music by Dylan Benson -
NB: this film contains the only genuine footage of the Titanic held by British Pathe. There are slightly different versions of this film held by British Movietone and the National Film and Television Archive. There is a duplication of part of this footage on tape PM3478. Gaumont newsreel which contains only known footage of the Titanic. Pathe have joint rights in this film with holders of Gaumont footage. Introductory intertitle reads: "The `Titanic' leaving Belfast lough for Southampton. There follows eight shots of the Titanic moored at Belfast - probably on April 2nd 1912. In several of the shots we see men walking beside the ship and smoke comes from the Titanic's third funnel. The ship is not actually departing, the ship is virtually stationary through all shots. Intertitle reads: "Before the disaster, Captain Smith on the Bridge." C/U of Captain Edward J. Smith - he is acually on board the Olympic rather than the Titanic. Flashing intertitle reads: "C-Q-D Help! Help! We are sinking!" followed by another intertitle: "The Graveyard of the Sea - Icebergs and Icefloes near the scene of the disaster." Moving shot of some icefloes and icebergs. "The Yacht Mary Scully going out to meet the Carpathia at sea." The Mary Scully passes the camera. It has a banner along the side stating: "New York American Press Boat." "The `Carpathia' nearing New York with survivors." Carpathia passes camera. "The Carpathia Docked" - boat seen beside quayside. "Captain Rostrum of the `Carpathia'". M/S of a group of gentlemen standing on quayside. "Some survivors of Titanic's crew" - M/S of half a dozen men - two wear White Star Line emblazoned jumpers. Two men talk. "Quartermaster Hitchens of the Titanic who went down with the ship and was afterwards picked up." M/S of Hitchens talking to a policeman. "Father Hogue, a passenger of the Carpatia who first sighted the Titanic lifeboats." Two shots of Father Hogue. "Some of the heroes of the Titanic's crew picked up at sea." Various shots of some of the crew who wear lifejackets. Two of the crew act out how one saved the other from drowning. "Reporters interviewing survivors." C/U of group of journalists. "The crowd at the White Star offices New York awaiting news." People crowd around the office and arrive and leave through revolving doors. "Scene at the Cunard Docks the morning after the Carpathia's arrival." Panning shot of the docks. "Marconi, whose marvellous discovery saved over 700 lives. C/U of Marconi and his wife (?) "The Mackay Bennet leaving Halifax in search of the dead." Various shots of crew on board the Mackay Bennet. 90,000 historic films, all SEARCHABLE on YouTube at: Join us on Facebook at: Tweet us @britishpathe FILM ID:3468.07
Cleopatra is a silent film created in 1912 by Helen Gardner and the Helen Gardner Picture Players. The film, in which Gardner stars in the title role, was ba...
I bought this Easy Washing Machine at an auction. It was patented in 1912, but could've been made for several years after that. Everything works as it should...
The 1912 Cadillac is the first automobile in the world to include a starter motor. This is the procedure in starting one and driving away.
Wonderfully restored 1912 Harley Davidson Motorcycle being started and run. Video taken at the 2009 Canandaigua Pagent of Steam.
Winsor McCay - How a Mosquito Operates [1912]
Quo vadis? 1912.
VERY OLD FILM OF THE TITANIC VERY RARE FILM, RMS Titanic was a passenger liner that sank in the North Atlantic Ocean on 15 April 1912 after colliding with an...
Get this song on our new album: PMJ Tour Tix: Some of you may already know that I co...
Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde (1912) Directed by Lucius Henderson Produced by Thanhouser Company Written by Robert Louis Stevenson (novel) Starring James Cruze, Fl...
The First Balkan War (Turkish: Birinci Balkan Savaşı, Bulgarian: Първата балканска война, Serbian: Први балкански рат Prvi Balkanski rat, Greek: Α΄ Βαλκανικό...
2012 Année centenaire de "L'Après-midi d'un Faune" Nijinsky as the faune in "L'Après-midi d'un Faune" Film Christian Comte (3'30) Digital reconstructions by ...
To see 56 Thanhouser silent films, as well as a treasure of information and history about the Thanhouser film enterprise, please visit http://www.thanhouser....
The First Balkan war breaks out in 1912 - When Greece, Montenegro, Serbia and Bulgaria declare war on Turkey. An combined attempt, to force the Turks out of ...
"Falling Leaves" (1912), directed by cinema pioneer Alice Guy Blaché; scored and uploaded on the occasion of her birthday in 2011 by silent film accompanist ...
Rote Rosen Folge - 1912 Rote Rosen Folge - 1912 Rote Rosen Folge - 1912 Rote Rosen Folge - 1912 Rote Rosen Folge - 1912 Rote Rosen Folge - 1912 Rote Rosen Folge - 1912 Rote Rosen Folge - 1912 Rote Rosen Folge - 1912 Rote Rosen Folge - 1912
Reinxeed - The Light (2008) Reinxeed - Higher (2009) Reinxeed - Majestic (2010) Reinxeed - 1912 (2011) Reinxeed - Special Cover and Singles Reinxeed - Swedish Hitz Goes Metal (2011) Reinxeed - Welcome To The Theater (2012) Reinxeed - Swedish Hitz Goes Metal Vol.2 (2013) Reinxeed - A New World (2013) ______________________________________________ 01 - 1912 00:06 02 - The Final Hour 06:27 03 - Terror Has Begun 10:47 04 - Spirit Lives On 15:32 05 - Through The Fire 22:36 06 - The Fall Of Man 26:34 07 - The Voyage 32:29 08 - We Must Go Faster 37:27 09 - Challenge The Storm 40:46 10 - Reach For The Sky 47:06 11 - Farewell 50:54 12 - Lost At Sea 56:07 13 - Alliance 57:35 14 - Aces Hig (Cover Iron Maiden) 01:02:30
Исторические Хроники с Николаем Сванидзе.
Русский сезон Сергея Дягилева. Скандальная премьера. "Послеполуденный отдых фавна" - музыка Клода Дебюсси, хореография Вацлава Нижинского. Танцует Нижинский - остро, чувственно, физиологично. Публика не знает, как реагировать. "Браво!" - крикнул скульптор Огюст Роден. Между двумя ложами вспыхнула громкая ссора. Дягилев перекрыл шум своим голосом: "Дайте закончить спектакль!"
《大宅门1912》第1集&《大宅门1912》第1集&《大宅门1912》全集播放列表:;=edit_ok 1912年,七爷白景琦在山东创立了黑七堂中药铺。当时军阀主政,社会混乱,黑帮、土匪巧取豪夺,民不聊生。白景琦经历种种明争暗斗,刀光剑影,生离死别,爱恨情仇。七爷的发小兄弟田子行能力超群,野心勃勃,他利用七爷的信任暗中屡屡得手。七爷爱上了年轻貌美、留学回国的女医生路青青。七爷和田子行两个男人开始了正与邪、善与恶的殊死较量。二奶奶在关键时刻运筹帷幄,不动声色地直捣田子行死穴。最后一切都尘埃落定,始终以诚信为本的七爷得到了曾经梦寐以求的秘籍。"做出最纯正、优质的药品救世济民!"上苍给了七爷这个机会,他矢志不渝,终成正果。故事鲜明表达了"诚信守信"是立世之本的人生主题。
Título original: Cleopatra, the Romance of a Woman and a Queen Primer largometraje basado en la figura de la reina Cleopatra.
1983, Yerevan Studio, film-opera (based on A.Tigranyan's opera and H.Tumanyan's poem of the same name), Starring: Anush -- S.Sahakyants (vocal -- G.Gasparyan...
"Канал История" YouTube RU Фильмы, Репортажи, Материалы Если понравилось - присоединяйтесь. Думаю дальше будет интересней. С уважением Виктор Тарасов Другие темы "Складъ Истории" Видео, Фото, Документы
Los 14 primeros registros que grabó Carlos Gardel en 1912 para el sello Columbia, cuando recién tenia poco mas de veinte años. Son las grabaciones mas antigu...
Science-fantasy film by Georges Méliès based on the novel The Adventures of Captain Hatteras by Jules Verne. It was released in 1912 and deals with an extrao...
Manöver und Kampszenen ab 17.15 in der Timeline Manöver 2013: Militärs: Zivilisten: Reenactment im Freilichtmuseum Roscheider Hof, Konz in Zusammenarbeit mit "Historische Darstellungsgruppe IR 30 "Graf Werder" einer Einheit aus Preußen. Einquartierung, Exerzieren, Telegraphendienst, in der Zeit des Kaisers Wilhelm II. In Zusammenarbeit mit der "Historische Darstellungsgruppe IR 30, Graf Werder". Lebende Geschichte im Freilichtmuseum. German Empire Army exercise 1012 - reenactment 2012 - open air museum Roscheider Hof. military drill and drill commands of German army. Prussian Army. German army at the beginning of the 20th century,
ΕΜΕΙΣ ΟΙ ΕΛΛΗΝΕΣ - ΣΚΑΪ 1: 1897-1909: 2: Ο Ά ΒΑΛΚΑΝΙΚΟΣ ΠΟΛΕΜΟΣ (1912-1913):
"The Gardener" is a 1912 Swedish silent drama film directed by Victor Sjöström. It is mostly known for being the first film to ever be banned by the Swedish ...
Conducted by Gennady Rozhdestvensky with the BBC Philharmonic. I. Vivace - Ma Non Troppo - 00:00 II. Andante Giusto - 19:15 III. Un Poco Lento - Marziale - 35:30 IV. Allegro Vivace - Marziale - 40:06 Enescu wrote four "school" symphonies, between the ages of twelve and eighteen, compositions he regarded as mere exercises. His earlier orchestral successes were with works of an overtly national kind, the Romanian Poem of 1897, played under Edouard Colonne in Paris in 1898, and the two popular Romanian Rhapsodies of 1901. The first of his five numbered symphonies was written in 1905. The second, the Symphony in A Major, Opus 17, was composed during the years 1912 to 1914 and was only performed once in Enescu's life-time. It seems that Enescu intended to make further revisions in the second symphony, probably with the idea of simplifying what is a very complex score. The form in which we now have the work contains relatively few of these changes but is perfectly accessible to modern orchestras and proves, indeed, to represent an important stage in the composer's development, coming, as it does, at the threshold of his maturity as a composer. There is here a wide romantic sweep and melodic flow, coupled with intensity of contrast and a masterly use of polyphonic and heterophonic techniques. The three movements of the symphony are broadly in traditional sonata-form, with cyclic ideas ensuring the organic unity of the whole work. The first movement, marked Vivace ma non troppo, contains four cyclic ideas, an impetuous and vigorous first subject, that introduces the work with all the restless energy of a Richard Strauss, a transitional idea, the Romanian inspired second subject and the French horn signal theme that leads into the development. The slow movement adds two further melodic elements, the first adding a mood of serene lyricism and the second plaintive in character. The following movement, written as war swept Europe, opens with a long introduction suggesting danger to come, with its distant drum-beats, leading to the outburst of the Allegro vivace, also marked Marziale. The symphony ends, as symphonies had traditionally tended to, with a mood of triumphant optimism, bringing to an end a work that is a further musical demonstration of Enescu's musical principle of continual action.
Also Known As (AKA) De la crèche à la croix France Del pesebre a la cruz Spain Från krubban till korset Sweden Jesus of Nazareth USA.
"The Invaders" is a 1912 American silent Western film directed by Francis Ford and Thomas H. Ince. Ince was an American silent film actor, director, screenwr...
How much should the government do to curb the power of corporate capital? What restrictions should America place on foreign immigration? How should the natio...
"Independenta Romaniei" ("The Independence of Romania"), subtitled "The Romanian-Russo-Turkish War, 1877", is a Romanian 1912 silent film directed by Aristid...
Filmul Independenta Romaniei din anul 1912, distribuit în Transilvania, Austria, Ungaria, Franţa şi Rusia. In el au jucat mai mulţi actori ai Teatrului Naţio...
Le naufrage du Titanic a mis fin à la traversée inaugurale du RMS Titanic, un paquebot qui devait relier Southampton à New York. Il se déroule dans la nuit du 14 au 15 avril 1912 dans l'océan Atlantique Nord au large de Terre-Neuve. Le navire heurte un iceberg sur tribord avant le 14 avril 1912 à 23 h 40 et coule en moins de trois heures, à 2 h 20. Entre 1 490 et 1 520 personnes périssent, ce qui fait de ce naufrage l'une des plus grandes catastrophes maritimes en temps de paix et la plus meurtrière pour l'époque. De nombreuses personnalités décèdent durant le naufrage, parmi lesquelles Benjamin Guggenheim et John Jacob Astor. Le Titanic est un paquebot transatlantique britannique de la White Star Line, construit sous l'initiative de Bruce Ismay en 1907, et conçu par l'architecte Thomas Andrews des chantiers navals de Harland & Wolff. Sa construction débute en 1909 à Belfast et se termine en 1912. C'est le plus luxueux et le plus grand paquebot jamais construit au moment de son lancement. Sa construction fait suite à celle d'un navire quasiment identique, l'Olympic. Le Titanic est pourvu de seize compartiments étanches servant à protéger le navire d'avaries importantes. Les médias lui donnent ainsi une image de navire fiable, même si, contrairement à la légende diffusée après le naufrage, il n'a jamais été considéré comme insubmersible. Le naufrage a été un choc dans le monde entier, et notamment à New York et en Angleterre. Après le naufrage, plusieurs commissions d'enquête ont été menées et leurs conclusions ont servi à améliorer la sécurité maritime, notamment grâce à de nouvelles réglementations. Plusieurs facteurs se conjuguent pour expliquer à la fois le naufrage et le nombre élevé des passagers à ne pas y avoir survécu. Le navire ne disposait pas de canots de sauvetage en nombre suffisant et l'équipage n'avait jamais été entraîné à gérer ce type d'événement. De ce fait, l'évacuation des passagers a été mal organisée et les canots ont été sous-chargés. Le comportement du commandant Edward Smith a aussi été dénoncé, notamment parce qu'il avait maintenu le paquebot à une vitesse trop élevée compte tenu des conditions de navigation. Les circonstances météorologiques et climatiques ont également joué un rôle déterminant. Source : « 2000 ans d'histoire » sur France Inter « Le naufrage du Titanic », diffusé le 8 juin 2009 Patrice GÉLINET consacre cette émission au naufrage du Titanic une tragédie navale qui aura fait près de 1500 victimes, pour en parler il reçoit Gérard PIOUFFRE journaliste et écrivain, spécialiste de l'histoire de l'aviation et de la marine et auteur de "Le Titanic ne répond plus"(Éd. Larousse)
This video is about 1912 Ironwood Road
El sueño (estilo) Carlos Gardel. Año:1912 Nº Matriz: 56755-1 Selección y reconstrucción técnica: David F. Martín Letra:
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For more details: 1912 Harbourside Dr. #603 Sarasota, FL 34228 $374,900, 2 bed, 2.5 bath, 1,626 SF, MLS# A4113191 Welcome to award-winning Fairway Bay behind the gates of Bay Isles on beautiful Longboat Key! This 2BR/2.5B townhome has a separate living room, dining area, breakfast room, & flexible-use bonus room on the ground level off of the 2-car tandem oversized garage. The bonus room is suitable for storage. This townhome features a fireplace, recently re-piped water supply lines, eat-in kitchen, relaxing screened lanai w/ back exit stairs to the garden grove, and soaring ceilings all the way up to the third story. The skylights and atrium glassed ceiling & walls makes this unit extremely light, bright and cheerful! Only several steps from one of the community pools and hot tub and has quick access to the marina. This community features two heated swimming pools and hot tubs, scenic walking paths, gated entries, tennis, fitness room, grill and picnic areas, clubhouse, and a private gated beach only a short drive or walk away at the Bay Isles Beach Club. The marina is a short drive as well... Presented By: Joe Cleary, RE/MAX Alliance Group 941-954-5454 View My Inventory:
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Performed by the Shoreline Community College Concert Band at the Shorewood High School Performing Arts Center on March 10, 2015. Directed by dave Johnson.
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2015.03.21. Merkantil Bank NB2, 20. forduló Gyirmót FC Győr - Békéscsaba 1912 Előre 2-2 összefoglaló
Property Details: Property presented by: Becky Lippstreuer, RE/MAX Suburban. Contact: (224) 612-2277 or Visit to see more of Becky's listings. Bedrooms: 3 Bathrooms: 2 Price: $294,900 MLS Number: 08753655 Property Site: REMODELED 3/2 W/ MASTER BATH, FULL & FINISHED BASEMENT, HUGE BACKYARD & ATTACHED GARAGE! FRESH PAINT & HW FLOORS! EAT-IN KITCHEN W/SS APPLIANCES, CORIAN COUNTER & FRENCH DOORS TO YARD! PELLA WINDOWS & BATHS(2014)! ROOF (2011), A/C (2010), PERIMETER DRAIN TILE & SUMP PUMP (2006) & STEEL BEAM FORTIFIED FOUNDATION (2014) 1 BLOCK TO FRONTIER PK & POOL! GREAT SCHOOLS! SELLER OFFERING $2500 CREDIT W/ ACCEPTABLE OFFER! Last modified: 03/27/2015 10:44:02 am
The Derby in 1912 Pan across the main grandstand and car park. Absolutely packed stand and car park heaving with people, open topped buses parked for the best view, all types of road vehicles, a few advertising hoardings are visible " Frank Wade", "Pears Soap" and "Alfred Tyler". A mass of humanity nearly all with boater hats or flat caps, surging around the bookies stands, tents and buses in the distance. The main road into the race course, a few motor cars and horse buses, a horse bus decends the hill and comes up towards us, as the coachman whips the horses with passengers, men and women on the top. Cars coming down the hill to the racecourse, two policemen ride by on horseback, another horse bus passes. The backs of the crowds wait and police horse men pass followed by an horse drawn open coach, the crowds raise their hats as it passes and brief glimpse of King George V and Queen Mary can just about be seen, the queen in white, a motorcade then follows, some of the crowd then turn to the camera. Intertitle :" Durbar II wins the Derby by 3 lengths ". The jockeys on horse back mill around and line up for the off, officials mingle on the ground amongst them, the grandstand is just visible in the backround, they're off ! As the horse charge off. At the bend of Tattenham Corner, the horses race around while a huge crowd watches. From the point of view of the grandstand at the winning post, the crowd watch, some with binoculars, the camera pans to the winning post itself, the crowd rises to its feet as the horses dash past. A posh crowd in top hats and smart gowns surge towards the police leading in the winner.
Property Site: Marc & Renae Cohn, M: 402-660-6077,, - All dreams come true in this absolutely beautiful 1.5 story home in The Ridges. All new flooring & new interior paint. 9+ft ceilings throughout. Kitchen offers great cabinet space, SS appliances & eat in area. Spacious master w/ Jacuzzi tub, sitting area w/ fireplace, exercise area, indoor hot tub & stairs to your own private balcony w/view of 11th hole. Lower level has rec room w/ full wet bar, movie theater room, 4th bedroom & bath. New furnace & AC. Home is on Shadow Ridge Golf Course. Bedrooms: 4 Bathrooms: 2 full, 1 three-quarter and 2 half bathrooms Square Feet: 0 Price: $625,000 MLS ID: 21504895 For more information about this property, please contact Marc & Renae Cohn at 402-493-4663 or You can also text 2650684 to 67299. COMPANY SOCIAL MEDIA: ------------------------------------------ Facebook: Twitter: YouTube: REALTOR SOCIAL MEDIA: ------------------------------------------ 03/27/2015 09:40:02 am Last modified:
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Specialist artefacts unit tries to establish true owner of 1912 painting from artist’s Cubist ...
The Guardian 2015-03-28When the novel opens in 1912, Forster, known to his friends as Morgan, is on a boat to India, ...
San Francisco Chronicle 2015-03-28Opened in 1912, Luna Park is one of the most common amusement park names, but Melbourne's – on the ...
The Independent 2015-03-28Reports say officers seized 1912 painting from artist’s Cubist period and rare Roman statue worth £6m.
The Guardian 2015-03-27... the 1912 gift of 3,000 cherry trees from Mayor Yukio Ozaki of Tokyo to the city of Washington, DC.
The Examiner 2015-03-27Italian investigators have found Pablo Picasso's missing 1912 "Violin and Bottle of Bass" oil painting.
Deutsche Welle 2015-03-27... investigators have found Pablo Picasso's missing 1912 "Violin and Bottle of Bass" oil painting.
Deutsche Welle 2015-03-27com ... Created by writer-creator Julian Fellowes, the show follows an aristocratic family's fortunes from 1912 to the mid-1920s.
The Times of India 2015-03-27(Source: ... Weis Online Shopping Offers In-store Shopping Experience with Online Convenience ... Founded in 1912, Weis Markets, Inc.
noodls 2015-03-27The 1912 oil painting, titled "Violin and Bottle of Bass", portrays a cubist image of a violin and a ...
Canoe 2015-03-27Set in 1912, Kubzansky remained true to the period, but with a hint of modern sensibility provided ...
The Examiner 2015-03-27(Source: ... The Nitty Gritty: ... Season Ticket Holders: ... How to book ... Telephone - call our ticket hotline on 0844 371 1912 ... co. uk ... :02
noodls 2015-03-27(Source: AP Møller-Mærsk A/S ) Previous Release. ANNOUNCEMENT. A. P ... Reference is made to A. P ... PM (CET) ... +45 3363 1912.
noodls 2015-03-271912 (MCMXII) was a leap year starting on Monday (link will display the full calendar) in the Gregorian calendar and a leap year starting on Sunday in the 13-day-slower Julian calendar.
Winsor McCay (September 26, 1869 – July 26, 1934) was an American cartoonist and animator.
A prolific artist, McCay's pioneering early animated films far outshone the work of his contemporaries, and set a standard followed by Walt Disney and others in later decades. His two best-known creations are the newspaper comic strip Little Nemo in Slumberland, which ran from 1905–1914 and 1924–1927, and the animated cartoon Gertie the Dinosaur, which he created in 1914.
His comic strip work has influenced generations of artists, including creators such as William Joyce, André LeBlanc, Moebius, Maurice Sendak, Chris Ware and Bill Watterson.
McCay was the son of Robert McKay (later changed to McCay) and Janet Murray McKay; Robert at various times worked as a teamster, a grocer, and a real estate agent. Winsor's exact place and year of birth are uncertain — he claimed to have been born in Spring Lake, Michigan in 1871, but his gravestone says 1869, and census reports state that he was born in Canada in 1867. He was originally named Zenas Winsor McKay, in honor of his father's employer, Zenas G. Winsor. He later dropped the name Zenas.
Go faster they say
No time to turn from the ice
To turn is too late
The damage is done
There's no way
Hear the chimney cry
One last time
Before they'll die
In the Atlantic sea
All will go tonight
Away (into the night)
She was said to be unsinkable
But she's made of iron
Nothing else could take her down
Until that tragic night
Nineteen twelve
The number of lifeboats
Compared to the people on board
There's not enough room
For us all, half must die
Hear the children cry
One more time
Before they'll die
In the Atlantic sea
They will go tonight
Away (into the night)
[Chorus 2x]
Hear the children cry
One more time
Before they'll die
In the Atlantic sea
They will go tonight