Jackie may refer to:
Jacky Gosee: HAQ - ጃኪ ጎሴ ሀቅ [NEW! Music 2015]
Jacky Cheung 張學友 [用餘生去愛/The Rest Of Time ]Official 官方 MV
Jacky Cheung 張學友[我醒著做夢/Wake Up Dreaming] Official 官方 MV
張學友-友情歌金曲串燒(1985-2002) Jacky Cheung Megamix
Jacky Half Century Part3/3 (2013) | 張學友12世紀演唱會 Part 3/3 (2013)
張學友2007世界巡迴演唱會 Jacky Cheung 2007 World Tour Concert
Jacky Cheung 張學友 [時間有淚/Tears Of Time]Official 官方 MV
張學友 Jacky Cheung ( 金曲35周年榮譽大獎得主 )( live 2013 )( lyrics )
Jacky Gosee - Man Ende Hagere - Ethiopian Music 2014
Jacky Gosee Yene Akal
Jacky Gosee, Bandiraw - New Ethiopian Amharic Music
Jacky Gosee - Sela Bey NEW Official Video
The best DJ in the world is French, he's the coolest, the sexiest... but also the dumbest! For the very first time, he's coming to Paris... and he will put you on the guest list
Western Australia, 1931. Government policy includes taking half-caste children from their Aboriginal mothers and sending them a thousand miles away to what amounts to indentured servitude, "to save them from themselves." Molly, Daisy, and Grace (two sisters and a cousin who are 14, 10, and 8) arrive at their Gulag and promptly escape, under Molly's lead. For days they walk north, following a fence that keeps rabbits from settlements, eluding a native tracker and the regional constabulary. Their pursuers take orders from the government's "chief protector of Aborigines," A.O. Neville, blinded by Anglo-Christian certainty, evolutionary world view and conventional wisdom. Can the girls survive?
Keywords: 1930s, aborigine, affection, animal-in-title, australia, australian-aboriginal, baby, based-on-book, based-on-true-story, bigot
If you were kidnapped by the government, would you walk the 1500 miles back home?
If the government tore you away from your family, would you walk the 1500 miles back home?
When the government kidnaps your children, you don't expect to see them again.
1500 Miles Is A Long Way Home
Follow Your Heart, Follow The Fence
The True Story of a Family That Defied a Nation.
A daring escape. An epic journey. The true story of 3 girls who walked 1500 miles to find their way home.
Based on a True Story
What if the government kidnapped your daughter?
Moodoo: This girl is clever. She wants to go home.
Daisy Kadibill: [after Molly lifts Daisy up to a bird's nest to gather some eggs to eat] Three of them!::Molly Craig: Perfect. One for you, one for me, and one for both of us!
[First lines]::Title Cards: Western Australia 1931::Title Cards: For 100 years the Aboriginal Peoples have resisted the invasion of their lands by white settlers.::Title Cards: Now, a special law, the Aborigines Act, controls their lives in every detail.::Title Cards: Mr. A. O. Neville, the Chief Protector of Aborigines, is the legal guardian of every Aborigine in the State of Western Australia.::Title Cards: He has the power "to remove any half-caste child" from their family, from anywhere within the state.
[first spoken lines]::Molly Craig: [v.o., in native language] This is a true story - story of my sister Daisy, my cousin Gracie and me when we were little. Our people, the Jigalong mob, we were desert people then, walking all over our land. My mum told me about how the white people came to our country. They made a storehouse here at Jigalong - brought clothes and other things - flour, tobacco, tea. Gave them to us on ration day. We came there, made a camp nearby. They were building a long fence.
Maud: [to Molly] See that bird? That's the spirit bird. He will always look after you.
[Molly, Daisy and Gracie wake up their first morning at Moore River]::Nina, Dormitory Boss: [to them] What's your name? Where you from?::[they don't answer]::Nina, Dormitory Boss: You'll get used to it.
Gracie Fields: [in native language to her cousins] New clothes!::Miss Jessop: [in English] This is your new home. We don't use that jabber here. You speak English.
Molly Craig: [about everybody in Moore River] This people... make me sick!
A.O. Neville: If only they would understand what we are trying to do for them
In Paris, Ismaél, a young Tunisian, cares for two brothers, Nouredine, a cripple, and streetwise Mouloud, 14. In haste, Ismaél and Mouloud go to Marseilles where an uncle lives. Nouredine has died in a fire, and Ismaél feels guilt on top of grief. Ismaél becomes friends with Jacky, a white man whose father and brother hate immigrants. Mouloud hangs out with cousin Rhida who breaks Islamic rules and deals hash. Ismaél decides Mouloud must return to Tunisia, but the boy runs off, becoming an acolyte to Rhida's supplier. Ismaél and Jacky's Arab girlfriend start an affair, friends betray friends, and the racism gets ugly. Can Ismaél rescue himself and Mouloud or will life in France crush them?
Keywords: drugs, gay, ghetto, immigration, parisian-suburb, racism, youth
Letting go doesn't mean forgetting.
Jacky Gosee: HAQ - ጃኪ ጎሴ ሀቅ [NEW! Music 2015]
Jacky Cheung 張學友 [用餘生去愛/The Rest Of Time ]Official 官方 MV
Jacky Cheung 張學友[我醒著做夢/Wake Up Dreaming] Official 官方 MV
張學友-友情歌金曲串燒(1985-2002) Jacky Cheung Megamix
Jacky Half Century Part3/3 (2013) | 張學友12世紀演唱會 Part 3/3 (2013)
張學友2007世界巡迴演唱會 Jacky Cheung 2007 World Tour Concert
Jacky Cheung 張學友 [時間有淚/Tears Of Time]Official 官方 MV
張學友 Jacky Cheung ( 金曲35周年榮譽大獎得主 )( live 2013 )( lyrics )
Jacky Gosee - Man Ende Hagere - Ethiopian Music 2014
Jacky Gosee Yene Akal
Jacky Gosee, Bandiraw - New Ethiopian Amharic Music
Jacky Gosee - Sela Bey NEW Official Video
Birhanu Tezera & Jacky Gosee Wegene ወገኔ (Unofficial Video Clip)
Jacky Gosee new video clip HD
Piter-G | Jacky el osito (Prod. por Piter-G)
La 4L de Jacky [Paillarde]
Marc Almond - Jacky
张学友 Jacky Cheung X 崔始源 Choi Siwon 《Helios / 赤道》电影主题曲 - 赤色壮举
"Man End Hager" Official NEW Music Video by Jacky Gosee Hot New Ethiopian Music 2014
Sagar Alias Jacky Malayalam Full Movie HD
Jacky Terrasson - Take This || Full Album 2015
Jacky Half Century Part 1/3 (2013) | 張學友12世紀演唱會 Part 1/3 (2013)
Jacky Half Century Part 2/3 (2013) | 張學友12世紀演唱會 Part 2/3 (2013)
Jacky Terrasson - Live Concert - HD
VALERY & JACKY Li se fos mwen
CIYL 0813 Jacky Pearson
Jacky NDALA échappe à l'empoisonnement, akebisi bamasta naye et il repond Naty LOKOLE, ndule award
Jacky Gosse Interview @ Seifu Fantahun Late night Show
[Forza Horizon] [Défi] Améliorations & grand run de Jacky Tuning avec Nico ! [FUN]
Jossy In Z House Interview with Singer Jacky Gosee
Libre discussion avec Jacky, régisseur de Dieudonné.
La Revanche de Jacky Chan et Bruce Lee aka Baby Guards - Part 1
Jacky Show Maxi Music : émission du 24 avril 1993
Ethiopia - Jacky Gosee Concert In Addis Ababa
"Ananas et coquelicots" - Jacky régisseur de Dieudonné.
Jacky et Véronique (Qui veut épouser mon fils) dans le bain de Jeremstar - INTERVIEW
Merci Jacky et Kévin - Call of Jacky: Tuning Warfare (1 H)
Titanic Jacky!! W/ Andrea
Nassar Feat Rita Sugiarto - Jacky Konser Result Final 6 Besar 21 April 2015
Jacky Giordano - Fluid Man
Jacky Giordano - Philopsis
Jacky Giordano - Athanor
Jacky Giordano - Jumbo Flash
Sagar alias Jacky -Dubmash
ຄຸນຕ້ອງຟັງ ກັບ ສຽງ ດີເຈ ແຈັກກີ້ ຟີເວີ ທີ່ຈະພາທີມງານມາຊົມຮູບເງົາຂ້ອຍຮັກເຈົ້າce jacky
My Cute Bunny Jacky
Awesome two finger kungfu performance and Jacky Chan Guest Appearance!
SUPER SMASH BROS RAP Aplasta a tus Rivales Keyblade, Zarcort, Sharkness, Jacky & Kronno
DOA5LR: Jacky Combo Video [Maximum Damage]
Jacky Sick TF Ult Bait Curse Vs GGU LCS NA 2013 W3
張學友 (Jacky Cheung) -- 等你等到我心痛 (Waiting till My Heart Aches) with Piano
Turbo Dismount - Part 14 | GÖO JACKY BOY!!
Emmanuelle de Boysson,le bonheur et le twist en prime avec Jacky sur IDF1 sle JJDA
LET'S PLAY WATCH DOGS #13 - Gefangen? Jacky Chan? [PS4]
DOA5LR - Momiji & Sarah (me) vs. Sarah & Jacky
Jacky, she's a fake whore
She'll obstruct you on your way
And she'll hit you and she'll beat you every day
And, Jacky, she's a fake whore
And she's seen better days
She will kick you down the stairway every day
And, Jacky, she's a fake whore
And it's her fifth fix today
All the men who have abused her
Well, she spits on them today
And, Jacky, she's a fake whore
And she has gone away
Someone knifed her in the ally, yesterday
And if one day I should become
A singer with a Spanish bum
Who sings for women of great virtue
I'd sing to them with a guitar
I borrowed from a coffee bar
Well, what you don't know doesn't hurt you
My name would be Antonio
And all my bridges I would burn
And when I gave them some they'd know
I'd expect something in return
I'd have to get drunk every night
And talk about virility
With some old grandmother
That might be decked out like a Christmas tree
And no pink elephant I'd see
Though I'd be drunk as I could be
Still I would sing my song to me
About the time they called me "Jacky"
If I could be for only an hour
If I could be for an hour every day
If I could be for just one little hour
Cute in a stupid ass way
And if I joined the social whirl
Became procurer of young girls
Then I could have my own bordellos
My record would be number one
And I'd sell records by the ton
All sung by many other fellows
My name would then be handsome Jack
And I'd sell boats of opium
Whisky that came from Twickenham
Authentic queens
And phoney virgins
I'd have a bank on every finger
A finger in every country
And every country ruled by me
I'd still know where I'd want to be
Locked up inside my opium den
Surrounded by some china men
I'd sing the song that I sang then
About the time they called me "Jacky"
If I could be for only an hour
If I could be for an hour every day
If I could be for just one little hour
Cute in a stupid ass way
Now, tell me, wouldn't it be nice
That if one day in paradise
I'd sing for all the ladies up there
And they would sing along with me
And we be so happy there to be
'Cos down below is really nowhere
My name would then be "Jupiter"
Then I would know where I was going
Become all knowing
My beard so very long and flowing
If I could play deaf, dumb and blind
Because I pitied all mankind
And broke my heart to make things right
I know that every single night
When my angelic work was through
The angels and the Devil too
Could sing my childhood song to me
About the time they called me "Jacky"
If I could be for only an hour
If I could be for an hour every day
If I could be for just one little hour
Cute in a stupid ass way
Caught between two love affairs
I brush my teeth and comb my hair
My lonely neighbour called today
And asked me, has he gone away
I lied to her like I lied to him
I lie to myself about everything
Love, what is love?
Love, what is love?
Love is a time
Love is a place
Love is a season
Love is a case of love
Love is a time
Love is a place
Love is a season
Love is a case of love
And so my life repeats itself
Like rhythms in a drum machine
The one who was the one to come
And all of those who might have been
I cry for them like I cry for him
I cry to myself about everything
Love, what is love?
Love, what is love?
Love is a fever
Love is a dream
Sometimes so hard, it can make you scream
Love is a liar
Love can be cruel
Love is an icon, love is a jewel
They let you down
They leave you standing in the rain
They take the joy and leave the pain
Caught between two love affairs
Is it true that no one really cares
My lonely neighbour leaves today
And no one comes to take her place
I lied to her like I lied to him
Now they're gone can I lie about anything
What is love?