There's a StarCraft 2 Mod that Turns the Game into a Cartoon

Edit Kotaku 12 Oct 2016
I mean, it has to be ... It's actually been made by CarBotAnimations, an animation group well known within the StarCraft Community for their series StarCrafts. ... ....

Blizzard Decorated a Children's Hospital in South Korea

Edit Kotaku 20 Jun 2016
This is called using your powers for good ... Today has been awesome — Jonathan Burton (@CarbotAnimation) June 16, 2016 ... [Image. Game Chosun]. [Image. Inven]....

Overwatch Video Perfectly Captures the Magic of a Torbjorn Play of the Game

Edit Gamespot 25 May 2016
Occasionally, other characters get the spotlight, too, and there's generally none less exciting than those featuring Torbjorn. The first episode of YouTube channel CarbotAnimations' new Overwatch series, UnderWatched, demonstrates this nicely ... Overwatch launched on PC, PS4, and Xbox One earlier this week ... ....