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The Chains


Eater Today: Pizza Hut's New Two-Foot Long Pizza, Bob Evans to Shutter 20 Restaurants

Plus, Wendy's gets some fancy new green tea.

News 11 Comments

Scott Conant Has Some Choice Words for McDonald's 'Artisan' Chicken Sandwich

"I'm pretty sure it's not artisan."

New York City

KFC Franchise Owner Must Pay Employees $375,000 in Back Wages

Hiren Patel forced employees to work overtime without any pay.

News 1 Comment

How Much Would You Pay to Watch the Mayweather-Pacquiao Fight at Buffalo Wild Wings?

The casual dining chain would have to pay $5,100 per restaurant to televise the fight.

Texas 17 Comments

Pregnant Popeyes Employee Fired After Stick Up Seeks $5.5M

She has lawyered up and is ready for a fight.


McDonald's Employee Knocks Out Belligerent Customer With One Punch

Mama said knock you out.


Taco Bell to Unleash Fritos Taco Shells on Your Town Very Soon

Here's hoping they do Funyuns next.

News 1 Comment

Pennsylvania McDonald's Bans Teens and Kids From Entering Without Adult Chaperone

No one under 18 can get a Big Mac without an adult guardian.


Burger King Is Flourishing While McDonald's Suffers

Sales are up by 9.6 percent this quarter.


Couple Claims McDonald's Cheeseburger Arrived With a Bite Missing

McDonald's is looking into the claim.

Big Deals

Chipotle Eliminates All GMO Ingredients

It's an industry game changer.

App Reviews

How Does Chipotle's Postmates Delivery Work Across the Country?

A review in three parts.

Baltimore 10 Comments

Chick-Fil-A Is Not Welcome at Johns Hopkins University

The student government "vehemently opposes" the chain's anti-gay marriage views.

Texas 15 Comments

Popeyes Offers Pregnant Employee Her Job Back Post Robbery

She refused to pay back the almost $400 that was stolen.


Postmates Will Now Bring Chipotle to the Indolent and Lazy

Chipotle and Postmates are officially a team.


The Great Chipotle Carnitas Shortage of 2015 Will End This Fall

Chipotle has found a new supplier.

The Shutter 2 Comments

McDonald's to Shutter Hundreds of Stores As it Bleeds Money

McDonald's continues to struggle financially.

CrimeWire 23 Comments

Pregnant Popeyes Employee Claims She Was Fired After the Restaurant Was Robbed at Gunpoint

The franchise owner asked her to pay what the thief stole.


Chipotle-Funded Pizza Concept Will Expand to Cincinnati

Chipotle would like to be your favorite pizzeria, too.


Taco Bell Japan Inspires Absurd Lines in Tokyo

How long would you wait for a quesadilla?


Taco Bell Japan Inspires Absurd Lines in Tokyo

How long would you wait for a quesadilla?


Watch Taco Bell Japan's Bonkers Rap Video

It's to promote the chain's new Tokyo outpost.

Burger Week 2015 3 Comments

Fast Food Fries: The Definitive, Unscientific Ranking

Everyone hates the fries at Checkers, Jack in the Box, and Sonic.


McDonald's All-Day Breakfast Test Does Not Include McGriddles and Biscuits

Fret not, hash browns are still on the all-day menu.


Ohio KFC Robbed of Its Chicken Twice in One Week

Thieves have stolen $7,800 worth of chicken to date.


Burger King Employee Busted for Selling Meth Out of the Drive-Thru

At least she's resourceful.

Burger Week 2015 2 Comments

Five Toppings People Want on Their Burgers, According to Big Chains

37 burgers, analyzed.

Labor Pains 1 Comment

Hillary Clinton Backs 'Fight for 15' and Underpaid Fast Food Workers

The presidential hopeful voiced her support on Twitter.

Burger Week 2015

Carl's Jr. Brings Its Stunt-Filled Menu to Guatemala

Brace for pepperoni fries.


McDonald's Will Take Taco Bell Receipts as Payment for Egg McMuffins

Looks like the latest addition to McDonald's breakfast menu is spite.

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